view scripts/ode/ode15i.m @ 30564:796f54d4ddbf stable

update Octave Project Developers copyright for the new year In files that have the "Octave Project Developers" copyright notice, update for 2021. In all .txi and .texi files except gpl.txi and gpl.texi in the doc/liboctave and doc/interpreter directories, change the copyright to "Octave Project Developers", the same as used for other source files. Update copyright notices for 2022 (not done since 2019). For gpl.txi and gpl.texi, change the copyright notice to be "Free Software Foundation, Inc." and leave the date at 2007 only because this file only contains the text of the GPL, not anything created by the Octave Project Developers. Add Paul Thomas to
author John W. Eaton <>
date Tue, 28 Dec 2021 18:22:40 -0500
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## Copyright (C) 2016-2022 The Octave Project Developers
## See the file in the top-level directory of this
## distribution or <>.
## This file is part of Octave.
## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
## <>.

## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn  {} {[@var{t}, @var{y}] =} ode15i (@var{fun}, @var{trange}, @var{y0}, @var{yp0})
## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{t}, @var{y}] =} ode15i (@var{fun}, @var{trange}, @var{y0}, @var{yp0}, @var{ode_opt})
## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{t}, @var{y}, @var{te}, @var{ye}, @var{ie}] =} ode15i (@dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{solution} =} ode15i (@dots{})
## @deftypefnx {} {} ode15i (@dots{})
## Solve a set of fully-implicit Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) or
## index 1 Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs).
## @code{ode15i} uses a variable step, variable order BDF (Backward
## Differentiation Formula) method that ranges from order 1 to 5.
## @var{fun} is a function handle, inline function, or string containing the
## name of the function that defines the ODE: @code{0 = f(t,y,yp)}.  The
## function must accept three inputs where the first is time @var{t}, the
## second is the function value @var{y} (a column vector), and the third
## is the derivative value @var{yp} (a column vector).
## @var{trange} specifies the time interval over which the ODE will be
## evaluated.  Typically, it is a two-element vector specifying the initial and
## final times (@code{[tinit, tfinal]}).  If there are more than two elements
## then the solution will also be evaluated at these intermediate time
## instances.
## @var{y0} and @var{yp0} contain the initial values for the unknowns @var{y}
## and @var{yp}.  If they are row vectors then the solution @var{y} will be a
## matrix in which each column is the solution for the corresponding initial
## value in @var{y0} and @var{yp0}.
## @var{y0} and @var{yp0} must be consistent initial conditions, meaning that
## @code{f(t,y0,yp0) = 0} is satisfied.  The function @code{decic} may be used
## to compute consistent initial conditions given initial guesses.
## The optional fifth argument @var{ode_opt} specifies non-default options to
## the ODE solver.  It is a structure generated by @code{odeset}.
## The function typically returns two outputs.  Variable @var{t} is a
## column vector and contains the times where the solution was found.  The
## output @var{y} is a matrix in which each column refers to a different
## unknown of the problem and each row corresponds to a time in @var{t}.
## The output can also be returned as a structure @var{solution} which has a
## field @var{x} containing a row vector of times where the solution was
## evaluated and a field @var{y} containing the solution matrix such that each
## column corresponds to a time in @var{x}.  Use
## @w{@code{fieldnames (@var{solution})}} to see the other fields and
## additional information returned.
## If no output arguments are requested, and no @qcode{"OutputFcn"} is
## specified in @var{ode_opt}, then the @qcode{"OutputFcn"} is set to
## @code{odeplot} and the results of the solver are plotted immediately.
## If using the @qcode{"Events"} option then three additional outputs may be
## returned.  @var{te} holds the time when an Event function returned a zero.
## @var{ye} holds the value of the solution at time @var{te}.  @var{ie}
## contains an index indicating which Event function was triggered in the case
## of multiple Event functions.
## Example: Solve @nospell{Robertson's} equations:
## @smallexample
## @group
## function r = robertson_dae (@var{t}, @var{y}, @var{yp})
##   r = [ -(@var{yp}(1) + 0.04*@var{y}(1) - 1e4*@var{y}(2)*@var{y}(3))
##         -(@var{yp}(2) - 0.04*@var{y}(1) + 1e4*@var{y}(2)*@var{y}(3) + 3e7*@var{y}(2)^2)
##         @var{y}(1) + @var{y}(2) + @var{y}(3) - 1 ];
## endfunction
## [@var{t},@var{y}] = ode15i (@@robertson_dae, [0, 1e3], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0]);
## @end group
## @end smallexample
## @seealso{decic, odeset, odeget}
## @end deftypefn

function varargout = ode15i (fun, trange, y0, yp0, varargin)

  if (nargin < 4)
    print_usage ();

  solver = "ode15i";

  n = numel (y0);

  if (nargin > 4)
   options = varargin{1};
   options = odeset ();

  ## Check fun, trange, y0, yp0
  fun = check_default_input (fun, trange, solver, y0, yp0);

  if (! isempty (options.Jacobian))
    if (ischar (options.Jacobian))
      if (! exist (options.Jacobian))
        error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
               ['ode15i: "Jacobian" function "' options.Jacobian '" not found']);
      options.Jacobian = str2func (options.Jacobian);

  if (! isempty (options.OutputFcn))
    if (ischar (options.OutputFcn))
      if (! exist (options.OutputFcn))
        error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
               ['ode15i: "OutputFcn" function "' options.OutputFcn '" not found']);
      options.OutputFcn = str2func (options.OutputFcn);
    if (! is_function_handle (options.OutputFcn))
      error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
             'ode15i: "OutputFcn" must be a valid function handle');

  if (! isempty (options.Events))
    if (ischar (options.Events))
      if (! exist (options.Events))
        error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
               ['ode15i: "Events" function "' options.Events '" not found']);
      options.Events = str2func (options.Events);
    if (! is_function_handle (options.Events))
      error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
             'ode15i: "Events" must be a valid function handle');

  [defaults, classes, attributes] = odedefaults (n, trange(1), trange(end));

  persistent ignorefields = {"NonNegative", "Mass", ...
                             "MStateDependence", "MvPattern", ...
                             "MassSingular", "InitialSlope", "BDF"};

  defaults   = rmfield (defaults, ignorefields);
  classes    = rmfield (classes, ignorefields);
  attributes = rmfield (attributes, ignorefields);

  classes    = odeset (classes, "Vectorized", {});
  attributes = odeset (attributes, "Jacobian", {}, "Vectorized", {});

  options = odemergeopts ("ode15i", options, defaults,
                          classes, attributes, solver);

  ## Jacobian
  options.havejac       = false;
  options.havejacsparse = false;
  options.havejacfun    = false;

  if (! isempty (options.Jacobian))
    options.havejac = true;
    if (iscell (options.Jacobian))
      if (numel (options.Jacobian) == 2)
        J1 = options.Jacobian{1};
        J2 = options.Jacobian{2};
        if (   ! issquare (J1) || ! issquare (J2)
            || rows (J1) != n || rows (J2) != n
            || ! isnumeric (J1) || ! isnumeric (J2)
            || ! isreal (J1) || ! isreal (J2))
          error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
                 'ode15i: "Jacobian" matrices must be real square matrices');
        if (issparse (J1) && issparse (J2))
          options.havejacsparse = true;  # Jac is sparse cell
        error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
               'ode15i: invalid value assigned to field "Jacobian"');

    elseif (is_function_handle (options.Jacobian))
      options.havejacfun = true;
      if (nargin (options.Jacobian) == 3)
        [J1, J2] = options.Jacobian (trange(1), y0, yp0);

        if (   ! issquare (J1) || rows (J1) != n
            || ! isnumeric (J1) || ! isreal (J1)
            || ! issquare (J2) || rows (J2) != n
            || ! isnumeric (J2) || ! isreal (J2))
          error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
                 'ode15i: "Jacobian" function must evaluate to a real square matrix');
        if (issparse (J1) && issparse (J2))
          options.havejacsparse = true;  # Jac is sparse fun
        error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
               'ode15i: invalid value assigned to field "Jacobian"');
      error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
             'ode15i: "Jacobian" field must be a function handle or 2-element cell array of square matrices');

  ## Abstol and Reltol
  options.haveabstolvec = false;

  if (numel (options.AbsTol) != 1 && numel (options.AbsTol) != n)
    error ("Octave:invalid-input-arg",
           'ode15i: invalid value assigned to field "AbsTol"');

  elseif (numel (options.AbsTol) == n)
    options.haveabstolvec = true;

  ## Stats
  options.havestats = strcmpi (options.Stats, "on");

  ## Don't use Refine when the output is a structure
  if (nargout == 1)
    options.Refine = 1;

  ## OutputFcn and OutputSel
  if (isempty (options.OutputFcn) && nargout == 0)
    options.OutputFcn = @odeplot;
    options.haveoutputfunction = true;
    options.haveoutputfunction = ! isempty (options.OutputFcn);

  options.haveoutputselection = ! isempty (options.OutputSel);
  if (options.haveoutputselection)
    options.OutputSel = options.OutputSel - 1;

  ## Events
  options.haveeventfunction = ! isempty (options.Events);

  ## 3 arguments in the event callback of ode15i
  [t, y, te, ye, ie] = __ode15__ (fun, trange, y0, yp0, options, 3);

  if (nargout == 2)
    varargout{1} = t;
    varargout{2} = y;
  elseif (nargout == 1)
    varargout{1}.x = t.';  # Time stamps saved in field x (row vector)
    varargout{1}.y = y.';  # Results are saved in field y (row vector)
    varargout{1}.solver = solver;
    if (options.haveeventfunction)
      varargout{1}.xe = te.';  # Time info when an event occurred
      varargout{1}.ye = ye.';  # Results when an event occurred
      varargout{1}.ie = ie.';  # Index info which event occurred
  elseif (nargout > 2)
    varargout = cell (1,5);
    varargout{1} = t;
    varargout{2} = y;
    if (options.haveeventfunction)
      varargout{3} = te;  # Time info when an event occurred
      varargout{4} = ye;  # Results when an event occurred
      varargout{5} = ie;  # Index info which event occurred


%! ## Solve Robertson's equations with ode15i
%! fun = @(t, y, yp) [-(yp(1) + 0.04*y(1) - 1e4*y(2)*y(3));
%!                    -(yp(2) - 0.04*y(1) + 1e4*y(2)*y(3) + 3e7*y(2)^2);
%!                    y(1) + y(2) + y(3) - 1];
%! opt = odeset ("RelTol", 1e-4, "AbsTol", [1e-8, 1e-14, 1e-6]);
%! y0 = [1; 0; 0];
%! yp0 = [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0];
%! tspan = [0 4*logspace(-6, 6)];
%! [t, y] = ode15i (fun, tspan, y0, yp0, opt);
%! y(:,2) = 1e4 * y(:, 2);
%! figure (2);
%! semilogx (t, y, "o");
%! xlabel ("time");
%! ylabel ("species concentration");
%! title ("Robertson DAE problem with a Conservation Law");
%! legend ("y1", "y2", "y3");

%!function res = rob (t, y, yp)
%!  res =[-(yp(1) + 0.04*y(1) - 1e4*y(2)*y(3));
%!        -(yp(2) - 0.04*y(1) + 1e4*y(2)*y(3) + 3e7*y(2)^2);
%!        y(1) + y(2) + y(3) - 1];
%!function ref = fref ()
%!  ref = [100, 0.617234887614937, 0.000006153591397, 0.382758958793666];
%!function ref2 = fref2 ()
%!  ref2 = [4e6 0 0 1];
%!function [DFDY, DFDYP] = jacfundense (t, y, yp)
%!  DFDY = [-0.04,           1e4*y(3),  1e4*y(2);
%!           0.04, -1e4*y(3)-6e7*y(2), -1e4*y(2);
%!              1,                  1,         1];
%!  DFDYP = [-1,  0, 0;
%!            0, -1, 0;
%!            0,  0, 0];
%!function [DFDY, DFDYP] = jacfunsparse (t, y, yp)
%!  DFDY = sparse ([-0.04,           1e4*y(3),  1e4*y(2);
%!                   0.04, -1e4*y(3)-6e7*y(2), -1e4*y(2);
%!                      1,                  1,         1]);
%!  DFDYP = sparse ([-1,  0, 0;
%!                    0, -1, 0;
%!                    0,  0, 0]);
%!function [DFDY, DFDYP] = jacwrong (t, y, yp)
%!  DFDY = [-0.04,           1e4*y(3);
%!           0.04, -1e4*y(3)-6e7*y(2)];
%!  DFDYP = [-1,  0;
%!            0, -1];
%!function [DFDY, DFDYP, A] = jacwrong2 (t, y, yp)
%!  DFDY = [-0.04,           1e4*y(3),  1e4*y(2);
%!           0.04, -1e4*y(3)-6e7*y(2), -1e4*y(2);
%!              1,                  1,         1];
%!  DFDYP = [-1,  0, 0;
%!            0, -1, 0;
%!            0,  0, 0];
%!  A = DFDY;
%!function [val, isterminal, direction] = ff (t, y, yp)
%!  isterminal = [0, 1];
%!  if (t < 1e1)
%!    val = [-1, -2];
%!  else
%!    val = [1, 3];
%!  endif
%!  direction = [1, 0];

## anonymous function instead of real function
%! ref = 0.049787079136413;
%! ff = @(t, u, udot)  udot + 3 * u;
%! [t, y] = ode15i (ff, 0:1, 1, -3);
%! assert ([t(end), y(end)], [1, ref], 1e-3);

## function passed as string
%! [t, y] = ode15i ("rob", [0, 100, 200], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0]);
%! assert ([t(2), y(2,:)], fref, 1e-3);

##  solve in intermediate step
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100, 200], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0]);
%! assert ([t(2), y(2,:)], fref, 1e-3);

## numel(trange) = 2 final value
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0]);
%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref, 1e-5);

## With empty options
%! opt = odeset ();
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 1e6, 2e6, 3e6, 4e6], [1; 0; 0],
%!                  [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref2, 1e-3);
%! opt = odeset ();

## Without options
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 1e6, 2e6, 3e6, 4e6], [1; 0; 0],[-1e-4; 1e-4; 0]);
%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref2, 1e-3);

## InitialStep option
%! opt = odeset ("InitialStep", 1e-8);
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert (t(2)-t(1), 1e-8, 1e-9);

## MaxStep option
%! opt = odeset ("MaxStep", 1e-3);
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0]);
%! assert (t(5)-t(4), 1e-3, 1e-3);

## AbsTol scalar option
%! opt = odeset ("AbsTol", 1e-8);
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref, 1e-3);

## AbsTol scalar and RelTol option
%! opt = odeset ("AbsTol", 1e-8, "RelTol", 1e-6);
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref, 1e-3);

## AbsTol vector option
%! opt = odeset ("AbsTol", [1e-8, 1e-14, 1e-6]);
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref, 1e-3);

## AbsTol vector and RelTol option
%! opt = odeset ("AbsTol", [1e-8, 1e-14,1e-6], "RelTol", 1e-6);
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4;1e-4;0], opt);
%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref, 1e-3);

## RelTol option
%! opt = odeset ("RelTol", 1e-6);
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref, 1e-3);

## Jacobian fun dense
%! opt = odeset ("Jacobian", @jacfundense);
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref, 1e-3);

## Jacobian fun dense as string
%! opt = odeset ("Jacobian", "jacfundense");
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref, 1e-3);

## Jacobian fun sparse
%! opt = odeset ("Jacobian", @jacfunsparse, "AbsTol", 1e-7, "RelTol", 1e-7);
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert ([t(end), y(end,:)], fref, 1e-3);

## Solve in backward direction starting at t=100
%! YPref = [-0.001135972751027; -0.000000027483627; 0.001136000234654];
%! Yref = [0.617234887614937, 0.000006153591397, 0.382758958793666];
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0]);
%! [t2, y2] = ode15i (@rob, [100, 0], Yref', YPref);
%! assert ([t2(end), y2(end,:)], [0, 1, 0, 0], 2e-2);

## Solve in backward direction with MaxStep option
%! YPref = [-0.001135972751027; -0.000000027483627; 0.001136000234654];
%! Yref = [0.617234887614937, 0.000006153591397, 0.382758958793666];
%! opt = odeset ("MaxStep", 1e-2);
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0]);
%! [t2, y2] = ode15i (@rob, [100, 0], Yref', YPref, opt);
%! assert ([t2(end), y2(end,:)], [0, 1, 0, 0], 2e-2);
%! assert (t2(9)-t2(10), 1e-2, 1e-2);

## Solve in backward direction starting with intermediate step
%! YPref = [-0.001135972751027; -0.000000027483627; 0.001136000234654];
%! Yref = [0.617234887614937, 0.000006153591397, 0.382758958793666];
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0]);
%! [t2, y2] = ode15i (@rob, [100, 5, 0], Yref', YPref);
%! assert ([t2(end), y2(end,:)], [0, 1, 0, 0], 2e-2);

## Refine
%! opt = odeset ("Refine", 3);
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0]);
%! [t2, y2] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert (numel (t2), numel (t) * 3, 3);

## Refine ignored if numel (trange) > 2
%! opt = odeset ("Refine", 3);
%! [t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 10, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0]);
%! [t2, y2] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 10, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert (numel (t2), numel (t));

## Events option add further elements in sol
%! opt = odeset ("Events", @ff);
%! sol = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert (isfield (sol, "ie"));
%! assert (, [1, 2]);
%! assert (isfield (sol, "xe"));
%! assert (isfield (sol, "ye"));
%! assert (sol.x(end), 10, 1);

## Events option, five output arguments
%! opt = odeset ("Events", @ff);
%! [t, y, te, ye, ie] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 100], [1; 0; 0],
%!                              [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt);
%! assert (t(end), 10, 1);
%! assert (te, [10; 10], 0.2);
%! assert (ie, [1; 2]);

## Initial solutions as row vectors
%! A = eye (2);
%! [tout, yout] = ode15i (@(t, y, yp) A * y - A * yp, ...
%! [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]);
%! assert (size (yout), [20, 2]);

%! A = eye (2);
%! [tout, yout] = ode15i (@(t, y, yp) A * y - A * yp, ...
%! [0, 1], [1, 1], [1; 1]);
%! assert (size (yout), [20, 2]);

## Jacobian fun wrong dimension
%! opt = odeset ("Jacobian", @jacwrong);
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 4e6], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt)",
%!       '"Jacobian" function must evaluate to a real square matrix');

## Jacobian cell dense wrong dimension
%! DFDY = [-0.04, 1;
%!          0.04, 1];
%! DFDYP = [-1,  0, 0;
%!           0, -1, 0;
%!           0,  0, 0];
%! opt = odeset ("Jacobian", {DFDY, DFDYP});
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 4e6], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt)",
%!       '"Jacobian" matrices must be real square matrices');

## Jacobian cell sparse wrong dimension
%! DFDY = sparse ([-0.04, 1;
%!                  0.04, 1]);
%! DFDYP = sparse ([-1,  0, 0;
%!                   0, -1, 0;
%!                   0,  0, 0]);
%! opt = odeset ("Jacobian", {DFDY, DFDYP});
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 4e6], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt)",
%!       '"Jacobian" matrices must be real square matrices');

## Jacobian cell wrong number of matrices
%! A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
%! opt = odeset ("Jacobian", {A,A,A});
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 4e6], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt)",
%!       'invalid value assigned to field "Jacobian"');

## Jacobian single matrix
%! opt = odeset ("Jacobian", [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]);
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 4e6], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt)",
%!       '"Jacobian" field must be a function handle or 2-element cell array of square matrices');

## Jacobian single matrix wrong dimension
%! opt = odeset ("Jacobian", [1 2 3; 4 5 6]);
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 4e6], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt)",
%!       '"Jacobian" field must be a function handle or 2-element cell array of square matrices');

## Jacobian strange field
%! opt = odeset ("Jacobian", "_5yVNhWVJWJn47RKnzxPsyb_");
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@rob, [0, 4e6], [1; 0; 0], [-1e-4; 1e-4; 0], opt)",
%!       '"Jacobian" function "_5yVNhWVJWJn47RKnzxPsyb_" not found');

%!function ydot = fun (t, y, yp)
%!  ydot = [y - yp];

%! fail ("ode15i ()", "Invalid call to ode15i");

%! fail ("ode15i (1)", "Invalid call to ode15i");

%! fail ("ode15i (1, 1)", "Invalid call to ode15i");

%! fail ("ode15i (1, 1, 1)", "Invalid call to ode15i");

%! fail ("ode15i (1, 1, 1, 1)", "ode15i: fun must be of class:");

%! fail ("ode15i (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)", "ode15i: fun must be of class:");

%! fail ("ode15i (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)", "ode15i: fun must be of class:");

%! fail ("ode15i (@fun, 1, 1, 1)",
%!       "ode15i: invalid value assigned to field 'trange'");

%! fail ("ode15i (@fun, [1, 1], 1, 1)",
%!       "ode15i: invalid value assigned to field 'trange'");

%! fail ("ode15i (@fun, [1, 2], 1, [1, 2])",
%!       "ode15i: y0 must have 2 elements");

%! opt = odeset ("RelTol", "_5yVNhWVJWJn47RKnzxPsyb_");
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@fun, [0, 2], 2, 2, opt)",
%!       "ode15i: RelTol must be of class:");

%! opt = odeset ("RelTol", [1, 2]);
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@fun, [0, 2], 2, 2, opt)",
%!       "ode15i: RelTol must be scalar");

%! opt = odeset ("RelTol", -2);
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@fun, [0, 2], 2, 2, opt)",
%!       "ode15i: RelTol must be positive");

%! opt = odeset ("AbsTol", "_5yVNhWVJWJn47RKnzxPsyb_");
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@fun, [0, 2], 2, 2, opt)",
%!       "ode15i: AbsTol must be of class:");

%! opt = odeset ("AbsTol", -1);
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@fun, [0, 2], 2, 2, opt)",
%!       "ode15i: AbsTol must be positive");

%! opt = odeset ("AbsTol", [1, 1, 1]);
%! fail ("[t, y] = ode15i (@fun, [0, 2], 2, 2, opt)",
%!       'ode15i: invalid value assigned to field "AbsTol"');

%! A = zeros (2);
%! fail ("ode15i (@(t, y, yp) A * y - A * yp, [0, 1], eye (2), [1, 1])",
%!       "ode15i: Y0 must be a numeric vector");

%! A = zeros (2);
%! fail ("ode15i (@(t, y, yp) A * y - A * yp, [0, 1], [1, 1], eye (2))",
%!       "ode15i: YP0 must be a numeric vector");