view libgui/src/ @ 30564:796f54d4ddbf stable

update Octave Project Developers copyright for the new year In files that have the "Octave Project Developers" copyright notice, update for 2021. In all .txi and .texi files except gpl.txi and gpl.texi in the doc/liboctave and doc/interpreter directories, change the copyright to "Octave Project Developers", the same as used for other source files. Update copyright notices for 2022 (not done since 2019). For gpl.txi and gpl.texi, change the copyright notice to be "Free Software Foundation, Inc." and leave the date at 2007 only because this file only contains the text of the GPL, not anything created by the Octave Project Developers. Add Paul Thomas to
author John W. Eaton <>
date Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:22:40 -0500
parents d4d83344d653
children 6ad5bb8f6a6d
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2011-2022 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include <utility>

#include <QAction>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QKeySequence>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QMenuBar>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QStyle>
#include <QStyleFactory>
#include <QTextBrowser>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QThread>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QToolBar>

// QTerminal includes
#include "QTerminal.h"

#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
#  include "file-editor.h"
#include "command-widget.h"
#include "gui-preferences-cs.h"
#include "gui-preferences-dw.h"
#include "gui-preferences-ed.h"
#include "gui-preferences-global.h"
#include "gui-preferences-mw.h"
#include "gui-preferences-nr.h"
#include "gui-preferences-sc.h"
#include "gui-settings.h"
#include "interpreter-qobject.h"
#include "main-window.h"
#include "news-reader.h"
#include "octave-qobject.h"
#include "octave-qtutils.h"
#include "settings-dialog.h"
#include "shortcut-manager.h"
#include "welcome-wizard.h"

#include "cmd-edit.h"
#include "oct-env.h"
#include "url-transfer.h"

#include "builtin-defun-decls.h"
#include "defaults.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "load-path.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "syminfo.h"
#include "version.h"

namespace octave
  main_window::main_window (base_qobject& oct_qobj)
    : QMainWindow (), m_octave_qobj (oct_qobj),
      m_status_bar (nullptr),
      m_command_window (nullptr),
      m_history_window (nullptr),
      m_file_browser_window (nullptr),
      m_editor_window (nullptr),
      m_workspace_window (nullptr),
      m_external_editor (new external_editor_interface (this, m_octave_qobj)),
      m_active_editor (m_external_editor), m_settings_dlg (nullptr),
      m_find_files_dlg (nullptr), m_set_path_dlg (nullptr),
      m_clipboard (QApplication::clipboard ()),
      m_prevent_readline_conflicts (true),
      m_prevent_readline_conflicts_menu (false),
      m_suppress_dbg_location (true),
      m_closing (false), m_file_encoding (QString ())
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();

    if (rmgr.is_first_run ())
        // Before wizard.
        m_octave_qobj.config_translators ();

        welcome_wizard welcomeWizard (m_octave_qobj);

        if (welcomeWizard.exec () == QDialog::Rejected)
          exit (1);

        // Install settings file.
        rmgr.reload_settings ();
        // Get settings file.
        rmgr.reload_settings ();

        // After settings.
        m_octave_qobj.config_translators ();

    setObjectName (gui_obj_name_main_window);

    rmgr.update_network_settings ();

    // We provide specific terminal capabilities, so ensure that
    // TERM is always set appropriately.

    sys::env::putenv ("TERM", "cygwin");
    sys::env::putenv ("TERM", "xterm");

    // FIXME: can we do this job when creating the shortcut manager?
    // A quick look shows that it may require some coordination with the
    // resource manager.  Startup is complicated, but maybe we can make
    // it simpler?
    shortcut_manager& scmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_shortcut_manager ();
    scmgr.init_data ();

    construct_central_widget ();

    m_status_bar = new QStatusBar (this);
    m_profiler_status_indicator = new led_indicator ();
    QLabel *text = new QLabel (tr ("Profiler"));
    m_status_bar->addPermanentWidget (text);
    m_status_bar->addPermanentWidget (m_profiler_status_indicator);

    adopt_dock_widgets ();

    QGuiApplication::setDesktopFileName ("org.octave.Octave.desktop");

    QApplication *qapp = m_octave_qobj.qapplication ();

    m_default_style = qapp->style ()->objectName ();

    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    bool connect_to_web = true;
    QDateTime last_checked;
    int serial = 0;
    m_active_dock = nullptr;

    if (settings)
          = settings->value (nr_allow_connection).toBool ();

          = settings->value (nr_last_time).toDateTime ();

        serial = settings->value (nr_last_news).toInt ();
        m_default_encoding = settings->value (ed_default_enc).toString ();

    QDateTime current = QDateTime::currentDateTime ();
    QDateTime one_day_ago = current.addDays (-1);

    if (connect_to_web
        && (! last_checked.isValid () || one_day_ago > last_checked))
      emit show_community_news_signal (serial);

    construct_octave_qt_link ();

    // We have to set up all our windows, before we finally launch
    // octave.

    construct ();

    read_settings ();

    init_terminal_size ();

    emit init_window_menu ();

    focus_command_window ();

  main_window::~main_window (void) { }

  void main_window::adopt_dock_widgets (void)
    adopt_terminal_widget ();
    adopt_documentation_widget ();
    adopt_file_browser_widget ();
    adopt_history_widget ();
    adopt_workspace_widget ();
    adopt_editor_widget ();
    adopt_variable_editor_widget ();

    m_previous_dock = m_command_window;

  void main_window::adopt_terminal_widget (void)
    m_command_window = m_octave_qobj.terminal_widget (this);

    make_dock_widget_connections (m_command_window);

    connect (this, &main_window::settings_changed,
             m_command_window, &terminal_dock_widget::notice_settings);

    if (! m_octave_qobj.experimental_terminal_widget ())
        QTerminal *cmd_widget = m_command_window->get_qterminal ();

        // The following connections were previously made in
        // QTerminal::construct, QWinTerminalImpl::QWinTerminalImpl, and
        // QUnixTerminalImpl::QUnixTerminalImpl.  Similar actions should
        // probably be possible for the new command widget.

        connect (cmd_widget, &QTerminal::report_status_message,
                 this, &main_window::report_status_message);

        connect (cmd_widget, &QTerminal::edit_mfile_request,
                 this, &main_window::edit_mfile);

        connect (cmd_widget, &QTerminal::execute_command_in_terminal_signal,
                 this, &main_window::execute_command_in_terminal);

        connect (this, &main_window::init_terminal_size_signal,
                 cmd_widget, &QTerminal::init_terminal_size);

        connect (this, &main_window::copyClipboard_signal,
                 cmd_widget, &QTerminal::copyClipboard);

        connect (this, &main_window::pasteClipboard_signal,
                 cmd_widget, &QTerminal::pasteClipboard);

        connect (this, &main_window::selectAll_signal,
                 cmd_widget, &QTerminal::selectAll);

        connect (cmd_widget, &QTerminal::request_edit_mfile_signal,
                 this, &main_window::edit_mfile);

        connect (cmd_widget, &QTerminal::request_open_file_signal,
                 this, QOverload<const QString&, const QString&, int>::of (&main_window::open_file_signal));

        connect (cmd_widget, &QTerminal::set_screen_size_signal,
                 this, &main_window::set_screen_size);

        connect (cmd_widget, &QTerminal::clear_command_window_request,
                 this, &main_window::handle_clear_command_window_request);

  void main_window::adopt_documentation_widget (void)
    m_doc_browser_window = m_octave_qobj.documentation_widget (this);

    make_dock_widget_connections (m_doc_browser_window);

  void main_window::adopt_file_browser_widget (void)
    m_file_browser_window = m_octave_qobj.file_browser_widget (this);

    make_dock_widget_connections (m_file_browser_window);

    connect (m_file_browser_window, &files_dock_widget::open_file,
             this, QOverload<const QString&>::of (&main_window::open_file_signal));
    connect (m_file_browser_window,
             this, &main_window::set_current_working_directory);

    connect (m_file_browser_window, &files_dock_widget::modify_path_signal,
             this, &main_window::modify_path);

    connect (m_file_browser_window, &files_dock_widget::run_file_signal,
             this, &main_window::run_file_in_terminal);

    connect (m_file_browser_window, &files_dock_widget::load_file_signal,
             this, &main_window::handle_load_workspace_request);

    connect (m_file_browser_window, &files_dock_widget::open_any_signal,
             this, &main_window::handle_open_any_request);

    connect (m_file_browser_window, &files_dock_widget::find_files_signal,
             this, &main_window::find_files);

  void main_window::adopt_history_widget (void)
    m_history_window = m_octave_qobj.history_widget (this);

    make_dock_widget_connections (m_history_window);

    connect (m_history_window, &history_dock_widget::command_create_script,
             this, &main_window::new_file_signal);

    connect (m_history_window, &history_dock_widget::command_double_clicked,
             this, &main_window::execute_command_in_terminal);

  void main_window::adopt_workspace_widget (void)
    m_workspace_window = m_octave_qobj.workspace_widget (this);

    make_dock_widget_connections (m_workspace_window);

    connect (m_workspace_window, &workspace_view::command_requested,
             this, &main_window::execute_command_in_terminal);

  void main_window::adopt_editor_widget (void)
    interpreter_qobject *interp_qobj = m_octave_qobj.interpreter_qobj ();

    qt_interpreter_events *qt_link = interp_qobj->qt_link ();

#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
    file_editor *editor = new file_editor (this, m_octave_qobj);

    make_dock_widget_connections (editor);

    // The editor is currently different from other dock widgets.  Until
    // those differences are resolved, make interpreter_event
    // connections here instead of in base_qobject::editor_widget.
    m_octave_qobj.connect_interpreter_events (editor);

    connect (editor, &file_editor::request_settings_dialog,
             this, QOverload<const QString&>::of (&main_window::process_settings_dialog_request));

    connect (editor, &file_editor::request_dbcont_signal,
             this, &main_window::debug_continue);

    connect (this, &main_window::update_gui_lexer_signal,
             editor, &file_editor::update_gui_lexer_signal);

    connect (editor, &file_editor::execute_command_in_terminal_signal,
             this, &main_window::execute_command_in_terminal);

    connect (editor, &file_editor::focus_console_after_command_signal,
             this, &main_window::focus_console_after_command);

    connect (editor, &file_editor::run_file_signal,
             this, &main_window::run_file_in_terminal);

    connect (editor, &file_editor::edit_mfile_request,
             this, &main_window::handle_edit_mfile_request);

    connect (editor, &file_editor::debug_quit_signal,
             this, &main_window::debug_quit);

    connect (this, &main_window::editor_focus_changed,
             editor, &file_editor::enable_menu_shortcuts);

    connect (this, &main_window::step_into_file_signal,
             editor, &file_editor::request_step_into_file);

    connect (editor, &file_editor::editor_tabs_changed_signal,
             this, &main_window::editor_tabs_changed);

    connect (editor, &file_editor::request_open_file_external,
             m_external_editor, &external_editor_interface::call_custom_editor);

    connect (m_external_editor, &external_editor_interface::request_settings_dialog,
             this, &main_window::process_settings_dialog_request);

    connect (this, &main_window::insert_debugger_pointer_signal,
             editor, &file_editor::handle_insert_debugger_pointer_request);

    connect (this, &main_window::delete_debugger_pointer_signal,
             editor, &file_editor::handle_delete_debugger_pointer_request);

    connect (this, &main_window::update_breakpoint_marker_signal,
             editor, &file_editor::handle_update_breakpoint_marker_request);

    // Signals for removing/renaming files/dirs in the file browser
    connect (m_file_browser_window, &files_dock_widget::file_remove_signal,
             editor, &file_editor::handle_file_remove);

    connect (m_file_browser_window, &files_dock_widget::file_renamed_signal,
             editor, &file_editor::handle_file_renamed);

    // Signals for removing/renaming files/dirs in the terminal window
    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::file_renamed_signal,
             editor, &file_editor::handle_file_renamed);

    // Signals for entering/exiting debug mode
    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::enter_debugger_signal,
             editor, &file_editor::handle_enter_debug_mode);

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::exit_debugger_signal,
             editor, &file_editor::handle_exit_debug_mode);

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::directory_changed_signal,
             editor, &file_editor::update_octave_directory);

    m_editor_window = editor;

    m_editor_menubar = m_editor_window->menubar ();

    m_active_editor = m_editor_window;

    m_editor_window->enable_menu_shortcuts (false);
    m_editor_window = nullptr;

    m_editor_menubar = nullptr;

    m_active_editor = m_external_editor;

    connect (qt_link, SIGNAL (edit_file_signal (const QString&)),
             m_active_editor, SLOT (handle_edit_file_request (const QString&)));

  void main_window::adopt_variable_editor_widget (void)
    m_variable_editor_window = m_octave_qobj.variable_editor_widget (this);

    make_dock_widget_connections (m_variable_editor_window);

  void main_window::make_dock_widget_connections (octave_dock_widget *dw)
    connect (this, &main_window::init_window_menu,
             dw, &octave_dock_widget::init_window_menu_entry);

    connect (this, &main_window::settings_changed,
             dw, &octave_dock_widget::handle_settings);

    connect (this, &main_window::active_dock_changed,
             dw, &octave_dock_widget::handle_active_dock_changed);

    // FIXME: shouldn't this action should be associated with closing
    // the main window, not with exiting the application?  At one time,
    // those two actions happened together, but now it is possible to
    // close the main window without exiting the application.
    connect (qApp, &QApplication::aboutToQuit,
             dw, &octave_dock_widget::save_settings);

  bool main_window::command_window_has_focus (void) const
    return m_command_window->has_focus ();

  void main_window::focus_command_window (void)
    m_command_window->activate ();

  void main_window::focus_window (const QString& win_name)
    if (win_name == "command")
      m_command_window->activate ();
    else if (win_name == "history")
      m_history_window->activate ();
    else if (win_name == "workspace")
      m_workspace_window->activate ();
    else if (win_name == "filebrowser")
      m_file_browser_window->activate ();

  bool main_window::confirm_shutdown (void)
    bool closenow = true;

    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    if (settings->value (global_prompt_to_exit.key,
                         global_prompt_to_exit.def).toBool ())
        int ans = QMessageBox::question (this, tr ("Octave"),
                                         tr ("Are you sure you want to exit Octave?"),
                                          | QMessageBox::Cancel),

        if (ans != QMessageBox::Ok)
          closenow = false;

#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
    if (closenow)
      closenow = m_editor_window->check_closing ();

    return closenow;

  // catch focus changes and determine the active dock widget
  void main_window::focus_changed (QWidget *, QWidget *new_widget)
    // If there is no new widget or the new widget is a menu bar
    // (when pressing <alt>), we can return immediately and reset the
    // focus to the previous widget
    if (! new_widget
        || (new_widget == menuBar ())
        || (new_widget == m_editor_menubar))
        if (m_active_dock)
          m_active_dock->setFocus ();


    octave_dock_widget *dock = nullptr;
    QWidget *w_new = new_widget;  // get a copy of new focus widget
    QWidget *start = w_new;       // Save it as start of our search
    int count = 0;                // fallback to prevent endless loop

    QList<octave_dock_widget *> w_list = dock_widget_list ();

    while (w_new && w_new != m_main_tool_bar && count < 100)
        // Go through all dock widgets and check whether the current widget
        // with focus is a child of one of them.
        for (auto w : w_list)
            if (w->isAncestorOf (w_new))
              dock = w;

        if (dock)

        // If not yet found (in case w_new is not a child of its dock widget),
        // test next widget in the focus chain
        w_new = qobject_cast<QWidget *> (w_new->previousInFocusChain ());

        // Measures preventing an endless loop
        if (w_new == start)
          break;  // We have arrived where we began ==> exit loop
        count++;  // Limited number of trials

    // editor and terminal needs extra handling
    octave_dock_widget *edit_dock_widget
      = static_cast<octave_dock_widget *> (m_editor_window);
    octave_dock_widget *cmd_dock_widget
      = static_cast<octave_dock_widget *> (m_command_window);

    // if new dock has focus, emit signal and store active focus
    // except editor changes to a dialog (dock=0)
    if ((dock || m_active_dock != edit_dock_widget) && (dock != m_active_dock))
        // signal to all dock widgets for updating the style
        emit active_dock_changed (m_active_dock, dock);

        if (dock)
            QList<QDockWidget *> tabbed = tabifiedDockWidgets (dock);
            if (tabbed.contains (m_active_dock))
              dock->set_predecessor_widget (m_active_dock);

        // Check whether editor loses or gains focus
        int editor = 0;
        if (edit_dock_widget == dock)
            emit editor_focus_changed (true);
            editor = 1;
        else if (edit_dock_widget == m_active_dock)
            emit editor_focus_changed (false);
            editor = -1;

        // Check whether terminal loses or gains focus
        int cmd_involved = 0;
        if (cmd_dock_widget == dock)
          cmd_involved = 1;
        else if (cmd_dock_widget == m_active_dock)
          cmd_involved = -1;

        // If we have to take care of Alt+? accelerators of the main
        // window, take result of test for terminal widget above
        int command = 0;
        if (m_prevent_readline_conflicts_menu)
          command = cmd_involved;

        // If editor or command gets/looses focus, disable/enable
        // main menu accelerators (Alt + ?)
        if (editor || command)
            int sum = editor + command;
            if (sum > 0)
              disable_menu_shortcuts (true);
            else if (sum < 0)
              disable_menu_shortcuts (false);

        if (m_active_dock)
          m_previous_dock = m_active_dock;
        m_active_dock = dock;

        // En-/disable global shortcuts (preventing conflicts with
        // readline. Do it here because it relies on m_active_dock
        if (cmd_involved)
          configure_shortcuts ();

  void main_window::request_reload_settings (void)
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    if (settings)
      emit settings_changed (settings);

  void main_window::report_status_message (const QString& statusMessage)
    m_status_bar->showMessage (statusMessage, 1000);

  void main_window::handle_save_workspace_request (void)
    // FIXME: Remove, if for all common KDE versions (bug #54607) is resolved.
    int opts = 0;  // No options by default.
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    if (! settings->value (global_use_native_dialogs).toBool ())
      opts = QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog;

    QString file
      = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName (this, tr ("Save Workspace As"), ".",
                                      nullptr, nullptr, QFileDialog::Option (opts));

    if (! file.isEmpty ())
        emit interpreter_event
          ([=] (interpreter& interp)
             // INTERPRETER THREAD

             Fsave (interp, ovl (file.toStdString ()));

  void main_window::handle_load_workspace_request (const QString& file_arg)
    // FIXME: Remove, if for all common KDE versions (bug #54607) is resolved.
    int opts = 0;  // No options by default.
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    if (! settings->value (global_use_native_dialogs).toBool ())
      opts = QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog;

    QString file = file_arg;

    if (file.isEmpty ())
      file = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName (this, tr ("Load Workspace"), ".",
                                           nullptr, nullptr, QFileDialog::Option (opts));

    if (! file.isEmpty ())
        emit interpreter_event
          ([=] (interpreter& interp)
             // INTERPRETER THREAD

             Fload (interp, ovl (file.toStdString ()));

             tree_evaluator& tw = interp.get_evaluator ();

             event_manager& xevmgr = interp.get_event_manager ();

             xevmgr.set_workspace (true, tw.get_symbol_info ());

  void main_window::handle_open_any_request (const QString& file_arg)
    if (! file_arg.isEmpty ())
        std::string file = file_arg.toStdString ();

        emit interpreter_event
          ([=] (interpreter& interp)
             // INTERPRETER THREAD

             interp.feval ("open", ovl (file));

             // Update the workspace since open.m may have loaded new
             // variables.
             tree_evaluator& tw = interp.get_evaluator ();

             event_manager& xevmgr = interp.get_event_manager ();

             xevmgr.set_workspace (true, tw.get_symbol_info ());

  void main_window::handle_clear_workspace_request (void)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([] (interpreter& interp)

         Fclear (interp);

  void main_window::handle_clear_command_window_request (void)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([] (void)

         command_editor::kill_full_line ();
         command_editor::clear_screen ();

  void main_window::handle_clear_history_request (void)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([] (interpreter& interp)

         history_system& history_sys = interp.get_history_system ();

         history_sys.do_history (ovl ("-c"));

  void main_window::handle_undo_request (void)
    if (command_window_has_focus ())
        emit interpreter_event
          ([] (void)
             // INTERPRETER THREAD

             command_editor::undo ();
             command_editor::redisplay ();
      emit undo_signal ();

  void main_window::modify_path (const QStringList& dir_list,
                                 bool rm, bool subdirs)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([=] (interpreter& interp)

        octave_value_list paths;

        // Loop over all directories in order to get all subdirs
        for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < dir_list.length (); i++)
            std::string dir = ();

            if (subdirs)
              paths.append (Fgenpath (ovl (dir)));
              paths.append (dir);

        if (rm)
          Frmpath (interp, paths);
          Faddpath (interp, paths);

  void main_window::edit_mfile (const QString& name, int line)
    handle_edit_mfile_request (name, QString (), QString (), line);

  void main_window::file_remove_proxy (const QString& o, const QString& n)
    interpreter_qobject *interp_qobj = m_octave_qobj.interpreter_qobj ();

    qt_interpreter_events *qt_link = interp_qobj->qt_link ();

    // Wait for worker to suspend
    qt_link->lock ();

    // Close the file if opened
#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
    m_editor_window->handle_file_remove (o, n);
    octave_unused_parameter (o);
    octave_unused_parameter (n);

    // We are done: Unlock and wake the worker thread
    qt_link->unlock ();
    qt_link->wake_all ();

  void main_window::open_online_documentation_page (void)
      (QUrl (""));

  void main_window::open_bug_tracker_page (void)
    QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl (""));

  void main_window::open_octave_packages_page (void)
    QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl (""));

  void main_window::open_contribute_page (void)
    QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl (""));

  void main_window::open_donate_page (void)
    QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl (""));

  void main_window::process_settings_dialog_request (const QString& desired_tab)
    if (m_settings_dlg)  // m_settings_dlg is a guarded pointer!
        // here the dialog is still open and called once again
        if (! desired_tab.isEmpty ())
          m_settings_dlg->show_tab (desired_tab);

    m_settings_dlg = new settings_dialog (this, m_octave_qobj, desired_tab);

    connect (m_settings_dlg, &settings_dialog::apply_new_settings,
             this, &main_window::request_reload_settings);

    m_settings_dlg->setModal (false);
    m_settings_dlg->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
    m_settings_dlg->show ();

  void main_window::show_about_octave (void)
    std::string message
      = octave_name_version_copyright_copying_warranty_and_bugs (true);

    QMessageBox::about (this, tr ("About Octave"),
                        QString::fromStdString (message));

  void main_window::notice_settings (const gui_settings *settings,
                                     bool update_by_worker)
    if (! settings)

    // Get desired style from preferences or take the default one if
    // the desired one is not found
    QString preferred_style = settings->value (global_style).toString ();

    if (preferred_style == global_style.def.toString ())
      preferred_style = m_default_style;

    QStyle *new_style = QStyleFactory::create (preferred_style);
    if (new_style)
        QApplication *qapp = m_octave_qobj.qapplication ();

        qapp->setStyle (new_style);

    // the widget's icons (when floating)
    QString icon_set
      = settings->value (dw_icon_set).toString ();

    int count = 0;
    int icon_set_found = 0; // default

    while (! dw_icon_set_names[count].name.isEmpty ())
        // while not end of data
        if (dw_icon_set_names[count].name == icon_set)
            // data of desired icon set found
            icon_set_found = count;

    QString icon;
    for (auto *widget : dock_widget_list ())
        QString name = widget->objectName ();
        if (! name.isEmpty ())
            // if child has a name
            icon = dw_icon_set_names[icon_set_found].path; // prefix | octave-logo
            if (dw_icon_set_names[icon_set_found].name != "NONE")
              icon += name + ".png"; // add widget name and ext.
            widget->setWindowIcon (QIcon (icon));

    int size_idx = settings->value (global_icon_size).toInt ();
    size_idx = (size_idx > 0) - (size_idx < 0) + 1;  // Make valid index from 0 to 2

    QStyle *st = style ();
    int icon_size = st->pixelMetric (global_icon_sizes[size_idx]);
    m_main_tool_bar->setIconSize (QSize (icon_size, icon_size));

    if (settings->value (global_status_bar).toBool ())
      m_status_bar->show ();
      m_status_bar->hide ();

      = settings->value (sc_prevent_rl_conflicts).toBool ();

      = settings->value (sc_prevent_rl_conflicts_menu).toBool ();

      = ! settings->value (cs_dbg_location).toBool ();

    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    rmgr.update_network_settings ();

    emit active_dock_changed (nullptr, m_active_dock); // update dock widget styles

    configure_shortcuts ();

    bool do_disable_main_menu_shortcuts
      = (m_active_dock == m_editor_window)
        || (m_prevent_readline_conflicts_menu
            && (m_active_dock == m_command_window));

    disable_menu_shortcuts (do_disable_main_menu_shortcuts);

    // Check whether some octave internal preferences have to be updated
    QString new_default_encoding
      = settings->value (ed_default_enc).toString ();
    // Do not update internal pref only if a) this update was not initiated
    // by the worker and b) the pref has really changes
    if (! update_by_worker && (new_default_encoding != m_default_encoding))
      update_default_encoding (new_default_encoding);

    // Set cursor blinking depending on the settings
    // Cursor blinking: consider old terminal related setting if not yet set
    // TODO: This pref. can be deprecated / removed if Qt adds support for
    //       getting the cursor blink preferences from all OS environments
    bool cursor_blinking;

    if (settings->contains (global_cursor_blinking.key))
      cursor_blinking = settings->value (global_cursor_blinking).toBool ();
      cursor_blinking = settings->value (cs_cursor_blinking).toBool ();

    if (cursor_blinking)
      QApplication::setCursorFlashTime (1000);  // 1000 ms flash time
      QApplication::setCursorFlashTime (0);  // no flashing


  void main_window::prepare_to_exit (void)
    // Find files dialog is constructed dynamically, not at time of main_window
    // construction.  Connecting it to qApp aboutToQuit signal would have
    // caused it to run after gui_settings is deleted.
    if (m_find_files_dlg)
      m_find_files_dlg->save_settings ();

    if (m_set_path_dlg)
      m_set_path_dlg->save_settings ();

    write_settings ();

    // No more active dock, otherwise, focus_changed would try to set
    // the focus to a dock widget that might not exist anymore
    m_active_dock = nullptr;

  void main_window::go_to_previous_widget (void)
    m_previous_dock->activate ();

  void main_window::update_octave_directory (const QString& dir)
    // Remove existing entry, if any, then add new directory at top and
    // mark it as the current directory.  Finally, update the file list
    // widget.

    int index = m_current_directory_combo_box->findText (dir);

    if (index >= 0)
      m_current_directory_combo_box->removeItem (index);

    m_current_directory_combo_box->insertItem (0, dir);
    m_current_directory_combo_box->setCurrentIndex (0);

  void main_window::browse_for_directory (void)
    // FIXME: Remove, if for all common KDE versions (bug #54607) is resolved.
    int opts = QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly;
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    if (! settings->value (global_use_native_dialogs).toBool ())
      opts = QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog;

    QString dir
      = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory (this, tr ("Browse directories"), nullptr,
                                           QFileDialog::Option (opts));

    set_current_working_directory (dir);

    // FIXME: on Windows systems, the command window freezes after the
    // previous actions.  Forcing the focus appears to unstick it.

    focus_command_window ();

  void main_window::set_current_working_directory (const QString& dir)
    // Change to dir if it is an existing directory.

    QString xdir = (dir.isEmpty () ? "." : dir);

    QFileInfo fileInfo (xdir);

    if (fileInfo.exists () && fileInfo.isDir ())
        emit interpreter_event
          ([=] (interpreter& interp)
             // INTERPRETER THREAD

             interp.chdir (xdir.toStdString ());

  void main_window::change_directory_up (void)
    set_current_working_directory ("..");

  // Slot that is called if return is pressed in the line edit of the
  // combobox to change to a new directory or a directory that is already
  // in the drop down list.

  void main_window::accept_directory_line_edit (void)
    // Get new directory name, and change to it if it is new.  Otherwise,
    // the combo box will trigger the "activated" signal to change to the
    // directory.

    QString dir = m_current_directory_combo_box->currentText ();

    int index = m_current_directory_combo_box->findText (dir);

    if (index < 0)
      set_current_working_directory (dir);

  void main_window::execute_command_in_terminal (const QString& command)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([=] (void)

         std::string pending_input = command_editor::get_current_line ();

         command_editor::set_initial_input (pending_input);
         command_editor::replace_line (command.toStdString ());
         command_editor::redisplay ();
         command_editor::interrupt_event_loop ();
         command_editor::accept_line ();

    focus_console_after_command ();

  void main_window::run_file_in_terminal (const QFileInfo& info)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([=] (interpreter& interp)

         QString function_name = info.fileName ();
         function_name.chop (info.suffix ().length () + 1);
         std::string file_path = info.absoluteFilePath ().toStdString ();

         std::string pending_input = command_editor::get_current_line ();

         if (valid_identifier (function_name.toStdString ()))
             // Valid identifier: call as function with possibility to
             // debug.

             load_path& lp = interp.get_load_path ();

             std::string path = info.absolutePath ().toStdString ();

             if (lp.contains_file_in_dir (file_path, path))
               command_editor::replace_line (function_name.toStdString ());
             // No valid identifier: use equivalent of Fsource (), no
             // debug possible.

             interp.source_file (file_path);

             command_editor::replace_line ("");

         command_editor::set_initial_input (pending_input);
         command_editor::redisplay ();
         command_editor::interrupt_event_loop ();
         command_editor::accept_line ();

    focus_console_after_command ();

  void main_window::handle_new_figure_request (void)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([] (interpreter& interp)

         Fbuiltin (interp, ovl ("figure"));
         Fdrawnow (interp);

  void main_window::handle_enter_debugger (void)
    setWindowTitle ("Octave (Debugging)");

    m_debug_continue->setEnabled (true);
    m_debug_step_into->setEnabled (true);
    m_debug_step_over->setEnabled (true);
    m_debug_step_out->setEnabled (true);
    m_debug_quit->setEnabled (true);

  void main_window::handle_exit_debugger (void)
    setWindowTitle ("Octave");

    m_debug_continue->setEnabled (false);
    m_debug_step_into->setEnabled (false);
    m_debug_step_over->setEnabled (m_editor_has_tabs && m_editor_is_octave_file);
    m_debug_step_out->setEnabled (false);
    m_debug_quit->setEnabled (false);

  void main_window::debug_continue (void)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([=] (interpreter& interp)

         F__db_next_breakpoint_quiet__ (interp, ovl (m_suppress_dbg_location));
         Fdbcont (interp);

         command_editor::interrupt (true);

  void main_window::debug_step_into (void)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([=] (interpreter& interp)

         F__db_next_breakpoint_quiet__ (interp, ovl (m_suppress_dbg_location));
         Fdbstep (interp, ovl ("in"));

         command_editor::interrupt (true);

  void main_window::debug_step_over (void)
    if (m_debug_quit->isEnabled ())
        // We are in debug mode, just call dbstep.

        emit interpreter_event
          ([=] (interpreter& interp)
             // INTERPRETER THREAD

             F__db_next_breakpoint_quiet__ (interp,
                                            ovl (m_suppress_dbg_location));
             Fdbstep (interp);

             command_editor::interrupt (true);
        // Not in debug mode: "step into" the current editor file
        emit step_into_file_signal ();

  void main_window::debug_step_out (void)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([=] (interpreter& interp)

         F__db_next_breakpoint_quiet__ (interp, ovl (m_suppress_dbg_location));
         Fdbstep (interp, ovl ("out"));

         command_editor::interrupt (true);

  void main_window::debug_quit (void)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([] (interpreter& interp)

         Fdbquit (interp);

         command_editor::interrupt (true);

  // Functions related to file editing
  // These are moved from editor to here for also using them when octave
  // is built without qscintilla
  void main_window::request_open_file (void)
    // Open file isn't a file_editor_tab or editor function since the file
    // might be opened in an external editor.  Hence, functionality is here.

    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    bool is_internal = m_editor_window
                       && ! settings->value (global_use_custom_editor.key,
                                             global_use_custom_editor.def).toBool ();

    // Create a NonModal message.
    QWidget *p = this;
    if (is_internal)
      p = m_editor_window;
    QFileDialog *fileDialog = new QFileDialog (p);
    fileDialog->setNameFilter (tr ("Octave Files (*.m);;All Files (*)"));

    fileDialog->setAcceptMode (QFileDialog::AcceptOpen);
    fileDialog->setViewMode (QFileDialog::Detail);
    fileDialog->setFileMode (QFileDialog::ExistingFiles);
    fileDialog->setDirectory (m_current_directory_combo_box->itemText (0));

    // FIXME: Remove, if for all common KDE versions (bug #54607) is resolved.
    if (! settings->value (global_use_native_dialogs).toBool ())

    connect (fileDialog, &QFileDialog::filesSelected,
             this, &main_window::request_open_files);

    fileDialog->setWindowModality (Qt::NonModal);
    fileDialog->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
    fileDialog->show ();

  // Create a new script
  void main_window::request_new_script (const QString& commands)
    emit new_file_signal (commands);

  // Create a new function and open it
  void main_window::request_new_function (bool)
    bool ok;
    // Get the name of the new function: Parent of the input dialog is the
    // editor window or the main window.  The latter is chosen, if a custom
    // editor is used or qscintilla is not available
    QWidget *p = m_editor_window;
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    if (! p || settings->value (global_use_custom_editor.key,
                                global_use_custom_editor.def).toBool ())
      p = this;
    QString new_name = QInputDialog::getText (p, tr ("New Function"),
                                              tr ("New function name:\n"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok);

    if (ok && new_name.length () > 0)
        // append suffix if it does not already exist
        if (new_name.rightRef (2) != ".m")
          new_name.append (".m");
        // check whether new files are created without prompt
        if (! settings->value (ed_create_new_file).toBool ())
            // no, so enable this settings and wait for end of new file loading
            settings->setValue (ed_create_new_file.key, true);
            connect (m_editor_window, SIGNAL (file_loaded_signal (void)),
                     this, SLOT (restore_create_file_setting (void)));
        // start the edit command
        execute_command_in_terminal ("edit " + new_name);

  void main_window::handle_edit_mfile_request (const QString& fname,
                                               const QString& ffile,
                                               const QString& curr_dir,
                                               int line)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([=] (interpreter& interp)

         // Split possible subfunctions
         QStringList fcn_list = fname.split ('>');
         QString fcn_name = (0) + ".m";

         // FIXME: could use symbol_exist directly, but we may also want
         // to fix that to be a member function in the interpreter
         // class?

         // Is it a regular function within the search path? (Call Fexist)
         octave_value_list fct = Fexist (interp, ovl (fname.toStdString ()),0);
         int type = fct (0).int_value ();

         QString message = QString ();
         QString filename = QString ();

         switch (type)
           case 3:
           case 5:
           case 103:
             message = tr ("%1 is a built-in, compiled or inline\n"
                           "function and can not be edited.");

           case 2:
             // FIXME: could use a load_path function directly.
             octave_value_list file_path
               = Ffile_in_loadpath (interp, ovl (fcn_name.toStdString ()), 0);
             if (file_path.length () > 0)
               filename = QString::fromStdString (file_path (0).string_value ());

         if (filename.isEmpty () && message.isEmpty ())
             // No error so far, but function still not known
             // -> try directory of edited file
             // get directory
             QDir dir;
             if (ffile.isEmpty ())
                 if (curr_dir.isEmpty ())
                   dir = QDir (m_current_directory_combo_box->itemText (0));
                   dir = QDir (curr_dir);
               dir = QDir (QFileInfo (ffile).canonicalPath ());

             QFileInfo file = QFileInfo (dir, fcn_name);
             if (file.exists ())
               filename = file.canonicalFilePath (); // local file exists
                 // local file does not exist -> try private directory
                 file = QFileInfo (ffile);
                 file = QFileInfo (QDir (file.canonicalPath () + "/private"),
                 if (file.exists ())
                   filename = file.canonicalFilePath ();  // private function exists
                   message = tr ("Can not find function %1");  // no file found


         if (! message.isEmpty ())
             emit warning_function_not_found_signal (message.arg (fname));

         if (! filename.endsWith (".m"))
           filename.append (".m");

         // default encoding
         emit open_file_signal (filename, QString (), line);

  void main_window::warning_function_not_found (const QString& message)
    QMessageBox *msgBox = new QMessageBox (QMessageBox::Critical,
                                           tr ("Octave Editor"),
                                           message, QMessageBox::Ok, this);
    msgBox->setWindowModality (Qt::NonModal);
    msgBox->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
    msgBox->show ();

  void main_window::handle_insert_debugger_pointer_request (const QString& file,
                                                            int line)
    bool cmd_focus = command_window_has_focus ();

    emit insert_debugger_pointer_signal (file, line);

    if (cmd_focus)
      focus_command_window ();

  void main_window::handle_delete_debugger_pointer_request (const QString& file,
                                                            int line)
    bool cmd_focus = command_window_has_focus ();

    emit delete_debugger_pointer_signal (file, line);

    if (cmd_focus)
      focus_command_window ();

  void main_window::handle_update_breakpoint_marker_request (bool insert,
                                                             const QString& file,
                                                             int line,
                                                             const QString& cond)
    bool cmd_focus = command_window_has_focus ();

    emit update_breakpoint_marker_signal (insert, file, line, cond);

    if (cmd_focus)
      focus_command_window ();

  void main_window::read_settings (void)
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    if (! settings)
        qDebug ("Error: gui_settings pointer from resource manager is NULL.");

    set_window_layout (settings);

    // restore the list of the last directories
    QStringList curr_dirs = settings->value (mw_dir_list).toStringList ();
    for (int i=0; i < curr_dirs.size (); i++)
        m_current_directory_combo_box->addItem ( (i));
    emit settings_changed (settings);

  void main_window::init_terminal_size (void)
    emit init_terminal_size_signal ();

  void main_window::set_window_layout (gui_settings *settings)
    // For resetting from some inconsistent state, first reset layout
    // without saving or showing it
    do_reset_windows (true, false);

    // Restore main window state and geometry from settings file or, in case
    // of an error (no pref values yet), from the default layout.
    if (! restoreGeometry (settings->value (mw_geometry).toByteArray ()))
        do_reset_windows (true);

    if (isMaximized())
        setGeometry( QApplication::desktop ()->availableGeometry (this));

    if (! restoreState (settings->value (mw_state).toByteArray ()))
        do_reset_windows (true);

    // Restore the geometry of all dock-widgets

    for (auto *widget : dock_widget_list ())
        // Leave any widgets that existed before main_window was created
        // as they were.

        if (widget->adopted ())

        QString name = widget->objectName ();

        if (! name.isEmpty ())
            bool floating = false;
            bool visible = true;

            floating = settings->value
                (dw_is_floating.key.arg (name), dw_is_floating.def).toBool ();
            visible = settings->value
                (dw_is_visible.key.arg (name), dw_is_visible.def).toBool ();

            // If floating, make window from widget.
            if (floating)
                widget->make_window ();

                if (visible)
                    if (settings->value (dw_is_minimized.key.arg (name),
                                         dw_is_minimized.def).toBool ())
                      widget->showMinimized ();
                      widget->setVisible (true);
                  widget->setVisible (false);
            else  // not floating
                if (! widget->parent ())        // should not be floating but is
                  widget->make_widget (false);  // no docking, just reparent

                widget->make_widget ();
                widget->setVisible (visible);   // not floating -> show

    show ();

  void main_window::write_settings (void)
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    if (! settings)
        qDebug ("Error: gui_settings pointer from resource manager is NULL.");

    settings->setValue (mw_geometry.key, saveGeometry ());
    settings->setValue (mw_state.key, saveState ());
    // write the list of recently used directories
    QStringList curr_dirs;
    for (int i=0; i<m_current_directory_combo_box->count (); i++)
        curr_dirs.append (m_current_directory_combo_box->itemText (i));
    settings->setValue (mw_dir_list.key, curr_dirs);
    settings->sync ();

  void main_window::copyClipboard (void)
    if (m_current_directory_combo_box->hasFocus ())
        QLineEdit *edit = m_current_directory_combo_box->lineEdit ();
        if (edit && edit->hasSelectedText ())
            QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard ();
            clipboard->setText (edit->selectedText ());
      emit copyClipboard_signal ();

  void main_window::pasteClipboard (void)
    if (m_current_directory_combo_box->hasFocus ())
        QLineEdit *edit = m_current_directory_combo_box->lineEdit ();
        QClipboard *clipboard = QApplication::clipboard ();
        QString str = clipboard->text ();
        if (edit && str.length () > 0)
            edit->insert (str);
      emit pasteClipboard_signal ();

  void main_window::selectAll (void)
    if (m_current_directory_combo_box->hasFocus ())
        QLineEdit *edit = m_current_directory_combo_box->lineEdit ();
        if (edit)
            edit->selectAll ();
      emit selectAll_signal ();

  void main_window::handle_gui_status_update (const QString& feature,
                                              const QString& status)
    // Put actions that are required for updating a gui features here

    // Profiler on/off
    if (! ("profiler"))
        if (! ("on", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
          handle_profiler_status_update (true);
        else if (! ("off", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
          handle_profiler_status_update (false);

  void main_window::handle_octave_ready (void)
    // actions after the startup files are executed
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

    QDir startup_dir = QDir ();    // current octave dir after startup

    if (settings)
        if (settings->value (global_restore_ov_dir).toBool ())
            // restore last dir from previous session
            QStringList curr_dirs
              = settings->value (mw_dir_list).toStringList ();
            if (curr_dirs.length () > 0)
              startup_dir = QDir ( (0));  // last dir prev. session
        else if (! settings->value (global_ov_startup_dir).toString ().isEmpty ())
            // do not restore but there is a startup dir configured
              = QDir (settings->value (global_ov_startup_dir).toString ());

        update_default_encoding (settings->value (ed_default_enc).toString ());

    if (! startup_dir.exists ())
        // the configured startup dir does not exist, take actual one
        startup_dir = QDir ();

    set_current_working_directory (startup_dir.absolutePath ());

    if (m_editor_window)
#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
        // Octave ready, determine whether to create an empty script.
        // This can not be done when the editor is created because all functions
        // must be known for the lexer's auto completion information
        m_editor_window->empty_script (true, false);
        m_editor_window->restore_session (settings);

    if (m_octave_qobj.experimental_terminal_widget ())
        // Set initial prompt.

        emit interpreter_event
          ([] (interpreter& interp)

            event_manager& evmgr = interp.get_event_manager ();
            input_system& input_sys = interp.get_input_system ();

            input_sys.PS1 (">> ");
            std::string prompt = input_sys.PS1 ();

            evmgr.update_prompt (command_editor::decode_prompt_string (prompt));

    focus_command_window ();  // make sure that the command window has focus

  void main_window::handle_set_path_dialog_request (void)
    if (m_set_path_dlg)  // m_set_path_dlg is a guarded pointer!

    m_set_path_dlg = new set_path_dialog (this, m_octave_qobj);

    m_set_path_dlg->setModal (false);
    m_set_path_dlg->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
    m_set_path_dlg->show ();

    // Any interpreter_event signal from a set_path_dialog object is
    // handled the same as for the main_window object.

    connect (m_set_path_dlg, QOverload<const fcn_callback&>::of (&set_path_dialog::interpreter_event),
             this, QOverload<const fcn_callback&>::of (&main_window::interpreter_event));

    connect (m_set_path_dlg, QOverload<const meth_callback&>::of (&set_path_dialog::interpreter_event),
             this, QOverload<const meth_callback&>::of (&main_window::interpreter_event));

    connect (m_set_path_dlg, &set_path_dialog::modify_path_signal,
             this, &main_window::modify_path);

    interpreter_qobject *interp_qobj = m_octave_qobj.interpreter_qobj ();

    qt_interpreter_events *qt_link = interp_qobj->qt_link ();

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::update_path_dialog_signal,
             m_set_path_dlg, &set_path_dialog::update_model);

    // Now that all the signal connections are in place for the dialog
    // we can set the initial value of the path in the model.

    m_set_path_dlg->update_model ();

  void main_window::find_files (const QString& start_dir)

    if (! m_find_files_dlg)
        m_find_files_dlg = new find_files_dialog (this, m_octave_qobj);

        connect (m_find_files_dlg, &find_files_dialog::finished,
                 this, &main_window::find_files_finished);

        connect (m_find_files_dlg, &find_files_dialog::dir_selected,
                 m_file_browser_window, &files_dock_widget::set_current_directory);

        connect (m_find_files_dlg, &find_files_dialog::file_selected,
                 this, QOverload<const QString&>::of (&main_window::open_file_signal));

        m_find_files_dlg->setWindowModality (Qt::NonModal);

    if (! m_find_files_dlg->isVisible ())
        m_find_files_dlg->show ();

    m_find_files_dlg->set_search_dir (start_dir);

    m_find_files_dlg->activateWindow ();


  void main_window::set_screen_size (int ht, int wd)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([=] (void)

         command_editor::set_screen_size (ht, wd);

  void main_window::clipboard_has_changed (void)
    if (m_clipboard->text ().isEmpty ())
        m_paste_action->setEnabled (false);
        m_clear_clipboard_action->setEnabled (false);
        m_paste_action->setEnabled (true);
        m_clear_clipboard_action->setEnabled (true);

  void main_window::clear_clipboard (void)
    m_clipboard->clear (QClipboard::Clipboard);

  void main_window::disable_menu_shortcuts (bool disable)
    QHash<QMenu *, QStringList>::const_iterator i = m_hash_menu_text.constBegin ();

    while (i != m_hash_menu_text.constEnd ())
        i.key ()->setTitle (i.value ().at (disable));

  void main_window::restore_create_file_setting (void)
    // restore the new files creation setting
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    settings->setValue (ed_create_new_file.key, false);
    disconnect (m_editor_window, SIGNAL (file_loaded_signal (void)),
                this, SLOT (restore_create_file_setting (void)));

  void main_window::set_file_encoding (const QString& new_encoding)
    m_file_encoding = new_encoding;

  // The following slot is called after files have been selected in the
  // open file dialog, possibly with a new selected encoding stored in
  // m_file_encoding
  void main_window::request_open_files (const QStringList& open_file_names)
    for (int i = 0; i < open_file_names.count (); i++)
      emit open_file_signal ( (i), m_file_encoding, -1);

  void main_window::profiler_session (void)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([=] (interpreter& interp)

          Ffeval (interp, ovl ("profile","on"));

  void main_window::profiler_session_resume (void)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([=] (interpreter& interp)

          Ffeval (interp, ovl ("profile","resume"));

  void main_window::profiler_stop (void)
    emit interpreter_event
      ([=] (interpreter& interp)

          Ffeval (interp, ovl ("profile","off"));

  void main_window::handle_profiler_status_update (bool active)
    m_profiler_start->setEnabled (! active);
    m_profiler_resume->setEnabled (! active);
    m_profiler_stop->setEnabled (active);

    led_indicator::led_state state = led_indicator::LED_STATE_INACTIVE;
    if (active)
      state = led_indicator::LED_STATE_ACTIVE;
    m_profiler_status_indicator->set_state (state);

  void main_window::profiler_show (void)
    // Do not use a separate interpreter event as in the other
    // profiler slots since the output of the command "profshow"
    // would obscure the prompt and we do not need to emimt a signal
    // for action that is required in the gui after rhe command
    execute_command_in_terminal ("profshow");

  void main_window::closeEvent (QCloseEvent *e)
    write_settings ();

    if (confirm_shutdown ())
        // FIXME: Instead of ignoring the event and posting an
        // interpreter event, should we just accept the event and
        // shutdown and clean up the interpreter as part of closing the
        // GUI?  Going that route might make it easier to close the GUI
        // without having to stop the interpreter, for example, if the
        // GUI is started from the interpreter command line.

        e->ignore ();

        if (m_octave_qobj.experimental_terminal_widget ())
          emit close_gui_signal ();
            emit interpreter_event
              ([] (interpreter& interp)
                 // INTERPRETER THREAD

                 interp.quit (0, false, false);
      e->ignore ();

  void main_window::construct_central_widget (void)
    // Create and set the central widget.  QMainWindow takes ownership of
    // the widget (pointer) so there is no need to delete the object upon
    // destroying this main_window.

    QWidget *dummyWidget = new QWidget ();
    dummyWidget->setObjectName ("CentralDummyWidget");
    dummyWidget->resize (10, 10);
    dummyWidget->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
    dummyWidget->hide ();
    setCentralWidget (dummyWidget);

// Main subroutine of the constructor

  void main_window::construct (void)
    setWindowIcon (QIcon (":/actions/icons/logo.png"));

    interpreter_qobject *interp_qobj = m_octave_qobj.interpreter_qobj ();

    qt_interpreter_events *qt_link = interp_qobj->qt_link ();

    construct_menu_bar ();

    construct_tool_bar ();

    // FIXME: Is this action intended to be about quitting application
    // or closing the main window?
    connect (qApp, &QApplication::aboutToQuit,
             this, &main_window::prepare_to_exit);

    connect (qApp, &QApplication::focusChanged,
             this, &main_window::focus_changed);

    connect (this, &main_window::settings_changed,
             this, [=] (const gui_settings *settings) { notice_settings (settings); });

    // Connections for signals from the interpreter thread where the slot
    // should be executed by the gui thread

    connect (this, &main_window::warning_function_not_found_signal,
             this, &main_window::warning_function_not_found);

    setWindowTitle ("Octave");

    setStatusBar (m_status_bar);

    // Signals for removing/renaming files/dirs in the temrinal window
    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::file_remove_signal,
             this, &main_window::file_remove_proxy);

    connect (this, QOverload<const fcn_callback&>::of (&main_window::interpreter_event),
             &m_octave_qobj, QOverload<const fcn_callback&>::of (&base_qobject::interpreter_event));

    connect (this, QOverload<const meth_callback&>::of (&main_window::interpreter_event),
             &m_octave_qobj, QOverload<const meth_callback&>::of (&base_qobject::interpreter_event));

    configure_shortcuts ();

  void main_window::construct_octave_qt_link (void)
    interpreter_qobject *interp_qobj = m_octave_qobj.interpreter_qobj ();

    qt_interpreter_events *qt_link = interp_qobj->qt_link ();

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::settings_changed,
             this, &main_window::notice_settings);

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::apply_new_settings,
             this, &main_window::request_reload_settings);

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::directory_changed_signal,
             this, &main_window::update_octave_directory);

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::execute_command_in_terminal_signal,
             this, &main_window::execute_command_in_terminal);

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::enter_debugger_signal,
             this, &main_window::handle_enter_debugger);

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::exit_debugger_signal,
             this, &main_window::handle_exit_debugger);

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::show_preferences_signal,
             this, [=] () { process_settings_dialog_request (); });

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::insert_debugger_pointer_signal,
             this, &main_window::handle_insert_debugger_pointer_request);

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::delete_debugger_pointer_signal,
             this, &main_window::handle_delete_debugger_pointer_request);

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::update_breakpoint_marker_signal,
             this, &main_window::handle_update_breakpoint_marker_request);

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::gui_status_update_signal,
             this, &main_window::handle_gui_status_update);

    connect (qt_link, &qt_interpreter_events::update_gui_lexer_signal,
             this, &main_window::update_gui_lexer_signal);

  QAction* main_window::add_action (QMenu *menu, const QIcon& icon,
                                    const QString& text, const char *member,
                                    const QWidget *receiver)
    QAction *a;

    if (receiver)
      a = menu->addAction (icon, text, receiver, member);
      a = menu->addAction (icon, text, this, member);

    addAction (a);  // important for shortcut context
    a->setShortcutContext (Qt::ApplicationShortcut);
    return a;

  QMenu* main_window::m_add_menu (QMenuBar *p, QString name)
    QMenu *menu = p->addMenu (name);

    QString base_name = name;  // get a copy
    // replace intended '&' ("&&") by a temp. string
    base_name.replace ("&&", "___octave_amp_replacement___");
    // remove single '&' (shortcut)
    base_name.remove ("&");
    // restore intended '&'
    base_name.replace ("___octave_amp_replacement___", "&&");

    // remember names with and without shortcut
    m_hash_menu_text[menu] = QStringList () << name << base_name;

    return menu;

  void main_window::construct_menu_bar (void)
    QMenuBar *menu_bar = menuBar ();

    construct_file_menu (menu_bar);

    construct_edit_menu (menu_bar);

    construct_debug_menu (menu_bar);

    construct_tools_menu (menu_bar);

    construct_window_menu (menu_bar);

    construct_help_menu (menu_bar);

    construct_news_menu (menu_bar);

#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
    // call the editor to add actions which should also be available in the
    // editor's menu and tool bar
    QList<QAction *> shared_actions;
    shared_actions << m_new_script_action
                   << m_new_function_action
                   << m_open_action
                   << m_find_files_action
                   << m_undo_action
                   << m_copy_action
                   << m_paste_action
                   << m_select_all_action;
    m_editor_window->insert_global_actions (shared_actions);

  void main_window::construct_file_menu (QMenuBar *p)
    QMenu *file_menu = m_add_menu (p, tr ("&File"));

    construct_new_menu (file_menu);

    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();

    m_open_action = add_action (
                      file_menu, rmgr.icon ("document-open"), tr ("Open..."),
                      SLOT (request_open_file (void)), this);
    m_open_action->setToolTip (tr ("Open an existing file in editor"));

#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
    file_menu->addMenu (m_editor_window->get_mru_menu ());

    file_menu->addSeparator ();

    m_load_workspace_action = add_action (
              file_menu, QIcon (), tr ("Load Workspace..."),
              SLOT (handle_load_workspace_request (void)), this);

    m_save_workspace_action = add_action (
              file_menu, QIcon (), tr ("Save Workspace As..."),
              SLOT (handle_save_workspace_request (void)), this);

    file_menu->addSeparator ();

    m_exit_action = add_action (
              file_menu, QIcon (), tr ("Exit"),
              SLOT (close (void)), this);
    m_exit_action->setMenuRole (QAction::QuitRole);

    // Connect signal related to opening or creating editor files
    connect (this, SIGNAL (new_file_signal (const QString&)),
             m_active_editor, SLOT (request_new_file (const QString&)));

    connect (this, SIGNAL (open_file_signal (const QString&)),
             m_active_editor, SLOT (request_open_file (const QString&)));

    connect (this,
             SIGNAL (open_file_signal (const QString&, const QString&, int)),
             SLOT (request_open_file (const QString&, const QString&, int)));

  void main_window::construct_new_menu (QMenu *p)
    QMenu *new_menu = p->addMenu (tr ("New"));

    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();

    m_new_script_action = add_action (
          new_menu, rmgr.icon ("document-new"), tr ("New Script"),
          SLOT (request_new_script (void)), this);

    m_new_function_action = add_action (
          new_menu, QIcon (), tr ("New Function..."),
          SLOT (request_new_function (void)), this);

    m_new_figure_action = add_action (
          new_menu, QIcon (), tr ("New Figure"),
          SLOT (handle_new_figure_request (void)), this);

  void main_window::construct_edit_menu (QMenuBar *p)
    QMenu *edit_menu = m_add_menu (p, tr ("&Edit"));

    QKeySequence ctrl_shift = Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::ShiftModifier;

    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
      = edit_menu->addAction (rmgr.icon ("edit-undo"), tr ("Undo"));
    m_undo_action->setShortcutContext (Qt::ApplicationShortcut);

    edit_menu->addSeparator ();

      = edit_menu->addAction (rmgr.icon ("edit-copy"), tr ("Copy"), this,
    m_copy_action->setShortcutContext (Qt::ApplicationShortcut);

      = edit_menu->addAction (rmgr.icon ("edit-paste"), tr ("Paste"), this,
    m_paste_action->setShortcutContext (Qt::ApplicationShortcut);

      = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Select All"), this,
    m_select_all_action->setShortcutContext (Qt::ApplicationShortcut);

      = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Clear Clipboard"), this,

    edit_menu->addSeparator ();

      = edit_menu->addAction (rmgr.icon ("edit-find"), tr ("Find Files..."));

    edit_menu->addSeparator ();

      = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Clear Command Window"));

      = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Clear Command History"));

      = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Clear Workspace"));

    edit_menu->addSeparator ();

      = edit_menu->addAction (tr ("Set Path"));

      = edit_menu->addAction (rmgr.icon ("preferences-system"),
                              tr ("Preferences..."));

    connect (m_find_files_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, [=] () { find_files (); });

    connect (m_clear_command_window_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &main_window::handle_clear_command_window_request);

    connect (m_clear_command_history_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &main_window::handle_clear_history_request);

    connect (m_clear_workspace_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &main_window::handle_clear_workspace_request);

    connect (m_clipboard, &QClipboard::dataChanged,
             this, &main_window::clipboard_has_changed);
    clipboard_has_changed ();
#if defined (Q_OS_WIN32)
    // Always enable paste action (unreliable clipboard signals in windows)
    // FIXME: This has to be removed, when the clipboard signals in windows
    //        are working again
    m_paste_action->setEnabled (true);
    m_clear_clipboard_action->setEnabled (true);

    connect (m_preferences_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, [=] () { process_settings_dialog_request (); });

    connect (m_set_path_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &main_window::handle_set_path_dialog_request);


  QAction * main_window::construct_debug_menu_item (const char *icon,
                                                    const QString& item,
                                                    const char *member)
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    QAction *action = add_action (m_debug_menu, rmgr.icon (QString (icon)),
                                  item, member);

    action->setEnabled (false);

#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
    m_editor_window->debug_menu ()->addAction (action);
    m_editor_window->toolbar ()->addAction (action);

    return action;

  void main_window::construct_debug_menu (QMenuBar *p)
    m_debug_menu = m_add_menu (p, tr ("De&bug"));

      = construct_debug_menu_item ("db-step", tr ("Step"),
                                   SLOT (debug_step_over (void)));

      = construct_debug_menu_item ("db-step-in", tr ("Step In"),
                                   SLOT (debug_step_into (void)));

      = construct_debug_menu_item ("db-step-out", tr ("Step Out"),
                                   SLOT (debug_step_out (void)));

      = construct_debug_menu_item ("db-cont", tr ("Continue"),
                                   SLOT (debug_continue (void)));

    m_debug_menu->addSeparator ();
#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
    m_editor_window->debug_menu ()->addSeparator ();

      = construct_debug_menu_item ("db-stop", tr ("Quit Debug Mode"),
                                   SLOT (debug_quit (void)));

  void main_window::construct_tools_menu (QMenuBar *p)
    QMenu *tools_menu = m_add_menu (p, tr ("&Tools"));

    m_profiler_start = add_action (tools_menu, QIcon (),
          tr ("Start &Profiler Session"), SLOT (profiler_session ()));

    m_profiler_resume = add_action (tools_menu, QIcon (),
          tr ("&Resume Profiler Session"), SLOT (profiler_session_resume ()));

    m_profiler_stop = add_action (tools_menu, QIcon (),
          tr ("&Stop Profiler"), SLOT (profiler_stop ()));
    m_profiler_stop->setEnabled (false);

    m_profiler_show = add_action (tools_menu, QIcon (),
          tr ("&Show Profile Data"), SLOT (profiler_show ()));

  void main_window::editor_tabs_changed (bool have_tabs, bool is_octave)
    // Set state of actions which depend on the existence of editor tabs
    m_editor_has_tabs = have_tabs;
    m_editor_is_octave_file = is_octave;
    m_debug_step_over->setEnabled (have_tabs && is_octave);

  QAction * main_window::construct_window_menu_item (QMenu *p,
                                                     const QString& item,
                                                     bool checkable,
                                                     QWidget *widget)
    QAction *action = p->addAction (QIcon (), item);

    addAction (action);  // important for shortcut context
    action->setCheckable (checkable);
    action->setShortcutContext (Qt::ApplicationShortcut);

    if (widget)  // might be zero for m_editor_window
        if (checkable)
            // action for visibility of dock widget
            connect (action, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
                     widget, SLOT (setVisible (bool)));

            connect (widget, SIGNAL (active_changed (bool)),
                     action, SLOT (setChecked (bool)));
            // action for focus of dock widget
            connect (action, SIGNAL (triggered (void)),
                     widget, SLOT (activate (void)));
        action->setEnabled (false);

    return action;

  void main_window::construct_window_menu (QMenuBar *p)
    QMenu *window_menu = m_add_menu (p, tr ("&Window"));

    m_show_command_window_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Show Command Window"), true, m_command_window);

    m_show_history_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Show Command History"), true, m_history_window);

    m_show_file_browser_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Show File Browser"), true, m_file_browser_window);

    m_show_workspace_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Show Workspace"), true, m_workspace_window);

    m_show_editor_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Show Editor"), true, m_editor_window);

    m_show_documentation_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Show Documentation"), true, m_doc_browser_window);

    m_show_variable_editor_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Show Variable Editor"), true, m_variable_editor_window);

    window_menu->addSeparator ();

    m_command_window_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Command Window"), false, m_command_window);

    m_history_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Command History"), false, m_history_window);

    m_file_browser_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("File Browser"), false, m_file_browser_window);

    m_workspace_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Workspace"), false, m_workspace_window);

    m_editor_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Editor"), false, m_editor_window);

    m_documentation_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Documentation"), false, m_doc_browser_window);

    m_variable_editor_action = construct_window_menu_item
      (window_menu, tr ("Variable Editor"), false, m_variable_editor_window);

    window_menu->addSeparator ();

    m_previous_dock_action = add_action (window_menu, QIcon (),
                                           tr ("Previous Widget"), SLOT (go_to_previous_widget (void)));

    window_menu->addSeparator ();

    m_reset_windows_action = add_action (window_menu, QIcon (),
                                         tr ("Reset Default Window Layout"), SLOT (reset_windows (void)));

  void main_window::construct_help_menu (QMenuBar *p)
    QMenu *help_menu = m_add_menu (p, tr ("&Help"));

    construct_documentation_menu (help_menu);

    help_menu->addSeparator ();

    m_report_bug_action = add_action (help_menu, QIcon (),
                                      tr ("Report Bug"), SLOT (open_bug_tracker_page ()));

    m_octave_packages_action = add_action (help_menu, QIcon (),
                                           tr ("Octave Packages"), SLOT (open_octave_packages_page ()));

    m_contribute_action = add_action (help_menu, QIcon (),
                                      tr ("Contribute"), SLOT (open_contribute_page ()));

    m_developer_action = add_action (help_menu, QIcon (),
                                     tr ("Donate to Octave"), SLOT (open_donate_page ()));

    help_menu->addSeparator ();

    m_about_octave_action = add_action (help_menu, QIcon (),
                                        tr ("About Octave"), SLOT (show_about_octave ()));

  void main_window::construct_documentation_menu (QMenu *p)
    QMenu *doc_menu = p->addMenu (tr ("Documentation"));

    m_ondisk_doc_action = add_action (doc_menu, QIcon (),
                                      tr ("On Disk"), SLOT (activate ()), m_doc_browser_window);

    m_online_doc_action = add_action (doc_menu, QIcon (),
                                      tr ("Online"), SLOT (open_online_documentation_page ()));

  void main_window::construct_news_menu (QMenuBar *p)
    QMenu *news_menu = m_add_menu (p, tr ("&News"));

      = news_menu->addAction (QIcon (), tr ("Release Notes"),
                              [=] () {
                                emit show_release_notes_signal ();
    addAction (m_release_notes_action);
    m_release_notes_action->setShortcutContext (Qt::ApplicationShortcut);

      = news_menu->addAction (QIcon (), tr ("Community News"),
                              [=] () {
                                emit show_community_news_signal (-1);
    addAction (m_current_news_action);
    m_current_news_action->setShortcutContext (Qt::ApplicationShortcut);

  void main_window::construct_tool_bar (void)
    m_main_tool_bar = addToolBar (tr ("Toolbar"));
    m_main_tool_bar->setStyleSheet (m_main_tool_bar->styleSheet ()
                                    + global_toolbar_style);

    m_main_tool_bar->setObjectName ("MainToolBar");
    m_main_tool_bar->addAction (m_new_script_action);
    m_main_tool_bar->addAction (m_open_action);

    m_main_tool_bar->addSeparator ();

    m_main_tool_bar->addAction (m_copy_action);
    m_main_tool_bar->addAction (m_paste_action);
    m_main_tool_bar->addAction (m_undo_action);

    m_main_tool_bar->addSeparator ();

    m_current_directory_combo_box = new QComboBox (this);
    QFontMetrics fm = m_current_directory_combo_box->fontMetrics ();
    m_current_directory_combo_box->setFixedWidth (48*fm.averageCharWidth ());
    m_current_directory_combo_box->setEditable (true);
    m_current_directory_combo_box->setInsertPolicy (QComboBox::NoInsert);
    m_current_directory_combo_box->setToolTip (tr ("Enter directory name"));
    m_current_directory_combo_box->setMaxVisibleItems (current_directory_max_visible);
    m_current_directory_combo_box->setMaxCount (current_directory_max_count);
    QSizePolicy sizePol (QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
    m_current_directory_combo_box->setSizePolicy (sizePol);

    // addWidget takes ownership of the objects so there is no
    // need to delete these upon destroying this main_window.
    m_main_tool_bar->addWidget (new QLabel (tr ("Current Directory: ")));
    m_main_tool_bar->addWidget (m_current_directory_combo_box);
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    QAction *current_dir_up
      = m_main_tool_bar->addAction (rmgr.icon ("go-up"),
                                    tr ("One directory up"));
    QAction *current_dir_search
      = m_main_tool_bar->addAction (rmgr.icon ("folder"),
                                    tr ("Browse directories"));

    connect (m_current_directory_combo_box, SIGNAL (activated (const QString&)),
             this, SLOT (set_current_working_directory (const QString&)));

    connect (m_current_directory_combo_box->lineEdit (),
             this, &main_window::accept_directory_line_edit);

    connect (current_dir_search, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &main_window::browse_for_directory);

    connect (current_dir_up, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &main_window::change_directory_up);

    connect (m_undo_action, &QAction::triggered,
             this, &main_window::handle_undo_request);

  void main_window::focus_console_after_command (void)
    resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
    gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();
    if (settings->value (cs_focus_cmd).toBool ())
      focus_command_window ();

  void main_window::configure_shortcuts (void)
    bool enable
      = ! ((m_active_dock == m_command_window) && m_prevent_readline_conflicts);

    shortcut_manager& scmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_shortcut_manager ();

    // file menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_open_action, sc_main_file_open_file, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_new_script_action, sc_main_file_new_file, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_new_function_action, sc_main_file_new_function, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_new_figure_action, sc_main_file_new_figure, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_load_workspace_action, sc_main_file_load_workspace, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_save_workspace_action, sc_main_file_save_workspace, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_exit_action, sc_main_file_exit, enable);

    // edit menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_copy_action, sc_main_edit_copy, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_paste_action, sc_main_edit_paste, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_undo_action, sc_main_edit_undo, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_select_all_action, sc_main_edit_select_all, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_clear_clipboard_action, sc_main_edit_clear_clipboard, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_find_files_action, sc_main_edit_find_in_files, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_clear_command_history_action, sc_main_edit_clear_history, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_clear_command_window_action, sc_main_edit_clear_command_window, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_clear_workspace_action, sc_main_edit_clear_workspace, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_set_path_action, sc_main_edit_set_path, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_preferences_action, sc_main_edit_preferences, enable);

    // debug menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_debug_step_over, sc_main_debug_step_over, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_debug_step_into, sc_main_debug_step_into, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_debug_step_out, sc_main_debug_step_out, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_debug_continue, sc_main_debug_continue, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_debug_quit, sc_main_debug_quit, enable);

    // tools menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_profiler_start, sc_main_tools_start_profiler, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_profiler_resume, sc_main_tools_resume_profiler, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_profiler_stop, sc_main_tools_start_profiler, enable); // same, toggling
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_profiler_show, sc_main_tools_show_profiler, enable);

    // window menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_command_window_action, sc_main_window_show_command, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_history_action, sc_main_window_show_history, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_workspace_action, sc_main_window_show_workspace, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_file_browser_action, sc_main_window_show_file_browser, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_editor_action, sc_main_window_show_editor, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_documentation_action, sc_main_window_show_doc, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_show_variable_editor_action, sc_main_window_show_variable_editor, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_reset_windows_action, sc_main_window_reset, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_command_window_action, sc_main_window_command, enable);
    // Switching to the other widgets (including the previous one) is always enabled
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_history_action, sc_main_window_history, true);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_workspace_action, sc_main_window_workspace, true);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_file_browser_action, sc_main_window_file_browser, true);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_editor_action, sc_main_window_editor, true);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_documentation_action, sc_main_window_doc, true);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_variable_editor_action, sc_main_window_variable_editor, true);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_previous_dock_action, sc_main_window_previous_dock, true);

    // help menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_ondisk_doc_action, sc_main_help_ondisk_doc, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_online_doc_action, sc_main_help_online_doc, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_report_bug_action, sc_main_help_report_bug, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_octave_packages_action, sc_main_help_packages, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_contribute_action, sc_main_help_contribute, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_developer_action, sc_main_help_developer, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_about_octave_action, sc_main_help_about, enable);

    // news menu
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_release_notes_action, sc_main_news_release_notes, enable);
    scmgr.set_shortcut (m_current_news_action, sc_main_news_community_news, enable);

  QList<octave_dock_widget *> main_window::dock_widget_list (void)
    QList<octave_dock_widget *> list = QList<octave_dock_widget *> ();
    list.append (static_cast<octave_dock_widget *> (m_command_window));
    list.append (static_cast<octave_dock_widget *> (m_history_window));
    list.append (static_cast<octave_dock_widget *> (m_file_browser_window));
    list.append (static_cast<octave_dock_widget *> (m_doc_browser_window));
#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
    list.append (static_cast<octave_dock_widget *> (m_editor_window));
    list.append (static_cast<octave_dock_widget *> (m_workspace_window));
    list.append (static_cast<octave_dock_widget *> (m_variable_editor_window));
    return list;

  void main_window::update_default_encoding (const QString& default_encoding)
    m_default_encoding = default_encoding;
    std::string mfile_encoding = m_default_encoding.toStdString ();
    if (m_default_encoding.startsWith ("SYSTEM", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
      mfile_encoding = "SYSTEM";

    emit interpreter_event
      ([=] (interpreter& interp)

         F__mfile_encoding__ (interp, ovl (mfile_encoding));

  // Get size of screen where the main window is located
  void main_window::get_screen_geometry (int& width, int& height)
    QRect screen_geometry = QApplication::desktop ()->availableGeometry (this);

    width = screen_geometry.width ();
    height = screen_geometry.height ();

  void main_window::resize_dock (QDockWidget *dw, int width, int height)
    // resizeDockWidget was added to Qt in Qt 5.6
    if (width >= 0)
      resizeDocks ({dw}, {width}, Qt::Horizontal);
    if (height >= 0)
      resizeDocks ({dw}, {height}, Qt::Vertical);
    // This replacement of resizeDockWidget is not very reliable.
    // But even if Qt4 is not yet
    QSize s = dw->widget ()->size ();
    if (width >= 0)
      s.setWidth (width);
    if (height >= 0)
      s.setHeight (height);
    dw->widget ()->resize (s);
    dw->adjustSize ();

  // The default main window size relative to the desktop size
  void main_window::set_default_geometry ()
    int win_x, win_y;
    get_screen_geometry (win_x, win_y);

    move (0, 0);
    resize (2*win_x/3, 7*win_y/8);

  void main_window::reset_windows (void)
    // Slot for resetting the window layout to the default one
    hide ();
    showNormal ();              // Unmaximize
    do_reset_windows (true, true, true);   // Add all widgets

    // Re-add after giving time: This seems to be a reliable way to
    // reset the main window's layout

    // JWE says: The following also works for me with 0 delay, so I
    // think the problem might just be that the event loop needs to run
    // somewhere in the sequence of resizing and adding widgets.  Maybe
    // some actions in do_reset_windows should be using signal/slot
    // connections so that the event loop can do what it needs to do.
    // But I haven't been able to find the magic sequence.

    QTimer::singleShot (250, this, [=] () { do_reset_windows (true, true, true); });

  // Create the default layout of the main window. Do not use
  // restoreState () and restoreGeometry () with default values since
  // this might lead to problems when the Qt version changes
  void main_window::do_reset_windows (bool show, bool save, bool force_all)
    // Set main window default geometry and store its width for
    // later resizing the command window
    set_default_geometry ();
    int win_x = geometry ().width ();

    // Resize command window (if docked),
    //the important one in the default layout
    if (dockWidgetArea (m_command_window) != Qt::NoDockWidgetArea)
      resize_dock (m_command_window, 7*win_x/8, -1);

    // See Octave bug #53409 and
#if (QT_VERSION < 0x050601) || (QT_VERSION >= 0x050701)
    setDockOptions (QMainWindow::AnimatedDocks
                    | QMainWindow::AllowNestedDocks
                    | QMainWindow::AllowTabbedDocks);
    setDockNestingEnabled (true);

    // Add the dock widgets and show them
    if (! m_file_browser_window->adopted () || force_all)
        // FIXME: Maybe there should be a main_window::add_dock_widget
        // function that combines both of these actions?

        addDockWidget (Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, m_file_browser_window);
        m_file_browser_window->set_adopted (false);

    if (! m_workspace_window->adopted () || force_all)
        addDockWidget (Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, m_workspace_window);
        m_workspace_window->set_adopted (false);

    if (! m_history_window->adopted () || force_all)
        addDockWidget (Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, m_history_window);
        m_history_window->set_adopted (false);

    if (! m_command_window->adopted () || force_all)
        addDockWidget (Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, m_command_window);
        m_command_window->set_adopted (false);

    if (! m_doc_browser_window->adopted () || force_all)
        addDockWidget (Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, m_doc_browser_window);
        tabifyDockWidget (m_command_window, m_doc_browser_window);
        m_doc_browser_window->set_adopted (false);

    if (! m_variable_editor_window->adopted () || force_all)
        addDockWidget (Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, m_variable_editor_window);
        tabifyDockWidget (m_command_window, m_variable_editor_window);
        m_variable_editor_window->set_adopted (false);

#if defined (HAVE_QSCINTILLA)
    addDockWidget (Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, m_editor_window);
    tabifyDockWidget (m_command_window, m_editor_window);

    // Resize command window, the important one in the default layout
    resize_dock (m_command_window, 2*win_x/3, -1);

    // Show main wibdow, save state and geometry of main window and
    // all dock widgets
    if (show)
        // Show all dock widgets
        for (auto *widget : dock_widget_list ())
          widget->show ();

        // Show main window and store size and state
        showNormal ();

        if (save)
            resource_manager& rmgr = m_octave_qobj.get_resource_manager ();
            gui_settings *settings = rmgr.get_settings ();

            settings->setValue (mw_geometry.key, saveGeometry ());
            settings->setValue (mw_state.key, saveState ());

        focus_command_window ();