view tools/ @ 4654:b9e4ebcad82f

disable doc extraction for optim package Disable the rules for extracting doc strings because they don't work when cross compiling. Our patches to the source files don't touch the doc strings, so there is no need to update them anyway.
author John W. Eaton <>
date Tue, 10 Apr 2018 07:50:10 -0400
parents eb8b37422e16
children 4eae7db624e8
line wrap: on
line source

import sys
import os
import re
import tempfile
import shutil
import fnmatch
import subprocess
import glob

class Env:
  mkoctfile = "mkoctfile";
  octave_config = "octave-config";
  make = "make"
  verbose = True;
  prefix = "";
  pkg = "";
  arch = "";
  tmp = "/tmp";
  apiversion = "";
  bin_dir = "";
  m_dir = "";
  arch_dir = "";
  cleanup = False;

def show_usage():
  print sys.argv(0), "[options] pkg1 [pkg2]"

def verify_directory(dirname):
  for f in [ "COPYING", "DESCRIPTION" ]:
    if os.path.isfile(dirname + "/" + f) == False:
      raise Exception, "package is missing file " + f

def get_description(descfile):
  with open(descfile, 'r') as f:
    lines =
    d = dict(s.split(': ',1) for s in lines if s.find(': ') != -1)
    return d

def extract_pkg(filename, nm):
  pkg = []
  with open(filename, 'r') as f:
    lines =
    for l in lines:
      so =, l, re.M|re.S)
      if so:
  return pkg 

def write_index_file(env, desc, index_nm):

  with open(index_nm, 'w') as f:
    files = os.listdir(env.m_dir)
    classes = fnmatch.filter(files, "@*")

    # check classes
    for c in classes:
      class_name = c
      class_path = env.m_dir + "/" + c;
      if os.path.isdir(class_path) == True:
        class_files = list(class_name + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(class_path))
        files += class_files
    # arch dependant 
    if os.path.exists(env.arch_dir) == True:
      archfiles = os.listdir(env.arch_dir)
      files += archfiles

    functions = []
    for a in files:
      if a.endswith(".m"):
        functions.append( str(a[0:len(a)-2]) )
      elif a.endswith(".oct"):
        functions.append( str(a[0:len(a)-4]) )
    f.write(env.pkg + " >> " + desc['Title'] +  "\n");
    f.write(desc['Categories'].replace(",", " ") + "\n")
    for a in functions:
      f.write("  " + a + "\n")

def finish_installation(env, packdir):
  # octave would run post_install.m here - instead we will copy the post_install.m 
  # somewhere and then on initial startup, run the post_install
  if os.path.isfile(packdir + "/post_install.m") == True:
    if env.verbose:
      print "Copying .. post_install.m"
    destdir = env.prefix + "/share/octave/site/m/once_only"
    if os.path.exists(destdir) == False:
    shutil.copy2(packdir + "/post_install.m", destdir + "/" + env.pkg + "-post_install.m")

def create_pkgadddel (env, packdir, nm):
  if env.verbose:
    print "Creating...", nm

  instfid = open(env.m_dir + "/" + nm, "a")
  if os.path.exists(env.arch_dir) == True:
    archfid = open(env.arch_dir + "/" + nm, "w")
    archfid = instfid

  # search inst .m files for PKG_ commands
  instdir = packdir + "/inst"
  files = list(instdir + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(instdir))
  m_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.m")
  for f in m_files:
    for a in extract_pkg(f, '^[#%][#%]* *' + nm + ': *(.*)$'):
      instfid.write("%s\n" % str(a))

  # search src .cc files for PKG_ commands
  if os.path.exists(packdir + "/src") == True:
    srcdir = packdir + "/src"
    files = list(srcdir + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(srcdir))
    cc_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.cc")
    cpp_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.cpp")
    cxx_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.cxx")
    for f in cc_files + cpp_files + cxx_files:
      for a in extract_pkg(f, '^//* *' + nm + ': *(.*)$'):
        archfid.write("%s\n" % str(a))
      for a in extract_pkg(f, '^/\** *' + nm + ': *(.*) *\*/$'):
        archfid.write("%s\n" % a)

  # add PKG_XXX from packdir if exists
  if os.path.isfile(packdir + "/" + nm) == True:
    with open(packdir + "/" + nm, 'r') as f:
      lines =
      for a in lines:
        archfid.write("%s\n" % a)

  # close files
  if archfid != instfid:
    if os.stat(env.arch_dir + "/" + nm).st_size == 0:
      os.remove(env.arch_dir + "/" + nm)
  if os.stat(env.m_dir + "/" + nm).st_size == 0:
    os.remove(env.m_dir + "/" + nm)

def generate_lookfor_cache (env):
  # TODO create doc-cache

def copyfile(files, destdir):
  if os.path.exists(destdir) == False:
  for a in files:
    if os.path.isfile(a):
      shutil.copy2(a, destdir)
    if os.path.isdir(a):
      name= os.path.basename(a)
      morefiles=(a + "/" + b for b in os.listdir(a))
      copyfile(morefiles, destdir + "/" + name)

def copy_files(env, pkgdir):
  if os.path.exists(env.m_dir) == False:
  instdir = pkgdir + "/inst"

  if env.verbose:
    print "Copying m files ..."

  files = list(instdir + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(instdir))
  # filter for arch folder
  if os.path.exists(instdir + "/" + env.arch) == True:
    files.remove(instdir + "/" + env.arch)
  copyfile(files, env.m_dir)

  if os.path.exists(instdir + "/" + env.arch) == True:
    if env.verbose:
      print "Copying arch files ..."
    files = list(instdir + "/" + env.arch + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(instdir + "/" + env.arch))
    if len(files) > 0:
      if os.path.exists(env.arch_dir) == False:
      copyfile(files, env.arch_dir)
      shutil.rmtree(instdir + "/" + env.arch)

  # packinfo
  if env.verbose:
    print "Copying packinfo files ..."
  if os.path.exists(env.m_dir + "/packinfo") == False:
    os.makedirs(env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
  copyfile([pkgdir + "/DESCRIPTION"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
  copyfile([pkgdir + "/COPYING"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
  copyfile([pkgdir + "/CITATION"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
  copyfile([pkgdir + "/NEWS"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
  copyfile([pkgdir + "/ONEWS"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
  copyfile([pkgdir + "/ChangeLog"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")

  # index file
  if env.verbose:
    print "Copying/creating INDEX ..."
  if os.path.isfile(pkgdir + "/INDEX") == True:
    copyfile([pkgdir + "/INDEX"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
    desc = get_description(pkgdir + "/DESCRIPTION")
    write_index_file(env, desc, env.m_dir + "/packinfo/INDEX")

  copyfile([pkgdir + "on_uninstall.m"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")

  # doc dir ?
  docdir = pkgdir + "/doc"
  if os.path.exists(docdir) == True:
    if env.verbose:
      print "Copying doc files ..."
    files = (docdir + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(docdir))
    copyfile(files, env.m_dir + "/doc")

   # bin dir ?
  bindir = pkgdir + "/bin"
  if os.path.exists(bindir) == True:
    if env.verbose:
      print "Copying bin files ..."
    files = (bindir + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(bindir))
    copyfile(files, env.m_dir + "/bin")

def configure_make(env, packdir):
  if os.path.isdir(packdir + "/inst") == False:
    os.mkdir(packdir + "/inst")

  if os.path.isdir(packdir + "/src") == True:
    src = packdir + "/src"

    if os.path.isfile(src + "/configure") == True:
      if env.verbose:
        print "running ./configure " + env.config_opts

      if os.system("./configure " + env.config_opts + "") != 0:
        raise Exception, "configure failed - stopping install"

    if os.path.isfile(src + "/Makefile") == True:
      if env.verbose:
        print "running make ..."
      if os.system(env.make + " --directory '" + src + "'" ) != 0:
        raise Exception, "make failed during build - stopping install"

    # copy files to inst and inst arch
    files = src + "/FILES"
    instdir = packdir + "/inst"
    archdir = instdir + "/" + env.arch

    if os.path.isfile(files) == True:
      pass # TODO yet
      # get .m, .oct and .mex files
      files = os.listdir(src)
      m_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.m")
      mex_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.mex")
      oct_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.oct")
      files = m_files + mex_files + oct_files
      files = list(src + "/" + s for s in files)

    # split files into arch and non arch files
    archdependant = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.mex") + fnmatch.filter(files,"*.oct")
    archindependant = list( x for x in files if x not in archdependant )

    # copy the files
    copyfile(archindependant, instdir)
    copyfile(archdependant, archdir)

def add_package_list(env, desc):
  #pkglist = env.prefix + "/share/octave/octave_packages"
  #with open(pkglist, 'r') as f:
  #  lines =
  # currently doing nothing for adding, will let installer do
def uninstall_pkg(pkg,env):
  # uninstall existing directories

  files=glob.glob(env.prefix + "/share/octave/packages/" + env.pkg + "-" + "*")
  for f in files:
    print "removing dir " + f

  files=glob.glob(env.prefix + "/lib/octave/packages/" + env.pkg + "-" + "*")
  for f in files:
    print "removing dir " + f


def install_pkg(pkg, env):
  pkg = os.path.abspath(pkg)
  currdir = os.getcwd()

    ## Check that the directory in prefix exist. If it doesn't: create it!
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp("-pkg","tmp", env.tmp)

    # unpack dir
    if env.verbose:
      os.system("tar xzvf '" + pkg + "'") 
      os.system("tar xzf '" + pkg + "'") 

    # get list for files creates
    if len(files) != 1:
      print "Expected to unpack to only one directory"

    packdir = os.path.abspath(files[0])

    # verify have expected min files

    # read the description file
    desc = get_description(packdir + "/DESCRIPTION")

    # make the path names
    env.pkg = desc['Name'].lower()
    env.m_dir = env.prefix + "/share/octave/packages/" + env.pkg + "-" + desc['Version'];
    env.arch_dir = env.prefix + "/lib/octave/packages/" + env.pkg + "-" + desc['Version'] + "/" + env.arch + "-" + env.apiversion

    configure_make (env, packdir)

    # uninstall old packages
    uninstall_pkg(pkg, env)

    # install package files
    copy_files(env, packdir)
    create_pkgadddel (env, packdir, "PKG_ADD");
    create_pkgadddel (env, packdir, "PKG_DEL");
    finish_installation(env, packdir)
    generate_lookfor_cache (env);

    # update package list
    add_package_list(env, desc)
    if env.verbose:
      print "cleaning up"

    if env.cleanup:

def pkg (args):
  arch = ''

  env = Env()

  files = []
  for a in args:
    print a
    if len(c) > 1:

    if key == "-verbose":
      env.verbose = True;
    elif key == "--verbose":
      env.verbose = True;
    elif key == "-no-cleanup":
      env.cleanup = False;
    elif val == "":

  if os.environ.get("OCTAVE_CONFIG") != None:
    env.octave_config = os.environ["OCTAVE_CONFIG"]
  if os.environ.get("MAKE") != None:
    env.make = os.environ["MAKE"]
  if os.environ.get("MKOCTFILE") != None:
    env.mkoctfile = os.environ["MKOCTFILE"]
  if os.environ.get("TMP") != None:
    env.tmp = os.environ["TMP"]

  if env.verbose:
    env.mkoctfile = env.mkoctfile + " --verbose"

  # make sure we have these set up in env
  os.environ['OCTAVE_CONFIG'] = env.octave_config;
  os.environ['MAKE'] = env.make;
  os.environ['MKOCTFILE'] = env.mkoctfile;
  os.environ['TMP'] = env.tmp;
  os.environ['OCTAVE'] = 'echo';

  if os.environ.get("CC") == None:
    os.environ['CC'] = os.popen(env.mkoctfile + " -p CC").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  if os.environ.get("CXX") == None:
    os.environ['CXX'] = os.popen(env.mkoctfile + " -p CXX").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  if os.environ.get("AR") == None:
    os.environ['AR'] = os.popen(env.mkoctfile + " -p AR").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  if os.environ.get("RANLIB") == None:
    os.environ['RANLIB'] = os.popen(env.mkoctfile + " -p RANLIB").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  if os.environ.get("CONFIGURE_OPTIONS") != None:
    env.config_opts = os.environ['CONFIGURE_OPTIONS']

  # work out what arch is etc from mkoctfile/config
  if env.prefix == "":
    env.prefix = os.popen(env.octave_config + " -p OCTAVE_HOME").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  if env.prefix == "":
    env.prefix = os.popen(env.octave_config + " -p PREFIX").read().rstrip("\r\n")

  env.arch = os.popen(env.octave_config + " -p CANONICAL_HOST_TYPE").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  env.apiversion = os.popen(env.octave_config + " -p API_VERSION").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  env.bindir = os.popen(env.octave_config + " -p BINDIR").read().rstrip("\r\n")

  if env.verbose:
    print "mkoctfile=", env.mkoctfile
    print "arch=", env.arch
    print "apiversion=", env.apiversion
    print "prefix=", env.prefix
    print "files=", files
    print "verbose=", env.verbose

  for a in files:
    install_pkg(a, env)

  return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
  if len(sys.argv) > 1: