view main/database/doc/dev-postgresql/conversions.tex @ 12720:52ca082757c2 octave-forge tip

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author i7tiol
date Sat, 27 Feb 2016 11:21:29 +0000
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type &
oid &
array-oid &
octave type &
need to specify type &
conversion \\\hline

int4 &
23 &
1007 &
int32 &
no &
NBO \\

int2 &
21 &
1005 &
int16 &
no &
NBO \\

int8 &
20 &
1016 &
int64 &
no &
NBO \\

float4 &
700 &
1021 &
single &
no &
NBO \\

float8 &
701 &
1022 &
double &
no &
NBO \\

numeric &
1700 &
1231 &
string &
yes &
int16: ndigits, int16: weight of first digit, int16: sign (pos: 0,
neg: 0x4000, NaN: 0xC000), int16: display scale, ndigits x int8:
digits \\

money &
790 &
791 &
int64 &
yes &
NBO \\

text &
25 &
1009 &
string &
no &
to server as is without trailing zero, server does conversion of
character encoding, if necessary; from server string with already
client-adapted character encoding (?) \\

varchar &
1043 &
1015 &
string &
yes &
same as text \\

bpchar (character(n)) &
1042 &
1014 &
string &
yes &
same as text \\

name &
string $<$ NAMEDATALEN &
yes &
same as text \\

bytea &
17 &
1001 &
uint8 vector &
no &
no conversion \\

timestamp &
1114 &
1115 &
int64 or double &
yes &
see file timeformats.txt \\

timestamptz &
1184 &
1185 &
int64 or double &
yes &
see file timeformats.txt \\

time &
1083 &
1183 &
int64 or double &
yes &
see file timeformats.txt \\

timetz &
1266 &
1270 &
cell: int64 or double, int32 &
yes &
see file timeformats.txt \\

date &
1082 &
1182 &
int32 &
yes &
see file timeformats.txt \\

interval &
1186 &
1187 &
string &
cell: int64 or double, int32, int32 &
see file timeformats.txt \\

bool &
16 &
1000 &
bool &
no &
no conversion \\

enum &
variable &
705 (``unknown'') (?) &
string &
yes &
(to server and from server as is without trailing zero (?))\\

point &
600 &
1017 &
2-element float vector &
no &
double by double, NBO \\

line (?) &
628 &
629 &
4-element float vector &
yes &
double by double, NBO \\

lseg &
601 &
1018 &
4-element float vector &
no &
double by double, NBO \\

box &
603 &
1020 &
4-element float vector &
yes &
double by double, NBO \\

path &
602 &
1019 &
structure with fields ``closed'' (boolean, is path closed?) and ``path''
(2n-element float vector) &
yes  &
NBO, 1 byte (closed ? 1 : 0), int32 (npts), 2n double \\

polygon &
604 &
1027 &
2n-element float vector &
yes &
NBO, int32 (npts), 2n double \\

circle &
718 &
719 &
3-element float vector &
no &
double by double, NBO \\

inet &
869 &
1041 &
4 or 5-element uint8 vector or 8 or 9-element uint16 vector &
yes &
uint8: \nolinkurl{AF_INET}, \nolinkurl{AF_INET} + 1 means
\nolinkurl{AF_INET6}; uint8: number of set maskbits (in element 5 or
9 of octave vector, default 32 and 128); uint8: \nolinkurl{is_cidr}?;
uint8: addrsize (4 or 16(?)); 4x or 16x uint8: address (left to right) \\

cidr &
650 &
651 &
see inet &
see inet &
see inet \\

macaddr &
829 &
1040 &
6-element uint8 vector &
yes &
6x uint8 (left to right) \\

bit &
1560 &
1561 &
structure, fields ``bitlen'' (int32) and ``bits'' (uint8 array) &
yes &
int32 (NBO): nbits; nbytes times uint8 (left to right, first byte full) \\

varbit &
1562 &
1563 &
see bit &
yes &
see bit \\

tsvector &
3614 &
3643 &
No, do not provide communication of this type with
Octave. one-dimensional cell-array of lexemes, which are
one-dimensional cell-arrays of length 3, first entry word, second
entry vector of positions (possibly empty), third entry vector of
weights (same length as positions), set to zeros (weight D) if no
weights are given &
yes &
int32: nlexemes, nlexemes x (zero-terminated lexeme (from server:
already in correct encoding), uint16: number of position/weight-data
(:= npos), npos x uint16: first 2 bits weight (0 == D?) and last 14
bits position) \\

tsquery &
3615 &
3645 &
Do not provide communication of this type with Octave. &

uuid &
2950 &
2951 &
16-element uint8 vector &
yes &
16 x uint8, left to right \\

xml &
142 &
143 &
string &
yes &

array &
see other types &
(another dimension) &
(see \nolinkurl{pq_exec_params} help text) &
yes &
int32: ndim, int32: \nolinkurl{has_null}\nolinkurl{(_bitmap)} ? 1 :
0, uint32: element-oid, 2 x ndim x int32: ((dims[], lbounds[]), ()),
nelem x (int32: -1 for NULL element or (uint32: length without header,
data without header in the datatypes binary format)) \\

record &
variable &
one-dimensional cell-array with entries of respective types &
yes &
int32: ncols, ncols x (uint32: element-oid, int32: -1 for NULL element
or (uint32: length without header, data without header in the
datatypes binary format)) \\

oid &
(obsolete information 24, 26, 2202--2206, 3734, 3769) &
(obsolete information 1008, 1009, 2207--2211, 3735, 3770) &
uint32 &
no &
uint32 \\

