view nsis/FontName.nsh @ 6512:ccc20ae889ca default tip guix

mingw::guile-2.0.7 builds.
author Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
date Thu, 24 Mar 2016 08:03:39 +0100
parents 1b39965a23cc
line wrap: on
line source

;FontName include file for NSIS
;Written by Vytautas Krivickas (
;If an error was generated the stack contains the translated error message
;and the error flag is set
;Translated To         - Translated By
;English (Default)     - Vytautas Krivickas
;Lithuanian            - Vytautas Krivickas
;German                - Jan T. Sott
;Hebrew                - kichik
;Portuguese (Brazil)   - deguix
;Arabic                - asdfuae
;Chinese (Traditional) - Kii Ali <>
;Chinese (Simplified)  - Kii Ali <>
;French                - evilO/Olive
;Spanish (Traditional) - Cecilio
;Macedonian            - Sasko Zdravkin <>

; Macros to use with FontName Plugin

!macro FontNameVer
  call TranslateFontName

!macro FontName FONTFILE
  push ${FONTFILE}
  call TranslateFontName
  call CheckFontNameError

; Private Functions - Called by the macros

Function TranslateFontName
  !define Index "LINE-${__LINE__}"

  StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1063 0 End-1063 ; Lithuanian (by Vytautas Krivickas)
    Push "Neteisinga �rifto versija"
    Push "Planines bylos adreso klaida: %u"
    Push "Planines bylos sukurimo klaida: %u"
    Push "Neteisingas bylos dydis: %u"
    Push "Neteisinga bylos rankena: %u"
    Push "FontName %s ijungiamoji byla i NSIS"
    goto ${Index}

  StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1031 0 End-1031 ; German (by Jan T. Sott)
    Push "Falsche Fontversion"
    Push "MappedFile Addressfehler: %u"
    Push "MappedFile Fehler: %u"
    Push "Ung�ltige Dateigr�sse: %u"
    Push "Ung�ltiges Dateihandle %u"
    Push "FontName %s Plugin f�r NSIS"
    goto ${Index}

  StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1037 0 End-1037 ; Hebrew (by kichik)
    Push "���� ���� �����"
    Push "����� ����� ���� �����: %u"
    Push "����� ���� �����: %u"
    Push "���� ���� �� ����: %u"
    Push "���� ���� �� ����� %u"
    Push "FontName %s plugin for NSIS"
    goto ${Index}

  StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1046 0 End-1046 ; Portuguese (Brazil) (by deguix)
    Push "Vers�o de Fonte Errada"
    Push "Erro de Endere�o do ArquivoMapeado: %u"
    Push "Erro do ArquivoMapeado: %u"
    Push "Tamanho de arquivo inv�lido: %u"
    Push "Manuseio de arquivo inv�lido %u"
    Push "FontName %s plugin para NSIS"
    goto ${Index}

  StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1025 0 End-1025 ; Arabic (by asdfuae)
    Push "����� ���� ����"
    Push "���� ����� ����������: %u"
    Push "���� ����� �����: %u"
    Push "��� ����� �������: %u"
    Push "����� ����� ��� ���� %u"
    Push "���� ��� ���� %s �����"
    goto ${Index}

  StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1028 0 End-1028 ; Chinese (Traditional) by Kii Ali <>
    Push "���~���r������"
    Push "�����ɮצ�}���~: %u"
    Push "�����ɮ׿��~: %u"
    Push "�L�Ī��ɮפj�p: %u"
    Push "�L�Ī��ɮ׬`�{: %u"
    Push "�� NSIS ���r���W�� %s ����"
    goto ${Index}

  StrCmp $LANGUAGE 2052 0 End-2052 ; Chinese (Simplified) by Kii Ali <>
    Push "���������汾"
    Push "ӳ���ļ���ַ����: %u"
    Push "ӳ���ļ�����: %u"
    Push "��Ч���ļ���С: %u"
    Push "��Ч���ļ�����: %u"
    Push "���� NSIS ���������� %s ���"
    goto ${Index}

  StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1036 0 End-1036 ; French by evilO/Olive
    Push "Version de police incorrecte"
    Push "Erreur d'adresse du fichier mapp� : %u"
    Push "Erreur de fichier mapp� : %u"
    Push "Taille de fichier invalide : %u"
    Push "Descripteur de fichier invalide %u"
    Push "FontName %s plugin pour NSIS"
    goto ${Index}

  StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1034 0 End-1034 ; Spanish (traditional) by Cecilio
    Push "Versi�n del font incorrecta"
    Push "Error de direcci�n de archivo mapeado: %u"
    Push "Error de archivo mapeado: %u"
    Push "Tama�o de archivo erroneo: %u"
    Push "Manipulador de archivo erroneo: %u"
    Push "Plugin de NSIS para FontName %s "
    goto ${Index}

  StrCmp $LANGUAGE 1071 0 End-1071 ; Macedonian by Sasko Zdravkin <>
    Push "�������� ������ �� ������"
    Push "������������������ ������ �� ��������: %u"
    Push "������������������ ������: %u"
    Push "�������� �������� �� ����������: %u"
    Push "�������� �������� �� ����������: %u"
    Push "FontName %s ������ �� NSIS"
    goto ${Index}

; Add your languages here

  ; Default English (1033) by Vytautas Krivickas - MUST REMAIN LAST!
  Push "Wrong Font Version"
  Push "MappedFile Address Error: %u"
  Push "MappedFile Error: %u"
  Push "Invalid file size: %u"
  Push "Invalid file handle %u"
  Push "FontName %s plugin for NSIS"
  goto ${Index}

  !undef Index

Function CheckFontNameError
  !define Index "LINE-${__LINE__}"

  exch $1
  strcmp $1 "*:*" 0 Index
    pop $1
    exch $1

  exch $1
  !undef Index