changeset 4012:d573d276bc63 octave-forge

More testsuite functions for IDE solvers.
author treichl
date Fri, 09 Nov 2007 16:35:11 +0000
parents 19755d677c22
children ab34413d4486
files main/odepkg/inst/odepkg_testsuite_implakzo.m main/odepkg/inst/odepkg_testsuite_implrober.m
diffstat 2 files changed, 333 insertions(+), 143 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/odepkg/inst/odepkg_testsuite_implakzo.m	Fri Nov 09 16:35:11 2007 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+%# Copyright (C) 2007, Thomas Treichl <>
+%# OdePkg - Package for solving ordinary differential equations with octave
+%# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+%# (at your option) any later version.
+%# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%# GNU General Public License for more details.
+%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+%# -*- texinfo -*-
+%# @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{solution}] =} odepkg_testsuite_implakzo (@var{@@solver}, @var{reltol})
+%# If this function is called with two input arguments and the first input argument @var{@@solver} is a function handle describing an OdePkg solver and the second input argument @var{reltol} is a double scalar describing the relative error tolerance then return a cell array @var{solution} with performance informations about the chemical AKZO Nobel testsuite of implicit differential algebraic equations after solving (IDE--test).
+%# Run examples with the command
+%# @example
+%# demo odepkg_testsuite_implakzo
+%# @end example
+%# @end deftypefn
+%# @seealso{odepkg}
+function vret = odepkg_testsuite_implakzo (vhandle, vrtol)
+  if (nargin ~= 2) %# Check number and types of all input arguments
+    help  ('odepkg_testsuite_implakzo');
+    error ('OdePkg:InvalidInputArgument', ...
+	   'Number of input arguments must be exactly two');
+  elseif (~isa (vhandle, 'function_handle') || ~isscalar (vrtol))
+    print_usage;
+  end
+  vret{1} = vhandle; %# The handle for the solver that is used
+  vret{2} = vrtol;   %# The value for the realtive tolerance
+  vret{3} = vret{2}; %# The value for the absolute tolerance
+  vret{4} = vret{2}; %# The value for the first time step
+  %# Write a debug message on the screen, because this testsuite function
+  %# may be called more than once from a loop over all solvers present
+  fprintf (1, ['Testsuite AKZO, testing solver %7s with relative', ...
+    ' tolerance %2.0e\n'], func2str (vret{1}), vrtol); fflush (1);
+  %# Setting the integration algorithms option values
+  vstart = 0.0;   %# The point of time when solving is started
+  vstop  = 180.0; %# The point of time when solving is stoped
+  [vinity, vinityd] = odepkg_testsuite_implakzoinit; %# The initial values
+  vopt = odeset ('Refine', 0, 'RelTol', vret{2}, 'AbsTol', vret{3}, ...
+    'InitialStep', vret{4}, 'Stats', 'on', 'NormControl', 'off', ...
+    'Jacobian', @odepkg_testsuite_implakzojac, 'MaxStep', vstop-vstart);
+    %# 'OutputFcn', @odeplot);
+  %# Calculate the algorithm, start timer and do solving
+  tic; vsol = feval (vhandle, @odepkg_testsuite_implakzofun, ...
+    [vstart, vstop], vinity, vinityd', vopt);
+  vret{12} = toc;                      %# The value for the elapsed time
+  vref = odepkg_testsuite_implakzoref; %# Get the reference solution vector
+  if (max (size (vsol.y(end,:))) == max (size (vref))), vlst = vsol.y(end,:);
+  elseif (max (size (vsol.y(:,end))) == max (size (vref))), vlst = vsol.y(:,end);
+  end
+  vret{5}  = odepkg_testsuite_calcmescd (vlst, vref, vret{3}, vret{2});
+  vret{6}  = odepkg_testsuite_calcscd (vlst, vref, vret{3}, vret{2});
+%#  vret{7}  = vsol.stats.success + vsol.stats.failed; %# The value for all evals
+%#  vret{8}  = vsol.stats.success;  %# The value for success evals
+%#  vret{9}  = vsol.stats.fevals;   %# The value for fun calls
+%#  vret{10} = vsol.stats.partial;  %# The value for partial derivations
+%#  vret{11} = vsol.stats.ludecom;  %# The value for LU decompositions
+  vret{7}  = vsol.stats.nsteps + vsol.stats.nfailed; %# The value for all evals
+  vret{8}  = vsol.stats.nsteps;   %# The value for success evals
+  vret{9}  = vsol.stats.nfevals;  %# The value for fun calls
+  vret{10} = vsol.stats.nsolves;  %# The value for partial derivations
+  vret{11} = vsol.stats.ndecomps; %# The value for LU decompositions
+%# Return the results for the for the chemical AKZO problem
+function res = odepkg_testsuite_implakzofun (t, y, yd, varargin)
+  k1   = 18.7; k2  = 0.58; k3 = 0.09;   k4  = 0.42;
+  kbig = 34.4; kla = 3.3;  ks = 115.83; po2 = 0.9;
+  hen  = 737;
+  r1  = k1 * y(1)^4 * sqrt (y(2));
+  r2  = k2 * y(3) * y(4);
+  r3  = k2 / kbig * y(1) * y(5);
+  r4  = k3 * y(1) * y(4)^2;
+  r5  = k4 * y(6)^2 * sqrt (y(2));
+  fin = kla * (po2 / hen - y(2));
+  res(1,1) = -2 * r1 + r2 - r3 - r4 - yd(1);
+  res(2,1) = -0.5 * r1 - r4 - 0.5 * r5 + fin - yd(2);
+  res(3,1) = r1 - r2 + r3 - yd(3);
+  res(4,1) = - r2 + r3 - 2 * r4 - yd(4);
+  res(5,1) = r2 - r3 + r5 - yd(5);
+  res(6,1) = ks * y(1) * y(4) - y(6) - yd(6);
+%# Return the INITIAL values for the chemical AKZO problem
+function [y0, yd0] = odepkg_testsuite_implakzoinit ()
+  y0 = [0.444, 0.00123, 0, 0.007, 0, 115.83 * 0.444 * 0.007];
+  yd0 = [-0.051, -0.014, 0.025, 0, 0.002, 0];
+%# Return the JACOBIAN matrix for the chemical AKZO problem
+function [dfdy, dfdyd] = odepkg_testsuite_implakzojac (t, y, varargin)
+  k1   = 18.7; k2  = 0.58; k3 = 0.09;   k4  = 0.42;
+  kbig = 34.4; kla = 3.3;  ks = 115.83; po2 = 0.9;
+  hen  = 737;
+%# if (y(2) <= 0)
+%#   error ('odepkg_testsuite_implakzojac: Second input argument is negative');
+%# end
+  dfdy = zeros (6, 6);
+  r11  = 4 * k1 * y(1)^3 * sqrt (y(2));
+  r12  = 0.5 * k1 * y(1)^4 / sqrt (y(2));
+  r23  = k2 * y(4);
+  r24  = k2 * y(3);
+  r31  = (k2 / kbig) * y(5);
+  r35  = (k2 / kbig) * y(1);
+  r41  = k3 * y(4)^2;
+  r44  = 2 * k3 * y(1) * y(4);
+  r52  = 0.5 * k4 * y(6)^2 / sqrt (y(2));
+  r56  = 2 * k4 * y(6) * sqrt (y(2));
+  fin2 = -kla;
+  dfdy(1,1) = -2 * r11 - r31 - r41;
+  dfdy(1,2) = -2 * r12;
+  dfdy(1,3) = r23;
+  dfdy(1,4) = r24 - r44;
+  dfdy(1,5) = -r35;
+  dfdy(2,1) = -0.5 * r11 - r41;
+  dfdy(2,2) = -0.5 * r12 - 0.5 * r52 + fin2;
+  dfdy(2,4) = -r44;
+  dfdy(2,6) = -0.5 * r56;
+  dfdy(3,1) = r11 + r31;
+  dfdy(3,2) = r12;
+  dfdy(3,3) = -r23;
+  dfdy(3,4) = -r24;
+  dfdy(3,5) = r35;
+  dfdy(4,1) = r31 - 2 * r41;
+  dfdy(4,3) = -r23;
+  dfdy(4,4) = -r24 - 2 * r44;
+  dfdy(4,5) = r35;
+  dfdy(5,1) = -r31;
+  dfdy(5,2) = r52;
+  dfdy(5,3) = r23;
+  dfdy(5,4) = r24;
+  dfdy(5,5) = -r35;
+  dfdy(5,6) = r56;
+  dfdy(6,1) = ks * y(4);
+  dfdy(6,4) = ks * y(1);
+  dfdy(6,6) = -1;
+  dfdyd = - [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
+              0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0;
+              0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0;
+              0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0;
+              0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0;
+              0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ];
+%# For the implicit form of the chemical AKZO Nobel problem a mass
+%# matrix is not needed. This mass matrix is needed if the problem
+%# is formulated in explicit form (cf. odepkg_testsuite_cemakzo.m).
+%# function mass = odepkg_testsuite_implakzomass (t, y, varargin)
+%#   mass =  [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
+%#             0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0;
+%#             0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0;
+%#             0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0;
+%#             0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0;
+%#             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
+%# Return the REFERENCE values for the chemical AKZO problem
+function y = odepkg_testsuite_implakzoref ()
+  y(1,1) = 0.11507949206617e+0;
+  y(2,1) = 0.12038314715677e-2;
+  y(3,1) = 0.16115628874079e+0;
+  y(4,1) = 0.36561564212492e-3;
+  y(5,1) = 0.17080108852644e-1;
+  y(6,1) = 0.48735313103074e-2;
+%! vsolver = {@odebdi};
+%! for vcnt=1:length (vsolver)
+%!   vakzo{vcnt,1} = odepkg_testsuite_implakzo (vsolver{vcnt}, 1e-7);
+%! end
+%! vakzo
+%# Local Variables: ***
+%# mode: octave ***
+%# End: ***
--- a/main/odepkg/inst/odepkg_testsuite_implrober.m	Fri Nov 09 16:18:33 2007 +0000
+++ b/main/odepkg/inst/odepkg_testsuite_implrober.m	Fri Nov 09 16:35:11 2007 +0000
@@ -1,143 +1,139 @@
-%# Copyright (C) 2006, Thomas Treichl <>
-%# OdePkg - Package for solving ordinary differential equations with octave
-%# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-%# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-%# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-%# (at your option) any later version.
-%# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-%# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-%# GNU General Public License for more details.
-%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-%# -*- texinfo -*-
-%# @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{solution}] =} odepkg_testsuite_implrober (@var{@@solver}, @var{reltol})
-%# If this function is called with two input arguments and the first input argument @var{@@solver} is a function handle describing an OdePkg solver and the second input argument @var{reltol} is a double scalar describing the relative error tolerance then return a cell array @var{solution} with performance informations about the implicit form of the modified ROBERTSON testsuite of implicit differential algebraic equations after solving (IDE--test).
-%# Run examples with the command
-%# @example
-%# demo odepkg_testsuite_implrober
-%# @end example
-%# @end deftypefn
-%# @seealso{odepkg}
-function vret = odepkg_testsuite_implrober (vhandle, vrtol)
-  %# Check number and types of all input arguments
-  if (nargin ~= 2)
-    help  ('odepkg_testsuite_implrober');
-    error ('OdePkg:odepkg_testsuite_implrober:InvalidInputArgument', ...
-	   'Number of input arguments must be exactly two');
-  elseif (~isa (vhandle, 'function_handle') || ~isscalar (vrtol))
-    usage ('odepkg_testsuite_implrober (@solver, reltol)');
-  end
-  vret{1} = vhandle; %# The name for the solver that is used
-  vret{2} = vrtol;   %# The value for the realtive tolerance
-  vret{3} = vret{2} * 1e-2; %# The value for the absolute tolerance
-  vret{4} = vret{2}; %# The value for the first time step
-  %# Write a debug message on the screen, because this testsuite function
-  %# may be called more than once from a loop over all present solvers
-  fprintf (1, ['Testsuite implicit ROBERTSON, testing solver %7s with relative', ...
-     ' tolerance %2.0e\n'], func2str (vret{1}), vrtol); fflush (1);
-  %# Setting the integration algorithm options
-  vstart = 0;    %# The point of time when solving is started
-  vstop  = 1e11; %# The point of time when solving is stoped
-  [vinity, vinityd]  = odepkg_testsuite_implroberinit; %# The initial values
-  %# Cf. note for mass matrix below at commented out function definition
-  %# vmass  = odepkg_testsuite_implrobermass; %# The mass matrix
-  vopt = odeset ('Refine', 0, 'RelTol', vret{2}, 'AbsTol', vret{3}, ...
-    'InitialStep', vret{4}, 'Stats', 'on', 'NormControl', 'off', ...
-    'Jacobian', @odepkg_testsuite_implroberjac, ... %# 'Mass', vmass
-    'MaxStep', vstop-vstart);
-  %# Calculate the algorithm, start timer and do solving
-  tic; vsol = feval (vhandle, @odepkg_testsuite_implroberfun, ...
-    [vstart, vstop], vinity, vinityd', vopt);
-  vsol.x(end)
-  vsol.y(:,end)
-  vret{12} = toc;                    %# The value for the elapsed time
-  vref = odepkg_testsuite_implroberref; %# Get the reference solution vector
-  if (max (size (vsol.y(end,:))) == max (size (vref))), vlst = vsol.y(end,:);
-  elseif (max (size (vsol.y(:,end))) == max (size (vref))), vlst = vsol.y(:,end);
-  end
-  vret{5}  = odepkg_testsuite_calcmescd (vlst, vref, vret{3}, vret{2});
-  vret{6}  = odepkg_testsuite_calcscd (vlst, vref, vret{3}, vret{2});
-  %# vret{7}  = vsol.stats.success + vsol.stats.failed; %# The value for all evals
-  %# vret{8}  = vsol.stats.success;  %# The value for success evals
-  %# vret{9}  = vsol.stats.fevals;   %# The value for fun calls
-  %# vret{10} = vsol.stats.partial;  %# The value for partial derivations
-  %# vret{11} = vsol.stats.ludecom;  %# The value for LU decompositions
-  vret{7}  = vsol.stats.nsteps + vsol.stats.nfailed; %# The value for all evals
-  vret{8}  = vsol.stats.nsteps;   %# The value for success evals
-  vret{9}  = vsol.stats.nfevals;  %# The value for fun calls
-  vret{10} = vsol.stats.nsolves;  %# The value for partial derivations
-  vret{11} = vsol.stats.ndecomps; %# The value for LU decompositions
-%#function odepkg_testsuite_implrober ()
-%#  A = odeset ('RelTol', 1e-4, ... %# MATLAB ode15i needs 1e-6 to be stable
-%#             'AbsTol', [1e-6, 1e-10, 1e-6], ...
-%#             'Jacobian', @odepkg_testsuite_implroberjac);
-%#  [y0, yd0] = odepkg_testsuite_implroberinit;
-%#  ode15i (@odepkg_testsuite_implroberfun, [0, 1e11], y0, yd0', A)
-%#  [y0, yd0] = odepkg_testsuite_implroberinit;
-%#  ode15i (@odepkg_testsuite_implroberfun, [0, 1e11], y0, yd0')
-%# Returns the results for the for the implicit ROBERTSON problem
-function res = odepkg_testsuite_implroberfun (t, y, yd, varargin)
-  res(1,1) = -0.04 * y(1) + 1e4 * y(2) * y(3) - yd(1);
-  res(2,1) =  0.04 * y(1) - 1e4 * y(2) * y(3) - 3e7 * y(2)^2 - yd(2);
-  res(3,1) =  y(1) + y(2) + y(3) - 1;
-%# Returns the INITIAL values for the implicit ROBERTSON problem
-function [y0, yd0] = odepkg_testsuite_implroberinit ()
-  y0 = [1, 0, 0];
-  yd0 = [-4e-2, 4e-2, 0];
-%# Returns the JACOBIAN matrix for the implicit ROBERTSON problem
-function [dfdy, dfdyd] = odepkg_testsuite_implroberjac (t, y, yd, varargin)
-  dfdy(1,1)  = -0.04;
-  dfdy(1,2)  =  1e4 * y(3);
-  dfdy(1,3)  =  1e4 * y(2);
-  dfdy(2,1)  =  0.04;
-  dfdy(2,2)  = -1e4 * y(3) - 6e7 * y(2);
-  dfdy(2,3)  = -1e4 * y(2);
-  dfdy(3,1)  =  1;
-  dfdy(3,2)  =  1;
-  dfdy(3,3)  =  1;
-  dfdyd(1,1) = -1;
-  dfdyd(2,2) = -1;
-  dfdyd(3,3) =  0;
-%# For the implicit form of the Robertson problem a mass matrix is not
-%# allowed. This mass matrix is only needed if the Robertson problem
-%# is formulated in explicit form (cf. odepkg_testsuite_implrober.m).
-%# function mass = odepkg_testsuite_implrobermass (t, y, varargin)
-%#   mass =  [1, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 0];
-%# Returns the REFERENCE values for the implicit ROBERTSON problem
-function y = odepkg_testsuite_implroberref ()
-  y(1) =  0.20833401497012e-07;
-  y(2) =  0.83333607703347e-13;
-  y(3) =  0.99999997916650e+00;
-%! vsolver = {@odebdi};
-%! for vcnt=1:length (vsolver)
-%!   virob{vcnt,1} = odepkg_testsuite_implrober (vsolver{vcnt}, 1e-7);
-%! end
-%! virob
-%# Local Variables: ***
-%# mode: octave ***
-%# End: ***
+%# Copyright (C) 2006, Thomas Treichl <>
+%# OdePkg - Package for solving ordinary differential equations with octave
+%# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+%# (at your option) any later version.
+%# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%# GNU General Public License for more details.
+%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+%# -*- texinfo -*-
+%# @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{solution}] =} odepkg_testsuite_implrober (@var{@@solver}, @var{reltol})
+%# If this function is called with two input arguments and the first input argument @var{@@solver} is a function handle describing an OdePkg solver and the second input argument @var{reltol} is a double scalar describing the relative error tolerance then return a cell array @var{solution} with performance informations about the implicit form of the modified ROBERTSON testsuite of implicit differential algebraic equations after solving (IDE--test).
+%# Run examples with the command
+%# @example
+%# demo odepkg_testsuite_implrober
+%# @end example
+%# @end deftypefn
+%# @seealso{odepkg}
+function vret = odepkg_testsuite_implrober (vhandle, vrtol)
+  %# Check number and types of all input arguments
+  if (nargin ~= 2)
+    help  ('odepkg_testsuite_implrober');
+    error ('OdePkg:InvalidInputArgument', ...
+	   'Number of input arguments must be exactly two');
+  elseif (~isa (vhandle, 'function_handle') || ~isscalar (vrtol))
+    print_usage;
+  end
+  vret{1} = vhandle; %# The name for the solver that is used
+  vret{2} = vrtol;   %# The value for the realtive tolerance
+  vret{3} = vret{2} * 1e-2; %# The value for the absolute tolerance
+  vret{4} = vret{2}; %# The value for the first time step
+  %# Write a debug message on the screen, because this testsuite function
+  %# may be called more than once from a loop over all present solvers
+  fprintf (1, ['Testsuite implicit ROBERTSON, testing solver %7s with relative', ...
+     ' tolerance %2.0e\n'], func2str (vret{1}), vrtol); fflush (1);
+  %# Setting the integration algorithm options
+  vstart = 0;    %# The point of time when solving is started
+  vstop  = 1e11; %# The point of time when solving is stoped
+  [vinity, vinityd] = odepkg_testsuite_implroberinit; %# The initial values
+  vopt = odeset ('Refine', 0, 'RelTol', vret{2}, 'AbsTol', vret{3}, ...
+    'InitialStep', vret{4}, 'Stats', 'on', 'NormControl', 'off', ...
+    'Jacobian', @odepkg_testsuite_implroberjac, 'MaxStep', vstop-vstart);
+    %# 'OutputFcn', @odeplot);
+  %# Calculate the algorithm, start timer and do solving
+  tic; vsol = feval (vhandle, @odepkg_testsuite_implroberfun, ...
+    [vstart, vstop], vinity, vinityd', vopt);
+  vret{12} = toc;                       %# The value for the elapsed time
+  vref = odepkg_testsuite_implroberref; %# Get the reference solution vector
+  if (max (size (vsol.y(end,:))) == max (size (vref))), vlst = vsol.y(end,:);
+  elseif (max (size (vsol.y(:,end))) == max (size (vref))), vlst = vsol.y(:,end);
+  end
+  vret{5}  = odepkg_testsuite_calcmescd (vlst, vref, vret{3}, vret{2});
+  vret{6}  = odepkg_testsuite_calcscd (vlst, vref, vret{3}, vret{2});
+  %# vret{7}  = vsol.stats.success + vsol.stats.failed; %# The value for all evals
+  %# vret{8}  = vsol.stats.success;  %# The value for success evals
+  %# vret{9}  = vsol.stats.fevals;   %# The value for fun calls
+  %# vret{10} = vsol.stats.partial;  %# The value for partial derivations
+  %# vret{11} = vsol.stats.ludecom;  %# The value for LU decompositions
+  vret{7}  = vsol.stats.nsteps + vsol.stats.nfailed; %# The value for all evals
+  vret{8}  = vsol.stats.nsteps;   %# The value for success evals
+  vret{9}  = vsol.stats.nfevals;  %# The value for fun calls
+  vret{10} = vsol.stats.nsolves;  %# The value for partial derivations
+  vret{11} = vsol.stats.ndecomps; %# The value for LU decompositions
+%#function odepkg_testsuite_implrober ()
+%#  A = odeset ('RelTol', 1e-4, ... %# proprietary ode15i needs 1e-6 to be stable
+%#             'AbsTol', [1e-6, 1e-10, 1e-6], ...
+%#             'Jacobian', @odepkg_testsuite_implroberjac);
+%#  [y0, yd0] = odepkg_testsuite_implroberinit;
+%#  odebdi (@odepkg_testsuite_implroberfun, [0, 1e11], y0, yd0', A)
+%#  [y0, yd0] = odepkg_testsuite_implroberinit;
+%#  odebdi (@odepkg_testsuite_implroberfun, [0, 1e11], y0, yd0')
+%# Return the results for the for the implicit ROBERTSON problem
+function res = odepkg_testsuite_implroberfun (t, y, yd, varargin)
+  res(1,1) = -0.04 * y(1) + 1e4 * y(2) * y(3) - yd(1);
+  res(2,1) =  0.04 * y(1) - 1e4 * y(2) * y(3) - 3e7 * y(2)^2 - yd(2);
+  res(3,1) =  y(1) + y(2) + y(3) - 1;
+%# Return the INITIAL values for the implicit ROBERTSON problem
+function [y0, yd0] = odepkg_testsuite_implroberinit ()
+  y0 = [1, 0, 0];
+  yd0 = [-4e-2, 4e-2, 0];
+%# Return the JACOBIAN matrix for the implicit ROBERTSON problem
+function [dfdy, dfdyd] = odepkg_testsuite_implroberjac (t, y, yd, varargin)
+  dfdy(1,1)  = -0.04;
+  dfdy(1,2)  =  1e4 * y(3);
+  dfdy(1,3)  =  1e4 * y(2);
+  dfdy(2,1)  =  0.04;
+  dfdy(2,2)  = -1e4 * y(3) - 6e7 * y(2);
+  dfdy(2,3)  = -1e4 * y(2);
+  dfdy(3,1)  =  1;
+  dfdy(3,2)  =  1;
+  dfdy(3,3)  =  1;
+  dfdyd(1,1) = -1;
+  dfdyd(2,2) = -1;
+  dfdyd(3,3) =  0;
+%# For the implicit form of the Robertson problem a mass matrix is not
+%# allowed. This mass matrix is only needed if the Robertson problem
+%# is formulated in explicit form (cf. odepkg_testsuite_implrober.m).
+%# function mass = odepkg_testsuite_implrobermass (t, y, varargin)
+%#   mass =  [1, 0, 0; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 0];
+%# Return the REFERENCE values for the implicit ROBERTSON problem
+function y = odepkg_testsuite_implroberref ()
+  y(1) =  0.20833401497012e-07;
+  y(2) =  0.83333607703347e-13;
+  y(3) =  0.99999997916650e+00;
+%! vsolver = {@odebdi};
+%! for vcnt=1:length (vsolver)
+%!   virob{vcnt,1} = odepkg_testsuite_implrober (vsolver{vcnt}, 1e-7);
+%! end
+%! virob
+%# Local Variables: ***
+%# mode: octave ***
+%# End: ***