view libgui/src/ @ 24396:c652f2637063

use Qt::NoItemFlags instead of 0 or nullptr * (variable_editor_model::flags): Return Qt::NoItemFlags instead of 0. * (workspace_model::columnCount): Initialize return value to Qt::NoItemFlags instead of nullptr.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Mon, 11 Dec 2017 09:08:34 -0500
parents 1d184b55416a
children 08f19fd144f4
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 2015 Michael Barnes
Copyright (C) 2013 RĂ¼diger Sonderfeld
Copyright (C) 2013 John W. Eaton

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see


#  include <config.h>

#include <sstream>

#include <QDebug>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QString>
#include <QVector>

#include "octave-qt-link.h"
#include "variable-editor-model.h"

#include "ov.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "variables.h"

/// Pimpl/Dpointer for variable_editor_model.
struct variable_editor_model::impl
  struct cell
    enum state_t

    cell ()
      : m_state (unset)
    { }

    cell (state_t s)
      : m_state (s)
    { }

    cell (const QString& d, const QString& s, const QString& t,
          bool rse, sub_editor_types edtype)
      : m_state (avail), m_data (d), m_status_tip (s), m_tool_tip (t),
        m_requires_sub_editor (rse), m_editor_type (edtype)
    { }

    state_t m_state;
    QVariant m_data;
    QVariant m_status_tip;
    QVariant m_tool_tip;
    QVariant m_background;
    bool m_requires_sub_editor;

    sub_editor_types m_editor_type;

    // FIXME: Other variables needed?

  void set (const QModelIndex& idx, const cell& dat)
    if (idx.isValid ())
      m_table[model_to_index (idx)] = dat;

  void set (int r, int c, const cell& dat)
    if (0 <= r && r < m_rows && 0 <= c && c <= columns ())
      m_table[c * m_rows + r] = dat;

  bool is_set (const QModelIndex& idx) const
    return idx.isValid ()
           && m_table[model_to_index (idx)].m_state == cell::avail;

  bool is_notavail (const QModelIndex& idx) const
    return idx.isValid ()
           && m_table[model_to_index (idx)].m_state == cell::notavail;

  bool is_pending (const QModelIndex& idx) const
    return idx.isValid ()
           && m_table[model_to_index (idx)].m_state == cell::pending;

  void pending (const QModelIndex& idx)
    if (idx.isValid ())
      m_table[model_to_index (idx)].m_state = cell::pending;

  void notavail (int r, int c)
    if (0 <= r && r < m_rows && 0 <= c && c <= columns ())
      m_table[c * m_rows + r].m_state = cell::notavail;

  bool requires_sub_editor (const QModelIndex& idx)
    return idx.isValid ()
           && m_table[model_to_index (idx)].m_requires_sub_editor;

  sub_editor_types sub_editor_type (const QModelIndex& idx)
    return idx.isValid () ? m_table[model_to_index (idx)].m_editor_type : sub_none;

  void unset (int r, int c)
    if (0 <= r && r < m_rows && 0 <= c && c <= columns ())
      m_table[c * m_rows + r].m_state = cell::unset;

  void clear (void)
    for (int i = 0; i < m_table.size (); ++i)
      m_table[i].m_state = cell::unset;

  QVariant data (const QModelIndex& idx, int role) const
    if (idx.isValid ())
        const int i = model_to_index (idx);
        switch (role)
          case Qt::DisplayRole:
          case Qt::EditRole:
            return m_table[i].m_data;
          case Qt::StatusTipRole:
            return m_table[i].m_status_tip;
          case Qt::ToolTipRole:
            return m_table[i].m_tool_tip;
          case Qt::BackgroundRole:
            return m_table[i].m_background;
    return QVariant ();

  octave_idx_type rows (void) const { return m_rows; }

  octave_idx_type columns (void) const { return m_cols; }

  int model_to_index (const QModelIndex& idx) const
    return idx.column () * m_rows + idx.row ();

  impl (const QString& n, QLabel *l)
    : m_name (n.toStdString ()), m_type (),
      m_rows (0), m_cols (0), m_table (), m_label (l),
      m_validity (true), m_validtext ()
  { }

  const std::string m_name;
  std::string m_type;
  octave_idx_type m_rows;
  octave_idx_type m_cols;
  QVector<cell> m_table;
  QLabel *m_label;
  bool m_validity;
  QString m_validtext;

variable_editor_model::variable_editor_model (const QString& expr,
                                              QLabel *label,
                                              QObject *parent)
  : QAbstractTableModel (parent), m_p (parent), m_d (new impl (expr, label))
  connect (this, SIGNAL (data_ready (int, int, const QString&,
                                     const QString&,
                                     int, int)),
           this, SLOT (received_data (int, int, const QString&,
                                      const QString&,
                                      int, int)));
  connect (this, SIGNAL (no_data (int, int)),
           this, SLOT (received_no_data (int, int)));
  connect (this, SIGNAL (unset_data (int, int)),
           this, SLOT (received_unset_data (int, int)));
  connect (this, SIGNAL (user_error (const QString&, const QString&)),
           this, SLOT (received_user_error (const QString&, const QString&)));
  connect (this, SIGNAL (initialize_data (const QString&, const QString&,
                                          int, int)),
           this, SLOT (received_initialize_data (const QString&,
                                                 const QString&,
                                                 int, int)));

  clear_data_cache ();  // initializes everything

variable_editor_model::~variable_editor_model (void)
  delete m_d;

variable_editor_model::clear_data_cache (void)
    (this, &variable_editor_model::init_from_oct, m_d->m_name);

variable_editor_model::requires_sub_editor (const QModelIndex& idx) const
  return m_d->requires_sub_editor (idx);

bool variable_editor_model::editor_type_matrix (const QModelIndex& idx) const
  return m_d->sub_editor_type (idx) == sub_matrix;

bool variable_editor_model::editor_type_string (const QModelIndex& idx) const
  return m_d->sub_editor_type (idx) == sub_string;

sub_editor_types variable_editor_model::editor_type (const QModelIndex& idx) const
  return m_d->sub_editor_type (idx);

variable_editor_model::parens (void) const
  if (m_d->m_type == "{")
    return "{%1, %2}";
    return "(%1, %2)";

variable_editor_model::rowCount (const QModelIndex&) const
  if (m_d->m_validity)
    return m_d->rows ();

  return 1;

variable_editor_model::columnCount (const QModelIndex&) const
  if (m_d->m_validity)
    return m_d->columns ();

  return 1;

variable_editor_model::data (const QModelIndex& idx, int role) const
  if (! m_d->m_validity)
      if (idx.isValid ())
          if (role == Qt::DisplayRole)
            return QVariant (QString ("Variable %d not found")
                             .arg (QString::fromStdString (m_d->m_name)));
      return QVariant (QString ("x"));

  if (idx.isValid ())
      if (m_d->is_set (idx))
        return m_d->data (idx, role);
          if (! m_d->is_pending (idx))
              octave_link::post_event<variable_editor_model, int, int,
                                      const std::string&>
                (const_cast<variable_editor_model *> (this),
                 idx.row (), idx.column (), m_d->m_name);
              m_d->pending (idx);
          if (role == Qt::DisplayRole)
            return QVariant (QString (m_d->is_notavail (idx) ? "⌛" : "✗"));
            return QVariant ();

  return QVariant (); // invalid

variable_editor_model::setData (const QModelIndex& idx, const QVariant& v,
                                int role)
  if (idx.isValid () && role == Qt::EditRole)
      if (v.type () != QVariant::String)
          qDebug () << v.typeName () << " Expected String!";
          return false;
      octave_link::post_event<variable_editor_model, const std::string&,
                              int, int, const std::string&>
        (this, &variable_editor_model::set_data_oct,
         m_d->m_name, idx.row (), idx.column (),
         v.toString ().toStdString ());
      return true;
    return false;

variable_editor_model::insertRows (int row, int count, const QModelIndex&)
  // FIXME: cells?
  octave_link::post_event <variable_editor_model, const std::string&,
                           const std::string&>
    (this, &variable_editor_model::eval_oct, m_d->m_name,
     QString ("%1 = [ %1(1:%2,:) ; zeros(%3, columns(%1)) ; %1(%2+%3:end,:) ]")
     .arg (QString::fromStdString (m_d->m_name))
     .arg (row)
     .arg (count)
     .toStdString ());

  return true;

variable_editor_model::removeRows (int row, int count, const QModelIndex&)
  if (row + count > m_d->m_rows)
      qDebug () << "Tried to remove too many rows " << m_d->m_rows << " "
                << count << " (" << row << ")";
      return false;

  octave_link::post_event <variable_editor_model, const std::string&,
                           const std::string&>
    (this, &variable_editor_model::eval_oct, m_d->m_name,
     QString ("%1(%2:%3, :) = []")
     .arg (QString::fromStdString (m_d->m_name))
     .arg (row)
     .arg (row + count)
     .toStdString ());

  return true;

variable_editor_model::insertColumns (int col, int count, const QModelIndex&)
  octave_link::post_event <variable_editor_model, const std::string&,
                           const std::string&>
    (this, &variable_editor_model::eval_oct, m_d->m_name,
     QString ("%1 = [ %1(:,1:%2) ; zeros(rows(%1), %3) %1(:,%2+%3:end) ]")
     .arg (QString::fromStdString (m_d->m_name))
     .arg (col)
     .arg (count)
     .toStdString ());

  return true;

variable_editor_model::removeColumns (int col, int count, const QModelIndex&)
  if (col + count > m_d->m_cols)
      qDebug () << "Tried to remove too many cols " << m_d->m_cols << " "
                << count << " (" << col << ")";
      return false;

  octave_link::post_event <variable_editor_model, const std::string&,
                           const std::string&>
    (this, &variable_editor_model::eval_oct, m_d->m_name,
     QString ("%1(:, %2:%3) = []")
     .arg (QString::fromStdString (m_d->m_name))
     .arg (col)
     .arg (col + count)
     .toStdString ());

  return true;

variable_editor_model::flags (const QModelIndex& idx) const
  if (m_d->m_validity)
      if (requires_sub_editor (idx))
          if (editor_type (idx) != sub_string)
            return QAbstractTableModel::flags (idx);
      return QAbstractTableModel::flags (idx) | Qt::ItemIsEditable;
      //return requires_sub_editor(idx) ?  QAbstractTableModel::flags (idx) : QAbstractTableModel::flags (idx) | Qt::ItemIsEditable;

  return Qt::NoItemFlags;

// private slots

variable_editor_model::received_data (int r, int c,
                                      const QString& dat,
                                      const QString& class_info,
                                      int rows, int cols)
  // trim data
  const QString status_tip;
  const QString tool_tip = class_info +
                           QString (": %1x%2").arg (rows).arg (cols);

  bool subedit = rows != 1 || cols != 1 || class_info == QString ("struct");

  sub_editor_types edittype;
  if (!subedit)
    edittype = sub_none;
      if (class_info == QString ("char") && rows == 1)
        edittype = sub_string;
        edittype = sub_matrix;
  if (class_info == QString ("struct"))
    edittype = sub_struct;

  m_d->set (r, c, impl::cell (dat, status_tip, tool_tip,
                              rows > 1 || cols > 1
                              || class_info == QString ("struct"),

  QModelIndex idx = QAbstractTableModel::index (r, c);

  emit dataChanged (idx, idx);

variable_editor_model::received_no_data (int r, int c)
  m_d->notavail (r, c);

variable_editor_model::received_unset_data (int r, int c)
  m_d->unset (r, c);

variable_editor_model::received_user_error (const QString& title,
                                            const QString& msg)
  QMessageBox::critical (0x0, title, msg);

variable_editor_model::received_initialize_data (const QString& class_name,
                                                 const QString& paren,
                                                 int rows, int cols)
  if (!(m_d->m_validity))
  m_d->m_type = paren.toStdString ();

  const int r = m_d->m_rows - rows;
  if (r > 0)
    emit beginRemoveRows (QModelIndex (), rows, m_d->m_rows - 1);
  else if (r < 0)
    emit beginInsertRows (QModelIndex (), m_d->m_rows, rows - 1);

  const int c = m_d->m_cols - cols;
  if (c > 0)
    emit beginRemoveColumns (QModelIndex (), cols, m_d->m_cols - 1);
  else if (c < 0)
    emit beginInsertColumns (QModelIndex (), m_d->m_cols, cols - 1);

  m_d->m_rows = rows;
  m_d->m_cols = cols;
  m_d->m_table.clear ();
  m_d->m_table.resize (rows * cols);

  if (c > 0)
    emit endRemoveColumns ();
  else if (c < 0)
    emit endInsertColumns ();

  if (r > 0)
    emit endRemoveRows ();
  else if (r < 0)
    emit endInsertRows ();

  emit dataChanged (QAbstractTableModel::index (0, 0),
                    QAbstractTableModel::index (m_d->m_rows - 1, m_d->m_cols - 1));

  m_d->m_label->setTextFormat (Qt::PlainText);
  QString description = QString ("%1: %2 %3x%4")
                        .arg (QString::fromStdString (m_d->m_name))
                        .arg (class_name)
                        .arg (rows)
                        .arg (cols);
  m_d->m_label->setText (description);
  m_d->m_validtext = description;

// private

variable_editor_model::get_data_oct (int row, int col, const std::string& x)
  int parse_status = 0;

  octave_value v = retrieve_variable (x, parse_status);
  //eval_string (x, true, parse_status);//retrieve_variable(x, parse_status);
  //symbol_exist(x,"var") > 0 ? eval_string (x, true, parse_status) : octave_value();

  if (parse_status != 0 || ! v.is_defined ())
      emit no_data (row, col);
      m_d->m_validity = false;
  octave_value_list ovlidx = ovl (row + 1, col + 1);
  /*const*/ octave_value elem = v.single_subsref (m_d->m_type, ovlidx);

  if (elem.is_defined ())
      std::stringstream ss;
      elem.print (ss, true);
      /*const*/ QString dat = QString::fromStdString (ss.str ()).trimmed ();
      const QString cname = QString::fromStdString (elem.class_name ());

      // FIXME: This should not be necessary.
      if (dat == QString ("inf"))
        dat = "Inf";
      if (dat == QString ("nan"))
        dat = "NaN";

      emit data_ready (row, col, dat, cname, elem.rows (), elem.columns ());
    emit no_data (row, col);

// val has to be copied!
variable_editor_model::set_data_oct (const std::string& x, int row, int col,
                                     const std::string& val)
  m_d->m_validity = true;
  int parse_status = 0;
  // Accessing directly since
  // 1) retrieve_variable does not support writeback, and
  // 2) we can be reasonably sure that this variable exists.
  octave_value ret = octave::eval_string (val, true, parse_status);
  //retrieve_variable(x, parse_status);//eval_string (val, true, parse_status);
  if (parse_status != 0 || ret.is_undefined ())
      emit user_error ("Invalid expression",
                       QString ("Expression `%1' invalid")
                       .arg (QString::fromStdString (val)));

  parse_status = 0;
  octave_value v = retrieve_variable (x, parse_status);
  //eval_string (x, true, parse_status);
  if (parse_status != 0 || ! v.is_defined ())
      m_d->m_validity = false;
      emit user_error ("Table invalid",
                       QString ("Table expression `%1' invalid")
                       .arg (QString::fromStdString (x)));

  octave_value_list ovlidx = ovl (row + 1, col + 1);
  std::list<octave_value_list> idxl;
  idxl.push_back (ovlidx);
  v.subsasgn (m_d->m_type, idxl, ret);
  emit unset_data (row, col);
  QModelIndex idx = QAbstractTableModel::index (row, col);
  emit dataChanged (idx, idx);

// If the variable exists, load it into the data model.  If it doesn't exist,
// flag the data model as referring to a nonexistent variable.
// This allows the variable to be opened before it is created.
variable_editor_model::retrieve_variable (const std::string& x,
                                          int& parse_status)
  std::string name = x;

  if (x.back () == ')' || x.back () == '}')
    name = x.substr (0, x.find (x.back () == ')' ? "(" : "{"));

  if (symbol_exist (name, "var") > 0)
    return octave::eval_string (x, true, parse_status);

  parse_status = -1;

  return octave_value ();

variable_editor_model::init_from_oct (const std::string& x)
  int parse_status = 0;
  const octave_value ov = retrieve_variable (x, parse_status);//eval_string (x, true, parse_status);
  m_d->m_validity = true;
  if (parse_status != 0 || ! ov.is_defined ())
      m_d->m_validity = false;
      display_invalid ();
  const QString class_name = QString::fromStdString (ov.class_name ());
  const QString paren = ov.iscell () ? "{" : "("; // FIXME: cells?
  const octave_idx_type rows = ov.rows ();
  const octave_idx_type cols = ov.columns ();

  display_valid ();
  emit initialize_data (class_name, paren, rows, cols);

variable_editor_model::eval_oct (const std::string& name, const std::string& x)
  int parse_status = 0;
  octave::eval_string (x, true, parse_status);
  if (parse_status != 0)
    emit user_error ("Evaluation failed",
                     QString ("Evaluation of `%s' failed")
                     .arg (QString::fromStdString (x)));
  init_from_oct (name);

variable_editor_model::display_invalid (void)
  m_d->m_label->setTextFormat (Qt::PlainText);
  QString description = QString ("%1: [not found or out-of-scope]")
                        .arg (QString::fromStdString (m_d->m_name));
  m_d->m_label->setText (description);
  dynamic_cast<QWidget *> (m_p)->setVisible (false);

variable_editor_model::display_valid (void)
  m_d->m_label->setTextFormat (Qt::PlainText);
  m_d->m_label->setText (m_d->m_validtext);
  dynamic_cast<QWidget *> (m_p)->setVisible (true);