changeset 9631:e9febb47e864 octave-forge

apply the emptiness test in dataframe.m only if more than one row
author cdemills
date Sun, 11 Mar 2012 20:53:31 +0000
parents 62abe47cdca8
children 499daeccb4e8
files extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/cat.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/dataframe.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/display.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/find.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/fold.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/horzcat.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/inv.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/isfield.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/isscalar.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/isvector.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/ne.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/permute.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_allmeta.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_basecomp.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_check_char_array.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_colmeta.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_cow.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_func.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_mapper2.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_matassign.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_name2idx.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_pad.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_strjust.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_strset.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_thirddim.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_whole.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/prod.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/repmat.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/reshape.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/size.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/sort.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/subsasgn.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/subsref.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/sum.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/summary.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/sumsq.m extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/vertcat.m
diffstat 37 files changed, 1036 insertions(+), 1009 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/cat.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/cat.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -29,172 +29,172 @@
   %# $Id$
-  if (!isa(A, 'dataframe')),
-    A = dataframe(A);
+  if (~isa (A, 'dataframe')),
+    A = dataframe (A);
   switch dim
     case 1
       resu = A;
-      for indi = 1:length(varargin),
-	B = varargin{indi};
-	if !isa(B, 'dataframe'),
-	  if iscell(B) && 2 == length(B),
-	    B = dataframe(B{2}, 'rownames', B{1});
-	  else
-	    B = dataframe(B, 'colnames', inputname(2+indi));
-	  endif
-	endif
-	if resu._cnt(2) != B._cnt(2),
-	  error('Different number of columns in dataframes');
-	endif
-	%# do not duplicate empty names
-	if !isempty(resu._name{1}) || !isempty(B._name{1}),
-	  if length(resu._name{1}) < resu._cnt(1),
-	    resu._name{1}(end+1:resu._cnt(1), 1) = {''};
-	  endif
-	  if length(B._name{1}) < B._cnt(1),
-	    B._name{1}(end+1:B._cnt(1), 1) = {''};
-	  endif
-	  resu._name{1} = vertcat(resu._name{1}(:),  B._name{1}(:));
-	  resu._over{1} = [resu._over{1} B._over{1}];
-	endif
-	resu._cnt(1) = resu._cnt(1) + B._cnt(1);
-	if size(resu._ridx, 2) < size(B._ridx, 2),
-	  resu._ridx(:, end+1:size(B._ridx, 2)) = NA;
-	elseif size(resu._ridx, 2) > size(B._ridx, 2),
-	  B._ridx(:, end+1:size(resu._ridx, 2)) = NA;
-	endif
-	resu._ridx = [resu._ridx; B._ridx];
-	%# find data with same column names
-	dummy = A._over{2} & B._over{2}; 
-	indA = true(1, resu._cnt(2));
-	indB = true(1, resu._cnt(2));
-	for indj = 1:resu._cnt(2),
-	  if (dummy(indj)),
-	    indk = strmatch(resu._name{2}(indj), B._name{2}, 'exact');
-	    if (~isempty(indk)),
-	      indk = indk(1);
-	      if ~strcmp(resu._type{indj}, B._type{indk}),
-		error("Trying to mix columns of different types");
-	      endif
-	    endif
-	  else
-	    indk = indj;
-	  endif
-	  resu._data{indj} = [resu._data{indj}; B._data{indk}];
-	  indA(indj) = false; indB(indk) = false;
-	endfor
-	if any(indA) || any(indB)
-	  error('Different number/names of columns in dataframe');
-	endif
+      for indi = (1:length (varargin))
+        B = varargin{indi};
+        if (~isa (B, 'dataframe'))
+          if (iscell (B) && 2 == length (B))
+            B = dataframe (B{2}, 'rownames', B{1});
+          else
+            B = dataframe (B, 'colnames', inputname(2+indi));
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (resu._cnt(2) ~= B._cnt(2))
+          error ('Different number of columns in dataframes');
+        endif
+        %# do not duplicate empty names
+        if (~isempty (resu._name{1}) || ~isempty (B._name{1}))
+          if (length (resu._name{1}) < resu._cnt(1))
+            resu._name{1}(end+1:resu._cnt(1), 1) = {''};
+          endif
+          if (length (B._name{1}) < B._cnt(1))
+            B._name{1}(end+1:B._cnt(1), 1) = {''};
+          endif
+          resu._name{1} = vertcat (resu._name{1}(:),  B._name{1}(:));
+          resu._over{1} = [resu._over{1} B._over{1}];
+        endif
+        resu._cnt(1) = resu._cnt(1) + B._cnt(1);
+        if (size (resu._ridx, 2) < size (B._ridx, 2))
+          resu._ridx(:, end+1:size(B._ridx, 2)) = NA;
+        elseif (size (resu._ridx, 2) > size (B._ridx, 2))
+          B._ridx(:, end+1:size(resu._ridx, 2)) = NA;
+        endif
+        resu._ridx = [resu._ridx; B._ridx];
+        %# find data with same column names
+        dummy = A._over{2} & B._over{2}; 
+        indA = true (1, resu._cnt(2));
+        indB = true (1, resu._cnt(2));
+        for indj = (1:resu._cnt(2))
+          if (dummy(indj))
+            indk = strmatch (resu._name{2}(indj), B._name{2}, 'exact');
+            if (~isempty (indk))
+              indk = indk(1);
+              if (~strcmp (resu._type{indj}, B._type{indk}))
+                error ("Trying to mix columns of different types");
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            indk = indj;
+          endif
+          resu._data{indj} = [resu._data{indj}; B._data{indk}];
+          indA(indj) = false; indB(indk) = false;
+        endfor
+        if (any (indA) || any (indB))
+          error ('Different number/names of columns in dataframe');
+        endif
     case 2
       resu = A;
-      for indi = 1:length(varargin),
-	B = varargin{indi};
-	if !isa(B, 'dataframe'),
-	  if iscell(B) && 2 == length(B),
-	    B = dataframe(B{2}, 'colnames', B{1});
-	  else
-	    B = dataframe(B, 'colnames', inputname(2+indi));
-	  endif
-	  B._ridx = resu._ridx; %# make them compatibles
-	endif
-	if resu._cnt(1) != B._cnt(1),
-	  error('Different number of rows in dataframes');
-	endif
-	if any(resu._ridx(:) - B._ridx(:))
-	  error('dataframes row indexes not matched');
-	endif
-	resu._name{2} = vertcat(resu._name{2}, B._name{2});
-	resu._over{2} = [resu._over{2} B._over{2}];
-	resu._data(resu._cnt(2)+(1:B._cnt(2))) = B._data;
-	resu._type(resu._cnt(2)+(1:B._cnt(2))) = B._type;
-	resu._cnt(2) = resu._cnt(2) + B._cnt(2);	
+      for indi = (1:length (varargin))
+        B = varargin{indi};
+        if (~isa (B, 'dataframe'))
+          if (iscell (B) && 2 == length (B))
+            B = dataframe (B{2}, 'colnames', B{1});
+          else
+            B = dataframe (B, 'colnames', inputname(2+indi));
+          endif
+          B._ridx = resu._ridx; %# make them compatibles
+        endif
+        if (resu._cnt(1) ~= B._cnt(1))
+          error ('Different number of rows in dataframes');
+        endif
+        if (any(resu._ridx(:) - B._ridx(:)))
+          error ('dataframes row indexes not matched');
+        endif
+        resu._name{2} = vertcat (resu._name{2}, B._name{2});
+        resu._over{2} = [resu._over{2} B._over{2}];
+        resu._data(resu._cnt(2)+(1:B._cnt(2))) = B._data;
+        resu._type(resu._cnt(2)+(1:B._cnt(2))) = B._type;
+        resu._cnt(2) = resu._cnt(2) + B._cnt(2);        
     case 3
       resu = A;
-      for indi = 1:length(varargin),
-	B = varargin{indi};
-	if (!isa(B, 'dataframe')),
-	  if (iscell(B) && 2 == length(B)),
-	    B = dataframe(B{2}, 'rownames', B{1});
-	  else
-	    B = dataframe(B, 'colnames', inputname(indi+2)); 
-	  endif
-	endif
-	if (resu._cnt(1) != B._cnt(1)),
-	  error('Different number of rows in dataframes');
-	endif
-	if (resu._cnt(2) != B._cnt(2)),
-	  error('Different number of columns in dataframes');
-	endif
-	%# to be merged against 3rd dim, rownames must be equals, if
-	%# non-empty. Columns are merged based upon their name; columns
-	%# with identic content are kept.
+      for indi = (1:length (varargin))
+        B = varargin{indi};
+        if (~isa (B, 'dataframe'))
+          if (iscell (B) && 2 == length (B)),
+            B = dataframe (B{2}, 'rownames', B{1});
+          else
+            B = dataframe (B, 'colnames', inputname(indi+2)); 
+          endif
+        endif
+        if (resu._cnt(1) ~= B._cnt(1))
+          error ('Different number of rows in dataframes');
+        endif
+        if (resu._cnt(2) ~= B._cnt(2)),
+          error ('Different number of columns in dataframes');
+        endif
+        %# to be merged against 3rd dim, rownames must be equals, if
+        %# non-empty. Columns are merged based upon their name; columns
+        %# with identic content are kept.
-	if size(resu._ridx, 2) < size(B._ridx, 2),
-	  resu._ridx(:, end+1:size(B._ridx, 2)) = NA;
-	elseif size(resu._ridx, 2) > size(B._ridx, 2),
-	  B._ridx(:, end+1:size(resu._ridx, 2)) = NA;
-	endif
-	resu._ridx = cat(3, resu._ridx, B._ridx);
-	%# find data with same column names
-	indA = true(1, resu._cnt(2));
-	indB = true(1, resu._cnt(2));
-	dummy = A._over{2} & B._over{2}; 
-	for indj = 1:resu._cnt(2),
-	  if (dummy(indj)),
-	    indk = strmatch(resu._name{2}(indj), B._name{2}, 'exact');
-	    if (~isempty(indk)),
-	      indk = indk(1);
-	      if (~strcmp(resu._type{indj}, B._type{indk})),
-		error("Trying to mix columns of different types");
-	      endif
-	    endif
-	  else
-	    indk = indj;
-	  endif
-	  if (all([isnumeric(resu._data{indj}) isnumeric(B._data{indk})])),
-	    %# iterate over the columns of resu and B
-	    op1 = resu._data{indj}; op2 = B._data{indk};
-	    for ind2=1:columns(op2),
-	      indr = false;
-	      for ind1=1:columns(op1),
-		if (all(abs(op1(:, ind1) - op2(:, ind2)) <= eps)),
-		  resu._rep{indj} = [resu._rep{indj} ind1];
-		  indr = true;
-		  break;
-		endif
-	      endfor
-	      if (!indr),
-		%# pad in the second dim
-		resu._data{indj} = [resu._data{indj}, B._data{indk}];
-		resu._rep{indj} = [resu._rep{indj} 1+length(resu._rep{indj})];
-	      endif
-	    endfor
-	  else
-	    resu._data{indj} = [resu._data{indj} B._data{indk}];
-	    resu._rep{indj} = [resu._rep{indj} 1+length(resu._rep({indj}))];
-	  endif
-	  indA(indj) = false; indB(indk) = false;
-	endfor
-	if (any(indA) || any(indB)),
-	  error('Different number/names of columns in dataframe');
-	endif
+        if (size(resu._ridx, 2) < size(B._ridx, 2))
+          resu._ridx(:, end+1:size(B._ridx, 2)) = NA;
+        elseif (size(resu._ridx, 2) > size(B._ridx, 2))
+          B._ridx(:, end+1:size(resu._ridx, 2)) = NA;
+        endif
+        resu._ridx = cat (3, resu._ridx, B._ridx);
+        %# find data with same column names
+        indA = true (1, resu._cnt(2));
+        indB = true (1, resu._cnt(2));
+        dummy = A._over{2} & B._over{2}; 
+        for indj = (1:resu._cnt(2))
+          if (dummy(indj))
+            indk = strmatch (resu._name{2}(indj), B._name{2}, 'exact');
+            if (~isempty (indk)),
+              indk = indk(1);
+              if (~strcmp (resu._type{indj}, B._type{indk})),
+                error("Trying to mix columns of different types");
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            indk = indj;
+          endif
+          if (all ([isnumeric(resu._data{indj}) isnumeric(B._data{indk})])),
+            %# iterate over the columns of resu and B
+            op1 = resu._data{indj}; op2 = B._data{indk};
+            for ind2 = (1:columns (op2))
+              indr = false;
+              for ind1 = (1:columns (op1))
+                if (all (abs (op1(:, ind1) - op2(:, ind2)) <= eps)),
+                  resu._rep{indj} = [resu._rep{indj} ind1];
+                  indr = true;
+                  break;
+                endif
+              endfor
+              if (~indr),
+                %# pad in the second dim
+                resu._data{indj} = [resu._data{indj}, B._data{indk}];
+                resu._rep{indj} = [resu._rep{indj} 1+length(resu._rep{indj})];
+              endif
+            endfor
+          else
+            resu._data{indj} = [resu._data{indj} B._data{indk}];
+            resu._rep{indj} = [resu._rep{indj} 1+length(resu._rep({indj}))];
+          endif
+          indA(indj) = false; indB(indk) = false;
+        endfor
+        if (any (indA) || any (indB))
+          error ('Different number/names of columns in dataframe');
+        endif
-      resu = df_thirddim(resu);
+      resu = df_thirddim (resu);
-      error('Incorrect call to cat');
+      error ('Incorrect call to cat');
   %#  disp('End of cat'); keyboard
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/dataframe.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/dataframe.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 seeked = []; trigger =[]; unquot = true; sep = "\t,"; cmt_lines = [];
 locales = "C";
-if (length(varargin) > 0)
+if (length (varargin) > 0)
   indi = 1;
   %# loop over possible arguments
   while (indi <= size (varargin, 2))
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
-if (!isempty (seeked) && !isempty (trigger))
+if (~isempty (seeked) && ~isempty (trigger))
   error ('seeked and trigger are mutuallly incompatible arguments');
@@ -175,10 +175,10 @@
           dummy = tilde_expand (x);
           fid = fopen (dummy);
-          if (fid != -1)
+          if (fid ~= -1)
             df._src{end+1, 1} = dummy;
             dummy = fgetl (fid);
-            if (!strcmp (dummy, UTF8_BOM))
+            if (~strcmp (dummy, UTF8_BOM))
               frewind (fid);
             %# slurp everything and convert doubles to char, avoiding
@@ -188,10 +188,10 @@
             in = [];
-          if (fid != -1) fclose (fid); endif
+          if (fid ~= -1) fclose (fid); endif
-        if (!isempty (in))
+        if (~isempty (in))
           %# explicit list taken from 'man pcrepattern' -- we enclose all
           %# vertical separators in case the underlying regexp engine
           %# doesn't have them all.
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
           %# lines, 'UniformOutput', false); %# extract fields
           content = cellfun (@(x) strsplit (x, sep), lines, \
                              'UniformOutput', false); %# extract fields  
-          indl = 1; indj = 1; %# disp('line 151 '); keyboard
+          indl = 1; indj = 1;  %#disp('line 151 '); keyboard
           if (~isempty (seeked))
             while (indl <= length (lines))
               dummy = content{indl};
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
           x = cell (1+length (lines)-indl, size(dummy, 2)); 
           empty_lines = []; cmt_lines = [];
-          while (indl <= length(lines))
+          while (indl <= length (lines))
             dummy = content{indl};
             if (all (cellfun ('size', dummy, 2) == 0))
               empty_lines = [empty_lines indj];
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
                     %# if the previous test fails, try a simpler one
                     in = regexp (dummy{indk}, '[^'' ]+', 'match');
-                    if (!isempty(in))
+                    if (~isempty (in))
                       x(indj, indk) = in{1};
                       %# else
                       %#    x(indj, indk) = [];
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
                   x(indj, indk) = regexp (dummy{indk}, '[^ ].*', 'match');
-                if (!isempty (regexp (dummy{indk}, '[/:]')))
+                if (~isempty (regexp (dummy{indk}, '[/:]')))
                   %# try to convert to a date
                   [timeval, nfields] = strptime( dummy{indk}, 
                                                 [char(37) 'd/' char(37) 'm/' char(37) 'Y ' char(37) 'T']);
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
                     %# try to extract the usec field, if any
                     idx = regexp (dummy{indk}, timestr, 'end');
-                    if (!isempty (idx))
+                    if (~isempty (idx))
                       idx = idx + 1;
                       if (ispunct (dummy{indk}(idx)))
                         idx = idx + 1;
@@ -310,12 +310,12 @@
             indl = indl + 1; indj = indj + 1;
-          if (!isempty(empty_lines))
+          if (~isempty (empty_lines))
             x(empty_lines, :) = [];
           %# detect empty columns
           empty_lines = find (0 == sum (cellfun ('size', x, 2)));
-          if (!isempty(empty_lines))
+          if (~isempty (empty_lines))
             x(:, empty_lines) = [];
           clear UTF8_BOM fid in lines indl the_line content empty_lines
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
     %# fallback, avoiding a recursive call
     idx.type = '()';
-    if (!isa (x, 'char'))
+    if (~isa (x, 'char'))
       indj = df._cnt(2)+(1:size (x, 2));
       %# at this point, reading some filename failed
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
       if (2 == length (x))
         %# use the intermediate value as destination column
         [indc, ncol] = df_name2idx (df._name{2}, x{1}, df._cnt(2), "column");
-        if (ncol != 1)
+        if (ncol ~= 1)
           error (["With two-elements cell, the first should resolve " ...
                   "to a single column"]);
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
       %# allow overwriting of column names
       df._over{2}(1, indj) = true;
-      if (!isempty(indj))        
+      if (~isempty (indj))        
         if (1 == length (df._name{2}) && length (df._name{2}) < \
             length (indj))
           [df._name{2}(indj, 1),  df._over{2}(1, indj)] ...
@@ -374,15 +374,15 @@
         df._name{2} = genvarname (df._name{2});
-    if (!isempty (indj))
+    if (~isempty (indj))
       %# the exact row size will be determined latter
       idx.subs = {'', indj};
       %# use direct assignement
       if (ndims (x) > 2), idx.subs{3} = 1:size (x, 3); endif
       %#      df = subsasgn(df, idx, x);        <= call directly lower level
-      df = df_matassign (df, idx, indj, length(indj), x);
-      if (!isempty (cmt_lines))
-        df._cmt = vertcat(df._cmt, cellstr(cmt_lines));
+      df = df_matassign (df, idx, indj, length (indj), x);
+      if (~isempty (cmt_lines))
+        df._cmt = vertcat (df._cmt, cellstr (cmt_lines));
         cmt_lines = [];
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/display.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/display.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
   %# generate header name
   dummy = inputname (1);
-  if (isempty(dummy))
+  if (isempty (dummy))
     dummy = "ans";
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
                     dummy, df._cnt);
-  if (!isempty (df._src))
+  if (~isempty (df._src))
     for indi = (1:size (df._src, 1))
       head = strvcat\
           (head, [repmat("Src: ", size (df._src{indi, 1}, 1), 1)\
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
-  if (!isempty (df._cmt))
+  if (~isempty (df._cmt))
     for indi = (1:size(df._cmt, 1))
       head = strvcat\
           (head, [repmat("Comment: ", size (df._cmt{indi, 1}, 1), 1)\
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
   if (all (df._cnt > 0))  %# stop for empty df
-    dummy=[]; vspace = repmat (' ', df._cnt(1), 1);
+    dummy = []; vspace = repmat (' ', df._cnt(1), 1);
     indi = 1; %# the real, unfolded index
     %# loop over columns where the corresponding _data really exists
     for indc = (1:min (df._cnt(2), size (df._data, 2))) 
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
             tmp_str = df._data{indc}(:, indk); %#get the whole column
             indj = cellfun ('isprint', tmp_str, 'UniformOutput', false); 
             indj = ~cellfun ('all', indj);
-            for indr = (1:length(indj))
+            for indr = (1:length (indj))
               if (indj(indr)),
                 if (isna (tmp_str{indr})),
                   tmp_str{indr} = "NA";
@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@
     vspace = [' '; ' '; vspace];
     %# second line content
     resu = []; 
-    if (!isempty (df._ridx))
+    if (~isempty (df._ridx))
       for (ind1 = 1:size (df._ridx, 2))
         if ((1 == size(df._ridx, 3)) && \
-              (any (!isna (df._ridx(1:df._cnt(1), ind1)))))
+              (any (~isna (df._ridx(1:df._cnt(1), ind1)))))
           dummy{2, 1} = [sprintf("_%d", ind1) ; "Nr"];
           dummy{3, 1} = disp (df._ridx(1:df._cnt(1), ind1)); 
           indi = regexp (dummy{3, 1}, '\b.*\b', 'match', 'dotexceptnewline');
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
           for ind2 = (1:size (df._ridx, 3))
-            if (any (!isna (df._ridx(1:df._cnt(1), ind1, ind2)))),
+            if (any (~isna (df._ridx(1:df._cnt(1), ind1, ind2)))),
               dummy{2, 1} = [sprintf("_%d.%d", ind1, ind2) ; "Nr"];
               dummy{3, 1} = disp (df._ridx(1:df._cnt(1), ind1, ind2)); 
               indi = regexp (dummy{3, 1}, '\b.*\b', 'match', 'dotexceptnewline');
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
     %# insert a vertical space
-    if (!isempty(dummy{3, 2}))
+    if (~isempty (dummy{3, 2}))
       indi = ~cellfun ('isempty', dummy{3, 2});
       if (any (indi))
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/find.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/find.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -26,35 +26,35 @@
   switch nargout
     case {0, 1}
-      resu = []; mz = max(cellfun(@length, df._rep));
-      for indc = 1:df._cnt(2),
-	[indr, inds] = feval(@find, df._data{indc}(:, df._rep{indc}));
-	%# create a vector the same size as indr
-	dummy = indr; dummy(:) = indc;
-	resu = [resu; sub2ind([df._cnt(1:2) mz], indr, dummy, inds)];
+      resu = []; mz = max (cellfun (@length, df._rep));
+      for indc = (1:df._cnt(2))
+        [indr, inds] = feval (@find, df._data{indc}(:, df._rep{indc}));
+        %# create a vector the same size as indr
+        dummy = indr; dummy(:) = indc;
+        resu = [resu; sub2ind([df._cnt(1:2) mz], indr, dummy, inds)];
-      varargout{1} = sort(resu);
+      varargout{1} = sort (resu);
     case 2
       nz = 0; idx_i = []; idx_j = [];
-      for indc = 1:df._cnt(2),
-	[dum1, dum2] = feval(@find, df._data{indc}(:, df._rep{indc}));
-	idx_i = [idx_i; dum1];
-	idx_j = [idx_j; nz + dum2];
-	nz = nz + df._cnt(1)*length(df._rep{indc});
+      for indc = (1:df._cnt(2))
+        [dum1, dum2] = feval (@find, df._data{indc}(:, df._rep{indc}));
+        idx_i = [idx_i; dum1];
+        idx_j = [idx_j; nz + dum2];
+        nz = nz + df._cnt(1)*length (df._rep{indc});
       varargout{1} = idx_i; varargout{2} = idx_j;
     case 3
       nz = 0; idx_i = []; idx_j = []; val = [];
-      for indc = 1:df._cnt(2),
-	[dum1, dum2, dum3] = feval(@find, df._data{indc}(:, df._rep{indc}));
-	idx_i = [idx_i; dum1];
-	idx_j = [idx_j; nz + dum2];
-	val = [val; dum3];
-	nz = nz + df._cnt(1)*length(df._rep{indc});
+      for indc = (1:df._cnt(2))
+        [dum1, dum2, dum3] = feval (@find, df._data{indc}(:, df._rep{indc}));
+        idx_i = [idx_i; dum1];
+        idx_j = [idx_j; nz + dum2];
+        val = [val; dum3];
+        nz = nz + df._cnt(1)*length (df._rep{indc});
       varargout{1} = idx_i; varargout{2} = idx_j; varargout{3} = val;
-      print_usage('find');
+      print_usage ('find');
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/fold.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/fold.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -32,65 +32,63 @@
 switch dim
   case 1
-    [indr, nrow] = df_name2idx(df._name{1}, indr, df._cnt(1), 'row');
-    [indc, ncol] = df_name2idx(df._name{2}, indc, df._cnt(2), 'column');
+    [indr, nrow] = df_name2idx (df._name{1}, indr, df._cnt(1), 'row');
+    [indc, ncol] = df_name2idx (df._name{2}, indc, df._cnt(2), 'column');
-    if (indr(1) > 1),
+    if (indr(1) > 1)
       slice_size = indr(1) - 1;
       %# we can't use directly resu = df(1:slice_size, :, :)
       S.type = '()';
       S.subs = { 1:slice_size, ':', ':', 'dataframe'};
-      resu = subsref(df, S);
+      resu = subsref (df, S);
       %# how many columns for each slice
-      targets = cellfun(@length, df._rep);
+      targets = cellfun (@length, df._rep);
       %# a test function to determine if the location is free
-      for indj = 1:df._cnt(2),
-	if (any(indj == indc)),
-	  continue;
-	endif
-	switch df._type{indj}
-	  case { 'char' }
-	    testfunc{indj} = @(x, indr, indc) ...
-		!isna(x{indr, indc});
-	  otherwise
-	    testfunc{indj} = @(x, indr, indc) ...
-		!isna(x(indr, indc));
-	endswitch
+      for indj = (1:df._cnt(2))
+        if (any (indj == indc))
+          continue;
+        endif
+        switch (df._type{indj})
+          case { 'char' }
+            testfunc{indj} = @(x, indr, indc) ...
+                ~isna (x{indr, indc});
+          otherwise
+            testfunc{indj} = @(x, indr, indc) ...
+                ~isna (x(indr, indc));
+        endswitch
-      for indi = indr,
-	%# where does this line go ?
-	where = find(df._data{indc}(1:slice_size, 1) ...
-		     == df._data{indc}(indi, 1));
-	if (!isempty(where)),
-	  %# transfering one line -- loop over columns
-	  for indj = 1:df._cnt(2),
-	    if any(indj == indc),
-	      continue;
-	    endif
-	    if (testfunc{indj}(resu._data{indj}, where, targets(indj))),
-	      %# add one more sheet
-	      resu = df_pad(resu, 3, 1, indj);
-	      targets(indj) = targets(indj) + 1;
-	    endif
-	    %# transfer field
-	    stop
-	    resu._data{indj}(where, targets(indj)) = ...
-		df._data{indj}(indi, 1);
-	  endfor
-	  %# update row index
-	  resu._ridx(where, max(targets)) = df._ridx(indi);
-	else
-	  disp('line 65: FIXME'); keyboard;
-	endif
+      for indi = (indr)
+        %# where does this line go ?
+        where = find (df._data{indc}(1:slice_size, 1) ...
+                      == df._data{indc}(indi, 1));
+        if (~isempty (where))
+          %# transfering one line -- loop over columns
+          for indj = (1:df._cnt(2))
+            if (any (indj == indc))
+              continue;
+            endif
+            if (testfunc{indj}(resu._data{indj}, where, targets(indj)))
+              %# add one more sheet
+              resu = df_pad(resu, 3, 1, indj);
+              targets(indj) = targets(indj) + 1;
+            endif
+            %# transfer field
+            stop
+            resu._data{indj}(where, targets(indj)) = ...
+                df._data{indj}(indi, 1);
+          endfor
+          %# update row index
+          resu._ridx(where, max(targets)) = df._ridx(indi);
+        else
+          disp ('line 65: FIXME'); keyboard;
+        endif
-      disp('line 70: FIXME '); keyboard
+      disp ('line 70: FIXME '); keyboard
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/horzcat.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/horzcat.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
   %# $Id$
- for indi = 1:length(varargin),
-    varargin{indi} = dataframe(varargin{indi}, 'colnames', inputname(1+indi));,
+ for indi = (1:length (varargin))
+    varargin{indi} = dataframe (varargin{indi}, 'colnames', inputname(1+indi));,
-  resu = cat(2, df, varargin{:});
+  resu = cat (2, df, varargin{:});
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/inv.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/inv.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -29,24 +29,24 @@
   %# $Id$
-  if (length(df._cnt) > 2 || (df._cnt(1) != df._cnt(2))),
-    error("Dataframe is not square");
+  if (length (df._cnt) > 2 || (df._cnt(1) ~= df._cnt(2)))
+    error ("Dataframe is not square");
   %# quick and dirty conversion
-  [dummy, rcond] = inv(horzcat(df._data{:}));
+  [dummy, rcond] = inv (horzcat (df._data{:}));
   resu = df_allmeta(df);
-  [resu._name{2}, resu._name{1}] = deal(resu._name{1}, resu._name{2});
-  [resu._over{2}, resu._over{1}] = deal(resu._over{1}, resu._over{2});
-  if (isempty(resu._name{2})),
-    resu._name{2} = cellstr(repmat('_', resu._cnt(2), 1));
-    resu._over{2} = ones(1, resu._cnt(2));
+  [resu._name{2}, resu._name{1}] = deal (resu._name{1}, resu._name{2});
+  [resu._over{2}, resu._over{1}] = deal (resu._over{1}, resu._over{2});
+  if (isempty (resu._name{2})),
+    resu._name{2} = cellstr (repmat('_', resu._cnt(2), 1));
+    resu._over{2} = ones (1, resu._cnt(2));
-  for indi = resu._cnt(1):-1:1,
+  for indi = (resu._cnt(1):-1:1)
     resu._data{indi} = dummy(:, indi);
-  resu._type(:) = class(dummy);
+  resu._type(:) = class (dummy);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/isfield.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/isfield.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -35,57 +35,57 @@
   %# $Id$
-  if !isa(df, 'dataframe'),
+  if (~isa (df, 'dataframe'))
     resu = false; return;
-  if nargin <2 || nargin > 3,
-    print_usage();
+  if (nargin < 2 || nargin > 3)
+    print_usage ();
     resu = false; return;
-  if 2 == nargin, strict = false; endif
+  if (2 == nargin) strict = false; endif
-  if isa(name, 'char'),
-    if strict, %# use strmatch to get indexes
-      for indi = size(name, 1):-1:1,
-	dummy = strmatch(name(indi, :), df._name{2}, "exact");
-	resu(indi, 1) = !isempty(dummy);
-	for indj = 1:length(dummy),
-	  idx(indi, indj) = dummy(indj);
-	endfor
+  if (isa (name, 'char'))
+    if (strict) %# use strmatch to get indexes
+      for indi = (size (name, 1):-1:1)
+        dummy = strmatch (name(indi, :), df._name{2}, "exact");
+        resu(indi, 1) = ~isempty (dummy);
+        for indj = (1:length (dummy))
+          idx(indi, indj) = dummy(indj);
+        endfor
-      for indi = size(name, 1):-1:1,
-	try
-	  dummy = df_name2idx(df._name{2}, name(indi, :), \
-			      df._cnt(2), 'column');
-	  resu(indi, 1) = !isempty(dummy);
-	  for indj = 1:length(dummy),
-	    idx(indi, indj) = dummy(indj);
-	  endfor
-	catch
-	  resu(indi, 1) = false; idx(indi, 1) = 0;
-	end_try_catch
+      for indi = (size (name, 1):-1:1)
+        try
+          dummy = df_name2idx (df._name{2}, name(indi, :), \
+                               df._cnt(2), 'column');
+          resu(indi, 1) = ~isempty (dummy);
+          for indj = (1:length (dummy))
+            idx(indi, indj) = dummy(indj);
+          endfor
+        catch
+          resu(indi, 1) = false; idx(indi, 1) = 0;
+        end_try_catch
-  elseif isa(name, 'cell'),
-    if strict, %# use strmatch to get indexes
-      for indi = size(name, 1):-1:1,
-	dummy = strmatch(name{indi}, df._name{2}, "exact");
-	resu{indi, 1} = !isempty(dummy);
-	idx{indi, 1} = dummy;
+  elseif (isa (name, 'cell'))
+    if (strict) %# use strmatch to get indexes
+      for indi = (size (name, 1):-1:1)
+        dummy = strmatch (name{indi}, df._name{2}, "exact");
+        resu{indi, 1} = ~isempty (dummy);
+        idx{indi, 1} = dummy;
-      for indi = length(name):-1:1,
-	try
-	  dummy = df_name2idx(df._name{2}, name{indi}, \
-			      df._cnt(2), 'column');
-	  keyboard
-	  resu{indi, 1} = !isempty(dummy); idx{indi, 1} = dummy;
-	catch
-	  resu{indi, 1} = false; cnt{indi, 1} = 0;
-	end_try_catch
+      for indi = (length (name):-1:1)
+        try
+          dummy = df_name2idx (df._name{2}, name{indi}, \
+                               df._cnt(2), 'column');
+          keyboard
+          resu{indi, 1} = ~isempty (dummy); idx{indi, 1} = dummy;
+        catch
+          resu{indi, 1} = false; cnt{indi, 1} = 0;
+        end_try_catch
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/isscalar.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/isscalar.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@
   %# $Id$
-  resu = ismatrix(df) & (length(find(df._cnt > 1)) < 1);  
+  resu = ismatrix (df) & (length (find (df._cnt > 1)) < 1);  
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/isvector.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/isvector.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@
   %# $Id$
-  resu = ismatrix(df) & (length(find(df._cnt > 1)) <= 1);  
+  resu = ismatrix (df) & (length (find (df._cnt > 1)) <= 1);  
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/ne.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/ne.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 function resu = ne(A, B);
   %# function resu = ne(A, B)
-  %# Implements the '!=' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
+  %# Implements the '~=' operator when at least one argument is a dataframe.
   %% Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Pascal Dupuis <>
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@
   %# $Id$
-  resu = df_func(@ne, A, B);
+  resu = df_func (@ne, A, B);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/permute.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/permute.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -24,21 +24,21 @@
   %# $Id$
-  resu = dataframe([]);
+  resu = dataframe ([]);
-  if (length(df._cnt) >= length(perm)),
+  if (length (df._cnt) >= length (perm))
     resu._cnt = df._cnt(perm);
     resu._cnt = [df._cnt 1](perm);
-  if (ndims(df._ridx) < 3),
-    resu._ridx = permute(df._ridx, [min(perm(1), 2) min(perm(2:end))]);
+  if (ndims (df._ridx) < 3)
+    resu._ridx = permute (df._ridx, [min(perm(1), 2) min(perm(2:end))]);
-    resu._ridx = permute(df._ridx, perm);
+    resu._ridx = permute (df._ridx, perm);
-  if (size(resu._ridx, 1) < resu._cnt(1)),
+  if (size (resu._ridx, 1) < resu._cnt(1))
     %# adjust index size, if required
     resu._ridx(end+1:resu._cnt(1), :, :) = NA;
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@
   if (2 == perm(1)),
     resu._name{1} = df._name{2};
     resu._over{1} = df._over{2};
-    indc = length(resu._name{1});
+    indc = length (resu._name{1});
     indi = resu._cnt(1) - indc;
-    if (indi > 0),
+    if (indi > 0)
       %# generate a name for the new row(s)
-      dummy = cstrcat(repmat('_', indi, 1), ...
-		      strjust(num2str(indc + (1:indi).'), 'left'));
-      resu._name{1}(indc + (1:indi)) = cellstr(dummy);
+      dummy = cstrcat (repmat ('_', indi, 1), ...
+                       strjust (num2str (indc + (1:indi).'), 'left'));
+      resu._name{1}(indc + (1:indi)) = cellstr (dummy);
       resu._over{1}(1, indc + (1:indi)) = true;
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
-  if (2 == perm(2)),
+  if (2 == perm(2))
     resu._name{2} = df._name{2};
     resu._over{2} = df._over{2};
@@ -69,41 +69,41 @@
     resu._over{2} = df._over{1};
-  if (isempty(resu._name{2})),
+  if (isempty (resu._name{2})),
     indc = 0;
-    indc = length(resu._name{2});
+    indc = length (resu._name{2});
   indi = resu._cnt(2) - indc;
-  if (indi > 0),
+  if (indi > 0)
     %# generate a name for the new column(s)
-    dummy = cstrcat(repmat('_', indi, 1), ...
-		    strjust(num2str(indc + (1:indi).'), 'left'));
-    resu._name{2}(indc + (1:indi)) = cellstr(dummy);
+    dummy = cstrcat (repmat ('_', indi, 1), ...
+                     strjust (num2str (indc + (1:indi).'), 'left'));
+    resu._name{2}(indc + (1:indi)) = cellstr (dummy);
     resu._over{2}(1, indc + (1:indi)) = true;    
-  if (2 != perm(2)),
+  if (2 ~= perm(2)),
     %# recompute the new type
-    dummy = zeros(0, class(sum(cellfun(@(x) zeros(1, class(x(1))),\
-				       df._data))));
-    resu._type(1:resu._cnt(2)) = class(dummy);
-    dummy = permute(df_whole(df), perm);
-    for indi = 1:resu._cnt(2),
-      resu._data{indi} = squeeze(dummy(:, indi, :));
-      resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+    dummy = zeros (0, class (sum (cellfun (@(x) zeros (1, class(x(1))),\
+                                           df._data))));
+    resu._type(1:resu._cnt(2)) = class (dummy);
+    dummy = permute (df_whole(df), perm);
+    for indi = (1:resu._cnt(2))
+      resu._data{indi} = squeeze (dummy(:, indi, :));
+      resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
   else %# 2 == perm(2)
-    if (1 == perm(1)), %# blank operation
+    if (1 == perm(1)) %# blank operation
       resu._type = df._type;
       resu._data = df._data;
       resu._rep = df._rep;
-      for indi = 1:resu._cnt(2),
-	unfolded = df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi});
-	resu._data{indi} = permute(unfolded, [2 1]);
-	resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
-	resu._type{indi} = df._type{indi};
+      for indi = (1:resu._cnt(2))
+        unfolded = df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi});
+        resu._data{indi} = permute (unfolded, [2 1]);
+        resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
+        resu._type{indi} = df._type{indi};
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_allmeta.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_allmeta.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -28,33 +28,33 @@
   %# $Id$
-  resu = dataframe([]);
+  resu = dataframe ([]);
-  if (isempty(dim)), 
+  if (isempty (dim)), 
     dim = df._cnt(1:2); 
     dim = dim(1:2); %# ignore third dim, if any
-  resu._cnt(1:2) = min(dim, df._cnt(1:2));
-  if (!isempty(df._name{1})),
+  resu._cnt(1:2) = min (dim, df._cnt(1:2));
+  if (~isempty(df._name{1}))
     resu._name{1} = df._name{1}(1:resu._cnt(1));
     resu._over{1} = df._over{1}(1:resu._cnt(1));
-  if (!isempty(df._name{2})),
+  if (~isempty(df._name{2}))
     resu._name{2} = df._name{2}(1:resu._cnt(2));
     resu._over{2} = df._over{2}(1:resu._cnt(2));
-  if (!isempty(df._ridx)),
-    if (size(df._ridx, 2) >= resu._cnt(2)),
+  if (~isempty(df._ridx))
+    if (size (df._ridx, 2) >= resu._cnt(2)),
       resu._ridx = df._ridx(1:resu._cnt(1), :, :);
       resu._ridx = df._ridx(1:resu._cnt(1), 1, :);
   %# init it with the right orientation
-  resu._data = cell(size(df._data));
-  resu._rep = cell(size(df._rep));
+  resu._data = cell (size (df._data));
+  resu._rep = cell (size (df._rep));
   resu._type = df._type(1:resu._cnt(2));
   resu._src  = df._src;
   resu._cmt  = df._cmt;
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_basecomp.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_basecomp.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -30,162 +30,162 @@
   %# $Id$
-  if 1 == length(itercol), 
+  if (1 == length (itercol)) 
     strict = false;
     strict = itercol(2); itercol = itercol(1);
-  if (iscell(A)), A = dataframe(A); endif
-  if (iscell(B)), B = dataframe(B); endif  
+  if (iscell (A)), A = dataframe (A); endif
+  if (iscell (B)), B = dataframe (B); endif  
-  switch (func2str(func)),
+  switch (func2str (func)),
     case 'bsxfun'
       %# bsxfun compatibility rule: if there is at least one singleton
       %# dim, the smallest is repeated to reach the size of the
       %# greatest. Otherwise, all dims must be equal.
-      if (any(size(A)(1:2) != size(B)(1:2)))
-	if (!any (1 == [size(A) size(B)]))
-	  error('bsxfun: both arguments must have the same dim, of one of them must have at least one singleton dim');
-	else
-	  Csize = max([size(A)(1:2); size(B)(1:2)]);
-	endif
+      if (any (size (A)(1:2) ~= size (B)(1:2)))
+        if (~any (1 == [size(A) size(B)]))
+          error ('bsxfun: both arguments must have the same dim, of one of them must have at least one singleton dim');
+        else
+          Csize = max ([size(A)(1:2); size(B)(1:2)]);
+        endif
-	Csize = size(A)(1:2);
+        Csize = size (A)(1:2);
     case 'mldivide'
-      if (isscalar(A)), 
-	Csize = size(B)(1:2);
+      if (isscalar (A)), 
+        Csize = size (B)(1:2);
-        if (size(A, 1) != size(B, 1)),
-	  error("Non compatible row sizes (op1 is %dx%d, op2 is %dx%d)",\
-		size(A), size(B)(1:2));
-	endif
-	Csize = [size(A, 2) size(B, 2)];
+        if (size (A, 1) ~= size (B, 1))
+          error ("Non compatible row sizes (op1 is %dx%d, op2 is %dx%d)",\
+                 size (A), size (B)(1:2));
+        endif
+        Csize = [size(A, 2) size(B, 2)];
       %# if strict is set, B may not be non-scalar vs scalar
-      if ((!(isscalar(A) || isscalar(B)))||(strict && isscalar(A))),
-	if (itercol), %# requires full compatibility
-	  Csize = size(A)(1:2);
-	  if (any(Csize - size(B)(1:2))),
-	    %# disp([size(A) size(B)])
-	    error("Non compatible row and columns sizes (op1 is %dx%d, op2 is %dx%d)",\
-		  Csize, size(B));
-	  endif
-	else %# compatibility with matrix product
-	  if (size(A, 2) - size(B, 1)),
-	    error("Non compatible columns vs. rows size (op1 is %dx%d, op2 is %dx%d)",\
-		  size(A)(1:2), size(B)(1:2));
-	  endif
-	  Csize = [size(A, 1) size(B, 2)];
-	endif
+      if ((~(isscalar (A) || isscalar (B)))||(strict && isscalar (A)))
+        if (itercol), %# requires full compatibility
+          Csize = size (A)(1:2);
+          if (any (Csize - size (B)(1:2)))
+            %# disp([size(A) size(B)])
+            error ("Non compatible row and columns sizes (op1 is %dx%d, op2 is %dx%d)",\
+                   Csize, size (B));
+          endif
+        else %# compatibility with matrix product
+          if (size (A, 2) - size (B, 1)),
+            error ("Non compatible columns vs. rows size (op1 is %dx%d, op2 is %dx%d)",\
+                  size (A)(1:2), size (B)(1:2));
+          endif
+          Csize = [size(A, 1) size(B, 2)];
+        endif
-  if !(isscalar(A) || isscalar(B))
+  if (~(isscalar (A) || isscalar (B)))
     C = [];
-    if (isa(A, 'dataframe'))
-      if (nargout > 2 && all(Csize == size(A)(1:2))),
-	C = df_allmeta(A, Csize);
+    if (isa (A, 'dataframe'))
+      if (nargout > 2 && all (Csize == size (A)(1:2))),
+        C = df_allmeta (A, Csize);
-      if (isa(B, 'dataframe'))
-	if (nargout > 2 && isempty(C) && all(Csize == size(B)(1:2))),
-	  C = df_allmeta(B, Csize);
-	endif
-	if (strict),
-	  %# compare indexes if both exist
-	  if (!isempty(A._ridx))
-	    if (!isempty(B._ridx) && itercol),
-	      if (any(A._ridx-B._ridx)),
-		error("Non compatible indexes");
-	      endif
-	    endif
-	  else
-	    if (nargout > 2 && itercol), C._ridx = B._ridx; endif
-	  endif
-	  if (itercol),
-	    idxB = 1; %# row-row comparison
-	  else
-	    idxB = 2; %# row-col comparsion
-	  endif
-	  if (!isempty(A._name{1})) 
-	    if (!isempty(B._name{idxB}))
-	      dummy = !(strcmp(cellstr(A._name{1}), cellstr(B._name{idxB}))\
-			| (A._over{1}(:)) | (B._over{idxB}(:)));
-	      if (any(dummy)),
-		if (itercol),
-		  error("Incompatible row names");
-		else
-		  error("Incompatible row vs. column names");
-		endif
-	      endif
-	      dummy = A._over{1} > B._over{idxB};
-	      if (any(dummy)),
-		C._name{1}(dummy) = B._name{idxB}(dummy);
-		C._over{1}(dummy) = B._over{idxB}(dummy);
-	      endif
-	    endif
-	  else
-	    if (nargout > 2), 
-	      C._name{1} = B._name{idxB}; C._over{1} = B._over{idxB};
-	    endif
-	  endif
-	  idxB = 3-idxB;
-	  if (!isempty(A._name{2}))
-	    if (!isempty(B._name{idxB}))
-	      dummy = !(strcmp(cellstr(A._name{2}), cellstr(B._name{2}))\
-			| (A._over{2}(:)) | (B._over{2}(:)));
-	      if (any(dummy)),
-		if (itercol),
-		  error("Incompatible column vs row names");
-		else
-		  error("Incompatible column names");
-		endif
-	      endif
-	      dummy = A._over{2} > B._over{idxB};
-	      if (any(dummy)),
-		C._name{2}(dummy) = B._name{idxB}(dummy);
-		C._over{2}(dummy) = B._over{idxB}(dummy);
-	      endif
-	    endif
-	  else
-	    if (nargout > 2 && !isempty(B._name{idxB})),
-	      C._name{2} = B._name{idxB}; C._over{2} = B._over{idxB}; 
-	    endif
-	  endif
-	endif
+      if (isa (B, 'dataframe'))
+        if (nargout > 2 && isempty (C) && all (Csize == size (B)(1:2))),
+          C = df_allmeta (B, Csize);
+        endif
+        if (strict)
+          %# compare indexes if both exist
+          if (~isempty (A._ridx))
+            if (~isempty(B._ridx) && itercol)
+              if (any (A._ridx-B._ridx)),
+                error ("Non compatible indexes");
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            if (nargout > 2 && itercol), C._ridx = B._ridx; endif
+          endif
+          if (itercol),
+            idxB = 1; %# row-row comparison
+          else
+            idxB = 2; %# row-col comparsion
+          endif
+          if (~isempty (A._name{1})) 
+            if (~isempty (B._name{idxB}))
+              dummy = ~(strcmp (cellstr (A._name{1}), cellstr (B._name{idxB}))\
+                        | (A._over{1}(:)) | (B._over{idxB}(:)));
+              if (any (dummy))
+                if (itercol),
+                  error ("Incompatible row names");
+                else
+                  error ("Incompatible row vs. column names");
+                endif
+              endif
+              dummy = A._over{1} > B._over{idxB};
+              if (any (dummy)),
+                C._name{1}(dummy) = B._name{idxB}(dummy);
+                C._over{1}(dummy) = B._over{idxB}(dummy);
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            if (nargout > 2), 
+              C._name{1} = B._name{idxB}; C._over{1} = B._over{idxB};
+            endif
+          endif
+          idxB = 3-idxB;
+          if (~isempty(A._name{2}))
+            if (~isempty(B._name{idxB}))
+              dummy = ~(strcmp (cellstr (A._name{2}), cellstr (B._name{2}))\
+                        | (A._over{2}(:)) | (B._over{2}(:)));
+              if (any (dummy)),
+                if (itercol),
+                  error ("Incompatible column vs row names");
+                else
+                  error ("Incompatible column names");
+                endif
+              endif
+              dummy = A._over{2} > B._over{idxB};
+              if (any (dummy)),
+                C._name{2}(dummy) = B._name{idxB}(dummy);
+                C._over{2}(dummy) = B._over{idxB}(dummy);
+              endif
+            endif
+          else
+            if (nargout > 2 && ~isempty (B._name{idxB})),
+              C._name{2} = B._name{idxB}; C._over{2} = B._over{idxB}; 
+            endif
+          endif
+        endif
-	if (isempty(A._src) && nargout > 2 && !isempty(B._src)), 
-	  C._src = B._src;
-	endif
-	if (isempty(A._cmt) && nargout > 2 && !isempty(B._cmt)), 
-	  C._cmt = B._cmt;
-	endif
+        if (isempty (A._src) && nargout > 2 && ~isempty (B._src)), 
+          C._src = B._src;
+        endif
+        if (isempty (A._cmt) && nargout > 2 && ~isempty (B._cmt)), 
+          C._cmt = B._cmt;
+        endif
       else %# B is not a df
-	if (nargout > 2 && isempty(C)),
-	  C = df_allmeta(A);
-	endif
+        if (nargout > 2 && isempty (C)),
+          C = df_allmeta (A);
+        endif
     else %# A is not a df
       if (nargout > 2), 
-	if (all(Csize==size(B)(1:2))),
-	  C = df_allmeta(B, Csize); 
-	else
-	  C = df_allmeta(B); 
-	endif         
+        if (all (Csize == size (B)(1:2))),
+          C = df_allmeta (B, Csize); 
+        else
+          C = df_allmeta (B); 
+        endif         
   else %# both arg are  scalar
-    if (nargout > 2),
-      if (isa(A, 'dataframe')) 
-	C = df_allmeta(A);     
+    if (nargout > 2)
+      if (isa (A, 'dataframe')) 
+        C = df_allmeta (A);     
-	C = df_allmeta(B); 
+        C = df_allmeta (B); 
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_check_char_array.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_check_char_array.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -26,27 +26,27 @@
   %# $Id$
-  if 2 == nargin, required = [nelem 1]; endif
+  if (2 == nargin) required = [nelem 1]; endif
-  if nelem < required(1),
-    error("Too many elements to assign");
+  if (nelem < required(1))
+    error ("Too many elements to assign");
   %# a zero-length element is still considered as a space by char
-  if isempty(x), x = ' '; endif 
+  if (isempty (x)) x = ' '; endif 
-  if size(x, 1) < max(required(1), nelem)
+  if (size (x, 1) < max (required(1), nelem))
     %# pad vertically
-    dummy = repmat(' ', nelem-size(x, 1), 1);
-    resu = char(x, dummy);
+    dummy = repmat (' ', nelem-size (x, 1), 1);
+    resu = char (x, dummy);
     resu = x;
-  if size(resu, 2) < required(2),
+  if (size (resu, 2) < required(2))
     %# pad horizontally
-    dummy = repmat(' ', nelem, required(2)-size(resu, 2));
-    resu = horzcat(resu, dummy);
+    dummy = repmat (' ', nelem, required(2)-size (resu, 2));
+    resu = horzcat (resu, dummy);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_colmeta.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_colmeta.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@
   %# $Id: df_func.m 7943 2010-11-24 15:33:54Z cdemills $
-  resu = dataframe([]);
+  resu = dataframe ([]);
   resu._cnt(2) = df._cnt(2);
   resu._name{2} = df._name{2};
   resu._over{2} = df._over{2};
   resu._type = df._type;
   %# init it with the right orientation
-  resu._data = cell(size(df._data));
-  resu._rep = cell(size(df._rep));
+  resu._data = cell (size (df._data));
+  resu._rep = cell (size (df._rep));
   resu._src  = df._src;
   resu._cmt  = df._cmt;
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_cow.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_cow.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -29,50 +29,50 @@
   %# $Id$
-  if length(col) > 1,
-    error("df_cow must work on a column-by-column basis");
+  if (length (col) > 1)
+    error ("df_cow must work on a column-by-column basis");
-  if (1 == length(S.subs)),
+  if (1 == length (S.subs)),
     inds = 1; 
     inds = S.subs{2};
-  if (!isnumeric(inds)), 
-    if !strcmp(inds, ':'),
-      error("Unknown sheet selector %s", inds);
+  if (~isnumeric(inds)) 
+    if (~strcmp (inds, ':'))
+      error ("Unknown sheet selector %s", inds);
-    inds = 1:length(df._rep(col));
+    inds = 1:length (df._rep(col));
-  for indi = inds(:).',
+  for indi = (inds(:).')
     dummy = df._rep{col}; dummy(indi) = 0;
-    [t1, t2] = ismember(df._rep{col}(indi)(:), dummy);
-    for indj = t2(find(t2)), %# Copy-On-Write
+    [t1, t2] = ismember (df._rep{col}(indi)(:), dummy);
+    for indj = (t2(find (t2))) %# Copy-On-Write
       %# determines the index for the next column
-      t1 = 1+max(df._rep{col}); 
+      t1 = 1 + max (df._rep{col}); 
       %# duplicate the touched column
-      df._data{col} = horzcat(df._data{col}, \
-                              df._data{col}(:, df._rep{col}(indj)));  
-      if (indi > 1),
+      df._data{col} = horzcat (df._data{col}, \
+                               df._data{col}(:, df._rep{col}(indj)));  
+      if (indi > 1)
         %# a new column has been created
         df._rep{col}(indi) = t1;
         %# update repetition index aliasing this one
-        df._rep{col}(find(dummy == indi)) = t1;
+        df._rep{col}(find (dummy == indi)) = t1;
   %# reorder S
-  if (length(S.subs) > 1),
-    if (S.subs{2} != 1 || length(S.subs{2}) > 1), 
+  if (length (S.subs) > 1)
+    if (S.subs{2} ~= 1 || length (S.subs{2}) > 1), 
       %# adapt sheet index according to df_rep
       S.subs{2} = df._rep{col}(S.subs{2});
-  df = df_thirddim(df);
+  df = df_thirddim (df);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_func.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_func.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -32,191 +32,191 @@
   %# $Id$
-  [A, B, resu] = df_basecomp(A, B, itercol, func);
+  [A, B, resu] = df_basecomp (A, B, itercol, func);
   itercol = itercol(1); %# drop second value
-  if (isa(B, 'dataframe'))
-    if (!isa(A, 'dataframe')),
-      if (isscalar(A)),
-        for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1,
+  if (isa (B, 'dataframe'))
+    if (~isa (A, 'dataframe')),
+      if (isscalar (A)),
+        for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1)
           switch resu._type{indi}
             case "char"
-              resu._data{indi} = feval(func, A, char(B._data{indi}));
+              resu._data{indi} = feval (func, A, char (B._data{indi}));
-              resu._data{indi} = feval(func, A, B._data{indi});
+              resu._data{indi} = feval (func, A, B._data{indi});
         resu._rep = B._rep;
-        if (whole(1) && !whole(2)),
-          for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1,
+        if (whole(1) && ~whole(2))
+          for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1)
             switch resu._type{indi}
               case "char"
-                resu._data{indi} = feval(func, A, \
-                                         char(B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi})));
+                resu._data{indi} = feval (func, A, \
+                                          char (B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi})));
-                resu._data{indi} = feval(func, A, \
-                                         B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi}));
+                resu._data{indi} = feval (func, A, \
+                                          B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi}));
-            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
-        elseif (itercol && !whole(2)),
-          for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1,
+        elseif (itercol && ~whole(2)),
+          for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1)
             switch resu._type{indi}
               case "char"
-                resu._data{indi} = feval(func, squeeze(A(:, indi, :)), \
-                                         char(B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi})));
+                resu._data{indi} = feval (func, squeeze (A(:, indi, :)), \
+                                          char (B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi})));
-                resu._data{indi} = feval(func, squeeze(A(:, indi, :)), \
-                                         B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi}));
+                resu._data{indi} = feval (func, squeeze (A(:, indi, :)), \
+                                          B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi}));
-            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
-        elseif (!whole(2)),
-          warning("no 3D yet");
-          for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1,
+        elseif (~whole(2)),
+          warning ("no 3D yet");
+          for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1)
             switch resu._type{indi}
               case "char"
-                resu._data{indi} = feval(func, A(indi, :), char(B._data{indi}));
+                resu._data{indi} = feval (func, A(indi, :), char (B._data{indi}));
-                resu._data{indi} = feval(func, A(indi, :), B._data{indi});
+                resu._data{indi} = feval (func, A(indi, :), B._data{indi});
-          dummy = feval(func, A, df_whole(B));
-          for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1, %# store column-wise
-            resu._data{indi} = squeeze(dummy(:, indi, :));
-            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
-            resu._type{indi} = class(dummy);
+          dummy = feval (func, A, df_whole (B));
+          for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1) %# store column-wise
+            resu._data{indi} = squeeze (dummy(:, indi, :));
+            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
+            resu._type{indi} = class (dummy);
-      if (itercol),
-        for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1,
+      if (itercol)
+        for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1)
           switch resu._type{indi}
             case "char"
-              resu._data{indi} = feval\
-                  (func, char(A._data{indi}(:, A._rep{indi})), \
-                   char(B._data{indi}(B._rep{indi})));
+              resu._data{indi} = feval \
+                  (func, char (A._data{indi}(:, A._rep{indi})), \
+                   char (B._data{indi}(B._rep{indi})));
-              resu._data{indi} = feval\
+              resu._data{indi} = feval \
                   (func, A._data{indi}(:, A._rep{indi}), \
                    B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi}));
-          resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+          resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
       else %# itercol is false
         dummy = df_whole(A);
-        if whole(1),
-          for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1,
+        if (whole(1))
+          for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1)
             switch resu._type{indi}
               case "char"
-                resu._data{indi} = feval(func, dummy, \
-                                         char(B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi})));
+                resu._data{indi} = feval (func, dummy, \
+                                          char (B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi})));
-                resu._data{indi} = feval(func, dummy, \
-                                         B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi}));
+                resu._data{indi} = feval (func, dummy, \
+                                          B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi}));
-            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
-        elseif (!whole(2)),
-          for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1,
+        elseif (~whole(2))
+          for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1)
             switch resu._type{indi}
               case "char"
-                resu._data{indi} = squeeze\
-                    (feval(func, dummy(indi, :, :),\
-                           char(B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi}))));
+                resu._data{indi} = squeeze \
+                    (feval (func, dummy(indi, :, :),\
+                            char (B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi}))));
-                resu._data{indi} = squeeze\
-                     (feval(func, dummy(indi, :, :), \
+                resu._data{indi} = squeeze \
+                    (feval (func, dummy(indi, :, :), \
                             B._data{indi}(:, B._rep{indi})));
-            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
-          dummy = feval(func, dummy, df_whole(B));
-          for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1, %# store column-wise
-            resu._data{indi} = squeeze(dummy(:, indi, :));
-            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
-            resu._type{indi} = class(dummy);
+          dummy = feval (func, dummy, df_whole(B));
+          for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1) %# store column-wise
+            resu._data{indi} = squeeze (dummy(:, indi, :));
+            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
+            resu._type{indi} = class (dummy);
   else %# B is not a dataframe
-    if (isscalar(B)),
-      for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1,
+    if (isscalar (B))
+      for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1)
         switch resu._type{indi}
           case "char"
-            resu._data{indi} = feval(func, char(A._data{indi}), B);
+            resu._data{indi} = feval (func, char (A._data{indi}), B);
-            resu._data{indi} = feval(func, A._data{indi}, B);
+            resu._data{indi} = feval (func, A._data{indi}, B);
       resu._rep = A._rep;
-      if (itercol),
-        if (whole(2)),
-          for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1,
+      if (itercol)
+        if (whole(2))
+          for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1)
             switch resu._type{indi}
               case "char"
-                unfolded = char(A._data{indi}(:, A._rep{indi}));
+                unfolded = char (A._data{indi}(:, A._rep{indi}));
                 unfolded = A._data{indi}(:, A._rep{indi});
-            resu._data{indi} = squeeze(feval(func, unfolded, B));
-            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+            resu._data{indi} = squeeze (feval (func, unfolded, B));
+            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
-          for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1,
+          for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1)
             switch resu._type{indi}
               case "char"
-                unfolded = char(A._data{indi}(:, A._rep{indi}));
+                unfolded = char (A._data{indi}(:, A._rep{indi}));
                 unfolded = A._data{indi}(:, A._rep{indi});
-            resu._data{indi} = feval(func, unfolded, \
-                                     squeeze(B(:, indi, :)));
-            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+            resu._data{indi} = feval (func, unfolded, \
+                                      squeeze (B(:, indi, :)));
+            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
         dummy = df_whole(A);
-        if whole(1),
-          for indi = columns(B):-1:1,
-            resu._data{indi} = squeeze(feval(func, dummy, B(:, indi, :)));
-            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+        if (whole(1))
+          for indi = (columns (B):-1:1)
+            resu._data{indi} = squeeze (feval(func, dummy, B(:, indi, :)));
+            resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
-          if !whole(2),
-            for indi = resu._cnt(1):-1:1,
-              resu._data{indi} = squeeze(feval(func, dummy(indi, :, :), \
-                                               B(:, indi, :)));
-              resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+          if (~whole(2))
+            for indi = (resu._cnt(1):-1:1)
+              resu._data{indi} = squeeze (feval (func, dummy(indi, :, :), \
+                                                 B(:, indi, :)));
+              resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
-            for indi = resu._cnt(1):-1:1, %# in place computation
-              dummy(indi, :, :) = feval(func, dummy(indi, :, :), B);
+            for indi = (resu._cnt(1):-1:1) %# in place computation
+              dummy(indi, :, :) = feval (func, dummy(indi, :, :), B);
-            for indi = resu._cnt(2):-1:1, %# store column-wise
-              resu._data{indi} = squeeze(dummy(:, indi, :));
-              resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+            for indi = (resu._cnt(2):-1:1) %# store column-wise
+              resu._data{indi} = squeeze (dummy(:, indi, :));
+              resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
         %# verify that sizes match, this is required for "\"
-        resu._cnt(2) = length(resu._data);
-        resu._cnt(1) = max(cellfun('size', resu._data, 1));
-        if (length(resu._ridx) < resu._cnt(1)),
-          if (1 == length(resu._ridx)),
+        resu._cnt(2) = length (resu._data);
+        resu._cnt(1) = max (cellfun ('size', resu._data, 1));
+        if (length (resu._ridx) < resu._cnt(1)),
+          if (1 == length (resu._ridx))
             resu._ridx(end+1:resu._cnt(1), 1) = resu._ridx(1);
             resu._ridx(end+1:resu._cnt(1), 1) = NA;
-        if (length(resu._name{2}) < resu._cnt(2)),
-          if (1 == length(resu._name{2})),
+        if (length (resu._name{2}) < resu._cnt(2)),
+          if (1 == length (resu._name{2})),
             resu._name{2}(end+1:resu._cnt(2), 1) = resu._name{2};
             resu._over{2}(end+1:resu._cnt(2), 1) = resu._over{2};
@@ -228,8 +228,8 @@
-  resu._type = cellfun(@class, resu._data, "UniformOutput", false); 
+  resu._type = cellfun (@class, resu._data, "UniformOutput", false); 
-  resu = df_thirddim(resu);
+  resu = df_thirddim (resu);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_mapper2.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_mapper2.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -31,47 +31,47 @@
   dim = 1; resu = []; vout = varargin;
   %# take care of constructs as min(x, [], dim)  
-  if (!isempty(varargin)),
-    indk = 1; while indk <= length(varargin),
-      if (isnumeric(varargin{indk})),
-	if (isempty(varargin{indk})),
-	  indk = indk + 1; continue;
-	endif
-	dim = varargin{indk}; 
-	%# the "third" dim is the second on stored data
-	if 3 == dim, vout(indk) = 2; endif
+  if (~isempty(varargin))
+    indk = 1; while (indk <= length (varargin))
+      if (isnumeric (varargin{indk}))
+        if (isempty (varargin{indk}))
+          indk = indk + 1; continue;
+        endif
+        dim = varargin{indk}; 
+        %# the "third" dim is the second on stored data
+        if (3 == dim) vout(indk) = 2; endif
-  switch(dim)
-    case {1},
-      resu = df_colmeta(df);
-      for indi = 1:df._cnt(2),
-	resu._data{indi} = feval(func, df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi}), \
-				 vout{:});
-	resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+  switch (dim)
+    case {1}
+      resu = df_colmeta (df);
+      for indi = (1:df._cnt(2))
+        resu._data{indi} = feval (func, df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi}), \
+                                  vout{:});
+        resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
-      resu._cnt(1) = max(cellfun('size', resu._data, 1));
-      if (resu._cnt(1) == df._cnt(1)),
-	%# the func was not contracting
-	resu._ridx = df._ridx;
-	resu._name{1} = resu._name{1}; resu._over{1} = resu._over{1};
+      resu._cnt(1) = max (cellfun ('size', resu._data, 1));
+      if (resu._cnt(1) == df._cnt(1))
+        %# the func was not contracting
+        resu._ridx = df._ridx;
+        resu._name{1} = resu._name{1}; resu._over{1} = resu._over{1};
-    case {2},
-      error('Operation not implemented');
-    case {3},
+    case {2}
+      error ('Operation not implemented');
+    case {3}
       resu = df_allmeta(df); 
-      for indi = 1:df._cnt(2),
-	resu._data{indi} = feval(func, df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi}), \
-				 vout{:});
-	resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+      for indi = (1:df._cnt(2))
+        resu._data{indi} = feval (func, df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi}), \
+                                  vout{:});
+        resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);
-      error("Invalid dimension %d", dim); 
+      error ("Invalid dimension %d", dim); 
-  resu = df_thirddim(resu);
+  resu = df_thirddim (resu);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_matassign.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_matassign.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -268,32 +268,34 @@
     %#   error("cells may only contain scalar");
     %# endif
-    if (size(RHS, 2) > indc)
+    if (size (RHS, 2) > indc)
     %# try to detect and remove bottom garbage
-    eff_len = zeros(nrow, 1);
-    for indi = (indr)
-      eff_len(indi, 1) = sum (~cellfun ('isempty', RHS(indi, :)));
-    endfor
-    indi = nrow;
-    while (indi > 0)
-      if (1 == eff_len(indi))
-        nrow = nrow - 1;
-        indr(end) = [];
-        RHS(end, :) = [];
-        indi = indi - 1;
-        if (~indr_was_set && isempty (df._name{1, 1}))
-          df._cnt(1) = nrow;
-          df._ridx(end) = [];
+    eff_len = zeros (nrow, 1);
+    if (size (RHS, 1) > 1)
+      for indi = (indr)
+        eff_len(indi, 1) = sum (~cellfun ('isempty', RHS(indi, :)));
+      endfor
+      indi = nrow;
+      while (indi > 0)
+        if (1 == eff_len(indi))
+          nrow = nrow - 1;
+          indr(end) = [];
+          RHS(end, :) = [];
+          indi = indi - 1;
+          if (~indr_was_set && isempty (df._name{1, 1}))
+            df._cnt(1) = nrow;
+            df._ridx(end) = [];
+          endif
+        else
+          break;
-      else
-        break;
-      endif
-    endwhile
-    clear eff_len;
+      endwhile
+      clear eff_len;
+    endif
     %# the real assignement
     if (1 == size (RHS, 1)) %# each cell contains one vector
       fillfunc = @(x) RHS{x};
@@ -340,10 +342,33 @@
-          dummy = \
-              sprintf ("Assignement failed for colum %d, of type %s and length %d,\nwith new content\n%s", \
-                       indj, df._type{indc(indi)}, length (indr), disp (RHS(:, indj)));
-          error (dummy);
+          dummy =  unique(cellfun(@class, RHS(:, indj), ...
+                                  'UniformOutput', false));
+          if (any (strmatch ("char", dummy, "exact")))
+            %# replace the actual column, of type numeric, by a char 
+            df._type{indc(indi)} = 'char';
+            dummy = RHS(:, indj);
+            for indk =  (size (dummy, 1):-1:1)
+              if (~isa ("char", dummy{indk}))
+                if (isinteger (dummy{indk}))
+                  dummy(indk) = mat2str (dummy{indk});
+                elseif (isa ("logical", dummy{indk}))
+                  if  (dummy{indk})
+                    dummy(indk) = "true";
+                  else
+                    dummy{indk} = "false";
+                  endif
+                elseif (isnumeric (dummy{indk}))
+                  dummy(indk) = mat2str (dummy{indk}, 6);
+                endif
+              endif
+            endfor
+          else
+            dummy = \
+                sprintf ("Assignement failed for colum %d, of type %s and length %d,\nwith new content\n%s", \
+                         indj, df._type{indc(indi)}, length (indr), disp (RHS(:, indj)));
+            error (dummy);
+          endif
         if (size (dummy, 1) < df._cnt(1))
           dummy(end+1:df._cnt(1), :) = NA;
@@ -378,7 +403,7 @@
     if (~isempty (inds) && isnumeric(inds) && any (inds > 1))
-      for indi = (1:length (indc))
+      for indi = (1:ncol)
         if (max (inds) > length (df._rep{indc(indi)}))
           df = df_pad(df, 3, max (inds)-length (df._rep{indc(indi)}), \
@@ -394,7 +419,7 @@
       %# skip second dim and copy data
       S.subs(2) = []; Sorig = S; 
-      for indi = (1:length (indc))
+      for indi = (1:ncol)
         [df, S] = df_cow(df, S, indc(indi));
         if (strcmp (df._type(indc(indi)), RHS._type(indi)))
@@ -438,7 +463,7 @@
           if (length (S.subs) < 2) 
             S.subs{2} = 1; 
-          if (length (indc) > 1 && length (RHS) > 1)
+          if (ncol > 1 && length (RHS) > 1)
             %# set a row from a vector
             fillfunc = @(x, S, y) feval (@subsasgn, x, S, RHS(y));
@@ -446,7 +471,7 @@
         Sorig = S; 
-        for indi = (1:length (indc))
+        for indi = (1:ncol)
             [df, S] = df_cow(df, S, indc(indi));
             df._data{indc(indi)} = fillfunc (df._data{indc(indi)}, S, indi);
@@ -474,7 +499,7 @@
         %# rotate slices in dim 1-3 to slices in dim 1-2
         fillfunc = @(x, S, y) feval(@subsasgn, x, S, squeeze(RHS(:, y, :)));
         Sorig = S; 
-        for indi = (1:length (indc))
+        for indi = (1:ncol)
           [df, S] = df_cow(df, S, indc(indi));
           df._data{indc(indi)} = fillfunc (df._data{indc(indi)}, S, indi);
           S = Sorig;
@@ -515,6 +540,10 @@
   if (~isempty (cname) && (length (df._over{2}) < max (indc) || \
         all (df._over{2}(indc))))
+    if (length (cname) < ncol)
+      cname(end+1:ncol) = {'_'};
+    endif
+    cname(cellfun (@isempty, cname)) = 'unnamed';
       df._name{2}(indc, 1) = genvarname (cname);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_name2idx.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_name2idx.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
   if (isa (subs, 'cell'))
     subs = subs(:); idx = []; mask = logical (zeros (size (subs, 1), 1));
     %# translate list of variables to list of indices
-    for indi = (1:size(subs, 1))
+    for indi = (1:size (subs, 1))
       %# regexp doesn't like empty patterns
       if (isempty (subs{indi})) continue; endif
       %# convert  from standard pattern to regexp pattern
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
         dummy = strsplit (subs{indi}, ':');
         ind_start = 1;
-        if (!isempty (dummy{1}))
+        if (~isempty (dummy{1}))
           ind_start = sscanf (dummy{1}, "%d");
           if (isempty (ind_start))
             ind_start = 1;
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_pad.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_pad.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -32,135 +32,135 @@
   switch dim
     case 1
-      if (!isempty(df._name{1})),
-	if (length(df._name{1}) < df._cnt(1)+n),
-	  %# generate a name for the new row(s)
-	  df._name{1}(df._cnt(1)+(1:n), 1) = {'_'};
-	  df._over{1}(1, df._cnt(1)+(1:n), 1) = true;
-	endif
+      if (~isempty (df._name{1})),
+        if (length (df._name{1}) < df._cnt(1)+n)
+          %# generate a name for the new row(s)
+          df._name{1}(df._cnt(1)+(1:n), 1) = {'_'};
+          df._over{1}(1, df._cnt(1)+(1:n), 1) = true;
+        endif
       %# complete row indexes: by default, row number.
-      if (isempty(df._ridx)),
-	dummy = (1:n)(:);
+      if (isempty (df._ridx))
+        dummy = (1:n)(:);
-	dummy = vertcat(df._ridx, repmat(size(df._ridx, 1)+(1:n)(:), ...
-					 1, size(df._ridx, 2))); 
+        dummy = vertcat (df._ridx, repmat (size (df._ridx, 1)+(1:n)(:), ...
+                                           1, size (df._ridx, 2))); 
       df._ridx = dummy; 
       %# pad every line
-      for indi = 1:min(size(df._data, 2), df._cnt(2)),
-	neff = n + df._cnt(1) - size(df._data{indi}, 1);
-	if (neff > 0),
-	  m = size(df._data{indi}, 2);
-	  switch df._type{indi}
-	    case {'char'}
-	      dummy = {}; dummy(1:neff, 1:m) = NA;
-	      dummy = vertcat(df._data{indi}, dummy);
-	    case { 'double' }
-	      dummy = vertcat(df._data{indi}, repmat(NA, neff, m));
-	    otherwise
-	      dummy = cast(vertcat(df._data{indi}, repmat(NA, neff, m)), ...
-			   df._type{indi});
-	  endswitch
-	  df._data{indi} = dummy;
-	endif
+      for indi = (1:min (size (df._data, 2), df._cnt(2)))
+        neff = n + df._cnt(1) - size (df._data{indi}, 1);
+        if (neff > 0)
+          m = size (df._data{indi}, 2);
+          switch df._type{indi}
+            case {'char'}
+              dummy = {}; dummy(1:neff, 1:m) = NA;
+              dummy = vertcat (df._data{indi}, dummy);
+            case { 'double' }
+              dummy = vertcat (df._data{indi}, repmat (NA, neff, m));
+            otherwise
+              dummy = cast (vertcat (df._data{indi}, repmat (NA, neff, m)), ...
+                            df._type{indi});
+          endswitch
+          df._data{indi} = dummy;
+        endif
       df._cnt(1) = df._cnt(1) + n;
     case 2
       %# create new columns
-      if (isempty(coltype))
-	error("df_pad: dim equals 2, and coltype undefined");
+      if (isempty (coltype))
+        error ("df_pad: dim equals 2, and coltype undefined");
-      if (length(n) > 1), %#second value is an offset
-	indc =  n(2); n = n(1);
-	if (indc < df._cnt(2)),
-	  %# shift to the right
-	  df._name{2}(n + (indc+1:end)) =  df._name{2}(indc+1:end);
-	  df._over{2}(n + (indc+1:end)) =  df._over{2}(indc+1:end);
-	  dummy = cstrcat(repmat('_', n, 1), ...
-			  strjust(num2str(indc + (1:n).'), 'left'));
-	  df._name{2}(indc + (1:n)) = cellstr(dummy);	 
-  	  df._over{2}(indc + (1:n)) = true;
-	  df._type(n+(indc+1:end)) = df._type(indc+1:end);
-	  df._type(indc + (1:n)) = NA;
-	  df._data(n + (indc+1:end)) = df._data(indc+1:end);
-	  df._rep(n + (indc+1:end)) = df._rep(indc+1:end);
-	  df._data(indc + (1:n)) = NA;
-	  df._rep(indc + (1:n)) = 1;
-	endif
+      if (length (n) > 1) %#second value is an offset
+        indc =  n(2); n = n(1);
+        if (indc < df._cnt(2)),
+          %# shift to the right
+          df._name{2}(n + (indc+1:end)) =  df._name{2}(indc+1:end);
+          df._over{2}(n + (indc+1:end)) =  df._over{2}(indc+1:end);
+          dummy = cstrcat (repmat ('_', n, 1), ...
+                           strjust (num2str(indc + (1:n).'), 'left'));
+          df._name{2}(indc + (1:n)) = cellstr (dummy);   
+          df._over{2}(indc + (1:n)) = true;
+          df._type(n+(indc+1:end)) = df._type(indc+1:end);
+          df._type(indc + (1:n)) = NA;
+          df._data(n + (indc+1:end)) = df._data(indc+1:end);
+          df._rep(n + (indc+1:end)) = df._rep(indc+1:end);
+          df._data(indc + (1:n)) = NA;
+          df._rep(indc + (1:n)) = 1;
+        endif
-	%# add new values after the last column
-	indc = min(size(df._data, 2), df._cnt(2)); 
+        %# add new values after the last column
+        indc = min (size (df._data, 2), df._cnt(2)); 
-      if (!isa(coltype, 'cell')), coltype = {coltype}; endif
-      if (isscalar(coltype) && n > 1),
-	coltype = repmat(coltype, 1, n);
+      if (~isa (coltype, 'cell')) coltype = {coltype}; endif
+      if (isscalar (coltype) && n > 1)
+        coltype = repmat (coltype, 1, n);
-      for indi = (1:n),
-	switch coltype{indi}
-	  case {'char'}
-	    dummy = {repmat(NA, df._cnt(1), 1) }; 
-	    dummy(:, 1) = '_';
-	  case { 'double'}
-	    dummy = repmat(NA, df._cnt(1), 1);
-	  case {'logical'} %# there is no NA in logical type
-	    dummy = repmat(false, df._cnt(1), 1);
-	  otherwise
-	    dummy = cast(repmat(NA, df._cnt(1), 1), coltype{indi});
-	endswitch
-	df._data{indc+indi} = dummy;
-	df._rep{indc+indi} = 1;
-	df._type{indc+indi} = coltype{indi};
+      for indi = (1:n)
+        switch coltype{indi}
+          case {'char'}
+            dummy = {repmat(NA, df._cnt(1), 1) }; 
+            dummy(:, 1) = '_';
+          case { 'double'}
+            dummy = repmat (NA, df._cnt(1), 1);
+          case {'logical'} %# there is no NA in logical type
+            dummy = repmat (false, df._cnt(1), 1);
+          otherwise
+            dummy = cast (repmat (NA, df._cnt(1), 1), coltype{indi});
+        endswitch
+        df._data{indc+indi} = dummy;
+        df._rep{indc+indi} = 1;
+        df._type{indc+indi} = coltype{indi};
-      if (size(df._data, 2) > df._cnt(2)),
-	df._cnt(2) =  size(df._data, 2);
+      if (size (df._data, 2) > df._cnt(2)),
+        df._cnt(2) =  size (df._data, 2);
-      if (length(df._name{2}) < df._cnt(2)),
-	%# generate a name for the new column(s)
-	dummy = cstrcat(repmat('_', n, 1), ...
-			strjust(num2str(indc + (1:n).'), 'left'));
-	df._name{2}(indc + (1:n)) = cellstr(dummy);
-	df._over{2}(1, indc + (1:n)) = true;
+      if (length (df._name{2}) < df._cnt(2)),
+        %# generate a name for the new column(s)
+        dummy = cstrcat (repmat ('_', n, 1), ...
+                         strjust (num2str (indc + (1:n).'), 'left'));
+        df._name{2}(indc + (1:n)) = cellstr (dummy);
+        df._over{2}(1, indc + (1:n)) = true;
     case 3
-      if (n <= 0), return; endif
-      if (isempty(coltype)),
-	coltype = 1:df._cnt(2);
+      if (n <= 0) return; endif
+      if (isempty (coltype)),
+        coltype = 1:df._cnt(2);
-      dummy = max(n+cellfun(@length, df._rep(coltype)));
-      if (size(df._ridx, 2) < dummy),
-	df._ridx(:, end+1:dummy) = NA;
+      dummy = max (n+cellfun (@length, df._rep(coltype)));
+      if (size (df._ridx, 2) < dummy),
+        df._ridx(:, end+1:dummy) = NA;
-      for indi = coltype,
-	switch df._type{indi}
-	  case {'char'}
-	    if (isa(df._data{indi}, 'char')),
-	      dummy = horzcat(df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi}), \
-			      {repmat(NA, df._cnt(1), 1)});
-	    else
-	      dummy = df._data{indi};
-	    endif
-	  case { 'double' }
-	    dummy = horzcat(df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi}), \
-			    repmat(NA, df._cnt(1), 1));
-	  case { 'logical' }
-	    %# there is no logical 'NA' -- fill empty elems with false
-	    dummy = horzcat(df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi}), \
-			    repmat(false, df._cnt(1), 1));
-	  otherwise
-	    dummy = cast(horzcat(df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi}), \
-				 repmat(NA, df._cnt(1), 1)), \
-			 df._type{indi});
-	endswitch
-	df._data{indi} = dummy;
-	df._rep{indi} = [df._rep{indi} length(df._rep{indi})+ones(1, n)];
+      for indi = (coltype)
+        switch df._type{indi}
+          case {'char'}
+            if (isa (df._data{indi}, 'char')),
+              dummy = horzcat (df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi}), \
+                               {repmat(NA, df._cnt(1), 1)});
+            else
+              dummy = df._data{indi};
+            endif
+          case {'double'}
+            dummy = horzcat (df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi}), \
+                             repmat (NA, df._cnt(1), 1));
+          case {'logical'}
+            %# there is no logical 'NA' -- fill empty elems with false
+            dummy = horzcat (df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi}), \
+                             repmat (false, df._cnt(1), 1));
+          otherwise
+            dummy = cast (horzcat (df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi}), \
+                                   repmat (NA, df._cnt(1), 1)), \
+                          df._type{indi});
+        endswitch
+        df._data{indi} = dummy;
+        df._rep{indi} = [df._rep{indi} length(df._rep{indi})+ones(1, n)];
-        df =  df_thirddim(df);
+      df =  df_thirddim (df);
-      error('Invalid dimension in df_pad');
+      error ('Invalid dimension in df_pad');
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_strjust.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_strjust.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
   %# $Id$
-  indi = size(a, 2) - size(b, 2);
-  if indi < 0
-    a = horzcat(repmat(' ', size(a, 1), -indi), a);
+  indi = size (a, 2) - size (b, 2);
+  if (indi < 0)
+    a = horzcat (repmat (' ', size (a, 1), -indi), a);
   elseif indi > 0,
-    b = horzcat(repmat(' ', size(b, 1), indi), b);
+    b = horzcat (repmat (' ', size (b, 1), indi), b);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_strset.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_strset.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -29,52 +29,52 @@
   %# adjust x size, if required
-  if isnull(RHS),
+  if (isnull (RHS))
     %# clearing
-    if isempty(S),
-      x = cell(0, 1); over = zeros(1, 0);
+    if (isempty (S))
+      x = cell (0, 1); over = zeros (1, 0);
     dummy = S; dummy(1).subs(2:end) = [];
-    over = builtin('subsasgn', over, dummy, true);
+    over = builtin ('subsasgn', over, dummy, true);
-    if isempty(S), %# complete overwrite
-      if ischar(RHS), RHS = cellstr(RHS); endif
-      nrow = length(RHS);
-      if any(~over(nrow)),
-	warning('going to overwrite names');
+    if (isempty (S)) %# complete overwrite
+      if (ischar (RHS)) RHS = cellstr (RHS); endif
+      nrow = length (RHS);
+      if (any(~over(nrow)))
+        warning ('going to overwrite names');
       x(1:nrow) = RHS;
       over(1:nrow) = false;
-      if nrow < length(x),
-	x(nrow+1:end) = {pad};
+      if (nrow < length (x))
+        x(nrow+1:end) = {pad};
       dummy = S(1); dummy.subs(2:end) = []; % keep first dim only
-      if any(~(builtin('subsref', over, dummy)));
-	warning('going to overwrite names');
+      if (any (~builtin ('subsref', over, dummy)))
+        warning ('going to overwrite names');
-      over = builtin('subsasgn', over, dummy, false);
+      over = builtin ('subsasgn', over, dummy, false);
   %# common part
-  if ischar(RHS) && length(S(1).subs) > 1, 
+  if (ischar (RHS) && length (S(1).subs) > 1) 
     %# partial accesses to a char array
-    dummy = char(x);
-    dummy = builtin('subsasgn', dummy, S, RHS);
-    if isempty(dummy),
-      x = cell(0, 1); over = zeros(1, 0);
+    dummy = char (x);
+    dummy = builtin ('subsasgn', dummy, S, RHS);
+    if (isempty(dummy))
+      x = cell (0, 1); over = zeros (1, 0);
-    if size(dummy, 1) == length(x),
-      x = cellstr(dummy);
+    if (size (dummy, 1) == length (x))
+      x = cellstr (dummy);
     %# partial clearing gone wrong ? retry
     RHS = { RHS }; 
-  x = builtin('subsasgn', x, S, RHS);
+  x = builtin ('subsasgn', x, S, RHS);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_thirddim.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_thirddim.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
   %# sanity check
-  dummy = max(cellfun(@length, df._rep));
-  if (dummy != 1),
+  dummy = max (cellfun (@length, df._rep));
+  if (dummy ~= 1),
     df._cnt(3) = dummy;
-  elseif (length(df._cnt) > 2), 
+  elseif (length (df._cnt) > 2), 
     df._cnt = df._cnt(1:2);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_whole.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/private/df_whole.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -27,25 +27,25 @@
   %# $Id$
-  inds = max(cellfun(@length, df._rep));
+  inds = max (cellfun (@length, df._rep));
   resu = df._data{1}(:, df._rep{1});
-  if (inds > 1),
-    resu = reshape(resu, df._cnt(1), 1, []);
-    if (1 == size(resu, 3)),
-      resu = repmat(resu, [1 1 inds]);
+  if (inds > 1)
+    resu = reshape (resu, df._cnt(1), 1, []);
+    if (1 == size (resu, 3))
+      resu = repmat (resu, [1 1 inds]);
-  if df._cnt(2) > 1,
-    resu = repmat(resu, [1 df._cnt(2)]);
-    for indi = 2:df._cnt(2),
+  if (df._cnt(2) > 1)
+    resu = repmat (resu, [1 df._cnt(2)]);
+    for indi = (2:df._cnt(2))
       dummy = df._data{indi}(:, df._rep{indi});
-      if (inds > 1),
-	dummy = reshape(dummy, df._cnt(1), 1, []);
-	if (1 == size(dummy, 3)),
-	  dummy = repmat(dummy, [1 1 inds]);
-	endif
+      if (inds > 1)
+        dummy = reshape (dummy, df._cnt(1), 1, []);
+        if (1 == size (dummy, 3)),
+          dummy = repmat (dummy, [1 1 inds]);
+        endif
       resu(:, indi, :) = dummy;
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/prod.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/prod.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
   %# $Id$
-  if !isa(df, 'dataframe'),
+  if (~isa (df, 'dataframe'))
     resu = []; return;
-  resu = df_mapper2(@prod, df, varargin{:});
+  resu = df_mapper2 (@prod, df, varargin{:});
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/repmat.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/repmat.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -24,42 +24,42 @@
   %# $Id$
-  resu = df; idx = horzcat(varargin{:});
+  resu = df; idx = horzcat (varargin{:});
   %# for the second dim, use either 1 either the 3rd one
   dummy = idx;
-  if (length(dummy) > 2), 
+  if (length (dummy) > 2) 
     dummy(2) = []; 
     dummy(2) = 1;
   %# operate on first  dim 
-  if (idx(1) > 1),
-    resu = df_mapper(@repmat, df, [idx(1) 1]);
-    if (!isempty(df._name{1})),
-      resu._name{1} = feval(@repmat, df._name{1}, [idx(1) 1]);
-      resu._over{1} = feval(@repmat, df._over{1}, [idx(1) 1]);
+  if (idx(1) > 1)
+    resu = df_mapper (@repmat, df, [idx(1) 1]);
+    if (~isempty (df._name{1})),
+      resu._name{1} = feval (@repmat, df._name{1}, [idx(1) 1]);
+      resu._over{1} = feval (@repmat, df._over{1}, [idx(1) 1]);
     resu._cnt(1) = resu._cnt(1) * idx(1);
-  if (dummy(2) > 1),
-    for indi = 1:resu._cnt(2),
-      resu._rep{indi} = feval(@repmat, resu._rep{indi}, [1 dummy(2)]);
+  if (dummy(2) > 1)
+    for indi = (1:resu._cnt(2))
+      resu._rep{indi} = feval (@repmat, resu._rep{indi}, [1 dummy(2)]);
   %# operate on ridx 
-  resu._ridx = feval(@repmat, resu._ridx, idx);
+  resu._ridx = feval (@repmat, resu._ridx, idx);
   %# operate on second dim
-  if (length(idx) > 1 && idx(2) > 1),
-    resu._data    = feval(@repmat, resu._data, [1 idx(2)]); 
-    resu._name{2} = feval(@repmat, df._name{2}, [idx(2) 1]);
-    resu._over{2} = feval(@repmat, df._over{2}, [1 idx(2)]);
-    resu._type    = feval(@repmat, df._type, [1 idx(2)]);
+  if (length (idx) > 1 && idx(2) > 1)
+    resu._data    = feval (@repmat, resu._data, [1 idx(2)]); 
+    resu._name{2} = feval (@repmat, df._name{2}, [idx(2) 1]);
+    resu._over{2} = feval (@repmat, df._over{2}, [1 idx(2)]);
+    resu._type    = feval (@repmat, df._type, [1 idx(2)]);
     resu._cnt(2)  = resu._cnt(2) * idx(2);
-  resu = df_thirddim(resu);
+  resu = df_thirddim (resu);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/reshape.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/reshape.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
   %# $Id$
-  dummy = horzcat(varargin{:});
-  if (any(dummy != df._cnt)),
-    error('Function not yet implemented on dataframe');
+  dummy = horzcat (varargin{:});
+  if (any (dummy ~= df._cnt)),
+    error ('Function not yet implemented on dataframe');
     resu = df; %# blank operation
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/size.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/size.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -29,60 +29,60 @@
   switch nargin
     case 1
       switch nargout
-	case {0, 1}
-	  varargout{1} = df._cnt;
-	case {2}
-	  varargout{1} = df._cnt(1);
-	  if (1 == df._cnt(2) && length(df._cnt) > 2),
-	    varargout{2} = df._cnt(3);
-	  else
-	    varargout{2} = df._cnt(2);
-	  endif
-	case {3}
-	  varargout{1:2} = df._cnt(1:2);
-	  if 2==length(df._cnt),
-	    varargout{3} = 1;
-	  else
-	    varargout{3} = df._cnt(3);
-	  endif
-	otherwise
-	  error(print_usage());
+        case {0, 1}
+          varargout{1} = df._cnt;
+        case {2}
+          varargout{1} = df._cnt(1);
+          if (1 == df._cnt(2) && length (df._cnt) > 2)
+            varargout{2} = df._cnt(3);
+          else
+            varargout{2} = df._cnt(2);
+          endif
+        case {3}
+          varargout{1:2} = df._cnt(1:2);
+          if (2 == length (df._cnt))
+            varargout{3} = 1;
+          else
+            varargout{3} = df._cnt(3);
+          endif
+        otherwise
+          error (print_usage ());
     case 2
       switch nargout
-	case {0 1}
-	  varargout{1} = df._cnt;
-	  try
-	    varargout{1} = varargout{1}(varargin{1});
-	  catch
-	    error(print_usage());
-	  end_try_catch
-	otherwise
-	  error(print_usage());
+        case {0 1}
+          varargout{1} = df._cnt;
+          try
+            varargout{1} = varargout{1}(varargin{1});
+          catch
+            error (print_usage ());
+          end_try_catch
+        otherwise
+          error (print_usage ());
     case 3
       switch nargout
-	case {0 1}
-	  if (length(df._cnt) < 3),
-	    varargout{1} = 1;
-	  else
-	    varargout{1} = df._cnt;
-	  endif
-	  try
-	    varargout{1} = varargout{1}(varargin{1});
-	  catch
-	    error(print_usage());
-	  end_try_catch
-	otherwise
-	  error(print_usage());
+        case {0 1}
+          if (length (df._cnt) < 3),
+            varargout{1} = 1;
+          else
+            varargout{1} = df._cnt;
+          endif
+          try
+            varargout{1} = varargout{1}(varargin{1});
+          catch
+            error (print_usage ());
+          end_try_catch
+        otherwise
+          error (print_usage ());
-      error(print_usage());
+      error (print_usage ());
 function usage = print_usage()
-  usage = strcat('Invalid call to size.  Correct usage is: ', ' ', ...
-		  '-- Overloaded Function:  size (A, N)');
+  usage = strcat ('Invalid call to size.  Correct usage is: ', ' ', ...
+                  '-- Overloaded Function:  size (A, N)');
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/sort.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/sort.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -75,77 +75,77 @@
   %# $Id$
-  if !isa(df, 'dataframe'),
+  if (~isa (df, 'dataframe'))
     resu = []; return;
   dim = []; mode = [];
   vout= varargin;
-  indi = 1; while indi <= length(varargin)
-    if isnumeric(varargin{indi}),
-      if !isempty(dim),
-	print_usage('@dataframe/sort');
-	resu = [];
-	return
+  indi = 1; while (indi <= length (varargin))
+    if (isnumeric (varargin{indi}))
+      if (~isempty (dim))
+        print_usage ('@dataframe/sort');
+        resu = [];
+        return
-	dim = varargin{indi};
-	if 3 == dim, vout(indi) = 2; endif
+        dim = varargin{indi};
+        if (3 == dim) vout(indi) = 2; endif
-      if !isempty(mode),
-	print_usage('@dataframe/sort');
-	resu = [];
-	return
+      if (~isempty (mode))
+        print_usage ('@dataframe/sort');
+        resu = [];
+        return
-	sort = varargin{indi};
+        sort = varargin{indi};
     indi = indi + 1;
-  if isempty(dim), dim = 1; endif;
+  if (isempty (dim)) dim = 1; endif;
   %# pre-assignation
-  resu = struct(df); 
+  resu = struct (df); 
-    case {1},
-      for indi = 1:resu._cnt(2),
-	[resu._data{indi}, idx(:, indi, :)] = sort\
-	    (resu._data{indi}(:, resu._rep{indi}), varargin{:});
-	resu._data{indi} = squeeze(resu._data{indi});
-	resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
+    case {1}
+      for indi = (1:resu._cnt(2))
+        [resu._data{indi}, idx(:, indi, :)] = sort \
+            (resu._data{indi}(:, resu._rep{indi}), varargin{:});
+        resu._data{indi} = squeeze (resu._data{indi});
+        resu._rep{indi} = 1:size(resu._data{indi}, 2);
-      if (all([1 == size(idx, 2) 1 == size(idx, 3)])),
-	if (size(resu._ridx, 1) == resu._cnt(1)),
-	  resu._ridx = resu._ridx(idx, :);
-	endif
-	if (!isempty(resu._name{1, 1})),
-	  resu._name{1, 1} = resu._name{1, 1}(idx);
-	  resu._over{1, 1} = resu._over{1, 1}(idx);
-	endif
+      if (all ([1 == size(idx, 2) 1 == size(idx, 3)]))
+        if (size (resu._ridx, 1) == resu._cnt(1))
+          resu._ridx = resu._ridx(idx, :);
+        endif
+        if (~isempty (resu._name{1, 1}))
+          resu._name{1, 1} = resu._name{1, 1}(idx);
+          resu._over{1, 1} = resu._over{1, 1}(idx);
+        endif
-	%# data where mixed
-	resu._ridx = idx;
-	resu._name{1, 1} = []; resu._over{1, 1} = [];
+        %# data where mixed
+        resu._ridx = idx;
+        resu._name{1, 1} = []; resu._over{1, 1} = [];
-    case {2},
-      error('Operation not implemented');
-    case {3},
-      for indi = 1:resu._cnt(2),
-	[resu._data{1, indi}, idx(:, indi)] = sort(resu._data{1, indi}, vout(:));
+    case {2}
+      error ('Operation not implemented');
+    case {3}
+      for indi = (1:resu._cnt(2))
+        [resu._data{1, indi}, idx(:, indi)] = sort (resu._data{1, indi}, vout(:));
-      error("Invalid dimension %d", dim); 
+      error ("Invalid dimension %d", dim); 
-  dummy = dbstack();
-  if (any(strmatch('quantile', {}))),
-    resu = df_whole(resu);
+  dummy = dbstack ();
+  if (any (strmatch ('quantile', {})))
+    resu = df_whole (resu);
-    resu = dataframe(resu);
+    resu = dataframe (resu);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/subsasgn.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/subsasgn.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
         case "rowidx"
-          if (1 == length(S))
+          if (1 == length (S))
             df._ridx = RHS;
             df._ridx = feval (@subsasgn, df._ridx, S(2:end), RHS);
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
         case "source"
-          if (length(S) > 1)
+          if (length (S) > 1)
             df._src = feval (@subsasgn, df._src, S(2:end), RHS);
             df._src = RHS;
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
         case "comment"
-          if (length(S) > 1)
+          if (length (S) > 1)
             df._cmt = feval (@subsasgn, df._cmt, S(2:end), RHS);
             df._cmt = RHS;
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
           %# translate the name to column
           [indc, ncol] = df_name2idx (df._name{2}, S(1).subs, \
                                       df._cnt(2), 'column', true);
-          if (isempty(indc))
+          if (isempty (indc))
             %# dynamic allocation
             df = df_pad (df, 2, 1, class (RHS));
             indc = df._cnt(2); ncol = 1;
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
             df._over{2}(end) = false;
-          if (length(S) > 1)
+          if (length (S) > 1)
             if (1 == length (S(2).subs)), %# add column reference
               S(2).subs{2} = indc;
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/subsref.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/subsref.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
       asked_output_type = "array";
       asked_output_format = S(2).subs; S = S(3:end);
-      indi = strmatch(S(1).subs, 'array');
+      indi = strmatch (S(1).subs, 'array');
       if (~isempty (indi)) 
         asked_output_type = "array";    
         S = S(2:end);
@@ -65,20 +65,20 @@
             resu = df; return; 
-          indi = strmatch(S(1).subs, 'cell');
+          indi = strmatch (S(1).subs, 'cell');
           if (~isempty (indi))
             asked_output_type =  S(1).subs;
             S = S(2:end);
             %# access as a pseudo-struct
-            resu = struct(df); %# avoid recursive calls  
-            if (1 == strfind(S(1).subs, '_')) %# its an internal field name
+            resu = struct (df); %# avoid recursive calls  
+            if (1 == strfind (S(1).subs, '_')) %# its an internal field name
               %# FIXME: this should only be called from class members and friends
               %# FIXME -- in case many columns are asked, horzcat them
               resu = horzcat (feval (@subsref, resu, S));
               %# direct access through the exact column name
-              indi = strmatch(S(1).subs, resu._name{2}, "exact");
+              indi = strmatch (S(1).subs, resu._name{2}, "exact");
               if (~isempty (indi))
                 resu = df._data{indi}; %# extract colum;
                 if (strcmp (df._type{indi}, 'char') \
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
                   dummy = S(2:end); S = S(1);
                   switch dummy(1).type
                     case '()'
-                      if (isa(dummy(1).subs{1}, "char"))
+                      if (isa (dummy(1).subs{1}, "char"))
                         [indr, nrow, dummy(1).subs{1}] = \
                             df_name2idx(df._name{1}, dummy(1).subs{1}, df._cnt(1), 'row');
@@ -131,32 +131,32 @@
                     if (isempty (dummy))
                       resu = dataframe([]);
-                      if (!strcmp (dummy(1).type, "()"))
+                      if (~strcmp (dummy(1).type, "()"))
                         error ("Bogus constructor call");
-                      resu = dataframe(dummy(1).subs{:});
+                      resu = dataframe (dummy(1).subs{:});
                     if (length (dummy) > 1)
-                      resu = subsref(resu, dummy(2:end));
+                      resu = subsref (resu, dummy(2:end));
                     error ("Unknown column name: %s", S(1).subs);
-                if (!isempty (dummy))
-                  if ~further_deref,
+                if (~isempty (dummy))
+                  if (~further_deref)
                     error ("Invalid sub-dereferencing");
-                  if (isa(dummy(1).subs{1}, "char"))
+                  if (isa (dummy(1).subs{1}, "char"))
                     [indc, ncol, dummy(1).subs{1}] = \
-                        df_name2idx(df._name{2}, dummy(1).subs{1}, \
-                                    df._cnt(2), 'column');
+                        df_name2idx (df._name{2}, dummy(1).subs{1}, \
+                                     df._cnt(2), 'column');
                     if (isempty (indc)) 
                       %# should be already catched  inside df_name2idx
                       error ("Unknown column name: %s",  dummy(1).subs{1});
-                  if (!strcmp (dummy(1).type, '()'))
+                  if (~strcmp (dummy(1).type, '()'))
                     error ("Invalid internal field name sub-access, use () instead");
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
                 S = [S dummy];
                 %# endif
                 resu = feval(@subsref, resu, S);
-                if (!isempty (postop))
+                if (~isempty (postop))
                   resu = postop(resu);
@@ -180,22 +180,22 @@
   %# disp('line 103 '); keyboard
   IsFirst = true;
-  while 1, %# avoid recursive calls on dataframe sub-accesses
+  while (1) %# avoid recursive calls on dataframe sub-accesses
     %# a priori, performs whole accesses
     nrow = df._cnt(1); indr = 1:nrow; 
     ncol = df._cnt(2); indc = 1:ncol; 
     %# linear indexes
-    [fullindr, fullindc, fullinds, onedimidx] = deal([]);
+    [fullindr, fullindc, fullinds, onedimidx] = deal ([]);
     %# iterate over S, sort out strange constructs as x()()(1:10, 1:4)
-    while length (S) > 0,
+    while (length (S) > 0)
       if (strcmp (S(1).type, '{}'))
-        if (!IsFirst || !isempty (asked_output_format))
+        if (~IsFirst || ~isempty (asked_output_format))
           error ("Illegal dataframe dereferencing");
-        [asked_output_type, asked_output_format] = deal('cell');
-      elseif (!strcmp (S(1).type, '()'))
+        [asked_output_type, asked_output_format] = deal ('cell');
+      elseif (~strcmp (S(1).type, '()'))
         %# disp(S); keyboard
         error ("Illegal dataframe dereferencing");
@@ -225,12 +225,12 @@
           error ('subsref: second dimension empty ???');
         [indr, nrow, S(1).subs{1}] = \
-            df_name2idx(df._name{1}, S(1).subs{1}, df._cnt(1), 'row');      
-        if (!isa(indr, 'char') && max (indr) > df._cnt(1))
+            df_name2idx (df._name{1}, S(1).subs{1}, df._cnt(1), 'row');      
+        if (~isa(indr, 'char') && max (indr) > df._cnt(1))
           error ("Accessing dataframe past end of lines");
         [indc, ncol, S(1).subs{2}] = \
-            df_name2idx(df._name{2}, S(1).subs{2}, df._cnt(2), 'column');
+            df_name2idx (df._name{2}, S(1).subs{2}, df._cnt(2), 'column');
         if (max (indc) > df._cnt(2))
           %# is it a two index access of a 3D structure ?
           if (length (df._cnt) > 2)
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
-        if (!isempty (fullindr))
+        if (~isempty (fullindr))
           %# convert linear index to subscripts
           if (length (df._cnt) <= 2)
             [fullindr, fullindc] = ind2sub (df._cnt, S(1).subs{1});
@@ -280,15 +280,15 @@
           indr = unique (fullindr); nrow = length (indr);
           %# determine on which columns we'll iterate
           indc = unique (fullindc)(:).'; ncol = length (indc);
-          if (!isempty (asked_output_type) && ncol > 1)
+          if (~isempty (asked_output_type) && ncol > 1)
             %# verify that the extracted values form a square matrix
-            dummy = zeros(indr(end), indc(end));
+            dummy = zeros (indr(end), indc(end));
             for indi = (1:ncol)
               indj = find (fullindc == indc(indi));
               dummy(fullindr(indj), indc(indi)) = 1;
             dummy = dummy(indr(1):indr(end), indc(1):indc(end));
-            if (any (any (dummy!= 1)))
+            if (any (any (dummy~= 1)))
               error ("Vector-like selection is not rectangular for the asked output type");
               fullindr = []; fullindc = [];
@@ -306,14 +306,14 @@
     if (isempty (asked_output_type))
       output_type = class (df); %# force df output
-      if (!strcmp (asked_output_type, "array") \
-          || !isempty (asked_output_format))
+      if (~strcmp (asked_output_type, "array") \
+          || ~isempty (asked_output_format))
         %# override the class of the return value
         output_type = asked_output_type;
         %# can the data be merged ?
         output_type = df._data{indc(1)}(1);
-        dummy = isnumeric(df._data{indc(1)}); 
+        dummy = isnumeric (df._data{indc(1)}); 
         for indi = (2:ncol)
           dummy = dummy & isnumeric (df._data{indc(indi)});
           if (~strcmp (class (output_type), df._type{indc(indi)}))
@@ -334,37 +334,37 @@
-    if (any(strcmp ({output_type, asked_output_type}, class (df))))
-      if (!isempty (S) && (1 == length (S(1).subs)))
+    if (any (strcmp ({output_type, asked_output_type}, class (df))))
+      if (~isempty (S) && (1 == length (S(1).subs)))
         %# is the selection index vector-like ?
-        if ((isnumeric(S(1).subs{1}) && isvector(S(1).subs{1}) &&
+        if ((isnumeric(S(1).subs{1}) && isvector (S(1).subs{1}) &&
              df._cnt(1) > 1) && isempty (asked_output_type))
           %# in the case of vector input, favor array output
-          [asked_output_type, output_type] = deal("array");
+          [asked_output_type, output_type] = deal ("array");
     indt = {}; %# in case we have to mix matrix of different width
-    if (!isempty (fullinds))
+    if (~isempty (fullinds))
       inds = unique (fullinds); nseq = length (inds);
       indt(1, 1:df._cnt(2)) = inds;
       inds = 1; indt(1, 1:df._cnt(2)) = inds; nseq = 1;
-      if (isempty (S) || all(cellfun('isclass', S(1).subs, 'char')))
+      if (isempty (S) || all (cellfun ('isclass', S(1).subs, 'char')))
         inds = ':'; indt(1, 1:df._cnt(2)) = inds;
-        nseq = max (cellfun(@length, df._rep(indc)));
+        nseq = max (cellfun (@length, df._rep(indc)));
         if (length (S(1).subs) > 1) %# access-as-matrix
           if (length (S(1).subs) > 2)
             inds = S(1).subs{3};
             if (isa(inds, 'char'))
-              nseq = max (cellfun(@length, df._rep(indc)));
+              nseq = max (cellfun (@length, df._rep(indc)));
               indt(1, 1:df._cnt(2)) = inds;
               %# generate a specific index for each column
               nseq = length (inds);
-              dummy = cellfun(@length, df._rep(indc));
+              dummy = cellfun (@length, df._rep(indc));
               indt(1, 1:df._cnt(2)) = inds;
               indt(1==dummy) = 1; 
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
           resu._over{2}(1, indi) = df._over{2}(indc(indi));
           resu._type{indi} = df._type{indc(indi)};
-        if (!isempty (df._ridx) && size (df._ridx, 2) >= inds)
+        if (~isempty (df._ridx) && size (df._ridx, 2) >= inds)
           resu._ridx = df._ridx(indr, inds);
         if (length (df._name{1}) >= max (indr))
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
             resu._name{2}(indi)= ["X" num2str(indi)];
             resu._over{2}(indi)= true;
-            resu._data{indi} = squeeze(dummy(:, indi, :));
+            resu._data{indi} = squeeze (dummy(:, indi, :));
             resu._type{indi} = class (dummy(1, indi, 1));
             resu._rep{indi} = 1:size (resu._data{indi}, 2);  
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
           resu._ridx = df._ridx;
-        if (!isempty (resu._ridx))
+        if (~isempty (resu._ridx))
           if (size (resu._ridx, 2) > 1)
             resu._ridx = resu._ridx(indr, indc);
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
       %# to be verified :       keyboard
       resu._src = df._src;
       resu._cmt = df._cmt;
-      resu = df_thirddim(resu);
+      resu = df_thirddim (resu);
       if (length (S) > 1) %# perform further access, if required
         df = resu;
         S = S(2:end);   %# avoid recursive calls
@@ -478,14 +478,14 @@
         if (~strcmp (S(2).type, '()'))
           error ("Illegal dataframe-as-cell sub-dereferencing");
-        if (!isempty (asked_output_format))
-          resu = feval(@subsref, resu, S(2:end));
+        if (~isempty (asked_output_format))
+          resu = feval (@subsref, resu, S(2:end));
-          if (length (S(2).subs) != 1)
+          if (length (S(2).subs) ~= 1)
             %# normal, two-dimensionnal access apply the selection on the
             %# zone containing the data
             dummy = S;
-            if (!isempty (dummy(2).subs))
+            if (~isempty (dummy(2).subs))
               dummy(2).subs{2} = ':';
             resuf = cat (2, \
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
             dummy = S;
-            if (!isempty (dummy(2).subs))
+            if (~isempty (dummy(2).subs))
               dummy(2).subs{1} =  [1 2];
             resuf =  cat(1, \
@@ -514,8 +514,8 @@
             %# one dimensionnal access of the whole 2D cell array -- you
             %# asked it, you got it
-            resu = feval(@subsref, resu(:), S(2:end));
-            if (!isa(S(2).subs{1}, 'char') \
+            resu = feval (@subsref, resu(:), S(2:end));
+            if (~isa (S(2).subs{1}, 'char') \
                   && size (S(2).subs{1}, 2) > 1)
               resu = resu.';
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@
       elseif (1 == length (S(1).subs))
         resu = resu(:);
-        if (!isa(S(1).subs{1}, 'char') \
+        if (~isa(S(1).subs{1}, 'char') \
               && size (S(1).subs{1}, 2) > 1)
           resu = resu.';
@@ -540,12 +540,12 @@
       %# disp('line 403 '); keyboard
       if (isempty (S) || isempty (S(1).subs) || \
           length (S(1).subs) > 1 || \
-          (isnumeric(S(1).subs{1}) && !isvector(S(1).subs{1}))) 
+          (isnumeric (S(1).subs{1}) && ~isvector(S(1).subs{1}))) 
         %# access-as-matrix
-        df = struct(df);        %# remove the magic, avoid recursive calls 
+        df = struct (df);        %# remove the magic, avoid recursive calls 
         if (isempty (fullindr)) %# two index access
           if (~isempty (asked_output_format)) %# force a conversion
-            if (strmatch(asked_output_format, 'cell'))
+            if (strmatch (asked_output_format, 'cell'))
               extractfunc = @(x) mat2cell\
                   (df._data{indc(x)}(indr, df._rep{indc(x)}(inds)), \
                    ones (nrow, 1));
@@ -596,8 +596,8 @@
               resu = dummy;
-          if (!isempty (S) && 2 == length (S(1).subs) \
-              && all(cellfun('isclass', S(1).subs, 'char')))
+          if (~isempty (S) && 2 == length (S(1).subs) \
+              && all (cellfun ('isclass', S(1).subs, 'char')))
             resu = reshape (resu, nrow, ncol*nseq);
         else %# one index access
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
       else %# access-as-vector
         %# disp('line 548 '); keyboard
-        if (!isempty (fullindr))
+        if (~isempty (fullindr))
           switch df._type{indc(1)}
             case {'char'}
               resu = df._data{indc(1)}(fullindr(1), \
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
         else %# using the (:) operator
           resu = df_whole(df)(:);
-        if (!isa(S(1).subs{1}, 'char') \
+        if (~isa (S(1).subs{1}, 'char') \
               && size (S(1).subs{1}, 2) > 1)
           resu = resu.';
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/sum.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/sum.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
   %# $Id$
-  if !isa(df, 'dataframe'),
+  if (~isa (df, 'dataframe'))
     resu = []; return;
-  resu = df_mapper2(@sum, df, varargin{:});
+  resu = df_mapper2 (@sum, df, varargin{:});
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/summary.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/summary.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -31,38 +31,38 @@
   dummy = df._type; resu = [];
-  for indi = 1:length(dummy),
+  for indi = (1:length (dummy))
     switch dummy{indi}
       case {'char' 'factor'}
-	[sval, sidxi, sidxj] = unique(df._data{:, indi});
-	%# compute their occurences
-	sidxj = hist(sidxj, min(sidxj):max(sidxj));
-	%# generate a column with unique values
-	resuR = strjust(char(regexp(disp(sval), '\S.*', 'match', ...
-	 			    'dotexceptnewline')), 'right');
-	resuR = horzcat(resuR, repmat(':', size(resuR, 1), 1),
-			strjust(char(regexp(disp(sidxj.'), '\b.*', 'match', ...
-					    'dotexceptnewline')), ...
-				'right'));
-	%# now put the name above all
-	resuR = strjust([deblank(df._name{1, 2}(indi, :)); resuR], 'right');
-	resuR = horzcat(resuR, repmat(' ', size(resuR, 1), 1));
-	resu = horzcat_pad(resu, resuR);
+        [sval, sidxi, sidxj] = unique (df._data{:, indi});
+        %# compute their occurences
+        sidxj = hist (sidxj, min(sidxj):max(sidxj));
+        %# generate a column with unique values
+        resuR = strjust (char (regexp (disp (sval), '\S.*', 'match', ...
+                                       'dotexceptnewline')), 'right');
+        resuR = horzcat (resuR, repmat (':', size(resuR, 1), 1),
+                         strjust (char (regexp (disp (sidxj.'), '\b.*', 'match', ...
+                                                'dotexceptnewline')), ...
+                                  'right'));
+        %# now put the name above all
+        resuR = strjust ([deblank(df._name{1, 2}(indi, :)); resuR], 'right');
+        resuR = horzcat (resuR, repmat (' ', size (resuR, 1), 1));
+        resu = horzcat_pad (resu, resuR);
-	s = statistics(df._data{:, indi});
-	s = s([1:3 6 4:5]);
-	%# generate a column with name and fields name
-	resuR = strjust([deblank(df._name{1, 2}{indi, :}); 
-			 "Min.   :"; "1st Qu.:";
-			 "Median :"; "Mean   :";
-			 "3rd Qu.:"; "Max.   :"], 'right');
-	%# generate a column with a blank line and the values
-	resuR = horzcat(resuR, repmat(' ', size(resuR, 1), 1),
-			strjust(char(' ', regexp(disp(s), '\S.*', 'match', ...
-						 'dotexceptnewline')), 'right'),...
-			repmat(' ', size(resuR, 1), 1));
-	resu = horzcat_pad(resu, resuR);
+        s = statistics (df._data{:, indi});
+        s = s([1:3 6 4:5]);
+        %# generate a column with name and fields name
+        resuR = strjust ([deblank(df._name{1, 2}{indi, :}); 
+                          "Min.   :"; "1st Qu.:";
+                          "Median :"; "Mean   :";
+                          "3rd Qu.:"; "Max.   :"], 'right');
+        %# generate a column with a blank line and the values
+        resuR = horzcat (resuR, repmat (' ', size(resuR, 1), 1),
+                        strjust (char (' ', regexp (disp(s), '\S.*', 'match', ...
+                                                    'dotexceptnewline')), 'right'),...
+                        repmat (' ', size(resuR, 1), 1));
+        resu = horzcat_pad (resu, resuR);
@@ -72,15 +72,15 @@
 function resu = horzcat_pad(A, B)
   %# small auxiliary function to cat horizontally tables of different height
-  dx = size(A, 1) - size(B, 1);
+  dx = size (A, 1) - size (B, 1);
-  if dx < 0,
+  if (dx < 0)
     %# pad A
-    A = strvcat(A, repmat(' ', -dx, size(A, 2)));
-  elseif dx > 0
-    B = strvcat(B, repmat(' ', dx, size(B, 2)));
+    A = strvcat (A, repmat (' ', -dx, size(A, 2)));
+  elseif (dx > 0)
+    B = strvcat (B, repmat (' ', dx, size(B, 2)));
-  resu =  horzcat(A, B);
+  resu =  horzcat (A, B);
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/sumsq.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/sumsq.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
   %# $Id$
-  if !isa(df, 'dataframe'),
+  if (~isa (df, 'dataframe'))
     resu = []; return;
--- a/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/vertcat.m	Sun Mar 11 20:34:47 2012 +0000
+++ b/extra/dataframe/inst/@dataframe/vertcat.m	Sun Mar 11 20:53:31 2012 +0000
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
   %# do the conversion now, in order not to loose inputnames
-  for indi = 1:length(varargin),
-    varargin{indi} = dataframe(varargin{indi}, 'colnames', inputname(1+indi));,
+  for indi = (1:length (varargin))
+    varargin{indi} = dataframe (varargin{indi}, 'colnames', inputname(1+indi));,
-  resu = cat(1, df, varargin{:});
+  resu = cat (1, df, varargin{:});