view static/css/variables.less @ 102:f872c643b056

Updates to snippet functionality (see details) Sorry about the large commit, but it was difficult to break it up as a lot of new functionality was introduced. Most of it is specific to the snippet feature but there are some other changes as well. Commit highlights: * Added the ability to switch the syntax highlighting colour scheme when viewing a snippet. This is currently done on a per-snippet basis only, but eventually it will be possible to set a default in your profile to have all the snippets you view use that colour scheme. There are currently 8 different colour schemes, all of which were taken from the default pygments stylesheets (some were modified). * Added a "num_views" field to the Snippet model, with the field being incremented any time the snippet view is called (raw or regular view). * Created a simple "explore" view that lists the recently-posted snippets. Will implement pagination and sorting by other attributes ("popularity", for example, based on number of views) as well. * Added a post-save hook to the User model to ensure that a Profile is created for every user as soon as the User itself is created. This alleviates the need for a get_profile method that checks if the user has a profile or not and creates one if necessary. (The code is currently still there, will be cleaned up soon). * Added back the wordwrap toggling feature. Currently, if you want to enable word-wrapping, the line numbers have to be hidden in order to ensure that the lines and their numbers don't go out of sync. This will be fixed soon. * History/diff view is back * And some other minor cosmetic changes. Note: since some existing models have been changed, you'll likely need to delete the existing sqlite database before running syncdb. The alternative is to determine the necessary column changes/additions and run the SQL query yourself.
author dellsystem <>
date Fri, 31 Aug 2012 02:53:22 -0400
parents e0348cfbdf48
children 2bca07be6e51
line wrap: on
line source

// Colour scheme
@black:             #000;
@almostBlack:       #1B1B1B;
@darkerGrey:        #333;
@darkGrey:          #555;
@mediumGrey:        #AAA;
@lightGrey:         #E6E6E6;
@lighterGrey:       #F0F0F0;
@offWhite:          #FBFBFB;
@white:             #FFF;

@orange:            #FF7F2A;
@darkOrange:        #D45500;

@darkBlue:          #1B749D;
@mediumBlue:        #22A2CA;
@lightBlue:         #60CAE1;

@darkSheer:         rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

// Dimensions and positioning
@fixedWidth:        960px;
@headerHeight:      100px;
@headerIconHoverY:  -60px;
@sidebarWidth:      230px;
@sidebarLeftSpace:  20px;
@nonSidebarWidth:   @fixedWidth - @sidebarWidth - @sidebarLeftSpace;
@inputPadding:      5px;
@sidebarPadding:    10px;