view liboctave/numeric/ @ 30564:796f54d4ddbf stable

update Octave Project Developers copyright for the new year In files that have the "Octave Project Developers" copyright notice, update for 2021. In all .txi and .texi files except gpl.txi and gpl.texi in the doc/liboctave and doc/interpreter directories, change the copyright to "Octave Project Developers", the same as used for other source files. Update copyright notices for 2022 (not done since 2019). For gpl.txi and gpl.texi, change the copyright notice to be "Free Software Foundation, Inc." and leave the date at 2007 only because this file only contains the text of the GPL, not anything created by the Octave Project Developers. Add Paul Thomas to
author John W. Eaton <>
date Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:22:40 -0500
parents f3f3e3793fb5
children 51a3d3a69193
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2005-2022 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if defined (HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#  include "config.h"

#include <cmath>

#include <ostream>

#include "Array.h"
#include "CSparse.h"
#include "MatrixType.h"
#include "PermMatrix.h"
#include "chol.h"
#include "dSparse.h"
#include "eigs-base.h"
#include "lo-arpack-proto.h"
#include "lo-blas-proto.h"
#include "lo-error.h"
#include "lo-ieee.h"
#include "lu.h"
#include "mx-ops.h"
#include "oct-locbuf.h"
#include "oct-rand.h"
#include "sparse-chol.h"
#include "sparse-lu.h"

#if defined (HAVE_ARPACK)

static void
warn_convergence (void)
     "eigs: 'A - sigma*B' is singular, indicating sigma is exactly "
     "an eigenvalue so convergence is not guaranteed");

// Conversion from error number to strings
arpack_errno2str (const octave_idx_type& errnum, const std::string& fcn_name)
  std::string msg;
  std::string bug_msg = "\nThis should not happen.  Please, see, and file a bug report";

  switch (errnum)
    case -1:
      msg = "N must be positive";

    case -2:
      msg = "NEV must be positive";

    case -3:
      msg = "NCV-NEV >= 2 and less than or equal to N";

    case -4:
      msg = "The maximum number of Arnoldi update iterations allowed must be greater than zero";

    case -5:
      msg = "WHICH must be one of 'LM', 'SM', 'LR', 'SR', 'LI', 'SI'";

    case -6:
      msg = "BMAT must be one of 'I' or 'G'";

    case -7:
      msg = "Length of private work WORKL array is insufficient";

    case -8:
      msg = "Error return from LAPACK eigenvalue calculation";

    case -9:
      if ( ("zneupd") == 0)
        msg = "Error return from calculation of eigenvectors.  Informational error from LAPACK routine ztrevc";
      else if ( ("dneupd") == 0)
        msg = "Error return from calculation of eigenvectors.  Informational error from LAPACK routine dtrevc";
        msg = "Starting vector is zero";


    case -10:
      if ( ("dneupd") == 0
          || ("dnaupd") == 0)
        msg = "IPARAM(7) must be 1,2,3,4";
      else if ( ("zneupd") == 0
               || ("znaupd") == 0)
        msg = "IPARAM(7) must be 1,2,3";
        msg = "IPARAM(7) must be 1,2,3,4,5";


    case -11:
      msg = "IPARAM(7) = 1 and BMAT = 'G' are incompatible";

    case -12:
      if ( ("dnaupd") == 0
          || ("znaupd") == 0
          || ("dsaupd") == 0)
        msg = std::string ("IPARAM(1) must be equal to 0 or 1");
      else if ( ("dneupd") == 0
               || ("zneupd") == 0)
        msg = "HOWMNY = 'S' not yet implemented";
        msg = "NEV and WHICH = 'BE' are incompatible";


    case -13:
      if ( ("dneupd") == 0
          || ("zneupd") == 0)
        msg = "HOWMNY must be one of 'A' or 'P' if RVEC = .true.";
      else if ( ("dsaupd") == 0)
        msg = "NEV and WHICH = 'BE' are incompatible";


    case -14:
      if ( ("dneupd") == 0)
        msg = "DNAUPD did not find any eigenvalues to sufficient accuracy.";
      else if ( ("zneupd") == 0)
        msg = "ZNAUPD did not find any eigenvalues to sufficient accuracy.";
      else if ( ("dseupd") == 0)
        msg = "DSAUPD did not find any eigenvalues to sufficient accuracy.";

      msg += "  Consider changing tolerance (TOL), maximum iterations (MAXIT), number of Lanzcos basis vectors (P), or starting vector (V0) in OPTS structure.";


    case -15:
      if ( ("dseupd") == 0)
        msg = "HOWMNY must be one of 'A' or 'S' if RVEC = .true.";


    case -16:
      if ( ("dseupd") == 0)
        msg = "HOWMNY = 'S' not yet implemented";


    case -9999:
      if ( ("dnaupd") == 0)
        msg = "Could not build an Arnoldi factorization.  IPARAM(5) returns the size of the current Arnoldi factorization";


    case 1:
      if ( ("dneupd") == 0)
        msg = "The Schur form computed by LAPACK routine dlahqr could not be reordered by LAPACK routine dtrsen.  Re-enter subroutine DNEUPD with IPARAM(5)=NCV and increase the size of the arrays DR and DI to have dimension at least dimension NCV and allocate at least NCV columns for Z.  NOTE: Not necessary if Z and V share the same space.  Please notify the authors if this error occurs.";
      else if ( ("dnaupd") == 0
               || ("znaupd") == 0
               || ("dsaupd") == 0)
        msg = "Maximum number of iterations taken.  All possible eigenvalues of OP has been found.  IPARAM(5) returns the number of wanted converged Ritz values";
      else if ( ("znaupd") == 0)
        msg = "The Schur form computed by LAPACK routine csheqr could not be reordered by LAPACK routine ztrsen.  Re-enter subroutine ZNEUPD with IPARAM(5)=NCV and increase the size of the array D to have dimension at least dimension NCV and allocate at least NCV columns for Z.  NOTE: Not necessary if Z and V share the same space.  Please notify the authors if this error occurs.";


    case 2:
      if ( ("dnaupd") == 0
          || ("znaupd") == 0
          || ("dsaupd") == 0)
        msg = "No longer an informational error.  Deprecated starting with release 2 of ARPACK.";


    case 3:
      if ( ("dnaupd") == 0
          || ("znaupd") == 0
          || ("dsaupd") == 0)
        msg = "No shifts could be applied during a cycle of the implicitly restarted Arnoldi iteration.  One possibility is to increase the size of NCV relative to NEV.";



  if ((errnum != -9) && (errnum != -14) && (errnum != -9999))
    msg.append (bug_msg);  // This is a bug in Octave interface to ARPACK

  return msg;

template <typename M, typename SM>
static octave_idx_type
lusolve (const SM& L, const SM& U, M& m)
  octave_idx_type err = 0;
  double rcond;
  MatrixType utyp (MatrixType::Upper);

  // Sparse L is lower triangular, Dense L is permuted lower triangular!!!
  MatrixType ltyp (MatrixType::Lower);
  m = L.solve (ltyp, m, err, rcond, nullptr);
  if (err)
    return err;

  m = U.solve (utyp, m, err, rcond, nullptr);

  return err;

template <typename SM, typename M>
static M
ltsolve (const SM& L, const ColumnVector& Q, const M& m)
  // Solve (Q_mat * L) * x = m, that is L * x = Q_mat' * m = m(Q)
  octave_idx_type n = L.cols ();
  octave_idx_type b_nc = m.cols ();
  octave_idx_type err = 0;
  double rcond;
  MatrixType ltyp (MatrixType::Lower);
  M retval (n, b_nc);
  const double *qv = ();
  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < b_nc; j++)
      for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
        retval.elem (i, j) = m.elem (static_cast<octave_idx_type> (qv[i]), j);
  return L.solve (ltyp, retval, err, rcond, nullptr);

template <typename SM, typename M>
static M
utsolve (const SM& U, const ColumnVector& Q, const M& m)
  // Solve (U * Q_mat') * x = m by U * tmp = m, x(Q) = tmp (Q_mat * tmp = x)
  octave_idx_type n = U.cols ();
  octave_idx_type b_nc = m.cols ();
  octave_idx_type err = 0;
  double rcond;
  MatrixType utyp (MatrixType::Upper);
  M tmp = U.solve (utyp, m, err, rcond, nullptr);
  M retval;
  const double *qv = ();

  if (! err)
      retval.resize (n, b_nc);
      for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < b_nc; j++)
          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
            retval.elem (static_cast<octave_idx_type> (qv[i]), j)
              = tmp.elem (i, j);

  return retval;

static bool
vector_product (const SparseMatrix& m, const double *x, double *y)
  octave_idx_type nc = m.cols ();

  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < nc; j++)
    y[j] = 0.;

  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < nc; j++)
    for (octave_idx_type i = m.cidx (j); i < m.cidx (j+1); i++)
      y[m.ridx (i)] += (i) * x[j];

  return true;

static bool
vector_product (const Matrix& m, const double *x, double *y)
  F77_INT nr = octave::to_f77_int (m.rows ());
  F77_INT nc = octave::to_f77_int (m.cols ());

  F77_XFCN (dgemv, DGEMV, (F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ("N", 1),
                           nr, nc, 1.0, (), nr,
                           x, 1, 0.0, y, 1
                           F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN (1)));

  return true;

static bool
vector_product (const SparseComplexMatrix& m, const Complex *x,
                Complex *y)
  octave_idx_type nc = m.cols ();

  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < nc; j++)
    y[j] = 0.;

  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < nc; j++)
    for (octave_idx_type i = m.cidx (j); i < m.cidx (j+1); i++)
      y[m.ridx (i)] += (i) * x[j];

  return true;

static bool
vector_product (const ComplexMatrix& m, const Complex *x, Complex *y)
  F77_INT nr = octave::to_f77_int (m.rows ());
  F77_INT nc = octave::to_f77_int (m.cols ());

  F77_XFCN (zgemv, ZGEMV, (F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ("N", 1),
                           nr, nc, 1.0, F77_CONST_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG ( ()),
                           F77_CONST_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (x), 1, 0.0,
                           F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (y), 1
                           F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN (1)));

  return true;

static bool
make_cholb (Matrix& b, Matrix& bt, ColumnVector& permB)
  octave_idx_type info;
  octave::math::chol<Matrix> fact (b, info);
  octave_idx_type n = b.cols ();

  if (info != 0)
    return false;
      bt = fact.chol_matrix (); // upper triangular
      b = bt.transpose ();
      permB = ColumnVector (n);
      for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
        permB(i) = i;
      return true;

static bool
make_cholb (SparseMatrix& b, SparseMatrix& bt, ColumnVector& permB)
  octave_idx_type info;
  octave::math::sparse_chol<SparseMatrix> fact (b, info, false);

  if (info != 0)
    return false;
      b = fact.L (); // lower triangular
      bt = b.transpose ();
      permB = fact.perm () - 1.0;
      return true;

static bool
make_cholb (ComplexMatrix& b, ComplexMatrix& bt, ColumnVector& permB)
  octave_idx_type info;
  octave::math::chol<ComplexMatrix> fact (b, info);
  octave_idx_type n = b.cols ();

  if (info != 0)
    return false;
      bt = fact.chol_matrix (); // upper triangular
      b = bt.hermitian ();
      permB = ColumnVector (n);
      for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
        permB(i) = i;
      return true;

static bool
make_cholb (SparseComplexMatrix& b, SparseComplexMatrix& bt,
            ColumnVector& permB)
  octave_idx_type info;
  octave::math::sparse_chol<SparseComplexMatrix> fact (b, info, false);

  if (info != 0)
    return false;
      b = fact.L (); // lower triangular
      bt = b.hermitian ();
      permB = fact.perm () - 1.0;
      return true;

static bool
LuAminusSigmaB (const SparseMatrix& m, const SparseMatrix& b,
                bool cholB, const ColumnVector& permB, double sigma,
                SparseMatrix& L, SparseMatrix& U, octave_idx_type *P,
                octave_idx_type *Q, ColumnVector& r)
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  octave_idx_type n = m.rows ();

  // Calculate LU decomposition of 'M = A - sigma * B'
  // P * (R \ M) * Q = L * U
  SparseMatrix AminusSigmaB (m);

  if (sigma != 0.0)
      if (have_b)
          if (cholB)
              if (permB.numel ())
                  SparseMatrix tmp (n, n, n);
                  for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
                      tmp.xcidx (i) = i;
                      tmp.xridx (i) = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (permB(i));
                      tmp.xdata (i) = 1;
                  tmp.xcidx (n) = n;

                  AminusSigmaB -= sigma * tmp *
                                  b.transpose () * b * tmp.transpose ();
                AminusSigmaB -= sigma * b.transpose () * b;
            AminusSigmaB -= sigma * b;
          SparseMatrix sigmat (n, n, n);

          // Create sigma * speye (n,n)
          sigmat.xcidx (0) = 0;
          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
              sigmat.xdata (i) = sigma;
              sigmat.xridx (i) = i;
              sigmat.xcidx (i+1) = i + 1;

          AminusSigmaB -= sigmat;

  octave::math::sparse_lu<SparseMatrix> fact (AminusSigmaB, Matrix (), true);

  L = fact.L ();
  U = fact.U ();
  SparseMatrix R = fact.R ();
  for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
    r(i) = R.xdata(i);

  const octave_idx_type *P2 = fact.row_perm ();
  const octave_idx_type *Q2 = fact.col_perm ();

  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < n; j++)
      P[j] = P2[j];
      Q[j] = Q2[j];

  // Test condition number of LU decomposition
  double minU = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
  double maxU = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < n; j++)
      double d = 0.;
      if (U.xcidx (j+1) > U.xcidx (j)
          && U.xridx (U.xcidx (j+1)-1) == j)
        d = std::abs (U.xdata (U.xcidx (j+1)-1));

      if (octave::math::isnan (minU) || d < minU)
        minU = d;

      if (octave::math::isnan (maxU) || d > maxU)
        maxU = d;

  double rcond = (minU / maxU);
  volatile double rcond_plus_one = rcond + 1.0;

  if (rcond_plus_one == 1.0 || octave::math::isnan (rcond))
    warn_convergence ();

  return true;

static bool
LuAminusSigmaB (const Matrix& m, const Matrix& b,
                bool cholB, const ColumnVector& permB, double sigma,
                Matrix& L, Matrix& U, octave_idx_type *P, octave_idx_type *Q,
                ColumnVector& r)
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  octave_idx_type n = m.cols ();

  // Calculate LU decomposition of 'M = A - sigma * B'
  // P * M = L * U
  Matrix AminusSigmaB (m);

  if (sigma != 0.0)
      if (have_b)
          if (cholB)
              Matrix tmp = sigma * b.transpose () * b;
              const double *pB = ();
              double *p = AminusSigmaB.fortran_vec ();

              if (permB.numel ())
                  for (octave_idx_type j = 0;
                       j < b.cols (); j++)
                    for (octave_idx_type i = 0;
                         i < b.rows (); i++)
                      *p++ -= tmp.xelem (static_cast<octave_idx_type> (pB[i]),
                                         static_cast<octave_idx_type> (pB[j]));
                AminusSigmaB -= tmp;
            AminusSigmaB -= sigma * b;
          double *p = AminusSigmaB.fortran_vec ();

          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
            p[i*(n+1)] -= sigma;

  octave::math::lu<Matrix> fact (AminusSigmaB);

  L = fact.L ();
  U = fact.U ();
  ColumnVector P2 = fact.P_vec();

  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < n; j++)
      Q[j] = j;
      P[j] = P2(j) - 1;
      r(j) = 1.;

  // Test condition number of LU decomposition
  double minU = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
  double maxU = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < n; j++)
      double d = std::abs (U.xelem (j, j));
      if (octave::math::isnan (minU) || d < minU)
        minU = d;

      if (octave::math::isnan (maxU) || d > maxU)
        maxU = d;

  double rcond = (minU / maxU);
  volatile double rcond_plus_one = rcond + 1.0;

  if (rcond_plus_one == 1.0 || octave::math::isnan (rcond))
    warn_convergence ();

  return true;

static bool
LuAminusSigmaB (const SparseComplexMatrix& m, const SparseComplexMatrix& b,
                bool cholB, const ColumnVector& permB, Complex sigma,
                SparseComplexMatrix& L, SparseComplexMatrix& U,
                octave_idx_type *P, octave_idx_type *Q, ColumnVector& r)
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  octave_idx_type n = m.rows ();

  // Calculate LU decomposition of 'M = A - sigma * B'
  // P * (R \ M) * Q = L * U
  SparseComplexMatrix AminusSigmaB (m);

  if (std::real (sigma) != 0.0 || std::imag (sigma) != 0.0)
      if (have_b)
          if (cholB)
              if (permB.numel ())
                  SparseMatrix tmp (n, n, n);
                  for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
                      tmp.xcidx (i) = i;
                      tmp.xridx (i) = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (permB(i));
                      tmp.xdata (i) = 1;
                  tmp.xcidx (n) = n;

                  AminusSigmaB -= tmp * b.hermitian () * b *
                                  tmp.transpose () * sigma;
                AminusSigmaB -= sigma * b.hermitian () * b;
            AminusSigmaB -= sigma * b;
          SparseComplexMatrix sigmat (n, n, n);

          // Create sigma * speye (n,n)
          sigmat.xcidx (0) = 0;
          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
              sigmat.xdata (i) = sigma;
              sigmat.xridx (i) = i;
              sigmat.xcidx (i+1) = i + 1;

          AminusSigmaB -= sigmat;

  octave::math::sparse_lu<SparseComplexMatrix> fact (AminusSigmaB, Matrix(),

  L = fact.L ();
  U = fact.U ();
  SparseMatrix R = fact.R ();
  for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
    r(i) = R.xdata(i);

  const octave_idx_type *P2 = fact.row_perm ();
  const octave_idx_type *Q2 = fact.col_perm ();

  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < n; j++)
      P[j] = P2[j];
      Q[j] = Q2[j];

  // Test condition number of LU decomposition
  double minU = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
  double maxU = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < n; j++)
      double d = 0.;
      if (U.xcidx (j+1) > U.xcidx (j)
          && U.xridx (U.xcidx (j+1)-1) == j)
        d = std::abs (U.xdata (U.xcidx (j+1)-1));

      if (octave::math::isnan (minU) || d < minU)
        minU = d;

      if (octave::math::isnan (maxU) || d > maxU)
        maxU = d;

  double rcond = (minU / maxU);
  volatile double rcond_plus_one = rcond + 1.0;

  if (rcond_plus_one == 1.0 || octave::math::isnan (rcond))
    warn_convergence ();

  return true;

static bool
LuAminusSigmaB (const ComplexMatrix& m, const ComplexMatrix& b,
                bool cholB, const ColumnVector& permB, Complex sigma,
                ComplexMatrix& L, ComplexMatrix& U, octave_idx_type *P,
                octave_idx_type *Q, ColumnVector& r)
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  octave_idx_type n = m.cols ();

  // Calculate LU decomposition of 'M = A - sigma * B'
  // P * M = L * U
  ComplexMatrix AminusSigmaB (m);

  if (std::real (sigma) != 0.0 || std::imag (sigma) != 0.0)
      if (have_b)
          if (cholB)
              ComplexMatrix tmp = sigma * b.hermitian () * b;
              const double *pB = ();
              Complex *p = AminusSigmaB.fortran_vec ();

              if (permB.numel ())
                  for (octave_idx_type j = 0;
                       j < b.cols (); j++)
                    for (octave_idx_type i = 0;
                         i < b.rows (); i++)
                      *p++ -= tmp.xelem (static_cast<octave_idx_type> (pB[i]),
                                         static_cast<octave_idx_type> (pB[j]));
                AminusSigmaB -= tmp;
            AminusSigmaB -= sigma * b;
          Complex *p = AminusSigmaB.fortran_vec ();

          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < n; i++)
            p[i*(n+1)] -= sigma;

  octave::math::lu<ComplexMatrix> fact (AminusSigmaB);

  L = fact.L ();
  U = fact.U ();
  ColumnVector P2 = fact.P_vec ();

  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < n; j++)
      Q[j] = j;
      P[j] = P2(j) - 1;
      r(j) = 1.;

  // Test condition number of LU decomposition
  double minU = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
  double maxU = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
  for (octave_idx_type j = 0; j < n; j++)
      double d = std::abs (U.xelem (j, j));
      if (octave::math::isnan (minU) || d < minU)
        minU = d;

      if (octave::math::isnan (maxU) || d > maxU)
        maxU = d;

  double rcond = (minU / maxU);
  volatile double rcond_plus_one = rcond + 1.0;

  if (rcond_plus_one == 1.0 || octave::math::isnan (rcond))
    warn_convergence ();

  return true;

template <typename M>
EigsRealSymmetricMatrix (const M& m, const std::string typ,
                         octave_idx_type k_arg, octave_idx_type p_arg,
                         octave_idx_type& info, Matrix& eig_vec,
                         ColumnVector& eig_val, const M& _b,
                         ColumnVector& permB, ColumnVector& resid,
                         std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
                         bool cholB, int disp, int maxit)
  F77_INT k = octave::to_f77_int (k_arg);
  F77_INT p = octave::to_f77_int (p_arg);
  M b(_b);
  F77_INT n = octave::to_f77_int (m.cols ());
  F77_INT mode = 1;
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  bool note3 = false;
  char bmat = 'I';
  double sigma = 0.;
  M bt;

  if (m.rows () != m.cols ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: A must be square");
  if (have_b && (m.rows () != b.rows () || m.rows () != b.cols ()))
      ("eigs: B must be square and the same size as A");

  if (resid.isempty ())
      std::string rand_dist = octave::rand::distribution ();
      octave::rand::distribution ("uniform");
      resid = ColumnVector (octave::rand::vector (n));
      octave::rand::distribution (rand_dist);
  else if (m.cols () != resid.numel ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: opts.v0 must be n-by-1");

  if (n < 3)
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: n must be at least 3");

  if (p < 0)
      p = k * 2;

      if (p < 20)
        p = 20;

      if (p > n)
        p = n;

  if (k < 1 || k > n - 2)
      ("eigs: Invalid number of eigenvalues to extract"
       " (must be 0 < k < n-1-1).\n"
       "      Use 'eig (full (A))' instead");

  if (p <= k || p > n)
      ("eigs: opts.p must be greater than k and less than or equal to n");

  if (have_b && cholB && ! permB.isempty ())
      // Check the we really have a permutation vector
      if (permB.numel () != n)
        (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

      Array<bool> checked (dim_vector (n, 1), false);
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
          octave_idx_type bidx = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (permB(i));

          if (checked(bidx) || bidx < 0 || bidx >= n
              || octave::math::x_nint (bidx) != bidx)
            (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

  if (typ != "LM" && typ != "SM" && typ != "LA" && typ != "SA"
      && typ != "BE" && typ != "LR" && typ != "SR" && typ != "LI"
      && typ != "SI")
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: unrecognized sigma value");

  if (typ == "LI" || typ == "SI" || typ == "LR" || typ == "SR")
      ("eigs: invalid sigma value for real symmetric problem");

  if (have_b)
      // See Note 3 dsaupd
      note3 = true;
      if (cholB)
          bt = b;
          b = b.transpose ();
          if (permB.isempty ())
              permB = ColumnVector (n);
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                permB(i) = i;
          if (! make_cholb (b, bt, permB))
              ("eigs: The matrix B is not positive definite");

  Array<F77_INT> ip (dim_vector (11, 1));
  F77_INT *iparam = ip.fortran_vec ();

  ip(0) = 1; //ishift
  ip(1) = 0;   // ip(1) not referenced
  ip(2) = maxit; // mxiter, maximum number of iterations
  ip(3) = 1; // NB blocksize in recurrence
  ip(4) = 0; // nconv, number of Ritz values that satisfy convergence
  ip(5) = 0; //ip(5) not referenced
  ip(6) = mode; // mode
  ip(7) = 0;
  ip(8) = 0;
  ip(9) = 0;
  ip(10) = 0;
  // ip(7) to ip(10) return values

  Array<F77_INT> iptr (dim_vector (14, 1));
  F77_INT *ipntr = iptr.fortran_vec ();

  F77_INT ido = 0;
  int iter = 0;
  F77_INT lwork = p * (p + 8);

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, v, n * p);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workl, lwork);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workd, 3 * n);
  double *presid = resid.fortran_vec ();

      F77_INT tmp_info = octave::to_f77_int (info);

      F77_FUNC (dsaupd, DSAUPD)
      (ido, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
       F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
       k, tol, presid, p, v, n, iparam,
       ipntr, workd, workl, lwork, tmp_info
       F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(2));

      info = tmp_info;

      if (disp > 0 && ! octave::math::isnan (workl[iptr (5)-1]))
          if (iter++)
              os << "Iteration " << iter - 1 <<
                 ": a few Ritz values of the " << p << "-by-" <<
                 p << " matrix\n";
              if (ido == 99) // convergence
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";
                  // the wanted Ritz estimates are at the end
                  for (F77_INT i = p - k; i < p; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";

          // This is a kludge, as ARPACK doesn't give its
          // iteration pointer.  But as workl[iptr(5)-1] is
          // an output value updated at each iteration, setting
          // a value in this array to NaN and testing for it
          // is a way of obtaining the iteration counter.
          if (ido != 99)
            workl[iptr(5)-1] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();

      if (ido == -1 || ido == 1 || ido == 2)
          if (have_b)
              Matrix mtmp (n, 1);
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                mtmp(i, 0) = workd[i + iptr(0) - 1];

              mtmp = ltsolve (b, permB, m * utsolve (bt, permB, mtmp));

              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                workd[i+iptr(1)-1] = mtmp(i, 0);
          else if (! vector_product (m, workd + iptr(0) - 1,
                                     workd + iptr(1) - 1))
          if (info < 0)
              ("eigs: error in dsaupd: %s",
               arpack_errno2str (info, "dsaupd").c_str ());

  while (1);

  F77_INT info2;

  // We have a problem in that the size of the C++ bool
  // type relative to the fortran logical type.  It appears
  // that fortran uses 4- or 8-bytes per logical and C++ 1-byte
  // per bool, though this might be system dependent.  As
  // long as the HOWMNY arg is not "S", the logical array
  // is just workspace for ARPACK, so use int type to
  // avoid problems.
  Array<F77_INT> s (dim_vector (p, 1));
  F77_INT *sel = s.fortran_vec ();

  eig_vec.resize (n, k);
  double *z = eig_vec.fortran_vec ();

  eig_val.resize (k);
  double *d = eig_val.fortran_vec ();

  F77_FUNC (dseupd, DSEUPD)
  (rvec, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ("A", 1), sel, d, z, n, sigma,
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2), k, tol, presid, p, v, n, iparam,
   ipntr, workd, workl, lwork, info2 F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1)

  if (info2 == 0)
      for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
        d[i] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
      F77_INT k2 = ip(4) / 2;
      if (typ != "SM" && typ != "BE" && ! (typ == "SA" && rvec))
          for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
              double dtmp = d[i];
              d[i] = d[ip(4) - i - 1];
              d[ip(4) - i - 1] = dtmp;

      if (rvec)
          for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off1 + j] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
          if (typ != "SM" && typ != "BE" && typ != "SA")
              OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dtmp, n);

              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
                  F77_INT off1 = i * n;
                  F77_INT off2 = (ip(4) - i - 1) * n;

                  if (off1 == off2)

                  for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    dtmp[j] = z[off1 + j];

                  for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    z[off1 + j] = z[off2 + j];

                  for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    z[off2 + j] = dtmp[j];

          if (note3)
            eig_vec = utsolve (bt, permB, eig_vec);
      ("eigs: error in dseupd: %s",
       arpack_errno2str (info2, "dseupd").c_str ());

  return ip(4);

template <typename M>
EigsRealSymmetricMatrixShift (const M& m, double sigma,
                              octave_idx_type k_arg, octave_idx_type p_arg,
                              octave_idx_type& info, Matrix& eig_vec,
                              ColumnVector& eig_val, const M& _b,
                              ColumnVector& permB, ColumnVector& resid,
                              std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
                              bool cholB, int disp, int maxit)
  F77_INT k = octave::to_f77_int (k_arg);
  F77_INT p = octave::to_f77_int (p_arg);
  M b(_b);
  F77_INT n = octave::to_f77_int (m.cols ());
  F77_INT mode = 3;
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  std::string typ = "LM";

  if (m.rows () != m.cols ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: A must be square");
  if (have_b && (m.rows () != b.rows () || m.rows () != b.cols ()))
      ("eigs: B must be square and the same size as A");

  // FIXME: The "SM" type for mode 1 seems unstable though faster!!
  //if (! std::abs (sigma))
  //  return EigsRealSymmetricMatrix (m, "SM", k, p, info, eig_vec, eig_val,
  //                                _b, permB, resid, os, tol, rvec, cholB,
  //                                disp, maxit);

  if (resid.isempty ())
      std::string rand_dist = octave::rand::distribution ();
      octave::rand::distribution ("uniform");
      resid = ColumnVector (octave::rand::vector (n));
      octave::rand::distribution (rand_dist);
  else if (m.cols () != resid.numel ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: opts.v0 must be n-by-1");

  if (n < 3)
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: n must be at least 3");

  if (k <= 0 || k >= n - 1)
      ("eigs: Invalid number of eigenvalues to extract"
       " (must be 0 < k < n-1-1).\n"
       "      Use 'eig (full (A))' instead");

  if (p < 0)
      p = k * 2;

      if (p < 20)
        p = 20;

      if (p > n)
        p = n;

  if (p <= k || p > n)
      ("eigs: opts.p must be greater than k and less than or equal to n");

  if (have_b && cholB && ! permB.isempty ())
      // Check the we really have a permutation vector
      if (permB.numel () != n)
        (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

      Array<bool> checked (dim_vector (n, 1), false);
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
          octave_idx_type bidx = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (permB(i));

          if (checked(bidx) || bidx < 0 || bidx >= n
              || octave::math::x_nint (bidx) != bidx)
            (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

  char bmat = 'I';
  if (have_b)
    bmat = 'G';

  Array<F77_INT> ip (dim_vector (11, 1));
  F77_INT *iparam = ip.fortran_vec ();

  ip(0) = 1; //ishift
  ip(1) = 0;   // ip(1) not referenced
  ip(2) = maxit; // mxiter, maximum number of iterations
  ip(3) = 1; // NB blocksize in recurrence
  ip(4) = 0; // nconv, number of Ritz values that satisfy convergence
  ip(5) = 0; //ip(5) not referenced
  ip(6) = mode; // mode
  ip(7) = 0;
  ip(8) = 0;
  ip(9) = 0;
  ip(10) = 0;
  // ip(7) to ip(10) return values

  Array<F77_INT> iptr (dim_vector (14, 1));
  F77_INT *ipntr = iptr.fortran_vec ();

  F77_INT ido = 0;
  int iter = 0;
  M L, U;
  ColumnVector r(n);

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, P, (have_b ? b.rows () : m.rows ()));
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, Q, (have_b ? b.cols () : m.cols ()));

  if (! LuAminusSigmaB (m, b, cholB, permB, sigma, L, U, P, Q, r))
    return -1;

  F77_INT lwork = p * (p + 8);

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, v, n * p);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workl, lwork);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workd, 3 * n);
  double *presid = resid.fortran_vec ();

      F77_INT tmp_info = octave::to_f77_int (info);

      F77_FUNC (dsaupd, DSAUPD)
      (ido, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
       F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
       k, tol, presid, p, v, n, iparam,
       ipntr, workd, workl, lwork, tmp_info
       F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(2));
      info = tmp_info;

      if (disp > 0 && ! octave::math::isnan (workl[iptr (5)-1]))
          if (iter++)
              os << "Iteration " << iter - 1 <<
                 ": a few Ritz values of the " << p << "-by-" <<
                 p << " matrix\n";
              if (ido == 99) // convergence
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";
                  // the wanted Ritz estimates are at the end
                  for (F77_INT i = p - k; i < p; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";

          // This is a kludge, as ARPACK doesn't give its
          // iteration pointer.  But as workl[iptr(5)-1] is
          // an output value updated at each iteration, setting
          // a value in this array to NaN and testing for it
          // is a way of obtaining the iteration counter.
          if (ido != 99)
            workl[iptr(5)-1] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();

      if (ido == -1 || ido == 1 || ido == 2)
          if (have_b)
              if (ido == -1)
                  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dtmp, n);

                  vector_product (b, workd+iptr(0)-1, dtmp);

                  Matrix tmp (n, 1);

                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    tmp(i, 0) = dtmp[P[i]] / r(P[i]);

                  lusolve (L, U, tmp);

                  double *ip2 = workd+iptr(1)-1;
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    ip2[Q[i]] = tmp(i, 0);
              else if (ido == 2)
                vector_product (b, workd+iptr(0)-1, workd+iptr(1)-1);
                  double *ip2 = workd+iptr(2)-1;
                  Matrix tmp (n, 1);

                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    tmp(i, 0) = ip2[P[i]] / r(P[i]);

                  lusolve (L, U, tmp);

                  ip2 = workd+iptr(1)-1;
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    ip2[Q[i]] = tmp(i, 0);
              // ido cannot be 2 for non-generalized problems (see dsaupd2).
              double *ip2 = workd+iptr(0)-1;
              Matrix tmp (n, 1);

              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                tmp(i, 0) = ip2[P[i]] / r(P[i]);

              lusolve (L, U, tmp);

              ip2 = workd+iptr(1)-1;
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                ip2[Q[i]] = tmp(i, 0);
          if (info < 0)
              ("eigs: error in dsaupd: %s",
               arpack_errno2str (info, "dsaupd").c_str ());

  while (1);

  F77_INT info2;

  // We have a problem in that the size of the C++ bool
  // type relative to the fortran logical type.  It appears
  // that fortran uses 4- or 8-bytes per logical and C++ 1-byte
  // per bool, though this might be system dependent.  As
  // long as the HOWMNY arg is not "S", the logical array
  // is just workspace for ARPACK, so use int type to
  // avoid problems.
  Array<F77_INT> s (dim_vector (p, 1));
  F77_INT *sel = s.fortran_vec ();

  eig_vec.resize (n, k);
  double *z = eig_vec.fortran_vec ();

  eig_val.resize (k);
  double *d = eig_val.fortran_vec ();

  F77_FUNC (dseupd, DSEUPD)
  (rvec, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ("A", 1), sel, d, z, n, sigma,
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
   k, tol, presid, p, v, n, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lwork, info2

  if (info2 == 0)
      for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
        d[i] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
      F77_INT k2 = ip(4) / 2;
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
          double dtmp = d[i];
          d[i] = d[ip(4) - i - 1];
          d[ip(4) - i - 1] = dtmp;

      if (rvec)
          OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dtmp, n);

          for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off1 + j] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
          for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              F77_INT off2 = (ip(4) - i - 1) * n;

              if (off1 == off2)

              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                dtmp[j] = z[off1 + j];

              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off1 + j] = z[off2 + j];

              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off2 + j] = dtmp[j];
      ("eigs: error in dseupd: %s",
       arpack_errno2str (info2, "dseupd").c_str ());

  return ip(4);

template <typename M>
EigsRealSymmetricFunc (EigsFunc fun, octave_idx_type n_arg,
                       const std::string& _typ, double sigma,
                       octave_idx_type k_arg, octave_idx_type p_arg,
                       octave_idx_type& info, Matrix& eig_vec,
                       ColumnVector& eig_val, const M& _b,
                       ColumnVector& permB, ColumnVector& resid,
                       std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
                       bool cholB, int disp, int maxit)
  F77_INT n = octave::to_f77_int (n_arg);
  F77_INT k = octave::to_f77_int (k_arg);
  F77_INT p = octave::to_f77_int (p_arg);
  M b(_b);
  std::string typ (_typ);
  bool have_sigma = (sigma ? true : false);
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  bool note3 = false;
  char bmat = 'I';
  F77_INT mode = 1;
  int err = 0;
  M bt;

  if (resid.isempty ())
      std::string rand_dist = octave::rand::distribution ();
      octave::rand::distribution ("uniform");
      resid = ColumnVector (octave::rand::vector (n));
      octave::rand::distribution (rand_dist);
  else if (n != resid.numel ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: opts.v0 must be n-by-1");

  if (n < 3)
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: n must be at least 3");

  if (p < 0)
      p = k * 2;

      if (p < 20)
        p = 20;

      if (p > n)
        p = n;

  if (k <= 0 || k >= n - 1)
      ("eigs: Invalid number of eigenvalues to extract"
       " (must be 0 < k < n-1).\n"
       "      Use 'eig (full (A))' instead");

  if (p <= k || p > n)
      ("eigs: opts.p must be greater than k and less than or equal to n");

  if (have_b && cholB && ! permB.isempty ())
      // Check the we really have a permutation vector
      if (permB.numel () != n)
        (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

      Array<bool> checked (dim_vector (n, 1), false);
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
          octave_idx_type bidx = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (permB(i));

          if (checked(bidx) || bidx < 0 || bidx >= n
              || octave::math::x_nint (bidx) != bidx)
            (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

  if (! have_sigma)
      if (typ != "LM" && typ != "SM" && typ != "LA" && typ != "SA"
          && typ != "BE" && typ != "LR" && typ != "SR" && typ != "LI"
          && typ != "SI")
        (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: unrecognized sigma value");

      if (typ == "LI" || typ == "SI" || typ == "LR" || typ == "SR")
          ("eigs: invalid sigma value for real symmetric problem");

      if (typ != "SM" && have_b)
        note3 = true;

      if (typ == "SM")
          typ = "LM";
          sigma = 0.;
          mode = 3;
          if (have_b)
            bmat = 'G';
  else if (! std::abs (sigma))
      typ = "SM";
      if (have_b)
        bmat = 'G';
      typ = "LM";
      mode = 3;
      if (have_b)
        bmat = 'G';

  if (mode == 1 && have_b)
      // See Note 3 dsaupd
      note3 = true;
      if (cholB)
          bt = b;
          b = b.transpose ();
          if (permB.isempty ())
              permB = ColumnVector (n);
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                permB(i) = i;
          if (! make_cholb (b, bt, permB))
              ("eigs: The matrix B is not positive definite");

  Array<F77_INT> ip (dim_vector (11, 1));
  F77_INT *iparam = ip.fortran_vec ();

  ip(0) = 1; //ishift
  ip(1) = 0;   // ip(1) not referenced
  ip(2) = maxit; // mxiter, maximum number of iterations
  ip(3) = 1; // NB blocksize in recurrence
  ip(4) = 0; // nconv, number of Ritz values that satisfy convergence
  ip(5) = 0; //ip(5) not referenced
  ip(6) = mode; // mode
  ip(7) = 0;
  ip(8) = 0;
  ip(9) = 0;
  ip(10) = 0;
  // ip(7) to ip(10) return values

  Array<F77_INT> iptr (dim_vector (14, 1));
  F77_INT *ipntr = iptr.fortran_vec ();

  F77_INT ido = 0;
  int iter = 0;
  F77_INT lwork = p * (p + 8);

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, v, n * p);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workl, lwork);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workd, 3 * n);
  double *presid = resid.fortran_vec ();

      F77_INT tmp_info = octave::to_f77_int (info);

      F77_FUNC (dsaupd, DSAUPD)
      (ido, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
       F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
       k, tol, presid, p, v, n, iparam,
       ipntr, workd, workl, lwork, tmp_info
       F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(2));

      info = tmp_info;

      if (disp > 0 && ! octave::math::isnan (workl[iptr (5)-1]))
          if (iter++)
              os << "Iteration " << iter - 1 <<
                 ": a few Ritz values of the " << p << "-by-" <<
                 p << " matrix\n";
              if (ido == 99) // convergence
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";
                  // the wanted Ritz estimates are at the end
                  for (F77_INT i = p - k; i < p; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";

          // This is a kludge, as ARPACK doesn't give its
          // iteration pointer.  But as workl[iptr(5)-1] is
          // an output value updated at each iteration, setting
          // a value in this array to NaN and testing for it
          // is a way of obtaining the iteration counter.
          if (ido != 99)
            workl[iptr(5)-1] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();

      if (ido == -1 || ido == 1 || ido == 2)
          if (have_b)
              if (mode == 1) // regular mode with factorized B
                  Matrix mtmp (n, 1);
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    mtmp(i, 0) = workd[i + iptr(0) - 1];

                  mtmp = utsolve (bt, permB, mtmp);
                  ColumnVector y = fun (mtmp, err);

                  if (err)
                    return false;

                  mtmp = ltsolve (b, permB, y);

                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    workd[i+iptr(1)-1] = mtmp(i, 0);
              else // shift-invert mode
                  if (ido == -1)
                      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dtmp, n);

                      vector_product (b, workd+iptr(0)-1, dtmp);

                      ColumnVector x(n);

                      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        x(i) = dtmp[i];

                      ColumnVector y = fun (x, err);

                      if (err)
                        return false;

                      double *ip2 = workd + iptr(1) - 1;
                      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        ip2[i] = y(i);
                  else if (ido == 2)
                    vector_product (b, workd+iptr(0)-1, workd+iptr(1)-1);
                      double *ip2 = workd+iptr(2)-1;
                      ColumnVector x(n);

                      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        x(i) = *ip2++;

                      ColumnVector y = fun (x, err);

                      if (err)
                        return false;

                      ip2 = workd + iptr(1) - 1;
                      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        *ip2++ = y(i);
              double *ip2 = workd + iptr(0) - 1;
              ColumnVector x(n);

              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                x(i) = *ip2++;

              ColumnVector y = fun (x, err);

              if (err)
                return false;

              ip2 = workd + iptr(1) - 1;
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                *ip2++ = y(i);
          if (info < 0)
              ("eigs: error in dsaupd: %s",
               arpack_errno2str (info, "dsaupd").c_str ());

  while (1);

  F77_INT info2;

  // We have a problem in that the size of the C++ bool
  // type relative to the fortran logical type.  It appears
  // that fortran uses 4- or 8-bytes per logical and C++ 1-byte
  // per bool, though this might be system dependent.  As
  // long as the HOWMNY arg is not "S", the logical array
  // is just workspace for ARPACK, so use int type to
  // avoid problems.
  Array<F77_INT> s (dim_vector (p, 1));
  F77_INT *sel = s.fortran_vec ();

  eig_vec.resize (n, k);
  double *z = eig_vec.fortran_vec ();

  eig_val.resize (k);
  double *d = eig_val.fortran_vec ();

  F77_FUNC (dseupd, DSEUPD)
  (rvec, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ("A", 1), sel, d, z, n, sigma,
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
   k, tol, presid, p, v, n, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lwork, info2

  if (info2 == 0)
      for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
        d[i] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
      F77_INT k2 = ip(4) / 2;
      if (mode == 3 || (mode == 1 && typ != "SM" && typ != "BE"))
          for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
              double dtmp = d[i];
              d[i] = d[ip(4) - i - 1];
              d[ip(4) - i - 1] = dtmp;

      if (rvec)
          for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off1 + j] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();
          if (mode == 3 || (mode == 1 && typ != "SM" && typ != "BE"))
              OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dtmp, n);

              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
                  F77_INT off1 = i * n;
                  F77_INT off2 = (ip(4) - i - 1) * n;

                  if (off1 == off2)

                  for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    dtmp[j] = z[off1 + j];

                  for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    z[off1 + j] = z[off2 + j];

                  for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    z[off2 + j] = dtmp[j];
          if (note3)
            eig_vec = utsolve (bt, permB, eig_vec);
      ("eigs: error in dseupd: %s",
       arpack_errno2str (info2, "dseupd").c_str ());

  return ip(4);

template <typename M>
EigsRealNonSymmetricMatrix (const M& m, const std::string typ,
                            octave_idx_type k_arg, octave_idx_type p_arg,
                            octave_idx_type& info, ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
                            ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const M& _b,
                            ColumnVector& permB, ColumnVector& resid,
                            std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
                            bool cholB, int disp, int maxit)
  F77_INT k = octave::to_f77_int (k_arg);
  F77_INT p = octave::to_f77_int (p_arg);
  M b(_b);
  F77_INT n = octave::to_f77_int (m.cols ());
  F77_INT mode = 1;
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  bool note3 = false;
  char bmat = 'I';
  double sigmar = 0.;
  double sigmai = 0.;
  M bt;

  if (m.rows () != m.cols ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: A must be square");
  if (have_b && (m.rows () != b.rows () || m.rows () != b.cols ()))
      ("eigs: B must be square and the same size as A");

  if (resid.isempty ())
      std::string rand_dist = octave::rand::distribution ();
      octave::rand::distribution ("uniform");
      resid = ColumnVector (octave::rand::vector (n));
      octave::rand::distribution (rand_dist);
  else if (m.cols () != resid.numel ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: opts.v0 must be n-by-1");

  if (n < 3)
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: n must be at least 3");

  if (p < 0)
      p = k * 2 + 1;

      if (p < 20)
        p = 20;

      if (p > n)
        p = n;

  if (k <= 0 || k >= n - 1)
      ("eigs: Invalid number of eigenvalues to extract"
       " (must be 0 < k < n-1).\n"
       "      Use 'eig (full (A))' instead");

  if (p <= k || p > n)
      ("eigs: opts.p must be greater than k and less than or equal to n");

  if (have_b && cholB && ! permB.isempty ())
      // Check the we really have a permutation vector
      if (permB.numel () != n)
        (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

      Array<bool> checked (dim_vector (n, 1), false);
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
          octave_idx_type bidx = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (permB(i));

          if (checked(bidx) || bidx < 0 || bidx >= n
              || octave::math::x_nint (bidx) != bidx)
            (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

  if (typ != "LM" && typ != "SM" && typ != "LA" && typ != "SA"
      && typ != "BE" && typ != "LR" && typ != "SR" && typ != "LI"
      && typ != "SI")
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: unrecognized sigma value");

  if (typ == "LA" || typ == "SA" || typ == "BE")
      ("eigs: invalid sigma value for unsymmetric problem");

  if (have_b)
      // See Note 3 dsaupd
      note3 = true;
      if (cholB)
          bt = b;
          b = b.transpose ();
          if (permB.isempty ())
              permB = ColumnVector (n);
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                permB(i) = i;
          if (! make_cholb (b, bt, permB))
              ("eigs: The matrix B is not positive definite");

  Array<F77_INT> ip (dim_vector (11, 1));
  F77_INT *iparam = ip.fortran_vec ();

  ip(0) = 1; //ishift
  ip(1) = 0;   // ip(1) not referenced
  ip(2) = maxit; // mxiter, maximum number of iterations
  ip(3) = 1; // NB blocksize in recurrence
  ip(4) = 0; // nconv, number of Ritz values that satisfy convergence
  ip(5) = 0; //ip(5) not referenced
  ip(6) = mode; // mode
  ip(7) = 0;
  ip(8) = 0;
  ip(9) = 0;
  ip(10) = 0;
  // ip(7) to ip(10) return values

  Array<F77_INT> iptr (dim_vector (14, 1));
  F77_INT *ipntr = iptr.fortran_vec ();

  F77_INT ido = 0;
  int iter = 0;
  F77_INT lwork = 3 * p * (p + 2);

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, v, n * (p + 1));
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workl, lwork + 1);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workd, 3 * n + 1);
  double *presid = resid.fortran_vec ();

      F77_INT tmp_info = octave::to_f77_int (info);

      // On exit, ip(4) <= k + 1 is the number of converged eigenvalues.
      // See dnaupd2.
      F77_FUNC (dnaupd, DNAUPD)
      (ido, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
       F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
       k, tol, presid, p, v, n, iparam,
       ipntr, workd, workl, lwork, tmp_info
       F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(2));
      // k is not changed

      info = tmp_info;

      if (disp > 0 && ! octave::math::isnan(workl[iptr(5)-1]))
          if (iter++)
              os << "Iteration " << iter - 1 <<
                 ": a few Ritz values of the " << p << "-by-" <<
                 p << " matrix\n";
              if (ido == 99) // convergence
                  os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+k] << "\n";
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";
                  // the wanted Ritz estimates are at the end
                  for (F77_INT i = p - k - 1; i < p; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";

          // This is a kludge, as ARPACK doesn't give its
          // iteration pointer.  But as workl[iptr(5)-1] is
          // an output value updated at each iteration, setting
          // a value in this array to NaN and testing for it
          // is a way of obtaining the iteration counter.
          if (ido != 99)
            workl[iptr(5)-1] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();

      if (ido == -1 || ido == 1 || ido == 2)
          if (have_b)
              Matrix mtmp (n, 1);
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                mtmp(i, 0) = workd[i + iptr(0) - 1];

              mtmp = ltsolve (b, permB, m * utsolve (bt, permB, mtmp));

              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                workd[i+iptr(1)-1] = mtmp(i, 0);
          else if (! vector_product (m, workd + iptr(0) - 1,
                                     workd + iptr(1) - 1))
          if (info < 0)
              ("eigs: error in dnaupd: %s",
               arpack_errno2str (info, "dnaupd").c_str ());

  while (1);

  F77_INT info2;

  // We have a problem in that the size of the C++ bool
  // type relative to the fortran logical type.  It appears
  // that fortran uses 4- or 8-bytes per logical and C++ 1-byte
  // per bool, though this might be system dependent.  As
  // long as the HOWMNY arg is not "S", the logical array
  // is just workspace for ARPACK, so use int type to
  // avoid problems.
  Array<F77_INT> s (dim_vector (p, 1));
  F77_INT *sel = s.fortran_vec ();

  // FIXME: initialize eig_vec2 to zero; apparently dneupd can skip
  // the assignment to elements of Z that represent imaginary parts.
  // Found with valgrind and
  //   A = [1,0,0,-1;0,1,0,0;0,0,1,0;0,0,2,1];
  //   [vecs, vals, f] = eigs (A, 1)

  Matrix eig_vec2 (n, k + 1, 0.0);
  double *z = eig_vec2.fortran_vec ();

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dr, k + 1);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, di, k + 1);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workev, 3 * p);
  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k+1; i++)
    dr[i] = di[i] = 0.;

  F77_INT k0 = k;  // original number of eigenvalues required
  F77_FUNC (dneupd, DNEUPD)
  (rvec, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ("A", 1), sel, dr, di, z, n, sigmar,
   sigmai, workev,  F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2), k, tol, presid, p, v, n, iparam,
   ipntr, workd, workl, lwork, info2 F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1)
  // on exit, if (and only if) rvec == true, k may have been increased by one
  // and be equal to ip(4), see dngets.

  if (! rvec && ip(4) > k)
    k = ip(4);

  eig_val.resize (k);
  Complex *d = eig_val.fortran_vec ();

  if (info2 == 0)
      bool have_cplx_eig = false;
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < ip(4); i++)
          if (di[i] == 0)
            d[i] = Complex (dr[i], 0.);
              have_cplx_eig = true;
              d[i] = Complex (dr[i], di[i]);
      if (have_cplx_eig)
          for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
            d[i] = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (),
                            octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ());
          for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
            d[i] = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (), 0.);
      if (! rvec)
          // ARPACK seems to give the eigenvalues in reversed order
          F77_INT k2 = ip(4) / 2;
          for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
              Complex dtmp = d[i];
              d[i] = d[ip(4) - i - 1];
              d[ip(4) - i - 1] = dtmp;
          // When eigenvectors required, ARPACK seems to give the right order
          eig_vec.resize (n, k);
          F77_INT i = 0;
          while (i < ip(4))
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              F77_INT off2 = (i+1) * n;
              if (std::imag (eig_val(i)) == 0)
                  for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    eig_vec(j, i) = Complex (z[j+off1], 0.);
                  for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                      eig_vec(j, i) = Complex (z[j+off1], z[j+off2]);
                      if (i < ip(4) - 1)
                        eig_vec(j, i+1) = Complex (z[j+off1], -z[j+off2]);
          if (have_cplx_eig)
              for (F77_INT ii = ip(4); ii < k; ii++)
                for (F77_INT jj = 0; jj < n; jj++)
                  eig_vec(jj, ii)
                    = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (),
                               octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ());
              for (F77_INT ii = ip(4); ii < k; ii++)
                for (F77_INT jj = 0; jj < n; jj++)
                  eig_vec(jj, ii)
                    = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (), 0.);
          if (note3)
            eig_vec = utsolve (bt, permB, eig_vec);
      if (k0 < k)
          eig_val.resize (k0);
          eig_vec.resize (n, k0);
      ("eigs: error in dneupd: %s",
       arpack_errno2str (info2, "dneupd").c_str ());

  return ip(4);

template <typename M>
EigsRealNonSymmetricMatrixShift (const M& m, double sigmar,
                                 octave_idx_type k_arg, octave_idx_type p_arg,
                                 octave_idx_type& info,
                                 ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
                                 ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const M& _b,
                                 ColumnVector& permB, ColumnVector& resid,
                                 std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
                                 bool cholB, int disp, int maxit)
  F77_INT k = octave::to_f77_int (k_arg);
  F77_INT p = octave::to_f77_int (p_arg);
  M b(_b);
  F77_INT n = octave::to_f77_int (m.cols ());
  F77_INT mode = 3;
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  std::string typ = "LM";
  double sigmai = 0.;

  if (m.rows () != m.cols ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: A must be square");
  if (have_b && (m.rows () != b.rows () || m.rows () != b.cols ()))
      ("eigs: B must be square and the same size as A");

  // FIXME: The "SM" type for mode 1 seems unstable though faster!!
  //if (! std::abs (sigmar))
  //  return EigsRealNonSymmetricMatrix (m, "SM", k, p, info, eig_vec, eig_val,
  //                                   _b, permB, resid, os, tol, rvec, cholB,
  //                                   disp, maxit);

  if (resid.isempty ())
      std::string rand_dist = octave::rand::distribution ();
      octave::rand::distribution ("uniform");
      resid = ColumnVector (octave::rand::vector (n));
      octave::rand::distribution (rand_dist);
  else if (m.cols () != resid.numel ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: opts.v0 must be n-by-1");

  if (n < 3)
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: n must be at least 3");

  if (p < 0)
      p = k * 2 + 1;

      if (p < 20)
        p = 20;

      if (p > n)
        p = n;

  if (k <= 0 || k >= n - 1)
      ("eigs: Invalid number of eigenvalues to extract"
       " (must be 0 < k < n-1).\n"
       "      Use 'eig (full (A))' instead");

  if (p <= k || p > n)
      ("eigs: opts.p must be greater than k and less than or equal to n");

  if (have_b && cholB && ! permB.isempty ())
      // Check that we really have a permutation vector
      if (permB.numel () != n)
        (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

      Array<bool> checked (dim_vector (n, 1), false);
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
          octave_idx_type bidx = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (permB(i));

          if (checked(bidx) || bidx < 0 || bidx >= n
              || octave::math::x_nint (bidx) != bidx)
            (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

  char bmat = 'I';
  if (have_b)
    bmat = 'G';

  Array<F77_INT> ip (dim_vector (11, 1));
  F77_INT *iparam = ip.fortran_vec ();

  ip(0) = 1; //ishift
  ip(1) = 0;   // ip(1) not referenced
  ip(2) = maxit; // mxiter, maximum number of iterations
  ip(3) = 1; // NB blocksize in recurrence
  ip(4) = 0; // nconv, number of Ritz values that satisfy convergence
  ip(5) = 0; //ip(5) not referenced
  ip(6) = mode; // mode
  ip(7) = 0;
  ip(8) = 0;
  ip(9) = 0;
  ip(10) = 0;
  // ip(7) to ip(10) return values

  Array<F77_INT> iptr (dim_vector (14, 1));
  F77_INT *ipntr = iptr.fortran_vec ();

  F77_INT ido = 0;
  int iter = 0;
  M L, U;
  ColumnVector r(n);

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, P, (have_b ? b.rows () : m.rows ()));
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, Q, (have_b ? b.cols () : m.cols ()));

  if (! LuAminusSigmaB (m, b, cholB, permB, sigmar, L, U, P, Q, r))
    return -1;

  F77_INT lwork = 3 * p * (p + 2);

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, v, n * (p + 1));
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workl, lwork + 1);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workd, 3 * n + 1);
  double *presid = resid.fortran_vec ();

      F77_INT tmp_info = octave::to_f77_int (info);

      // On exit, ip(4) <= k + 1 is the number of converged eigenvalues.
      // See dnaupd2.
      F77_FUNC (dnaupd, DNAUPD)
      (ido, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
       F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
       k, tol, presid, p, v, n, iparam,
       ipntr, workd, workl, lwork, tmp_info
       F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(2));
      // k is not changed

      info = tmp_info;

      if (disp > 0 && ! octave::math::isnan (workl[iptr (5)-1]))
          if (iter++)
              os << "Iteration " << iter - 1 <<
                 ": a few Ritz values of the " << p << "-by-" <<
                 p << " matrix\n";
              if (ido == 99) // convergence
                  os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+k] << "\n";
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";
                  // the wanted Ritz estimates are at the end
                  for (F77_INT i = p - k - 1; i < p; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";

          // This is a kludge, as ARPACK doesn't give its
          // iteration pointer.  But as workl[iptr(5)-1] is
          // an output value updated at each iteration, setting
          // a value in this array to NaN and testing for it
          // is a way of obtaining the iteration counter.
          if (ido != 99)
            workl[iptr(5)-1] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();

      if (ido == -1 || ido == 1 || ido == 2)
          if (have_b)
              if (ido == -1)
                  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dtmp, n);

                  vector_product (b, workd+iptr(0)-1, dtmp);

                  Matrix tmp (n, 1);

                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    tmp(i, 0) = dtmp[P[i]] / r(P[i]);

                  lusolve (L, U, tmp);

                  double *ip2 = workd+iptr(1)-1;
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    ip2[Q[i]] = tmp(i, 0);
              else if (ido == 2)
                vector_product (b, workd+iptr(0)-1, workd+iptr(1)-1);
                  double *ip2 = workd+iptr(2)-1;
                  Matrix tmp (n, 1);

                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    tmp(i, 0) = ip2[P[i]] / r(P[i]);

                  lusolve (L, U, tmp);

                  ip2 = workd+iptr(1)-1;
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    ip2[Q[i]] = tmp(i, 0);
              // ido cannot be 2 for non-generalized problems (see dnaupd2).
              double *ip2 = workd+iptr(0)-1;
              Matrix tmp (n, 1);

              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                tmp(i, 0) = ip2[P[i]] / r(P[i]);

              lusolve (L, U, tmp);

              ip2 = workd+iptr(1)-1;
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                ip2[Q[i]] = tmp(i, 0);
          if (info < 0)
              ("eigs: error in dnaupd: %s",
               arpack_errno2str (info, "dnaupd").c_str ());

  while (1);

  F77_INT info2;

  // We have a problem in that the size of the C++ bool
  // type relative to the fortran logical type.  It appears
  // that fortran uses 4- or 8-bytes per logical and C++ 1-byte
  // per bool, though this might be system dependent.  As
  // long as the HOWMNY arg is not "S", the logical array
  // is just workspace for ARPACK, so use int type to
  // avoid problems.
  Array<F77_INT> s (dim_vector (p, 1));
  F77_INT *sel = s.fortran_vec ();

  // FIXME: initialize eig_vec2 to zero; apparently dneupd can skip
  // the assignment to elements of Z that represent imaginary parts.
  // Found with valgrind and
  //   A = [1,0,0,-1;0,1,0,0;0,0,1,0;0,0,2,1];
  //   [vecs, vals, f] = eigs (A, 1)

  Matrix eig_vec2 (n, k + 1, 0.0);
  double *z = eig_vec2.fortran_vec ();

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dr, k + 1);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, di, k + 1);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workev, 3 * p);
  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k+1; i++)
    dr[i] = di[i] = 0.;

  F77_INT k0 = k;  // original number of eigenvalues required
  F77_FUNC (dneupd, DNEUPD)
  (rvec, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ("A", 1), sel, dr, di, z, n, sigmar,
   sigmai, workev,  F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2), k, tol, presid, p, v, n, iparam,
   ipntr, workd, workl, lwork, info2 F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1)
  // On exit, if (and only if) rvec == true, k may have been increased by one
  // and be equal to ip(4), see dngets.

  if (! rvec && ip(4) > k)
    k = ip(4);

  eig_val.resize (k);
  Complex *d = eig_val.fortran_vec ();

  if (info2 == 0)
      bool have_cplx_eig = false;
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < ip(4); i++)
          if (di[i] == 0.)
            d[i] = Complex (dr[i], 0.);
              have_cplx_eig = true;
              d[i] = Complex (dr[i], di[i]);
      if (have_cplx_eig)
          for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
            d[i] = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (),
                            octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ());
          for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
            d[i] = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (), 0.);

      if (! rvec)
          // ARPACK seems to give the eigenvalues in reversed order
          F77_INT k2 = ip(4) / 2;
          for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
              Complex dtmp = d[i];
              d[i] = d[ip(4) - i - 1];
              d[ip(4) - i - 1] = dtmp;
          // When eigenvectors required, ARPACK seems to give the right order
          eig_vec.resize (n, k);
          F77_INT i = 0;
          while (i < ip(4))
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              F77_INT off2 = (i+1) * n;
              if (std::imag (eig_val(i)) == 0)
                  for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    eig_vec(j, i) = Complex (z[j+off1], 0.);
                  for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                      eig_vec(j, i) = Complex (z[j+off1], z[j+off2]);
                      if (i < ip(4) - 1)
                        eig_vec(j, i+1) = Complex (z[j+off1], -z[j+off2]);
          if (have_cplx_eig)
              for (F77_INT ii = ip(4); ii < k; ii++)
                for (F77_INT jj = 0; jj < n; jj++)
                  eig_vec(jj, ii)
                    = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (),
                               octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ());
              for (F77_INT ii = ip(4); ii < k; ii++)
                for (F77_INT jj = 0; jj < n; jj++)
                  eig_vec(jj, ii)
                    = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (), 0.);
      if (k0 < k)
          eig_val.resize (k0);
          eig_vec.resize (n, k0);
      ("eigs: error in dneupd: %s",
       arpack_errno2str (info2, "dneupd").c_str ());

  return ip(4);

template <typename M>
EigsRealNonSymmetricFunc (EigsFunc fun, octave_idx_type n_arg,
                          const std::string& _typ, double sigmar,
                          octave_idx_type k_arg, octave_idx_type p_arg,
                          octave_idx_type& info, ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
                          ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const M& _b,
                          ColumnVector& permB, ColumnVector& resid,
                          std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
                          bool cholB, int disp, int maxit)
  F77_INT n = octave::to_f77_int (n_arg);
  F77_INT k = octave::to_f77_int (k_arg);
  F77_INT p = octave::to_f77_int (p_arg);
  M b(_b);
  std::string typ (_typ);
  bool have_sigma = (sigmar ? true : false);
  double sigmai = 0.;
  F77_INT mode = 1;
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  bool note3 = false;
  char bmat = 'I';
  int err = 0;
  M bt;

  if (resid.isempty ())
      std::string rand_dist = octave::rand::distribution ();
      octave::rand::distribution ("uniform");
      resid = ColumnVector (octave::rand::vector (n));
      octave::rand::distribution (rand_dist);
  else if (n != resid.numel ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: opts.v0 must be n-by-1");

  if (n < 3)
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: n must be at least 3");

  if (p < 0)
      p = k * 2 + 1;

      if (p < 20)
        p = 20;

      if (p > n)
        p = n;

  if (k <= 0 || k >= n - 1)
      ("eigs: Invalid number of eigenvalues to extract"
       " (must be 0 < k < n-1).\n"
       "      Use 'eig (full (A))' instead");

  if (p <= k || p > n)
      ("eigs: opts.p must be greater than k and less than or equal to n");

  if (have_b && cholB && ! permB.isempty ())
      // Check the we really have a permutation vector
      if (permB.numel () != n)
        (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

      Array<bool> checked (dim_vector (n, 1), false);
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
          octave_idx_type bidx = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (permB(i));

          if (checked(bidx) || bidx < 0 || bidx >= n
              || octave::math::x_nint (bidx) != bidx)
            (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

  if (! have_sigma)
      if (typ != "LM" && typ != "SM" && typ != "LA" && typ != "SA"
          && typ != "BE" && typ != "LR" && typ != "SR" && typ != "LI"
          && typ != "SI")
        (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: unrecognized sigma value");

      if (typ == "LA" || typ == "SA" || typ == "BE")
          ("eigs: invalid sigma value for unsymmetric problem");

      if (typ != "SM" && have_b)
        note3 = true;

      if (typ == "SM")
          typ = "LM";
          sigmar = 0.;
          mode = 3;
          if (have_b)
            bmat = 'G';
  else if (! std::abs (sigmar))
      typ = "SM";
      if (have_b)
        bmat = 'G';
      typ = "LM";
      mode = 3;
      if (have_b)
        bmat = 'G';

  if (mode == 1 && have_b)
      // See Note 3 dsaupd
      note3 = true;
      if (cholB)
          bt = b;
          b = b.transpose ();
          if (permB.isempty ())
              permB = ColumnVector (n);
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                permB(i) = i;
          if (! make_cholb (b, bt, permB))
              ("eigs: The matrix B is not positive definite");

  Array<F77_INT> ip (dim_vector (11, 1));
  F77_INT *iparam = ip.fortran_vec ();

  ip(0) = 1; //ishift
  ip(1) = 0;   // ip(1) not referenced
  ip(2) = maxit; // mxiter, maximum number of iterations
  ip(3) = 1; // NB blocksize in recurrence
  ip(4) = 0; // nconv, number of Ritz values that satisfy convergence
  ip(5) = 0; //ip(5) not referenced
  ip(6) = mode; // mode
  ip(7) = 0;
  ip(8) = 0;
  ip(9) = 0;
  ip(10) = 0;
  // ip(7) to ip(10) return values

  Array<F77_INT> iptr (dim_vector (14, 1));
  F77_INT *ipntr = iptr.fortran_vec ();

  F77_INT ido = 0;
  int iter = 0;
  F77_INT lwork = 3 * p * (p + 2);

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, v, n * (p + 1));
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workl, lwork + 1);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workd, 3 * n + 1);
  double *presid = resid.fortran_vec ();

      F77_INT tmp_info = octave::to_f77_int (info);

      // On exit, ip(4) <= k + 1 is the number of converged eigenvalues
      // see dnaupd2.
      F77_FUNC (dnaupd, DNAUPD)
      (ido, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
       F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
       k, tol, presid, p, v, n, iparam,
       ipntr, workd, workl, lwork, tmp_info
       F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(2));
      // k is not changed

      info = tmp_info;

      if (disp > 0 && ! octave::math::isnan(workl[iptr(5)-1]))
          if (iter++)
              os << "Iteration " << iter - 1 <<
                 ": a few Ritz values of the " << p << "-by-" <<
                 p << " matrix\n";
              if (ido == 99) // convergence
                  os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+k] << "\n";
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";
                  // the wanted Ritz estimates are at the end
                  for (F77_INT i = p - k - 1; i < p; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";

          // This is a kludge, as ARPACK doesn't give its
          // iteration pointer.  But as workl[iptr(5)-1] is
          // an output value updated at each iteration, setting
          // a value in this array to NaN and testing for it
          // is a way of obtaining the iteration counter.
          if (ido != 99)
            workl[iptr(5)-1] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();

      if (ido == -1 || ido == 1 || ido == 2)
          if (have_b)
              if (mode == 1) // regular mode with factorized B
                  Matrix mtmp (n, 1);
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    mtmp(i, 0) = workd[i + iptr(0) - 1];

                  mtmp = utsolve (bt, permB, mtmp);
                  ColumnVector y = fun (mtmp, err);

                  if (err)
                    return false;

                  mtmp = ltsolve (b, permB, y);

                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    workd[i+iptr(1)-1] = mtmp(i, 0);
              else // shift-invert mode
                  if (ido == -1)
                      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dtmp, n);

                      vector_product (b, workd+iptr(0)-1, dtmp);

                      ColumnVector x(n);

                      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        x(i) = dtmp[i];

                      ColumnVector y = fun (x, err);

                      if (err)
                        return false;

                      double *ip2 = workd + iptr(1) - 1;
                      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        ip2[i] = y(i);
                  else if (ido == 2)
                    vector_product (b, workd+iptr(0)-1, workd+iptr(1)-1);
                      double *ip2 = workd+iptr(2)-1;
                      ColumnVector x(n);

                      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        x(i) = *ip2++;

                      ColumnVector y = fun (x, err);

                      if (err)
                        return false;

                      ip2 = workd + iptr(1) - 1;
                      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        *ip2++ = y(i);
              double *ip2 = workd + iptr(0) - 1;
              ColumnVector x(n);

              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                x(i) = *ip2++;

              ColumnVector y = fun (x, err);

              if (err)
                return false;

              ip2 = workd + iptr(1) - 1;
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                *ip2++ = y(i);
          if (info < 0)
              ("eigs: error in dnaupd: %s",
               arpack_errno2str (info, "dnaupd").c_str ());

  while (1);

  F77_INT info2;

  // We have a problem in that the size of the C++ bool
  // type relative to the fortran logical type.  It appears
  // that fortran uses 4- or 8-bytes per logical and C++ 1-byte
  // per bool, though this might be system dependent.  As
  // long as the HOWMNY arg is not "S", the logical array
  // is just workspace for ARPACK, so use int type to
  // avoid problems.
  Array<F77_INT> s (dim_vector (p, 1));
  F77_INT *sel = s.fortran_vec ();

  // FIXME: initialize eig_vec2 to zero; apparently dneupd can skip
  // the assignment to elements of Z that represent imaginary parts.
  // Found with valgrind and
  //   A = [1,0,0,-1;0,1,0,0;0,0,1,0;0,0,2,1];
  //   [vecs, vals, f] = eigs (A, 1)

  Matrix eig_vec2 (n, k + 1, 0.0);
  double *z = eig_vec2.fortran_vec ();

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, dr, k + 1);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, di, k + 1);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, workev, 3 * p);
  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k+1; i++)
    dr[i] = di[i] = 0.;

  F77_INT k0 = k;  // original number of eigenvalues required
  F77_FUNC (dneupd, DNEUPD)
  (rvec, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ("A", 1), sel, dr, di, z, n, sigmar,
   sigmai, workev,  F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2), k, tol, presid, p, v, n, iparam,
   ipntr, workd, workl, lwork, info2 F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1)
  // On exit, if (and only if) rvec == true, k may have been increased by one
  // and be equal to ip(4), see dngets.

  if (! rvec && ip(4) > k)
    k = ip(4);

  eig_val.resize (k);
  Complex *d = eig_val.fortran_vec ();

  if (info2 == 0)
      bool have_cplx_eig = false;
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < ip(4); i++)
          if (di[i] == 0.)
            d[i] = Complex (dr[i], 0.);
              have_cplx_eig = true;
              d[i] = Complex (dr[i], di[i]);
      if (have_cplx_eig)
          for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
            d[i] = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (),
                            octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ());
          for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
            d[i] = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (), 0.);

      if (! rvec)
          // ARPACK seems to give the eigenvalues in reversed order
          octave_idx_type k2 = ip(4) / 2;
          for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
              Complex dtmp = d[i];
              d[i] = d[ip(4) - i - 1];
              d[ip(4) - i - 1] = dtmp;
          // ARPACK seems to give the eigenvalues in reversed order
          eig_vec.resize (n, k);
          F77_INT i = 0;
          while (i < ip(4))
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              F77_INT off2 = (i+1) * n;
              if (std::imag (eig_val(i)) == 0)
                  for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    eig_vec(j, i) = Complex (z[j+off1], 0.);
                  for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                      eig_vec(j, i) = Complex (z[j+off1], z[j+off2]);
                      if (i < ip(4) - 1)
                        eig_vec(j, i+1) = Complex (z[j+off1], -z[j+off2]);
          if (have_cplx_eig)
              for (F77_INT ii = ip(4); ii < k; ii++)
                for (F77_INT jj = 0; jj < n; jj++)
                  eig_vec(jj, ii)
                    = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (),
                               octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ());
              for (F77_INT ii = ip(4); ii < k; ii++)
                for (F77_INT jj = 0; jj < n; jj++)
                  eig_vec(jj, ii)
                    = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (), 0.);
          if (note3)
            eig_vec = utsolve (bt, permB, eig_vec);
      if (k0 < k)
          eig_val.resize (k0);
          eig_vec.resize (n, k0);
      ("eigs: error in dneupd: %s",
       arpack_errno2str (info2, "dneupd").c_str ());

  return ip(4);

template <typename M>
EigsComplexNonSymmetricMatrix (const M& m, const std::string typ,
                               octave_idx_type k_arg, octave_idx_type p_arg,
                               octave_idx_type& info, ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
                               ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const M& _b,
                               ColumnVector& permB,
                               ComplexColumnVector& cresid,
                               std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
                               bool cholB, int disp, int maxit)
  F77_INT k = octave::to_f77_int (k_arg);
  F77_INT p = octave::to_f77_int (p_arg);
  M b(_b);
  F77_INT n = octave::to_f77_int (m.cols ());
  F77_INT mode = 1;
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  bool note3 = false;
  char bmat = 'I';
  Complex sigma = 0.;
  M bt;

  if (m.rows () != m.cols ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: A must be square");
  if (have_b && (m.rows () != b.rows () || m.rows () != b.cols ()))
      ("eigs: B must be square and the same size as A");

  if (cresid.isempty ())
      std::string rand_dist = octave::rand::distribution ();
      octave::rand::distribution ("uniform");
      Array<double> rr (octave::rand::vector (n));
      Array<double> ri (octave::rand::vector (n));
      cresid = ComplexColumnVector (n);
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cresid(i) = Complex (rr(i), ri(i));
      octave::rand::distribution (rand_dist);
  else if (m.cols () != cresid.numel ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: opts.v0 must be n-by-1");

  if (n < 3)
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: n must be at least 3");

  if (p < 0)
      p = k * 2 + 1;

      if (p < 20)
        p = 20;

      if (p > n)
        p = n;

  if (k <= 0 || k >= n - 1)
      ("eigs: Invalid number of eigenvalues to extract"
       " (must be 0 < k < n-1).\n"
       "      Use 'eig (full (A))' instead");

  if (p <= k || p > n)
      ("eigs: opts.p must be greater than k and less than or equal to n");

  if (have_b && cholB && ! permB.isempty ())
      // Check the we really have a permutation vector
      if (permB.numel () != n)
        (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

      Array<bool> checked (dim_vector (n, 1), false);
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
          octave_idx_type bidx = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (permB(i));

          if (checked(bidx) || bidx < 0 || bidx >= n
              || octave::math::x_nint (bidx) != bidx)
            (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

  if (typ != "LM" && typ != "SM" && typ != "LA" && typ != "SA"
      && typ != "BE" && typ != "LR" && typ != "SR" && typ != "LI"
      && typ != "SI")
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: unrecognized sigma value");

  if (typ == "LA" || typ == "SA" || typ == "BE")
      ("eigs: invalid sigma value for complex problem");

  if (have_b)
      // See Note 3 dsaupd
      note3 = true;
      if (cholB)
          bt = b;
          b = b.hermitian ();
          if (permB.isempty ())
              permB = ColumnVector (n);
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                permB(i) = i;
          if (! make_cholb (b, bt, permB))
              ("eigs: The matrix B is not positive definite");

  Array<F77_INT> ip (dim_vector (11, 1));
  F77_INT *iparam = ip.fortran_vec ();

  ip(0) = 1; //ishift
  ip(1) = 0;   // ip(1) not referenced
  ip(2) = maxit; // mxiter, maximum number of iterations
  ip(3) = 1; // NB blocksize in recurrence
  ip(4) = 0; // nconv, number of Ritz values that satisfy convergence
  ip(5) = 0; //ip(5) not referenced
  ip(6) = mode; // mode
  ip(7) = 0;
  ip(8) = 0;
  ip(9) = 0;
  ip(10) = 0;
  // ip(7) to ip(10) return values

  Array<F77_INT> iptr (dim_vector (14, 1));
  F77_INT *ipntr = iptr.fortran_vec ();

  F77_INT ido = 0;
  int iter = 0;
  F77_INT lwork = p * (3 * p + 5);

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, v, n * p);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, workl, lwork);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, workd, 3 * n);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, rwork, p);
  Complex *presid = cresid.fortran_vec ();

      F77_INT tmp_info = octave::to_f77_int (info);

      F77_FUNC (znaupd, ZNAUPD)
      (ido, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
       F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (typ.c_str (), 2),
       k, tol, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (presid), p, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (v), n,
       iparam, ipntr,
       F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workd), F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workl), lwork, rwork,
       tmp_info F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(2));

      info = tmp_info;

      if (disp > 0 && ! octave::math::isnan (workl[iptr (5)-1]))
          if (iter++)
              os << "Iteration " << iter - 1 <<
                 ": a few Ritz values of the " << p << "-by-" <<
                 p << " matrix\n";
              if (ido == 99) // convergence
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";
                  // the wanted Ritz estimates are at the end
                  for (F77_INT i = p - k; i < p; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";

          // This is a kludge, as ARPACK doesn't give its
          // iteration pointer.  But as workl[iptr(5)-1] is
          // an output value updated at each iteration, setting
          // a value in this array to NaN and testing for it
          // is a way of obtaining the iteration counter.
          if (ido != 99)
            workl[iptr(5)-1] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();

      if (ido == -1 || ido == 1 || ido == 2)
          if (have_b)
              ComplexMatrix mtmp (n, 1);
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                mtmp(i, 0) = workd[i + iptr(0) - 1];
              mtmp = ltsolve (b, permB, m * utsolve (bt, permB, mtmp));
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                workd[i+iptr(1)-1] = mtmp(i, 0);

          else if (! vector_product (m, workd + iptr(0) - 1,
                                     workd + iptr(1) - 1))
          if (info < 0)
              ("eigs: error in znaupd: %s",
               arpack_errno2str (info, "znaupd").c_str ());

  while (1);

  F77_INT info2;

  // We have a problem in that the size of the C++ bool
  // type relative to the fortran logical type.  It appears
  // that fortran uses 4- or 8-bytes per logical and C++ 1-byte
  // per bool, though this might be system dependent.  As
  // long as the HOWMNY arg is not "S", the logical array
  // is just workspace for ARPACK, so use int type to
  // avoid problems.
  Array<F77_INT> s (dim_vector (p, 1));
  F77_INT *sel = s.fortran_vec ();

  eig_vec.resize (n, k);
  Complex *z = eig_vec.fortran_vec ();

  eig_val.resize (k+1);
  Complex *d = eig_val.fortran_vec ();

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, workev, 2 * p);

  F77_FUNC (zneupd, ZNEUPD)
  (rvec, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ("A", 1), sel, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (d),
   F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (z), n, F77_CONST_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (&sigma),
   F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workev),
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
   k, tol, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (presid), p, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (v), n,
   iparam, ipntr,
   F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workd), F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workl), lwork, rwork,
   info2 F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(2));

  if (info2 == 0)
      for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
        d[i] = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (),
                        octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ());

      F77_INT k2 = ip(4) / 2;
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
          Complex ctmp = d[i];
          d[i] = d[ip(4) - i - 1];
          d[ip(4) - i - 1] = ctmp;
      eig_val.resize (k);

      if (rvec)
          OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, ctmp, n);

          for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off1 + j] = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (),
                                       octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ());

          for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              F77_INT off2 = (ip(4) - i - 1) * n;

              if (off1 == off2)

              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                ctmp[j] = z[off1 + j];

              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off1 + j] = z[off2 + j];

              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off2 + j] = ctmp[j];

          if (note3)
            eig_vec = utsolve (bt, permB, eig_vec);
      ("eigs: error in zneupd: %s",
       arpack_errno2str (info2, "zneupd").c_str ());

  return ip(4);

template <typename M>
EigsComplexNonSymmetricMatrixShift (const M& m, Complex sigma,
                                    octave_idx_type k_arg, octave_idx_type p_arg,
                                    octave_idx_type& info,
                                    ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
                                    ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const M& _b,
                                    ColumnVector& permB,
                                    ComplexColumnVector& cresid,
                                    std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
                                    bool cholB, int disp, int maxit)
  F77_INT k = octave::to_f77_int (k_arg);
  F77_INT p = octave::to_f77_int (p_arg);
  M b(_b);
  F77_INT n = octave::to_f77_int (m.cols ());
  F77_INT mode = 3;
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  std::string typ = "LM";

  if (m.rows () != m.cols ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: A must be square");
  if (have_b && (m.rows () != b.rows () || m.rows () != b.cols ()))
      ("eigs: B must be square and the same size as A");

  // FIXME: The "SM" type for mode 1 seems unstable though faster!!
  //if (! std::abs (sigma))
  //  return EigsComplexNonSymmetricMatrix (m, "SM", k, p, info, eig_vec,
  //                                      eig_val, _b, permB, cresid, os, tol,
  //                                      rvec, cholB, disp, maxit);

  if (cresid.isempty ())
      std::string rand_dist = octave::rand::distribution ();
      octave::rand::distribution ("uniform");
      Array<double> rr (octave::rand::vector (n));
      Array<double> ri (octave::rand::vector (n));
      cresid = ComplexColumnVector (n);
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cresid(i) = Complex (rr(i), ri(i));
      octave::rand::distribution (rand_dist);
  else if (m.cols () != cresid.numel ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: opts.v0 must be n-by-1");

  if (n < 3)
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: n must be at least 3");

  if (p < 0)
      p = k * 2 + 1;

      if (p < 20)
        p = 20;

      if (p > n)
        p = n;

  if (k <= 0 || k >= n - 1)
      ("eigs: Invalid number of eigenvalues to extract"
       " (must be 0 < k < n-1).\n"
       "      Use 'eig (full (A))' instead");

  if (p <= k || p > n)
      ("eigs: opts.p must be greater than k and less than or equal to n");

  if (have_b && cholB && ! permB.isempty ())
      // Check that we really have a permutation vector
      if (permB.numel () != n)
        (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

      Array<bool> checked (dim_vector (n, 1), false);
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
          octave_idx_type bidx = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (permB(i));

          if (checked(bidx) || bidx < 0 || bidx >= n
              || octave::math::x_nint (bidx) != bidx)
            (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

  char bmat = 'I';
  if (have_b)
    bmat = 'G';

  Array<F77_INT> ip (dim_vector (11, 1));
  F77_INT *iparam = ip.fortran_vec ();

  ip(0) = 1; //ishift
  ip(1) = 0;   // ip(1) not referenced
  ip(2) = maxit; // mxiter, maximum number of iterations
  ip(3) = 1; // NB blocksize in recurrence
  ip(4) = 0; // nconv, number of Ritz values that satisfy convergence
  ip(5) = 0; //ip(5) not referenced
  ip(6) = mode; // mode
  ip(7) = 0;
  ip(8) = 0;
  ip(9) = 0;
  ip(10) = 0;
  // ip(7) to ip(10) return values

  Array<F77_INT> iptr (dim_vector (14, 1));
  F77_INT *ipntr = iptr.fortran_vec ();

  F77_INT ido = 0;
  int iter = 0;
  M L, U;
  ColumnVector r(n);

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, P, (have_b ? b.rows () : m.rows ()));
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (octave_idx_type, Q, (have_b ? b.cols () : m.cols ()));

  if (! LuAminusSigmaB (m, b, cholB, permB, sigma, L, U, P, Q, r))
    return -1;

  F77_INT lwork = p * (3 * p + 5);

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, v, n * p);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, workl, lwork);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, workd, 3 * n);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, rwork, p);
  Complex *presid = cresid.fortran_vec ();

      F77_INT tmp_info = octave::to_f77_int (info);

      F77_FUNC (znaupd, ZNAUPD)
      (ido, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
       F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
       k, tol, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (presid), p, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (v), n,
       iparam, ipntr,
       F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workd), F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workl), lwork, rwork,
       tmp_info F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(2));

      info = tmp_info;

      if (disp > 0 && ! octave::math::isnan(workl[iptr(5)-1]))
          if (iter++)
              os << "Iteration " << iter - 1 <<
                 ": a few Ritz values of the " << p << "-by-" <<
                 p << " matrix\n";
              if (ido == 99) // convergence
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";
                  // the wanted Ritz estimates are at the end
                  for (F77_INT i = p - k; i < p; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";

          // This is a kludge, as ARPACK doesn't give its
          // iteration pointer.  But as workl[iptr(5)-1] is
          // an output value updated at each iteration, setting
          // a value in this array to NaN and testing for it
          // is a way of obtaining the iteration counter.
          if (ido != 99)
            workl[iptr(5)-1] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();

      if (ido == -1 || ido == 1 || ido == 2)
          if (have_b)
              if (ido == -1)
                  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, ctmp, n);

                  vector_product (b, workd+iptr(0)-1, ctmp);

                  ComplexMatrix tmp (n, 1);

                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    tmp(i, 0) = ctmp[P[i]] / r(P[i]);

                  lusolve (L, U, tmp);

                  Complex *ip2 = workd+iptr(1)-1;
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    ip2[Q[i]] = tmp(i, 0);
              else if (ido == 2)
                vector_product (b, workd + iptr(0) - 1, workd + iptr(1) - 1);
                  Complex *ip2 = workd+iptr(2)-1;
                  ComplexMatrix tmp (n, 1);

                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    tmp(i, 0) = ip2[P[i]] / r(P[i]);

                  lusolve (L, U, tmp);

                  ip2 = workd+iptr(1)-1;
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    ip2[Q[i]] = tmp(i, 0);
              // ido cannot be 2 for non-generalized problems (see znaup2).
              Complex *ip2 = workd+iptr(0)-1;
              ComplexMatrix tmp (n, 1);

              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                tmp(i, 0) = ip2[P[i]] / r(P[i]);

              lusolve (L, U, tmp);

              ip2 = workd+iptr(1)-1;
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                ip2[Q[i]] = tmp(i, 0);
          if (info < 0)
              ("eigs: error in znaupd: %s",
               arpack_errno2str (info, "znaupd").c_str ());

  while (1);

  F77_INT info2;

  // We have a problem in that the size of the C++ bool
  // type relative to the fortran logical type.  It appears
  // that fortran uses 4- or 8-bytes per logical and C++ 1-byte
  // per bool, though this might be system dependent.  As
  // long as the HOWMNY arg is not "S", the logical array
  // is just workspace for ARPACK, so use int type to
  // avoid problems.
  Array<F77_INT> s (dim_vector (p, 1));
  F77_INT *sel = s.fortran_vec ();

  eig_vec.resize (n, k);
  Complex *z = eig_vec.fortran_vec ();

  eig_val.resize (k+1);
  Complex *d = eig_val.fortran_vec ();

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, workev, 2 * p);

  F77_FUNC (zneupd, ZNEUPD)
  (rvec, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ("A", 1), sel, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (d),
   F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (z), n, F77_CONST_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (&sigma),
   F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workev),
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
   k, tol, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (presid), p, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (v), n,
   iparam, ipntr,
   F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workd), F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workl), lwork, rwork,
   info2 F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(2));

  if (info2 == 0)
      for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
        d[i] = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (),
                        octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ());

      F77_INT k2 = ip(4) / 2;
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
          Complex ctmp = d[i];
          d[i] = d[ip(4) - i - 1];
          d[ip(4) - i - 1] = ctmp;
      eig_val.resize (k);

      if (rvec)
          OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, ctmp, n);

          for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off1 + j] = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (),
                                       octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ());

          for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              F77_INT off2 = (ip(4) - i - 1) * n;

              if (off1 == off2)

              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                ctmp[j] = z[off1 + j];

              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off1 + j] = z[off2 + j];

              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off2 + j] = ctmp[j];
      ("eigs: error in zneupd: %s",
       arpack_errno2str (info2, "zneupd").c_str ());

  return ip(4);

template <typename M>
EigsComplexNonSymmetricFunc (EigsComplexFunc fun, octave_idx_type n_arg,
                             const std::string& _typ, Complex sigma,
                             octave_idx_type k_arg, octave_idx_type p_arg,
                             octave_idx_type& info, ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
                             ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const M& _b,
                             ColumnVector& permB, ComplexColumnVector& cresid,
                             std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
                             bool cholB, int disp, int maxit)
  F77_INT n = octave::to_f77_int (n_arg);
  F77_INT k = octave::to_f77_int (k_arg);
  F77_INT p = octave::to_f77_int (p_arg);
  M b(_b);
  std::string typ (_typ);
  bool have_sigma = (std::abs (sigma) ? true : false);
  F77_INT mode = 1;
  bool have_b = ! b.isempty ();
  bool note3 = false;
  char bmat = 'I';
  int err = 0;
  M bt;

  if (cresid.isempty ())
      std::string rand_dist = octave::rand::distribution ();
      octave::rand::distribution ("uniform");
      Array<double> rr (octave::rand::vector (n));
      Array<double> ri (octave::rand::vector (n));
      cresid = ComplexColumnVector (n);
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cresid(i) = Complex (rr(i), ri(i));
      octave::rand::distribution (rand_dist);
  else if (n != cresid.numel ())
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: opts.v0 must be n-by-1");

  if (n < 3)
    (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: n must be at least 3");

  if (p < 0)
      p = k * 2 + 1;

      if (p < 20)
        p = 20;

      if (p > n)
        p = n;

  if (k <= 0 || k >= n - 1)
      ("eigs: Invalid number of eigenvalues to extract"
       " (must be 0 < k < n-1).\n"
       "      Use 'eig (full (A))' instead");

  if (p <= k || p > n)
      ("eigs: opts.p must be greater than k and less than or equal to n");

  if (have_b && cholB && ! permB.isempty ())
      // Check the we really have a permutation vector
      if (permB.numel () != n)
        (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

      Array<bool> checked (dim_vector (n, 1), false);
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
          octave_idx_type bidx = static_cast<octave_idx_type> (permB(i));

          if (checked(bidx) || bidx < 0 || bidx >= n
              || octave::math::x_nint (bidx) != bidx)
            (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: permB vector invalid");

  if (! have_sigma)
      if (typ != "LM" && typ != "SM" && typ != "LA" && typ != "SA"
          && typ != "BE" && typ != "LR" && typ != "SR" && typ != "LI"
          && typ != "SI")
        (*current_liboctave_error_handler) ("eigs: unrecognized sigma value");

      if (typ == "LA" || typ == "SA" || typ == "BE")
          ("eigs: invalid sigma value for complex problem");

      if (typ != "SM" && have_b)
        note3 = true;

      if (typ == "SM")
          typ = "LM";
          sigma = 0.;
          mode = 3;
          if (have_b)
            bmat ='G';
  else if (! std::abs (sigma))
      typ = "SM";
      if (have_b)
        bmat = 'G';
      typ = "LM";
      mode = 3;
      if (have_b)
        bmat = 'G';

  if (mode == 1 && have_b)
      // See Note 3 dsaupd
      note3 = true;
      if (cholB)
          bt = b;
          b = b.hermitian ();
          if (permB.isempty ())
              permB = ColumnVector (n);
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                permB(i) = i;
          if (! make_cholb (b, bt, permB))
              ("eigs: The matrix B is not positive definite");

  Array<F77_INT> ip (dim_vector (11, 1));
  F77_INT *iparam = ip.fortran_vec ();

  ip(0) = 1; //ishift
  ip(1) = 0;   // ip(1) not referenced
  ip(2) = maxit; // mxiter, maximum number of iterations
  ip(3) = 1; // NB blocksize in recurrence
  ip(4) = 0; // nconv, number of Ritz values that satisfy convergence
  ip(5) = 0; //ip(5) not referenced
  ip(6) = mode; // mode
  ip(7) = 0;
  ip(8) = 0;
  ip(9) = 0;
  ip(10) = 0;
  // ip(7) to ip(10) return values

  Array<F77_INT> iptr (dim_vector (14, 1));
  F77_INT *ipntr = iptr.fortran_vec ();

  F77_INT ido = 0;
  int iter = 0;
  F77_INT lwork = p * (3 * p + 5);

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, v, n * p);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, workl, lwork);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, workd, 3 * n);
  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (double, rwork, p);
  Complex *presid = cresid.fortran_vec ();

      F77_INT tmp_info = octave::to_f77_int (info);

      F77_FUNC (znaupd, ZNAUPD)
      (ido, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
       F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
       k, tol, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (presid), p, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (v), n,
       iparam, ipntr,
       F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workd), F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workl), lwork, rwork,
       tmp_info F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(2));

      info = tmp_info;

      if (disp > 0 && ! octave::math::isnan(workl[iptr(5)-1]))
          if (iter++)
              os << "Iteration " << iter - 1 <<
                 ": a few Ritz values of the " << p << "-by-" <<
                 p << " matrix\n";
              if (ido == 99) // convergence
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";
                  // the wanted Ritz estimates are at the end
                  for (F77_INT i = p - k; i < p; i++)
                    os << "    " << workl[iptr(5)+i-1] << "\n";

          // This is a kludge, as ARPACK doesn't give its
          // iteration pointer.  But as workl[iptr(5)-1] is
          // an output value updated at each iteration, setting
          // a value in this array to NaN and testing for it
          // is a way of obtaining the iteration counter.
          if (ido != 99)
            workl[iptr(5)-1] = octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ();

      if (ido == -1 || ido == 1 || ido == 2)
          if (have_b)
              if (mode == 1) // regular mode with factorized B
                  ComplexMatrix mtmp (n, 1);
                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    mtmp(i, 0) = workd[i + iptr(0) - 1];

                  mtmp = utsolve (bt, permB, mtmp);
                  ComplexColumnVector y = fun (mtmp, err);

                  if (err)
                    return false;

                  mtmp = ltsolve (b, permB, y);

                  for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    workd[i+iptr(1)-1] = mtmp(i, 0);
              else // shift-invert mode
                  if (ido == -1)
                      OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, ctmp, n);

                      vector_product (b, workd+iptr(0)-1, ctmp);

                      ComplexColumnVector x(n);

                      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        x(i) = ctmp[i];

                      ComplexColumnVector y = fun (x, err);

                      if (err)
                        return false;

                      Complex *ip2 = workd+iptr(1)-1;
                      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        ip2[i] = y(i);
                  else if (ido == 2)
                    vector_product (b, workd+iptr(0)-1, workd+iptr(1)-1);
                      Complex *ip2 = workd+iptr(2)-1;
                      ComplexColumnVector x(n);

                      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        x(i) = *ip2++;

                      ComplexColumnVector y = fun (x, err);

                      if (err)
                        return false;

                      ip2 = workd + iptr(1) - 1;
                      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        *ip2++ = y(i);
              Complex *ip2 = workd + iptr(0) - 1;
              ComplexColumnVector x(n);

              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                x(i) = *ip2++;

              ComplexColumnVector y = fun (x, err);

              if (err)
                return false;

              ip2 = workd + iptr(1) - 1;
              for (F77_INT i = 0; i < n; i++)
                *ip2++ = y(i);
          if (info < 0)
              ("eigs: error in znaupd: %s",
               arpack_errno2str (info, "znaupd").c_str ());

  while (1);

  F77_INT info2;

  // We have a problem in that the size of the C++ bool
  // type relative to the fortran logical type.  It appears
  // that fortran uses 4- or 8-bytes per logical and C++ 1-byte
  // per bool, though this might be system dependent.  As
  // long as the HOWMNY arg is not "S", the logical array
  // is just workspace for ARPACK, so use int type to
  // avoid problems.
  Array<F77_INT> s (dim_vector (p, 1));
  F77_INT *sel = s.fortran_vec ();

  eig_vec.resize (n, k);
  Complex *z = eig_vec.fortran_vec ();

  eig_val.resize (k+1);
  Complex *d = eig_val.fortran_vec ();

  OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, workev, 2 * p);

  F77_FUNC (zneupd, ZNEUPD)
  (rvec, F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ("A", 1), sel, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (d),
   F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (z), n, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (&sigma),
   F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workev),
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 (&bmat, 1), n,
   F77_CONST_CHAR_ARG2 ((typ.c_str ()), 2),
   k, tol, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (presid), p, F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (v), n,
   iparam, ipntr,
   F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workd), F77_DBLE_CMPLX_ARG (workl), lwork, rwork,
   info2 F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(1) F77_CHAR_ARG_LEN(2));

  if (info2 == 0)
      for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
        d[i] = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (),
                        octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ());

      F77_INT k2 = ip(4) / 2;
      for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
          Complex ctmp = d[i];
          d[i] = d[ip(4) - i - 1];
          d[ip(4) - i - 1] = ctmp;
      eig_val.resize (k);

      if (rvec)
          OCTAVE_LOCAL_BUFFER (Complex, ctmp, n);

          for (F77_INT i = ip(4); i < k; i++)
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off1 + j] = Complex (octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN (),
                                       octave::numeric_limits<double>::NaN ());

          for (F77_INT i = 0; i < k2; i++)
              F77_INT off1 = i * n;
              F77_INT off2 = (ip(4) - i - 1) * n;

              if (off1 == off2)

              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                ctmp[j] = z[off1 + j];

              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off1 + j] = z[off2 + j];

              for (F77_INT j = 0; j < n; j++)
                z[off2 + j] = ctmp[j];
          if (note3)
            eig_vec = utsolve (bt, permB, eig_vec);
      ("eigs: error in zneupd: %s",
       arpack_errno2str (info2, "zneupd").c_str ());

  return ip(4);

// Instantiations for the types we need.

// Matrix

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
  (const Matrix& m, const std::string typ, octave_idx_type k,
   octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info, Matrix& eig_vec,
   ColumnVector& eig_val, const Matrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB,
   ColumnVector& resid, std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
   bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
  (const Matrix& m, double sigma, octave_idx_type k,
   octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info, Matrix& eig_vec,
   ColumnVector& eig_val, const Matrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB,
   ColumnVector& resid, std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
   bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
(EigsFunc fun, octave_idx_type n, const std::string& _typ, double sigma,
   octave_idx_type k, octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info,
   Matrix& eig_vec, ColumnVector& eig_val, const Matrix& _b,
   ColumnVector& permB, ColumnVector& resid, std::ostream& os, double tol,
   bool rvec, bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
  (const Matrix& m, const std::string typ, octave_idx_type k,
   octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info, ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
   ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const Matrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB,
   ColumnVector& resid, std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
   bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
  (const Matrix& m, double sigmar, octave_idx_type k,
   octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info, ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
   ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const Matrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB,
   ColumnVector& resid, std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
   bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
(EigsFunc fun, octave_idx_type n, const std::string& _typ, double sigmar,
   octave_idx_type k, octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info,
   ComplexMatrix& eig_vec, ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const Matrix& _b,
   ColumnVector& permB, ColumnVector& resid, std::ostream& os, double tol,
   bool rvec, bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

// SparseMatrix

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
  (const SparseMatrix& m, const std::string typ, octave_idx_type k,
   octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info, Matrix& eig_vec,
   ColumnVector& eig_val, const SparseMatrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB,
   ColumnVector& resid, std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
   bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
  (const SparseMatrix& m, double sigma, octave_idx_type k,
   octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info, Matrix& eig_vec,
   ColumnVector& eig_val, const SparseMatrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB,
   ColumnVector& resid, std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
   bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
(EigsFunc fun, octave_idx_type n, const std::string& _typ, double sigma,
   octave_idx_type k, octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info,
   Matrix& eig_vec, ColumnVector& eig_val, const SparseMatrix& _b,
   ColumnVector& permB, ColumnVector& resid, std::ostream& os, double tol,
   bool rvec, bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
  (const SparseMatrix& m, const std::string typ, octave_idx_type k,
   octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info, ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
   ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const SparseMatrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB,
   ColumnVector& resid, std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
   bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
  (const SparseMatrix& m, double sigmar, octave_idx_type k,
   octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info, ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
   ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const SparseMatrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB,
   ColumnVector& resid, std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
   bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
(EigsFunc fun, octave_idx_type n, const std::string& _typ, double sigmar,
   octave_idx_type k, octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info,
   ComplexMatrix& eig_vec, ComplexColumnVector& eig_val,
   const SparseMatrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB, ColumnVector& resid,
   std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec, bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

// ComplexMatrix

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
  (const ComplexMatrix& m, const std::string typ, octave_idx_type k,
   octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info, ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
   ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const ComplexMatrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB,
   ComplexColumnVector& cresid, std::ostream& os, double tol,
   bool rvec, bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
  (const ComplexMatrix& m, Complex sigma, octave_idx_type k,
   octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info, ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
   ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const ComplexMatrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB,
   ComplexColumnVector& cresid, std::ostream& os, double tol,
   bool rvec, bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
(EigsComplexFunc fun, octave_idx_type n, const std::string& _typ, Complex sigma,
   octave_idx_type k, octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info,
   ComplexMatrix& eig_vec, ComplexColumnVector& eig_val,
   const ComplexMatrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB, ComplexColumnVector& cresid,
   std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec, bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

// SparseComplexMatrix

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
  (const SparseComplexMatrix& m, const std::string typ, octave_idx_type k,
   octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info, ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
   ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const SparseComplexMatrix& _b,
   ColumnVector& permB, ComplexColumnVector& cresid, std::ostream& os,
   double tol, bool rvec, bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
  (const SparseComplexMatrix& m, Complex sigma, octave_idx_type k,
   octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info, ComplexMatrix& eig_vec,
   ComplexColumnVector& eig_val, const SparseComplexMatrix& _b,
   ColumnVector& permB, ComplexColumnVector& cresid, std::ostream& os,
   double tol, bool rvec, bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);

OCTAVE_API octave_idx_type
(EigsComplexFunc fun, octave_idx_type n, const std::string& _typ, Complex sigma,
   octave_idx_type k, octave_idx_type p, octave_idx_type& info,
   ComplexMatrix& eig_vec, ComplexColumnVector& eig_val,
   const SparseComplexMatrix& _b, ColumnVector& permB,
   ComplexColumnVector& cresid, std::ostream& os, double tol, bool rvec,
   bool cholB, int disp, int maxit);