view static/css/variables.less @ 107:2bca07be6e51

Add login popup box So you can log in and immediately be redirected to the same page. Sort of like what reddit has. If Javascript is disabled, the user is simply taken to the standard login page.
author dellsystem <>
date Tue, 11 Sep 2012 20:23:51 -0400
parents f872c643b056
children 5ab229c9d348
line wrap: on
line source

// Colour scheme
@black:             #000;
@almostBlack:       #1B1B1B;
@darkerGrey:        #333;
@darkGrey:          #555;
@mediumGrey:        #AAA;
@lightGrey:         #E6E6E6;
@lighterGrey:       #F0F0F0;
@offWhite:          #FBFBFB;
@white:             #FFF;

@darkOrange:        #D45500;
@orange:            #FF7F2A;
@lightOrange:       lighten(@orange, 25%);

@darkBlue:          #1B749D;
@mediumBlue:        #22A2CA;
@lightBlue:         #60CAE1;

@darkSheer:         rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

// Dimensions and positioning
@fixedWidth:        960px;
@headerHeight:      100px;
@headerIconHoverY:  -60px;
@sidebarWidth:      230px;
@sidebarLeftSpace:  20px;
@nonSidebarWidth:   @fixedWidth - @sidebarWidth - @sidebarLeftSpace;
@inputPadding:      5px;
@sidebarPadding:    10px;