changeset 265:e49d918cb803 octave-forge

Split main.idx into individual subdirectories to make it more manageable
author pkienzle
date Tue, 09 Apr 2002 20:49:44 +0000
parents aab3ba664fbe
children 5a9f9f1f1c35
files INDEX admin/main.idx admin/make_index admin/template.readme extra/NaN/INDEX extra/civil/INDEX extra/pdb/INDEX extra/tk_octave/INDEX main/audio/INDEX main/comm/INDEX main/control/INDEX main/ident/INDEX main/image/INDEX main/optim/INDEX main/signal/INDEX main/sparse/INDEX main/statistics/INDEX main/strings/INDEX main/symbolic/INDEX nonfree/gpc/INDEX
diffstat 20 files changed, 1468 insertions(+), 1378 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+# This is the main index of functions in octave/octave-forge.
+# It organizes functions by toolbox and by category within
+# each toolbox.  Individual directories may have their own
+# INDEX file specifying their own toolboxes, or their own
+# categories within the "extra" toolbox.  In general if you
+# are adding a function to a directory and it does not already
+# have an INDEX file, then you should add it here.  If you
+# are adding a new directory, you should probably add a new
+# INDEX file.
+# An index file has the following format:
+#  toolbox >> Toolbox name
+#  Category Name
+#   fn fn fn
+#   fn fn fn
+#  Category Name
+#   fn
+# Toolbox and category definitions are on the left, function
+# lists are indented.
+# If no toolbox is specified, then the categories will go into
+# extra.  Only use this if you are contributing a small number
+# of specialized functions.
+# Lines starting with # are comment lines.
+# Some functions may be unavailable in octave or octave-forge.
+# If they are not implemented they can be listed as usual
+# and they will show up with a description of "not implemented".
+# If there is a work around or if the function is available
+# elsewhere, you can instead use:
+#  fn = workaround description
+# This workaround description can use any html markup, but
+# keep in mind that it is in a bold-italic environment.  For
+# the special case of:
+#  fn = use <code>alternate expression</code>
+# the bold-italic is automatically suppressed.  You will need
+# to use <code> even in references:
+#  fn = use <a href="someothersite.html"><code>fn</code></a>
+# Sometimes functions are only partially compatible, in which
+# case you can list the non-compatible cases separately.
+# E.g.,
+#  eig(A,B) = use <code>qz</code>
+# Since sites may have many missing functions, you can define
+# a macro rather than typing the same link over and again.
+#  $id = expansion
+# defines the macro id.  You can use $id anywhere in the
+# description and it will be expanded.  E.g.,
+#  $TSA = see <a href="link_to_spctools">SPC Tools</a>
+#  arcov = $TSA <code>armcv</code>
+# id is any string of letters, numbers and _.
+$EG= Etienne Grossman's <a href="">Octave code</a>
+interpreter >> Interpreter
+ help 
+ demo 
+ ver = use <code>version</code>
+ version 
+ who 
+ whos 
+ workspace 
+ clear 
+ pack 
+ load 
+ save 
+ quit
+ document
+ temp_name
+ what 
+ type 
+ edit 
+ open 
+ lookfor 
+ which 
+ pcode 
+ inmem = use <code>who -functions</code>
+ mex= install octave-forge mex package and use <code>system(["mex ", name])</code>
+Load path
+ path 
+ addpath 
+ rmpath 
+ pathtool 
+ file_in_path file_in_loadpath
+ echo 
+ more 
+ diary 
+ format 
+ cd pwd
+ dir=alias for <code>ls</code>
+ ls
+ mkdir 
+ copyfile= use <code>system("[cp ", source, " ", dest])</code>
+ delete = use <code>unlink</code> 
+ getenv 
+ putenv
+ dos= use <code>system</code>
+ vms= use <code>system</code>
+ unix= use <code>system</code>
+ web 
+ computer 
+ isieee
+ isunix
+ system
+ ! = use <code>system("command")</code>
+ dbg_delete
+ dbg_list
+ dbg_set
+ dbg_where
+ debug_on_error
+ debug_on_warning
+ profile 
+ flops 
+Demos and Tests.
+ example  demo  test  assert  speed 
+system >> System Utilities
+Clock functions
+ now 
+ date 
+ clock 
+ cputime 
+ tic 
+ toc 
+ etime gmtime
+ ctime time localtime mktime
+Date conversion
+ is_leap_year
+ asctime
+ datenum 
+ datestr 
+ datevec 
+ weekday 
+ eomday 
+ calendar 
+ datetick=use <code>gset xdata time; gset timefmt "%d/%m"; gset format x "%b %d"</code>
+ strftime 
+Controlling subprocesses
+ system
+ popen popen2 pclose
+ fork exec pipe waitpid
+ EXEC_PATH sleep usleep
+Process information
+ getrusage
+ getpgrp
+ getpid
+ getppid
+ geteuid
+ getuid
+ getegid
+ getgid
+ getgrgid
+Password Database
+ getpwent
+ getpwuid
+ getpwnam
+ setpwent
+ endpwent
+Group Database
+ getgrent
+ getgrid
+ getgrnam
+ setgrent
+ endgrent
+language >> Programming
+Logical functions
+ xor 
+ any 
+ all 
+Bit operations
+ bitand 
+ bitcmp 
+ bitor 
+ bitmax 
+ bitxor 
+ bitset 
+ bitget 
+ bitshift 
+ union 
+ unique create_set
+ intersect intersection
+ setdiff  complement
+ setxor 
+ ismember 
+#Control structures
+# if 
+# else 
+# elseif 
+# end 
+# for 
+# while 
+# break 
+# switch 
+# case 
+# otherwise 
+# try 
+# catch 
+# return 
+Interpreter interface
+ eval 
+ evalc 
+ feval
+ leval temp_name
+ evalin 
+ builtin 
+ assignin 
+ ans 
+ eps 
+ realmax 
+ realmin 
+ pi e
+ i j I J
+ Inf inf
+ NaN nan
+ isnan 
+ isinf 
+ isfinite finite
+Symbol table
+ exist
+ exist(x,"var")=requires exist patch from $EG
+ global 
+ isglobal 
+ persistent = use <code>static</code> 
+ mfilename 
+ mlock 
+ munlock 
+ mislocked
+ command
+Function arguments
+ nargchk 
+ nargin 
+ nargout 
+ varargin= see <a href="$COMPAT#vararg">compatibility FAQ</a>
+ varargout= see <a href="$COMPAT#vararg">compatibility FAQ</a>
+ inputname= use <code>deblank(argn(i,:))</code>
+ fcnchk 
+ read_options
+ va_start va_arg vr_val
+User I/O
+ disp printf puts
+ error 
+ warning 
+ lasterr 
+ lastwarn 
+ clc 
+ home 
+ input 
+ keyboard kbhit
+ pause 
+Inline functions
+ inline= see <a href="$COMPAT#inline">compatibility FAQ</a>
+ argnames 
+ formula 
+ char 
+ vectorize 
+Cell arrays
+ cell 
+ iscell 
+ deref
+ cellfun 
+ celldisp 
+ cellplot 
+ num2cell 
+ deal 
+ cell2struct 
+ struct2cell 
+ struct 
+ fieldnames 
+ getfield 
+ setfield 
+ rmfield 
+ isfield 
+ isstruct
+ is_struct
+ struct_contains
+ struct_elements
+ list
+ is_list
+ nth
+ append
+ reverse
+ splice
+ leval
+matrix >> Linear Algehra
+Generating matrices
+ zeros 
+ ones 
+ eye 
+ rand 
+ randn 
+ linspace 
+ logspace 
+ randperm
+ meshgrid meshdom
+Matrix properties
+ size rows columns common_size
+ length 
+ isempty 
+ isequal 
+ isnumeric is_complex
+ islogical 
+ logical 
+ is_scalar is_vector is_square is_symmetric is_duplicate_entry
+Rearranging matrices
+ reshape 
+ tril 
+ triu 
+ fliplr 
+ flipud 
+ flipdim= for <code>flipdim(A,1)</code> use <code>flipud(A)</code> and for <code>flipdim(A,2)</code> use <code>fliplr(A)</code> 
+ rot90 
+ repmat 
+ diag 
+ blkdiag 
+ kron 
+ find 
+ sub2ind 
+ ind2sub 
+ transpose ctranspose
+ prepad postpad shift vec vech
+Special matrices
+ compan 
+ commutation_matrix
+ duplication_matrix
+ sylvester_matrix
+ hankel 
+ hilb 
+ invhilb 
+ lauchli
+ magic 
+ pascal 
+ rosser 
+ toeplitz 
+ vander 
+ wilkinson 
+ $TESTMAT= available in Nick Higham's <a href="">Test Matrix Toolbox</a>
+ gallery= $TESTMAT
+ hadamard= $TESTMAT
+Linear algebra
+ dmult
+ cross 
+ dot
+ norm 
+ rank 
+ det 
+ trace 
+ null 
+ orth 
+ rref 
+ subspace=use Andrew Knyazev's <a href=""><code>subspace</code></a>
+ cond 
+ inv inverse 
+ pinv 
+ lscov 
+ eig 
+ eig(A,B)= use <code>qz</code>
+ polyeig 
+ condeig 
+ trisolve
+ syl
+Matrix factorization
+ chol 
+ lu 
+ qr 
+ svd 
+ gsvd 
+ hess 
+ qz 
+ schur 
+ rsf2csf 
+ cdf2rdf 
+ balance 
+ qrdelete 
+ qrinsert 
+ planerot 
+ cholupdate 
+ qrupdate 
+ housh
+ krylov
+ krylovb
+ qzhess
+ givens
+Matrix functions
+ expm 
+ logm 
+ sqrtm 
+ funm thfm
+Banded matrices
+  BandToFull BandToSparse FullToBand
+  SBBacksub SBEig SBFactor SBFactor2 SBProd SBSolve
+  ExampleEigenValues ExampleGenEigenValues gapTest
+math >> Mathematics
+ sin 
+ sinh 
+ asin 
+ asinh 
+ cos 
+ cosh 
+ acos 
+ acosh 
+ tan 
+ tanh 
+ atan 
+ atan2 
+ atanh 
+ sec 
+ sech 
+ asec 
+ asech 
+ csc 
+ csch 
+ acsc 
+ acsch 
+ cot 
+ coth 
+ acot 
+ acoth 
+ exp 
+ log 
+ log10 
+ log2 
+ pow2 
+ sqrt 
+ nextpow2 
+Complex numbers
+ abs 
+ angle arg
+ complex 
+ conj 
+ imag 
+ real 
+ unwrap 
+ isreal 
+ cplxpair 
+Floating point operations
+ fix 
+ floor 
+ ceil 
+ round 
+ sign 
+Special functions
+ airy 
+ besselj 
+ bessely 
+ besselh 
+ besseli 
+ besselk  bessel 
+ beta 
+ betainc  betai
+ betaln 
+ ellipj 
+ ellipke 
+ erf 
+ erfc 
+ erfcx 
+ erfinv 
+ expint 
+ gamma
+ gamma(complex)= use Tim Reluga's <a href="">Gamma.m</a> or Eyal Doron's <a href="">cgamma.m</a>
+ gammainc gammai
+ gammaln 
+ legendre 
+Number theory
+ mod 
+ rem 
+ factor 
+ isprime 
+ primes list_primes
+ gcd 
+ lcm 
+ rat 
+ rats 
+ perms 
+ nchoosek bincoeff 
+ factorial 
+ SHA1
+Coordinate transformations
+ cart2sph 
+ cart2pol 
+ pol2cart 
+ sph2cart 
+analysis >> Data analysis
+ sort 
+ sortrows 
+ filter 
+ filter2 
+ conv fftconv
+ conv2 
+ convn 
+ deconv 
+ detrend center clip
+Fourier analysis
+ fft 
+ fft2 
+ fftn 
+ ifft 
+ ifft2 
+ ifftn 
+ fftshift 
+ ifftshift 
+ interp1 
+ interpft 
+ interp2 
+ interp3 
+ interpn 
+ spline 
+ pchip 
+ ppval 
+ mkpp 
+ unmkpp 
+ lookup
+Spline functions
+ interp1
+ csapi
+ csape
+ csaps
+ fnplt fnder
+ gcvspl
+ delaunay 
+ delaunay3
+ delaunayn
+ dsearch 
+ dsearchn
+ tsearch 
+ convhull 
+ convhulln
+ voronoi 
+ voronoin
+ griddata 
+ griddata3
+ griddatan
+ inpolygon=  use David Doolin's <a href="">inpoly.m</a>, but with <a href="">caveats</a>
+ rectint 
+ polyarea 
+ __voronoi__
+ roots 
+ poly 
+ polyval 
+ polyvalm 
+ residue
+ residue(r,p,k)=use Bradley T. Burchett's <code><a href="">resid2wp</a></code>
+ polyfit 
+ polyder polyderiv
+ polyinteg polyreduce polyout polygcd
+ quaternion
+ demoquat qconj qcoordinate_plot qderiv qderivmat qinv qmult
+ qtrans qtransv qtransvmat
+calculus >> Calculus
+ quad 
+ quadl
+ quad8 
+ dblquad 
+ quad_options
+ count cquadnd crule crule2d crule2dgen
+ gquad gquad2d gquad2d6 gquad2dgen gquad6 gquadnd
+ grule grule2d grule2dgen innerfun ncrule quad2dc
+ quad2dcgen quad2dg quad2dggen quadc quadg quadndg
+ diff 
+ gradient 
+ del2 
+Ordinary differential equations
+ ode23 ode45 ode78
+ penddot
+ pendulum
+ rk2fixed rk4fixed rk8fixed
+ lsode lsode_options
+ dassl dassl_options
+plot >> Plotting
+Line plots
+ plot mplot fplot
+ plot3 
+ loglog 
+ semilogx 
+ semilogy 
+ polar 
+ plotyy= use <code>gplot ... axes x1y2</code>
+ errorbar 
+ scatter 
+ plotmatrix 
+ stem 
+ stem3 
+ stairs 
+ comet 
+ feather 
+Business graphs
+ pie 
+ pie3 
+ area 
+ bar dhbar
+ barh 
+ bar3 
+ bar3h 
+ ribbon 
+ pareto 
+ fill 
+Contour plots
+ contour 
+ contourf 
+ contour3 
+ clabel 
+ pcolor 
+Surface plots
+ mesh 
+ surf 
+ comet3 
+ quiver 
+ meshc 
+ meshz 
+ scatter3 
+ surfc 
+ trisurf 
+ trimesh 
+ waterfall 
+ fill3 
+plotcontrol >> Plot controls
+Figure controls
+ newplot 	 
+ figure 	 
+ clf 	 
+ shg 	 
+ close 	 
+ refresh= try <code>replot</code>
+ drawnow
+Axis controls
+ axis 
+ zoom= use <code>gzoom</code> from octave-forge
+ grid 
+ hold 
+ ishold 
+ subplot 
+ multiplot subwindow oneplot plot_border
+ title bottom_title top_title
+ xlabel 
+ ylabel 
+ zlabel 
+ legend 
+ colorbar 
+ texlabel 
+ gtext 
+ text 
+ patch 
+ print 
+ printopt 
+ orient 
+ vrml= see $EG
+Colour controls
+ colormap 
+ spinmap 
+ rgbplot 
+ caxis 
+ brighten 
+Colour maps
+ gray 
+ ocean
+ hsv rainbow
+ hot 
+ bone 
+ copper 
+ pink 
+ white 
+ flag 
+ jet 
+ prism 
+ cool 
+ autumn 
+ spring 
+ winter 
+ summer 
+ lines 
+ colorcube 
+ vga 
+ contrast 
+View control
+ view 
+ viewmtx 
+ rotate3d 
+User input
+ ginput gget grab gzoom
+ dragrect 
+ rbbox 
+Gnuplot Interface
+ gset graw gnuplot_binary gnuplot_has_frames gnuplot_has_multiplot
+file >> File I/O
+Basic file operations
+ fopen 
+ fclose 
+ fread 
+ fwrite 
+ ferror 
+ feof 
+ fseek 
+ ftell 
+ frewind 
+ fscanf 
+ fgetl 
+ fgets 
+ fputs
+ fprintf
+ fdisp
+ fflush
+ freport
+ dup2
+ fcntl
+File system operations
+ cd pwd ls dir
+ filesep 
+ pathsep 
+ fullfile 
+ fileparts 
+ partialpath 
+ tempdir 
+ tmpnam
+ tempname = use <code>tmpnam</code>
+ prefdir 
+ glob
+ tilde_expand
+ file_in_path
+ file_in_loadpath
+ rename link unlink symlink readdir mkdir rmdir mkfifo umask stat lstat
+ textread
+ dlmread 
+ dlmwrite 
+ wk1read 
+ wk1write 
+ auload
+ ausave
+ imread
+ imwrite
+ hdf = use <code>load/save</code> with <code>-hdf5</code>
+ aload/asave= flat ascii file read/write, available from <a href="">Octave-ci</a>
+extra >> Extra packages
+ fv fvl irr nper npv pmt pv pvl rate vol
--- a/admin/main.idx	Tue Apr 09 19:31:13 2002 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1365 +0,0 @@
-$EG= Etienne Grossman's <a href="">Octave code</a>
-interpreter >> Interpreter
- help 
- demo 
- ver = use <code>version</code>
- version 
- who 
- whos 
- workspace 
- clear 
- pack 
- load 
- save 
- quit
- document
- temp_name
- what 
- type 
- edit 
- open 
- lookfor 
- which 
- pcode 
- inmem = use <code>who -functions</code>
- mex= install octave-forge mex package and use <code>system(["mex ", name])</code>
-Load path
- path 
- addpath 
- rmpath 
- pathtool 
- file_in_path file_in_loadpath
- echo 
- more 
- diary 
- format 
- cd pwd
- dir=alias for <code>ls</code>
- ls
- mkdir 
- copyfile= use <code>system("[cp ", source, " ", dest])</code>
- delete = use <code>unlink</code> 
- getenv 
- putenv
- dos= use <code>system</code>
- vms= use <code>system</code>
- unix= use <code>system</code>
- web 
- computer 
- isieee
- isunix
- system
- ! = use <code>system("command")</code>
- dbg_delete
- dbg_list
- dbg_set
- dbg_where
- debug_on_error
- debug_on_warning
- profile 
- flops 
-Demos and Tests.
- example  demo  test  assert  speed 
-system >> System Utilities
-Clock functions
- now 
- date 
- clock 
- cputime 
- tic 
- toc 
- etime gmtime
- ctime time localtime mktime
-Date conversion
- is_leap_year
- asctime
- datenum 
- datestr 
- datevec 
- weekday 
- eomday 
- calendar 
- datetick=use <code>gset xdata time; gset timefmt "%d/%m"; gset format x "%b %d"</code>
- strftime 
-Controlling subprocesses
- system
- popen popen2 pclose
- fork exec pipe waitpid
- EXEC_PATH sleep usleep
-Process information
- getrusage
- getpgrp
- getpid
- getppid
- geteuid
- getuid
- getegid
- getgid
- getgrgid
-Password Database
- getpwent
- getpwuid
- getpwnam
- setpwent
- endpwent
-Group Database
- getgrent
- getgrid
- getgrnam
- setgrent
- endgrent
-language >> Programming
-Logical functions
- xor 
- any 
- all 
-Bit operations
- bitand 
- bitcmp 
- bitor 
- bitmax 
- bitxor 
- bitset 
- bitget 
- bitshift 
- union 
- unique create_set
- intersect intersection
- setdiff  complement
- setxor 
- ismember 
-#Control structures
-# if 
-# else 
-# elseif 
-# end 
-# for 
-# while 
-# break 
-# switch 
-# case 
-# otherwise 
-# try 
-# catch 
-# return 
-Interpreter interface
- eval 
- evalc 
- feval
- leval temp_name
- evalin 
- builtin 
- assignin 
- ans 
- eps 
- realmax 
- realmin 
- pi e
- i j I J
- Inf inf
- NaN nan
- isnan 
- isinf 
- isfinite finite
-Symbol table
- exist
- exist(x,"var")=requires exist patch from $EG
- global 
- isglobal 
- persistent = use <code>static</code> 
- mfilename 
- mlock 
- munlock 
- mislocked
- command
-Function arguments
- nargchk 
- nargin 
- nargout 
- varargin= see <a href="$COMPAT#vararg">compatibility FAQ</a>
- varargout= see <a href="$COMPAT#vararg">compatibility FAQ</a>
- inputname= use <code>deblank(argn(i,:))</code>
- fcnchk 
- read_options
- va_start va_arg vr_val
-User I/O
- disp printf puts
- error 
- warning 
- lasterr 
- lastwarn 
- clc 
- home 
- input 
- keyboard kbhit
- pause 
-Inline functions
- inline= see <a href="$COMPAT#inline">compatibility FAQ</a>
- argnames 
- formula 
- char 
- vectorize 
-Cell arrays
- cell 
- iscell 
- deref
- cellfun 
- celldisp 
- cellplot 
- num2cell 
- deal 
- cell2struct 
- struct2cell 
- struct 
- fieldnames 
- getfield 
- setfield 
- rmfield 
- isfield 
- isstruct
- is_struct
- struct_contains
- struct_elements
- list
- is_list
- nth
- append
- reverse
- splice
- leval
-matrix >> Linear Algehra
-Generating matrices
- zeros 
- ones 
- eye 
- rand 
- randn 
- linspace 
- logspace 
- randperm
- meshgrid meshdom
-Matrix properties
- size rows columns common_size
- length 
- isempty 
- isequal 
- isnumeric is_complex
- islogical 
- logical 
- is_scalar is_vector is_square is_symmetric is_duplicate_entry
-Rearranging matrices
- reshape 
- tril 
- triu 
- fliplr 
- flipud 
- flipdim= for <code>flipdim(A,1)</code> use <code>flipud(A)</code> and for <code>flipdim(A,2)</code> use <code>fliplr(A)</code> 
- rot90 
- repmat 
- diag 
- blkdiag 
- kron 
- find 
- sub2ind 
- ind2sub 
- transpose ctranspose
- prepad postpad shift vec vech
-Special matrices
- compan 
- commutation_matrix
- duplication_matrix
- sylvester_matrix
- hankel 
- hilb 
- invhilb 
- lauchli
- magic 
- pascal 
- rosser 
- toeplitz 
- vander 
- wilkinson 
- $TESTMAT= available in Nick Higham's <a href="">Test Matrix Toolbox</a>
- gallery= $TESTMAT
- hadamard= $TESTMAT
-Linear algebra
- dmult
- cross 
- dot
- norm 
- rank 
- det 
- trace 
- null 
- orth 
- rref 
- subspace=use Andrew Knyazev's <a href=""><code>subspace</code></a>
- cond 
- inv inverse 
- pinv 
- lscov 
- eig 
- eig(A,B)= use <code>qz</code>
- polyeig 
- condeig 
- trisolve
- syl
-Matrix factorization
- chol 
- lu 
- qr 
- svd 
- gsvd 
- hess 
- qz 
- schur 
- rsf2csf 
- cdf2rdf 
- balance 
- qrdelete 
- qrinsert 
- planerot 
- cholupdate 
- qrupdate 
- housh
- krylov
- krylovb
- qzhess
- givens
-Matrix functions
- expm 
- logm 
- sqrtm 
- funm thfm
-Banded matrices
-  BandToFull BandToSparse FullToBand
-  SBBacksub SBEig SBFactor SBFactor2 SBProd SBSolve
-  ExampleEigenValues ExampleGenEigenValues gapTest
-math >> Mathematics
- sin 
- sinh 
- asin 
- asinh 
- cos 
- cosh 
- acos 
- acosh 
- tan 
- tanh 
- atan 
- atan2 
- atanh 
- sec 
- sech 
- asec 
- asech 
- csc 
- csch 
- acsc 
- acsch 
- cot 
- coth 
- acot 
- acoth 
- exp 
- log 
- log10 
- log2 
- pow2 
- sqrt 
- nextpow2 
-Complex numbers
- abs 
- angle arg
- complex 
- conj 
- imag 
- real 
- unwrap 
- isreal 
- cplxpair 
-Floating point operations
- fix 
- floor 
- ceil 
- round 
- sign 
-Special functions
- airy 
- besselj 
- bessely 
- besselh 
- besseli 
- besselk  bessel 
- beta 
- betainc  betai
- betaln 
- ellipj 
- ellipke 
- erf 
- erfc 
- erfcx 
- erfinv 
- expint 
- gamma
- gamma(complex)= use Tim Reluga's <a href="">Gamma.m</a> or Eyal Doron's <a href="">cgamma.m</a>
- gammainc gammai
- gammaln 
- legendre 
-Number theory
- mod 
- rem 
- factor 
- isprime 
- primes list_primes
- gcd 
- lcm 
- rat 
- rats 
- perms 
- nchoosek bincoeff 
- factorial 
- SHA1
-Coordinate transformations
- cart2sph 
- cart2pol 
- pol2cart 
- sph2cart 
-analysis >> Data analysis
- sort 
- sortrows 
- filter 
- filter2 
- conv fftconv
- conv2 
- convn 
- deconv 
- detrend center clip
-Fourier analysis
- fft 
- fft2 
- fftn 
- ifft 
- ifft2 
- ifftn 
- fftshift 
- ifftshift 
- interp1 
- interpft 
- interp2 
- interp3 
- interpn 
- spline 
- pchip 
- ppval 
- mkpp 
- unmkpp 
- lookup
-Spline functions
- interp1
- csapi
- csape
- csaps
- fnplt fnder
- gcvspl
- delaunay 
- delaunay3
- delaunayn
- dsearch 
- dsearchn
- tsearch 
- convhull 
- convhulln
- voronoi 
- voronoin
- griddata 
- griddata3
- griddatan
- inpolygon=  use David Doolin's <a href="">inpoly.m</a>, but with <a href="">caveats</a>
- rectint 
- polyarea 
- __voronoi__
- roots 
- poly 
- polyval 
- polyvalm 
- residue
- residue(r,p,k)=use Bradley T. Burchett's <code><a href="">resid2wp</a></code>
- polyfit 
- polyder polyderiv
- polyinteg polyreduce polyout polygcd
- quaternion
- demoquat qconj qcoordinate_plot qderiv qderivmat qinv qmult
- qtrans qtransv qtransvmat
-optimization >> Optimization
- minimize 
- nelder_mead_min
- bracket_min brent_line_min cg_min d2_min
- bfgs dfp nrm
- lp
- fmin fminbnd semi_bracket
-Data fitting
- expfit expdemo
- polyfit wpolyfit wpolyfitdemo 
- leasqr leasqrdemo
-Root finding
- fzero 
- fsolve 
- fsolve_options perror strerror
- fminunc=use <code>minimize</code>
- quadprog= try Yinyu Ye's <a href="">code</a>
- linprog= try <code>lp</code> from octave-forge
-Numerical derivatives
- dfdp bs_gradient cdiff deriv __quasi_func__
-  lp_test test_cg_min_1 test_cg_min_2 test_cg_min_3
-  test_d2_min_1 test_d2_min_2 test_d2_min_3
-  test_nelder_mead_min_1 test_nelder_mead_min_2
-  poly_2_ex
-calculus >> Calculus
- quad 
- quadl
- quad8 
- dblquad 
- quad_options
- count cquadnd crule crule2d crule2dgen
- gquad gquad2d gquad2d6 gquad2dgen gquad6 gquadnd
- grule grule2d grule2dgen innerfun ncrule quad2dc
- quad2dcgen quad2dg quad2dggen quadc quadg quadndg
- diff 
- gradient 
- del2 
-Ordinary differential equations
- ode23 ode45 ode78
- penddot
- pendulum
- rk2fixed rk4fixed rk8fixed
- lsode lsode_options
- dassl dassl_options
-sparse >> Sparse matrix support
-Generate sparse matrix
- speye 
- sprand 
- sprandn 
- sprandsym 
- spdiags 
- spconvert 
-Manipulate sparse matrices
- sparse 
- full 
- is_sparse is_real_sparse is_complex_sparse
- spy 
- nnz 
- spfind spdump
- nonzeros 
- nzmax 
- spones 
- spfun 
- spalloc 
- spparms 
-Linear algebra
- spinv splu
- svds= create an interface to <a href="">ARPACK</a> and add it to octave-forge
- spsum
- fem_test sp_test
-plot >> Plotting
-Line plots
- plot mplot fplot
- plot3 
- loglog 
- semilogx 
- semilogy 
- polar 
- plotyy= use <code>gplot ... axes x1y2</code>
- errorbar 
- scatter 
- plotmatrix 
- stem 
- stem3 
- stairs 
- comet 
- feather 
-Business graphs
- pie 
- pie3 
- area 
- bar dhbar
- barh 
- bar3 
- bar3h 
- ribbon 
- pareto 
- fill 
-Contour plots
- contour 
- contourf 
- contour3 
- clabel 
- pcolor 
-Surface plots
- mesh 
- surf 
- comet3 
- quiver 
- meshc 
- meshz 
- scatter3 
- surfc 
- trisurf 
- trimesh 
- waterfall 
- fill3 
-plotcontrol >> Plot controls
-Figure controls
- newplot 	 
- figure 	 
- clf 	 
- shg 	 
- close 	 
- refresh= try <code>replot</code>
- drawnow
-Axis controls
- axis 
- zoom= use <code>gzoom</code> from octave-forge
- grid 
- hold 
- ishold 
- subplot 
- multiplot subwindow oneplot plot_border
- title bottom_title top_title
- xlabel 
- ylabel 
- zlabel 
- legend 
- colorbar 
- texlabel 
- gtext 
- text 
- patch 
- print 
- printopt 
- orient 
- vrml= see $EG
-Colour controls
- colormap 
- spinmap 
- rgbplot 
- caxis 
- brighten 
-Colour maps
- gray 
- ocean
- hsv rainbow
- hot 
- bone 
- copper 
- pink 
- white 
- flag 
- jet 
- prism 
- cool 
- autumn 
- spring 
- winter 
- summer 
- lines 
- colorcube 
- vga 
- contrast 
-View control
- view 
- viewmtx 
- rotate3d 
-User input
- ginput gget grab gzoom
- dragrect 
- rbbox 
-Gnuplot Interface
- gset graw gnuplot_binary gnuplot_has_frames gnuplot_has_multiplot
-strings >> Strings
- char 
- double 
- cellstr 
- blanks 
- ischar= use <code>isstr</code> 
- iscellstr 
- isletter 
- isspace 
- isalnum
- isalpha
- isascii
- iscntrl
- isdigit
- isgraph
- islower
- isprint
- ispunct
- isstr
- isupper
- isxdigit
-Search and replace
- strmatch 
- fnmatch
- regexp
- strcmp
- strncmp 
- strcmpi 
- strncmpi 
- findstr
- index rindex
- strrep
- substr
- deblank split 
- strcat 
- strvcat 
- strcmp 
- strjust 
- strtok 
- upper 
- lower 
- tolower
- toupper
- do_string_escapes
- undo_string_escapes
- strappend
- toascii
- num2str com2str str2mat
- str2num strftime
- mat2str 
- int2str 
- str2double 
- sprintf 
- sscanf 
- hex2num 
- hex2dec 
- bin2dec 
- base2dec 
- dec2hex 
- dec2bin 
- dec2base 
- implicit_num_to_str_ok
- implicit_str_to_num_ok
- warn_single_quote_string
- string_fill_character
-audio >> Audio
-Record and play
- sound 
- soundsc 
- speak 
- recordsound 
- wavrecord 
- soundcap 
- aurecord aucapture
- loadaudio saveaudio playaudio record setaudio
-Read and write
- auload ausave 
- wavwrite 
- wavread 
- readsnd 
- writesnd 
- mu2lin 
- lin2mu
- auplot
- au 
-file >> File I/O
-Basic file operations
- fopen 
- fclose 
- fread 
- fwrite 
- ferror 
- feof 
- fseek 
- ftell 
- frewind 
- fscanf 
- fgetl 
- fgets 
- fputs
- fprintf
- fdisp
- fflush
- freport
- dup2
- fcntl
-File system operations
- cd pwd ls dir
- filesep 
- pathsep 
- fullfile 
- fileparts 
- partialpath 
- tempdir 
- tmpnam
- tempname = use <code>tmpnam</code>
- prefdir 
- glob
- tilde_expand
- file_in_path
- file_in_loadpath
- rename link unlink symlink readdir mkdir rmdir mkfifo umask stat lstat
- textread
- dlmread 
- dlmwrite 
- wk1read 
- wk1write 
- auload
- ausave
- imread
- imwrite
- hdf = use <code>load/save</code> with <code>-hdf5</code>
- aload/asave= flat ascii file read/write, available from <a href="">Octave-ci</a>
-image >> Image processing
- image 
- imagesc 
- imshow 
- imread 
- imwrite 
- imfinfo
- loadimage saveimage bmpwrite jpgread jpgwrite
- imcrop 
- imresize 
- imrotate
- impad 
- corr2 
- imhist 
- mean2 
- std2 
- histeq 
- imadjust 
- imnoise 
- medfilt2 
- ordfilt2 cordflt2 
-Black and white image functions
- bwarea 
- bweuler 
- bwfill 
- bwlabel 
- bwmorph 
- bwperim 
- bwselect 
- dilate 
- erode 
- bwborder edge
-Colour controls
- cmpermute 
- cmunique 
- imapprox 
- hsv2rgb 
- ntsc2rgb 
- rgb2hsv 
- rgb2ntsc 
- rgb2ycbcr 
- ycbcr2rgb 
- dither 
- gray2ind 
- grayslice 
- im2bw 
- ind2gray 
- ind2rgb 
- isbw 
- isgray 
- isind 
- isrgb 
- mat2gray 
- rgb2gray 
- rgb2ind 
-signal >> Signal processing
-$SPCTOOLS= in spline directory of Dennis Brown's <a href="">SPCtools</a>
-$TFTB= try <a href="">Time-Frequency Tool box</a>
- diric 
- gauspuls 
- pulstran 
- tripuls 
- rectpuls 
- sawtooth 
- sinc 
- square 
- sinetone sinewave
- chirp 
- vco= $TFTB
- modulate= $TFTB
- demod= $TFTB
- strips 
- specgram 
- periodogram stft synthesis hurst
- buffer
- fftfilt 
- filtfilt 
- filtic 
- latcfilt 
- sgolayfilt 
- sosfilt 
- medfilt1 
- spencer
- fractdiff
-Filter analysis
- freqs 
- freqspace 
- freqz freqz_plot
- grpdelay 
- impz 
- zplane 
-Filter conversion
- ac2poly 
- poly2ac 
- ac2rc 
- rc2ac 
- poly2rc 
- rc2poly 
- convmtx 
- latc2tf 
- residuez 
- sos2ss 
- sos2tf 
- sos2zp 
- ss2sos 
- ss2tf 
- ss2zp 
- tf2latc 
- tf2sos 
- tf2ss 
- tf2zp 
- zp2sos 
- zp2ss 
- zp2tf 
- polystab 
-IIR Filter design
- besself 
- butter 
- cheby1 
- cheby2 
- nellip ncauer nellipdemo
- maxflat 
- yulewalker
- buttord 
- cheb1ord 
- cheb2ord 
- ellipord 
- besselap 
- sftrans
- bilinear 
- impinvar 
-FIR filter design
- fir1 
- fir2 
- fircls 
- fircls1 
- firls 
- firrcos 
- intfilt 
- kaiserord 
- cremez 
- remez 
- remezord 
- sgolay 
- czt 
- dctmtx 
- dct2 
- idct2 
- dct 
- idct 
- dftmtx 
- hilbert 
- rceps 
- cceps 
- icceps 
-Power spectrum analysis
- pwelch 
- tfe 
- cohere 
- csd 
- pburg 
- pcov 
- pmcov 
- pmtm 
- pmusic= $SPCTOOLS
- pyulear 
- xcorr
- xcorr2 
- xcov 
- spectral_adf spectral_xdf
- __power
-Window functions
- bartlett 
- blackman 
- boxcar 
- chebwin 
- hamming 
- hanning 
- kaiser 
- triang 
- gaussian
-System identification
- arburg 
- arcov= use <code>ar_covar</code> $SPCTOOLS
- armcov= use <code>ar_mdcov</code> $SPCTOOLS
- prony= use <code>ar_prony</code> $SPCTOOLS
- aryule 
- invfreqs 
- invfreqz 
- levinson  durbinlevinson
- lpc 
- rlevinson 
- stmcb 
- diffpara
- arch_rnd arch_fit arch_test
- arma_rnd autoreg_matrix autocor autocov
-Sample rate change
- decimate 
- interp 
- resample 
- upfirdn 
- buttap= see internals of <code>butter</code>
- cheb1ap= see internals of <code>cheby1</code>
- cheb2ap= see internals of <code>cheby2</code>
- ellipap= see internals of <code>nellip</code>
- lp2bp= use <code>sftrans</code>
- lp2bs= use <code>sftrans</code>
- lp2hp= use <code>sftrans</code>
- lp2lp= use <code>sftrans</code>
- ellip= use <code>nellip</code>, but not that it underdesigns the filter
- yulewalk=use <code>yulewalker</code>
-ident >> System Identification
-Minimalist model simulation functions
- mktheta 
- poly2th 
- idsim	
- idplot	
-control >> Control theory
-OCST demos
- DEMOcontrol
- controldemo
- sysrepdemo
- bddemo jet707 analdemo
- frdemo
- dgkfdemo hinfdemo dhinfdemo moddemo rldemo
-System interface functions
- sysrepdemo
- fir2sys sys2fir
- ss2sys sys2ss
- tf2sys sys2tf
- zp2sys sys2zp
- tf2ss ss2tf
- zp2tf tf2zp
- zp2ss ss2zp
-Data structure access
- syschtsam
- sysdimensions
- sysgetsignals
- sysgettsam
- sysgettype
- syssetsignals
- sysupdate
- minfo
-System display functions
- sysout polyout tfout zpout
-Block diagram manipulations
- bddemo jet707
- buildssic ord2 parallel sysadd sysmin
- sysappend sysconnect
- syscont sysdisc
- sysdup sysgroup sysmult sysprune
- sysreorder sysscale syssub ugain wgt1o
- feedback
- starp
-Numerical functions
- are dare dgram dlyap gram lyap pinv dre
- zgfmul zgfslv zginit zgreduce zgrownorm zgscal zgsgiv
- zgshsr
-System properties
- analdemo
- abcddim ctrb h2norm hinfnorm obsv pzmap
- is_abcd is_controllable is_detectable is_dgkf
- is_digital is_observable is_sample is_siso is_stabilizable
- is_signal_list is_stable
-Time domain analysis
- c2d d2c dmr2d damp dcgain impulse step
-Frequency domain analysis
- frdemo
- bode bode_bounds nichols
- freqchkw ltifr nyquist tzero tzero2
- rlocus
-Controller design
- dgkfdemo hinfdemo dhinfdemo
- dlqe dlqr lqe lqg lqr 
- hinf_ctr hinfsyn hinfsyn_ric hinfsyn_chk
- lsim place dkalman h2syn
- axis2dlim prompt sortcom swap run_cmd
- strappend listidx packedform sysidx
- dezero dlqg minfo packsys unpacksys swaprows swapcols rotg qzval
- syschnames series
- __bodquist__ __freqresp__ __stepimp__ __abcddims__ __syschnamesl__ 
- __syscont_disc__ __sysdefioname__ __sysdefstname__ __sysgroupn__
- __tf2sysl__ __zp2ssg2__ __outlist__ __zgpbal__
- filt= use <code>tf2sys</code>
- ss= use <code>ss2sys</code>
- tf= use <code>tf2sys</code>
- zpk= use <code>zp2sys</code>
- ssdata= use <code>sys2ss</code>
- tfdata=use <code>sys2tf</code>
- zpkdata=use <code>sys2zp</code>
- isct=use <code>!is_digital</code>
- isdt=use <code>is_digital</code>
- issiso=use <code>is_siso</code>
- append(sys)=use <code>sysappend</code>
- connect=use <code>sysconnect</code>
- lft=use <code>starp</code>
- norm(sys)=use <code>h2norm</code>, <code>hinfnorm</code> or <code>zgrownorm</code>
- zero=use <code>tzero</code> or <code>tzero2</code>
- kalman=use <code>lqe</code>
- kalmd=use <code>dlqe</code> or <code>dkalman</code>
-symbolic >> Symbolic algebra
- symbols sym
- ex_matrix Pi
-Extended precision arithmetic
- digits	
- vpa to_double
- is_ex is_ex_matrix is_sym is_vpa
-Expression manipulation
-  subs collect expand lcoeff
-Special Functions
- Abs Cos Cosh Exp Gcd Log Sin Sinh Tan Tanh aCos aCosh aSin aSinh
- aTan aTanh
- tcoeff coeff degree ldegree
- differentiate
-Number theory
-  probably_prime
-  quotient remainder premainder
-  splot
-statistics >> Statistics
- beta_cdf beta_pdf beta_inv beta_rnd		
- binomial_cdf binomial_pdf binomial_inv binomial_rnd	
- cauchy_cdf cauchy_pdf cauchy_inv cauchy_rnd
- chisquare_cdf chisquare_pdf chisquare_inv chisquare_rnd	
- empirical_cdf empirical_pdf empirical_inv empirical_rnd
- exponential_cdf exponential_pdf exponential_inv exponential_rnd
- f_cdf f_pdf f_inv f_rnd
- gamma_cdf gamma_pdf gamma_inv gamma_rnd		
- geometric_cdf geometric_pdf geometric_inv geometric_rnd
- hypergeometric_cdf hypergeometric_pdf hypergeometric_inv hypergeometric_rnd
- kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf
- laplace_cdf laplace_pdf laplace_inv laplace_rnd
- logistic_cdf logistic_pdf logistic_inv logistic_rnd
- lognormal_cdf lognormal_pdf lognormal_inv lognormal_rnd
- stdnormal_cdf stdnormal_pdf stdnormal_inv stdnormal_rnd
- pascal_cdf pascal_pdf pascal_inv pascal_rnd
- normal_cdf normal_pdf normal_inv normal_rnd
- poisson_cdf poisson_pdf poisson_inv poisson_rnd
- t_cdf t_pdf t_inv t_rnd
- discrete_cdf discrete_pdf discrete_inv discrete_rnd
- uniform_cdf uniform_pdf uniform_inv uniform_rnd
- weibull_cdf weibull_pdf weibull_inv weibull_rnd
- wiener_rnd
-Descriptive statistics
- max 
- min 
- mean meansq
- median 
- std 
- var 
- cut hist
- histc 
- corrcoef 
- cov cor
- sum sumsq 
- prod 
- trapz 
- cumsum 
- cumprod 
- cumtrapz 
- nansum	
- nanmax	
- nanmean	
- nanmedian	
- nanmin	
- nanstd	
- nanfunc
- geomean	
- harmmean	
- iqr		
- kurtosis	
- mad		
- moment	
- prctile	
- range	
- skewness	
- trimmean	
- zscore	
- spearman
- run_count
- statistics
- studentize
- table
- values mahalanobis
- ranks
- probit logit kendall cloglog
-Linear regression
- anova	
- polyfit	
- polyval	
- gls ols
- qqplot ppplot
-Nonlinear regression
- leasqr	
- logistic_regression logistic_regression_derivatives 
- logistic_regression_likelihood
-Hypothesis testing
- u_test	
- wilcoxon_test	
- sign_test	
- t_test	
- t_test_2	
- t_test_regression
- z_test	
- z_test_2
- bartlett_test
- chisquare_test_homogeneity
- chisquare_test_independence
- cor_test
- f_test_regression
- hotelling_test
- hotelling_test_2
- kolmogorov_smirnov_test
- kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2
- kruskal_wallis_test
- manova
- mcnemar_test
- prop_test_2
- run_test
- var_test
- welch_test
- beta*=use <code>beta_*</code>
- bino*=use <code>binomial_*</code>
- chi2*=use <code>chisquare_*</code>
- exp*= use <code>exponential_*</code>
- f*= use <code>f_*</code>
- gam*= use <code>gamma_*</code>
- geo*= use <code>geometric_*</code>
- hyge*= use <code>hypergeometric_*</code>
- logn*= use <code>lognormal_*</code>
- nbin*= use <code>pascal_*</code>
- norm*= use <code>normal_*</code>
- poiss*= use <code>poisson_*</code>
- t*= use <code>t_*</code>
- unid*= use <code>discrete_*</code>
- unif*= use <code>uniform_*</code>
- weib*= use <code>weibull_*</code>
- anova1= use <code>anova</code>
- regress= use <code>gls</code>
- nlinfit= use <code>leasqr</code>
- barttest= use <code>bartlett_test</code>
- ranksum= use <code>u_test</code>
- signrank= use <code>wilcoxon_test</code>
- signtest= use <code>sign_test</code>
- ttest= use <code>t_test</code>
- ttest2= use <code>t_test_2</code>
- ztest= use <code>z_test</code>
-extra >> Extra packages
- fv fvl irr nper npv pmt pv pvl rate vol
- coefficient_of_variation geomean meansq skewness
- covm harmmean median statistic
- detrend kurtosis moment std
- flag_implicit_dimension mad nantest sumskipnan
- flag_implicit_skip_nan meandev rms var
- flag_implicit_unbiased_estim mean sem zscore
- tk_busy tk_busy_cancel
- tk_dialog tk_entry tk_error
- tk_init tk_input tk_cmd tk_end tk_interp
- tk_loop tk_menu tk_message tk_progress tk_progress_cancel
- tk_scale tk_yesno tk_yesnocancel
-General polygon clipper
- gpc_clip gpc_create gpc_get gpc_is_polygon gpc_plot gpc_read
- gpc_tristrip gpc_write gpc_test
-Civil Engineering
- __nlnewmark_fcn__
- newmark nlnewmark
-Protein Database
- read_pdb plotpdb 
- write_pdb_quick write_pdb
- strtoz
- bi2de	
- de2bi	
- vec2mat	
- randint	
- compand	
- quantiz 
--- a/admin/make_index	Tue Apr 09 19:31:13 2002 +0000
+++ b/admin/make_index	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -23,17 +23,27 @@
 my $CVSTREE = "cvs-tree.html";
 die "Cannot read $CVSTREE  -- edit $script and define the\n",
     ".html file which was produced by the cvs-tree script\n" unless -r $CVSTREE;
-die "$script  <index>\n" unless scalar @ARGV == 1;
+# initialize the indexing variables
 my %index_by_TB_cat   = (); # i_TB_cat{toolbox}{category} = list of functions
 my %index_by_function = (); # i_function{function} =[ [toolbox_1,category_1],
 #                         [toolbox_2,category_2],..]
 my %TB_description    = ();
 my %index_notes = (); # index_notes{function} = comment
-           \%index_by_TB_cat,
-           \%TB_description,
-           \%index_by_function);
+# find and load all indices
+my @index_files = ();
+find(\&index_files, ".");
+sub index_files { # {{{1 populates global array @files
+    return unless -f and /INDEX$/;  # INDEX files
+    push @index_files, "$File::Find::dir/$_";
+} # 1}}}
+foreach my $f ( @index_files ) {
+    load_index($f,
+	       \%index_by_TB_cat,
+	       \%TB_description,
+	       \%index_by_function);
 my $location = `pwd`;
 my $PATH     = "";
@@ -226,7 +236,7 @@
        )      = @_;
     if ($n_appearances{$function} > 1) {
-        print "$file:$function appeared previously\n";
+#        print "$file:$function appeared previously\n";
     } else {
@@ -296,7 +306,7 @@
         $rhaa_func,        # out   $func{function} = [[toolbox_1,category_1],
                            #                          [toolbox_2,category_2],..]
        )      = @_;
-    my $toolbox     = "";
+    my $toolbox     = "extra";
     my $category    = "";
     my $description = "";
     my $function    = "";
@@ -331,7 +341,6 @@
 	    $desc = join("",@parts);
 	    $index_notes{$func} = $desc;
-	    die "Function $function (line $.) has no toolbox"  unless $toolbox;
 	    die "Function $function (line $.) has no category" unless $category;
 	    push @{$rhha_TB_cat->{$toolbox}{$category}}, $func;
 	    push @{$rhaa_func->{$func}}, [$toolbox, $category];
@@ -340,7 +349,6 @@
             my @list = split /\s+/;
             while ($#list >= 0) {
                 $function    = shift @list;
-                die "Function $function (line $.) has no toolbox"  unless $toolbox;
                 die "Function $function (line $.) has no category" unless $category;
                 push @{$rhha_TB_cat->{$toolbox}{$category}}, $function;
                 push @{$rhaa_func->{$function}}, [$toolbox, $category];
@@ -361,6 +369,14 @@
     my $max_TB_across_top = 7;
     my $all_toolboxes = "<center>\n";
     my $n = 0;
+    # make empty html directories
+    unlink <index/*.html>;
+    unlink <index/f/*.html>;
+    mkdir "index";
+    mkdir "index/f";
     foreach my $TB (sort keys %{$rhha_TB_cat}) {
         if ($n > $max_TB_across_top) {
@@ -384,7 +400,7 @@
     $Text::Wrap::columns = 50;
     foreach my $TB (sort keys %{$rhha_TB_cat}) {
-        my $file   = "$TB.html";
+        my $file   = "index/$TB.html";
         my %anchor = ();
         open(OUT, ">$file") or die "Cannot write $file:  $!\n";
@@ -414,7 +430,7 @@
                 #                          cvs-tree's html file)
                 print OUT "<tr><td>";
                 if (defined $rh_oct_forge_f->{$func}) {
-                    print OUT '<a href="',"$CVSTREE#$func",'">',$func,"</a>";
+                    print OUT '<a href="',"../$CVSTREE#$func",'">',$func,"</a>";
                 } else {
                     print OUT $func;
@@ -444,7 +460,7 @@
     # Write the file containing all functions alphabetically.
-    my $file   = "all_functions.html";
+    my $file   = "index/all_functions.html";
     open(OUT, ">$file") or die "Cannot write $file:  $!\n";
     print OUT "<html><head>
     <title>Octave-Forge Functions Alphabetically</title>
@@ -466,7 +482,7 @@
                 #                          cvs-tree's html file)
                 print OUT "<tr><td>";
                 if (defined $rh_oct_forge_f->{$func}) {
-                    print OUT '<a href="',"$CVSTREE#$func",'">',$func,"</a>";
+                    print OUT '<a href="',"../$CVSTREE#$func",'">',$func,"</a>";
                 } else {
                     print OUT $func;
--- a/admin/template.readme	Tue Apr 09 19:31:13 2002 +0000
+++ b/admin/template.readme	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 ->         section below with the information found in the CONTENTS files.
 ->         Albert Danial Jan 2 2002
+*** README is automatically generated from admin/template.readme ***
 The octave-forge project contains functions for Octave which are not in
 the main distribution.  While the main Octave distribution is
 conservative about accepting new functions and changes, octave-forge is
@@ -23,6 +25,9 @@
 	don't install this package; rename or delete this
 	file if you want the package installed anyway.
+	a functions in the directory organized into categories.  See
+	octave-forge/INDEX for a description of the format.
 	m-files for the package.  These will be installed in
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/extra/NaN/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Missing data statistics (not installed by default)
+ coefficient_of_variation geomean meansq skewness
+ covm harmmean median statistic
+ detrend kurtosis moment std
+ flag_implicit_dimension mad nantest sumskipnan
+ flag_implicit_skip_nan meandev rms var
+ flag_implicit_unbiased_estim mean sem zscore
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/extra/civil/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Civil Engineering
+ __nlnewmark_fcn__
+ newmark nlnewmark
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/extra/pdb/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Protein Database
+ read_pdb plotpdb 
+ write_pdb_quick write_pdb
+ strtoz
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/extra/tk_octave/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ tk_busy tk_busy_cancel
+ tk_dialog tk_entry tk_error
+ tk_init tk_input tk_cmd tk_end tk_interp
+ tk_loop tk_menu tk_message tk_progress tk_progress_cancel
+ tk_scale tk_yesno tk_yesnocancel
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/audio/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+audio >> Audio
+Record and play
+ sound 
+ soundsc 
+ speak 
+ recordsound 
+ wavrecord 
+ soundcap 
+ aurecord aucapture
+ loadaudio saveaudio playaudio record setaudio
+Read and write
+ auload ausave 
+ wavwrite 
+ wavread 
+ readsnd 
+ writesnd 
+ mu2lin 
+ lin2mu
+ auplot
+ au 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/comm/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ bi2de	
+ de2bi	
+ vec2mat	
+ randint	
+ compand	
+ quantiz 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/control/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+control >> Control theory
+OCST demos
+ DEMOcontrol
+ controldemo
+ sysrepdemo
+ bddemo jet707 analdemo
+ frdemo
+ dgkfdemo hinfdemo dhinfdemo moddemo rldemo
+System interface functions
+ sysrepdemo
+ fir2sys sys2fir
+ ss2sys sys2ss
+ tf2sys sys2tf
+ zp2sys sys2zp
+ tf2ss ss2tf
+ zp2tf tf2zp
+ zp2ss ss2zp
+Data structure access
+ syschtsam
+ sysdimensions
+ sysgetsignals
+ sysgettsam
+ sysgettype
+ syssetsignals
+ sysupdate
+ minfo
+System display functions
+ sysout polyout tfout zpout
+Block diagram manipulations
+ bddemo jet707
+ buildssic ord2 parallel sysadd sysmin
+ sysappend sysconnect
+ syscont sysdisc
+ sysdup sysgroup sysmult sysprune
+ sysreorder sysscale syssub ugain wgt1o
+ feedback
+ starp
+Numerical functions
+ are dare dgram dlyap gram lyap pinv dre
+ zgfmul zgfslv zginit zgreduce zgrownorm zgscal zgsgiv
+ zgshsr
+System properties
+ analdemo
+ abcddim ctrb h2norm hinfnorm obsv pzmap
+ is_abcd is_controllable is_detectable is_dgkf
+ is_digital is_observable is_sample is_siso is_stabilizable
+ is_signal_list is_stable
+Time domain analysis
+ c2d d2c dmr2d damp dcgain impulse step
+Frequency domain analysis
+ frdemo
+ bode bode_bounds nichols
+ freqchkw ltifr nyquist tzero tzero2
+ rlocus
+Controller design
+ dgkfdemo hinfdemo dhinfdemo
+ dlqe dlqr lqe lqg lqr 
+ hinf_ctr hinfsyn hinfsyn_ric hinfsyn_chk
+ lsim place dkalman h2syn
+ axis2dlim prompt sortcom swap run_cmd
+ strappend listidx packedform sysidx
+ dezero dlqg minfo packsys unpacksys swaprows swapcols rotg qzval
+ syschnames series
+ __bodquist__ __freqresp__ __stepimp__ __abcddims__ __syschnamesl__ 
+ __syscont_disc__ __sysdefioname__ __sysdefstname__ __sysgroupn__
+ __tf2sysl__ __zp2ssg2__ __outlist__ __zgpbal__
+ filt= use <code>tf2sys</code>
+ ss= use <code>ss2sys</code>
+ tf= use <code>tf2sys</code>
+ zpk= use <code>zp2sys</code>
+ ssdata= use <code>sys2ss</code>
+ tfdata=use <code>sys2tf</code>
+ zpkdata=use <code>sys2zp</code>
+ isct=use <code>!is_digital</code>
+ isdt=use <code>is_digital</code>
+ issiso=use <code>is_siso</code>
+ append(sys)=use <code>sysappend</code>
+ connect=use <code>sysconnect</code>
+ lft=use <code>starp</code>
+ norm(sys)=use <code>h2norm</code>, <code>hinfnorm</code> or <code>zgrownorm</code>
+ zero=use <code>tzero</code> or <code>tzero2</code>
+ kalman=use <code>lqe</code>
+ kalmd=use <code>dlqe</code> or <code>dkalman</code>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/ident/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+System Indentification
+ mktheta 
+ poly2th 
+ idsim	
+ idplot	
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/image/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+image >> Image processing
+ image 
+ imagesc 
+ imshow 
+ imread 
+ imwrite 
+ imfinfo
+ loadimage saveimage bmpwrite jpgread jpgwrite
+ imcrop 
+ imresize 
+ imrotate
+ impad 
+ corr2 
+ imhist 
+ mean2 
+ std2 
+ histeq 
+ imadjust 
+ imnoise 
+ medfilt2 
+ ordfilt2 cordflt2 
+Black and white image functions
+ bwarea 
+ bweuler 
+ bwfill 
+ bwlabel 
+ bwmorph 
+ bwperim 
+ bwselect 
+ dilate 
+ erode 
+ bwborder edge
+Colour controls
+ cmpermute 
+ cmunique 
+ imapprox 
+ hsv2rgb 
+ ntsc2rgb 
+ rgb2hsv 
+ rgb2ntsc 
+ rgb2ycbcr 
+ ycbcr2rgb 
+ dither 
+ gray2ind 
+ grayslice 
+ im2bw 
+ ind2gray 
+ ind2rgb 
+ isbw 
+ isgray 
+ isind 
+ isrgb 
+ mat2gray 
+ rgb2gray 
+ rgb2ind 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/optim/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+optimization >> Optimization
+ minimize 
+ nelder_mead_min
+ bracket_min brent_line_min cg_min d2_min
+ bfgs dfp nrm
+ lp
+ fmin fminbnd semi_bracket
+Data fitting
+ expfit expdemo
+ polyfit wpolyfit wpolyfitdemo 
+ leasqr leasqrdemo
+Root finding
+ fzero 
+ fsolve 
+ fsolve_options perror strerror
+ fminunc=use <code>minimize</code>
+ quadprog= try Yinyu Ye's <a href="">code</a>
+ linprog= try <code>lp</code> from octave-forge
+Numerical derivatives
+ dfdp bs_gradient cdiff deriv __quasi_func__
+  lp_test test_cg_min_1 test_cg_min_2 test_cg_min_3
+  test_d2_min_1 test_d2_min_2 test_d2_min_3
+  test_nelder_mead_min_1 test_nelder_mead_min_2
+  poly_2_ex
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/signal/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+$SPCTOOLS= in spline directory of Dennis Brown's <a href="">SPCtools</a>
+$TFTB= try <a href="">Time-Frequency Tool box</a>
+signal >> Signal processing
+ diric 
+ gauspuls 
+ pulstran 
+ tripuls 
+ rectpuls 
+ sawtooth 
+ sinc 
+ square 
+ sinetone sinewave
+ chirp 
+ vco= $TFTB
+ modulate= $TFTB
+ demod= $TFTB
+ strips 
+ specgram 
+ periodogram stft synthesis hurst
+ buffer
+ fftfilt 
+ filtfilt 
+ filtic 
+ latcfilt 
+ sgolayfilt 
+ sosfilt 
+ medfilt1 
+ spencer
+ fractdiff
+Filter analysis
+ freqs 
+ freqspace 
+ freqz freqz_plot
+ grpdelay 
+ impz 
+ zplane 
+Filter conversion
+ ac2poly 
+ poly2ac 
+ ac2rc 
+ rc2ac 
+ poly2rc 
+ rc2poly 
+ convmtx 
+ latc2tf 
+ residuez 
+ sos2ss 
+ sos2tf 
+ sos2zp 
+ ss2sos 
+ ss2tf 
+ ss2zp 
+ tf2latc 
+ tf2sos 
+ tf2ss 
+ tf2zp 
+ zp2sos 
+ zp2ss 
+ zp2tf 
+ polystab 
+IIR Filter design
+ besself 
+ butter 
+ cheby1 
+ cheby2 
+ nellip ncauer nellipdemo
+ maxflat 
+ yulewalker
+ buttord 
+ cheb1ord 
+ cheb2ord 
+ ellipord 
+ besselap 
+ sftrans
+ bilinear 
+ impinvar 
+FIR filter design
+ fir1 
+ fir2 
+ fircls 
+ fircls1 
+ firls 
+ firrcos 
+ intfilt 
+ kaiserord 
+ cremez 
+ remez 
+ remezord 
+ sgolay 
+ czt 
+ dctmtx 
+ dct2 
+ idct2 
+ dct 
+ idct 
+ dftmtx 
+ hilbert 
+ rceps 
+ cceps 
+ icceps 
+Power spectrum analysis
+ pwelch 
+ tfe 
+ cohere 
+ csd 
+ pburg 
+ pcov 
+ pmcov 
+ pmtm 
+ pmusic= $SPCTOOLS
+ pyulear 
+ xcorr
+ xcorr2 
+ xcov 
+ spectral_adf spectral_xdf
+ __power
+Window functions
+ bartlett 
+ blackman 
+ boxcar 
+ chebwin 
+ hamming 
+ hanning 
+ kaiser 
+ triang 
+ gaussian
+System identification
+ arburg 
+ arcov= use <code>ar_covar</code> $SPCTOOLS
+ armcov= use <code>ar_mdcov</code> $SPCTOOLS
+ prony= use <code>ar_prony</code> $SPCTOOLS
+ aryule 
+ invfreqs 
+ invfreqz 
+ levinson  durbinlevinson
+ lpc 
+ rlevinson 
+ stmcb 
+ diffpara
+ arch_rnd arch_fit arch_test
+ arma_rnd autoreg_matrix autocor autocov
+Sample rate change
+ decimate 
+ interp 
+ resample 
+ upfirdn 
+ buttap= see internals of <code>butter</code>
+ cheb1ap= see internals of <code>cheby1</code>
+ cheb2ap= see internals of <code>cheby2</code>
+ ellipap= see internals of <code>nellip</code>
+ lp2bp= use <code>sftrans</code>
+ lp2bs= use <code>sftrans</code>
+ lp2hp= use <code>sftrans</code>
+ lp2lp= use <code>sftrans</code>
+ ellip= use <code>nellip</code>, but not that it underdesigns the filter
+ yulewalk=use <code>yulewalker</code>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/sparse/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+sparse >> Sparse matrix support
+Generate sparse matrix
+ speye 
+ sprand 
+ sprandn 
+ sprandsym 
+ spdiags 
+ spconvert 
+Manipulate sparse matrices
+ sparse 
+ full 
+ is_sparse is_real_sparse is_complex_sparse
+ spy 
+ nnz 
+ spfind spdump
+ nonzeros 
+ nzmax 
+ spones 
+ spfun 
+ spalloc 
+ spparms 
+Linear algebra
+ spinv splu
+ svds= create an interface to <a href="">ARPACK</a> and add it to octave-forge
+ spsum
+ fem_test sp_test
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/statistics/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+statistics >> Statistics
+ beta_cdf beta_pdf beta_inv beta_rnd		
+ binomial_cdf binomial_pdf binomial_inv binomial_rnd	
+ cauchy_cdf cauchy_pdf cauchy_inv cauchy_rnd
+ chisquare_cdf chisquare_pdf chisquare_inv chisquare_rnd	
+ empirical_cdf empirical_pdf empirical_inv empirical_rnd
+ exponential_cdf exponential_pdf exponential_inv exponential_rnd
+ f_cdf f_pdf f_inv f_rnd
+ gamma_cdf gamma_pdf gamma_inv gamma_rnd		
+ geometric_cdf geometric_pdf geometric_inv geometric_rnd
+ hypergeometric_cdf hypergeometric_pdf hypergeometric_inv hypergeometric_rnd
+ kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf
+ laplace_cdf laplace_pdf laplace_inv laplace_rnd
+ logistic_cdf logistic_pdf logistic_inv logistic_rnd
+ lognormal_cdf lognormal_pdf lognormal_inv lognormal_rnd
+ stdnormal_cdf stdnormal_pdf stdnormal_inv stdnormal_rnd
+ pascal_cdf pascal_pdf pascal_inv pascal_rnd
+ normal_cdf normal_pdf normal_inv normal_rnd
+ poisson_cdf poisson_pdf poisson_inv poisson_rnd
+ t_cdf t_pdf t_inv t_rnd
+ discrete_cdf discrete_pdf discrete_inv discrete_rnd
+ uniform_cdf uniform_pdf uniform_inv uniform_rnd
+ weibull_cdf weibull_pdf weibull_inv weibull_rnd
+ wiener_rnd
+Descriptive statistics
+ max 
+ min 
+ mean meansq
+ median 
+ std 
+ var 
+ cut hist
+ histc 
+ corrcoef 
+ cov cor
+ sum sumsq 
+ prod 
+ trapz 
+ cumsum 
+ cumprod 
+ cumtrapz 
+ nansum	
+ nanmax	
+ nanmean	
+ nanmedian	
+ nanmin	
+ nanstd	
+ nanfunc
+ geomean	
+ harmmean	
+ iqr		
+ kurtosis	
+ mad		
+ moment	
+ prctile	
+ range	
+ skewness	
+ trimmean	
+ zscore	
+ spearman
+ run_count
+ statistics
+ studentize
+ table
+ values mahalanobis
+ ranks
+ probit logit kendall cloglog
+Linear regression
+ anova	
+ polyfit	
+ polyval	
+ gls ols
+ qqplot ppplot
+Nonlinear regression
+ leasqr	
+ logistic_regression logistic_regression_derivatives 
+ logistic_regression_likelihood
+Hypothesis testing
+ u_test	
+ wilcoxon_test	
+ sign_test	
+ t_test	
+ t_test_2	
+ t_test_regression
+ z_test	
+ z_test_2
+ bartlett_test
+ chisquare_test_homogeneity
+ chisquare_test_independence
+ cor_test
+ f_test_regression
+ hotelling_test
+ hotelling_test_2
+ kolmogorov_smirnov_test
+ kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2
+ kruskal_wallis_test
+ manova
+ mcnemar_test
+ prop_test_2
+ run_test
+ var_test
+ welch_test
+ beta*=use <code>beta_*</code>
+ bino*=use <code>binomial_*</code>
+ chi2*=use <code>chisquare_*</code>
+ exp*= use <code>exponential_*</code>
+ f*= use <code>f_*</code>
+ gam*= use <code>gamma_*</code>
+ geo*= use <code>geometric_*</code>
+ hyge*= use <code>hypergeometric_*</code>
+ logn*= use <code>lognormal_*</code>
+ nbin*= use <code>pascal_*</code>
+ norm*= use <code>normal_*</code>
+ poiss*= use <code>poisson_*</code>
+ t*= use <code>t_*</code>
+ unid*= use <code>discrete_*</code>
+ unif*= use <code>uniform_*</code>
+ weib*= use <code>weibull_*</code>
+ anova1= use <code>anova</code>
+ regress= use <code>gls</code>
+ nlinfit= use <code>leasqr</code>
+ barttest= use <code>bartlett_test</code>
+ ranksum= use <code>u_test</code>
+ signrank= use <code>wilcoxon_test</code>
+ signtest= use <code>sign_test</code>
+ ttest= use <code>t_test</code>
+ ttest2= use <code>t_test_2</code>
+ ztest= use <code>z_test</code>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/strings/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+strings >> Strings
+ char 
+ double 
+ cellstr 
+ blanks 
+ ischar= use <code>isstr</code> 
+ iscellstr 
+ isletter 
+ isspace 
+ isalnum
+ isalpha
+ isascii
+ iscntrl
+ isdigit
+ isgraph
+ islower
+ isprint
+ ispunct
+ isstr
+ isupper
+ isxdigit
+Search and replace
+ strmatch 
+ fnmatch
+ regexp
+ strcmp
+ strncmp 
+ strcmpi 
+ strncmpi 
+ findstr
+ index rindex
+ strrep
+ substr
+ deblank split 
+ strcat 
+ strvcat 
+ strcmp 
+ strjust 
+ strtok 
+ upper 
+ lower 
+ tolower
+ toupper
+ do_string_escapes
+ undo_string_escapes
+ strappend
+ toascii
+ num2str com2str str2mat
+ str2num strftime
+ mat2str 
+ int2str 
+ str2double 
+ sprintf 
+ sscanf 
+ hex2num 
+ hex2dec 
+ bin2dec 
+ base2dec 
+ dec2hex 
+ dec2bin 
+ dec2base 
+ implicit_num_to_str_ok
+ implicit_str_to_num_ok
+ warn_single_quote_string
+ string_fill_character
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/symbolic/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+symbolic >> Symbolic algebra
+ symbols sym
+ ex_matrix Pi
+Extended precision arithmetic
+ digits	
+ vpa to_double
+ is_ex is_ex_matrix is_sym is_vpa
+Expression manipulation
+  subs collect expand lcoeff
+Special Functions
+ Abs Cos Cosh Exp Gcd Log Sin Sinh Tan Tanh aCos aCosh aSin aSinh
+ aTan aTanh
+ tcoeff coeff degree ldegree
+ differentiate
+Number theory
+  probably_prime
+  quotient remainder premainder
+  splot
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/nonfree/gpc/INDEX	Tue Apr 09 20:49:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+General polygon clipper
+ gpc_clip gpc_create gpc_get gpc_is_polygon gpc_plot gpc_read
+ gpc_tristrip gpc_write gpc_test