view libgui/graphics/ @ 18498:2e7cad6f180c gui-release

Initial integration of QtHandles. * Check for QtOpenGL module. * libgui/ Include libgui/graphics/ (liboctgui_la_LIBADD): Include graphics/ in the list. (rcc-command): Pass "-name DIR" to rcc command. * (main_window::construct): Install qt functions and register qt toolkit. * libgui/src/ (src_libgui_src_la_CPPFLAGS): Include $(FONTCONFIG_CPPFLAGS) and -I$(srcdir)/graphics in the list. * (gtk_manager::gtk_manager): Make qt the default toolkit if it is available. * libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Backend.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/BaseControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ButtonControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Canvas.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/CheckBoxControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Container.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ContextMenu.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/EditControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Figure.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/FigureWindow.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/GLCanvas.h, , libgui/graphics/GenericEventNotify.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/KeyMap.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ListBoxControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Logger.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Menu.h, libgui/graphics/MenuContainer.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/MouseModeActionGroup.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Object.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ObjectFactory.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ObjectProxy.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Panel.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/PopupMenuControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/PushButtonControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/PushTool.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/RadioButtonControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/SliderControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/TextControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/TextEdit.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ToggleButtonControl.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ToggleTool.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ToolBar.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/ToolBarButton.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/Utils.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/__init_qt__.h, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/gl-select.h, libgui/graphics/images/README, libgui/graphics/images/pan.png, libgui/graphics/images/rotate.png, libgui/graphics/images/select.png, libgui/graphics/images/zoom.png, libgui/graphics/, libgui/graphics/qthandles.qrc: New files.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Thu, 20 Feb 2014 14:05:45 -0500
children 49877d3be064
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 2011 Michael Goffioul.

This file is part of QtHandles.

Foobar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

QtHandles is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Foobar.  If not, see <>.


#include <config.h>

#include "gl-select.h"

#include <iostream>

opengl_selector::apply_pick_matrix (void)
  GLdouble p_matrix[16];
  GLint viewport[4];

  glGetDoublev (GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, p_matrix);
  glGetIntegerv (GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
  glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
  glLoadIdentity ();
  gluPickMatrix (xp, yp, size, size, viewport);
  glMultMatrixd (p_matrix);
  glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);

opengl_selector::setup_opengl_transformation (const axes::properties& props)
  opengl_renderer::setup_opengl_transformation (props);
  apply_pick_matrix ();

opengl_selector::init_marker (const std::string& m, double size, float width)  
  opengl_renderer::init_marker (m, size, width);
  apply_pick_matrix ();

# define BUFFER_SIZE 128

opengl_selector::select (const graphics_object& ax, int x, int y, int flags)
  glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
  glDepthFunc (GL_LEQUAL);

  xp = x;
  yp = y;

  GLuint select_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];

  glSelectBuffer (BUFFER_SIZE, select_buffer);
  glRenderMode (GL_SELECT);
  glInitNames ();

  object_map.clear ();

  draw (ax);

  int hits = glRenderMode (GL_RENDER);
  graphics_object obj;

  if (hits > 0)
      GLuint current_minZ = 0xffffffff;
      GLuint current_name = 0xffffffff;

      for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < hits && j < BUFFER_SIZE-3; i++)
          GLuint n = select_buffer[j++],
                 minZ = select_buffer[j++];

          j++; // skip maxZ
          if (((flags & select_last) == 0 && (minZ <= current_minZ)) ||
              ((flags & select_last) != 0 && (minZ >= current_minZ)))
              bool candidate = true;
              GLuint name =
                select_buffer[std::min (j + n, GLuint (BUFFER_SIZE)) - 1];

              if ((flags & select_ignore_hittest) == 0)
                  graphics_object go = object_map[name];

                  if (! go.get_properties ().is_hittest ())
                    candidate = false;

              if (candidate)
                  current_minZ = minZ;
                  current_name = name;

              j += n;
            j += n;

      if (current_name != 0xffffffff)
        obj = object_map[current_name];
  else if (hits < 0)
    warning ("opengl_selector::select: selection buffer overflow");

  object_map.clear ();

  return obj;

opengl_selector::draw (const graphics_object& go, bool toplevel)
  GLuint name = object_map.size ();

  object_map[name] = go;
  glPushName (name);
  opengl_renderer::draw (go, toplevel);
  glPopName ();

opengl_selector::fake_text (double x, double y, double z, const Matrix& bbox,
                            bool use_scale)
  ColumnVector xpos, xp1, xp2;

  xpos = get_transform ().transform (x, y, z, use_scale);

  xp1 = xp2 = xpos;
  xp1(0) += bbox(0);
  xp1(1) -= bbox(1);
  xp2(0) += (bbox(0) + bbox(2));
  xp2(1) -= (bbox(1) + bbox(3));

  ColumnVector p1, p2, p3, p4;

  p1 = get_transform ().untransform (xp1(0), xp1(1), xp1(2), false);
  p2 = get_transform ().untransform (xp2(0), xp1(1), xp1(2), false);
  p3 = get_transform ().untransform (xp2(0), xp2(1), xp1(2), false);
  p4 = get_transform ().untransform (xp1(0), xp2(1), xp1(2), false);

  glBegin (GL_QUADS);
  glVertex3dv ( ());
  glVertex3dv ( ());
  glVertex3dv ( ());
  glVertex3dv ( ());
  glEnd ();

opengl_selector::draw_text (const text::properties& props)
  if (props.get_string ().is_empty ())

  Matrix pos = props.get_data_position ();
  const Matrix bbox = props.get_extent_matrix ();

  fake_text (pos(0), pos(1), pos.numel () > 2 ? pos(2) : 0.0, bbox);

opengl_selector::render_text (const std::string& txt,
                              double x, double y, double z,
                              int halign, int valign, double rotation)
  uint8NDArray pixels;
  Matrix bbox;

  // FIXME: probably more efficient to only compute bbox instead
  //        of doing full text rendering...
  text_to_pixels (txt, pixels, bbox, halign, valign, rotation);
  fake_text (x, y, z, bbox, false);

  return bbox;
  return Matrix (1, 4, 0.0);