view libinterp/parse-tree/jit-typeinfo.h @ 24239:51e408a7d38f

jit: Move everything inside the octave namespace * libinterp/octave-value/ Move everything inside the octave namespace * libinterp/octave-value/ov-builtin.h: Idem. * libinterp/octave-value/ov-usr-fcn.h: Idem. * libinterp/parse-tree/ Idem. * libinterp/parse-tree/jit-ir.h: Idem. * libinterp/parse-tree/ Idem. * libinterp/parse-tree/jit-typeinfo.h: Idem. * libinterp/parse-tree/ Idem. * libinterp/parse-tree/jit-util.h: Idem. * libinterp/parse-tree/ Idem. * libinterp/parse-tree/pt-jit.h: Idem. * libinterp/parse-tree/pt-loop.h: Idem. * libinterp/template-inst/ Idem.
author Julien Bect <>
date Sun, 15 Oct 2017 21:08:02 +0200
parents e622b58d78a2
children af23baa0a9da
line wrap: on
line source


Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Max Brister

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see


// Author: Max Brister <>

#if ! defined (octave_jit_typeinfo_h)
#define octave_jit_typeinfo_h 1

#include "octave-config.h"

#if defined (HAVE_LLVM)

#include <map>
#include <vector>

#include "Range.h"
#include "jit-util.h"

namespace octave

  // Defines the type system used by jit and a singleton class, jit_typeinfo, to
  // manage the types.
  // FIXME:
  // Operations are defined and implemented in jit_typeinfo.  Eventually they
  // should be moved elsewhere. (just like with octave_typeinfo)

  // jit_range is compatible with the llvm range structure
    jit_range (const Range& from) : base (from.base ()), limit (from.limit ()),
                                    inc ( ()), nelem (from.numel ())
    { }

    operator Range () const
      return Range (base, limit, inc);

    bool all_elements_are_ints () const;

    double base;
    double limit;
    double inc;
    octave_idx_type nelem;

  std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const jit_range& rng);

  // jit_array is compatible with the llvm array/matrix structures
  template <typename T, typename U>
    jit_array () : array (0) { }

    jit_array (T& from) : array (new T (from))
      update ();

    void update (void)
      ref_count = array->jit_ref_count ();
      slice_data = array->jit_slice_data () - 1;
      slice_len = array->numel ();
      dimensions = array->jit_dimensions ();

    void update (T *aarray)
      array = aarray;
      update ();

    operator T () const
      return *array;

    int *ref_count;

    U *slice_data;
    octave_idx_type slice_len;
    octave_idx_type *dimensions;

    T *array;

  typedef jit_array<NDArray, double> jit_matrix;

  std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const jit_matrix& mat);

  // calling convention
  namespace jit_convention
        // internal to jit

        // an external C call


  // Used to keep track of estimated (infered) types during JIT.  This is a
  // hierarchical type system which includes both concrete and abstract types.
  // The types form a lattice.  Currently we only allow for one parent type, but
  // eventually we may allow for multiple predecessors.
    typedef llvm::Value *(*convert_fn) (llvm::IRBuilderD&, llvm::Value *);

    jit_type (const std::string& aname, jit_type *aparent, llvm::Type *allvm_type,
              bool askip_paren, int aid);

    // a user readable type name
    const std::string& name (void) const { return mname; }

    // a unique id for the type
    int type_id (void) const { return mid; }

    // An abstract base type, may be null
    jit_type * parent (void) const { return mparent; }

    // convert to an llvm type
    llvm::Type * to_llvm (void) const { return llvm_type; }

    // how this type gets passed as a function argument
    llvm::Type * to_llvm_arg (void) const;

    size_t depth (void) const { return mdepth; }

    bool skip_paren (void) const { return mskip_paren; }

    // -------------------- Calling Convention information --------------------

    // A function declared like: mytype foo (int arg0, int arg1);
    // Will be converted to: void foo (mytype *retval, int arg0, int arg1)
    // if mytype is sret.  The caller is responsible for allocating space for
    // retval. (on the stack)
    bool sret (jit_convention::type cc) const { return msret[cc]; }

    void mark_sret (jit_convention::type cc)
    { msret[cc] = true; }

    // A function like: void foo (mytype arg0)
    // Will be converted to: void foo (mytype *arg0)
    // Basically just pass by reference.
    bool pointer_arg (jit_convention::type cc) const { return mpointer_arg[cc]; }

    void mark_pointer_arg (jit_convention::type cc)
    { mpointer_arg[cc] = true; }

    // Convert into an equivalent form before calling.  For example, complex is
    // represented as two values llvm vector, but we need to pass it as a two
    // valued llvm structure to C functions.
    convert_fn pack (jit_convention::type cc) { return mpack[cc]; }

    void set_pack (jit_convention::type cc, convert_fn fn) { mpack[cc] = fn; }

    // The inverse operation of pack.
    convert_fn unpack (jit_convention::type cc) { return munpack[cc]; }

    void set_unpack (jit_convention::type cc, convert_fn fn)
    { munpack[cc] = fn; }

    // The resulting type after pack is called.
    llvm::Type * packed_type (jit_convention::type cc)
    { return mpacked_type[cc]; }

    void set_packed_type (jit_convention::type cc, llvm::Type *ty)
    { mpacked_type[cc] = ty; }
    std::string mname;
    jit_type *mparent;
    llvm::Type *llvm_type;
    int mid;
    size_t mdepth;
    bool mskip_paren;

    bool msret[jit_convention::length];
    bool mpointer_arg[jit_convention::length];

    convert_fn mpack[jit_convention::length];
    convert_fn munpack[jit_convention::length];

    llvm::Type *mpacked_type[jit_convention::length];

  // seperate print function to allow easy printing if type is null
  std::ostream& jit_print (std::ostream& os, jit_type *atype);

  class jit_value;

  // An abstraction for calling llvm functions with jit_values.  Deals with
  // calling convention details.
    friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const jit_function& fn);
    // create a function in an invalid state
    jit_function ();

    jit_function (llvm::Module *amodule, jit_convention::type acall_conv,
                  const llvm::Twine& aname, jit_type *aresult,
                  const std::vector<jit_type *>& aargs);

    // Use an existing function, but change the argument types.  The new argument
    // types must behave the same for the current calling convention.
    jit_function (const jit_function& fn, jit_type *aresult,
                  const std::vector<jit_type *>& aargs);

    jit_function (const jit_function& fn);

    // erase the interal LLVM function (if it exists).  Will become invalid.
    void erase (void);

    template <typename T>
    void add_mapping (llvm::ExecutionEngine *engine, T fn)
      do_add_mapping (engine, reinterpret_cast<void *> (fn));

    bool valid (void) const { return llvm_function; }

    std::string name (void) const;

    llvm::BasicBlock * new_block (const std::string& aname = "body",
                                  llvm::BasicBlock *insert_before = nullptr);

    typedef std::vector<llvm::Value *> arg_vec;

    llvm::Value * call (llvm::IRBuilderD& builder,
                        const arg_vec& in_args = arg_vec ()) const;

    llvm::Value * call (llvm::IRBuilderD& builder,
                        const std::vector<jit_value *>& in_args) const;

    template <typename ...Args>
    llvm::Value * call (llvm::IRBuilderD& builder, arg_vec& in_args,
                        llvm::Value * arg1, Args... other_args) const
      in_args.push_back (arg1);
      return call (builder, in_args, other_args...);

    template <typename T, typename ...Args>
    llvm::Value * call (llvm::IRBuilderD& builder, arg_vec& in_args,
                        T * arg1, Args... other_args) const
      in_args.push_back (arg1->to_llvm ());
      return call (builder, in_args, other_args...);

    template <typename ...Args>
    llvm::Value * call (llvm::IRBuilderD& builder, llvm::Value * arg1,
                        Args... other_args) const
      arg_vec in_args;
      in_args.reserve (1 + sizeof... (other_args));
      in_args.push_back (arg1);
      return call (builder, in_args, other_args...);

    template <typename T, typename ...Args>
    llvm::Value * call (llvm::IRBuilderD& builder, T * arg1,
                        Args... other_args) const
      arg_vec in_args;
      in_args.reserve (1 + sizeof... (other_args));
      in_args.push_back (arg1->to_llvm ());
      return call (builder, in_args, other_args...);

    llvm::Value * argument (llvm::IRBuilderD& builder, size_t idx) const;

    void do_return (llvm::IRBuilderD& builder, llvm::Value *rval = nullptr,
                    bool verify = true);

    llvm::Function * to_llvm (void) const { return llvm_function; }

    // If true, then the return value is passed as a pointer in the first argument
    bool sret (void) const { return mresult && mresult->sret (call_conv); }

    bool can_error (void) const { return mcan_error; }

    void mark_can_error (void) { mcan_error = true; }

    jit_type * result (void) const { return mresult; }

    jit_type * argument_type (size_t idx) const
      assert (idx < args.size ());
      return args[idx];

    const std::vector<jit_type *>& arguments (void) const { return args; }
    void do_add_mapping (llvm::ExecutionEngine *engine, void *fn);

    llvm::Module *module;
    llvm::Function *llvm_function;
    jit_type *mresult;
    std::vector<jit_type *> args;
    jit_convention::type call_conv;
    bool mcan_error;

  std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const jit_function& fn);

  // Keeps track of information about how to implement operations (+, -, *, ect)
  // and their resulting types.
    // type signature vector
    typedef std::vector<jit_type *> signature_vec;

    virtual ~jit_operation (void);

    void add_overload (const jit_function& func)
      add_overload (func, func.arguments ());

    void add_overload (const jit_function& func,
                       const signature_vec& args);

    const jit_function& overload (const signature_vec& types) const;

    template <typename ...Args>
    const jit_function& overload (signature_vec& args, jit_type * arg1,
                                  Args... other_args) const
      args.push_back (arg1);
      return overload (args, other_args...);

    template <typename ...Args>
    const jit_function& overload (jit_type * arg1, Args... other_args) const
      signature_vec args;
      args.reserve (1 + sizeof... (other_args));
      args.push_back (arg1);
      return overload (args, other_args...);

    jit_type * result (const signature_vec& types) const
      const jit_function& temp = overload (types);
      return temp.result ();

    template <typename ...Args>
    jit_type * result (signature_vec& args, jit_type * arg1,
                       Args... other_args) const
      args.push_back (arg1);
      return overload (args, other_args...);

    template <typename ...Args>
    jit_type * result (jit_type * arg1, Args... other_args) const
      signature_vec args;
      args.reserve (1 + sizeof... (other_args));
      args.push_back (arg1);
      return overload (args, other_args...);

    const std::string& name (void) const { return mname; }

    void stash_name (const std::string& aname) { mname = aname; }
    virtual jit_function * generate (const signature_vec& types) const;
    Array<octave_idx_type> to_idx (const signature_vec& types) const;

    const jit_function& do_generate (const signature_vec& types) const;

    struct signature_cmp
      bool operator () (const signature_vec *lhs, const signature_vec *rhs) const;

    typedef std::map<const signature_vec *, jit_function *, signature_cmp>

    mutable generated_map generated;

    std::vector<Array<jit_function>> overloads;

    std::string mname;

  jit_index_operation : public jit_operation
    jit_index_operation (void) : module (0), engine (0) { }

    void initialize (llvm::Module *amodule, llvm::ExecutionEngine *aengine)
      module = amodule;
      engine = aengine;
      do_initialize ();
    virtual jit_function * generate (const signature_vec& types) const;

    virtual jit_function * generate_matrix (const signature_vec& types) const = 0;

    virtual void do_initialize (void) = 0;

    // helper functions
    // [start_idx, end_idx).
    llvm::Value * create_arg_array (llvm::IRBuilderD& builder,
                                    const jit_function& fn, size_t start_idx,
                                    size_t end_idx) const;

    llvm::Module *module;
    llvm::ExecutionEngine *engine;

  jit_paren_subsref : public jit_index_operation
    virtual jit_function * generate_matrix (const signature_vec& types) const;

    virtual void do_initialize (void);
    jit_function paren_scalar;

  jit_paren_subsasgn : public jit_index_operation
    jit_function * generate_matrix (const signature_vec& types) const;

    virtual void do_initialize (void);
    jit_function paren_scalar;

  // A singleton class which handles the construction of jit_types and
  // jit_operations.
    static void initialize (llvm::Module *m, llvm::ExecutionEngine *e);

    static jit_type * join (jit_type *lhs, jit_type *rhs)
      return instance->do_join (lhs, rhs);

    static jit_type * get_any (void) { return instance->any; }

    static jit_type * get_matrix (void) { return instance->matrix; }

    static jit_type * get_scalar (void) { return instance->scalar; }

    static llvm::Type * get_scalar_llvm (void)
    { return instance->scalar->to_llvm (); }

    static jit_type * get_scalar_ptr (void) { return instance->scalar_ptr; }

    static jit_type * get_any_ptr (void) { return instance->any_ptr; }

    static jit_type * get_range (void) { return instance->range; }

    static jit_type * get_string (void) { return instance->string; }

    static jit_type * get_bool (void) { return instance->boolean; }

    static jit_type * get_index (void) { return instance->index; }

    static llvm::Type * get_index_llvm (void)
    { return instance->index->to_llvm (); }

    static jit_type * get_complex (void) { return instance->complex; }

    // Get the jit_type of an octave_value
    static jit_type * type_of (const octave_value& ov)
      return instance->do_type_of (ov);

    static const jit_operation& binary_op (int op)
      return instance->do_binary_op (op);

    static const jit_operation& unary_op (int op)
      return instance->do_unary_op (op);

    static const jit_operation& grab (void) { return instance->grab_fn; }

    static const jit_function& get_grab (jit_type *type)
      return instance->grab_fn.overload (type);

    static const jit_operation& release (void)
      return instance->release_fn;

    static const jit_function& get_release (jit_type *type)
      return instance->release_fn.overload (type);

    static const jit_operation& destroy (void)
      return instance->destroy_fn;

    static const jit_operation& print_value (void)
      return instance->print_fn;

    static const jit_operation& for_init (void)
      return instance->for_init_fn;

    static const jit_operation& for_check (void)
      return instance->for_check_fn;

    static const jit_operation& for_index (void)
      return instance->for_index_fn;

    static const jit_operation& make_range (void)
      return instance->make_range_fn;

    static const jit_operation& paren_subsref (void)
      return instance->paren_subsref_fn;

    static const jit_operation& paren_subsasgn (void)
      return instance->paren_subsasgn_fn;

    static const jit_operation& logically_true (void)
      return instance->logically_true_fn;

    static const jit_operation& cast (jit_type *result)
      return instance->do_cast (result);

    static const jit_function& cast (jit_type *to, jit_type *from)
      return instance->do_cast (to, from);

    static llvm::Value * insert_error_check (llvm::IRBuilderD& bld)
      return instance->do_insert_error_check (bld);

    static llvm::Value * insert_interrupt_check (llvm::IRBuilderD& bld)
      return instance->do_insert_interrupt_check (bld);

    static const jit_operation& end (void)
      return instance->end_fn;

    static const jit_function& end (jit_value *value, jit_value *index,
                                    jit_value *count)
      return instance->do_end (value, index, count);

    static const jit_operation& create_undef (void)
      return instance->create_undef_fn;

    static llvm::Value * create_complex (llvm::Value *real, llvm::Value *imag)
      return instance->complex_new (real, imag);
    jit_typeinfo (llvm::Module *m, llvm::ExecutionEngine *e);

    // FIXME: Do these methods really need to be in jit_typeinfo?
    jit_type * do_join (jit_type *lhs, jit_type *rhs)
      // empty case
      if (! lhs)
        return rhs;

      if (! rhs)
        return lhs;

      // check for a shared parent
      while (lhs != rhs)
          if (lhs->depth () > rhs->depth ())
            lhs = lhs->parent ();
          else if (lhs->depth () < rhs->depth ())
            rhs = rhs->parent ();
              // we MUST have depth > 0 as any is the base type of everything
                  lhs = lhs->parent ();
                  rhs = rhs->parent ();
              while (lhs != rhs);

      return lhs;

    jit_type * do_difference (jit_type *lhs, jit_type *)
      // FIXME: Maybe we can do something smarter?
      return lhs;

    jit_type * do_type_of (const octave_value& ov) const;

    const jit_operation& do_binary_op (int op) const
      assert (static_cast<size_t>(op) < binary_ops.size ());
      return binary_ops[op];

    const jit_operation& do_unary_op (int op) const
      assert (static_cast<size_t> (op) < unary_ops.size ());
      return unary_ops[op];

    const jit_operation& do_cast (jit_type *to)
      static jit_operation null_function;
      if (! to)
        return null_function;

      size_t id = to->type_id ();
      if (id >= casts.size ())
        return null_function;
      return casts[id];

    const jit_function& do_cast (jit_type *to, jit_type *from)
      return do_cast (to).overload (from);

    const jit_function& do_end (jit_value *value, jit_value *index,
                                jit_value *count);

    jit_type * new_type (const std::string& name, jit_type *parent,
                         llvm::Type *llvm_type, bool skip_paren = false);

    void add_print (jit_type *ty, void *fptr);

    void add_binary_op (jit_type *ty, int op, int llvm_op);

    void add_binary_icmp (jit_type *ty, int op, int llvm_op);

    void add_binary_fcmp (jit_type *ty, int op, int llvm_op);

    // type signature vector
    typedef std::vector<jit_type *> signature_vec;

    // create a function with an external calling convention
    // forces the function pointer to be specified
    template <typename T>
    jit_function create_external (llvm::ExecutionEngine *ee, T fn,
                                  const llvm::Twine& name, jit_type *ret,
                                  const signature_vec& args
                                  = signature_vec ())
      jit_function retval = create_function (jit_convention::external, name, ret,
      retval.add_mapping (ee, fn);
      return retval;

    template <typename T, typename ...Args>
    jit_function create_external (llvm::ExecutionEngine *ee, T fn,
                                  const llvm::Twine& name, jit_type *ret,
                                  signature_vec& args, jit_type * arg1,
                                  Args... other_args)
      args.push_back (arg1);
      return create_external (ee, fn, name, ret, args, other_args...);

    template <typename T, typename ...Args>
    jit_function create_external (llvm::ExecutionEngine *ee, T fn,
                                  const llvm::Twine& name, jit_type *ret,
                                  jit_type * arg1, Args... other_args)
      signature_vec args;
      args.reserve (1 + sizeof... (other_args));
      args.push_back (arg1);
      return create_external (ee, fn, name, ret, args, other_args...);

    // use create_external or create_internal directly
    jit_function create_function (jit_convention::type cc,
                                  const llvm::Twine& name, jit_type *ret,
                                  const std::vector<jit_type *>& args
                                  = std::vector<jit_type *> ());

    // create an internal calling convention (a function defined in llvm)
    jit_function create_internal (const llvm::Twine& name, jit_type *ret,
                                  const signature_vec& args
                                  = signature_vec ())
      return create_function (jit_convention::internal, name, ret, args);

    template <typename ...Args>
    jit_function create_internal (const llvm::Twine& name, jit_type *ret,
                                  signature_vec& args,
                                  jit_type * arg1, Args... other_args)
      args.push_back (arg1);
      return create_internal (name, ret, args, other_args...);

    template <typename ...Args>
    jit_function create_internal (const llvm::Twine& name, jit_type *ret,
                                  jit_type * arg1, Args... other_args)
      signature_vec args;
      args.reserve (1 + sizeof... (other_args));
      args.push_back (arg1);
      return create_internal (name, ret, args, other_args...);

    jit_function create_identity (jit_type *type);

    llvm::Value * do_insert_error_check (llvm::IRBuilderD& bld);

    llvm::Value * do_insert_interrupt_check (llvm::IRBuilderD& bld);

    void add_builtin (const std::string& name);

    void register_intrinsic (const std::string& name, size_t id,
                             jit_type *result, jit_type *arg0)
      std::vector<jit_type *> args (1, arg0);
      register_intrinsic (name, id, result, args);

    void register_intrinsic (const std::string& name, size_t id, jit_type *result,
                             const std::vector<jit_type *>& args);

    void register_generic (const std::string& name, jit_type *result,
                           jit_type *arg0)
      std::vector<jit_type *> args (1, arg0);
      register_generic (name, result, args);

    void register_generic (const std::string& name, jit_type *result,
                           const std::vector<jit_type *>& args);

    octave_builtin * find_builtin (const std::string& name);

    jit_function mirror_binary (const jit_function& fn);

    llvm::Function * wrap_complex (llvm::Function *wrap);

    static llvm::Value * pack_complex (llvm::IRBuilderD& bld,
                                       llvm::Value *cplx);

    static llvm::Value * unpack_complex (llvm::IRBuilderD& bld,
                                         llvm::Value *result);

    llvm::Value * complex_real (llvm::Value *cx);

    llvm::Value * complex_real (llvm::Value *cx, llvm::Value *real);

    llvm::Value * complex_imag (llvm::Value *cx);

    llvm::Value * complex_imag (llvm::Value *cx, llvm::Value *imag);

    llvm::Value * complex_new (llvm::Value *real, llvm::Value *imag);

    void create_int (size_t nbits);

    jit_type * intN (size_t nbits) const;

    static jit_typeinfo *instance;

    llvm::Module *module;
    llvm::ExecutionEngine *engine;
    int next_id;

    llvm::GlobalVariable *lerror_state;
    llvm::GlobalVariable *loctave_interrupt_state;

    llvm::Type *sig_atomic_type;

    std::vector<jit_type*> id_to_type;
    jit_type *any;
    jit_type *matrix;
    jit_type *scalar;
    jit_type *scalar_ptr; // a fake type for interfacing with C++
    jit_type *any_ptr; // a fake type for interfacing with C++
    jit_type *range;
    jit_type *string;
    jit_type *boolean;
    jit_type *index;
    jit_type *complex;
    jit_type *unknown_function;
    std::map<size_t, jit_type *> ints;
    std::map<std::string, jit_type *> builtins;

    llvm::StructType *complex_ret;

    std::vector<jit_operation> binary_ops;
    std::vector<jit_operation> unary_ops;
    jit_operation grab_fn;
    jit_operation release_fn;
    jit_operation destroy_fn;
    jit_operation print_fn;
    jit_operation for_init_fn;
    jit_operation for_check_fn;
    jit_operation for_index_fn;
    jit_operation logically_true_fn;
    jit_operation make_range_fn;
    jit_paren_subsref paren_subsref_fn;
    jit_paren_subsasgn paren_subsasgn_fn;
    jit_operation end1_fn;
    jit_operation end_fn;
    jit_operation create_undef_fn;

    jit_function any_call;

    // type id -> cast function TO that type
    std::vector<jit_operation> casts;

    // type id -> identity function
    std::vector<jit_function> identities;

    llvm::IRBuilderD& builder;

