changeset 8:27a2b469142a octave-forge

Inline::Octave module
author aadler
date Mon, 22 Oct 2001 03:04:07 +0000
parents bac8128dc91a
children b0d392ad31a0
files extra/perl/NOINTALL extra/perl/
diffstat 1 files changed, 458 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/extra/perl/	Mon Oct 22 03:04:07 2001 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+# Inline::Octave - 
+# $Id$
+package Inline::Octave;
+$VERSION = '0.01';
+require Inline;
+@ISA = qw(Inline);
+use Carp;
+use IPC::Open2;
+use vars qw( $inline_object );
+sub register {
+#  print "REGISTERING\n";
+   return {
+           language    => 'Octave',
+           aliases     => ['octave'],
+           type        => 'interpreted',
+           suffix      => 'm',
+          };
+sub build {
+#  print "BUILDING\n";
+   my $o = shift;
+   my $code = $o->{API}{code};
+   {
+      $o->start_interpreter();
+      print $o->interpret($code);
+      my @def_funcs= $o->get_defined_functions();
+      $o->stop_interpreter();
+   }
+   croak "Octave build failed:\n$@" if $@;
+   my $path = "$o->{API}{install_lib}/auto/$o->{API}{modpname}";
+   my $obj = $o->{API}{location};
+   $o->mkpath($path) unless -d $path;
+   open PERL_OBJ, "> $obj" or croak "Can't open $obj for output\n$!";
+   print PERL_OBJ $code;
+   close \*PERL_OBJ;
+sub load {
+#  print "LOADING\n";
+   my $o = shift;
+   $o->_validate();
+   $inline_object = $o;
+   my $obj = $o->{API}{location};
+   open OCTAVE_OBJ, "< $obj" or croak "Can't open $obj for output\n$!";
+   my $code;
+   my %nargouts;
+   while (<OCTAVE_OBJ>) {
+      if(/\bfunction\s+(.*?=\s*\w*|\w*)\b/) {
+         my $pat =$1;
+         my $fnam= $1 if $pat =~ /(\w*)$/;
+         my $nargout=0;
+            $nargout= 1 if $pat =~ /^\w+\s*=/;
+            $nargout= 1 if $pat =~ /^\[\s*\w+\s*\]\s*=/;
+            $nargout= 2 if $pat =~ /^\[\s*\w+\s*,\s*\w+\s*]\s*=/;
+            $nargout= 3 if $pat =~ /^\[\s*\w+\s*,\s*\w+\s*,\s*\w+\s*]\s*=/;
+            $nargout= 4 if $pat =~ /^\[\s*\w+\s*,\s*\w+\s*,\s*\w+\s*,\s*\w+\s*]\s*=/;
+         $nargouts{$fnam}=$nargout;
+      }
+      if (/^\s*##\s*Inline::Octave::(\w+)\s*\(nargout=(\d+)\)\s*=>\s*(\w*)/) {
+          $o->bind_octave_function( $3, $1, $2 );
+      }
+      $code.=$_;
+   }
+   close OCTAVE_OBJ;
+#  use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(\%nargouts);
+   {
+       $o->start_interpreter();
+       print $o->interpret($code);
+       my @def_funcs= $o->get_defined_functions();
+       foreach my $funname (@def_funcs) {
+          $o->bind_octave_function( $funname, $funname, $nargouts{$funname} );
+       }
+       @EXPORT= @def_funcs;
+   }
+   croak "Unable to load Octave module $obj:\n$@" if $@;
+sub validate
+# print "VALIDATING\n";
+  my $o = shift;
+  $o->_validate();
+sub _validate
+  my $o = shift;
+  $o->{ILSM}->{INTERP} = "octave -qf "
+     unless exists $o->{ILSM}->{INTERP};
+  $o->{ILSM}->{MARKER} = "-9Ahv87uhBa8l_8Onq,zU9-"
+     unless exists $o->{ILSM}->{MARKER};
+sub info
+  print "INFO\n";
+  my $o = shift;
+  # Place holder
+# here we write code to bind to an octave function and eval this
+# into the callers namespace
+# $o->bind_octave_function( octave_funcname, perl_funcname, nargout )
+# we need to specify the nargout, because we can't infer
+# it from perl (other than scalar or list context)
+# now, when perl6 comes out ...
+sub bind_octave_function
+   my $o= shift;
+   my $oct_funname = shift;
+   my $perl_funname = shift;
+   my $nargout = shift;
+   my $pkg= $o->{API}->{pkg};
+   my $code = <<CODE;
+package $pkg;
+sub $perl_funname {
+   # we need to prevent IOM variables from going out of scope
+   # in the loop, but rather at the end of the function
+   #input variables
+   my \$inargs;
+   my \@vin;
+   for (my \$i=0; \$i < \@_; \$i++) {
+      \$vin[\$i]= new Inline::Octave::Matrix( \$_[\$i] );
+      \$inargs.= \$vin[\$i]->name.",";
+   }
+   chop(\$inargs); #remove last ,
+   #output variables
+   my \$outargs;
+   my \@vout;
+   for (my \$i=0; \$i < \$nargout; \$i++) {
+      \$vout[\$i]= new Inline::Octave::Matrix( -101101.101101 ); #code
+      \$outargs.= \$vout[\$i]->name.",";
+   }
+   chop(\$outargs); #remove last ,
+   \$outargs= "[".\$outargs."]=";
+   \$outargs= "" if \$nargout==0;
+   my \$call= "\$outargs $oct_funname(\$inargs);";
+#  print "--\$call--\\n";
+   my \$retval= \$Inline::Octave::inline_object->interpret( \$call );
+#  print "--\$retval--\\n";
+   # Get the correct size for each new variable
+   foreach (\@vout) { \$_->store_size(); }
+   return \@vout if wantarray();
+   return \$vout[0];
+#  print "--$code--\n";
+   eval $code;
+   croak "Problem binding $oct_funname to $perl_funname: $@" if $@;
+sub start_interpreter
+   my $o = shift;
+   my $Oout; my $Oin;
+   eval {
+      open2( $Oout, $Oin , $o->{ILSM}->{INTERP} );
+   };
+   croak "Can't locate octave interpreter: $@\n" if $@ =~ /Open2/i;
+   $o->{ILSM}->{OCTIN} = $Oin;
+   $o->{ILSM}->{OCTOUT} = $Oout;
+sub stop_interpreter
+   my $o = shift;
+   my $Oin= $o->{ILSM}->{OCTIN};
+   my $Oout= $o->{ILSM}->{OCTOUT};
+   return unless $Oin and $Oout;
+   print $Oin "exit\n";
+   <$Oin>; #clean up input
+   close $Oin, $Oout;
+   $o->{ILSM}->{OCTIN} = "";
+   $o->{ILSM}->{OCTOUT} = "";
+# send a string to octave and get the result
+sub interpret
+   my $o = shift;
+   my $cmd= shift;
+   my $marker= $o->{ILSM}->{MARKER};
+   my $Oin= $o->{ILSM}->{OCTIN};
+   my $Oout= $o->{ILSM}->{OCTOUT};
+   croak "octave interpreter not alive"  unless $Oin and $Oout;
+   print $Oin "$cmd\ndisp('$marker');fflush(stdout);\n";
+   my $input;
+   my $marker_len= length( $marker )+1;
+   while (1) {
+      my $line; sysread $Oout, $line, 1024;
+      $input.= $line;
+      last if substr( $input, -$marker_len, -1) eq $marker;
+   }   
+   return substr($input,0,-$marker_len);
+sub get_defined_functions
+   my $o = shift;
+   my $data= $o->interpret("whos -functions");
+   my @funclist;
+   while ( $data =~ /user-defined function +- +- +(\w+)/g )
+   {
+      push @funclist, $1;
+   }
+   return @funclist;
+END {
+   $inline_object->stop_interpreter() if $inline_object;
+package Inline::Octave::Matrix;
+use Carp;
+$varcounter= 100001;
+# called as
+# new IOM( [1,2,3] ) -> ColumnVector
+# new IOM( [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]] ) -> Matrix
+# new IOM( [1,2,3,4], 2, 2) -> Matrix, rows, cols
+sub new
+   my $class = shift;
+   my ($m, $rows, $cols) = @_;
+   my $self = {};
+   bless ($self, $class);
+   my $varname= "vname_".$varcounter++;
+   $self->{varname}= $varname;
+   my @vals;
+   my $do_transpose= '';
+   my $code;
+   if    (ref $m      eq "Inline::Octave::Matrix") {
+      my $prev_varname= $m->{varname};
+      $code= "$varname= $prev_varname;";
+   }
+   elsif (ref $m      eq "ARRAY" and
+          ref $m->[0] eq "ARRAY" ) {
+      # 2 dimentional array -  ensure all rows are equal size;
+      @vals= map {   if ($cols) {
+                 croak "specified cols is length ${@$_} not $cols"
+                    unless $cols== @$_;
+              } else {
+                 $cols = @$_;
+              };
+              @$_ } @$m;
+      $rows= @$m unless defined $rows;
+      $do_transpose= q(');
+      ($rows,$cols)= ($cols,$rows);
+   }
+   elsif (ref $m eq "ARRAY" ) {
+      # 1 dimentional array;
+      $rows= @$m unless defined $rows;
+      $cols= 1 unless defined $cols;
+      @vals= @{$m};
+   }
+   elsif (ref $m eq "" ) {
+      $rows= 1 unless defined $rows;
+      $cols= 1 unless defined $cols;
+      @vals = ($m);
+   } else {
+      croak "Can't construct Matrix from Perl var of type:".ref($m);
+   }
+   croak "Matrix is not size ${cols}x${rows}" unless @vals== $rows*$cols;
+   # pack data into doubles and use fread to grab it from octave
+   # since octave is column major and nested lists in perl are
+   # row major, we need to do the transpose.
+   unless ($code) {
+      $code= "$varname=fread(stdin,[$rows,$cols],'double')$do_transpose;\n".
+             pack( "d".($rows*$cols) , @vals );
+   }
+   $Inline::Octave::inline_object->interpret( $code );
+   $self->store_size();
+   return $self;
+sub store_size
+   my $self = shift;
+   my $varname= $self->name;
+   my $code = "disp(size($varname))";
+   my $size=  $Inline::Octave::inline_object->interpret( $code );
+   croak "Problem constructing Matrix" unless $size =~ /^ *(\d+) *(\d+)/;
+   $self->{rows}= $1;
+   $self->{cols}= $2;
+sub as_list
+   my $self = shift;
+   my $varname= $self->name;
+   my $code = "fwrite(stdout, $varname,'double');";
+   my $retval= $Inline::Octave::inline_object->interpret( $code );
+   my $size= $self->{cols} * $self->{rows};
+   my @list= unpack "d$size", $retval;
+   return @list;
+sub as_matrix
+   my $self = shift;
+   my $varname= $self->name;
+   my $code = "fwrite(stdout, $varname','double');"; # use transpose
+   my $retval= $Inline::Octave::inline_object->interpret( $code );
+   my $size= $self->{cols} * $self->{rows};
+   my @list= unpack "d$size", $retval;
+   my @m;
+   my $cols= $self->{cols};
+   my $rows= $self->{rows};
+   for (0..$rows-1) {
+      push @m, [ (@list)[$_*$cols .. ($_+1)*$cols-1] ];
+   }
+   return \@m;
+#  print "DESTROYing $varname\n";
+   my $self = shift;
+   my $varname= $self->name;
+   my $code = "clear $varname;";
+   $Inline::Octave::inline_object->interpret( $code );
+sub disp
+   my $self = shift;
+   my $varname= $self->name;
+   my $code = "disp( $varname );";
+   return $Inline::Octave::inline_object->interpret( $code );
+sub name
+   my $self = shift;
+   return $self->{varname};
+=head1 NAME
+Inline::Octave - Inline octave code into your perl
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+   use Inline Octave;
+   $f = jnk1(3);
+   print "jnk1=",$f->disp(),"\n";
+   $c= new Inline::Octave::Matrix([ [1.5,2,3],[4.5,1,-1] ]);
+   ($b, $t)= jnk2( $c, [4,4],[5,6] );
+   print "t=",$t->as_list(),"\n";
+   use Data::Dumper; print Dumper( $b->as_matrix() );
+   print oct_sum( [1,2,3] )->disp();
+   oct_plot( [0..4], [3,2,1,2,3] );
+   sleep(2);
+   __DATA__
+   __Octave__
+   function x=jnk1(u); x=u+1; endfunction
+   function [b,t]=jnk2(x,a,b);
+      b=x+1+a'*b;
+      t=6;
+   endfunction
+   ## Inline::Octave::oct_sum (nargout=1)  => sum
+   ## Inline::Octave::oct_plot (nargout=0)  => plot
+Inline::Octave gives you the power of the octave programming language from
+within your Perl programs.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Andy Adler
+© MMI, Andy Adler
+All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used,
+redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 TODO List
+1. Add import for functions
+2. control matrix size inputs
+3. add destructor for Octave::Matrix
+4. control waiting in the interpret loop
+5. support for complex variables