changeset 9866:d054f7f5e19b octave-forge

linear-algebra: adding another algorithm for nmf
author jpicarbajal
date Sun, 25 Mar 2012 15:43:42 +0000
parents 03dd34534e13
children 43a299e8b504
files main/linear-algebra/devel/nmf_bpas.m
diffstat 1 files changed, 625 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/linear-algebra/devel/nmf_bpas.m	Sun Mar 25 15:43:42 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+%% Copyright (c) 2012 by Jingu Kim and Haesun Park <>
+%%    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%%    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%%    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+%%    any later version.
+%%    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%%    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%    GNU General Public License for more details.
+%%    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%%    along with this program. If not, see <>.
+% Nonnegative Matrix Factorization by Alternating Nonnegativity Constrained Least Squares
+%      using Block Principal Pivoting/Active Set method
+% This software solves one the following problems: given A and k, find W and H such that
+%     (1) minimize 1/2 * || A-WH ||_F^2
+%     (2) minimize 1/2 * ( || A-WH ||_F^2 + alpha * || W ||_F^2 + beta * || H ||_F^2 )
+%     (3) minimize 1/2 * ( || A-WH ||_F^2 + alpha * || W ||_F^2 + beta * (sum_(i=1)^n || H(:,i) ||_1^2 ) )
+%     where W>=0 and H>=0 elementwise.
+% Reference:
+%  [1] For using this software, please cite:
+%          Jingu Kim and Haesun Park, Toward Faster Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: A New Algorithm and Comparisons,
+%                 In Proceedings of the 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'08), 353-362, 2008
+%  [2] If you use 'nnls_solver'='as' (see below), please cite:
+%          Hyunsoo Kim and Haesun Park, Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Based on Alternating Nonnegativity Constrained Least Squares and Active Set Method,
+%                 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2008, 30, 713-730
+% Written by Jingu Kim (
+% Copyright 2008-2009 by Jingu Kim and Haesun Park,
+%                        School of Computational Science and Engineering,
+%                        Georgia Institute of Technology
+% Check updated code at
+% Please send bug reports, comments, or questions to Jingu Kim.
+% This code comes with no guarantee or warranty of any kind.
+% Last modified Feb-20-2010
+% <Inputs>
+%        A : Input data matrix (m x n)
+%        k : Target low-rank
+%        (Below are optional arguments: can be set by providing name-value pairs)
+%        TYPE : 'plain' to use formulation (1)
+%               'regularized' to use formulation (2)
+%               'sparse' to use formulation (3)
+%               Default is 'regularized', which is recommended for quick application testing unless 'sparse' or 'plain' is explicitly needed.
+%               If sparsity is needed for 'W' factor, then apply this function for the transpose of 'A' with formulation (3).
+%                      Then, exchange 'W' and 'H' and obtain the transpose of them.
+%               Imposing sparsity for both factors is not recommended and thus not included in this software.
+%        NNLS_SOLVER : 'bp' to use the algorithm in [1]
+%                      'as' to use the algorithm in [2]
+%                      Default is 'bp', which is in general faster.
+%        ALPHA : Parameter alpha in the formulation (2) or (3).
+%                Default is the average of all elements in A. No good justfication for this default value, and you might want to try other values.
+%        BETA : Parameter beta in the formulation (2) or (3).
+%               Default is the average of all elements in A. No good justfication for this default value, and you might want to try other values.
+%        MAX_ITER : Maximum number of iterations. Default is 100.
+%        MIN_ITER : Minimum number of iterations. Default is 20.
+%        MAX_TIME : Maximum amount of time in seconds. Default is 100,000.
+%        W_INIT : (m x k) initial value for W.
+%        H_INIT : (k x n) initial value for H.
+%        TOL : Stopping tolerance. Default is 1e-3. If you want to obtain a more accurate solution, decrease TOL and increase MAX_ITER at the same time.
+%        VERBOSE : 0 (default) - No debugging information is collected.
+%                  1 (debugging purpose) - History of computation is returned by 'HIS' variable.
+%                  2 (debugging purpose) - History of computation is additionally printed on screen.
+% <Outputs>
+%        W : Obtained basis matrix (m x k)
+%        H : Obtained coefficients matrix (k x n)
+%        iter : Number of iterations
+%        HIS : (debugging purpose) History of computation
+% <Usage Examples>
+%        nmf(A,10)
+%        nmf(A,20,'verbose',2)
+%        nmf(A,30,'verbose',2,'nnls_solver','as')
+%        nmf(A,5,'verbose',2,'type','sparse')
+%        nmf(A,60,'verbose',1,'type','plain','w_init',rand(m,k))
+%        nmf(A,70,'verbose',2,'type','sparse','nnls_solver','bp','alpha',1.1,'beta',1.3)
+## 2012 - Modified and adapted to Octave 3.6.1 by
+## Juan Pablo Carbajal <>
+# - Use inputParser for options.
+function [W, H, iter, HIS] = nmf_bpas (A, k , varargin)
+    [m,n] = size(A);
+    ST_RULE = 1;
+    % Default configuration
+    par.m = m;
+    par.n = n;
+    par.type = 'regularized';
+    par.nnls_solver = 'bp';
+    par.alpha = 0;
+    par.beta = 0;
+    par.max_iter = 100;
+    par.min_iter = 20;
+    par.max_time = 1e6;
+    par.tol = 1e-3;
+    par.verbose = 0;
+    W = rand(m,k);
+    H = rand(k,n);
+    % Read optional parameters
+    if (rem(length(varargin),2)==1)
+        error('Optional parameters should always go by pairs');
+    else
+        for i=1:2:(length(varargin)-1)
+            switch upper(varargin{i})
+                case 'TYPE',                par.type = varargin{i+1};
+                case 'NNLS_SOLVER',         par.nnls_solver = varargin{i+1};
+                case 'ALPHA',               argAlpha = varargin{i+1};,par.alpha = argAlpha;
+                case 'BETA',                argBeta = varargin{i+1};,par.beta = argBeta;
+                case 'MAX_ITER',            par.max_iter = varargin{i+1};
+                case 'MIN_ITER',            par.min_iter = varargin{i+1};
+                case 'MAX_TIME',            par.max_time = varargin{i+1};
+                case 'W_INIT',              W = varargin{i+1};
+                case 'H_INIT',              H = varargin{i+1};
+                case 'TOL',                 par.tol = varargin{i+1};
+                case 'VERBOSE',             par.verbose = varargin{i+1};
+                otherwise
+                    error(['Unrecognized option: ',varargin{i}]);
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    % for regularized/sparse case
+    if strcmp(par.type,'regularized')
+        if ~exist('argAlpha','var') par.alpha = mean(A(:));, end
+        if ~exist('argBeta','var') par.beta = mean(A(:));, end
+        salphaI = sqrt(par.alpha)*eye(k);
+        sbetaI = sqrt(par.beta)*eye(k);
+        zerokn = zeros(k,n);
+        zerokm = zeros(k,m);
+    elseif strcmp(par.type,'sparse')
+        if ~exist('argAlpha','var') par.alpha = mean(A(:));, end
+        if ~exist('argBeta','var')par.beta = mean(A(:));, end
+        salphaI = sqrt(par.alpha)*eye(k);
+        sbetaE = sqrt(par.beta)*ones(1,k);
+        betaI = par.beta*ones(k,k);
+        zero1n = zeros(1,n);
+        zerokm = zeros(k,m);
+    elseif ~strcmp(par.type,'plain')
+        error(['Unrecognized type: use ''plain'', ''regularized'', or ''sparse''.']);
+    end
+    if ~strcmp(par.nnls_solver,'bp') && ~strcmp(par.nnls_solver,'as')
+        error(['Unrecognized nnls_solver: use ''bp'' or ''as''.']);
+    end
+    display(par);
+    HIS = 0;
+    if par.verbose          % collect information for analysis/debugging
+        [gradW,gradH] = getGradient(A,W,H,par.type,par.alpha,par.beta);
+        initGrNormW = norm(gradW,'fro');
+        initGrNormH = norm(gradH,'fro');
+        initNorm = norm(A,'fro');
+        numSC = 3;
+        initSCs = zeros(numSC,1);
+        for j=1:numSC
+            initSCs(j) = getInitCriterion(j,A,W,H,par.type,par.alpha,par.beta,gradW,gradH);
+        end
+% iter # | elapsed | totalTime | subIterW | subIterH | rel. obj.(%) | NM_GRAD | GRAD | DELTA | W density (%) | H density (%)
+        HIS = zeros(1,11);
+        HIS(1,[1:5])=0;
+        ver.initGrNormW = initGrNormW;
+        ver.initGrNormH = initGrNormH;
+        ver.initNorm = initNorm;                            HIS(1,6)=ver.initNorm;
+        ver.SC1 = initSCs(1);                               HIS(1,7)=ver.SC1;
+        ver.SC2 = initSCs(2);                               HIS(1,8)=ver.SC2;
+        ver.SC3 = initSCs(3);                               HIS(1,9)=ver.SC3;
+        ver.W_density = length(find(W>0))/(m*k);            HIS(1,10)=ver.W_density;
+        ver.H_density = length(find(H>0))/(n*k);            HIS(1,11)=ver.H_density;
+        if par.verbose == 2, display(ver);, end
+        tPrev = cputime;
+    end
+    tStart = cputime;, tTotal = 0;
+    initSC = getInitCriterion(ST_RULE,A,W,H,par.type,par.alpha,par.beta);
+    SCconv = 0; SC_COUNT = 3;
+    for iter=1:par.max_iter
+        switch par.type
+            case 'plain'
+                [H,gradHX,subIterH] = nnlsm(W,A,H,par.nnls_solver);
+                [W,gradW,subIterW] = nnlsm(H',A',W',par.nnls_solver);, W=W';, gradW=gradW';
+                gradH = (W'*W)*H - W'*A;
+            case 'regularized'
+                [H,gradHX,subIterH] = nnlsm([W;sbetaI],[A;zerokn],H,par.nnls_solver);
+                [W,gradW,subIterW] = nnlsm([H';salphaI],[A';zerokm],W',par.nnls_solver);, W=W';, gradW=gradW';
+                gradH = (W'*W)*H - W'*A + par.beta*H;
+            case 'sparse'
+                [H,gradHX,subIterH] = nnlsm([W;sbetaE],[A;zero1n],H,par.nnls_solver);
+                [W,gradW,subIterW] = nnlsm([H';salphaI],[A';zerokm],W',par.nnls_solver);, W=W';, gradW=gradW';
+                gradH = (W'*W)*H - W'*A + betaI*H;
+        end
+        if par.verbose          % collect information for analysis/debugging
+            elapsed = cputime-tPrev;
+            tTotal = tTotal + elapsed;
+            ver = 0;
+            idx = iter+1;
+% iter # | elapsed | totalTime | subIterW | subIterH | rel. obj.(%) | NM_GRAD | GRAD | DELTA | W density (%) | H density (%)
+            ver.iter = iter;                                    HIS(idx,1)=iter;
+            ver.elapsed = elapsed;                              HIS(idx,2)=elapsed;
+            ver.tTotal = tTotal;                                HIS(idx,3)=tTotal;
+            ver.subIterW = subIterW;                            HIS(idx,4)=subIterW;
+            ver.subIterH = subIterH;                            HIS(idx,5)=subIterH;
+            ver.relError = norm(A-W*H,'fro')/initNorm;          HIS(idx,6)=ver.relError;
+            ver.SC1 = getStopCriterion(1,A,W,H,par.type,par.alpha,par.beta,gradW,gradH)/initSCs(1);     HIS(idx,7)=ver.SC1;
+            ver.SC2 = getStopCriterion(2,A,W,H,par.type,par.alpha,par.beta,gradW,gradH)/initSCs(2);     HIS(idx,8)=ver.SC2;
+            ver.SC3 = getStopCriterion(3,A,W,H,par.type,par.alpha,par.beta,gradW,gradH)/initSCs(3);     HIS(idx,9)=ver.SC3;
+            ver.W_density = length(find(W>0))/(m*k);            HIS(idx,10)=ver.W_density;
+            ver.H_density = length(find(H>0))/(n*k);            HIS(idx,11)=ver.H_density;
+            if par.verbose == 2, display(ver);, end
+            tPrev = cputime;
+        end
+        if (iter > par.min_iter)
+            SC = getStopCriterion(ST_RULE,A,W,H,par.type,par.alpha,par.beta,gradW,gradH);
+            if (par.verbose && (tTotal > par.max_time)) || (~par.verbose && ((cputime-tStart)>par.max_time))
+                break;
+            elseif (SC/initSC <= par.tol)
+                SCconv = SCconv + 1;
+                if (SCconv >= SC_COUNT), break;, end
+            else
+                SCconv = 0;
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    [m,n]=size(A);
+    norm2=sqrt(sum(W.^2,1));
+    toNormalize = norm2>0;
+    W(:,toNormalize) = W(:,toNormalize)./repmat(norm2(toNormalize),m,1);
+    H(toNormalize,:) = H(toNormalize,:).*repmat(norm2(toNormalize)',1,n);
+    final.iterations = iter;
+    if par.verbose
+        final.elapsed_total = tTotal;
+    else
+        final.elapsed_total = cputime-tStart;
+    end
+    final.relative_error = norm(A-W*H,'fro')/norm(A,'fro');
+    final.W_density = length(find(W>0))/(m*k);
+    final.H_density = length(find(H>0))/(n*k);
+    display(final);
+%                                    Utility Functions
+function retVal = getInitCriterion(stopRule,A,W,H,type,alpha,beta,gradW,gradH)
+% STOPPING_RULE : 1 - Normalized proj. gradient
+%                 2 - Proj. gradient
+%                 3 - Delta by H. Kim
+%                 0 - None (want to stop by MAX_ITER or MAX_TIME)
+    if nargin~=9
+        [gradW,gradH] = getGradient(A,W,H,type,alpha,beta);
+    end
+    [m,k]=size(W);, [k,n]=size(H);, numAll=(m*k)+(k*n);
+    switch stopRule
+        case 1
+            retVal = norm([gradW; gradH'],'fro')/numAll;
+        case 2
+            retVal = norm([gradW; gradH'],'fro');
+        case 3
+            retVal = getStopCriterion(3,A,W,H,type,alpha,beta,gradW,gradH);
+        case 0
+            retVal = 1;
+    end
+function retVal = getStopCriterion(stopRule,A,W,H,type,alpha,beta,gradW,gradH)
+% STOPPING_RULE : 1 - Normalized proj. gradient
+%                 2 - Proj. gradient
+%                 3 - Delta by H. Kim
+%                 0 - None (want to stop by MAX_ITER or MAX_TIME)
+    if nargin~=9
+        [gradW,gradH] = getGradient(A,W,H,type,alpha,beta);
+    end
+    switch stopRule
+        case 1
+            pGradW = gradW(gradW<0|W>0);
+            pGradH = gradH(gradH<0|H>0);
+            pGrad = [gradW(gradW<0|W>0); gradH(gradH<0|H>0)];
+            pGradNorm = norm(pGrad);
+            retVal = pGradNorm/length(pGrad);
+        case 2
+            pGradW = gradW(gradW<0|W>0);
+            pGradH = gradH(gradH<0|H>0);
+            pGrad = [gradW(gradW<0|W>0); gradH(gradH<0|H>0)];
+            retVal = norm(pGrad);
+        case 3
+            resmat=min(H,gradH); resvec=resmat(:);
+            resmat=min(W,gradW); resvec=[resvec; resmat(:)];
+            deltao=norm(resvec,1); %L1-norm
+            num_notconv=length(find(abs(resvec)>0));
+            retVal=deltao/num_notconv;
+        case 0
+            retVal = 1e100;
+    end
+function [gradW,gradH] = getGradient(A,W,H,type,alpha,beta)
+    switch type
+        case 'plain'
+            gradW = W*(H*H') - A*H';
+            gradH = (W'*W)*H - W'*A;
+        case 'regularized'
+            gradW = W*(H*H') - A*H' + alpha*W;
+            gradH = (W'*W)*H - W'*A + beta*H;
+        case 'sparse'
+            k=size(W,2);
+            betaI = beta*ones(k,k);
+            gradW = W*(H*H') - A*H' + alpha*W;
+            gradH = (W'*W)*H - W'*A + betaI*H;
+    end
+function [X,grad,iter] = nnlsm(A,B,init,solver)
+    switch solver
+        case 'bp'
+            [X,grad,iter] = nnlsm_blockpivot(A,B,0,init);
+        case 'as'
+            [X,grad,iter] = nnlsm_activeset(A,B,1,0,init);
+    end
+function [ X,Y,iter,success ] = nnlsm_activeset( A, B, overwrite, isInputProd, init)
+% Nonnegativity Constrained Least Squares with Multiple Righthand Sides
+%      using Active Set method
+% This software solves the following problem: given A and B, find X such that
+%            minimize || AX-B ||_F^2 where X>=0 elementwise.
+% Reference:
+%      Charles L. Lawson and Richard J. Hanson, Solving Least Squares Problems,
+%            Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1995
+%      M. H. Van Benthem and M. R. Keenan,
+%            Fast Algorithm for the Solution of Large-scale Non-negativity-constrained Least Squares Problems,
+%            J. Chemometrics 2004; 18: 441-450
+% Written by Jingu Kim (
+%               School of Computational Science and Engineering,
+%               Georgia Institute of Technology
+% Last updated Feb-20-2010
+% <Inputs>
+%        A : input matrix (m x n) (by default), or A'*A (n x n) if isInputProd==1
+%        B : input matrix (m x k) (by default), or A'*B (n x k) if isInputProd==1
+%        overwrite : (optional, default:0) if turned on, unconstrained least squares solution is computed in the beginning
+%        isInputProd : (optional, default:0) if turned on, use (A'*A,A'*B) as input instead of (A,B)
+%        init : (optional) initial value for X
+% <Outputs>
+%        X : the solution (n x k)
+%        Y : A'*A*X - A'*B where X is the solution (n x k)
+%        iter : number of iterations
+%        success : 1 for success, 0 for failure.
+%                  Failure could only happen on a numericall very ill-conditioned problem.
+    if nargin<3, overwrite=0;, end
+    if nargin<4, isInputProd=0;, end
+    if isInputProd
+        AtA=A;,AtB=B;
+    else
+        AtA=A'*A;, AtB=A'*B;
+    end
+    [n,k]=size(AtB);
+    MAX_ITER = n*5;
+    % set initial feasible solution
+    if overwrite
+        [X,iter] = solveNormalEqComb(AtA,AtB);
+        PassSet = (X > 0);
+        NotOptSet = any(X<0);
+    else
+        if nargin<5
+            X = zeros(n,k);
+            PassSet = false(n,k);
+            NotOptSet = true(1,k);
+        else
+            X = init;
+            PassSet = (X > 0);
+            NotOptSet = any(X<0);
+        end
+        iter = 0;
+    end
+    Y = zeros(n,k);
+    Y(:,~NotOptSet)=AtA*X(:,~NotOptSet) - AtB(:,~NotOptSet);
+    NotOptCols = find(NotOptSet);
+    bigIter = 0;, success=1;
+    while(~isempty(NotOptCols))
+        bigIter = bigIter+1;
+        if ((MAX_ITER >0) && (bigIter > MAX_ITER))   % set max_iter for ill-conditioned (numerically unstable) case
+            success = 0;, bigIter, break
+        end
+        % find unconstrained LS solution for the passive set
+        Z = zeros(n,length(NotOptCols));
+        [ Z,subiter ] = solveNormalEqComb(AtA,AtB(:,NotOptCols),PassSet(:,NotOptCols));
+        iter = iter + subiter;
+        %Z(abs(Z)<1e-12) = 0;                 % One can uncomment this line for numerical stability.
+        InfeaSubSet = Z < 0;
+        InfeaSubCols = find(any(InfeaSubSet));
+        FeaSubCols = find(all(~InfeaSubSet));
+        if ~isempty(InfeaSubCols)               % for infeasible cols
+            ZInfea = Z(:,InfeaSubCols);
+            InfeaCols = NotOptCols(InfeaSubCols);
+            Alpha = zeros(n,length(InfeaSubCols));, Alpha(:,:) = Inf;
+            InfeaSubSet(:,InfeaSubCols);
+            [i,j] = find(InfeaSubSet(:,InfeaSubCols));
+            InfeaSubIx = sub2ind(size(Alpha),i,j);
+            if length(InfeaCols) == 1
+                InfeaIx = sub2ind([n,k],i,InfeaCols * ones(length(j),1));
+            else
+                InfeaIx = sub2ind([n,k],i,InfeaCols(j)');
+            end
+            Alpha(InfeaSubIx) = X(InfeaIx)./(X(InfeaIx)-ZInfea(InfeaSubIx));
+            [minVal,minIx] = min(Alpha);
+            Alpha(:,:) = repmat(minVal,n,1);
+            X(:,InfeaCols) = X(:,InfeaCols)+Alpha.*(ZInfea-X(:,InfeaCols));
+            IxToActive = sub2ind([n,k],minIx,InfeaCols);
+            X(IxToActive) = 0;
+            PassSet(IxToActive) = false;
+        end
+        if ~isempty(FeaSubCols)                 % for feasible cols
+            FeaCols = NotOptCols(FeaSubCols);
+            X(:,FeaCols) = Z(:,FeaSubCols);
+            Y(:,FeaCols) = AtA * X(:,FeaCols) - AtB(:,FeaCols);
+            %Y( abs(Y)<1e-12 ) = 0;               % One can uncomment this line for numerical stability.
+            NotOptSubSet = (Y(:,FeaCols) < 0) & ~PassSet(:,FeaCols);
+            NewOptCols = FeaCols(all(~NotOptSubSet));
+            UpdateNotOptCols = FeaCols(any(NotOptSubSet));
+            if ~isempty(UpdateNotOptCols)
+                [minVal,minIx] = min(Y(:,UpdateNotOptCols).*~PassSet(:,UpdateNotOptCols));
+                PassSet(sub2ind([n,k],minIx,UpdateNotOptCols)) = true;
+            end
+            NotOptSet(NewOptCols) = false;
+            NotOptCols = find(NotOptSet);
+        end
+    end
+function [ X,Y,iter,success ] = nnlsm_blockpivot( A, B, isInputProd, init )
+% Nonnegativity Constrained Least Squares with Multiple Righthand Sides
+%      using Block Principal Pivoting method
+% This software solves the following problem: given A and B, find X such that
+%              minimize || AX-B ||_F^2 where X>=0 elementwise.
+% Reference:
+%      Jingu Kim and Haesun Park, Toward Faster Nonnegative Matrix Factorization: A New Algorithm and Comparisons,
+%      In Proceedings of the 2008 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'08), 353-362, 2008
+% Written by Jingu Kim (
+% Copyright 2008-2009 by Jingu Kim and Haesun Park,
+%                        School of Computational Science and Engineering,
+%                        Georgia Institute of Technology
+% Check updated code at
+% Please send bug reports, comments, or questions to Jingu Kim.
+% This code comes with no guarantee or warranty of any kind. Note that this algorithm assumes that the
+%      input matrix A has full column rank.
+% Last modified Feb-20-2009
+% <Inputs>
+%        A : input matrix (m x n) (by default), or A'*A (n x n) if isInputProd==1
+%        B : input matrix (m x k) (by default), or A'*B (n x k) if isInputProd==1
+%        isInputProd : (optional, default:0) if turned on, use (A'*A,A'*B) as input instead of (A,B)
+%        init : (optional) initial value for X
+% <Outputs>
+%        X : the solution (n x k)
+%        Y : A'*A*X - A'*B where X is the solution (n x k)
+%        iter : number of iterations
+%        success : 1 for success, 0 for failure.
+%                  Failure could only happen on a numericall very ill-conditioned problem.
+    if nargin<3, isInputProd=0;, end
+    if isInputProd
+        AtA = A;, AtB = B;
+    else
+        AtA = A'*A;, AtB = A'*B;
+    end
+    [n,k]=size(AtB);
+    MAX_ITER = n*5;
+    % set initial feasible solution
+    X = zeros(n,k);
+    if nargin<4
+        Y = - AtB;
+        PassiveSet = false(n,k);
+        iter = 0;
+    else
+        PassiveSet = (init > 0);
+        [ X,iter ] = solveNormalEqComb(AtA,AtB,PassiveSet);
+        Y = AtA * X - AtB;
+    end
+    % parameters
+    pbar = 3;
+    P = zeros(1,k);, P(:) = pbar;
+    Ninf = zeros(1,k);, Ninf(:) = n+1;
+    iter = 0;
+    NonOptSet = (Y < 0) & ~PassiveSet;
+    InfeaSet = (X < 0) & PassiveSet;
+    NotGood = sum(NonOptSet)+sum(InfeaSet);
+    NotOptCols = NotGood > 0;
+    bigIter = 0;, success=1;
+    while(~isempty(find(NotOptCols)))
+        bigIter = bigIter+1;
+        if ((MAX_ITER >0) && (bigIter > MAX_ITER))   % set max_iter for ill-conditioned (numerically unstable) case
+            success = 0;, break
+        end
+        Cols1 = NotOptCols & (NotGood < Ninf);
+        Cols2 = NotOptCols & (NotGood >= Ninf) & (P >= 1);
+        Cols3Ix = find(NotOptCols & ~Cols1 & ~Cols2);
+        if ~isempty(find(Cols1))
+            P(Cols1) = pbar;,Ninf(Cols1) = NotGood(Cols1);
+            PassiveSet(NonOptSet & repmat(Cols1,n,1)) = true;
+            PassiveSet(InfeaSet & repmat(Cols1,n,1)) = false;
+        end
+        if ~isempty(find(Cols2))
+            P(Cols2) = P(Cols2)-1;
+            PassiveSet(NonOptSet & repmat(Cols2,n,1)) = true;
+            PassiveSet(InfeaSet & repmat(Cols2,n,1)) = false;
+        end
+        if ~isempty(Cols3Ix)
+            for i=1:length(Cols3Ix)
+                Ix = Cols3Ix(i);
+                toChange = max(find( NonOptSet(:,Ix)|InfeaSet(:,Ix) ));
+                if PassiveSet(toChange,Ix)
+                    PassiveSet(toChange,Ix)=false;
+                else
+                    PassiveSet(toChange,Ix)=true;
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        NotOptMask = repmat(NotOptCols,n,1);
+        [ X(:,NotOptCols),subiter ] = solveNormalEqComb(AtA,AtB(:,NotOptCols),PassiveSet(:,NotOptCols));
+        iter = iter + subiter;
+        X(abs(X)<1e-12) = 0;            % for numerical stability
+        Y(:,NotOptCols) = AtA * X(:,NotOptCols) - AtB(:,NotOptCols);
+        Y(abs(Y)<1e-12) = 0;            % for numerical stability
+        % check optimality
+        NonOptSet = NotOptMask & (Y < 0) & ~PassiveSet;
+        InfeaSet = NotOptMask & (X < 0) & PassiveSet;
+        NotGood = sum(NonOptSet)+sum(InfeaSet);
+        NotOptCols = NotGood > 0;
+    end
+function [ Z,iter ] = solveNormalEqComb( AtA,AtB,PassSet )
+% Solve normal equations using combinatorial grouping.
+% Although this function was originally adopted from the code of
+% "M. H. Van Benthem and M. R. Keenan, J. Chemometrics 2004; 18: 441-450",
+% important modifications were made to fix bugs.
+% Modified by Jingu Kim (
+%             School of Computational Science and Engineering,
+%             Georgia Institute of Technology
+% Last updated Aug-12-2009
+    iter = 0;
+    if (nargin ==2) || isempty(PassSet) || all(PassSet(:))
+        Z = AtA\AtB;
+        iter = iter + 1;
+    else
+        Z = zeros(size(AtB));
+        [n,k1] = size(PassSet);
+        %% Fixed on Aug-12-2009
+        if k1==1
+            Z(PassSet)=AtA(PassSet,PassSet)\AtB(PassSet);
+        else
+            %% Fixed on Aug-12-2009
+            % The following bug was identified by investigating a bug report by Hanseung Lee.
+            [sortedPassSet,sortIx] = sortrows(PassSet');
+            breaks = any(diff(sortedPassSet)');
+            breakIx = [0 find(breaks) k1];
+            % codedPassSet = 2.^(n-1:-1:0)*PassSet;
+            % [sortedPassSet,sortIx] = sort(codedPassSet);
+            % breaks = diff(sortedPassSet);
+            % breakIx = [0 find(breaks) k1];
+            for k=1:length(breakIx)-1
+                cols = sortIx(breakIx(k)+1:breakIx(k+1));
+                vars = PassSet(:,sortIx(breakIx(k)+1));
+                Z(vars,cols) = AtA(vars,vars)\AtB(vars,cols);
+                iter = iter + 1;
+            end
+        end
+    end