view installer-files/octave.bat @ 4854:990b5e6b1970

use AC_PATH_PROG to check for ccache; use result in ccache-links Makefile rule
author John W. Eaton <>
date Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:39:43 -0400
parents a800e350d88b
children d18546e3db74
line wrap: on
line source

:; # if running from bash, recall using cmd.exe
:; cmd.exe //c "$0" "$@"; exit $?
@echo off
Rem   Find Octave's install directory through cmd.exe variables.
Rem   This batch file should reside in Octaves installation bin dir!
Rem   This trick finds the location where the batch file resides.
Rem   Note: the result ends with a backslash.
set OCT_HOME=%~dp0\.\..\
Rem Convert to 8.3 format so we don't have to worry about spaces.
for %%I in ("%OCT_HOME%") do set OCT_HOME=%%~sI

Rem   Set up PATH.  Make sure the octave bin dir comes first.

set PATH=%OCT_HOME%qt5\bin;%OCT_HOME%bin;%PATH%

Rem   Set up any environment vars we may need.

set TERM=cygwin
set GNUTERM=wxt
set GS=gs.exe
Rem QT_PLUGIN_PATH must be set to avoid segfault (bug #53419).
IF EXIST "%OCT_HOME%\qt5\bin\" (
  set QT_PLUGIN_PATH=%OCT_HOME%\qt5\plugins
) ELSE (
  set QT_PLUGIN_PATH=%OCT_HOME%\plugins

Rem set home if not already set
if "%HOME%"=="" set HOME=%USERPROFILE%
Rem set HOME to 8.3 format
for %%I in ("%HOME%") do set HOME=%%~sI

Rem   Check for args to determine if GUI (--gui, --force-gui)
Rem   or CLI (--no-gui) should be started.
Rem   If nothing is specified, start the CLI.
set GUI_MODE=0
if -%1-==-- goto args_done

if %1==--gui (
  set GUI_MODE=1
) else (
if %1==--force-gui (
  set GUI_MODE=1
) else (
if %1==--no-gui (
  set GUI_MODE=0

Rem move to next argument and continue processing
goto checkargs


Rem   Start Octave (this detaches and immediately returns).
if %GUI_MODE%==1 (
  start octave-gui.exe --gui %*
) else (
  octave-cli.exe %*