changeset 2592:aeec4097c132 octave-forge

First attempt at automatic doc build
author adb014
date Thu, 05 Oct 2006 10:44:49 +0000
parents 33bcf6e72d9c
children e61209c0f871
files main/optim/Makefile main/optim/doc/Makefile main/optim/doc/optim-mini-howto-2.lyx main/optim/doc/optim-mini-howto-2.tex main/optim/doc/optim-mini-howto.2.html main/optim/doc/optim-mini-howto.2.lyx main/optim/doc/optim-mini-howto.2.tex
diffstat 7 files changed, 1066 insertions(+), 1324 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
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+	done
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+	echo '</body></html>' >> html/index.html
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+++ b/main/optim/doc/optim-mini-howto-2.lyx	Thu Oct 05 10:44:49 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
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+\begin_inset FormulaMacro 
+\layout Standard
+\begin_inset FormulaMacro 
+\layout Standard
+\begin_inset FormulaMacro 
+\layout Standard
+\begin_inset FormulaMacro 
+\layout Standard
+\begin_inset FormulaMacro 
+\layout Standard
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+% This is for 
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+\latex latex 
+\layout Standard
+\latex latex 
+\layout Standard
+\latex latex 
+\layout Standard
+\latex latex 
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+textstyle #1 }}{{
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+\layout Title
+Mini-HOWTO on using Octave for Unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization
+\begin_float footnote 
+\layout Standard
+Author : Etienne Grossmann 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ (soon replaced by 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+Octave-Forge developers
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+ This document is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation.
+.\SpecialChar ~
+\SpecialChar ~
+\SpecialChar ~
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+\layout Comment
+Keywords: nonlinear optimization, octave, tutorial, Nelder-Mead, Conjugate
+ Gradient, Levenberg-Marquardt
+\layout Standard
+Nonlinear optimization problems are very common and when a solution cannot
+ be found analytically, one usually tries to find it numerically.
+ This document shows how to perform unconstrained nonlinear minimization
+ using the Octave language for numerical computation.
+ We assume to be so lucky as to have an initial guess from which to start
+ an iterative method, and so impatient as to avoid as much as possible going
+ into the details of the algorithm.
+ In the following examples, we consider multivariable problems, but the
+ single variable case is solved in exactly the same way.
+\layout Standard
+All the algorithms used below return numerical approximations of 
+\emph on 
+local minima
+\emph default 
+ of the optimized function.
+ In the following examples, we minimize a function with a single minimum
+ (Figure\SpecialChar ~
+\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{fig:function}
+), which is relatively easily found.
+ In practice, success of optimization algorithms greatly depend on the optimized
+ function and on the starting point.
+\layout Section*
+\begin_inset ERT
+collapsed true
+\layout Standard
+\latex latex 
+A simple example
+\layout Standard
+\begin_float fig 
+\layout Standard
+\align center 
+\latex latex 
+\begin_inset Figure size 178 160
+file figures/2D_slice-3.eps2
+width 3 30
+flags 11
+}\SpecialChar ~
+\begin_inset Figure size 297 193
+file figures/optim_tutorial_slice.eps
+width 3 50
+flags 9
+\layout Caption
+\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{fig:function}
+ 2D and 1D slices of the function that is minimized throughout this tutorial.
+ Although not obvious at first sight, it has a unique minimum.
+\layout Standard
+We will use a call of the type
+\layout LyX-Code
+[x_best, best_value, niter] = minimize (func, x_init)
+\layout Standard
+to find the minimum of 
+\begin_inset Formula \[
+f\, : & \left( x_{1},.x_{2},x_{3}\right) \in \R ^{3} & \longrightarrow  & \left( x_{1}-1\right) ^{2}/9+\left( x_{3}-1\right) ^{2}/9+\left( x_{3}-1\right) ^{2}/9\\
+ &  &  & -\cos \left( x_{1}-1\right) -\cos \left( x_{2}-1\right) -\cos \left( x_{3}-1\right) .
+\layout Standard
+The following commands should find a local minimum of 
+\begin_inset Formula \( f() \)
+, using the Nelder-Mead (aka 
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+downhill simplex
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+) algorithm and starting from a randomly chosen point 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+\SpecialChar ~
+\layout LyX-Code
+function cost = foo (xx)
+\layout LyX-Code
+  xx--;  
+\layout LyX-Code
+  cost = sum (-cos(xx)+xx.^2/9);
+\layout LyX-Code
+\layout LyX-Code
+x0 = [-1, 3, -2];
+\layout LyX-Code
+[x,v,n] = minimize ("foo", x0)
+\layout Standard
+The output should look like\SpecialChar ~
+\layout LyX-Code
+x =
+\layout LyX-Code
+  1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
+\layout LyX-Code
+\layout LyX-Code
+v = -3.0000
+\layout LyX-Code
+n = 248
+\layout Standard
+This means that a minimum has been found in 
+\begin_inset Formula \( \left( 1,1,1\right)  \)
+ and that the value at that point is 
+\begin_inset Formula \( -3 \)
+ This is correct, since all the points of the form 
+\begin_inset Formula \( x_{1}=1+2i\pi ,\, x_{2}=1+2j\pi ,\, x_{3}=1+2k\pi  \)
+, for some 
+\begin_inset Formula \( i,j,k\in \N  \)
+, minimize 
+\begin_inset Formula \( f() \)
+ The number of function evaluations, 248, is also returned.
+ Note that this number depends on the starting point.
+ You will most likely obtain different numbers if you change 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+\layout Standard
+The Nelder-Mead algorithm is quite robust, but unfortunately it is not very
+ efficient.
+ For high-dimensional problems, its execution time may become prohibitive.
+\layout Section*
+\begin_inset ERT
+collapsed true
+\layout Standard
+\latex latex 
+Using the first differential
+\layout Standard
+Fortunately, when a function, like 
+\begin_inset Formula \( f() \)
+ above, is differentiable, more efficient optimization algorithms can be
+ used.
+ If 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ is given the differential of the optimized function, using the 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ option, it will use a conjugate gradient method.
+\layout LyX-Code
+## Function returning partial derivatives
+\layout LyX-Code
+function dc = diffoo (x)
+\layout LyX-Code
+    x = x(:)' - 1;
+\layout LyX-Code
+    dc = sin (x) + 2*x/9;
+\layout LyX-Code
+\layout LyX-Code
+[x, v, n] = minimize ("foo", x0, "df", "diffoo")
+\layout Standard
+This produces the output\SpecialChar ~
+\layout LyX-Code
+x =
+\layout LyX-Code
+  1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
+\layout LyX-Code
+v = -3 
+\layout LyX-Code
+n =
+\layout LyX-Code
+  108 6
+\layout Standard
+The same minimum has been found, but only 108 function evaluations were
+ needed, together with 6 evaluations of the differential.
+ Here, 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ takes the same argument as 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ and returns the partial derivatives of 
+\begin_inset Formula \( f() \)
+ with respect to the corresponding variables.
+ It doesn't matter if it returns a row or column vector or a matrix, as
+ long as the 
+\begin_inset Formula \( i\nth  \)
+ element of 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ is the partial derivative of 
+\begin_inset Formula \( f() \)
+ with respect to 
+\begin_inset Formula \( x_{i} \)
+ .
+\layout Section*
+\begin_inset ERT
+collapsed true
+\layout Standard
+\latex latex 
+Using numerical approximations of the first differential
+\layout Standard
+Sometimes, the minimized function is differentiable, but actually writing
+ down its differential is more work than one would like.
+ Numerical differentiation offers a solution which is less efficient in
+ terms of computation cost, but easy to implement.
+ The 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ option of 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ uses numerical differentiation to execute exactly the same algorithm as
+ in the previous example.
+ However, because numerical approximation of the differentia is used, the
+ outpud may differ slightly\SpecialChar ~
+\layout LyX-Code
+[x, v, n] = minimize ("foo", x0, "ndiff")
+\layout Standard
+wich yields\SpecialChar ~
+\layout LyX-Code
+x =
+\layout LyX-Code
+  1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
+\layout LyX-Code
+v = -3 
+\layout LyX-Code
+n =
+\layout LyX-Code
+  78 6
+\layout Standard
+Note that each time the differential is numerically approximated, 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ is called 6 times (twice per input element), so that 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ is evaluated a total of (78+6*6=) 114 times in this example.
+\layout Section*
+\begin_inset ERT
+collapsed true
+\layout Standard
+\latex latex 
+Using the first and second differentials
+\layout Standard
+When the function is twice differentiable and one knows how to compute its
+ first and second differentials, still more efficient algorithms can be
+ used (in our case, a variant of Levenberg-Marquardt).
+ The option 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ allows to specify a function that returns the value of the function, the
+ first and second differentials of the minimized function.
+ Entering the commands\SpecialChar ~
+\layout LyX-Code
+function [c, dc, d2c] = d2foo (x)
+\layout LyX-Code
+    c = foo(x);
+\layout LyX-Code
+    dc = diffoo(x);
+\layout LyX-Code
+    d2c = diag (cos (x(:)-1) + 2/9);
+\layout LyX-Code
+\layout LyX-Code
+[x,v,n] = minimize ("foo", x0, "d2f", "d2foo") 
+\layout Standard
+produces the output\SpecialChar ~
+\layout LyX-Code
+x =
+\layout LyX-Code
+  1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
+\layout LyX-Code
+v = -3
+\layout LyX-Code
+n =
+\layout LyX-Code
+  34 5
+\layout Standard
+This time, 34 function evaluations, and 5 evaluations of 
+\family typewriter 
+\family default 
+ were needed.
+\layout Section*
+\begin_inset ERT
+collapsed true
+\layout Standard
+\latex latex 
+\layout Standard
+We have just seen the most basic ways of solving nonlinear unconstrained
+ optimization problems.
+ The online help system of Octave (try e.g.
+\begin_inset Quotes eld
+\family typewriter 
+help minimize
+\family default 
+\begin_inset Quotes erd
+) will yield information on other issues, such as 
+\emph on 
+passing extra arguments
+\emph default 
+ to the minimized function, 
+\emph on 
+controling the termination
+\emph default 
+ of the optimization process, choosing the algorithm etc.
+\layout LyX-Code
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main/optim/doc/optim-mini-howto-2.tex	Thu Oct 05 10:44:49 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+%% LyX 1.1 created this file.  For more info, see
+%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
+% \usepackage{babel}
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+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
+ \newenvironment{lyxcode}
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+    \item[]}
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+ \usepackage{verbatim}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
+% No date please
+% This is for \LyX
+\newcommand{\bfrac}[2]{\frac{#1 }{#2 }}
+% This is for \LaTeX
+\renewcommand{\bfrac}[2]{\frac{{\textstyle #1 }}{{\textstyle #2 }}}
+\title{Mini-HOWTO on using Octave for Unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization%
+\thanks{Author : Etienne Grossmann \texttt{<>} (soon
+replaced by {}``Octave-Forge developers''?). This document is free
+documentation; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+terms of the GNU Free Documentation License as published by the Free
+Software Foundation.\protect \\
+.~~~This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+Keywords: nonlinear optimization, octave, tutorial, Nelder-Mead, Conjugate
+Gradient, Levenberg-Marquardt
+Nonlinear optimization problems are very common and when a solution
+cannot be found analytically, one usually tries to find it numerically.
+This document shows how to perform unconstrained nonlinear minimization
+using the Octave language for numerical computation. We assume to
+be so lucky as to have an initial guess from which to start an iterative
+method, and so impatient as to avoid as much as possible going into
+the details of the algorithm. In the following examples, we consider
+multivariable problems, but the single variable case is solved in
+exactly the same way.
+All the algorithms used below return numerical approximations of \emph{local
+minima} of the optimized function. In the following examples, we minimize
+a function with a single minimum (Figure~\ref{fig:function}), which
+is relatively easily found. In practice, success of optimization algorithms
+greatly depend on the optimized function and on the starting point.
+\section*{\fontfamily{cmss} \selectfont A simple example}
+{\centering \raisebox{6mm}{\resizebox*{0.3\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/2D_slice-3.eps2}} }~\resizebox*{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/optim_tutorial_slice.eps}} \par}
+\caption{\label{fig:function} 2D and 1D slices of the function that is minimized
+throughout this tutorial. Although not obvious at first sight, it
+has a unique minimum.}
+We will use a call of the type
+to find the minimum of \[
+f\, : & \left( x_{1},.x_{2},x_{3}\right) \in \R ^{3} & \longrightarrow  & \left( x_{1}-1\right) ^{2}/9+\left( x_{3}-1\right) ^{2}/9+\left( x_{3}-1\right) ^{2}/9\\
+ &  &  & -\cos \left( x_{1}-1\right) -\cos \left( x_{2}-1\right) -\cos \left( x_{3}-1\right) .
+The following commands should find a local minimum of \( f() \),
+using the Nelder-Mead (aka {}``downhill simplex'') algorithm and
+starting from a randomly chosen point \texttt{x0}~:
+The output should look like~:
+This means that a minimum has been found in \( \left( 1,1,1\right)  \)
+and that the value at that point is \( -3 \). This is correct, since
+all the points of the form \( x_{1}=1+2i\pi ,\, x_{2}=1+2j\pi ,\, x_{3}=1+2k\pi  \),
+for some \( i,j,k\in \N  \), minimize \( f() \). The number of function
+evaluations, 248, is also returned. Note that this number depends
+on the starting point. You will most likely obtain different numbers
+if you change \texttt{x0}.
+The Nelder-Mead algorithm is quite robust, but unfortunately it is
+not very efficient. For high-dimensional problems, its execution time
+may become prohibitive.
+\section*{\fontfamily{cmss} \selectfont Using the first differential}
+Fortunately, when a function, like \( f() \) above, is differentiable,
+more efficient optimization algorithms can be used. If \texttt{minimize()}
+is given the differential of the optimized function, using the \texttt{\char`\"{}df\char`\"{}}
+option, it will use a conjugate gradient method.
+This produces the output~:
+The same minimum has been found, but only 108 function evaluations
+were needed, together with 6 evaluations of the differential. Here,
+\texttt{diffoo()} takes the same argument as \texttt{foo()} and returns
+the partial derivatives of \( f() \) with respect to the corresponding
+variables. It doesn't matter if it returns a row or column vector
+or a matrix, as long as the \( i\nth  \) element of \texttt{diffoo(x)}
+is the partial derivative of \( f() \) with respect to \( x_{i} \)
+\section*{\fontfamily{cmss} \selectfont Using numerical approximations of
+the first differential}
+Sometimes, the minimized function is differentiable, but actually
+writing down its differential is more work than one would like. Numerical
+differentiation offers a solution which is less efficient in terms
+of computation cost, but easy to implement. The \texttt{\char`\"{}ndiff\char`\"{}}
+option of \texttt{minimize()} uses numerical differentiation to execute
+exactly the same algorithm as in the previous example. However, because
+numerical approximation of the differentia is used, the outpud may
+differ slightly~:
+wich yields~:
+Note that each time the differential is numerically approximated,
+\texttt{foo()} is called 6 times (twice per input element), so that
+\texttt{foo()} is evaluated a total of (78+6{*}6=) 114 times in this
+\section*{\fontfamily{cmss} \selectfont Using the first and second differentials}
+When the function is twice differentiable and one knows how to compute
+its first and second differentials, still more efficient algorithms
+can be used (in our case, a variant of Levenberg-Marquardt). The option
+\texttt{\char`\"{}d2f\char`\"{}} allows to specify a function that
+returns the value of the function, the first and second differentials
+of the minimized function. Entering the commands~: 
+produces the output~:
+This time, 34 function evaluations, and 5 evaluations of \texttt{d2foo()}
+were needed.
+\section*{\fontfamily{cmss} \selectfont Summary}
+We have just seen the most basic ways of solving nonlinear unconstrained
+optimization problems. The online help system of Octave (try e.g.
+{}``\texttt{help minimize}'') will yield information on other issues,
+such as \emph{passing extra arguments} to the minimized function,
+\emph{controling the termination} of the optimization process, choosing
+the algorithm etc.
--- a/main/optim/doc/optim-mini-howto.2.html	Thu Oct 05 10:24:36 2006 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
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-<!--HEVEA command line is: /usr/bin/hevea optim-mini-howto.2.tex -->
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-<!--CUT DEF section 1 -->
-<H1 ALIGN=center>Mini-HOWTO on using Octave for Unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization<A NAME="text1" HREF="#note1"><SUP><FONT SIZE=2>1</FONT></SUP></A></H1>
-Nonlinear optimization problems are very common and when a solution
-cannot be found analytically, one usually tries to find it numerically.
-This document shows how to perform unconstrained nonlinear minimization
-using the Octave language for numerical computation. We assume to
-be so lucky as to have an initial guess from which to start an iterative
-method, and so impatient as to avoid as much as possible going into
-the details of the algorithm. In the following examples, we consider
-multivariable problems, but the single variable case is solved in
-exactly the same way.<BR>
-All the algorithms used below return numerical approximations of <EM>local
-minima</EM> of the optimized function. In the following examples, we minimize
-a function with a single minimum (Figure&nbsp;<A HREF="#fig:function">1</A>), which
-is relatively easily found. In practice, success of optimization algorithms
-greatly depend on the optimized function and on the starting point.<BR>
-<!--TOC section cmss A simple example-->
-<H2>cmss A simple example</H2><!--SEC END -->
-<DIV ALIGN=center>6mm<IMG SRC="optim-mini-howto.2001.png"> &nbsp;<IMG SRC="optim-mini-howto.2002.png"> </DIV><BR>
-<DIV ALIGN=center>Figure 1: <A NAME="fig:function"></A> 2D and 1D slices of the function that is minimized
-throughout this tutorial. Although not obvious at first sight, it
-has a unique minimum.</DIV><BR>
-We will use a call of the type
-<DIV ALIGN=left><DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD><TT>
-to find the minimum of <DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=center NOWRAP><I>f</I>&nbsp; :</TD>
-<TR VALIGN=middle><TD NOWRAP>(</TD>
-<TD NOWRAP><I>x</I><SUB><FONT SIZE=2>1</FONT></SUB>,.<I>x</I><SUB><FONT SIZE=2>2</FONT></SUB>,<I>x</I><SUB><FONT SIZE=2>3</FONT></SUB></TD>
-<TD ALIGN=center NOWRAP><FONT FACE=symbol>¾®</FONT></TD>
-<TR VALIGN=middle><TD NOWRAP>(</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TD NOWRAP>/9+</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TD NOWRAP>/9+</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TR><TD ALIGN=center NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TD ALIGN=center NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TD ALIGN=center NOWRAP>&nbsp;</TD>
-<TR VALIGN=middle><TD NOWRAP>-cos</TD>
-<TD NOWRAP>-cos</TD>
-<TD NOWRAP>-cos</TD>
-The following commands should find a local minimum of  <I>f</I>() ,
-using the Nelder-Mead (aka ``downhill simplex'') algorithm and
-starting from a randomly chosen point <TT>x0</TT>&nbsp;:
-<DIV ALIGN=left><DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD><TT>
-The output should look like&nbsp;:
-<DIV ALIGN=left><DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD><TT>
-This means that a minimum has been found in  <TABLE>
-<TR VALIGN=middle><TD NOWRAP>(</TD>
-<TD NOWRAP>1,1,1</TD>
-and that the value at that point is  -3 . This is correct, since
-all the points of the form  <I>x</I><SUB><FONT SIZE=2>1</FONT></SUB>=1+2<I>i</I><FONT FACE=symbol>p</FONT> ,&nbsp; <I>x</I><SUB><FONT SIZE=2>2</FONT></SUB>=1+2<I>j</I><FONT FACE=symbol>p</FONT> ,&nbsp; <I>x</I><SUB><FONT SIZE=2>3</FONT></SUB>=1+2<I>k</I><FONT FACE=symbol>p</FONT> ,
-for some  <I>i</I>,<I>j</I>,<I>k</I><FONT FACE=symbol>Î</FONT> <I>N</I> , minimize  <I>f</I>() . The number of function
-evaluations, 248, is also returned. Note that this number depends
-on the starting point. You will most likely obtain different numbers
-if you change <TT>x0</TT>.<BR>
-The Nelder-Mead algorithm is quite robust, but unfortunately it is
-not very efficient. For high-dimensional problems, its execution time
-may become prohibitive.<BR>
-<!--TOC section cmss Using the first differential-->
-<H2>cmss Using the first differential</H2><!--SEC END -->
-Fortunately, when a function, like  <I>f</I>()  above, is differentiable,
-more efficient optimization algorithms can be used. If <TT>minimize()</TT>
-is given the differential of the optimized function, using the <TT>"df"</TT>
-option, it will use a conjugate gradient method.
-<DIV ALIGN=left><DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD><TT>
-This produces the output&nbsp;:
-<DIV ALIGN=left><DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD><TT>
-The same minimum has been found, but only 108 function evaluations
-were needed, together with 6 evaluations of the differential. Here,
-<TT>diffoo()</TT> takes the same argument as <TT>foo()</TT> and returns
-the partial derivatives of  <I>f</I>()  with respect to the corresponding
-variables. It doesn't matter if it returns a row or column vector
-or a matrix, as long as the  <I>i</I><SUP><FONT SIZE=2>th</FONT></SUP>  element of <TT>diffoo(x)</TT>
-is the partial derivative of  <I>f</I>()  with respect to  <I>x</I><SUB><FONT SIZE=2><I>i</I></FONT></SUB> 
-<!--TOC section cmss Using numerical approximations of
-the first differential-->
-<H2>cmss Using numerical approximations of
-the first differential</H2><!--SEC END -->
-Sometimes, the minimized function is differentiable, but actually
-writing down its differential is more work than one would like. Numerical
-differentiation offers a solution which is less efficient in terms
-of computation cost, but easy to implement. The <TT>"ndiff"</TT>
-option of <TT>minimize()</TT> uses numerical differentiation to execute
-exactly the same algorithm as in the previous example. However, because
-numerical approximation of the differentia is used, the outpud may
-differ slightly&nbsp;:
-<DIV ALIGN=left><DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD><TT>
-wich yields&nbsp;:
-<DIV ALIGN=left><DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD><TT>
-Note that each time the differential is numerically approximated,
-<TT>foo()</TT> is called 6 times (twice per input element), so that
-<TT>foo()</TT> is evaluated a total of (78+6*6=) 114 times in this
-<!--TOC section cmss Using the first and second differentials-->
-<H2>cmss Using the first and second differentials</H2><!--SEC END -->
-When the function is twice differentiable and one knows how to compute
-its first and second differentials, still more efficient algorithms
-can be used (in our case, a variant of Levenberg-Marquardt). The option
-<TT>"d2f"</TT> allows to specify a function that
-returns the value of the function, the first and second differentials
-of the minimized function. Entering the commands&nbsp;: 
-<DIV ALIGN=left><DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD><TT>
-produces the output&nbsp;:
-<DIV ALIGN=left><DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD><TT>
-This time, 34 function evaluations, and 5 evaluations of <TT>d2foo()</TT>
-were needed.<BR>
-<!--TOC section cmss Summary-->
-<H2>cmss Summary</H2><!--SEC END -->
-We have just seen the most basic ways of solving nonlinear unconstrained
-optimization problems. The online help system of Octave (try e.g.
-``<TT>help minimize</TT>'') will yield information on other issues,
-such as <EM>passing extra arguments</EM> to the minimized function,
-<EM>controling the termination</EM> of the optimization process, choosing
-the algorithm etc.
-<DIV ALIGN=left><DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD><TT>
-<!--BEGIN NOTES document-->
-<HR WIDTH="50%" SIZE=1><DL><DT><A NAME="note1" HREF="#text1"><FONT SIZE=5>1</FONT></A><DD>Author : Etienne Grossmann <TT>&lt;;</TT> (soon
-replaced by ``Octave-Forge developers''?). This document is free
-documentation; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU Free Documentation License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation.<BR>
-.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-<!--END NOTES-->
-<HR SIZE=2>
-<BLOCKQUOTE><EM>This document was translated from L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X by
-</EM><A HREF=""><EM>H<FONT SIZE=2><sup>E</sup></FONT>V<FONT SIZE=2><sup>E</sup></FONT>A</EM></A><EM>.
--- a/main/optim/doc/optim-mini-howto.2.lyx	Thu Oct 05 10:24:36 2006 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,703 +0,0 @@
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-\layout Title
-Mini-HOWTO on using Octave for Unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization
-\begin_float footnote 
-\layout Standard
-Author : Etienne Grossmann 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
- (soon replaced by 
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-Octave-Forge developers
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
- This document is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation.
-.\SpecialChar ~
-\SpecialChar ~
-\SpecialChar ~
-This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-\layout Comment
-Keywords: nonlinear optimization, octave, tutorial, Nelder-Mead, Conjugate
- Gradient, Levenberg-Marquardt
-\layout Standard
-Nonlinear optimization problems are very common and when a solution cannot
- be found analytically, one usually tries to find it numerically.
- This document shows how to perform unconstrained nonlinear minimization
- using the Octave language for numerical computation.
- We assume to be so lucky as to have an initial guess from which to start
- an iterative method, and so impatient as to avoid as much as possible going
- into the details of the algorithm.
- In the following examples, we consider multivariable problems, but the
- single variable case is solved in exactly the same way.
-\layout Standard
-All the algorithms used below return numerical approximations of 
-\emph on 
-local minima
-\emph default 
- of the optimized function.
- In the following examples, we minimize a function with a single minimum
- (Figure\SpecialChar ~
-\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref{fig:function}
-), which is relatively easily found.
- In practice, success of optimization algorithms greatly depend on the optimized
- function and on the starting point.
-\layout Section*
-\begin_inset ERT
-collapsed true
-\layout Standard
-\latex latex 
-A simple example
-\layout Standard
-\begin_float fig 
-\layout Standard
-\align center 
-\latex latex 
-\begin_inset Figure size 178 160
-file figures/2D_slice-3.eps2
-width 3 30
-flags 11
-}\SpecialChar ~
-\begin_inset Figure size 297 193
-file figures/optim_tutorial_slice.eps
-width 3 50
-flags 9
-\layout Caption
-\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{fig:function}
- 2D and 1D slices of the function that is minimized throughout this tutorial.
- Although not obvious at first sight, it has a unique minimum.
-\layout Standard
-We will use a call of the type
-\layout LyX-Code
-[x_best, best_value, niter] = minimize (func, x_init)
-\layout Standard
-to find the minimum of 
-\begin_inset Formula \[
-f\, : & \left( x_{1},.x_{2},x_{3}\right) \in \R ^{3} & \longrightarrow  & \left( x_{1}-1\right) ^{2}/9+\left( x_{3}-1\right) ^{2}/9+\left( x_{3}-1\right) ^{2}/9\\
- &  &  & -\cos \left( x_{1}-1\right) -\cos \left( x_{2}-1\right) -\cos \left( x_{3}-1\right) .
-\layout Standard
-The following commands should find a local minimum of 
-\begin_inset Formula \( f() \)
-, using the Nelder-Mead (aka 
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-downhill simplex
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
-) algorithm and starting from a randomly chosen point 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
-\SpecialChar ~
-\layout LyX-Code
-function cost = foo (xx)
-\layout LyX-Code
-  xx--;  
-\layout LyX-Code
-  cost = sum (-cos(xx)+xx.^2/9);
-\layout LyX-Code
-\layout LyX-Code
-x0 = [-1, 3, -2];
-\layout LyX-Code
-[x,v,n] = minimize ("foo", x0)
-\layout Standard
-The output should look like\SpecialChar ~
-\layout LyX-Code
-x =
-\layout LyX-Code
-  1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
-\layout LyX-Code
-\layout LyX-Code
-v = -3.0000
-\layout LyX-Code
-n = 248
-\layout Standard
-This means that a minimum has been found in 
-\begin_inset Formula \( \left( 1,1,1\right)  \)
- and that the value at that point is 
-\begin_inset Formula \( -3 \)
- This is correct, since all the points of the form 
-\begin_inset Formula \( x_{1}=1+2i\pi ,\, x_{2}=1+2j\pi ,\, x_{3}=1+2k\pi  \)
-, for some 
-\begin_inset Formula \( i,j,k\in \N  \)
-, minimize 
-\begin_inset Formula \( f() \)
- The number of function evaluations, 248, is also returned.
- Note that this number depends on the starting point.
- You will most likely obtain different numbers if you change 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
-\layout Standard
-The Nelder-Mead algorithm is quite robust, but unfortunately it is not very
- efficient.
- For high-dimensional problems, its execution time may become prohibitive.
-\layout Section*
-\begin_inset ERT
-collapsed true
-\layout Standard
-\latex latex 
-Using the first differential
-\layout Standard
-Fortunately, when a function, like 
-\begin_inset Formula \( f() \)
- above, is differentiable, more efficient optimization algorithms can be
- used.
- If 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
- is given the differential of the optimized function, using the 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
- option, it will use a conjugate gradient method.
-\layout LyX-Code
-## Function returning partial derivatives
-\layout LyX-Code
-function dc = diffoo (x)
-\layout LyX-Code
-    x = x(:)' - 1;
-\layout LyX-Code
-    dc = sin (x) + 2*x/9;
-\layout LyX-Code
-\layout LyX-Code
-[x, v, n] = minimize ("foo", x0, "df", "diffoo")
-\layout Standard
-This produces the output\SpecialChar ~
-\layout LyX-Code
-x =
-\layout LyX-Code
-  1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
-\layout LyX-Code
-v = -3 
-\layout LyX-Code
-n =
-\layout LyX-Code
-  108 6
-\layout Standard
-The same minimum has been found, but only 108 function evaluations were
- needed, together with 6 evaluations of the differential.
- Here, 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
- takes the same argument as 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
- and returns the partial derivatives of 
-\begin_inset Formula \( f() \)
- with respect to the corresponding variables.
- It doesn't matter if it returns a row or column vector or a matrix, as
- long as the 
-\begin_inset Formula \( i\nth  \)
- element of 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
- is the partial derivative of 
-\begin_inset Formula \( f() \)
- with respect to 
-\begin_inset Formula \( x_{i} \)
- .
-\layout Section*
-\begin_inset ERT
-collapsed true
-\layout Standard
-\latex latex 
-Using numerical approximations of the first differential
-\layout Standard
-Sometimes, the minimized function is differentiable, but actually writing
- down its differential is more work than one would like.
- Numerical differentiation offers a solution which is less efficient in
- terms of computation cost, but easy to implement.
- The 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
- option of 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
- uses numerical differentiation to execute exactly the same algorithm as
- in the previous example.
- However, because numerical approximation of the differentia is used, the
- outpud may differ slightly\SpecialChar ~
-\layout LyX-Code
-[x, v, n] = minimize ("foo", x0, "ndiff")
-\layout Standard
-wich yields\SpecialChar ~
-\layout LyX-Code
-x =
-\layout LyX-Code
-  1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
-\layout LyX-Code
-v = -3 
-\layout LyX-Code
-n =
-\layout LyX-Code
-  78 6
-\layout Standard
-Note that each time the differential is numerically approximated, 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
- is called 6 times (twice per input element), so that 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
- is evaluated a total of (78+6*6=) 114 times in this example.
-\layout Section*
-\begin_inset ERT
-collapsed true
-\layout Standard
-\latex latex 
-Using the first and second differentials
-\layout Standard
-When the function is twice differentiable and one knows how to compute its
- first and second differentials, still more efficient algorithms can be
- used (in our case, a variant of Levenberg-Marquardt).
- The option 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
- allows to specify a function that returns the value of the function, the
- first and second differentials of the minimized function.
- Entering the commands\SpecialChar ~
-\layout LyX-Code
-function [c, dc, d2c] = d2foo (x)
-\layout LyX-Code
-    c = foo(x);
-\layout LyX-Code
-    dc = diffoo(x);
-\layout LyX-Code
-    d2c = diag (cos (x(:)-1) + 2/9);
-\layout LyX-Code
-\layout LyX-Code
-[x,v,n] = minimize ("foo", x0, "d2f", "d2foo") 
-\layout Standard
-produces the output\SpecialChar ~
-\layout LyX-Code
-x =
-\layout LyX-Code
-  1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
-\layout LyX-Code
-v = -3
-\layout LyX-Code
-n =
-\layout LyX-Code
-  34 5
-\layout Standard
-This time, 34 function evaluations, and 5 evaluations of 
-\family typewriter 
-\family default 
- were needed.
-\layout Section*
-\begin_inset ERT
-collapsed true
-\layout Standard
-\latex latex 
-\layout Standard
-We have just seen the most basic ways of solving nonlinear unconstrained
- optimization problems.
- The online help system of Octave (try e.g.
-\begin_inset Quotes eld
-\family typewriter 
-help minimize
-\family default 
-\begin_inset Quotes erd
-) will yield information on other issues, such as 
-\emph on 
-passing extra arguments
-\emph default 
- to the minimized function, 
-\emph on 
-controling the termination
-\emph default 
- of the optimization process, choosing the algorithm etc.
-\layout LyX-Code
--- a/main/optim/doc/optim-mini-howto.2.tex	Thu Oct 05 10:24:36 2006 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,310 +0,0 @@
-%% LyX 1.1 created this file.  For more info, see
-%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
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-\title{Mini-HOWTO on using Octave for Unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization%
-\thanks{Author : Etienne Grossmann \texttt{<>} (soon
-replaced by {}``Octave-Forge developers''?). This document is free
-documentation; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
-terms of the GNU Free Documentation License as published by the Free
-Software Foundation.\protect \\
-.~~~This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-Keywords: nonlinear optimization, octave, tutorial, Nelder-Mead, Conjugate
-Gradient, Levenberg-Marquardt
-Nonlinear optimization problems are very common and when a solution
-cannot be found analytically, one usually tries to find it numerically.
-This document shows how to perform unconstrained nonlinear minimization
-using the Octave language for numerical computation. We assume to
-be so lucky as to have an initial guess from which to start an iterative
-method, and so impatient as to avoid as much as possible going into
-the details of the algorithm. In the following examples, we consider
-multivariable problems, but the single variable case is solved in
-exactly the same way.
-All the algorithms used below return numerical approximations of \emph{local
-minima} of the optimized function. In the following examples, we minimize
-a function with a single minimum (Figure~\ref{fig:function}), which
-is relatively easily found. In practice, success of optimization algorithms
-greatly depend on the optimized function and on the starting point.
-\section*{\fontfamily{cmss} \selectfont A simple example}
-{\centering \raisebox{6mm}{\resizebox*{0.3\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/2D_slice-3.eps2}} }~\resizebox*{0.5\textwidth}{!}{\includegraphics{figures/optim_tutorial_slice.eps}} \par}
-\caption{\label{fig:function} 2D and 1D slices of the function that is minimized
-throughout this tutorial. Although not obvious at first sight, it
-has a unique minimum.}
-We will use a call of the type
-to find the minimum of \[
-f\, : & \left( x_{1},.x_{2},x_{3}\right) \in \R ^{3} & \longrightarrow  & \left( x_{1}-1\right) ^{2}/9+\left( x_{3}-1\right) ^{2}/9+\left( x_{3}-1\right) ^{2}/9\\
- &  &  & -\cos \left( x_{1}-1\right) -\cos \left( x_{2}-1\right) -\cos \left( x_{3}-1\right) .
-The following commands should find a local minimum of \( f() \),
-using the Nelder-Mead (aka {}``downhill simplex'') algorithm and
-starting from a randomly chosen point \texttt{x0}~:
-The output should look like~:
-This means that a minimum has been found in \( \left( 1,1,1\right)  \)
-and that the value at that point is \( -3 \). This is correct, since
-all the points of the form \( x_{1}=1+2i\pi ,\, x_{2}=1+2j\pi ,\, x_{3}=1+2k\pi  \),
-for some \( i,j,k\in \N  \), minimize \( f() \). The number of function
-evaluations, 248, is also returned. Note that this number depends
-on the starting point. You will most likely obtain different numbers
-if you change \texttt{x0}.
-The Nelder-Mead algorithm is quite robust, but unfortunately it is
-not very efficient. For high-dimensional problems, its execution time
-may become prohibitive.
-\section*{\fontfamily{cmss} \selectfont Using the first differential}
-Fortunately, when a function, like \( f() \) above, is differentiable,
-more efficient optimization algorithms can be used. If \texttt{minimize()}
-is given the differential of the optimized function, using the \texttt{\char`\"{}df\char`\"{}}
-option, it will use a conjugate gradient method.
-This produces the output~:
-The same minimum has been found, but only 108 function evaluations
-were needed, together with 6 evaluations of the differential. Here,
-\texttt{diffoo()} takes the same argument as \texttt{foo()} and returns
-the partial derivatives of \( f() \) with respect to the corresponding
-variables. It doesn't matter if it returns a row or column vector
-or a matrix, as long as the \( i\nth  \) element of \texttt{diffoo(x)}
-is the partial derivative of \( f() \) with respect to \( x_{i} \)
-\section*{\fontfamily{cmss} \selectfont Using numerical approximations of
-the first differential}
-Sometimes, the minimized function is differentiable, but actually
-writing down its differential is more work than one would like. Numerical
-differentiation offers a solution which is less efficient in terms
-of computation cost, but easy to implement. The \texttt{\char`\"{}ndiff\char`\"{}}
-option of \texttt{minimize()} uses numerical differentiation to execute
-exactly the same algorithm as in the previous example. However, because
-numerical approximation of the differentia is used, the outpud may
-differ slightly~:
-wich yields~:
-Note that each time the differential is numerically approximated,
-\texttt{foo()} is called 6 times (twice per input element), so that
-\texttt{foo()} is evaluated a total of (78+6{*}6=) 114 times in this
-\section*{\fontfamily{cmss} \selectfont Using the first and second differentials}
-When the function is twice differentiable and one knows how to compute
-its first and second differentials, still more efficient algorithms
-can be used (in our case, a variant of Levenberg-Marquardt). The option
-\texttt{\char`\"{}d2f\char`\"{}} allows to specify a function that
-returns the value of the function, the first and second differentials
-of the minimized function. Entering the commands~: 
-produces the output~:
-This time, 34 function evaluations, and 5 evaluations of \texttt{d2foo()}
-were needed.
-\section*{\fontfamily{cmss} \selectfont Summary}
-We have just seen the most basic ways of solving nonlinear unconstrained
-optimization problems. The online help system of Octave (try e.g.
-{}``\texttt{help minimize}'') will yield information on other issues,
-such as \emph{passing extra arguments} to the minimized function,
-\emph{controling the termination} of the optimization process, choosing
-the algorithm etc.