view tools/ @ 4183:cc549d1865cb

pstoedit: use GS environment var if set in windows * src/pstoedit-5-use_gs_env.patch: new file * installer-files/cmdshell.bat, installer-files/octave-firsttime.vbs, installer-files/octave.bat, installer-files/octave.vbs: set GS env var to gs.exe * added pstoedit-5-use_gs_env.patc
author John D
date Fri, 05 Aug 2016 21:24:58 -0400
parents d53c492ab48d
children bdcbb82d57e2
line wrap: on
line source

import sys
import os
import re
import tempfile
import shutil
import fnmatch
import subprocess
import glob

class Env:
  mkoctfile = "mkoctfile";
  octave_config = "octave-config";
  make = "make"
  verbose = True;
  prefix = "";
  pkg = "";
  arch = "";
  tmp = "/tmp";
  apiversion = "";
  bin_dir = "";
  m_dir = "";
  arch_dir = "";
  cleanup = False;

def show_usage():
  print sys.argv(0), "[options] pkg1 [pkg2]"

def verify_directory(dirname):
  for f in [ "COPYING", "DESCRIPTION" ]:
    if os.path.isfile(dirname + "/" + f) == False:
      raise Exception, "package is missing file " + f

def get_description(descfile):
  with open(descfile, 'r') as f:
    lines =
    d = dict(s.split(': ',1) for s in lines if s.find(': ') != -1)
    return d

def extract_pkg(filename, nm):
  pkg = []
  with open(filename, 'r') as f:
    lines =
    for l in lines:
      so =, l, re.M|re.S)
      if so:
  return pkg 

def write_index_file(env, desc, index_nm):

  with open(index_nm, 'w') as f:
    files = os.listdir(env.m_dir)
    classes = fnmatch.filter(files, "@*")

    # check classes
    for c in classes:
      class_name = c
      class_path = env.m_dir + "/" + c;
      if os.path.isdir(class_path) == True:
        class_files = list(class_name + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(class_path))
        files += class_files
    # arch dependant 
    if os.path.exists(env.arch_dir) == True:
      archfiles = os.listdir(env.arch_dir)
      files += archfiles

    functions = []
    for a in files:
      if a.endswith(".m"):
        functions.append( str(a[0:len(a)-2]) )
      elif a.endswith(".oct"):
        functions.append( str(a[0:len(a)-4]) )
    f.write(env.pkg + " >> " + desc['Title'] +  "\n");
    f.write(desc['Categories'].replace(",", " ") + "\n")
    for a in functions:
      f.write("  " + a + "\n")

def finish_installation(env, packdir):
  # octave would run post_install.m here - instead we will copy the post_install.m 
  # somewhere and then on initial startup, run the post_install
  if os.path.isfile(packdir + "/post_install.m") == True:
    if env.verbose:
      print "Copying .. post_install.m"
    destdir = env.prefix + "/share/octave/site/m/once_only"
    if os.path.exists(destdir) == False:
    shutil.copy2(packdir + "/post_install.m", destdir + "/" + env.pkg + "-post_install.m")

def create_pkgadddel (env, packdir, nm):
  if env.verbose:
    print "Creating...", nm

  instfid = open(env.m_dir + "/" + nm, "a")
  if os.path.exists(env.arch_dir) == True:
    archfid = open(env.arch_dir + "/" + nm, "w")
    archfid = instfid

  # search inst .m files for PKG_ commands
  instdir = packdir + "/inst"
  files = list(instdir + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(instdir))
  m_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.m")
  for f in m_files:
    for a in extract_pkg(f, '^[#%][#%]* *' + nm + ': *(.*)$'):
      instfid.write("%s\n" % str(a))

  # search src .cc files for PKG_ commands
  if os.path.exists(packdir + "/src") == True:
    srcdir = packdir + "/src"
    files = list(srcdir + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(srcdir))
    c_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.cc")
    for f in c_files:
      for a in extract_pkg(f, '^//* *' + nm + ': *(.*)$'):
        archfid.write("%s\n" % str(a))
      for a in extract_pkg(f, '^/\** *' + nm + ': *(.*) *\*/$'):
        archfid.write("%s\n" % a)

  # add PKG_XXX from packdir if exists
  if os.path.isfile(packdir + "/" + nm) == True:
    with open(packdir + "/" + nm, 'r') as f:
      lines =
      for a in lines:
        archfid.write("%s\n" % a)

  # close files
  if archfid != instfid:
    if os.stat(env.arch_dir + "/" + nm).st_size == 0:
      os.remove(env.arch_dir + "/" + nm)
  if os.stat(env.m_dir + "/" + nm).st_size == 0:
    os.remove(env.m_dir + "/" + nm)

def generate_lookfor_cache (env):
  # TODO create doc-cache

def copyfile(files, destdir):
  if os.path.exists(destdir) == False:
  for a in files:
    if os.path.isfile(a):
      shutil.copy2(a, destdir)
    if os.path.isdir(a):
      name= os.path.basename(a)
      morefiles=(a + "/" + b for b in os.listdir(a))
      copyfile(morefiles, destdir + "/" + name)

def copy_files(env, pkgdir):
  if os.path.exists(env.m_dir) == False:
  instdir = pkgdir + "/inst"

  if env.verbose:
    print "Copying m files ..."

  files = list(instdir + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(instdir))
  # filter for arch folder
  if os.path.exists(instdir + "/" + env.arch) == True:
    files.remove(instdir + "/" + env.arch)
  copyfile(files, env.m_dir)

  if os.path.exists(instdir + "/" + env.arch) == True:
    if env.verbose:
      print "Copying arch files ..."
    files = list(instdir + "/" + env.arch + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(instdir + "/" + env.arch))
    if len(files) > 0:
      if os.path.exists(env.arch_dir) == False:
      copyfile(files, env.arch_dir)
      shutil.rmtree(instdir + "/" + env.arch)

  # packinfo
  if env.verbose:
    print "Copying packinfo files ..."
  if os.path.exists(env.m_dir + "/packinfo") == False:
    os.makedirs(env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
  copyfile([pkgdir + "/DESCRIPTION"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
  copyfile([pkgdir + "/COPYING"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
  copyfile([pkgdir + "/CITATION"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
  copyfile([pkgdir + "/NEWS"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
  copyfile([pkgdir + "/ONEWS"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
  copyfile([pkgdir + "/ChangeLog"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")

  # index file
  if env.verbose:
    print "Copying/creating INDEX ..."
  if os.path.isfile(pkgdir + "/INDEX") == True:
    copyfile([pkgdir + "/INDEX"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")
    desc = get_description(pkgdir + "/DESCRIPTION")
    write_index_file(env, desc, env.m_dir + "/packinfo/INDEX")

  copyfile([pkgdir + "on_uninstall.m"], env.m_dir + "/packinfo")

  # doc dir ?
  docdir = pkgdir + "/doc"
  if os.path.exists(docdir) == True:
    if env.verbose:
      print "Copying doc files ..."
    files = (docdir + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(docdir))
    copyfile(files, env.m_dir + "/doc")

   # bin dir ?
  bindir = pkgdir + "/bin"
  if os.path.exists(bindir) == True:
    if env.verbose:
      print "Copying bin files ..."
    files = (bindir + "/" + a for a in os.listdir(bindir))
    copyfile(files, env.m_dir + "/bin")

def configure_make(env, packdir):
  if os.path.isdir(packdir + "/inst") == False:
    os.mkdir(packdir + "/inst")

  if os.path.isdir(packdir + "/src") == True:
    src = packdir + "/src"

    if os.path.isfile(src + "/configure") == True:
      if env.verbose:
        print "running ./configure " + env.config_opts

      os.system("./configure " + env.config_opts + "")

    if os.path.isfile(src + "/Makefile") == True:
      if env.verbose:
        print "running make ..."
      if os.system(env.make + " --directory '" + src + "'" ) != 0:
        raise Exception, "make failed during build - stopping install"

    # copy files to inst and inst arch
    files = src + "/FILES"
    instdir = packdir + "/inst"
    archdir = instdir + "/" + env.arch

    if os.path.isfile(files) == True:
      pass # TODO yet
      # get .m, .oct and .mex files
      files = os.listdir(src)
      m_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.m")
      mex_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.mex")
      oct_files = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.oct")
      files = m_files + mex_files + oct_files
      files = list(src + "/" + s for s in files)

    # split files into arch and non arch files
    archdependant = fnmatch.filter(files, "*.mex") + fnmatch.filter(files,"*.oct")
    archindependant = list( x for x in files if x not in archdependant )

    # copy the files
    copyfile(archindependant, instdir)
    copyfile(archdependant, archdir)

def add_package_list(env, desc):
  #pkglist = env.prefix + "/share/octave/octave_packages"
  #with open(pkglist, 'r') as f:
  #  lines =
  # currently doing nothing for adding, will let installer do
def uninstall_pkg(pkg,env):
  # uninstall existing directories

  files=glob.glob(env.prefix + "/share/octave/packages/" + env.pkg + "-" + "*")
  for f in files:
    print "removing dir " + f

  files=glob.glob(env.prefix + "/lib/octave/packages/" + env.pkg + "-" + "*")
  for f in files:
    print "removing dir " + f


def install_pkg(pkg, env):
  pkg = os.path.abspath(pkg)
  currdir = os.getcwd()

    ## Check that the directory in prefix exist. If it doesn't: create it!
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp("-pkg","tmp", env.tmp)

    # unpack dir
    if env.verbose:
      os.system("tar xzvf '" + pkg + "'") 
      os.system("tar xzf '" + pkg + "'") 

    # get list for files creates
    if len(files) != 1:
      print "Expected to unpack to only one directory"

    packdir = os.path.abspath(files[0])

    # verify have expected min files

    # read the description file
    desc = get_description(packdir + "/DESCRIPTION")

    # make the path names
    env.pkg = desc['Name'].lower()
    env.m_dir = env.prefix + "/share/octave/packages/" + env.pkg + "-" + desc['Version'];
    env.arch_dir = env.prefix + "/lib/octave/packages/" + env.pkg + "-" + desc['Version'] + "/" + env.arch + "-" + env.apiversion

    configure_make (env, packdir)

    # uninstall old packages
    uninstall_pkg(pkg, env)

    # install package files
    copy_files(env, packdir)
    create_pkgadddel (env, packdir, "PKG_ADD");
    create_pkgadddel (env, packdir, "PKG_DEL");
    finish_installation(env, packdir)
    generate_lookfor_cache (env);

    # update package list
    add_package_list(env, desc)
    if env.verbose:
      print "cleaning up"

    if env.cleanup:

def pkg (args):
  arch = ''

  env = Env()

  files = []
  for a in args:
    print a
    if len(c) > 1:

    if key == "-verbose":
      env.verbose = True;
    elif key == "--verbose":
      env.verbose = True;
    elif key == "-no-cleanup":
      env.cleanup = False;
    elif val == "":

  if os.environ.get("OCTAVE_CONFIG") != None:
    env.octave_config = os.environ["OCTAVE_CONFIG"]
  if os.environ.get("MAKE") != None:
    env.make = os.environ["MAKE"]
  if os.environ.get("MKOCTFILE") != None:
    env.mkoctfile = os.environ["MKOCTFILE"]
  if os.environ.get("TMP") != None:
    env.tmp = os.environ["TMP"]

  if env.verbose:
    env.mkoctfile = env.mkoctfile + " --verbose"

  # make sure we have these set up in env
  os.environ['OCTAVE_CONFIG'] = env.octave_config;
  os.environ['MAKE'] = env.make;
  os.environ['MKOCTFILE'] = env.mkoctfile;
  os.environ['TMP'] = env.tmp;
  os.environ['OCTAVE'] = 'echo';

  if os.environ.get("CC") == None:
    os.environ['CC'] = os.popen(env.mkoctfile + " -p CC").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  if os.environ.get("CXX") == None:
    os.environ['CXX'] = os.popen(env.mkoctfile + " -p CXX").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  if os.environ.get("AR") == None:
    os.environ['AR'] = os.popen(env.mkoctfile + " -p AR").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  if os.environ.get("RANLIB") == None:
    os.environ['RANLIB'] = os.popen(env.mkoctfile + " -p RANLIB").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  if os.environ.get("CONFIGURE_OPTIONS") != None:
    env.config_opts = os.environ['CONFIGURE_OPTIONS']

  # work out what arch is etc from mkoctfile/config
  if env.prefix == "":
    env.prefix = os.popen(env.octave_config + " -p PREFIX").read().rstrip("\r\n")

  env.arch = os.popen(env.octave_config + " -p CANONICAL_HOST_TYPE").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  env.apiversion = os.popen(env.octave_config + " -p API_VERSION").read().rstrip("\r\n")
  env.bindir = os.popen(env.octave_config + " -p BINDIR").read().rstrip("\r\n")

  if env.verbose:
    print "mkoctfile=", env.mkoctfile
    print "arch=", env.arch
    print "apiversion=", env.apiversion
    print "prefix=", env.prefix
    print "files=", files
    print "verbose=", env.verbose

  for a in files:
    install_pkg(a, env)

  return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
  if len(sys.argv) > 1: