diff scripts/io/Tiff.m @ 31159:e960e3a3b3f6

Tiff.m: added structs for tag value enums to the Tiff class.
author magedrifaat <magedrifaat@gmail.com>
date Mon, 08 Aug 2022 00:06:19 +0200
parents f2ae7763739a
children b731c8f6db95
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/scripts/io/Tiff.m	Sat Aug 06 21:59:26 2022 +0200
+++ b/scripts/io/Tiff.m	Mon Aug 08 00:06:19 2022 +0200
@@ -1,76 +1,195 @@
 classdef Tiff < handle
   properties (Constant = true)
-    TagID = struct(
-        "SubFileType", 254,
-        "ImageWidth", 256,
-        "ImageLength", 257,
-        "BitsPerSample", 258,
-        "Compression", 259,
-        "Photometric", 262,
-        "Thresholding", 263,
-        "FillOrder", 266,
-        "DocumentName", 269,
-        "ImageDescription", 270,
-        "Make", 271,
-        "Model", 272,
-        "StripOffsets", 273,
-        "Orientation", 274,
-        "SamplesPerPixel", 277,
-        "RowsPerStrip", 278,
-        "StripByteCounts", 279,
-        "MinSampleValue", 280,
-        "MaxSampleValue", 281,
-        "XResolution", 282,
-        "YResolution", 283,
-        "PlanarConfiguration", 284,
-        "PageName", 285,
-        "XPosition", 286,
-        "YPosition", 287,
-        "GrayResponseUnit", 290,
-        'GrayResponseCurve', 291,
-        "Group3Options", 292,
-        "Group4Options", 293,
-        "ResolutionUnit", 296,
-        "PageNumber", 297,
-        "TransferFunction", 301,
-        "Software", 305,
-        "DateTime", 306,
-        "Artist", 315,
-        "HostComputer", 316,
-        "WhitePoint", 318,
-        "PrimaryChromaticities", 319,
-        "ColorMap", 320,
-        "HalfToneHints", 321,
-        "TileWidth", 322,
-        "TileLength", 323,
-        "TileOffsets", 324,
-        "TileByteCounts", 325,
-        "SubIFD", 330,
-        "InkSet", 332,
-        "InkNames", 333,
-        "NumberOfInks", 334,
-        "DotRange", 336,
-        "TargetPrinter", 337,
-        "ExtraSamples", 338,
-        "SampleFormat", 339,
-        "SMinSampleValue", 340,
-        "SMaxSampleValue", 341,
-        "YCbCrCoefficients", 529,
-        "YCbCrSubSampling", 530,
-        "YCbCrPositioning", 531,
-        "ReferenceBlackWhite", 532,
-        "XMP", 700,
-        "ImageDepth", 32997,
-        "Copyright", 33432,
-        "RichTIFFIPTC", 33723,
-        "Photoshop", 34377,
-        "ICCProfile", 34675,
-        "SToNits", 37439,
-        "JPEGQuality", 65537,
-        "JPEGColorMode", 65538,
-        "ZipQuality", 65557,
-        "SGILogDataFmt", 65560
-    )
+    TagID = struct (
+      "SubFileType", 254,
+      "ImageWidth", 256,
+      "ImageLength", 257,
+      "BitsPerSample", 258,
+      "Compression", 259,
+      "Photometric", 262,
+      "Thresholding", 263,
+      "FillOrder", 266,
+      "DocumentName", 269,
+      "ImageDescription", 270,
+      "Make", 271,
+      "Model", 272,
+      "StripOffsets", 273,
+      "Orientation", 274,
+      "SamplesPerPixel", 277,
+      "RowsPerStrip", 278,
+      "StripByteCounts", 279,
+      "MinSampleValue", 280,
+      "MaxSampleValue", 281,
+      "XResolution", 282,
+      "YResolution", 283,
+      "PlanarConfiguration", 284,
+      "PageName", 285,
+      "XPosition", 286,
+      "YPosition", 287,
+      "GrayResponseUnit", 290,
+      'GrayResponseCurve', 291,
+      "Group3Options", 292,
+      "Group4Options", 293,
+      "ResolutionUnit", 296,
+      "PageNumber", 297,
+      "TransferFunction", 301,
+      "Software", 305,
+      "DateTime", 306,
+      "Artist", 315,
+      "HostComputer", 316,
+      "WhitePoint", 318,
+      "PrimaryChromaticities", 319,
+      "ColorMap", 320,
+      "HalfToneHints", 321,
+      "TileWidth", 322,
+      "TileLength", 323,
+      "TileOffsets", 324,
+      "TileByteCounts", 325,
+      "SubIFD", 330,
+      "InkSet", 332,
+      "InkNames", 333,
+      "NumberOfInks", 334,
+      "DotRange", 336,
+      "TargetPrinter", 337,
+      "ExtraSamples", 338,
+      "SampleFormat", 339,
+      "SMinSampleValue", 340,
+      "SMaxSampleValue", 341,
+      "YCbCrCoefficients", 529,
+      "YCbCrSubSampling", 530,
+      "YCbCrPositioning", 531,
+      "ReferenceBlackWhite", 532,
+      "XMP", 700,
+      "ImageDepth", 32997,
+      "Copyright", 33432,
+      "RichTIFFIPTC", 33723,
+      "Photoshop", 34377,
+      "ICCProfile", 34675,
+      "SToNits", 37439,
+      "JPEGQuality", 65537,
+      "JPEGColorMode", 65538,
+      "ZipQuality", 65557,
+      "SGILogDataFmt", 65560
+    );
+    Compression = struct (
+      "None", 1,
+      "CCITTRLE", 2,
+      "CCITTFax3", 3,
+      "CCITTFax4", 4,
+      "LZW", 5,
+      "OJPEG", 6,
+      "JPEG", 7,
+      "AdobeDeflate", 8,
+      "Next", 32766,
+      "CCITTRLEW", 32771,
+      "PackBits", 32773,
+      "Thunderscan", 32809,
+      "IT8CTPad", 32895,
+      "IT8LW", 32896,
+      "IT8MP", 32897,
+      "IT8BL", 32898,
+      "PixarFilm", 32908,
+      "PixarLog", 32909,
+      "Deflate", 32946,
+      "DCS", 32947,
+      "JBIG", 34661,
+      "SGILog", 34676,
+      "SGILog24", 34677,
+      "JPEG2000", 34712,
+      "JPEG2000_SVS_YCbCr", 33003,
+      "JPEG2000_SVS_RGB", 33005
+    );
+    ExtraSamples = struct (
+      "Unspecified", 0,
+      "AssociatedAlpha", 1,
+      "UnassociatedAlpha", 2
+    );
+    Group3Options = struct (
+      "Encoding2D", 1,
+      "Uncompressed", 2,
+      "FillBits", 4
+    );
+    InkSet = struct (
+      "CMYK", 1,
+      "MultiInk", 2
+    );
+    JPEGColorMode = struct (
+      "Raw", 0,
+      "RGB", 1
+    );
+    Orientation = struct (
+      "TopLeft", 1,
+      "TopRight", 2,
+      "BottomRight", 3,
+      "BottomLeft", 4,
+      "LeftTop", 5,
+      "RightTop", 6,
+      "RightBottom", 7,
+      "LeftBottom", 8
+    );
+    Photometric = struct (
+      "MinIsWhite", 0,
+      "MinIsBlack", 1,
+      "RGB", 2,
+      "Palette", 3,
+      "Mask", 4,
+      "Separated", 5,
+      "YCbCr", 6,
+      "CIELab", 8,
+      "ICCLab", 9,
+      "ITULab", 10,
+      "LogL", 32844,
+      "LogLUV", 32845,
+      "CFA", 32803,
+      "LinearRaw", 34892
+    );
+    PlanarConfiguration = struct (
+      "Chunky", 1,
+      "Separate", 2
+    );
+    ResolutionUnit = struct (
+      "None", 1,
+      "Inch", 2,
+      "Centimeter", 3
+    );
+    SampleFormat = struct (
+      "UInt", 1,
+      "Int", 2,
+      "IEEEFP", 3
+    );
+    SGILogDataFmt = struct (
+      "Float", 0,
+      "Bits8", 3
+    );
+    SubFileType = struct (
+      "Default", 0,
+      "ReducedImage", 1,
+      "Page", 2,
+      "Mask", 4
+    );
+    Thresholding = struct (
+      "BiLevel", 1,
+      "HalfTone", 2,
+      "ErrorDiffuse", 3
+    );
+    YCbCrPositioning = struct (
+      "Centered", 1,
+      "Cosited", 2
+    );
   properties (Access = private)