view libinterp/corefcn/oct-opengl.h @ 33395:a258493e726a

Backed out changeset c714266d9f0d
author Arun Giridhar <>
date Sat, 13 Apr 2024 14:28:48 -0400
parents 2e484f9f1f18
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (C) 2016-2024 The Octave Project Developers
// See the file in the top-level directory of this
// distribution or <>.
// This file is part of Octave.
// Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
// <>.

#if ! defined (octave_oct_opengl_h)
#define octave_oct_opengl_h 1

#include "octave-config.h"

#if defined (HAVE_OPENGL)

#  if defined (HAVE_GL_GL_H)
#    include <GL/gl.h>
#  elif defined (HAVE_OPENGL_GL_H) || defined (HAVE_FRAMEWORK_OPENGL)
#    include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#  endif

#  if defined (HAVE_GL_GLU_H)
#    include <GL/glu.h>
#  elif defined (HAVE_OPENGL_GLU_H) || defined (HAVE_FRAMEWORK_OPENGL)
#    include <OpenGL/glu.h>
#  endif

#  if defined (HAVE_GL_GLEXT_H)
#    include <GL/glext.h>
#  elif defined (HAVE_OPENGL_GLEXT_H) || defined (HAVE_FRAMEWORK_OPENGL)
#    include <OpenGL/glext.h>
#  endif



class opengl_functions

  opengl_functions () { }

  opengl_functions (const opengl_functions&) = default;

  opengl_functions& operator = (const opengl_functions&) = default;

  virtual ~opengl_functions () = default;

#if defined (HAVE_OPENGL)

  // If OpenGL is not available, opengl_functions will be a dummy
  // class that does nothing.  This makes the implementation of
  // other things that rely on this class slightly simpler.

  virtual void glAlphaFunc (GLenum fcn, GLclampf ref)
    ::glAlphaFunc (fcn, ref);

  virtual void glBegin (GLenum mode)
    ::glBegin (mode);

  virtual void glBindTexture (GLenum target, GLuint texture)
    ::glBindTexture (target, texture);

  virtual void glBitmap (GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig,
                         GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove,
                         const GLubyte *bitmap)
    ::glBitmap (width, height, xorig, yorig, xmove, ymove, bitmap);

  virtual void glBlendFunc (GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor)
    ::glBlendFunc (sfactor, dfactor);

  virtual void glCallList (GLuint list)
    ::glCallList (list);

  virtual void glClearColor (GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue,
                             GLclampf alpha)
    ::glClearColor (red, green, blue, alpha);

  virtual void glClear (GLbitfield mask)
    ::glClear (mask);

  virtual void glClipPlane (GLenum plane, const GLdouble *equation)
    ::glClipPlane (plane, equation);

  virtual void glColor3dv (const GLdouble *v)
    ::glColor3dv (v);

  virtual void glColor3f (GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue)
    ::glColor3f (red, green, blue);

  virtual void glColor3fv (const GLfloat *v)
    ::glColor3fv (v);

  virtual void glColor4d (GLdouble red, GLdouble green, GLdouble blue,
                          GLdouble alpha)
    ::glColor4d (red, green, blue, alpha);

  virtual void glColor4f (GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue,
                          GLfloat alpha)
    ::glColor4f (red, green, blue, alpha);

  virtual void glColor4fv (const GLfloat *v)
    ::glColor4fv (v);

  virtual void glDeleteLists (GLuint list, GLsizei range)
    ::glDeleteLists (list, range);

  virtual void glDeleteTextures (GLsizei n, const GLuint *textures)
    ::glDeleteTextures (n, textures);

  virtual void glDepthFunc (GLenum fcn)
    ::glDepthFunc (fcn);

  virtual void glDisable (GLenum cap)
    ::glDisable (cap);

  virtual void glDrawPixels (GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format,
                             GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)
    ::glDrawPixels (width, height, format, type, pixels);

  virtual void glEdgeFlag (GLboolean flag)
    ::glEdgeFlag (flag);

  virtual void glEnable (GLenum cap)
    ::glEnable (cap);

  virtual void glEndList ()
    ::glEndList ();

  virtual void glEnd ()
    ::glEnd ();

  virtual void glFinish ()
    ::glFinish ();

  virtual GLuint glGenLists (GLsizei range)
    return ::glGenLists (range);

  virtual void glGenTextures (GLsizei n, GLuint *textures)
    ::glGenTextures (n, textures);

  virtual void glGetBooleanv (GLenum pname, GLboolean *data)
    ::glGetBooleanv (pname, data);

  virtual void glGetDoublev (GLenum pname, GLdouble *data)
    ::glGetDoublev (pname, data);

  virtual GLenum glGetError ()
    return ::glGetError ();

  virtual void glGetFloatv (GLenum pname, GLfloat *data)
    ::glGetFloatv (pname, data);

  virtual void glGetIntegerv (GLenum pname, GLint *data)
    ::glGetIntegerv (pname, data);

  virtual const GLubyte * glGetString (GLenum name)
    return ::glGetString (name);

  virtual void glHint (GLenum target, GLenum mode)
    ::glHint (target, mode);

  virtual void glInitNames ()
    ::glInitNames ();

  virtual GLboolean glIsEnabled (GLenum cap)
    return ::glIsEnabled (cap);

  virtual void glLightfv (GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)
    ::glLightfv (light, pname, params);

  virtual void glLineStipple (GLint factor, GLushort pattern)
    ::glLineStipple (factor, pattern);

  virtual void glLineWidth (GLfloat width)
    ::glLineWidth (width);

  virtual void glLoadIdentity ()
    ::glLoadIdentity ();

  virtual void glMaterialf (GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat param)
    ::glMaterialf (face, pname, param);

  virtual void glMaterialfv (GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)
    ::glMaterialfv (face, pname, params);

  virtual void glMatrixMode (GLenum mode)
    ::glMatrixMode (mode);

  virtual void glMultMatrixd (const GLdouble *m)
    ::glMultMatrixd (m);

  virtual void glNewList (GLuint list, GLenum mode)
    ::glNewList (list, mode);

  virtual void glNormal3d (GLdouble nx, GLdouble ny, GLdouble nz)
    ::glNormal3d (nx, ny, nz);

  virtual void glNormal3dv (const GLdouble *v)
    ::glNormal3dv (v);

  virtual void glOrtho (GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom,
                        GLdouble top, GLdouble near_val, GLdouble far_val)
    ::glOrtho (left, right, bottom, top, near_val, far_val);

  virtual void glPixelStorei (GLenum pname, GLint param)
    ::glPixelStorei (pname, param);

  virtual void glPixelZoom (GLfloat xfactor, GLfloat yfactor)
    ::glPixelZoom (xfactor, yfactor);

  virtual void glPolygonMode (GLenum face, GLenum mode)
    ::glPolygonMode (face, mode);

  virtual void glPolygonOffset (GLfloat factor, GLfloat units)
    ::glPolygonOffset (factor, units);

  virtual void glPopAttrib ()
    ::glPopAttrib ();

  virtual void glPopMatrix ()
    ::glPopMatrix ();

  virtual void glPopName ()
    ::glPopName ();

  virtual void glPushAttrib (GLbitfield mask)
    ::glPushAttrib (mask);

  virtual void glPushMatrix ()
    ::glPushMatrix ();

  virtual void glPushName (GLuint name)
    ::glPushName (name);

  virtual void glRasterPos3d (GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)
    ::glRasterPos3d (x, y, z);

  virtual void glReadPixels (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
                             GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels)
    ::glReadPixels (x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels);

  virtual GLint glRenderMode (GLenum mode)
    return ::glRenderMode (mode);

  virtual void glRotated (GLdouble angle, GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)
    ::glRotated (angle, x, y, z);

  virtual void glScaled (GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)
    ::glScaled (x, y, z);

  virtual void glScalef (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
    ::glScalef (x, y, z);

  virtual void glSelectBuffer (GLsizei size, GLuint *buffer)
    ::glSelectBuffer (size, buffer);

  virtual void glShadeModel (GLenum mode)
    ::glShadeModel (mode);

  virtual void glTexCoord2d (GLdouble s, GLdouble t)
    ::glTexCoord2d (s, t);

  virtual void glTexImage2D (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalFormat,
                             GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border,
                             GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels)
    ::glTexImage2D (target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border,
                    format, type, pixels);

  virtual void glTexParameteri (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param)
    ::glTexParameteri (target, pname, param);

  virtual void glTranslated (GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)
    ::glTranslated (x, y, z);

  virtual void glTranslatef (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
    ::glTranslatef (x, y, z);

  virtual void glVertex2d (GLdouble x, GLdouble y)
    ::glVertex2d (x, y);

  virtual void glVertex3d (GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)
    ::glVertex3d (x, y, z);

  virtual void glVertex3dv (const GLdouble *v)
    ::glVertex3dv (v);

  virtual void glViewport (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)
    ::glViewport (x, y, width, height);


