view examples/mysparse.c @ 19010:3fb030666878 draft default tip dspies

Added special-case logical-indexing function * logical-index.h (New file) : Logical-indexing function. May be called on octave_value types via call_bool_index * nz-iterators.h : Add base-class nz_iterator for iterator types. Array has template bool for whether to internally store row-col or compute on the fly Add skip_ahead method which skips forward to the next nonzero after its argument Add flat_index for computing octave_idx_type index of current position (with assertion failure in the case of overflow) Move is_zero to separate file *,,, (do_index_op): Add call to call_bool_index in logical-index.h * Array.h : Move forward-declaration for array_iterator to separate header file * (dim_max): Refers to idx-bounds.h (max_idx) * array-iter-decl.h (New file): Header file for forward declaration of array-iterator * direction.h : Add constants fdirc and bdirc to avoid having to reconstruct them * dv-utils.h, (New files) : Utility functions for querying and constructing dim-vectors * idx-bounds.h (New file) : Utility constants and functions for determining whether things will overflow the maximum allowed bounds * interp-idx.h (New function : to_flat_idx) : Converts row-col pair to linear index of octave_idx_type * is-zero.h (New file) : Function for determining whether an element is zero * logical-index.tst : Add tests for correct return-value dimensions and large sparse matrix behavior
author David Spies <>
date Fri, 25 Jul 2014 13:39:31 -0600
parents 9ac2357f19bc
line wrap: on
line source

#include "mex.h"

mexFunction (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
             int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  mwSize m, n, nz;
  mxArray *v;
  mwIndex i;
  double *pr, *pi;
  double *pr2, *pi2;
  mwIndex *ir, *jc;
  mwIndex *ir2, *jc2;

  if (nrhs != 1 || ! mxIsSparse (prhs[0]))
    mexErrMsgTxt ("ARG1 must be a sparse matrix");

  m = mxGetM (prhs[0]);
  n = mxGetN (prhs[0]);
  nz = mxGetNzmax (prhs[0]);

  if (mxIsComplex (prhs[0]))
      mexPrintf ("Matrix is %d-by-%d complex sparse matrix", m, n);
      mexPrintf (" with %d elements\n", nz);

      pr = mxGetPr (prhs[0]);
      pi = mxGetPi (prhs[0]);
      ir = mxGetIr (prhs[0]);
      jc = mxGetJc (prhs[0]);

      i = n;
      while (jc[i] == jc[i-1] && i != 0) i--;

      mexPrintf ("last nonzero element (%d, %d) = (%g, %g)\n",
                 ir[nz-1]+ 1, i, pr[nz-1], pi[nz-1]);

      v = mxCreateSparse (m, n, nz, mxCOMPLEX);
      pr2 = mxGetPr (v);
      pi2 = mxGetPi (v);
      ir2 = mxGetIr (v);
      jc2 = mxGetJc (v);

      for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
          pr2[i] = 2 * pr[i];
          pi2[i] = 2 * pi[i];
          ir2[i] = ir[i];
      for (i = 0; i < n + 1; i++)
        jc2[i] = jc[i];

      if (nlhs > 0)
        plhs[0] = v;
  else if (mxIsLogical (prhs[0]))
      mxLogical *pbr, *pbr2;
      mexPrintf ("Matrix is %d-by-%d logical sparse matrix", m, n);
      mexPrintf (" with %d elements\n", nz);

      pbr = mxGetLogicals (prhs[0]);
      ir = mxGetIr (prhs[0]);
      jc = mxGetJc (prhs[0]);

      i = n;
      while (jc[i] == jc[i-1] && i != 0) i--;
      mexPrintf ("last nonzero element (%d, %d) = %d\n",
                 ir[nz-1]+ 1, i, pbr[nz-1]);

      v = mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix (m, n, nz);
      pbr2 = mxGetLogicals (v);
      ir2 = mxGetIr (v);
      jc2 = mxGetJc (v);

      for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
          pbr2[i] = pbr[i];
          ir2[i] = ir[i];
      for (i = 0; i < n + 1; i++)
        jc2[i] = jc[i];

      if (nlhs > 0)
        plhs[0] = v;
      mexPrintf ("Matrix is %d-by-%d real sparse matrix", m, n);
      mexPrintf (" with %d elements\n", nz);

      pr = mxGetPr (prhs[0]);
      ir = mxGetIr (prhs[0]);
      jc = mxGetJc (prhs[0]);

      i = n;
      while (jc[i] == jc[i-1] && i != 0) i--;
      mexPrintf ("last nonzero element (%d, %d) = %g\n",
                 ir[nz-1]+ 1, i, pr[nz-1]);

      v = mxCreateSparse (m, n, nz, mxREAL);
      pr2 = mxGetPr (v);
      ir2 = mxGetIr (v);
      jc2 = mxGetJc (v);

      for (i = 0; i < nz; i++)
          pr2[i] = 2 * pr[i];
          ir2[i] = ir[i];
      for (i = 0; i < n + 1; i++)
        jc2[i] = jc[i];

      if (nlhs > 0)
        plhs[0] = v;