changeset 17281:bc924baa2c4e

doc: Add new @qcode macro for code samples which are quoted. Macro handles options ("on") or properties ("position") more elegantly than @code{"text"}. * doc/interpreter/macros.texi: Add new @qcode macro. * doc/interpreter/tips.txi: Add documentation about @qcode macro. * doc/interpreter/basics.txi, doc/interpreter/container.txi, doc/interpreter/emacs.txi, doc/interpreter/errors.txi, doc/interpreter/eval.txi, doc/interpreter/expr.txi, doc/interpreter/external.txi, doc/interpreter/func.txi, doc/interpreter/grammar.txi, doc/interpreter/image.txi, doc/interpreter/install.txi, doc/interpreter/interp.txi, doc/interpreter/io.txi, doc/interpreter/matrix.txi, doc/interpreter/numbers.txi, doc/interpreter/oop.txi, doc/interpreter/package.txi, doc/interpreter/plot.txi, doc/interpreter/quad.txi, doc/interpreter/sparse.txi, doc/interpreter/strings.txi, doc/interpreter/system.txi, doc/interpreter/vectorize.txi, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/corefcn/, libinterp/dldfcn/, libinterp/dldfcn/, libinterp/dldfcn/, libinterp/dldfcn/, libinterp/dldfcn/, libinterp/dldfcn/, libinterp/octave-value/, libinterp/octave-value/, libinterp/octave-value/, libinterp/octave-value/, libinterp/octave-value/, libinterp/octave-value/, libinterp/octave-value/, libinterp/parse-tree/, libinterp/parse-tree/, libinterp/parse-tree/, libinterp/parse-tree/, scripts/@ftp/ftp.m, scripts/deprecated/java_convert_matrix.m, scripts/deprecated/java_debug.m, scripts/deprecated/java_unsigned_conversion.m, scripts/deprecated/shell_cmd.m, scripts/general/dblquad.m, scripts/general/display.m, scripts/general/genvarname.m, scripts/general/idivide.m, scripts/general/interp1.m, scripts/general/interp2.m, scripts/general/interp3.m, scripts/general/interpn.m, scripts/general/isa.m, scripts/general/profexplore.m, scripts/general/profile.m, scripts/general/quadgk.m, scripts/general/randi.m, scripts/general/structfun.m, scripts/general/subsindex.m, scripts/general/triplequad.m, scripts/geometry/griddata.m, scripts/geometry/griddata3.m, scripts/geometry/griddatan.m, scripts/geometry/voronoi.m, scripts/help/help.m, scripts/help/lookfor.m, scripts/image/cmpermute.m, scripts/image/colormap.m, scripts/image/image.m, scripts/image/imagesc.m, scripts/image/imfinfo.m, scripts/image/imformats.m, scripts/image/imread.m, scripts/image/imshow.m, scripts/image/imwrite.m, scripts/image/ind2gray.m, scripts/image/lines.m, scripts/image/rgb2ind.m, scripts/image/spinmap.m, scripts/io/dlmwrite.m, scripts/io/strread.m, scripts/io/textread.m, scripts/io/textscan.m, scripts/java/javaclasspath.m, scripts/java/usejava.m, scripts/miscellaneous/bzip2.m, scripts/miscellaneous/computer.m, scripts/miscellaneous/copyfile.m, scripts/miscellaneous/debug.m, scripts/miscellaneous/dos.m, scripts/miscellaneous/edit.m, scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m, scripts/miscellaneous/license.m, scripts/miscellaneous/mkoctfile.m, scripts/miscellaneous/movefile.m, scripts/miscellaneous/parseparams.m, scripts/miscellaneous/unix.m, scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m, scripts/optimization/fminsearch.m, scripts/optimization/fminunc.m, scripts/optimization/fsolve.m, scripts/optimization/fzero.m, scripts/optimization/glpk.m, scripts/optimization/lsqnonneg.m, scripts/optimization/optimset.m, scripts/optimization/pqpnonneg.m, scripts/pkg/pkg.m, scripts/plot/allchild.m, scripts/plot/ancestor.m, scripts/plot/area.m, scripts/plot/axis.m, scripts/plot/bar.m, scripts/plot/barh.m, scripts/plot/box.m, scripts/plot/caxis.m, scripts/plot/cla.m, scripts/plot/clabel.m, scripts/plot/clf.m, scripts/plot/close.m, scripts/plot/colorbar.m, scripts/plot/daspect.m, scripts/plot/ezmesh.m, scripts/plot/ezmeshc.m, scripts/plot/ezsurf.m, scripts/plot/ezsurfc.m, scripts/plot/findall.m, scripts/plot/findobj.m, scripts/plot/gcbo.m, scripts/plot/gcf.m, scripts/plot/gco.m, scripts/plot/grid.m, scripts/plot/guihandles.m, scripts/plot/hdl2struct.m, scripts/plot/hidden.m, scripts/plot/hold.m, scripts/plot/isonormals.m, scripts/plot/isosurface.m, scripts/plot/legend.m, scripts/plot/mesh.m, scripts/plot/meshc.m, scripts/plot/meshz.m, scripts/plot/newplot.m, scripts/plot/orient.m, scripts/plot/pareto.m, scripts/plot/patch.m, scripts/plot/pbaspect.m, scripts/plot/pcolor.m, scripts/plot/plot.m, scripts/plot/print.m, scripts/plot/private/__add_default_menu__.m, scripts/plot/quiver.m, scripts/plot/quiver3.m, scripts/plot/refreshdata.m, scripts/plot/saveas.m, scripts/plot/scatter.m, scripts/plot/scatter3.m, scripts/plot/shading.m, scripts/plot/shrinkfaces.m, scripts/plot/slice.m, scripts/plot/stem.m, scripts/plot/stem3.m, scripts/plot/struct2hdl.m, scripts/plot/subplot.m, scripts/plot/surf.m, scripts/plot/surfc.m, scripts/plot/surfl.m, scripts/plot/tetramesh.m, scripts/plot/uigetfile.m, scripts/plot/uimenu.m, scripts/plot/uiputfile.m, scripts/plot/waterfall.m, scripts/plot/whitebg.m, scripts/plot/xlim.m, scripts/plot/ylim.m, scripts/plot/zlim.m, scripts/polynomial/conv.m, scripts/polynomial/polyout.m, scripts/polynomial/splinefit.m, scripts/set/ismember.m, scripts/set/powerset.m, scripts/set/setdiff.m, scripts/set/union.m, scripts/set/unique.m, scripts/signal/detrend.m, scripts/signal/filter2.m, scripts/signal/freqz.m, scripts/signal/periodogram.m, scripts/signal/spectral_adf.m, scripts/signal/spectral_xdf.m, scripts/sparse/eigs.m, scripts/sparse/svds.m, scripts/specfun/legendre.m, scripts/special-matrix/gallery.m, scripts/statistics/base/mean.m, scripts/statistics/base/moment.m, scripts/statistics/tests/cor_test.m, scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test.m, scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2.m, scripts/statistics/tests/kruskal_wallis_test.m, scripts/statistics/tests/prop_test_2.m, scripts/statistics/tests/sign_test.m, scripts/statistics/tests/t_test.m, scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_2.m, scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_regression.m, scripts/statistics/tests/u_test.m, scripts/statistics/tests/var_test.m, scripts/statistics/tests/welch_test.m, scripts/statistics/tests/wilcoxon_test.m, scripts/statistics/tests/z_test.m, scripts/statistics/tests/z_test_2.m, scripts/strings/base2dec.m, scripts/strings/index.m, scripts/strings/isstrprop.m, scripts/strings/mat2str.m, scripts/strings/regexptranslate.m, scripts/strings/rindex.m, scripts/strings/str2num.m, scripts/strings/strcat.m, scripts/strings/strjust.m, scripts/strings/strmatch.m, scripts/strings/validatestring.m, scripts/testfun/demo.m, scripts/testfun/example.m, scripts/testfun/test.m, scripts/time/addtodate.m, scripts/time/asctime.m, scripts/time/datestr.m, scripts/time/datetick.m, scripts/time/weekday.m, scripts/ui/errordlg.m, scripts/ui/helpdlg.m, scripts/ui/inputdlg.m, scripts/ui/listdlg.m, scripts/ui/msgbox.m, scripts/ui/questdlg.m, scripts/ui/warndlg.m: Use new @qcode macro.
author Rik <>
date Mon, 19 Aug 2013 20:46:38 -0700
parents 1a5407bae739
children a69dd4b0e571
files doc/interpreter/basics.txi doc/interpreter/container.txi doc/interpreter/emacs.txi doc/interpreter/errors.txi doc/interpreter/eval.txi doc/interpreter/expr.txi doc/interpreter/external.txi doc/interpreter/func.txi doc/interpreter/grammar.txi doc/interpreter/image.txi doc/interpreter/install.txi doc/interpreter/interp.txi doc/interpreter/io.txi doc/interpreter/macros.texi doc/interpreter/matrix.txi doc/interpreter/numbers.txi doc/interpreter/oop.txi doc/interpreter/package.txi doc/interpreter/plot.txi doc/interpreter/quad.txi doc/interpreter/sparse.txi doc/interpreter/strings.txi doc/interpreter/system.txi doc/interpreter/tips.txi doc/interpreter/vectorize.txi libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/corefcn/ libinterp/dldfcn/ libinterp/dldfcn/ libinterp/dldfcn/ libinterp/dldfcn/ libinterp/dldfcn/ libinterp/dldfcn/ libinterp/octave-value/ libinterp/octave-value/ libinterp/octave-value/ libinterp/octave-value/ libinterp/octave-value/ libinterp/octave-value/ libinterp/octave-value/ libinterp/parse-tree/ libinterp/parse-tree/ libinterp/parse-tree/ libinterp/parse-tree/ scripts/@ftp/ftp.m scripts/deprecated/java_convert_matrix.m scripts/deprecated/java_debug.m scripts/deprecated/java_unsigned_conversion.m scripts/deprecated/shell_cmd.m scripts/general/dblquad.m scripts/general/display.m scripts/general/genvarname.m scripts/general/idivide.m scripts/general/interp1.m scripts/general/interp2.m scripts/general/interp3.m scripts/general/interpn.m scripts/general/isa.m scripts/general/profexplore.m scripts/general/profile.m scripts/general/quadgk.m scripts/general/randi.m scripts/general/structfun.m scripts/general/subsindex.m scripts/general/triplequad.m scripts/geometry/griddata.m scripts/geometry/griddata3.m scripts/geometry/griddatan.m scripts/geometry/voronoi.m scripts/help/help.m scripts/help/lookfor.m scripts/image/cmpermute.m scripts/image/colormap.m scripts/image/image.m scripts/image/imagesc.m scripts/image/imfinfo.m scripts/image/imformats.m scripts/image/imread.m scripts/image/imshow.m scripts/image/imwrite.m scripts/image/ind2gray.m scripts/image/lines.m scripts/image/rgb2ind.m scripts/image/spinmap.m scripts/io/dlmwrite.m scripts/io/strread.m scripts/io/textread.m scripts/io/textscan.m scripts/java/javaclasspath.m scripts/java/usejava.m scripts/miscellaneous/bzip2.m scripts/miscellaneous/computer.m scripts/miscellaneous/copyfile.m scripts/miscellaneous/debug.m scripts/miscellaneous/dos.m scripts/miscellaneous/edit.m scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m scripts/miscellaneous/license.m scripts/miscellaneous/mkoctfile.m scripts/miscellaneous/movefile.m scripts/miscellaneous/parseparams.m scripts/miscellaneous/unix.m scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m scripts/optimization/fminsearch.m scripts/optimization/fminunc.m scripts/optimization/fsolve.m scripts/optimization/fzero.m scripts/optimization/glpk.m scripts/optimization/lsqnonneg.m scripts/optimization/optimset.m scripts/optimization/pqpnonneg.m scripts/pkg/pkg.m scripts/plot/allchild.m scripts/plot/ancestor.m scripts/plot/area.m scripts/plot/axis.m scripts/plot/bar.m scripts/plot/barh.m scripts/plot/box.m scripts/plot/caxis.m scripts/plot/cla.m scripts/plot/clabel.m scripts/plot/clf.m scripts/plot/close.m scripts/plot/colorbar.m scripts/plot/daspect.m scripts/plot/ezmesh.m scripts/plot/ezmeshc.m scripts/plot/ezsurf.m scripts/plot/ezsurfc.m scripts/plot/findall.m scripts/plot/findobj.m scripts/plot/gcbo.m scripts/plot/gcf.m scripts/plot/gco.m scripts/plot/grid.m scripts/plot/guihandles.m scripts/plot/hdl2struct.m scripts/plot/hidden.m scripts/plot/hold.m scripts/plot/isonormals.m scripts/plot/isosurface.m scripts/plot/legend.m scripts/plot/mesh.m scripts/plot/meshc.m scripts/plot/meshz.m scripts/plot/newplot.m scripts/plot/orient.m scripts/plot/pareto.m scripts/plot/patch.m scripts/plot/pbaspect.m scripts/plot/pcolor.m scripts/plot/plot.m scripts/plot/print.m scripts/plot/private/__add_default_menu__.m scripts/plot/quiver.m scripts/plot/quiver3.m scripts/plot/refreshdata.m scripts/plot/saveas.m scripts/plot/scatter.m scripts/plot/scatter3.m scripts/plot/shading.m scripts/plot/shrinkfaces.m scripts/plot/slice.m scripts/plot/stem.m scripts/plot/stem3.m scripts/plot/struct2hdl.m scripts/plot/subplot.m scripts/plot/surf.m scripts/plot/surfc.m scripts/plot/surfl.m scripts/plot/tetramesh.m scripts/plot/uigetfile.m scripts/plot/uimenu.m scripts/plot/uiputfile.m scripts/plot/waterfall.m scripts/plot/whitebg.m scripts/plot/xlim.m scripts/plot/ylim.m scripts/plot/zlim.m scripts/polynomial/conv.m scripts/polynomial/polyout.m scripts/polynomial/splinefit.m scripts/set/ismember.m scripts/set/powerset.m scripts/set/setdiff.m scripts/set/union.m scripts/set/unique.m scripts/signal/detrend.m scripts/signal/filter2.m scripts/signal/freqz.m scripts/signal/periodogram.m scripts/signal/spectral_adf.m scripts/signal/spectral_xdf.m scripts/sparse/eigs.m scripts/sparse/svds.m scripts/specfun/legendre.m scripts/special-matrix/gallery.m scripts/statistics/base/mean.m scripts/statistics/base/moment.m scripts/statistics/tests/cor_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2.m scripts/statistics/tests/kruskal_wallis_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/prop_test_2.m scripts/statistics/tests/sign_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/t_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_2.m scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_regression.m scripts/statistics/tests/u_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/var_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/welch_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/wilcoxon_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/z_test.m scripts/statistics/tests/z_test_2.m scripts/strings/base2dec.m scripts/strings/index.m scripts/strings/isstrprop.m scripts/strings/mat2str.m scripts/strings/regexptranslate.m scripts/strings/rindex.m scripts/strings/str2num.m scripts/strings/strcat.m scripts/strings/strjust.m scripts/strings/strmatch.m scripts/strings/validatestring.m scripts/testfun/demo.m scripts/testfun/example.m scripts/testfun/test.m scripts/time/addtodate.m scripts/time/asctime.m scripts/time/datestr.m scripts/time/datetick.m scripts/time/weekday.m scripts/ui/errordlg.m scripts/ui/helpdlg.m scripts/ui/inputdlg.m scripts/ui/listdlg.m scripts/ui/msgbox.m scripts/ui/questdlg.m scripts/ui/warndlg.m
diffstat 282 files changed, 1625 insertions(+), 1544 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/doc/interpreter/basics.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/basics.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -1099,8 +1099,8 @@
 @end example
-will produce a very quick countdown from '3' to 'Blast Off' as the
-lines "@code{disp (2);}" and "@code{disp (1);}" won't be executed.
+will produce a very quick countdown from @qcode{'3'} to @qcode{"Blast Off"} as
+the lines "@code{disp (2);}" and "@code{disp (1);}" won't be executed.
 The block comment markers must appear alone as the only characters on a line
 (excepting whitespace) in order to be parsed correctly.
--- a/doc/interpreter/container.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/container.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -372,9 +372,9 @@
 @subsection Creating Structures
 @cindex dynamic naming
-Besides the index operator ".", Octave can use dynamic naming "(var)" or the
-@code{struct} function to create structures.  Dynamic naming uses the string
-value of a variable as the field name.  For example:
+Besides the index operator @qcode{"."}, Octave can use dynamic naming
+@qcode{"(var)"} or the @code{struct} function to create structures.  Dynamic
+naming uses the string value of a variable as the field name.  For example:
@@ -484,12 +484,12 @@
      @result{} ans =
           field1 =
           [1,1] =  1
           [1,2] = one
           field2 =  2
 @end group
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
      @result{} ans = a string
      @result{} ans =
                0.593993   0.627732
                0.377037   0.033643
 @end group
@@ -601,14 +601,14 @@
 c@{3@} = 3
      @result{} c =
            [1,1] = a string
            [1,2] =
               0.593993   0.627732
               0.377037   0.033643
            [1,3] =  3
 @end group
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
 c = cell (2,2)
      @result{} c =
            [1,1] = [](0x0)
            [2,1] = [](0x0)
--- a/doc/interpreter/emacs.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/emacs.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
 @samp{,} (@code{Info-index-next}) command of the Info reader.
 The variable @code{octave-help-files} is a list of files to search
-through and defaults to @code{'("octave")}.  If there is also an Octave
+through and defaults to @qcode{'("octave")}.  If there is also an Octave
 Local Guide with corresponding info file, say, @file{octave-LG}, you can
 have @code{octave-help} search both files by 
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
 This will start Octave in a special buffer the name of which is
 specified by the variable @code{inferior-octave-buffer} and defaults to
-@code{"*Inferior Octave*"}.  From within this buffer, you can
+@qcode{"*Inferior Octave*"}.  From within this buffer, you can
 interact with the inferior Octave process `as usual', i.e., by entering
 Octave commands at the prompt.  The buffer is in Inferior Octave mode,
 which is derived from the standard Comint mode, a major mode for
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
 The variable @code{inferior-octave-startup-args} can be used for
 specifying command lines arguments to be passed to Octave on startup
 as a list of strings.  For example, to suppress the startup message and
-use `traditional' mode, set this to @code{'("-q" "--traditional")}.
+use `traditional' mode, set this to @qcode{'("-q" "--traditional")}.
 You can also specify a startup file of Octave commands to be loaded on
 startup; note that these commands will not produce any visible output
 in the process buffer.  Which file to use is controlled by the variable
--- a/doc/interpreter/errors.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/errors.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@
 as will be shown in the next example.  To assign an ID to an error,
 simply call @code{error} with two string arguments, where the first
 is the identification string, and the second is the actual error.  Note
-that error IDs are in the format "NAMESPACE:ERROR-NAME".  The namespace
-"Octave" is used for Octave's own errors.  Any other string is available
+that error IDs are in the format @qcode{"NAMESPACE:ERROR-NAME"}.  The namespace
+@qcode{"Octave"} is used for Octave's own errors.  Any other string is available
 as a namespace for user's own errors.
 The next example counts indexing errors.  The errors are caught using the
@@ -330,9 +330,9 @@
 as will be described in the next section.  To assign an ID to a warning,
 simply call @code{warning} with two string arguments, where the first
 is the identification string, and the second is the actual warning.  Note
-that warning IDs are in the format "NAMESPACE:WARNING-NAME".  The namespace
-"Octave" is used for Octave's own warnings.  Any other string is available
-as a namespace for user's own warnings.
+that warning IDs are in the format @qcode{"NAMESPACE:WARNING-NAME"}.  The
+namespace @qcode{"Octave"} is used for Octave's own warnings.  Any other string
+is available as a namespace for user's own warnings.
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
 The @code{warning} function also allows you to control which warnings
 are actually printed to the screen.  If the @code{warning} function
-is called with a string argument that is either @code{"on"} or @code{"off"}
+is called with a string argument that is either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"}
 all warnings will be enabled or disabled.
 It is also possible to enable and disable individual warnings through
--- a/doc/interpreter/eval.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/eval.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 Here, @samp{caller} is the @code{create_data} function and @code{name1}
-is the string @code{"x"}, which evaluates simply as the value of @code{x}.
+is the string @qcode{"x"}, which evaluates simply as the value of @code{x}.
 You later want to load the values back from @code{mydata}
 in a different context:
--- a/doc/interpreter/expr.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/expr.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
 you should not think of the argument as being ``the variable
 @code{foo}.''  Instead, think of the argument as the string value,
 Even though Octave uses pass-by-value semantics for function arguments,
 values are not copied unnecessarily.  For example,
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@
 The @samp{=} sign is called an @dfn{assignment operator}.
 Assignments can store string values also.  For example, the following
-expression would store the value @code{"this food is good"} in the
+expression would store the value @qcode{"this food is good"} in the
 variable @code{message}:
--- a/doc/interpreter/external.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/external.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -305,8 +305,8 @@
 a resemblance to functions that exist in the interpreter.  A selection of
 useful methods include
-@deftypefn  Method T& {operator ()} (octave_idx_type)
-@deftypefnx Method T& elem (octave_idx_type)
+@deftypefn  {Method} {T&} operator () (octave_idx_type)
+@deftypefnx {Method} {T&} elem (octave_idx_type)
 The @code{()} operator or @code{elem} method allow the values of the
 matrix or array to be read or set.  These can take a single argument,
 which is of type @code{octave_idx_type}, that is the index into the matrix or
@@ -319,30 +319,30 @@
 circumstances the user might prefer to access the data of the array or
 matrix directly through the @nospell{fortran_vec} method discussed below.
-@deftypefn Method octave_idx_type numel (void) const
+@deftypefn {Method} {} octave_idx_type numel (void) const
 The total number of elements in the matrix or array.
 @end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method size_t byte_size (void) const
+@deftypefn {Method} {size_t} byte_size (void) const
 The number of bytes used to store the matrix or array.
 @end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method dim_vector dims (void) const
+@deftypefn {Method} {dim_vector} dims (void) const
 The dimensions of the matrix or array in value of type dim_vector.
 @end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method int ndims (void) const
+@deftypefn {Method} {int} ndims (void) const
 The number of dimensions of the matrix or array.  Matrices are 2-D,
 but arrays can be N-dimensional.
 @end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method void resize (const dim_vector&)
+@deftypefn {Method} {void} resize (const dim_vector&)
 A method taking either an argument of type @code{dim_vector}, or in the
 case of a matrix two arguments of type @code{octave_idx_type} defining
 the number of rows and columns in the matrix.
 @end deftypefn
-@deftypefn Method T* fortran_vec (void)
+@deftypefn {Method} {T*} fortran_vec (void)
 This method returns a pointer to the underlying data of the matrix or
 array so that it can be manipulated directly, either within Octave or by
 an external library.
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
 The use of @code{numel} should therefore be avoided useless it is known
 it won't overflow.
-Extreme care must be take with the elem method and the "()" operator,
+Extreme care must be take with the elem method and the @qcode{"()"} operator,
 which perform basically the same function.  The reason is that if a
 sparse object is non-const, then Octave will assume that a
 request for a zero element in a sparse matrix is in fact a request
@@ -1307,9 +1307,9 @@
 The first line @code{#include "mex.h"} makes available all of the definitions
 necessary for a mex-file.  One important difference between Octave and
-@sc{matlab} is that the header file @code{"matrix.h"} is implicitly included
-through the inclusion of @code{"mex.h"}.  This is necessary to avoid a conflict
-with the Octave file @code{"Matrix.h"} for operating systems and compilers that
+@sc{matlab} is that the header file @qcode{"matrix.h"} is implicitly included
+through the inclusion of @qcode{"mex.h"}.  This is necessary to avoid a conflict
+with the Octave file @qcode{"Matrix.h"} for operating systems and compilers that
 don't distinguish between filenames in upper and lower case.
 The entry point into the mex-file is defined by @code{mexFunction}.  The
@@ -1617,23 +1617,23 @@
     b =
       this =
         [1] = this1
         [2] = this2
         [3] = this3
         [4] = this4
       that =
         [1] = that1
         [2] = that2
         [3] = that3
         [4] = that4
 @end example
--- a/doc/interpreter/func.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/func.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
 @end example
 The @code{printf} statement (@pxref{Input and Output}) simply tells
-Octave to print the string @code{"\a"}.  The special character @samp{\a}
+Octave to print the string @qcode{"\a"}.  The special character @samp{\a}
 stands for the alert character (ASCII 7).  @xref{Strings}.
 Once this function is defined, you can ask Octave to evaluate it by
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@
 running Octave, you can improve performance by calling
 @code{ignore_function_time_stamp ("all")}, so that Octave will
 ignore the time stamps for all function files.  Passing
-@code{"system"} to this function resets the default behavior.
+@qcode{"system"} to this function resets the default behavior.
 @c FIXME -- note about time stamps on files in NFS environments?
--- a/doc/interpreter/grammar.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/grammar.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@
 Finally, when the parser cannot identify an input token it calls a particular
-function to handle this.  By default, this is the function "unimplemented"
-which makes suggestions about possible Octave substitutes for @sc{matlab}
+function to handle this.  By default, this is the function
+@qcode{"unimplemented"} which makes suggestions about possible Octave
+substitutes for @sc{matlab} functions.
--- a/doc/interpreter/image.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/image.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
 The following three functions modify the existing colormap rather than
-replace it.   
+replace it.
--- a/doc/interpreter/install.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/install.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 @end ifclear
+@include macros.texi
 This file documents the installation of Octave.
@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@
 @table @asis
 @item ARPACK
 Library for the solution of large-scale eigenvalue problems
-(@url{}).  ARPACK is
+(@url{}).  @sc{arpack} is
 required to provide the functions @code{eigs} and @code{svds}.
 @item cURL
@@ -247,7 +248,7 @@
 @item HDF5
 Library for manipulating portable data files
-(@url{}).  HDF5 is required for Octave's
+(@url{}).  @sc{hdf5} is required for Octave's
 @code{load} and @code{save} commands to read and write HDF data files.
 @item LLVM
@@ -383,7 +384,7 @@
 @item --with-magick=<lib>
 Select the library to use for image I/O@.  The two possible values are
-"GraphicsMagick" (default) or "ImageMagick".
+@qcode{"GraphicsMagick"} (default) or @qcode{"ImageMagick"}.
 @item --with-sepchar=<char>
 Use <char> as the path separation character.  This option can help when
@@ -1064,7 +1065,7 @@
 @env{CFLAGS}, @env{CXXFLAGS}, @env{FFLAGS}, and @env{LDFLAGS}.  Passing
 them as options to the configure script also records them in the
 @file{config.status} file.  By default, @env{CPPFLAGS} and @env{LDFLAGS}
-are empty, @env{CFLAGS} and @env{CXXFLAGS} are set to @code{"-g -O"} and
-@env{FFLAGS} is set to @code{"-O"}.
+are empty, @env{CFLAGS} and @env{CXXFLAGS} are set to @qcode{"-g -O"} and
+@env{FFLAGS} is set to @qcode{"-O"}.
 @end itemize
--- a/doc/interpreter/interp.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/interp.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@
 There are some important differences between the various interpolation
-methods.  The 'spline' method enforces that both the first and second
+methods.  The @qcode{"spline"} method enforces that both the first and second
 derivatives of the interpolated values have a continuous derivative,
 whereas the other methods do not.  This means that the results of the
-'spline' method are generally smoother.  If the function to be
-interpolated is in fact smooth, then 'spline' will give excellent
+@qcode{"spline"} method are generally smoother.  If the function to be
+interpolated is in fact smooth, then @qcode{"spline"} will give excellent
 results.  However, if the function to be evaluated is in some manner
-discontinuous, then 'pchip' interpolation might give better results.
+discontinuous, then @qcode{"pchip"} interpolation might give better results.
 This can be demonstrated by the code
@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@
 ti =-2:0.025:2;
 dti = 0.025;
 y = sign (t);
-ys = interp1 (t,y,ti,'spline');
-yp = interp1 (t,y,ti,'pchip');
+ys = interp1 (t,y,ti,"spline");
+yp = interp1 (t,y,ti,"pchip");
 ddys = diff (diff (ys)./dti) ./ dti;
 ddyp = diff (diff (yp)./dti) ./ dti;
 figure (1);
 plot (ti,ys,'r-', ti,yp,'g-');
-legend ('spline', 'pchip', 4);
+legend ("spline", "pchip", 4);
 figure (2);
 plot (ti,ddys,'r+', ti,ddyp,'g*');
-legend ('spline', 'pchip');
+legend ("spline", "pchip");
 @end group
 @end example
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@
 @float Figure,fig:interpderiv1
 @center @image{interpderiv1,4in}
-@caption{Comparison of 'pchip' and 'spline' interpolation methods for a 
+@caption{Comparison of @qcode{"pchip"} and @qcode{"spline"} interpolation methods for a 
 step function}
 @end float
 @float Figure,fig:interpderiv2
 @center @image{interpderiv2,4in}
-@caption{Comparison of the second derivative of the 'pchip' and 'spline' 
+@caption{Comparison of the second derivative of the @qcode{"pchip"} and @qcode{"spline"} 
 interpolation methods for a step function}
 @end float
 @end ifnotinfo
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@
 ti = t(1) + [0 : k-1]*dt*n/k;
 y = sin (4*t + 0.3) .* cos (3*t - 0.1);
 yp = sin (4*ti + 0.3) .* cos (3*ti - 0.1);
-plot (ti, yp, 'g', ti, interp1 (t, y, ti, 'spline'), 'b', ...
-      ti, interpft (y, k), 'c', t, y, 'r+');
-legend ('sin(4t+0.3)cos(3t-0.1', 'spline', 'interpft', 'data');
+plot (ti, yp, "g", ti, interp1 (t, y, ti, "spline"), "b", ...
+      ti, interpft (y, k), "c", t, y, 'r+');
+legend ('sin(4t+0.3)cos(3t-0.1', "spline", "interpft", "data");
 @end group
 @end example
@@ -148,12 +148,11 @@
 A significant difference between @code{interpn} and the other two
 multi-dimensional interpolation functions is the fashion in which the
-dimensions are treated.  For @code{interp2} and @code{interp3}, the 'y'
-axis is considered to be the columns of the matrix, whereas the 'x'
-axis corresponds to the rows of the array.  As Octave indexes arrays in
-column major order, the first dimension of any array is the columns, and
-so @code{interpn} effectively reverses the 'x' and 'y' dimensions. 
-Consider the example,
+dimensions are treated.  For @code{interp2} and @code{interp3}, the y-axis is
+considered to be the columns of the matrix, whereas the x-axis corresponds to
+the rows of the array.  As Octave indexes arrays in column major order, the
+first dimension of any array is the columns, and so @code{interpn} effectively
+reverses the 'x' and 'y' dimensions.  Consider the example,
@@ -163,9 +162,9 @@
 v = f (xx,yy,zz);
 xi = yi = zi = -1:0.1:1;
 [xxi, yyi, zzi] = meshgrid (xi, yi, zi);
-vi = interp3 (x, y, z, v, xxi, yyi, zzi, 'spline');
+vi = interp3 (x, y, z, v, xxi, yyi, zzi, "spline");
 [xxi, yyi, zzi] = ndgrid (xi, yi, zi);
-vi2 = interpn (x, y, z, v, xxi, yyi, zzi, 'spline');
+vi2 = interpn (x, y, z, v, xxi, yyi, zzi, "spline");
 mesh (zi, yi, squeeze (vi2(1,:,:)));
 @end group
 @end example
--- a/doc/interpreter/io.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/io.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -702,8 +702,8 @@
 followed by a digit.
 The following flags can be used to modify the behavior:
+@c Not @samp so we can have ' ' as an item.
-@c Not @samp so we can have ' ' as an item.
 @table @asis
 @item @samp{-}
 Left-justify the result in the field.  Normally the result is
@@ -977,9 +977,9 @@
 @end example
-with the conversion @samp{%10c} produces @code{" hello, wo"}, but
+with the conversion @samp{%10c} produces @qcode{" hello, wo"}, but
 reading the same input with the conversion @samp{%10s} produces
 @node Binary I/O
 @subsection Binary I/O
--- a/doc/interpreter/macros.texi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/macros.texi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -16,12 +16,27 @@
 @c along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
 @c <>.
-@c FIXME: someday, when Texinfo 5.X is standard, we might replace this with
-@c @backslashchar, which is an new addition to Texinfo.
+@c The following macro marks words that aspell should ignore during
+@c spellchecking.  Within Texinfo it has no effect as it merely replaces
+@c the macro call with the argument itself.
+@macro nospell {arg}
+@end macro
-@macro xbackslashchar
+@c The following macro works around the Info/plain text expansion of @code{XXX}
+@c which is `XXX'.  This looks particularly bad when the macro body is 
+@c single or double-quoted text, such as a property value `"position"'
+@macro qcode{arg}
 @end macro
+@end ifinfo
+@macro qcode{arg}
+@end macro
+@end ifnotinfo
 @c The following macro is used for the on-line help system, but we don't
 @c want lots of `See also: foo, bar, and baz' strings cluttering the
@@ -30,7 +45,7 @@
 @c Implementation Note:
 @c For TeX, @vskip produces a nice separation.
-@c For Texinfo '@sp 1' should work, but in practice produces ugly results
+@c For Texinfo, '@sp 1' should work, but in practice produces ugly results
 @c for HTML.  We use a simple blank line to produce the correct behavior. 
 @macro seealso {args}
@@ -40,22 +55,14 @@
 @end ifnottex
-See also: \args\.
-@end ifinfo
 @strong{See also:} \args\.
 @end ifnotinfo
-@end macro
-@c The following macro marks words that aspell should ignore during
-@c spellchecking.  Within Texinfo it has no effect as it merely replaces
-@c the macro call with the argument itself.
-@macro nospell {arg}
+See also: \args\.
+@end ifinfo
 @end macro
 @c The following macro works around a situation where the Info/plain text
@@ -71,3 +78,11 @@
 @end macro
 @end ifnotinfo
+@c FIXME: someday, when Texinfo 5.X is standard, we might replace this with
+@c @backslashchar, which is a new addition to Texinfo.
+@macro xbackslashchar
+@end macro
--- a/doc/interpreter/matrix.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/matrix.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 If you wish to check if a variable exists at all, instead of properties
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
 The generators operate in the new or old style together, it is not
 possible to mix the two.  Initializing any generator with
-@code{"state"} or @code{"seed"} causes the others to switch to the
+@qcode{"state"} or @qcode{"seed"} causes the others to switch to the
 same style for future calls.
 The state of each generator is independent and calls to different
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
 produce equivalent results.  When the generators are initialized in
-the old style with @code{"seed"} only @code{rand} and @code{randn} are
+the old style with @qcode{"seed"} only @code{rand} and @code{randn} are
 independent, because the old @code{rande}, @code{randg} and
 @code{randp} generators make calls to @code{rand} and @code{randn}.
--- a/doc/interpreter/numbers.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/numbers.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@
 This is the double precision version of the function @code{intmax},
 previously discussed.
-Octave also includes the basic bitwise 'and', 'or' and 'exclusive or'
+Octave also includes the basic bitwise 'and', 'or', and 'exclusive or'
--- a/doc/interpreter/oop.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/oop.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -276,10 +276,10 @@
-For example we might decide that indexing with "()" evaluates the
-polynomial and indexing with "@{@}" returns the @var{n}-th coefficient (of
-@var{n}-th power).  In this case the @code{subsref} method of our polynomial
-class might look like
+For example we might decide that indexing with @qcode{"()"} evaluates the
+polynomial and indexing with @qcode{"@{@}"} returns the @var{n}-th coefficient
+(of @var{n}-th power).  In this case the @code{subsref} method of our
+polynomial class might look like
@@ -640,9 +640,9 @@
 @end example
-That mixes an object of the class "double" with an object of the class
-"polynomial".  In this case we like to ensure that the return type of
-the above is of the type "polynomial" and so we use the
+That mixes an object of the class @qcode{"double"} with an object of the class
+@qcode{"polynomial"}.  In this case we like to ensure that the return type of
+the above is of the type @qcode{"polynomial"} and so we use the
 @code{superiorto} function in the class constructor.  In particular our
 polynomial class constructor would be modified to be
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@
 Note that user classes always have higher precedence than built-in
 Octave types.  So in fact marking our polynomial class higher than the 
-"double" class is in fact not necessary.
+@qcode{"double"} class is in fact not necessary.
 When faced with two objects that have the same precedence, Octave will use the
 method of the object that appears first on the list of arguments.
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@
 @end group
 @end example
-The "()" case allows us to filter data using the polynomial provided
+The @qcode{"()"} case allows us to filter data using the polynomial provided
 to the constructor.
@@ -781,7 +781,7 @@
 @end group
 @end example
-The "." case allows us to view the contents of the polynomial field.
+The @qcode{"."} case allows us to view the contents of the polynomial field.
--- a/doc/interpreter/package.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/package.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 In this case only version 1.0.0 of the @code{image} package is
-installed.  The '*' character next to the package name shows that the
+installed.  The @qcode{'*'} character next to the package name shows that the
 image package is loaded and ready for use.
 It is possible to remove a package from the system using the
@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
 @end itemize
-The format can be summarized with the following example.
+The format can be summarized with the following example:
@@ -571,6 +571,7 @@
 In both cases @code{some_octave_command} should be replaced by the
 command that should be placed in the @w{@code{PKG_ADD}} file.
-@w{@code{PKG_DEL}} directives work in the same way, except the @w{@code{PKG_ADD}}
-keyword is replaced with @w{@code{PKG_DEL}} and the commands get added
-to the @w{@code{PKG_DEL}} file.
+@w{@code{PKG_DEL}} directives work in the same way, except the
+@w{@code{PKG_ADD}} keyword is replaced with @w{@code{PKG_DEL}} and the commands
+get added to the @w{@code{PKG_DEL}} file.
--- a/doc/interpreter/plot.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/plot.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -588,13 +588,13 @@
 @subsection Use of the @code{interpreter} Property
 All text objects, including titles, labels, legends, and text, include
-the property 'interpreter', this property determines the manner in which
+the property @qcode{"interpreter"}, this property determines the manner in which
 special control sequences in the text are rendered.  If the interpreter
-is set to 'none', then no rendering occurs.  At this point the 'latex'
-option is not implemented and so the 'latex' interpreter also does not
-interpret the text.
-The 'tex' option implements a subset of @TeX{} functionality in the
+is set to @qcode{"none"}, then no rendering occurs.  At this point the
+@qcode{"latex"} option is not implemented and so the @qcode{"latex"}
+interpreter also does not interpret the text.
+The @qcode{"tex"} option implements a subset of @TeX{} functionality in the
 rendering of the text.  This allows the insertion of special characters
 such as Greek or mathematical symbols within the text.  The special
 characters are also inserted with a code starting with the back-slash
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@
 @end example
-where the character 'a' will not appear in a bold font.  Note that to
+where the character @qcode{'a'} will not appear in a bold font.  Note that to
 avoid having Octave interpret the backslash characters in the strings,
 the strings should be in single quotes.
@@ -630,11 +630,11 @@
 use @tab
 @end multitable
-Finally, the superscript and subscripting can be controlled with the '^'
-and '_' characters.  If the '^' or '_' is followed by a @{ character,
-then all of the block surrounded by the @{ @} pair is super- or
-sub-scripted.  Without the @{ @} pair, only the character immediately
-following the '^' or '_' is super- or sub-scripted.
+Finally, the superscript and subscripting can be controlled with the @qcode{'^'}
+and @qcode{'_'} characters.  If the @qcode{'^'} or @qcode{'_'} is followed by a
+@{ character, then all of the block surrounded by the @{ @} pair is super- or
+sub-scripted.  Without the @{ @} pair, only the character immediately following
+the @qcode{'^'} or @qcode{'_'} is super- or sub-scripted.
 @float Table,tab:extended
@@ -950,8 +950,8 @@
 properties of graphics objects.  In addition, the @code{get} command may be
 used to obtain property names.
-For example, the property "type" of the graphics object pointed to by the
-graphics handle h may be displayed by:
+For example, the property @qcode{"type"} of the graphics object pointed to by
+the graphics handle h may be displayed by:
 get (h, "type")
@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@
 allowed properties are wanted they may be displayed by:
 @code{get (h, "")}.
-Thus, for example,
+Thus, for example:
 h = figure ();
@@ -1227,12 +1227,12 @@
 @table @code
 @item __modified__  
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item __myhandle__
 @item beingdeleted  
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item busyaction
@@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@
 @item children
 @item clipping
- --- Values: "on," "off"
+ --- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item createfcn
@@ -1252,13 +1252,13 @@
 @item deletefcn
 @item handlevisibility  
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item hittest
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item interruptible  
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item parent
@@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@
 @item screenpixelsperinch
 @item showhiddenhandles  
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item tag
@@ -1313,7 +1313,7 @@
 @item alphamap
 @item beingdeleted 
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item busyaction
@@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@
 Handle to children.
 @item clipping
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item closerequestfcn 
 --- Handle of function to call on close.
@@ -1347,36 +1347,36 @@
 @item currentpoint
 Holds the coordinates of the point over which the mouse pointer was when
 the mouse button was pressed.  If a mouse callback function is defined,
-@code{"currentpoint"} holds the coordinates of the point over which the
+@qcode{"currentpoint"} holds the coordinates of the point over which the
 mouse pointer is when the function gets called.
 @item deletefcn
 @item dockcontrols 
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item doublebuffer 
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item filename
 @item handlevisibility 
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item hittest
 @item integerhandle
 @item interruptible 
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item inverthardcopy
 @item keypressfcn
-see @code{"keypressfcn"}
+see @qcode{"keypressfcn"}
 @item keyreleasefcn
-With @code{"keypressfcn"}, The keyboard callback functions.  These
+With @qcode{"keypressfcn"}, the keyboard callback functions.  These
 callback functions get called when a key is pressed/released
 respectively.  The functions are called with two input arguments.  The
 first argument holds the handle of the calling figure.  The second
@@ -1391,8 +1391,8 @@
 @item Modifier
 A cell array containing strings representing the modifiers pressed with
-the key.  Possible values are @code{"shift"}, @code{"alt"}, and
+the key.  Possible values are @qcode{"shift"}, @qcode{"alt"}, and
 @end table
 @item menubar
@@ -1404,21 +1404,21 @@
 @item nextplot
 May be one of
-@table @code
-@item "new"
-@item "add"
-@item "replace"
-@item "replacechildren"
+@table @asis
+@item @qcode{"new"}
+@item @qcode{"add"}
+@item @qcode{"replace"}
+@item @qcode{"replacechildren"}
 @end table
 @item numbertitle
 @item paperorientation
-Indicates the orientation for printing.  Either @code{"landscape"} or
+Indicates the orientation for printing.  Either @qcode{"landscape"} or
 @item paperposition
@@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@
 @item selected
 @item selectionhighlight 
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item selectiontype
@@ -1464,19 +1464,19 @@
 @item userdata
 @item visible
-Either @code{"on"} or @code{"off"} to toggle display of the figure.
+Either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"} to toggle display of the figure.
 @item windowbuttondownfcn
-See @code{"windowbuttonupfcn"}
+See @qcode{"windowbuttonupfcn"}
 @item windowbuttonmotionfcn
-See @code{"windowbuttonupfcn"}
+See @qcode{"windowbuttonupfcn"}
 @item windowbuttonupfcn
-With @code{"windowbuttondownfcn"} and @code{"windowbuttonmotionfcn"},
-The mouse callback functions.  These callback functions get called when
+With @qcode{"windowbuttondownfcn"} and @qcode{"windowbuttonmotionfcn"},
+the mouse callback functions.  These callback functions get called when
 the mouse button is pressed, dragged, and released respectively.  When
-these callback functions are called, the @code{"currentpoint"} property
+these callback functions are called, the @qcode{"currentpoint"} property
 holds the current coordinates of the cursor.
 @item windowscrollwheelfcn
@@ -1517,7 +1517,7 @@
 @item box
 Box surrounding axes. 
---- Values: "on," "off"
+--- Values: @qcode{"on"}, @qcode{"off"}
 @item busyaction
@@ -1545,10 +1545,10 @@
 Two-element vector defining the limits for the c axis of
 an image.  See @code{pcolor} property.
 Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
-property to be set to @code{"manual"}.
+property to be set to @qcode{"manual"}.
 @item climmode
-Either @code{"manual"} or @code{"auto"}.
+Either @qcode{"manual"} or @qcode{"auto"}.
 @item clipping
@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@
 @item currentpoint
 Holds the coordinates of the point over which the mouse pointer was when
 the mouse button was pressed.  If a mouse callback function is defined,
-@code{"currentpoint"} holds the coordinates of the point over which the
+@qcode{"currentpoint"} holds the coordinates of the point over which the
 mouse pointer is when the function gets called.
 @item dataaspectratio
@@ -1570,10 +1570,10 @@
 2]} causes the length of one unit as displayed on the y-axis to be the
 same as the length of 2 units on the x-axis.  Setting
 @code{dataaspectratio} also forces the @code{dataaspectratiomode}
-property to be set to @code{"manual"}.
+property to be set to @qcode{"manual"}.
 @item dataaspectratiomode 
-Either @code{"manual"} or @code{"auto"}.
+Either @qcode{"manual"} or @qcode{"auto"}.
 @item deletefcn
@@ -1610,14 +1610,12 @@
 @item nextplot
 May be one of
-@table @code
-@item "new"
-@item "add"
-@item "replace"
-@item "replacechildren"
+@table @asis
+@item @qcode{"add"}
+@item @qcode{"replace"}
+@item @qcode{"replacechildren"}
 @end table
 @item outerposition
@@ -1675,7 +1673,7 @@
 A three element vector specifying the view point for three-dimensional plots.
 @item visible
-Either @code{"on"} or @code{"off"} to toggle display of the axes.
+Either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"} to toggle display of the axes.
 @item x_normrendertransform
@@ -1688,15 +1686,15 @@
 @item x_viewtransform
 @item xaxislocation 
-Either @code{"top"} or @code{"bottom"}.
+Either @qcode{"top"} or @qcode{"bottom"}.
 @item xcolor
 @item xdir
-Either @code{"forward"} or @code{"reverse"}.
+Either @qcode{"forward"} or @qcode{"reverse"}.
 @item xgrid
-Either @code{"on"} or @code{"off"} to toggle display of grid lines.
+Either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"} to toggle display of grid lines.
 @item xlabel
 Indices to text objects for the axes labels.
@@ -1704,44 +1702,44 @@
 @item xlim
 Two-element vector defining the limits for the x-axis.
 Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
-property to be set to @code{"manual"}.
+property to be set to @qcode{"manual"}.
 @item xlimmode
-Either @code{"manual"} or @code{"auto"}.
+Either @qcode{"manual"} or @qcode{"auto"}.
 @item xminorgrid 
-Either @code{"on"} or @code{"off"} to toggle display of minor grid lines.
+Either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"} to toggle display of minor grid lines.
 @item xminortick
 @item xscale
-Either @code{"linear"} or @code{"log"}.
+Either @qcode{"linear"} or @qcode{"log"}.
 @item xtick
 Set position of tick marks.
 Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
-property to be set to @code{"manual"}.
+property to be set to @qcode{"manual"}.
 @item xticklabel
 Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
-property to be set to @code{"manual"}.
+property to be set to @qcode{"manual"}.
 @item xticklabelmode 
-Either @code{"manual"} or @code{"auto"}.
+Either @qcode{"manual"} or @qcode{"auto"}.
 @item xtickmode 
-Either @code{"manual"} or @code{"auto"}.
+Either @qcode{"manual"} or @qcode{"auto"}.
 @item yaxislocation 
-Either @code{"left"} or @code{"right"}
+Either @qcode{"left"} or @qcode{"right"}
 @item ycolor
 @item ydir
-Either @code{"forward"} or @code{"reverse"}.
+Either @qcode{"forward"} or @qcode{"reverse"}.
 @item ygrid
-Either @code{"on"} or @code{"off"} to toggle display of grid lines.
+Either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"} to toggle display of grid lines.
 @item ylabel
 Indices to text objects for the axes labels.
@@ -1749,41 +1747,41 @@
 @item ylim
 Two-element vectors defining the limits for the x, y, and z axes and the
 Setting one of these properties also forces the corresponding mode
-property to be set to @code{"manual"}.
+property to be set to @qcode{"manual"}.
 @item ylimmode
-Either @code{"manual"} or @code{"auto"}.
+Either @qcode{"manual"} or @qcode{"auto"}.
 @item yminorgrid 
-Either @code{"on"} or @code{"off"} to toggle display of minor grid lines.
+Either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"} to toggle display of minor grid lines.
 @item yminortick
 @item yscale
-Either @code{"linear"} or @code{"log"}.
+Either @qcode{"linear"} or @qcode{"log"}.
 @item ytick
 Set position of tick marks.
 Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
-property to be set to @code{"manual"}.
+property to be set to @qcode{"manual"}.
 @item yticklabel
 Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
-property to be set to @code{"manual"}.
+property to be set to @qcode{"manual"}.
 @item yticklabelmode 
-Either @code{"manual"} or @code{"auto"}.
+Either @qcode{"manual"} or @qcode{"auto"}.
 @item ytickmode 
-Either @code{"manual"} or @code{"auto"}.
+Either @qcode{"manual"} or @qcode{"auto"}.
 @item zcolor
 @item zdir
-Either @code{"forward"} or @code{"reverse"}.
+Either @qcode{"forward"} or @qcode{"reverse"}.
 @item zgrid
-Either @code{"on"} or @code{"off"} to toggle display of grid lines.
+Either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"} to toggle display of grid lines.
 @item zlabel
 Indices to text objects for the axes labels.
@@ -1791,33 +1789,33 @@
 @item zlim
 Two-element vector defining the limits for z-axis.
 Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
-property to be set to @code{"manual"}.
+property to be set to @qcode{"manual"}.
 @item zlimmode
-Either @code{"manual"} or @code{"auto"}.
+Either @qcode{"manual"} or @qcode{"auto"}.
 @item zminorgrid 
-Either @code{"on"} or @code{"off"} to toggle display of minor grid lines.
+Either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"} to toggle display of minor grid lines.
 @item zminortick
 @item zscale
-Either @code{"linear"} or @code{"log"}.
+Either @qcode{"linear"} or @qcode{"log"}.
 @item ztick
 Set position of tick marks.
 Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
-property to be set to @code{"manual"}.
+property to be set to @qcode{"manual"}.
 @item zticklabel 
 Setting this property also forces the corresponding mode
-property to be set to @code{"manual"}.
+property to be set to @qcode{"manual"}.
 @item zticklabelmode 
-Either @code{"manual"} or @code{"auto"}.
+Either @qcode{"manual"} or @qcode{"auto"}.
 @item ztickmode
-Either @code{"manual"} or @code{"auto"}.
+Either @qcode{"manual"} or @qcode{"auto"}.
 @end table
@@ -1973,8 +1971,8 @@
 @item erasemode
 @item fontangle
-Flag whether the font is italic or normal.  Valid values are 'normal',
-'italic' and 'oblique'.
+Flag whether the font is italic or normal.  Valid values are @qcode{"normal"},
+@qcode{"italic"}, and @qcode{"oblique"}.
 @item fontname
 The font used for the text.
@@ -1985,19 +1983,19 @@
 @item fontunits
 @item fontweight
-Flag whether the font is bold, etc.  Valid values are 'normal', 'bold',
-'demi' or 'light'.
+Flag whether the font is bold, etc.  Valid values are @qcode{"normal"},
+@qcode{"bold"}, @qcode{"demi"}, or @qcode{"light"}.
 @item handlevisibility
 @item hittest
 @item horizontalalignment
-May be @code{"left"}, @code{"center"}, or @code{"right"}.
+May be @qcode{"left"}, @qcode{"center"}, or @qcode{"right"}.
 @item interpreter
-Determines how the text is rendered.  Valid values are 'none', 'tex' or
+Determines how the text is rendered.  Valid values are @qcode{"none"},
+@qcode{"tex"}, or @qcode{"latex"}.
 @item interruptible
@@ -2029,7 +2027,7 @@
 @item uicontextmenu
 @item units
-May be @code{"normalized"} or @code{"graph"}.
+May be @qcode{"normalized"} or @qcode{"graph"}.
 @item userdata
@@ -2440,8 +2438,8 @@
 Although default values may be set for any object, they are set in
 parent objects and apply to child objects, of the specified object type.
 For example, setting the default @code{color} property of @code{line}
-objects to "green", for the @code{root} object, will result in all
-@code{line} objects inheriting the @code{color} "green" as the default
+objects to @qcode{"green"}, for the @code{root} object, will result in all
+@code{line} objects inheriting the @code{color} @qcode{"green"} as the default
@@ -2489,7 +2487,7 @@
 from the global root figure parent object.
 To remove a user-defined default setting, set the default property to
-the value @code{"remove"}.  For example,
+the value @qcode{"remove"}.  For example,
 set (gca (), "defaultlinecolor", "remove");
@@ -2502,7 +2500,7 @@
-Getting the @code{"default"} property of an object returns a list of
+Getting the @qcode{"default"} property of an object returns a list of
 user-defined defaults set for the object.  For example,
@@ -2544,9 +2542,9 @@
 @cindex colors, graphics
 Colors may be specified as RGB triplets with values ranging from zero to
-one, or by name.  Recognized color names include @code{"blue"},
-@code{"black"}, @code{"cyan"}, @code{"green"}, @code{"magenta"},
-@code{"red"}, @code{"white"}, and @code{"yellow"}.
+one, or by name.  Recognized color names include @qcode{"blue"},
+@qcode{"black"}, @qcode{"cyan"}, @qcode{"green"}, @qcode{"magenta"},
+@qcode{"red"}, @qcode{"white"}, and @qcode{"yellow"}.
 @node Line Styles
 @subsection Line Styles
@@ -2572,7 +2570,7 @@
 @item "-."
 A dash-dot line.
-@item "none"
+@item @qcode{"none"}
 No line.  Points will still be marked using the current Marker Style.
 @end table
@@ -2591,14 +2589,14 @@
 @table @code
 @item marker
 A character indicating a plot marker to be place at each data point, or
-@code{"none"}, meaning no markers should be displayed.
+@qcode{"none"}, meaning no markers should be displayed.
 @item markeredgecolor
-The color of the edge around the marker, or @code{"auto"}, meaning that
+The color of the edge around the marker, or @qcode{"auto"}, meaning that
 the edge color is the same as the face color.  @xref{Colors}.
 @item markerfacecolor
-The color of the marker, or @code{"none"} to indicate that the marker
+The color of the marker, or @qcode{"none"} to indicate that the marker
 should not be filled.  @xref{Colors}.
 @item markersize
@@ -2906,8 +2904,8 @@
 @itemx baseline
 @itemx basevalue
 The property @code{showbaseline} flags whether the baseline of the bar
-series is displayed (default is "on").  The handle of the graphics object
-representing the baseline is given by the @code{baseline} property and
+series is displayed (default is @qcode{"on"}).  The handle of the graphics
+object representing the baseline is given by the @code{baseline} property and
 the y-value of the baseline by the @code{basevalue} property.
 Changes to any of these property are propagated to the other members of
@@ -2920,7 +2918,7 @@
 @itemx horizontal
 The property @code{barwidth} is the width of the bar corresponding to
 the @var{width} variable passed to @code{bar} or @var{barh}.  Whether the
-bar series is "grouped" or "stacked" is determined by the
+bar series is @qcode{"grouped"} or @qcode{"stacked"} is determined by the
 @code{barlayout} property and whether the bars are horizontal or
 vertical by the @code{horizontal} property.
@@ -2964,37 +2962,37 @@
 create the contours of the plot.
 @item fill
-A radio property that can have the values "on" or "off" that flags whether the
-contours to plot are to be filled.
+A radio property that can have the values @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"} that
+flags whether the contours to plot are to be filled.
 @item  zlevelmode
 @itemx zlevel
-The radio property @code{zlevelmode} can have the values "none", "auto" or
-"manual".  When its value is "none" there is no z component to the plotted
-contours.  When its value is "auto" the z value of the plotted contours is
-at the same value as the contour itself.  If the value is "manual", then the
-z value at which to plot the contour is determined by the @code{zlevel}
+The radio property @code{zlevelmode} can have the values @qcode{"none"},
+@qcode{"auto"}, or @qcode{"manual"}.  When its value is @qcode{"none"} there is
+no z component to the plotted contours.  When its value is @qcode{"auto"} the z
+value of the plotted contours is at the same value as the contour itself.  If
+the value is @qcode{"manual"}, then the z value at which to plot the contour is
+determined by the @code{zlevel} property.
 @item  levellistmode
 @itemx levellist
 @itemx levelstepmode
 @itemx levelstep
-If @code{levellistmode} is "manual", then the levels at which to plot the
-contours is determined by @code{levellist}.  If @code{levellistmode} is
-set to "auto", then the distance between contours is determined by
-@code{levelstep}.  If both @code{levellistmode} and @code{levelstepmode}
-are set to "auto", then there are assumed to be 10 equal spaced contours.
+If @code{levellistmode} is @qcode{"manual"}, then the levels at which to plot
+the contours is determined by @code{levellist}.  If @code{levellistmode} is set
+to @qcode{"auto"}, then the distance between contours is determined by
+@code{levelstep}.  If both @code{levellistmode} and @code{levelstepmode} are
+set to @qcode{"auto"}, then there are assumed to be 10 equal spaced contours.
 @item  textlistmode
 @itemx textlist
 @itemx textstepmode
 @itemx textstep
-If @code{textlistmode} is "manual", then the labeled contours
+If @code{textlistmode} is @qcode{"manual"}, then the labeled contours
 is determined by @code{textlist}.  If @code{textlistmode} is set to
-"auto", then the distance between labeled contours is determined by
+@qcode{"auto"}, then the distance between labeled contours is determined by
 @code{textstep}.  If both @code{textlistmode} and @code{textstepmode}
-are set to "auto", then there are assumed to be 10 equal spaced
+are set to @qcode{"auto"}, then there are assumed to be 10 equal spaced
 labeled contours.
 @item showtext
@@ -3011,9 +3009,9 @@
 The properties of the contour lines.  The properties @code{linewidth} and
 @code{linestyle} are similar to the corresponding properties for lines.  The
 property @code{linecolor} is a color property (@pxref{Colors}), that can also
-have the values of "none" or "auto".  If @code{linecolor} is "none", then no
-contour line is drawn.  If @code{linecolor} is "auto" then the line color is
-determined by the colormap.
+have the values of @qcode{"none"} or @qcode{"auto"}.  If @code{linecolor} is
+@qcode{"none"}, then no contour line is drawn.  If @code{linecolor} is
+@qcode{"auto"} then the line color is determined by the colormap.
 @item  xdata
 @itemx ydata
@@ -3247,7 +3245,7 @@
 @itemx baseline
 @itemx basevalue
 The property @code{showbaseline} flags whether the baseline of the
-stem series is displayed (default is "on").  The handle of the graphics
+stem series is displayed (default is @qcode{"on"}).  The handle of the graphics
 object representing the baseline is given by the @code{baseline}
 property and the y-value (or z-value for @code{stem3}) of the baseline
 by the @code{basevalue} property.
--- a/doc/interpreter/quad.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/quad.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -134,9 +134,10 @@
 is reasonably accurate (to see why, examine what happens to the result
 if you move the lower bound to 0.1, then 0.01, then 0.001, etc.).
-The function "f" can be the string name of a function, a function handle, or
-an inline function.  These options make it quite easy to do integration
-without having to fully define a function in an m-file.  For example:
+The function @qcode{"f"} can be the string name of a function, a function
+handle, or an inline function.  These options make it quite easy to do
+integration without having to fully define a function in an m-file.  For
--- a/doc/interpreter/sparse.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/sparse.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -573,8 +573,8 @@
 same manner as there full counterparts.  However, there are certain differences
 and especially differences with other products sparse implementations.
-Firstly, the "./" and ".^" operators must be used with care.  Consider what
-the examples
+Firstly, the @qcode{"./"} and @qcode{".^"} operators must be used with care. 
+Consider what the examples
--- a/doc/interpreter/strings.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/strings.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -154,13 +154,13 @@
 @section Character Arrays
 The string representation used by Octave is an array of characters, so
-internally the string @nospell{"dddddddddd"} is actually a row vector of length
-10 containing the value 100 in all places (100 is the ASCII code of "d").  This
-lends itself to the obvious generalization to character matrices.  Using a
-matrix of characters, it is possible to represent a collection of same-length
-strings in one variable.  The convention used in Octave is that each row in a
-character matrix is a separate string, but letting each column represent a
-string is equally possible.
+internally the string @nospell{@qcode{"dddddddddd"}} is actually a row vector
+of length 10 containing the value 100 in all places (100 is the ASCII code of
+@qcode{"d"}).  This lends itself to the obvious generalization to character
+matrices.  Using a matrix of characters, it is possible to represent a
+collection of same-length strings in one variable.  The convention used in
+Octave is that each row in a character matrix is a separate string, but letting
+each column represent a string is equally possible.
 The easiest way to create a character matrix is to put several strings
 together into a matrix.
@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@
 char ("orange", "green", "", "red")
     @result{} orange
-       red   
+       red
 @end group
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
 strcat (["dir1";"directory2"], ["/";"/"], ["file1";"file2"])
-     @result{} dir1/file1      
+     @result{} dir1/file1
 @end group
--- a/doc/interpreter/system.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/system.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
--- a/doc/interpreter/tips.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/tips.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
 Help text in Texinfo format.  Code samples should be marked 
 like @@code@{sample of code@} and variables should be marked
 as @@var@{variable@}.
+@@seealso@{fn2, fn3@}
 @@end deftypefn
 @end group
 @end example
@@ -385,7 +385,13 @@
 All samples of code should be marked with this macro for the same
 reasons as the @@var macro.
-@item @@seealso@{function2@}
+@item  @@qcode@{"sample_code"@}
+@itemx @@qcode@{'sample_code'@}
+All samples of code which are quoted should use this more specialized macro.
+This happens frequently when discussing graphics properties such as "position"
+or options such as "on"/"off".
+@item @@seealso@{function2, function3@}
 This is a comma separated list of function names that allows cross
 referencing from one function documentation string to another.
 @end table
@@ -467,8 +473,8 @@
 The @code{@@group} block prevents the example from being split across a
 page boundary, while the @code{@@result@{@}} macro produces a right
 arrow signifying the result of a command.  If your example is larger than
-20 lines it is better NOT to use grouping so that a reasonable page boundary
-can be calculated.
+20 lines it is better @emph{NOT} to use grouping so that a reasonable page
+boundary can be calculated.
 In many cases a function has multiple ways in which it can be called,
 and the @code{@@deftypefnx} macro can be used to give alternatives.  For
--- a/doc/interpreter/vectorize.txi	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/doc/interpreter/vectorize.txi	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@
 @item Use @code{ignore_function_time_stamp} when appropriate.
 If you are calling lots of functions, and none of them will need to change
 during your run, set the variable @code{ignore_function_time_stamp} to
-@code{"all"}.  This will stop Octave from checking the time stamp of a function
+@qcode{"all"}.  This will stop Octave from checking the time stamp of a function
 file to see if it has been updated while the program is being run.
 @end itemize
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -75,10 +75,10 @@
 The eigenvalue balancing option @var{opt} may be one of:\n\
 @table @asis\n\
-@item \"noperm\", \"S\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"noperm\"}, @qcode{\"S\"}\n\
 Scale only; do not permute.\n\
-@item \"noscal\", \"P\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"noscal\"}, @qcode{\"P\"}\n\
 Permute only; do not scale.\n\
 @end table\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -569,9 +569,10 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} bitmax (\"single\")\n\
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} flintmax (@dots{})\n\
 Return the largest integer that can be represented within a floating point\n\
-value.  The default class is \"double\", but \"single\" is a valid option.\n\
-On IEEE-754 compatible systems, @code{bitmax} is @w{@math{2^{53} - 1}} for\n\
-\"double\" and @w{@math{2^{24} -1}} for \"single\".\n\
+value.  The default class is @qcode{\"double\"}, but @qcode{\"single\"} is a\n\
+valid option.  On IEEE-754 compatible systems, @code{bitmax} is\n\
+@w{@math{2^{53} - 1}} for @qcode{\"double\"} and @w{@math{2^{24} -1}} for\n\
 @code{flintmax} for FLoating point INTeger MAXimum is an alias for\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -347,10 +347,10 @@
 the input arguments.  Input arguments that are singleton (1x1) cells will be\n\
 automatically expanded to the size of the other arguments.\n\
-If the parameter \"UniformOutput\" is set to true (the default), then the\n\
-function must return scalars which will be concatenated into the return\n\
-array(s).  If \"UniformOutput\" is false, the outputs are concatenated into a\n\
-cell array (or cell arrays).  For example:\n\
+If the parameter @qcode{\"UniformOutput\"} is set to true (the default),\n\
+then the function must return scalars which will be concatenated into the\n\
+return array(s).  If @qcode{\"UniformOutput\"} is false, the outputs are\n\
+concatenated into a cell array (or cell arrays).  For example:\n\
@@ -360,8 +360,9 @@
 @end group\n\
 @end example\n\
-Given the parameter \"ErrorHandler\", then @var{errfunc} defines a function\n\
-to call in case @var{func} generates an error.  The form of the function is\n\
+Given the parameter @qcode{\"ErrorHandler\"}, then @var{errfunc} defines a\n\
+function to call in case @var{func} generates an error.  The form of the\n\
+function is\n\
 function [@dots{}] = errfunc (@var{s}, @dots{})\n\
@@ -370,9 +371,9 @@
 where there is an additional input argument to @var{errfunc} relative to\n\
 @var{func}, given by @var{s}.  This is a structure with the elements\n\
-'identifier', 'message' and 'index', giving respectively the error\n\
-identifier, the error message, and the index into the input arguments\n\
-of the element that caused the error.  For example:\n\
+@qcode{\"identifier\"}, @qcode{\"message\"} and @qcode{\"index\"}, giving\n\
+respectively the error identifier, the error message, and the index into the\n\
+input arguments of the element that caused the error.  For example:\n\
@@ -1070,7 +1071,7 @@
 @end example\n\
 If the parameter @var{val} after a further string input argument\n\
-\"UniformOutput\" is set @code{true} (the default), then the named\n\
+@qcode{\"UniformOutput\"} is set @code{true} (the default), then the named\n\
 function @var{func} must return a single element which then will be\n\
 concatenated into the return value and is of type matrix.  Otherwise,\n\
 if that parameter is set to @code{false}, then the outputs are\n\
@@ -1115,7 +1116,7 @@
 @end example\n\
 If the parameter @var{errfunc} after a further string input argument\n\
-\"ErrorHandler\" is another string, a function handle, an inline\n\
+@qcode{\"ErrorHandler\"} is another string, a function handle, an inline\n\
 function, or an anonymous function, then @var{errfunc} defines a\n\
 function to call in the case that @var{func} generates an error.\n\
 The definition of the function must be of the form\n\
@@ -1127,11 +1128,11 @@
 where there is an additional input argument to @var{errfunc}\n\
 relative to @var{func}, given by @var{s}.  This is a structure with\n\
-the elements \"identifier\", \"message\", and \"index\" giving,\n\
-respectively, the error identifier, the error message, and the index of\n\
-the array elements that caused the error.  The size of the output\n\
-argument of @var{errfunc} must have the same size as the output\n\
-argument of @var{func}, otherwise a real error is thrown.  For\n\
+the elements @qcode{\"identifier\"}, @qcode{\"message\"}, and\n\
+@qcode{\"index\"} giving, respectively, the error identifier, the error\n\
+message, and the index of the array elements that caused the error.  The\n\
+size of the output argument of @var{errfunc} must have the same size as the\n\
+output argument of @var{func}, otherwise a real error is thrown.  For\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@
 @table @asis\n\
-@item @var{shape} = \"full\"\n\
+@item @var{shape} = @qcode{\"full\"}\n\
 Return the full convolution.  (default)\n\
-@item @var{shape} = \"same\"\n\
+@item @var{shape} = @qcode{\"same\"}\n\
 Return the central part of the convolution with the same size as @var{A}.\n\
 The central part of the convolution begins at the indices\n\
 @code{floor ([size(@var{B})/2] + 1)}.\n\
-@item @var{shape} = \"valid\"\n\
+@item @var{shape} = @qcode{\"valid\"}\n\
 Return only the parts which do not include zero-padded edges.\n\
 The size of the result is @code{max (size (A) - size (B) + 1, 0)}.\n\
 @end table\n\
@@ -299,15 +299,15 @@
 @table @asis\n\
-@item @var{shape} = \"full\"\n\
+@item @var{shape} = @qcode{\"full\"}\n\
 Return the full convolution.  (default)\n\
-@item @var{shape} = \"same\"\n\
+@item @var{shape} = @qcode{\"same\"}\n\
 Return central part of the convolution with the same size as @var{A}.\n\
 The central part of the convolution begins at the indices\n\
 @code{floor ([size(@var{B})/2] + 1)}.\n\
-@item @var{shape} = \"valid\"\n\
+@item @var{shape} = @qcode{\"valid\"}\n\
 Return only the parts which do not include zero-padded edges.\n\
 The size of the result is @code{max (size (A) - size (B) + 1, 0)}.\n\
 @end table\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -1095,8 +1095,8 @@
 Cumulative sum of elements along dimension @var{dim}.  If @var{dim}\n\
 is omitted, it defaults to the first non-singleton dimension.\n\
-See @code{sum} for an explanation of the optional parameters \"native\",\n\
-\"double\", and \"extra\".\n\
+See @code{sum} for an explanation of the optional parameters\n\
+@qcode{\"native\"}, @qcode{\"double\"}, and @qcode{\"extra\"}.\n\
 @seealso{sum, cumprod}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -2375,10 +2375,13 @@
 DEFUN (length, args, ,
   "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
 @deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} length (@var{a})\n\
-Return the \"length\" of the object @var{a}.  For matrix objects, the\n\
-length is the number of rows or columns, whichever is greater (this\n\
-odd definition is used for compatibility with @sc{matlab}).\n\
+Return the length of the object @var{a}.\n\
+The length is 0 for empty objects, 1 for scalars, and the number of elements\n\
+for vectors.  For matrix objects, the length is the number of rows or\n\
+columns, whichever is greater (this odd definition is used for compatibility\n\
+with @sc{matlab}).\n\
+@seealso{numel, size}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   octave_value retval;
@@ -2671,9 +2674,9 @@
 Sum of elements along dimension @var{dim}.  If @var{dim} is\n\
 omitted, it defaults to the first non-singleton dimension.\n\
-If the optional argument \"native\" is given, then the sum is performed\n\
-in the same type as the original argument, rather than in the default\n\
-double type.  For example:\n\
+If the optional argument @qcode{\"native\"} is given, then the sum is\n\
+performed in the same type as the original argument, rather than in the\n\
+default double type.  For example:\n\
@@ -2684,13 +2687,13 @@
 @end group\n\
 @end example\n\
-On the contrary, if \"double\" is given, the sum is performed in double\n\
-precision even for single precision inputs.\n\
-For double precision inputs, \"extra\" indicates that a more accurate\n\
+On the contrary, if @qcode{\"double\"} is given, the sum is performed in\n\
+double precision even for single precision inputs.\n\
+For double precision inputs, @qcode{\"extra\"} indicates that a more accurate\n\
 algorithm than straightforward summation is to be used.  For single precision\n\
-inputs, \"extra\" is the same as \"double\".  Otherwise, \"extra\" has no\n\
+inputs, @qcode{\"extra\"} is the same as @qcode{\"double\"}.  Otherwise,\n\
+@qcode{\"extra\"} has no effect.\n\
 @seealso{cumsum, sumsq, prod}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -3970,7 +3973,7 @@
 arguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\n\
 arguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\n\
 The optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\n\
-either \"double\" or \"single\".\n\
+either @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n\
 @seealso{isinf, NaN}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4029,7 +4032,7 @@
 arguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\n\
 arguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\n\
 The optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\n\
-either \"double\" or \"single\".\n\
+either @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n\
 @seealso{isnan, Inf}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4078,7 +4081,7 @@
 arguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\n\
 arguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\n\
 The optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\n\
-either \"double\" or \"single\".\n\
+either @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n\
 @seealso{log, exp, pi, I}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4119,7 +4122,7 @@
 the number of rows and columns and any further\n\
 arguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\n\
 The optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\n\
-either \"double\" or \"single\".\n\
+either @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n\
 @seealso{realmax, realmin, intmax, bitmax}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4243,7 +4246,7 @@
 arguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\n\
 arguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\n\
 The optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\n\
-either \"double\" or \"single\".\n\
+either @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n\
 @seealso{e, I}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4276,13 +4279,13 @@
 for single precision.\n\
 When called with no arguments, return a scalar with the value\n\
-@code{realmax (\"double\")}.\n\
+@code{realmax (@qcode{\"double\"})}.\n\
 When called with a single argument, return a square matrix with the dimension\n\
 specified.  When called with more than one scalar argument the first two\n\
 arguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\n\
 arguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\n\
 The optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\n\
-either \"double\" or \"single\".\n\
+either @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n\
 @seealso{realmin, intmax, bitmax, eps}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4310,13 +4313,13 @@
 for single precision.\n\
 When called with no arguments, return a scalar with the value\n\
-@code{realmin (\"double\")}.\n\
+@code{realmin (@qcode{\"double\"})}.\n\
 When called with a single argument, return a square matrix with the dimension\n\
 specified.  When called with more than one scalar argument the first two\n\
 arguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\n\
 arguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\n\
 The optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\n\
-either \"double\" or \"single\".\n\
+either @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n\
 @seealso{realmax, intmin, eps}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4354,7 +4357,7 @@
 arguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\n\
 arguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\n\
 The optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\n\
-either \"double\" or \"single\".\n\
+either @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n\
 @seealso{e, pi, log, exp}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4384,7 +4387,7 @@
 arguments are taken as the number of rows and columns and any further\n\
 arguments specify additional matrix dimensions.\n\
 The optional argument @var{class} specifies the return type and may be\n\
-either \"double\" or \"single\".\n\
+either @qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"}.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -5144,11 +5147,11 @@
 @item @var{p} = @code{2}\n\
 Largest singular value of @var{A}.\n\
-@item @var{p} = @code{Inf} or @code{\"inf\"}\n\
+@item @var{p} = @code{Inf} or @qcode{\"inf\"}\n\
 @cindex infinity norm\n\
 Infinity norm, the largest row sum of the absolute values of @var{A}.\n\
-@item @var{p} = @code{\"fro\"}\n\
+@item @var{p} = @qcode{\"fro\"}\n\
 @cindex Frobenius norm\n\
 Frobenius norm of @var{A}, @code{sqrt (sum (diag (@var{A}' * @var{A})))}.\n\
@@ -5160,13 +5163,13 @@
 If @var{A} is a vector or a scalar:\n\
 @table @asis\n\
-@item @var{p} = @code{Inf} or @code{\"inf\"}\n\
+@item @var{p} = @code{Inf} or @qcode{\"inf\"}\n\
 @code{max (abs (@var{A}))}.\n\
 @item @var{p} = @code{-Inf}\n\
 @code{min (abs (@var{A}))}.\n\
-@item @var{p} = @code{\"fro\"}\n\
+@item @var{p} = @qcode{\"fro\"}\n\
 Frobenius norm of @var{A}, @code{sqrt (sumsq (abs (A)))}.\n\
 @item @var{p} = 0\n\
@@ -5179,10 +5182,10 @@
 the p-pseudonorm defined as above.\n\
 @end table\n\
-If @var{opt} is the value @code{\"rows\"}, treat each row as a vector and\n\
+If @var{opt} is the value @qcode{\"rows\"}, treat each row as a vector and\n\
 compute its norm.  The result is returned as a column vector.\n\
-Similarly, if @var{opt} is @code{\"columns\"} or @code{\"cols\"} then compute\n\
-the norms of each column and return a row vector.\n\
+Similarly, if @var{opt} is @qcode{\"columns\"} or @qcode{\"cols\"} then\n\
+compute the norms of each column and return a row vector.\n\
 @seealso{cond, svd}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -5965,7 +5968,7 @@
 If the optional argument @var{dim} is given, then the matrix is sorted\n\
 along the dimension defined by @var{dim}.  The optional argument @code{mode}\n\
 defines the order in which the values will be sorted.  Valid values of\n\
-@code{mode} are \"ascend\" or \"descend\".\n\
+@code{mode} are @qcode{\"ascend\"} or @qcode{\"descend\"}.\n\
 The @code{sort} function may also be used to produce a matrix\n\
 containing the original row indices of the elements in the sorted\n\
@@ -6358,11 +6361,11 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} issorted (@var{a}, @var{mode})\n\
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} issorted (@var{a}, \"rows\", @var{mode})\n\
 Return true if the array is sorted according to @var{mode}, which\n\
-may be either \"ascending\", \"descending\", or \"either\".  By default,\n\
- @var{mode} is \"ascending\".  NaNs are treated in the same manner as\n\
-If the optional argument \"rows\" is supplied, check whether\n\
+may be either @qcode{\"ascending\"}, @qcode{\"descending\"}, or\n\
+@qcode{\"either\"}.  By default,  @var{mode} is @qcode{\"ascending\"}.  NaNs\n\
+are treated in the same manner as @code{sort}.\n\
+If the optional argument @qcode{\"rows\"} is supplied, check whether\n\
 the array is sorted by rows as output by the function @code{sortrows}\n\
 (with no options).\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -917,8 +917,8 @@
 When called with no arguments in debugging mode, display the script file\n\
 currently being debugged.  An optional range specification can be used to\n\
-list only a portion of the file.  The special keyword \"end\" is a valid\n\
-line number specification for the last line of the file.\n\
+list only a portion of the file.  The special keyword @qcode{\"end\"} is a\n\
+valid line number specification for the last line of the file.\n\
 When called with the name of a function, list that script file with line\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -474,11 +474,11 @@
 use with the @code{edit_history} command.  The default value is taken from\n\
 the environment variable @w{@env{EDITOR}} when Octave starts.  If the\n\
 environment variable is not initialized, @w{@env{EDITOR}} will be set to\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -509,9 +509,9 @@
 @w{@env{OCTAVE_EXEC_PATH}}, but that value can be overridden by\n\
 the command line argument @option{--exec-path PATH}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -544,9 +544,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that specifies a colon separated\n\
 list of directories in which to search for image files.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{EXEC_PATH, OCTAVE_HOME}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
 system-dependent error message, and @var{msgid} contains a unique\n\
 message identifier.\n\
-If the optional second parameter is supplied with value @code{\"s\"},\n\
+If the optional second parameter is supplied with value @qcode{\"s\"},\n\
 recursively remove all subdirectories as well.\n\
 @seealso{mkdir, confirm_recursive_rmdir}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -696,8 +696,8 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} filesep (\"all\")\n\
 Return the system-dependent character used to separate directory names.\n\
-If \"all\" is given, the function returns all valid file separators in\n\
-the form of a string.  The list of file separators is system-dependent.\n\
+If @qcode{\"all\"} is given, the function returns all valid file separators\n\
+in the form of a string.  The list of file separators is system-dependent.\n\
 It is @samp{/} (forward slash) under UNIX or @w{Mac OS X}, @samp{/} and\n\
 @samp{\\} (forward and backward slashes) under Windows.\n\
@@ -780,9 +780,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave\n\
 will ask for confirmation before recursively removing a directory tree.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (confirm_recursive_rmdir);
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -173,14 +173,15 @@
 The @var{range} parameter may be a 4-element vector containing the upper\n\
 left and lower right corner @code{[@var{R0},@var{C0},@var{R1},@var{C1}]}\n\
 where the lowest index value is zero.  Alternatively, a spreadsheet style\n\
-range such as \"A2..Q15\" or \"T1:AA5\" can be used.  The lowest alphabetical\n\
-index 'A' refers to the first column.  The lowest row index is 1.\n\
+range such as @qcode{\"A2..Q15\"} or @qcode{\"T1:AA5\"} can be used.  The\n\
+lowest alphabetical index @qcode{'A'} refers to the first column.  The\n\
+lowest row index is 1.\n\
 @var{file} should be a file name or file id given by @code{fopen}.  In the\n\
 latter case, the file is read until end of file is reached.\n\
-The \"emptyvalue\" option may be used to specify the value used to fill empty\n\
-fields.  The default is zero.\n\
+The @qcode{\"emptyvalue\"} option may be used to specify the value used to\n\
+fill empty fields.  The default is zero.\n\
 @seealso{csvread, textscan, textread, dlmwrite}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -830,10 +830,10 @@
   "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
 @deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} rethrow (@var{err})\n\
 Reissue a previous error as defined by @var{err}.  @var{err} is a structure\n\
-that must contain at least the 'message' and 'identifier' fields.  @var{err}\n\
-can also contain a field 'stack' that gives information on the assumed\n\
-location of the error.  Typically @var{err} is returned from\n\
+that must contain at least the @qcode{\"message\"} and @qcode{\"identifier\"}\n\
+fields.  @var{err} can also contain a field @qcode{\"stack\"} that gives\n\
+information on the assumed location of the error.  Typically @var{err} is\n\
+returned from @code{lasterror}.\n\
 @seealso{lasterror, lasterr, error}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@
 which will only stop execution if an error has been found.\n\
 Implementation Note: For compatibility with @sc{matlab}, escape\n\
-sequences (e.g., \"\\n\" => newline) are processed in @var{template}\n\
+sequences (e.g., @qcode{\"\\n\"} => newline) are processed in @var{template}\n\
 regardless of whether @var{template} has been defined within single quotes\n\
 as long as there are two or more input arguments.\n\
 Use a second backslash to stop interpolation of the escape sequence (e.g.,\n\
@@ -1235,17 +1235,17 @@
 The optional message identifier allows users to enable or disable\n\
 warnings tagged by @var{id}.  A message identifier is of the form\n\
-\"NAMESPACE:WARNING-NAME\".  Octave's own warnings use the \"Octave\"\n\
-namespace (@pxref{XREFwarning_ids}).  The special identifier @samp{\"all\"}\n\
+\"NAMESPACE:WARNING-NAME\".  Octave's own warnings use the @qcode{\"Octave\"}\n\
+namespace (@pxref{XREFwarning_ids}).  The special identifier @qcode{\"all\"}\n\
 may be used to set the state of all warnings.\n\
-If the first argument is @samp{\"on\"} or @samp{\"off\"}, set the state\n\
-of a particular warning using the identifier @var{id}.  If the first\n\
-argument is @samp{\"query\"}, query the state of this warning instead.\n\
-If the identifier is omitted, a value of @samp{\"all\"} is assumed.  If\n\
-you set the state of a warning to @samp{\"error\"}, the warning named by\n\
-@var{id} is handled as if it were an error instead.  So, for example, the\n\
-following handles all warnings as errors:\n\
+If the first argument is @qcode{\"on\"} or @qcode{\"off\"},\n\
+set the state of a particular warning using the identifier @var{id}.  If the\n\
+first argument is @qcode{\"query\"}, query the state of this warning\n\
+instead.  If the identifier is omitted, a value of @qcode{\"all\"} is\n\
+assumed.  If you set the state of a warning to @qcode{\"error\"}, the\n\
+warning named by @var{id} is handled as if it were an error instead.  So,\n\
+for example, the following handles all warnings as errors:\n\
@@ -1253,17 +1253,17 @@
 @end group\n\
 @end example\n\
-If the state is @samp{\"on\"}, @samp{\"off\"}, or @samp{\"error\"}\n\
-and the third argument is @samp{\"local\"}, then the warning state\n\
+If the state is @qcode{\"on\"}, @qcode{\"off\"}, or @qcode{\"error\"}\n\
+and the third argument is @qcode{\"local\"}, then the warning state\n\
 will be set temporarily, until the end of the current function.\n\
 Changes to warning states that are set locally affect the current\n\
 function and all functions called from the current scope.  The\n\
 previous warning state is restored on return from the current\n\
-function.  The \"local\" option is ignored if used in the top-level\n\
+function.  The @qcode{\"local\"} option is ignored if used in the top-level\n\
 Implementation Note: For compatibility with @sc{matlab}, escape\n\
-sequences (e.g., \"\\n\" => newline) are processed in @var{template}\n\
+sequences (e.g., @qcode{\"\\n\"} => newline) are processed in @var{template}\n\
 regardless of whether @var{template} has been defined within single quotes\n\
 as long as there are two or more input arguments.\n\
 Use a second backslash to stop interpolation of the escape sequence (e.g.,\n\
@@ -1654,29 +1654,29 @@
 arguments, return a structure containing the last error message and other\n\
 information related to this error.  The elements of the structure are:\n\
-@table @asis\n\
-@item 'message'\n\
+@table @code\n\
+@item message\n\
 The text of the last error message\n\
-@item 'identifier'\n\
+@item identifier\n\
 The message identifier of this error message\n\
-@item 'stack'\n\
+@item stack\n\
 A structure containing information on where the message occurred.  This may\n\
 be an empty structure if the information cannot\n\
 be obtained.  The fields of the structure are:\n\
-@table @asis\n\
-@item 'file'\n\
+@table @code\n\
+@item file\n\
 The name of the file where the error occurred\n\
-@item 'name'\n\
+@item name\n\
 The name of function in which the error occurred\n\
-@item 'line'\n\
+@item line\n\
 The line number at which the error occurred\n\
-@item 'column'\n\
+@item column\n\
 An optional field with the column number at which the error occurred\n\
 @end table\n\
 @end table\n\
@@ -1685,8 +1685,8 @@
 as input.  Any fields of @var{err} that match those above are set while any\n\
 unspecified fields are initialized with default values.\n\
-If @code{lasterror} is called with the argument \"reset\", all fields are\n\
-set to their default values.\n\
+If @code{lasterror} is called with the argument @qcode{\"reset\"}, all\n\
+fields are set to their default values.\n\
 @seealso{lasterr, error, lastwarn}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1956,9 +1956,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will try\n\
 to ring the terminal bell before printing an error message.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (beep_on_error);
@@ -1974,9 +1974,9 @@
 inhibit printing of the normal traceback message (you will only see\n\
 the top-level error message).\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{debug_on_warning, debug_on_interrupt}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1991,9 +1991,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave will try\n\
 to enter the debugger when a warning is encountered.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{debug_on_error, debug_on_interrupt}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -647,14 +647,14 @@
 @end table\n\
-Append a \"t\" to the mode string to open the file in text mode or a\n\
-\"b\" to open in binary mode.  On Windows and Macintosh systems, text\n\
+Append a @qcode{\"t\"} to the mode string to open the file in text mode or a\n\
+@qcode{\"b\"} to open in binary mode.  On Windows and Macintosh systems, text\n\
 mode reading and writing automatically converts linefeeds to the\n\
 appropriate line end character for the system (carriage-return linefeed\n\
 on Windows, carriage-return on Macintosh).  The default if no mode is\n\
 specified is binary mode.\n\
-Additionally, you may append a \"z\" to the mode string to open a\n\
+Additionally, you may append a @qcode{\"z\"} to the mode string to open a\n\
 gzipped file for reading or writing.  For this to be successful, you\n\
 must also open the file in binary mode.\n\
@@ -825,8 +825,10 @@
 The pointer is positioned @var{offset} characters from the @var{origin},\n\
 which may be one of the predefined variables @w{@code{SEEK_CUR}} (current\n\
 position), @w{@code{SEEK_SET}} (beginning), or @w{@code{SEEK_END}} (end of\n\
-file) or strings \"cof\", \"bof\" or \"eof\".  If @var{origin} is omitted,\n\
-@w{@code{SEEK_SET}} is assumed.  @var{offset} may be positive, negative, or zero but not all combinations of @var{origin} and @var{offset} can be realized.\n\
+file) or strings @qcode{\"cof\"}, @qcode{\"bof\"} or @qcode{\"eof\"}.  If\n\
+@var{origin} is omitted, @w{@code{SEEK_SET}} is assumed.  @var{offset} may\n\
+be positive, negative, or zero but not all combinations of @var{origin} and\n\
+@var{offset} can be realized.\n\
 Return 0 on success and -1 on error.\n\
 @seealso{fskipl, frewind, ftell, fopen}\n\
@@ -1440,84 +1442,84 @@
 data to read and may be one of\n\
 @table @asis\n\
-@item  \"schar\"\n\
-@itemx \"signed char\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"schar\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"signed char\"}\n\
 Signed character.\n\
-@item  \"uchar\"\n\
-@itemx \"unsigned char\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"uchar\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"unsigned char\"}\n\
 Unsigned character.\n\
-@item  \"int8\"\n\
-@itemx \"integer*1\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"int8\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"integer*1\"}\n\
 8-bit signed integer.\n\
-@item  \"int16\"\n\
-@itemx \"integer*2\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"int16\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"integer*2\"}\n\
 16-bit signed integer.\n\
-@item  \"int32\"\n\
-@itemx \"integer*4\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"int32\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"integer*4\"}\n\
 32-bit signed integer.\n\
-@item  \"int64\"\n\
-@itemx \"integer*8\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"int64\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"integer*8\"}\n\
 64-bit signed integer.\n\
-@item \"uint8\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"uint8\"}\n\
 8-bit unsigned integer.\n\
-@item \"uint16\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"uint16\"}\n\
 16-bit unsigned integer.\n\
-@item \"uint32\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"uint32\"}\n\
 32-bit unsigned integer.\n\
-@item \"uint64\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"uint64\"}\n\
 64-bit unsigned integer.\n\
-@item  \"single\"\n\
-@itemx \"float32\"\n\
-@itemx \"real*4\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"single\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"float32\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"real*4\"}\n\
 32-bit floating point number.\n\
-@item  \"double\"\n\
-@itemx \"float64\"\n\
-@itemx \"real*8\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"double\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"float64\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"real*8\"}\n\
 64-bit floating point number.\n\
-@item  \"char\"\n\
-@itemx \"char*1\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"char\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"char*1\"}\n\
 Single character.\n\
-@item \"short\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"short\"}\n\
 Short integer (size is platform dependent).\n\
-@item \"int\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"int\"}\n\
 Integer (size is platform dependent).\n\
-@item \"long\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"long\"}\n\
 Long integer (size is platform dependent).\n\
-@item  \"ushort\"\n\
-@itemx \"unsigned short\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"ushort\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"unsigned short\"}\n\
 Unsigned short integer (size is platform dependent).\n\
-@item  \"uint\"\n\
-@itemx \"unsigned int\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"uint\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"unsigned int\"}\n\
 Unsigned integer (size is platform dependent).\n\
-@item  \"ulong\"\n\
-@itemx \"unsigned long\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"ulong\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"unsigned long\"}\n\
 Unsigned long integer (size is platform dependent).\n\
-@item \"float\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"float\"}\n\
 Single precision floating point number (size is platform dependent).\n\
 @end table\n\
-The default precision is @code{\"uchar\"}.\n\
+The default precision is @qcode{\"uchar\"}.\n\
 The @var{precision} argument may also specify an optional repeat\n\
 count.  For example, @samp{32*single} causes @code{fread} to read\n\
@@ -1553,7 +1555,7 @@
 for the file.  Valid values are\n\
 @table @code\n\
-@item \"native\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"native\"}\n\
 The format of the current machine.\n\
 @item \"ieee-be\"\n\
@@ -1562,19 +1564,19 @@
 @item \"ieee-le\"\n\
 IEEE little endian.\n\
-@item \"vaxd\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"vaxd\"}\n\
 VAX D floating format.\n\
-@item \"vaxg\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"vaxg\"}\n\
 VAX G floating format.\n\
-@item \"cray\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"cray\"}\n\
 Cray floating format.\n\
 @end table\n\
-Conversions are currently only supported for @code{\"ieee-be\"} and\n\
-@code{\"ieee-le\"} formats.\n\
+Conversions are currently only supported for @qcode{\"ieee-be\"} and\n\
+@qcode{\"ieee-le\"} formats.\n\
 The data read from the file is returned in @var{val}, and the number of\n\
 values read is returned in @code{count}\n\
@@ -1827,11 +1829,11 @@
 @var{mode} may be\n\
 @table @code\n\
-@item \"r\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"r\"}\n\
 The pipe will be connected to the standard output of the process, and\n\
 open for reading.\n\
-@item \"w\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"w\"}\n\
 The pipe will be connected to the standard input of the process, and\n\
 open for writing.\n\
 @end table\n\
@@ -1922,7 +1924,7 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} tmpnam (@var{dir}, @var{prefix})\n\
 Return a unique temporary file name as a string.\n\
-If @var{prefix} is omitted, a value of @code{\"oct-\"} is used.\n\
+If @var{prefix} is omitted, a value of @qcode{\"oct-\"} is used.\n\
 If @var{dir} is also omitted, the default directory for temporary files\n\
 is used.  If @var{dir} is provided, it must exist, otherwise the default\n\
 directory for temporary files is used.  Since the named file is not\n\
@@ -1964,7 +1966,7 @@
   "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
 @deftypefn {Built-in Function} {[@var{fid}, @var{msg}] =} tmpfile ()\n\
 Return the file ID corresponding to a new temporary file with a unique\n\
-name.  The file is opened in binary read/write (@code{\"w+b\"}) mode.\n\
+name.  The file is opened in binary read/write (@qcode{\"w+b\"}) mode.\n\
 The file will be deleted automatically when it is closed or when Octave\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -377,9 +377,10 @@
 If two inputs are given, @var{n} indicates the maximum number of\n\
 elements to find from the beginning of the matrix or vector.\n\
-If three inputs are given, @var{direction} should be one of \"first\" or\n\
-\"last\", requesting only the first or last @var{n} indices, respectively.\n\
-However, the indices are always returned in ascending order.\n\
+If three inputs are given, @var{direction} should be one of\n\
+@qcode{\"first\"} or @qcode{\"last\"}, requesting only the first or last\n\
+@var{n} indices, respectively.  However, the indices are always returned in\n\
+ascending order.\n\
 Note that this function is particularly useful for sparse matrices, as\n\
 it extracts the non-zero elements as vectors, which can then be used to\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
 @var{a} must agree, and @code{gammainc} is applied element-by-element.\n\
 By default the incomplete gamma function integrated from 0 to @var{x} is\n\
-computed.  If \"upper\" is given then the complementary function integrated\n\
-from @var{x} to infinity is calculated.  It should be noted that\n\
+computed.  If @qcode{\"upper\"} is given then the complementary function\n\
+integrated from @var{x} to infinity is calculated.  It should be noted that\n\
 gammainc (@var{x}, @var{a}) @equiv{} 1 - gammainc (@var{x}, @var{a}, \"upper\")\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -8466,9 +8466,9 @@
   "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
 @deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} reset (@var{h}, @var{property})\n\
 Remove any defaults set for the handle @var{h}.  The default figure\n\
-properties of \"position\", \"units\", \"windowstyle\" and\n\
-\"paperunits\" and the default axes properties of \"position\" and \"units\"\n\
-are not reset.\n\
+properties of @qcode{\"position\"}, @qcode{\"units\"},\n\
+@qcode{\"windowstyle\"} and @qcode{\"paperunits\"} and the default axes\n\
+properties of @qcode{\"position\"} and @qcode{\"units\"} are not reset.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   int nargin = args.length ();
@@ -9550,7 +9550,7 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} drawnow (@var{term}, @var{file}, @var{mono}, @var{debug_file})\n\
 Update figure windows and their children.  The event queue is flushed and\n\
 any callbacks generated are executed.  With the optional argument\n\
-@code{\"expose\"}, only graphic objects are updated and no other events or\n\
+@qcode{\"expose\"}, only graphic objects are updated and no other events or\n\
 callbacks are processed.\n\
 The third calling form of @code{drawnow} is for debugging and is\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -1066,8 +1066,8 @@
 Return the raw help text of function @var{name}.\n\
 The raw help text is returned in @var{text} and the format in @var{format}\n\
-The format is a string which is one of @t{\"texinfo\"}, @t{\"html\"}, or\n\
-@t{\"plain text\"}.\n\
+The format is a string which is one of @qcode{\"texinfo\"},\n\
+@qcode{\"html\"}, or @qcode{\"plain text\"}.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   octave_value_list retval;
@@ -1135,8 +1135,8 @@
 Return the raw help text from the file @var{fname}.\n\
 The raw help text is returned in @var{text} and the format in @var{format}\n\
-The format is a string which is one of @t{\"texinfo\"}, @t{\"html\"}, or\n\
-@t{\"plain text\"}.\n\
+The format is a string which is one of @qcode{\"texinfo\"},\n\
+@qcode{\"html\"}, or @qcode{\"plain text\"}.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   octave_value_list retval;
@@ -1398,9 +1398,9 @@
 @w{@env{OCTAVE_DOC_CACHE_FILE}}, or the command line argument\n\
 @samp{--doc-cache-file FNAME}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{doc_cache_create, lookfor, info_program, doc, help, makeinfo_program}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1422,9 +1422,9 @@
 @w{@env{OCTAVE_TEXI_MACROS_FILE}}, or the command line argument\n\
 @samp{--texi-macros-file FNAME}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1444,9 +1444,9 @@
 @w{@env{OCTAVE_INFO_FILE}}, or the command line argument\n\
 @samp{--info-file FNAME}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{info_program, doc, help, makeinfo_program}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1468,9 +1468,9 @@
 @w{@env{OCTAVE_INFO_PROGRAM}}, or the command line argument\n\
 @samp{--info-program NAME}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{info_file, doc, help, makeinfo_program}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1486,9 +1486,9 @@
 program that Octave runs to format help text containing\n\
 Texinfo markup commands.  The default value is @code{makeinfo}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{texi_macros_file, info_file, info_program, doc, help}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1504,9 +1504,9 @@
 will add additional help information to the end of the output from\n\
 the @code{help} command and usage messages for built-in commands.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (suppress_verbose_help_message);
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{n} =} hex2num (@var{s}, @var{class})\n\
 Typecast the 16 character hexadecimal character string to an IEEE 754\n\
 double precision number.  If fewer than 16 characters are given the\n\
-strings are right padded with '0' characters.\n\
+strings are right padded with @qcode{'0'} characters.\n\
 Given a string matrix, @code{hex2num} treats each row as a separate\n\
@@ -50,10 +50,11 @@
 @end group\n\
 @end example\n\
-The optional argument @var{class} can be passed as the string \"single\" to\n\
-specify that the given string should be interpreted as a single precision\n\
-number.  In this case, @var{s} should be an 8 character hexadecimal string.\n\
-For example:\n\
+The optional argument @var{class} can be passed as the string\n\
+@qcode{\"single\"} to specify that the given string should be interpreted as\n\
+a single precision number.  In this case, @var{s} should be an 8 character\n\
+hexadecimal string.  For example: \n\
 hex2num ([\"402df854\"; \"41200000\"], \"single\")\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@
 of values produced by the evaluation of the expression.\n\
 If you are only interested in getting a literal string value, you can\n\
-call @code{input} with the character string @code{\"s\"} as the second\n\
+call @code{input} with the character string @qcode{\"s\"} as the second\n\
 argument.  This tells Octave to return the string entered by the user\n\
 directly, without evaluating it first.\n\
@@ -1226,7 +1226,7 @@
 Query or set the primary prompt string.  When executing interactively,\n\
 Octave displays the primary prompt when it is ready to read a command.\n\
-The default value of the primary prompt string is @code{\"\\s:\\#> \"}.\n\
+The default value of the primary prompt string is @qcode{\"\\s:\\#> \"}.\n\
 To change it, use a command like\n\
@@ -1249,9 +1249,9 @@
 will give the default Octave prompt a red coloring.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{PS2, PS4}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1268,11 +1268,11 @@
 command.  For example, if you are typing a @code{for} loop that spans several\n\
 lines, Octave will print the secondary prompt at the beginning of\n\
 each line after the first.  The default value of the secondary prompt\n\
-string is @code{\"> \"}.\n\
+string is @qcode{\"> \"}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{PS1, PS4}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1286,12 +1286,12 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} PS4 (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\n\
 Query or set the character string used to prefix output produced\n\
 when echoing commands is enabled.\n\
-The default value is @code{\"+ \"}.\n\
+The default value is @qcode{\"+ \"}.\n\
 @xref{Diary and Echo Commands}, for a description of echoing commands.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{echo, echo_executing_commands, PS1, PS2}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1305,11 +1305,11 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} completion_append_char (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\n\
 Query or set the internal character variable that is appended to\n\
 successful command-line completion attempts.  The default\n\
-value is @code{\" \"} (a single space).\n\
+value is @qcode{\" \"} (a single space).\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (completion_append_char);
@@ -1340,9 +1340,9 @@
 The value of @code{echo_executing_commands} may be set by the @kbd{echo}\n\
 command or the command line option @option{--echo-commands}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (echo_executing_commands);
@@ -1415,9 +1415,9 @@
 will set a breakpoint at the first line of the subfunction @code{mysubfunc}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   char tmp = Vfilemarker;
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -2166,8 +2166,8 @@
 @deftypefn  {Built-in Function} {} addpath (@var{dir1}, @dots{})\n\
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} addpath (@var{dir1}, @dots{}, @var{option})\n\
 Add named directories to the function search path.  If\n\
-@var{option} is \"-begin\" or 0 (the default), prepend the\n\
-directory name to the current path.  If @var{option} is \"-end\"\n\
+@var{option} is @qcode{\"-begin\"} or 0 (the default), prepend the\n\
+directory name to the current path.  If @var{option} is @qcode{\"-end\"}\n\
 or 1, append the directory name to the current path.\n\
 Directories added to the path must exist.\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -1772,12 +1772,12 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} crash_dumps_octave_core (@var{new_val})\n\
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} crash_dumps_octave_core (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\n\
 Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave tries\n\
-to save all current variables to the file \"octave-workspace\" if it\n\
+to save all current variables to the file @file{octave-workspace} if it\n\
 crashes or receives a hangup, terminate or similar signal.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{octave_core_file_limit, octave_core_file_name, octave_core_file_options}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1791,12 +1791,12 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} save_default_options (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\n\
 Query or set the internal variable that specifies the default options\n\
 for the @code{save} command, and defines the default format.\n\
-Typical values include @code{\"-ascii\"}, @code{\"-text -zip\"}.\n\
+Typical values include @qcode{\"-ascii\"}, @qcode{\"-text -zip\"}.\n\
 The default value is @option{-text}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1817,9 +1817,9 @@
 size of the file.  If a text file format is used, then the file could\n\
 be much larger than the limit.  The default value is -1 (unlimited)\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{crash_dumps_octave_core, octave_core_file_name, octave_core_file_options}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1833,11 +1833,11 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} octave_core_file_name (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\n\
 Query or set the internal variable that specifies the name of the file\n\
 used for saving data from the top-level workspace if Octave aborts.\n\
-The default value is @code{\"octave-workspace\"}\n\
+The default value is @qcode{\"octave-workspace\"}\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{crash_dumps_octave_core, octave_core_file_name, octave_core_file_options}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1855,9 +1855,9 @@
 options for the @code{save} function.  The default value is Octave's binary\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{crash_dumps_octave_core, octave_core_file_name, octave_core_file_limit}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1883,9 +1883,9 @@
 \"# Created by Octave VERSION, %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z <USER@@HOST>\"\n\
 @end smallexample\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{strftime, save}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -423,9 +423,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that specifies the number of\n\
 digits to keep when saving data in text format.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.\n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE_WITH_LIMITS (save_precision, -1,
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@
 pivoting strategy and the second for the symmetric strategy.  By default,\n\
 the values defined by @code{spparms} are used ([0.1, 0.001]).\n\
-Given the string argument \"vector\", @code{lu} returns the values of @var{P}\n\
-and @var{Q} as vector values, such that for full matrix, @code{@var{A}\n\
-(@var{P},:) = @var{L} * @var{U}}, and @code{@var{R}(@var{P},:) * @var{A}\n\
-(:, @var{Q}) = @var{L} * @var{U}}.\n\
+Given the string argument @qcode{\"vector\"}, @code{lu} returns the values\n\
+of @var{P} and @var{Q} as vector values, such that for full matrix,\n\
+@code{@var{A} (@var{P},:) = @var{L} * @var{U}}, and @code{@var{R}(@var{P},:)\n\
+* @var{A} (:, @var{Q}) = @var{L} * @var{U}}.\n\
 With two output arguments, returns the permuted forms of the upper and\n\
 lower triangular matrices, such that @code{@var{A} = @var{L} * @var{U}}.\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 Two types of incomplete factorization are possible, and the type\n\
 is determined by the second argument to @code{luinc}.\n\
-Called with a second argument of '0', the zero-level incomplete\n\
+Called with a second argument of @qcode{'0'}, the zero-level incomplete\n\
 LU@tie{}factorization is produced.  This creates a factorization of @var{A}\n\
 where the position of the non-zero arguments correspond to the same\n\
 positions as in the matrix @var{A}.\n\
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
 All other fields in @var{opts} are ignored.  The outputs from @code{luinc}\n\
 are the same as for @code{lu}.\n\
-Given the string argument \"vector\", @code{luinc} returns the values of\n\
-@var{p} @var{q} as vector values.\n\
+Given the string argument @qcode{\"vector\"}, @code{luinc} returns the\n\
+values of @var{p} @var{q} as vector values.\n\
 @seealso{sparse, lu}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -50,48 +50,49 @@
 matrix and caches it for future use.  Called with more than one argument,\n\
 @code{matrix_type} allows the type of the matrix to be defined.\n\
-If the option \"nocompute\" is given, the function will not attempt to guess\n\
-the type if it is still unknown.  This is useful for debugging purposes.\n\
+If the option @qcode{\"nocompute\"} is given, the function will not attempt\n\
+to guess the type if it is still unknown.  This is useful for debugging\n\
 The possible matrix types depend on whether the matrix is full or sparse, and\n\
 can be one of the following\n\
 @table @asis\n\
-@item \"unknown\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"unknown\"}\n\
 Remove any previously cached matrix type, and mark type as unknown.\n\
-@item \"full\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"full\"}\n\
 Mark the matrix as full.\n\
-@item \"positive definite\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"positive definite\"}\n\
 Probable full positive definite matrix.\n\
-@item \"diagonal\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"diagonal\"}\n\
 Diagonal matrix.  (Sparse matrices only)\n\
-@item \"permuted diagonal\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"permuted diagonal\"}\n\
 Permuted Diagonal matrix.  The permutation does not need to be specifically\n\
 indicated, as the structure of the matrix explicitly gives this.  (Sparse\n\
 matrices only)\n\
-@item \"upper\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"upper\"}\n\
 Upper triangular.  If the optional third argument @var{perm} is given, the\n\
 matrix is assumed to be a permuted upper triangular with the permutations\n\
 defined by the vector @var{perm}.\n\
-@item \"lower\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"lower\"}\n\
 Lower triangular.  If the optional third argument @var{perm} is given, the\n\
 matrix is assumed to be a permuted lower triangular with the permutations\n\
 defined by the vector @var{perm}.\n\
-@item  \"banded\"\n\
-@itemx \"banded positive definite\"\n\
+@item  @qcode{\"banded\"}\n\
+@itemx @qcode{\"banded positive definite\"}\n\
 Banded matrix with the band size of @var{nl} below the diagonal and @var{nu}\n\
 above it.  If @var{nl} and @var{nu} are 1, then the matrix is tridiagonal and\n\
 treated with specialized code.  In addition the matrix can be marked as\n\
 probably a positive definite.  (Sparse matrices only)\n\
-@item \"singular\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"singular\"}\n\
 The matrix is assumed to be singular and will be treated with a minimum norm\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -830,9 +830,9 @@
 \"# Octave VERSION, %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z <USER@@HOST>\"\n\
 @end example\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{strftime, history_file, history_size, history_save}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -847,9 +847,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that controls whether commands entered\n\
 on the command line are saved in the history file.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{history_control, history_file, history_size, history_timestamp_format_string}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -654,9 +654,9 @@
 buffers its output and waits until just before the prompt is printed to\n\
 flush it to the pager.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{page_screen_output, more, PAGER, PAGER_FLAGS}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -674,9 +674,9 @@
 (such as @code{less}---see @ref{Installation}) are also capable of moving\n\
 backward on the output.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{more, page_output_immediately, PAGER, PAGER_FLAGS}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -690,13 +690,13 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} PAGER (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\n\
 Query or set the internal variable that specifies the program to use\n\
 to display terminal output on your system.  The default value is\n\
-normally @code{\"less\"}, @code{\"more\"}, or\n\
-@code{\"pg\"}, depending on what programs are installed on your system.\n\
+normally @qcode{\"less\"}, @qcode{\"more\"}, or\n\
+@qcode{\"pg\"}, depending on what programs are installed on your system.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{PAGER_FLAGS, page_output_immediately, more, page_screen_output}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -711,9 +711,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that specifies the options to pass\n\
 to the pager.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{PAGER, more, page_screen_output, page_output_immediately}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -3982,9 +3982,9 @@
 this reason, you should be careful when setting\n\
 @code{fixed_point_format} to a nonzero value.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{format, output_max_field_width, output_precision}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4011,9 +4011,9 @@
 ans = [](3x0)\n\
 @end example\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4049,9 +4049,9 @@
 @end group\n\
 @end example\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4066,9 +4066,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that specifies the maximum width\n\
 of a numeric output field.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{format, fixed_point_format, output_precision}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4084,9 +4084,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that specifies the minimum number of\n\
 significant figures to display for numeric output.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{format, fixed_point_format, output_max_field_width}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -2316,9 +2316,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that determines whether\n\
 debugging/tracing is enabled for Octave's JIT compiler.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{jit_enable, jit_startcnt}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -2337,9 +2337,9 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} jit_enable (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\n\
 Query or set the internal variable that enables Octave's JIT compiler.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{jit_startcnt, debug_jit}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -2361,9 +2361,9 @@
 operation it does not make sense to employ JIT when the loop count is low.\n\
 By default only loops with greater than 1000 iterations will be accelerated.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{jit_enable, debug_jit}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -346,20 +346,20 @@
 of the revised pencil contains all eigenvalues that satisfy:\n\
 @table @asis\n\
-@item \"N\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"N\"}\n\
 = unordered (default)\n\
-@item \"S\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"S\"}\n\
 = small: leading block has all |lambda| @leq{} 1\n\
-@item \"B\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"B\"}\n\
 = big: leading block has all |lambda| @geq{} 1\n\
-@item \"-\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"-\"}\n\
 = negative real part: leading block has all eigenvalues\n\
 in the open left half-plane\n\
-@item \"+\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"+\"}\n\
 = non-negative real part: leading block has all eigenvalues\n\
 in the closed right half-plane\n\
 @end table\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
 random numbers with a significantly longer cycle time.  However, in\n\
 some circumstances it might be desirable to obtain the same random\n\
 sequences as used by the old generators.  To do this the keyword\n\
-\"seed\" is used to specify that the old generators should be use,\n\
+@qcode{\"seed\"} is used to specify that the old generators should be use,\n\
 as in\n\
@@ -442,13 +442,15 @@
 However, it should be noted that querying the seed will not cause\n\
 @code{rand} to use the old generators, only setting the seed will.\n\
 To cause @code{rand} to once again use the new generators, the\n\
-keyword \"state\" should be used to reset the state of the @code{rand}.\n\
+keyword @qcode{\"state\"} should be used to reset the state of the\n\
 The state or seed of the generator can be reset to a new random value\n\
-using the \"reset\" keyword.\n\
+using the @qcode{\"reset\"} keyword.\n\
-The class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing \"double\"\n\
-or \"single\" argument.  These are the only valid classes.\n\
+The class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing\n\
+@qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"} argument.  These are the only valid\n\
 @seealso{randn, rande, randg, randp}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -568,8 +570,9 @@
 By default, @code{randn} uses the Marsaglia and Tsang ``Ziggurat technique''\n\
 to transform from a uniform to a normal distribution.\n\
-The class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing \"double\"\n\
-or \"single\" argument.  These are the only valid classes.\n\
+The class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing\n\
+@qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"} argument.  These are the only valid\n\
 Reference: G. Marsaglia and W.W. Tsang,\n\
 @cite{Ziggurat Method for Generating Random Variables},\n\
@@ -638,8 +641,9 @@
 By default, @code{randn} uses the Marsaglia and Tsang ``Ziggurat technique''\n\
 to transform from a uniform to an exponential distribution.\n\
-The class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing \"double\"\n\
-or \"single\" argument.  These are the only valid classes.\n\
+The class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing\n\
+@qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"} argument.  These are the only valid\n\
 Reference: G. Marsaglia and W.W. Tsang,\n\
 @cite{Ziggurat Method for Generating Random Variables},\n\
@@ -784,8 +788,9 @@
 @end table\n\
-The class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing \"double\"\n\
-or \"single\" argument.  These are the only valid classes.\n\
+The class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing\n\
+@qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"} argument.  These are the only valid\n\
 @seealso{rand, randn, rande, randp}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1006,8 +1011,9 @@
 D 50 p1284, 1994.\n\
 @end table\n\
-The class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing \"double\"\n\
-or \"single\" argument.  These are the only valid classes.\n\
+The class of the value returned can be controlled by a trailing\n\
+@qcode{\"double\"} or @qcode{\"single\"} argument.  These are the only valid\n\
 @seealso{rand, randn, rande, randg}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@
 @end table\n\
 Implementation Note: For compatibility with @sc{matlab}, ordinary escape\n\
-sequences (e.g., \"\\n\" => newline) are processed in @var{pat}\n\
+sequences (e.g., @qcode{\"\\n\"} => newline) are processed in @var{pat}\n\
 regardless of whether @var{pat} has been defined within single quotes.  Use\n\
 a second backslash to stop interpolation of the escape sequence (e.g.,\n\
 \"\\\\n\") or use the @code{regexptranslate} function.\n\
@@ -717,13 +717,13 @@
 @multitable @columnfractions 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2\n\
-@item @tab 'start'        @tab @var{s}  @tab\n\
-@item @tab 'end'          @tab @var{e}  @tab\n\
-@item @tab 'tokenExtents' @tab @var{te} @tab\n\
-@item @tab 'match'        @tab @var{m}  @tab\n\
-@item @tab 'tokens'       @tab @var{t}  @tab\n\
-@item @tab 'names'        @tab @var{nm} @tab\n\
-@item @tab 'split'        @tab @var{sp} @tab\n\
+@item @tab @qcode{'start'}        @tab @var{s}  @tab\n\
+@item @tab @qcode{'end'}          @tab @var{e}  @tab\n\
+@item @tab @qcode{'tokenExtents'} @tab @var{te} @tab\n\
+@item @tab @qcode{'match'}        @tab @var{m}  @tab\n\
+@item @tab @qcode{'tokens'}       @tab @var{t}  @tab\n\
+@item @tab @qcode{'names'}        @tab @var{nm} @tab\n\
+@item @tab @qcode{'split'}        @tab @var{sp} @tab\n\
 @end multitable\n\
 Additional arguments are summarized below.\n\
@@ -782,8 +782,8 @@
 @item emptymatch\n\
 Return zero-length matches.\n\
-@code{regexp ('a', 'b*', 'emptymatch'} returns @code{[1 2]} because there are\n\
-zero or more 'b' characters at positions 1 and end-of-string.\n\
+@code{regexp ('a', 'b*', 'emptymatch')} returns @code{[1 2]} because there\n\
+are zero or more @qcode{'b'} characters at positions 1 and end-of-string.\n\
 @end table\n\
 @seealso{regexpi, strfind, regexprep}\n\
@@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@
 @end table\n\
 Implementation Note: For compatibility with @sc{matlab}, ordinary escape\n\
-sequences (e.g., \"\\n\" => newline) are processed in both @var{pat}\n\
+sequences (e.g., @qcode{\"\\n\"} => newline) are processed in both @var{pat}\n\
 and @var{repstr} regardless of whether they were defined within single\n\
 quotes.  Use a second backslash to stop interpolation of the escape sequence\n\
 (e.g., \"\\\\n\") or use the @code{regexptranslate} function.\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -107,7 +107,8 @@
 blocks, when appropriate) are the eigenvalues of @var{A} and @var{S}.\n\
 The default for real matrices is a real Schur@tie{}decomposition.\n\
-A complex decomposition may be forced by passing the flag \"complex\".\n\
+A complex decomposition may be forced by passing the flag\n\
 The eigenvalues are optionally ordered along the diagonal according to\n\
 the value of @var{opt}.  @code{@var{opt} = \"a\"} indicates that all\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -908,9 +908,9 @@
 generated with @kbd{C-c}).  If a second interrupt signal is received\n\
 before reaching the debugging mode, a normal interrupt will occur.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{debug_on_error, debug_on_warning}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -935,12 +935,12 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} sighup_dumps_octave_core (@var{new_val})\n\
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} sighup_dumps_octave_core (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\n\
 Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave tries\n\
-to save all current variables to the file \"octave-workspace\" if it receives\n\
-a hangup signal.\n\
+to save all current variables to the file @file{octave-workspace} if it\n\
+receives a hangup signal.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (sighup_dumps_octave_core);
@@ -964,12 +964,12 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} sigterm_dumps_octave_core (@var{new_val})\n\
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} sigterm_dumps_octave_core (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\n\
 Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave tries\n\
-to save all current variables to the file \"octave-workspace\" if it receives\n\
-a terminate signal.\n\
+to save all current variables to the file @file{octave-workspace} if it\n\
+receives a terminate signal.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (sigterm_dumps_octave_core);
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -91,8 +91,9 @@
 @end group\n\
 @end example\n\
-Given the option \"unique\". if more than two values are specified for the\n\
-same @var{i}, @var{j} indices, the last specified value will be used.\n\
+Given the option @qcode{\"unique\"}, if more than two values are specified\n\
+for the same @var{i}, @var{j} indices, the last specified value will be\n\
 @code{sparse (@var{m}, @var{n})} is equivalent to\n\
 @code{sparse ([], [], [], @var{m}, @var{n}, 0)}\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@
 The value of individual keys can be set with\n\
 @code{spparms (@var{key}, @var{val})}.\n\
 The default values can be restored with the special keyword\n\
-\"defaults\".  The special keyword \"tight\" can be used to set the mmd\n\
-solvers to attempt a sparser solution at the potential cost of longer\n\
-running time.\n\
+@qcode{\"defaults\"}.  The special keyword @qcode{\"tight\"} can be used to\n\
+set the mmd solvers to attempt a sparser solution at the potential cost of\n\
+longer running time.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   octave_value_list retval;
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
 Convert a string to a real or complex number.\n\
 The string must be in one of the following formats where\n\
-a and b are real numbers and the complex unit is 'i' or 'j':\n\
+a and b are real numbers and the complex unit is @qcode{'i'} or @qcode{'j'}:\n\
 @item a + bi\n\
@@ -317,9 +317,9 @@
 @end itemize\n\
 If present, a and/or b are of the form @nospell{[+-]d[,.]d[[eE][+-]d]} where\n\
-the brackets indicate optional arguments and 'd' indicates zero or more\n\
-digits.  The special input values @code{Inf}, @code{NaN}, and @code{NA} are\n\
-also accepted.\n\
+the brackets indicate optional arguments and @qcode{'d'} indicates zero or\n\
+more digits.  The special input values @code{Inf}, @code{NaN}, and @code{NA}\n\
+are also accepted.\n\
 @var{s} may also be a character matrix, in which case the conversion is\n\
 repeated for each row.  Or @var{s} may be a cell array of strings, in which\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -408,12 +408,12 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} svd_driver (@var{new_val})\n\
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} svd_driver (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\n\
 Query or set the underlying @sc{lapack} driver used by @code{svd}.\n\
-Currently recognized values are \"gesvd\" and \"gesdd\".  The default\n\
-is \"gesvd\".\n\
+Currently recognized values are @qcode{\"gesvd\"} and @qcode{\"gesdd\"}.  \n\
+The default is @qcode{\"gesvd\"}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -1527,14 +1527,14 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {@var{old_val} =} ignore_function_time_stamp (@var{new_val})\n\
 Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Octave checks\n\
 the time stamp on files each time it looks up functions defined in\n\
-function files.  If the internal variable is set to @code{\"system\"},\n\
+function files.  If the internal variable is set to @qcode{\"system\"},\n\
 Octave will not automatically recompile function files in subdirectories of\n\
 @file{@var{octave-home}/lib/@var{version}} if they have changed since\n\
 they were last compiled, but will recompile other function files in the\n\
-search path if they change.  If set to @code{\"all\"}, Octave will not\n\
+search path if they change.  If set to @qcode{\"all\"}, Octave will not\n\
 recompile any function files unless their definitions are removed with\n\
-@code{clear}.  If set to \"none\", Octave will always check time stamps\n\
-on files to determine whether functions defined in function files\n\
+@code{clear}.  If set to @qcode{\"none\"}, Octave will always check time\n\
+stamps on files to determine whether functions defined in function files\n\
 need to recompiled.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
    @print{} are\n\
 @end example\n\
-Note that @code{popen2}, unlike @code{popen}, will not \"reap\" the\n\
+Note that @code{popen2}, unlike @code{popen}, will not @qcode{\"reap\"} the\n\
 child process.  If you don't use @code{waitpid} to check the child's\n\
 exit status, it will linger until Octave exits.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -900,9 +900,9 @@
 @item mode\n\
 File mode, as an integer.  Use the functions @w{@code{S_ISREG}},\n\
-@w{@code{S_ISDIR}}, @w{@code{S_ISCHR}}, @w{@code{S_ISBLK}}, @w{@code{S_ISFIFO}},\n\
-@w{@code{S_ISLNK}}, or @w{@code{S_ISSOCK}} to extract information from this\n\
+@w{@code{S_ISDIR}}, @w{@code{S_ISCHR}}, @w{@code{S_ISBLK}},\n\
+@w{@code{S_ISFIFO}}, @w{@code{S_ISLNK}}, or @w{@code{S_ISSOCK}} to extract\n\
+information from this value.\n\
 @item modestr\n\
 File mode, as a string of ten letters or dashes as would be returned by\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -916,11 +916,11 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} system (\"@var{string}\", @var{return_output}, @var{type})\n\
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{status}, @var{output}] =} system (@dots{})\n\
 Execute a shell command specified by @var{string}.\n\
-If the optional argument @var{type} is \"async\", the process\n\
+If the optional argument @var{type} is @qcode{\"async\"}, the process\n\
 is started in the background and the process ID of the child process\n\
 is returned immediately.  Otherwise, the child process is started and\n\
 Octave waits until it exits.  If the @var{type} argument is omitted, it\n\
-defaults to the value \"sync\".\n\
+defaults to the value @qcode{\"sync\"}.\n\
 If @var{system} is called with one or more output arguments, or if the\n\
 optional argument @var{return_output} is true and the subprocess is started\n\
@@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@
 @end example\n\
-will print the message \"Bye bye\" when Octave exits.\n\
+will print the message @qcode{\"Bye bye\"} when Octave exits.\n\
 The additional argument @var{flag} will register or unregister\n\
 @var{fcn} from the list of functions to be called when Octave\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -386,9 +386,9 @@
 @end group\n\
 @end example\n\
-If the option \"pack\" is given as third argument, the extracted elements\n\
-are not inserted into a matrix, but rather stacked column-wise one above\n\
+If the option @qcode{\"pack\"} is given as third argument, the extracted\n\
+elements are not inserted into a matrix, but rather stacked column-wise one\n\
+above other.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -121,10 +121,10 @@
 their bit counts.  Both logical and char are typically one byte wide;\n\
 however, this is not guaranteed by C++.  If your system is IEEE conformant,\n\
 single and double should be 4 bytes and 8 bytes wide, respectively.\n\
-\"logical\" is not allowed for @var{class}.  If the input is a row vector,\n\
-the return value is a row vector, otherwise it is a column vector.  If the\n\
-bit length of @var{x} is not divisible by that of @var{class}, an error\n\
+@qcode{\"logical\"} is not allowed for @var{class}.  If the input is a row\n\
+vector, the return value is a row vector, otherwise it is a column vector.  \n\
+If the bit length of @var{x} is not divisible by that of @var{class}, an\n\
+error occurs.\n\
 An example of the use of typecast on a little-endian machine is\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
 directory of the loadpath for element of the cell array and return\n\
 the first that matches.\n\
-If the second optional argument @code{\"all\"} is supplied, return\n\
+If the second optional argument @qcode{\"all\"} is supplied, return\n\
 a cell array containing the list of all files that have the same\n\
 name in the path.  If no files are found, return an empty cell array.\n\
 @seealso{file_in_path, path}\n\
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
 directory of the path for element of the cell array and return\n\
 the first that matches.\n\
-If the third optional argument @code{\"all\"} is supplied, return\n\
+If the third optional argument @qcode{\"all\"} is supplied, return\n\
 a cell array containing the list of all files that have the same\n\
 name in the path.  If no files are found, return an empty cell array.\n\
@@ -896,9 +896,9 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} find_dir_in_path (@var{dir}, \"all\")\n\
 Return the full name of the path element matching @var{dir}.  The\n\
 match is performed at the end of each path element.  For example, if\n\
-@var{dir} is @code{\"foo/bar\"}, it matches the path element\n\
-@code{\"/some/dir/foo/bar\"}, but not @code{\"/some/dir/foo/bar/baz\"}\n\
-or @code{\"/some/dir/allfoo/bar\"}.\n\
+@var{dir} is @qcode{\"foo/bar\"}, it matches the path element\n\
+@qcode{\"/some/dir/foo/bar\"}, but not @qcode{\"/some/dir/foo/bar/baz\"}\n\
+or @qcode{\"/some/dir/allfoo/bar\"}.\n\
 The second argument is optional.  If it is supplied, return a cell array\n\
 containing all name matches rather than just the first.\n\
--- a/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/corefcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -537,16 +537,16 @@
 symbols of the specified type.  Valid types are\n\
 @table @asis\n\
-@item \"var\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"var\"}\n\
 Check only for variables.\n\
-@item \"builtin\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"builtin\"}\n\
 Check only for built-in functions.\n\
-@item \"file\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"file\"}\n\
 Check only for files and directories.\n\
-@item \"dir\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"dir\"}\n\
 Check only for directories.\n\
 @end table\n\
@@ -2530,11 +2530,11 @@
 left of the specified balance column.\n\
 The default format is\n\
-@code{\"  %a:4; %ln:6; %cs:16:6:1;  %rb:12;  %lc:-1;\\n\"}.\n\
+@qcode{\"  %a:4; %ln:6; %cs:16:6:1;  %rb:12;  %lc:-1;\\n\"}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -2551,9 +2551,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that specifies the function to call when\n\
 an unknown identifier is requested.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (missing_function_hook);
--- a/libinterp/dldfcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/dldfcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -2171,13 +2171,13 @@
 The @var{mode} argument can be one of the following strings:\n\
 @table @asis\n\
-@item '2d'\n\
+@item @qcode{\"2d\"}\n\
 Allows panning and zooming of current axes.\n\
-@item '3d'\n\
+@item @qcode{\"3d\"}\n\
 Allows rotating and zooming of current axes.\n\
-@item 'none'\n\
+@item @qcode{\"none\"}\n\
 Mouse inputs have no effect.\n\
 @end table\n\
--- a/libinterp/dldfcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/dldfcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@
 @end ifnottex\n\
 The sparsity preserving permutation is generally returned as a matrix.\n\
-However, given the flag \"vector\", @var{Q} will be returned as a vector\n\
-such that\n\
+However, given the flag @qcode{\"vector\"}, @var{Q} will be returned as a\n\
+vector such that\n\
 $ R^T R = A (Q, Q)$.\n\
 @end tex\n\
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@
 @end ifnottex\n\
-Called with either a sparse or full matrix and using the \"lower\" flag,\n\
-@code{chol} returns the lower triangular factorization such that\n\
+Called with either a sparse or full matrix and using the @qcode{\"lower\"}\n\
+flag, @code{chol} returns the lower triangular factorization such that\n\
 $ L L^T = A $.\n\
 @end tex\n\
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@
 @end ifnottex\n\
-For full matrices, if the \"lower\" flag is set only the lower triangular\n\
-part of the matrix is used for the factorization, otherwise the upper\n\
-triangular part is used.\n\
+For full matrices, if the @qcode{\"lower\"} flag is set only the lower\n\
+triangular part of the matrix is used for the factorization, otherwise the\n\
+upper triangular part is used.\n\
 In general the lower triangular factorization is significantly faster for\n\
 sparse matrices.\n\
@@ -631,14 +631,14 @@
 @itemize @bullet\n\
 @var{R1}'*@var{R1} = @var{R}'*@var{R} + @var{u}*@var{u}'\n\
-if @var{op} is \"+\"\n\
+if @var{op} is @qcode{\"+\"}\n\
 @var{R1}'*@var{R1} = @var{R}'*@var{R} - @var{u}*@var{u}'\n\
-if @var{op} is \"-\"\n\
+if @var{op} is @qcode{\"-\"}\n\
 @end itemize\n\
-If @var{op} is \"-\", @var{info} is set to\n\
+If @var{op} is @qcode{\"-\"}, @var{info} is set to\n\
 @item 0 if the downdate was successful,\n\
--- a/libinterp/dldfcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/dldfcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -651,7 +651,8 @@
 is assumed to be symmetric and the symmetric elimination tree is\n\
 returned.  The argument @var{typ} controls whether a symmetric or\n\
 column elimination tree is returned.  Valid values of @var{typ} are\n\
-\"sym\" or \"col\", for symmetric or column elimination tree respectively\n\
+@qcode{\"sym\"} or @qcode{\"col\"}, for symmetric or column elimination tree\n\
 Called with a second argument, @code{etree} also returns the postorder\n\
 permutations on the tree.\n\
--- a/libinterp/dldfcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/dldfcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -70,31 +70,32 @@
 wisdom can be treated:\n\
 @table @asis\n\
-@item \"estimate\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"estimate\"}\n\
 Specifies that no run-time measurement of the optimal means of\n\
 calculating a particular is performed, and a simple heuristic is used\n\
 to pick a (probably sub-optimal) plan.  The advantage of this method is\n\
 that there is little or no overhead in the generation of the plan, which\n\
 is appropriate for a Fourier transform that will be calculated once.\n\
-@item \"measure\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"measure\"}\n\
 In this case a range of algorithms to perform the transform is considered\n\
 and the best is selected based on their execution time.\n\
-@item \"patient\"\n\
-Similar to \"measure\", but a wider range of algorithms is considered.\n\
+@item @qcode{\"patient\"}\n\
+Similar to @qcode{\"measure\"}, but a wider range of algorithms is\n\
-@item \"exhaustive\"\n\
-Like \"measure\", but all possible algorithms that may be used to\n\
+@item @qcode{\"exhaustive\"}\n\
+Like @qcode{\"measure\"}, but all possible algorithms that may be used to\n\
 treat the transform are considered.\n\
-@item \"hybrid\"\n\
+@item @qcode{\"hybrid\"}\n\
 As run-time measurement of the algorithm can be expensive, this is a\n\
-compromise where \"measure\" is used for transforms up to the size of 8192\n\
-and beyond that the \"estimate\" method is used.\n\
+compromise where @qcode{\"measure\"} is used for transforms up to the size\n\
+of 8192 and beyond that the @qcode{\"estimate\"} method is used.\n\
 @end table\n\
-The default method is \"estimate\".  The current method can\n\
+The default method is @qcode{\"estimate\"}.  The current method can\n\
 be queried with\n\
--- a/libinterp/dldfcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/dldfcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
 @var{R} is upper triangular.\n\
 @end ifnottex\n\
-If given a second argument of '0', @code{qr} returns an economy-sized\n\
+If given a second argument of @qcode{'0'}, @code{qr} returns an economy-sized\n\
 QR@tie{}factorization, omitting zero rows of @var{R} and the corresponding\n\
 columns of @var{Q}.\n\
@@ -942,13 +942,13 @@
 @w{@var{A} = @var{Q}*@var{R}}, @var{Q}@tie{}unitary and\n\
 @var{R}@tie{}upper trapezoidal, return the QR@tie{}factorization of\n\
 @w{[A(:,1:j-1) x A(:,j:n)]}, where @var{u} is a column vector to be\n\
-inserted into @var{A} (if @var{orient} is @code{\"col\"}), or the\n\
+inserted into @var{A} (if @var{orient} is @qcode{\"col\"}), or the\n\
 QR@tie{}factorization of @w{[A(1:j-1,:);x;A(:,j:n)]}, where @var{x}\n\
 is a row vector to be inserted into @var{A} (if @var{orient} is\n\
-The default value of @var{orient} is @code{\"col\"}.\n\
-If @var{orient} is @code{\"col\"},\n\
+The default value of @var{orient} is @qcode{\"col\"}.\n\
+If @var{orient} is @qcode{\"col\"},\n\
 @var{u} may be a matrix and @var{j} an index vector\n\
 resulting in the QR@tie{}factorization of a matrix @var{B} such that\n\
 @w{B(:,@var{j})} gives @var{u} and @w{B(:,@var{j}) = []} gives @var{A}.\n\
@@ -956,11 +956,11 @@
 thus, for k large enough, it will be both faster and more accurate to\n\
 recompute the factorization from scratch.\n\
-If @var{orient} is @code{\"col\"},\n\
+If @var{orient} is @qcode{\"col\"},\n\
 the QR@tie{}factorization supplied may be either full\n\
 (Q is square) or economized (R is square).\n\
-If @var{orient} is @code{\"row\"}, full factorization is needed.\n\
+If @var{orient} is @qcode{\"row\"}, full factorization is needed.\n\
 @seealso{qr, qrupdate, qrdelete, qrshift}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -1161,13 +1161,13 @@
 @w{@var{A} = @var{Q}*@var{R}}, @var{Q}@tie{}unitary and\n\
 @var{R}@tie{}upper trapezoidal, return the QR@tie{}factorization of\n\
 @w{[A(:,1:j-1) A(:,j+1:n)]}, i.e., @var{A} with one column deleted\n\
-(if @var{orient} is \"col\"), or the QR@tie{}factorization of\n\
+(if @var{orient} is @qcode{\"col\"}), or the QR@tie{}factorization of\n\
 @w{[A(1:j-1,:);A(j+1:n,:)]}, i.e., @var{A} with one row deleted (if\n\
-@var{orient} is \"row\").\n\
+@var{orient} is @qcode{\"row\"}).\n\
-The default value of @var{orient} is \"col\".\n\
+The default value of @var{orient} is @qcode{\"col\"}.\n\
-If @var{orient} is @code{\"col\"},\n\
+If @var{orient} is @qcode{\"col\"},\n\
 @var{j} may be an index vector\n\
 resulting in the QR@tie{}factorization of a matrix @var{B} such that\n\
 @w{A(:,@var{j}) = []} gives @var{B}.\n\
@@ -1175,11 +1175,11 @@
 thus, for k large enough, it will be both faster and more accurate to\n\
 recompute the factorization from scratch.\n\
-If @var{orient} is @code{\"col\"},\n\
+If @var{orient} is @qcode{\"col\"},\n\
 the QR@tie{}factorization supplied may be either full\n\
 (Q is square) or economized (R is square).\n\
-If @var{orient} is @code{\"row\"}, full factorization is needed.\n\
+If @var{orient} is @qcode{\"row\"}, full factorization is needed.\n\
 @seealso{qr, qrupdate, qrinsert, qrshift}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/dldfcn/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/dldfcn/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@
 @item mode\n\
 The default is to return the Cholesky@tie{}factorization for @var{r}, and if\n\
-@var{mode} is 'L', the conjugate transpose of the Cholesky@tie{}factorization\n\
-is returned.  The conjugate transpose version is faster and uses less\n\
-memory, but returns the same values for @var{count}, @var{h}, @var{parent}\n\
-and @var{post} outputs.\n\
+@var{mode} is @qcode{'L'}, the conjugate transpose of the\n\
+Cholesky@tie{}factorization is returned.  The conjugate transpose version is\n\
+faster and uses less memory, but returns the same values for @var{count},\n\
+@var{h}, @var{parent} and @var{post} outputs.\n\
 @end table\n\
 The output variables are\n\
--- a/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -1565,9 +1565,9 @@
 @end group\n\
 @end example\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (sparse_auto_mutate);
--- a/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -1792,8 +1792,8 @@
 @deftypefn  {Built-in Function} {} str2func (@var{fcn_name})\n\
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} str2func (@var{fcn_name}, \"global\")\n\
 Return a function handle constructed from the string @var{fcn_name}.\n\
-If the optional \"global\" argument is passed, locally visible functions\n\
-are ignored in the lookup.\n\
+If the optional @qcode{\"global\"} argument is passed, locally visible\n\
+functions are ignored in the lookup.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   octave_value retval;
--- a/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@
 they are the names of the arguments of the function.\n\
 If the second argument is an integer @var{n}, the arguments are\n\
-@code{\"x\"}, @code{\"P1\"}, @dots{}, @code{\"P@var{N}\"}.\n\
+@qcode{\"x\"}, @qcode{\"P1\"}, @dots{}, @qcode{\"P@var{N}\"}.\n\
 @seealso{argnames, formula, vectorize}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -2304,9 +2304,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Java arrays are\n\
 automatically converted to Octave matrices.  The default value is false.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{java_unsigned_autoconversion, debug_java}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -2328,9 +2328,9 @@
 Java arrays of class Byte or Integer are converted to matrices of class\n\
 uint8 or uint32 respectively.  The default value is true.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{java_matrix_autoconversion, debug_java}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -2351,9 +2351,9 @@
 information regarding the initialization of the JVM and any Java exceptions\n\
 is printed.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @seealso{java_matrix_autoconversion, java_unsigned_autoconversion}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -688,9 +688,9 @@
 compatibility; however, it is still not entirely compatible because\n\
 @sc{matlab} treats the range expression differently in different contexts.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (allow_noninteger_range_as_index);
--- a/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -2285,9 +2285,9 @@
 Query or set the internal variable that specifies the number of\n\
 structure levels to display.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE_WITH_LIMITS (struct_levels_to_print, -1,
@@ -2305,9 +2305,9 @@
 are always printed.  In both cases, however, printing will be limited to\n\
 the number of levels specified by @var{struct_levels_to_print}.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (print_struct_array_contents);
--- a/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/octave-value/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -978,9 +978,9 @@
 If true, Octave will attempt to eliminate the redundant copying when calling\n\
 subsasgn method of a user-defined class.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (optimize_subsasgn_calls);
--- a/libinterp/parse-tree/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/parse-tree/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -3763,9 +3763,9 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} mfilename (\"fullpath\")\n\
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} mfilename (\"fullpathext\")\n\
 Return the name of the currently executing file.  At the top-level,\n\
-return the empty string.  Given the argument @code{\"fullpath\"},\n\
+return the empty string.  Given the argument @qcode{\"fullpath\"},\n\
 include the directory part of the file name, but not the extension.\n\
-Given the argument @code{\"fullpathext\"}, include the directory part\n\
+Given the argument @qcode{\"fullpathext\"}, include the directory part\n\
 of the file name and the extension.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4284,7 +4284,7 @@
   "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
 @deftypefn {Built-in Function} {} assignin (@var{context}, @var{varname}, @var{value})\n\
 Assign @var{value} to @var{varname} in context @var{context}, which\n\
-may be either @code{\"base\"} or @code{\"caller\"}.\n\
+may be either @qcode{\"base\"} or @qcode{\"caller\"}.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
@@ -4338,8 +4338,8 @@
 @deftypefn  {Built-in Function} {} evalin (@var{context}, @var{try})\n\
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} evalin (@var{context}, @var{try}, @var{catch})\n\
 Like @code{eval}, except that the expressions are evaluated in the\n\
-context @var{context}, which may be either @code{\"caller\"} or\n\
+context @var{context}, which may be either @qcode{\"caller\"} or\n\
 @seealso{eval, assignin}\n\
 @end deftypefn")
--- a/libinterp/parse-tree/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/parse-tree/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -293,9 +293,9 @@
 To obtain short-circuit behavior for logical expressions in new programs,\n\
 you should always use the @samp{&&} and @samp{||} operators.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (do_braindead_shortcircuit_evaluation);
--- a/libinterp/parse-tree/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/parse-tree/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -1259,9 +1259,9 @@
 be called recursively.  If the limit is exceeded, an error message is\n\
 printed and control returns to the top level.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.\n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (max_recursion_depth);
@@ -1289,9 +1289,9 @@
 Octave will display the results produced by evaluating expressions\n\
 within a function body that are not terminated with a semicolon.\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.\n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (silent_functions);
--- a/libinterp/parse-tree/	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/libinterp/parse-tree/	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -1373,7 +1373,7 @@
 @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {} string_fill_char (@var{new_val}, \"local\")\n\
 Query or set the internal variable used to pad all rows of a character\n\
 matrix to the same length.  It must be a single character.  The default\n\
-value is @code{\" \"} (a single space).  For example:\n\
+value is @qcode{\" \"} (a single space).  For example:\n\
@@ -1385,9 +1385,9 @@
 @end group\n\
 @end example\n\
-When called from inside a function with the \"local\" option, the variable is\n\
-changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original\n\
-variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
+When called from inside a function with the @qcode{\"local\"} option, the\n\
+variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  \n\
+The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.\n\
 @end deftypefn")
   return SET_INTERNAL_VARIABLE (string_fill_char);
--- a/scripts/@ftp/ftp.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/@ftp/ftp.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{f} =} ftp (@var{host})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{f} =} ftp (@var{host}, @var{username}, @var{password})
 ## Connect to the FTP server @var{host} with @var{username} and @var{password}.
-## If @var{username} and @var{password} are not specified, user "anonymous"
-## with no password is used.  The returned FTP object @var{f} represents the
-## established FTP connection.
+## If @var{username} and @var{password} are not specified, user
+## @qcode{"anonymous"} with no password is used.  The returned FTP object
+## @var{f} represents the established FTP connection.
 ## The list of actions for an FTP object are shown below.  All functions
 ## require an FTP object as the first argument.
--- a/scripts/deprecated/java_convert_matrix.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/deprecated/java_convert_matrix.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
 ## Query or set the internal variable that controls whether Java arrays are
 ## automatically converted to Octave matrices.  The default value is false.
-## When called from inside a function with the "local" option, the variable is
-## changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original
-## variable value is restored when exiting the function.
+## When called from inside a function with the @qcode{"local"} option, the
+## variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.
+##  The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.
 ## @seealso{java_matrix_autoconversion, java_unsigned_conversion, java_debug}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/deprecated/java_debug.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/deprecated/java_debug.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
 ## information regarding the initialization of the JVM and any Java exceptions
 ## is printed.
-## When called from inside a function with the "local" option, the variable is
-## changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original
-## variable value is restored when exiting the function.
+## When called from inside a function with the @qcode{"local"} option, the
+## variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.
+##  The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.
 ## @seealso{debug_java, java_convert_matrix, java_unsigned_conversion}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/deprecated/java_unsigned_conversion.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/deprecated/java_unsigned_conversion.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
 ## arrays of class Byte or Integer are converted to matrices of class uint8 or
 ## uint32 respectively.
-## When called from inside a function with the "local" option, the variable is
-## changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.  The original
-## variable value is restored when exiting the function.
+## When called from inside a function with the @qcode{"local"} option, the
+## variable is changed locally for the function and any subroutines it calls.
+##  The original variable value is restored when exiting the function.
 ## @seealso{java_unsigned_autoconversion, java_convert_matrix, debug_java}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/deprecated/shell_cmd.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/deprecated/shell_cmd.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{status}, @var{output}] =} shell_cmd (@dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Built-in Function} {[@var{status}, @var{output}] =} shell_cmd (@var{string}, @var{return_output}, @var{type})
 ## Execute a shell command specified by @var{string}.
-## If the optional argument @var{type} is "async", the process
+## If the optional argument @var{type} is @qcode{"async"}, the process
 ## is started in the background and the process id of the child process
 ## is returned immediately.  Otherwise, the process is started and
 ## Octave waits until it exits.  If the @var{type} argument is omitted, it
-## defaults to a value of "sync".
+## defaults to a value of @qcode{"sync"}.
 ## If the optional argument @var{return_output} is true and the subprocess
 ## is started synchronously, or if @var{shell_cmd} is called with one input
--- a/scripts/general/dblquad.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/dblquad.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 ## is @code{quadcc}.
 ## Additional arguments, are passed directly to @var{f}.  To use the default
-## value for @var{tol} or @var{quadf} one may pass ':' or an empty matrix ([]).
+## value for @var{tol} or @var{quadf} one may pass @qcode{':'} or an empty
+## matrix ([]).
 ## @seealso{triplequad, quad, quadv, quadl, quadgk, quadcc, trapz}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/general/display.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/display.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} display (@var{a})
 ## Display the contents of an object.  If @var{a} is an object of the
-## class "myclass", then @code{display} is called in a case like
+## class @qcode{"myclass"}, then @code{display} is called in a case like
 ## @example
 ## myclass (@dots{})
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## where Octave is required to display the contents of a variable of the
-## type "myclass".
+## type @qcode{"myclass"}.
 ## @seealso{class, subsref, subsasgn}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/general/genvarname.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/genvarname.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -82,14 +82,15 @@
 ## an underscore.  Also, variables may not begin with a digit; in this
 ## case an underscore is added before the variable name.
-## Variable names beginning and ending with two underscores "__" are valid but
-## they are used internally by octave and should generally be avoided, therefore
-## genvarname will not generate such names.
+## Variable names beginning and ending with two underscores @qcode{"__"} are
+## valid but they are used internally by octave and should generally be
+## avoided, therefore genvarname will not generate such names.
 ## genvarname will also make sure that returned names do not clash with
-## keywords such as "for" and "if".  A number will be appended if necessary.
-## Note, however, that this does @strong{not} include function names,
-## such as "sin".  Such names should be included in @var{avoid} if necessary.
+## keywords such as @qcode{"for"} and @qcode{"if"}.  A number will be
+## appended if necessary.  Note, however, that this does @strong{not} include
+## function names, such as @qcode{"sin"}.  Such names should be included in
+## @var{avoid} if necessary.
 ## @seealso{isvarname, exist, tmpnam, eval}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/general/idivide.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/idivide.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -28,25 +28,25 @@
 ## a string with one of the values:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "fix"
+## @item @qcode{"fix"}
 ## Calculate @code{@var{a} ./ @var{b}} with the fractional part rounded
 ## towards zero.
-## @item "round"
+## @item @qcode{"round"}
 ## Calculate @code{@var{a} ./ @var{b}} with the fractional part rounded
 ## towards the nearest integer.
-## @item "floor"
+## @item @qcode{"floor"}
 ## Calculate @code{@var{a} ./ @var{b}} with the fractional part rounded
 ## towards negative infinity.
-## @item "ceil"
+## @item @qcode{"ceil"}
 ## Calculate @code{@var{a} ./ @var{b}} with the fractional part rounded
 ## towards positive infinity.
 ## @end table
 ## @noindent
-## If @var{op} is not given it defaults to @code{"fix"}.
+## If @var{op} is not given it defaults to @qcode{"fix"}.
 ## An example demonstrating these rounding rules is
 ## @example
--- a/scripts/general/interp1.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/interp1.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -32,19 +32,19 @@
 ## Method is one of:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "nearest"
+## @item @qcode{"nearest"}
 ## Return the nearest neighbor.
-## @item "linear"
+## @item @qcode{"linear"}
 ## Linear interpolation from nearest neighbors
-## @item "pchip"
+## @item @qcode{"pchip"}
 ## Piecewise cubic Hermite interpolating polynomial
-## @item "cubic"
+## @item @qcode{"cubic"}
 ## Cubic interpolation (same as @code{pchip})
-## @item "spline"
+## @item @qcode{"spline"}
 ## Cubic spline interpolation---smooth first and second derivatives
 ## throughout the curve
 ## @end table
@@ -52,18 +52,18 @@
 ## Appending '*' to the start of the above method forces @code{interp1}
 ## to assume that @var{x} is uniformly spaced, and only @code{@var{x}(1)}
 ## and @code{@var{x}(2)} are referenced.  This is usually faster,
-## and is never slower.  The default method is "linear".
+## and is never slower.  The default method is @qcode{"linear"}.
-## If @var{extrap} is the string "extrap", then extrapolate values beyond
-## the endpoints.  If @var{extrap} is a number, replace values beyond the
-## endpoints with that number.  If @var{extrap} is missing, assume NA.
+## If @var{extrap} is the string @qcode{"extrap"}, then extrapolate values
+## beyond the endpoints.  If @var{extrap} is a number, replace values beyond
+## the endpoints with that number.  If @var{extrap} is missing, assume NA.
-## If the string argument "pp" is specified, then @var{xi} should not be
+## If the string argument @qcode{"pp"} is specified, then @var{xi} should not be
 ## supplied and @code{interp1} returns the piecewise polynomial that
 ## can later be used with @code{ppval} to evaluate the interpolation.
 ## There is an equivalence, such that @code{ppval (interp1 (@var{x},
-## @var{y}, @var{method}, "pp"), @var{xi}) == interp1 (@var{x}, @var{y},
-## @var{xi}, @var{method}, "extrap")}.
+## @var{y}, @var{method}, @qcode{"pp"}), @var{xi}) == interp1 (@var{x}, @var{y},
+## @var{xi}, @var{method}, @qcode{"extrap"})}.
 ## Duplicate points in @var{x} specify a discontinuous interpolant.  There
 ## may be at most 2 consecutive points with the same value.
@@ -71,10 +71,11 @@
 ## right-continuous.  If @var{x} is decreasing, the default discontinuous
 ## interpolant is left-continuous.
 ## The continuity condition of the interpolant may be specified by using
-## the options, "-left" or "-right", to select a left-continuous
+## the options, @qcode{"-left"} or @qcode{"-right"}, to select a left-continuous
 ## or right-continuous interpolant, respectively.
-## Discontinuous interpolation is only allowed for "nearest" and "linear"
-## methods; in all other cases, the @var{x}-values must be unique.
+## Discontinuous interpolation is only allowed for @qcode{"nearest"} and
+## @qcode{"linear"} methods; in all other cases, the @var{x}-values must be
+## unique.
 ## An example of the use of @code{interp1} is
--- a/scripts/general/interp2.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/interp2.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@
 ## matrices @var{xi}, @var{yi}.
 ## If the last argument is a string, the interpolation method can
-## be specified.  The method can be "linear", "nearest" or "cubic".
-## If it is omitted "linear" interpolation is assumed.
+## be specified.  The method can be @qcode{"linear"}, @qcode{"nearest"} or
+## @qcode{"cubic"}.  If it is omitted @qcode{"linear"} interpolation is
+## assumed.
 ## @item interp2 (@var{z}, @var{xi}, @var{yi})
 ## Assumes @code{@var{x} = 1:rows (@var{z})} and @code{@var{y} =
@@ -52,19 +53,19 @@
 ## interpolation.  It can take one of the following values
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "nearest"
+## @item @qcode{"nearest"}
 ## Return the nearest neighbor.
-## @item "linear"
+## @item @qcode{"linear"}
 ## Linear interpolation from nearest neighbors.
-## @item "pchip"
+## @item @qcode{"pchip"}
 ## Piecewise cubic Hermite interpolating polynomial.
-## @item "cubic"
+## @item @qcode{"cubic"}
 ## Cubic interpolation from four nearest neighbors.
-## @item "spline"
+## @item @qcode{"spline"}
 ## Cubic spline interpolation---smooth first and second derivatives
 ## throughout the curve.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/general/interp3.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/interp3.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
 ## array @var{v} represents a value at a location given by the parameters
 ## @var{x}, @var{y}, and @var{z}.  The parameters @var{x}, @var{x}, and
 ## @var{z} are either 3-dimensional arrays of the same size as the array
-## @var{v} in the "meshgrid" format or vectors.  The parameters @var{xi}, etc.
-## respect a similar format to @var{x}, etc., and they represent the points
-## at which the array @var{vi} is interpolated.
+## @var{v} in the @qcode{"meshgrid"} format or vectors.  The parameters
+## @var{xi}, etc. respect a similar format to @var{x}, etc., and they
+## represent the points at which the array @var{vi} is interpolated.
 ## If @var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z} are omitted, they are assumed to be
 ## @code{x = 1 : size (@var{v}, 2)}, @code{y = 1 : size (@var{v}, 1)} and
@@ -42,25 +42,25 @@
 ## Method is one of:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "nearest"
+## @item @qcode{"nearest"}
 ## Return the nearest neighbor.
-## @item "linear"
+## @item @qcode{"linear"}
 ## Linear interpolation from nearest neighbors.
-## @item "cubic"
+## @item @qcode{"cubic"}
 ## Cubic interpolation from four nearest neighbors (not implemented yet).
-## @item "spline"
+## @item @qcode{"spline"}
 ## Cubic spline interpolation---smooth first and second derivatives
 ## throughout the curve.
 ## @end table
-## The default method is "linear".
+## The default method is @qcode{"linear"}.
-## If @var{extrap} is the string "extrap", then extrapolate values beyond
-## the endpoints.  If @var{extrap} is a number, replace values beyond the
-## endpoints with that number.  If @var{extrap} is missing, assume NA.
+## If @var{extrap} is the string @qcode{"extrap"}, then extrapolate values
+## beyond the endpoints.  If @var{extrap} is a number, replace values beyond
+## the endpoints with that number.  If @var{extrap} is missing, assume NA.
 ## @seealso{interp1, interp2, spline, meshgrid}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/general/interpn.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/interpn.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
 ## at a location given by the parameters @var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{}, @var{xn}.
 ## The parameters @var{x1}, @var{x2}, @dots{}, @var{xn} are either
 ## @var{n}-dimensional arrays of the same size as the array @var{v} in
-## the "ndgrid" format or vectors.  The parameters @var{y1}, etc. respect a
-## similar format to @var{x1}, etc., and they represent the points at which
-## the array @var{vi} is interpolated.
+## the @qcode{"ndgrid"} format or vectors.  The parameters @var{y1}, etc.
+## respect a similar format to @var{x1}, etc., and they represent the points
+## at which the array @var{vi} is interpolated.
 ## If @var{x1}, @dots{}, @var{xn} are omitted, they are assumed to be
 ## @code{x1 = 1 : size (@var{v}, 1)}, etc.  If @var{m} is specified, then
@@ -42,21 +42,21 @@
 ## Method is one of:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "nearest"
+## @item @qcode{"nearest"}
 ## Return the nearest neighbor.
-## @item "linear"
+## @item @qcode{"linear"}
 ## Linear interpolation from nearest neighbors.
-## @item "cubic"
+## @item @qcode{"cubic"}
 ## Cubic interpolation from four nearest neighbors (not implemented yet).
-## @item "spline"
+## @item @qcode{"spline"}
 ## Cubic spline interpolation---smooth first and second derivatives
 ## throughout the curve.
 ## @end table
-## The default method is "linear".
+## The default method is @qcode{"linear"}.
 ## If @var{extrapval} is the scalar value, use it to replace the values
 ## beyond the endpoints with that number.  If @var{extrapval} is missing,
--- a/scripts/general/isa.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/isa.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -23,13 +23,14 @@
 ## @var{classname} may also be one of the following class categories: 
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "float"
-## Floating point value comprising classes "double" and "single".
+## @item @qcode{"float"}
+## Floating point value comprising classes @qcode{"double"} and
+## @qcode{"single"}.
-## @item "integer"
+## @item @qcode{"integer"}
 ## Integer value comprising classes (u)int8, (u)int16, (u)int32, (u)int64.
-## @item "numeric"
+## @item @qcode{"numeric"}
 ## Numeric value comprising either a floating point or integer value.
 ## @end table
 ## @seealso{class, typeinfo}
--- a/scripts/general/profexplore.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/profexplore.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@
 ## <>.
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
-## @deftypefn {Function File} {} profexplore ()
+## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} profexplore ()
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} profexplore (@var{data})
 ## Interactively explore hierarchical profiler output.
 ## Assuming @var{data} is the structure with profile data returned by
-## @code{profile ("info")}, this command opens an interactive prompt
+## @code{profile (@qcode{"info"})}, this command opens an interactive prompt
 ## that can be used to explore the call-tree.  Type @kbd{help} to get a list
-## of possible commands. If @var{data} is omitted, @code{profile ("info")}
+## of possible commands.  If @var{data} is omitted, @code{profile ("info")}
 ## is called and used in its place.
 ## @seealso{profile, profshow}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/general/profile.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/profile.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 ## @item @var{S} = profile ("status")
 ## Return a structure filled with certain information about the current status
 ## of the profiler.  At the moment, the only field is @code{ProfilerStatus}
-## which is either "on" or "off".
+## which is either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"}.
 ## @item @var{T} = profile ("info")
 ## Return the collected profiling statistics in the structure @var{T}.
--- a/scripts/general/quadgk.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/quadgk.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 ## for the integral @var{q}.
 ## Alternatively, properties of @code{quadgk} can be passed to the function as
-## pairs @code{"@var{prop}", @var{val}}.  Valid properties are
+## pairs @qcode{"@var{prop}", @var{val}}.  Valid properties are
 ## @table @code
 ## @item AbsTol
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@
 ## unacceptable error are subdivided and re-evaluated.  If the number of
 ## subintervals exceeds 650 subintervals at any point then a poor
 ## convergence is signaled and the current estimate of the integral is
-## returned.  The property "MaxIntervalCount" can be used to alter the
+## returned.  The property @qcode{"MaxIntervalCount"} can be used to alter the
 ## number of subintervals that can exist before exiting.
 ## @item WayPoints
 ## Discontinuities in the first derivative of the function to integrate can be
-## flagged with the  @code{"WayPoints"} property.  This forces the ends of
+## flagged with the @qcode{"WayPoints"} property.  This forces the ends of
 ## a subinterval to fall on the breakpoints of the function and can result in
 ## significantly improved estimation of the error in the integral, faster
 ## computation, or both.  For example,
--- a/scripts/general/randi.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/randi.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
 ## with a lower and upper bound in which case the returned integers will be
 ## on the interval @w{[@var{imin}, @var{imax}]}.
-## The optional argument "@var{class}" will return a matrix of the requested
-## type.  The default is "double".
+## The optional argument @var{class} will return a matrix of the requested
+## type.  The default is @qcode{"double"}.
 ## The following example returns 150 integers in the range 1-10.
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 ## @end example
 ## Implementation Note: @code{randi} relies internally on @code{rand} which
-## uses class "double" to represent numbers.  This limits the maximum
+## uses class @qcode{"double"} to represent numbers.  This limits the maximum
 ## integer (@var{imax}) and range (@var{imax} - @var{imin}) to the value
 ## returned by the @code{bitmax} function.  For IEEE floating point numbers
 ## this value is @w{@math{2^{53} - 1}}.
--- a/scripts/general/structfun.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/structfun.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -34,12 +34,11 @@
 ## a string value.  If the function returns more than one argument, they are
 ## returned as separate output variables.
-## If the parameter "UniformOutput" is set to true (the default), then the
-## function
-## must return a single element which will be concatenated into the
-## return value.  If "UniformOutput" is false, the outputs are placed into a
-## structure
-## with the same fieldnames as the input structure.
+## If the parameter @qcode{"UniformOutput"} is set to true (the default),
+## then the function must return a single element which will be concatenated
+## into the return value.  If @qcode{"UniformOutput"} is false, the outputs
+## are placed into a structure with the same fieldnames as the input
+## structure.
 ## @example
 ## @group
@@ -55,8 +54,9 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## Given the parameter "ErrorHandler", @var{errfunc} defines a function to
-## call in case @var{func} generates an error.  The form of the function is
+## Given the parameter @qcode{"ErrorHandler"}, @var{errfunc} defines a
+## function to call in case @var{func} generates an error.  The form of the
+## function is
 ## @example
 ## function [@dots{}] = errfunc (@var{se}, @dots{})
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## where there is an additional input argument to @var{errfunc} relative to
 ## @var{func}, given by @nospell{@var{se}}.  This is a structure with the
-## elements "identifier", "message" and "index", giving respectively the error
-## identifier, the error message, and the index into the input arguments
-## of the element that caused the error.  For an example on how to use
-## an error handler, @pxref{XREFcellfun,,cellfun}.
+## elements @qcode{"identifier"}, @qcode{"message"} and @qcode{"index"},
+## giving respectively the error identifier, the error message, and the index
+## into the input arguments of the element that caused the error.  For an
+## example on how to use an error handler, @pxref{XREFcellfun,,cellfun}.
 ## @seealso{cellfun, arrayfun, spfun}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/general/subsindex.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/subsindex.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## overloading method that allows the conversion of this class object to
 ## a valid indexing vector.  It is important to note that
 ## @code{subsindex} must return a zero-based real integer vector of the
-## class "double".  For example, if the class constructor
+## class @qcode{"double"}.  For example, if the class constructor
 ## @example
 ## @group
--- a/scripts/general/triplequad.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/general/triplequad.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
 ## is @code{quadcc}.
 ## Additional arguments, are passed directly to @var{f}.  To use the default
-## value for @var{tol} or @var{quadf} one may pass ':' or an empty matrix ([]).
+## value for @var{tol} or @var{quadf} one may pass @qcode{':'} or an empty
+## matrix ([]).
 ## @seealso{dblquad, quad, quadv, quadl, quadgk, quadcc, trapz}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/geometry/griddata.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
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@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 ## The interpolation points are all @code{(@var{xi}, @var{yi})}.  If
 ## @var{xi}, @var{yi} are vectors then they are made into a 2-D mesh.
-## The interpolation method can be @code{"nearest"}, @code{"cubic"} or
-## @code{"linear"}.  If method is omitted it defaults to @code{"linear"}.
+## The interpolation method can be @qcode{"nearest"}, @qcode{"cubic"} or
+## @qcode{"linear"}.  If method is omitted it defaults to @qcode{"linear"}.
 ## @seealso{griddata3, griddatan, delaunay}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/geometry/griddata3.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/geometry/griddata3.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 ## The function is defined by @code{@var{v} = f (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z})}.
 ## The interpolation points are specified by @var{xi}, @var{yi}, @var{zi}.
-## The interpolation method can be @code{"nearest"} or @code{"linear"}.
-## If method is omitted it defaults to @code{"linear"}.
+## The interpolation method can be @qcode{"nearest"} or @qcode{"linear"}.
+## If method is omitted it defaults to @qcode{"linear"}.
 ## The optional argument @var{options} is passed directly to Qhull when
 ## computing the Delaunay triangulation used for interpolation.  See
--- a/scripts/geometry/griddatan.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/geometry/griddatan.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 ## The function is defined by @code{@var{y} = f (@var{x})}.
 ## The interpolation points are all @var{xi}.
-## The interpolation method can be @code{"nearest"} or @code{"linear"}.
-## If method is omitted it defaults to @code{"linear"}.
+## The interpolation method can be @qcode{"nearest"} or @qcode{"linear"}.
+## If method is omitted it defaults to @qcode{"linear"}.
 ## The optional argument @var{options} is passed directly to Qhull when
 ## computing the Delaunay triangulation used for interpolation.  See
--- a/scripts/geometry/voronoi.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/geometry/voronoi.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -26,9 +26,10 @@
 ## Plot the Voronoi diagram of points @code{(@var{x}, @var{y})}.
 ## The Voronoi facets with points at infinity are not drawn.
-## If "linespec" is given it is used to set the color and line style of the
-## plot.  If an axis graphics handle @var{hax} is supplied then the Voronoi
-## diagram is drawn on the specified axis rather than in a new figure.
+## If @qcode{"linespec"} is given it is used to set the color and line style
+## of the plot.  If an axis graphics handle @var{hax} is supplied then the
+## Voronoi diagram is drawn on the specified axis rather than in a new
+## figure.
 ## The @var{options} argument, which must be a string or cell array of strings,
 ## contains options passed to the underlying qhull command.
--- a/scripts/help/help.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/help/help.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Command} {} help @var{name}
 ## @deftypefnx {Command} {} help @code{--list}
 ## @deftypefnx {Command} {} help @code{.}
-## Display the help text for @var{name}.   For example, the command
+## Display the help text for @var{name}.  For example, the command
 ## @kbd{help help} prints a short message describing the @code{help}
 ## command.
--- a/scripts/help/lookfor.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/help/lookfor.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## Search for the string @var{str} in all functions found in the current
 ## function search path.  By default, @code{lookfor} searches for @var{str}
 ## in the first sentence of the help string of each function found.  The entire
-## help text of each function can be searched if the "-all" argument is
+## help text of each function can be searched if the @qcode{"-all"} argument is
 ## supplied.  All searches are case insensitive.
 ## Called with no output arguments, @code{lookfor} prints the list of
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@
 ## sentence of the help text is dependent on the format of the
 ## function's help.  All Octave core functions are correctly
 ## formatted, but the same can not be guaranteed for external packages and
-## user-supplied functions.  Therefore, the use of the "-all" argument may
-## be necessary to find related functions that are not a part of Octave.
+## user-supplied functions.  Therefore, the use of the @qcode{"-all"}
+## argument may be necessary to find related functions that are not a part of
+## Octave.
 ## @seealso{help, doc, which}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/image/cmpermute.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/image/cmpermute.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ## When called with only two arguments, @code{cmpermute} randomly rearranges
 ## the colormap @var{map} and returns a new colormap @var{newmap}.  It also
 ## returns the indexed image @var{Y} which is the equivalent of the original
-## input image @var{X} when displayed using @var{newmap}.  
+## input image @var{X} when displayed using @var{newmap}.
 ## When called with an optional third argument the order of colors in the
 ## new colormap is defined by @var{index}.
--- a/scripts/image/colormap.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/image/colormap.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
 ## @code{jet} map with 64 entries).  The default colormap is returned.
 ## @code{colormap ("list")} returns a cell array with all of the available
-## colormaps.  The options "register" and "unregister" will add or remove
-## the colormap @var{name} from this list.
+## colormaps.  The options @qcode{"register"} and @qcode{"unregister"} will
+## add or remove the colormap @var{name} from this list.
 ## For convenience, it is also possible to use this function with the
 ## command form, where @var{map_name} must be the name of a function
--- a/scripts/image/image.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/image/image.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 ## upper left.  For ordinary plots, the origin is located in the lower
 ## left.  Octave handles this inversion by plotting the data normally,
 ## and then reversing the direction of the y-axis by setting the
-## @code{ydir} property to "reverse".  This has implications whenever
+## @code{ydir} property to @qcode{"reverse"}.  This has implications whenever
 ## an image and an ordinary plot need to be overlaid.  The recommended
 ## solution is to display the image and then plot the reversed ydata
 ## using, for example, @code{flipud (ydata)}.
--- a/scripts/image/imagesc.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/image/imagesc.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ## Display a scaled version of the matrix @var{img} as a color image.  The
 ## colormap is scaled so that the entries of the matrix occupy the entire
 ## colormap.  If @code{@var{climits} = [@var{lo}, @var{hi}]} is given, then that
-## range is set to the "clim" of the current axes.
+## range is set to the @qcode{"clim"} of the current axes.
 ## The axis values corresponding to the matrix elements are specified in
 ## @var{x} and @var{y}, either as pairs giving the minimum and maximum
--- a/scripts/image/imfinfo.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
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@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 ## Number of bits per channel per pixel.
 ## @item Format
-## Image format (e.g., @code{"jpeg"}).
+## Image format (e.g., @qcode{"jpeg"}).
 ## @item LongFormat
 ## Long form image format description.
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
 ## for.
 ## @item ByteOrder
-## Endian option for formats that support it.  Value is @code{"little-endian"},
-## @code{"big-endian"}, or @code{"undefined"}.
+## Endian option for formats that support it.  Value is @qcode{"little-endian"},
+## @qcode{"big-endian"}, or @qcode{"undefined"}.
 ## @item Gamma
 ## Gamma level of the image.  The same color image displayed on two different
@@ -96,12 +96,12 @@
 ## Preferred number of colors in the image.
 ## @item ResolutionUnits
-## Units of image resolution.  Value is @code{"pixels per inch"},
-## @code{"pixels per centimeter"}, or @code{"undefined"}.
+## Units of image resolution.  Value is @qcode{"pixels per inch"},
+## @qcode{"pixels per centimeter"}, or @qcode{"undefined"}.
 ## @item ColorType
-## Image type.  Value is @code{"grayscale"}, @code{"indexed"},
-## @code{"truecolor"}, or @code{"undefined"}.
+## Image type.  Value is @qcode{"grayscale"}, @qcode{"indexed"},
+## @qcode{"truecolor"}, or @qcode{"undefined"}.
 ## @item View
 ## FlashPix viewing parameters.
--- a/scripts/image/imformats.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/image/imformats.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
 ## @end table
 ## It is possible to change the way Octave manages file formats with the options
-## @code{"add"}, @code{"remove"}, and @code{"update"}, and supplying a
+## @qcode{"add"}, @qcode{"remove"}, and @qcode{"update"}, and supplying a
 ## structure @var{format} with the required fields.  The option
-## @code{"factory"} resets the configuration to the default.
+## @qcode{"factory"} resets the configuration to the default.
 ## This can be used by Octave packages to extend the image reading capabilities
 ## Octave, through use of the PKG_ADD and PKG_DEL commands.
--- a/scripts/image/imread.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/image/imread.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 ## of size @nospell{MxN}.  Multipage images will have an additional 4th
 ## dimension.
 ## The bit depth of the image determines the
-## class of the output: "uint8" or "uint16" for gray
-## and color, and "logical" for black and white.
+## class of the output: @qcode{"uint8"} or @qcode{"uint16"} for gray
+## and color, and @qcode{"logical"} for black and white.
 ## Note that indexed images always return the indexes for a colormap,
 ## independent if @var{map} is a requested output.  To obtain the actual
 ## RGB image, use @code{ind2rgb}.
@@ -57,16 +57,16 @@
 ## are supported:
 ## @table @samp
-## @item "Frames" or "Index"
+## @item @qcode{"Frames"} or @qcode{"Index"}
 ## This is an alternative method to specify @var{idx}.  When specifying it
-## in this way, its value can also be the string "all".
+## in this way, its value can also be the string @qcode{"all"}.
-## @item "Info"
+## @item @qcode{"Info"}
 ## This option exists for @sc{matlab} compatibility and has no effect.  For
 ## maximum performance while reading multiple images from a single file,
 ## use the Index option.
-## @item "PixelRegion"
+## @item @qcode{"PixelRegion"}
 ## Controls the image region that is read.  Takes as value a cell array
 ## with two arrays of 3 elements @code{@{@var{rows} @var{cols}@}}.  The
 ## elements in the array are the start, increment and end pixel to be
--- a/scripts/image/imshow.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/image/imshow.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 ## @var{value1}.  @var{string_param1} can be any of the following:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "displayrange"
+## @item @qcode{"displayrange"}
 ## @var{value1} is the display range as described above.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/image/imwrite.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/image/imwrite.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@
 ## images in a single file.  This option specifies if @var{img} should be
 ## appended to the file (if it exists) or if a new file should be created
 ## for it (possibly overwriting an existing file).  The value should be
-## the string "Overwrite" (default), or "Append".
+## the string @qcode{"Overwrite"} (default), or @qcode{"Append"}.
 ## Despite this option, the most efficient method of writing a multipage
 ## image is to pass a 4 dimensional @var{img} to @code{imwrite}, the
 ## same matrix that could be expected when using @code{imread} with the
-## option "Index" set to "all".
+## option @qcode{"Index"} set to @qcode{"all"}.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/image/ind2gray.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/image/ind2gray.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 ## Implementation Note: There are several ways of converting colors to
 ## grayscale intensities.  This functions uses the luminance value obtained
-## from @code{rgb2ntsc} which is @code{I = 0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B}.  
+## from @code{rgb2ntsc} which is @code{I = 0.299*R + 0.587*G + 0.114*B}.
 ## Other possibilities include the value component from @code{rgb2hsv} or
 ## using a single color channel from @code{ind2rgb}.
 ## @seealso{gray2ind, ind2rgb}
--- a/scripts/image/lines.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/image/lines.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{map} =} lines ()
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{map} =} lines (@var{n})
 ## Create color colormap.  This colormap is composed of the list of colors
-## in the current axes "ColorOrder" property.  The default is blue,
+## in the current axes @qcode{"ColorOrder"} property.  The default is blue,
 ## green, red, cyan, pink, yellow, and gray.
 ## The argument @var{n} must be a scalar.
 ## If unspecified, the length of the current colormap, or 64, is used.
--- a/scripts/image/rgb2ind.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/image/rgb2ind.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 ## @var{tol} must be >0 and @leq{}1.
 ## @var{dither_option} is a string which enables or disables dithering:
-## 'dither' (default) or 'nodither'.
+## @qcode{"dither"} (default) or @qcode{"nodither"}.
 ## @seealso{ind2rgb, rgb2hsv, rgb2ntsc}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/image/spinmap.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/image/spinmap.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} spinmap ("inf")
 ## Cycle the colormap for @var{t} seconds with a color increment of @var{inc}.
 ## Both parameters are optional.  The default cycle time is 5 seconds and the
-## default increment is 2.  If the option "inf" is given then cycle
+## default increment is 2.  If the option @qcode{"inf"} is given then cycle
 ## continuously until @kbd{Control-C} is pressed.
 ## When rotating the original color 1 becomes color 2, color 2 becomes
--- a/scripts/io/dlmwrite.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/io/dlmwrite.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -35,32 +35,32 @@
 ## The value of @var{c} specifies the number of delimiters to prepend to
 ## each line of data.
-## If the argument @code{"-append"} is given, append to the end of
+## If the argument @qcode{"-append"} is given, append to the end of
 ## @var{file}.
 ## In addition, the following keyword value pairs may appear at the end
 ## of the argument list:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "append"
-## Either @samp{"on"} or @samp{"off"}.  See @samp{"-append"} above.
+## @item @qcode{"append"}
+## Either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"}.  See @qcode{"-append"} above.
-## @item "delimiter"
+## @item @qcode{"delimiter"}
 ## See @var{delim} above.
-## @item "newline"
+## @item @qcode{"newline"}
 ## The character(s) to use to separate each row.  Three special cases
-## exist for this option.  @samp{"unix"} is changed into "\n",
-## @samp{"pc"} is changed into "\r\n", and @samp{"mac"} is changed
-## into "\r".  Other values for this option are kept as is.
+## exist for this option.  @qcode{"unix"} is changed into @qcode{"\n"},
+## @qcode{"pc"} is changed into @qcode{"\r\n"}, and @qcode{"mac"} is changed
+## into @qcode{"\r"}.  Other values for this option are kept as is.
-## @item "roffset"
+## @item @qcode{"roffset"}
 ## See @var{r} above.
-## @item "coffset"
+## @item @qcode{"coffset"}
 ## See @var{c} above.
-## @item "precision"
+## @item @qcode{"precision"}
 ## The precision to use when writing the file.  It can either be a
 ## format string (as used by fprintf) or a number of significant digits.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/io/strread.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/io/strread.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -99,21 +99,21 @@
 ## pairs.  The following properties are recognized:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "commentstyle"
+## @item @qcode{"commentstyle"}
 ## Parts of @var{str} are considered comments and will be skipped.
 ## @var{value} is the comment style and can be any of the following.
 ## @itemize
-## @item "shell"
+## @item @qcode{"shell"}
 ## Everything from @code{#} characters to the nearest end-of-line is skipped.
-## @item "c"
+## @item @qcode{"c"}
 ## Everything between @code{/*} and @code{*/} is skipped.
-## @item "c++"
+## @item @qcode{"c++"}
 ## Everything from @code{//} characters to the nearest end-of-line is skipped.
-## @item "matlab"
+## @item @qcode{"matlab"}
 ## Everything from @code{%} characters to the nearest end-of-line is skipped.
 ## @item user-supplied.  Two options:
@@ -122,34 +122,34 @@
 ## is skipped.
 ## @end itemize
-## @item "delimiter"
+## @item @qcode{"delimiter"}
 ## Any character in @var{value} will be used to split @var{str} into words
 ## (default value = any whitespace).
-## @item "emptyvalue":
+## @item @qcode{"emptyvalue"}:
 ## Value to return for empty numeric values in non-whitespace delimited data.
 ## The default is NaN@.  When the data type does not support NaN
 ## (int32 for example), then default is zero.
-## @item "multipledelimsasone"
+## @item @qcode{"multipledelimsasone"}
 ## Treat a series of consecutive delimiters, without whitespace in between,
 ## as a single delimiter.  Consecutive delimiter series need not be vertically
-## "aligned".
+## @qcode{"aligned"}.
-## @item "treatasempty"
+## @item @qcode{"treatasempty"}
 ## Treat single occurrences (surrounded by delimiters or whitespace) of the
 ## string(s) in @var{value} as missing values.
-## @item "returnonerror"
+## @item @qcode{"returnonerror"}
 ## If @var{value} true (1, default), ignore read errors and return normally.
 ## If false (0), return an error.
-## @item "whitespace"
+## @item @qcode{"whitespace"}
 ## Any character in @var{value} will be interpreted as whitespace and
 ## trimmed; the string defining whitespace must be enclosed in double
 ## quotes for proper processing of special characters like \t.
-## The default value for whitespace = " \b\r\n\t" (note the space).
-## Unless whitespace is set to '' (empty) AND at least one "%s" format
+## The default value for whitespace = @qcode{" \b\r\n\t"} (note the space).
+## Unless whitespace is set to '' (empty) AND at least one @qcode{"%s"} format
 ## conversion specifier is supplied, a space is always part of whitespace.
 ## @end table
@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@
 ## depends on the last character of @var{str}:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item last character = "\n"
+## @item last character = @qcode{"\n"}
 ## Data columns are padded with empty fields or Nan so that all columns
 ## have equal length 
-## @item last character is not "\n"
+## @item last character is not @qcode{"\n"}
 ## Data columns are not padded; strread returns columns of unequal length
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/io/textread.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/io/textread.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
 ## supports two more:
 ## @itemize
-## @item "headerlines":
+## @item @qcode{"headerlines"}:
 ## The first @var{value} number of lines of @var{filename} are skipped.
-## @item "endofline":
-## Specify a single character or "\r\n".  If no value is given, it will be
-## inferred from the file.  If set to "" (empty string) EOLs are ignored as
-## delimiters.
+## @item @qcode{"endofline"}:
+## Specify a single character or @qcode{"\r\n"}.  If no value is given, it
+## will be inferred from the file.  If set to "" (empty string) EOLs are
+## ignored as delimiters.
 ## @end itemize
 ## The optional input @var{n} specifies the number of data lines to read; in
--- a/scripts/io/textscan.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/io/textscan.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -34,20 +34,21 @@
 ## supports a few more:
 ## @itemize
-## @item "collectoutput":
+## @item @qcode{"collectoutput"}:
 ## A value of 1 or true instructs textscan to concatenate consecutive columns
 ## of the same class in the output cell array.  A value of 0 or false (default)
 ## leaves output in distinct columns.
-## @item "endofline":
-## Specify "\r", "\n" or "\r\n" (for CR, LF, or CRLF).  If no value is given,
-## it will be inferred from the file.  If set to "" (empty string) EOLs are
-## ignored as delimiters and added to whitespace.
+## @item @qcode{"endofline"}:
+## Specify @qcode{"\r"}, @qcode{"\n"} or @qcode{"\r\n"} (for CR, LF, or
+## CRLF).  If no value is given, it will be inferred from the file.  If set
+## to "" (empty string) EOLs are ignored as delimiters and added to
+## whitespace.
-## @item "headerlines":
+## @item @qcode{"headerlines"}:
 ## The first @var{value} number of lines of @var{fid} are skipped.
-## @item "returnonerror":
+## @item @qcode{"returnonerror"}:
 ## If set to numerical 1 or true (default), return normally when read errors
 ## have been encountered.  If set to 0 or false, return an error and no data.
 ## As the string or file is read by columns rather than by rows, and because
--- a/scripts/java/javaclasspath.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/java/javaclasspath.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@
 ## If called with a single input parameter @var{what}:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "-dynamic"
+## @item @qcode{"-dynamic"}
 ## Return the dynamic classpath.
-## @item "-static"
+## @item @qcode{"-static"}
 ## Return the static classpath.
-## @item "-all"
+## @item @qcode{"-all"}
 ## Return both the static and dynamic classpath in a single cellstr.
 ## @end table
 ## @seealso{javaaddpath, javarmpath}
--- a/scripts/java/usejava.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/java/usejava.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,25 +24,25 @@
 ## Possible features are:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "awt"
+## @item @qcode{"awt"}
 ## Abstract Window Toolkit for GUIs.
-## @item "desktop"
+## @item @qcode{"desktop"}
 ## Interactive desktop is running.
-## @item "jvm"
+## @item @qcode{"jvm"}
 ## Java Virtual Machine.
-## @item "swing"
+## @item @qcode{"swing"}
 ## Swing components for lightweight GUIs.
 ## @end table
 ## @code{usejava} determines if specific Java features are available in an
 ## Octave session.  This function is provided for scripts which may alter
-## their behavior based on the availability of Java.  The feature "desktop"
-## always returns @code{false} as Octave has no Java-based desktop.  Other
-## features may be available if Octave was compiled with the Java Interface
-## and Java is installed.
+## their behavior based on the availability of Java.  The feature
+## @qcode{"desktop"} always returns @code{false} as Octave has no Java-based
+## desktop.  Other features may be available if Octave was compiled with the
+## Java Interface and Java is installed.
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: Rik Wehbring
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/bzip2.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/bzip2.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{entries} =} bzip2 (@var{files})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{entries} =} bzip2 (@var{files}, @var{outdir})
 ## Compress the list of files specified in @var{files}.
-## Each file is compressed separately and a new file with a ".bz2" extension
-## is created.  The original files are not modified.  Existing compressed files
-## are silently overwritten.  If @var{outdir} is defined the compressed
-## files are placed in this directory.
+## Each file is compressed separately and a new file with a @file{".bz2"}
+## extension is created.  The original files are not modified.  Existing
+## compressed files are silently overwritten.  If @var{outdir} is defined the
+## compressed files are placed in this directory.
 ## @seealso{bunzip2, gzip, zip, tar}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/computer.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/computer.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@
 ## of elements for an array.
 ## If three output arguments are requested, also return the byte order
-## of the current system as a character (@code{"B"} for big-endian or
-## @code{"L"} for little-endian).
+## of the current system as a character (@qcode{"B"} for big-endian or
+## @qcode{"L"} for little-endian).
-## If the argument @code{"arch"} is specified, return a string
+## If the argument @qcode{"arch"} is specified, return a string
 ## indicating the architecture of the computer on which Octave is
 ## running.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/copyfile.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/copyfile.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{status}, @var{msg}, @var{msgid}] =} copyfile (@var{f1}, @var{f2}, 'f')
 ## Copy the file @var{f1} to the new name @var{f2}.  The name @var{f1}
 ## may contain globbing patterns.  If @var{f1} expands to multiple file
-## names, @var{f2} must be a directory.  If the force flag 'f' is given then
-## existing destination files will be overwritten without prompting.
+## names, @var{f2} must be a directory.  If the force flag @qcode{'f'} is
+## given then existing destination files will be overwritten without
+## prompting.
 ## If successful, @var{status} is 1, with @var{msg} and @var{msgid} empty
 ## character strings.  Otherwise, @var{status} is 0, @var{msg} contains a
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/debug.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/debug.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## When Octave encounters a breakpoint, or other reason to enter debug
-## mode, the prompt changes to @code{"debug>"}.  The workspace of the function
+## mode, the prompt changes to @qcode{"debug>"}.  The workspace of the function
 ## where the breakpoint was encountered becomes available and any Octave
 ## command that is valid in that workspace context may be executed.
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/dos.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/dos.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## Execute a system command if running under a Windows-like operating
 ## system, otherwise do nothing.  Return the exit status of the program
 ## in @var{status} and any output from the command in @var{text}.
-## When called with no output argument, or the "-echo" argument is
+## When called with no output argument, or the @qcode{"-echo"} argument is
 ## given, then @var{text} is also sent to standard output.
 ## @seealso{unix, system, isunix, ispc}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/edit.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/edit.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@
 ## Send it to current Emacs; must have @code{(gnuserv-start)} in @file{.emacs}.
 ## @end table
-## See also field 'mode', which controls how the editor is run by Octave.
+## See also field @qcode{"mode"}, which controls how the editor is run by
+## Octave.
 ## On Cygwin, you will need to convert the Cygwin path to a Windows
 ## path if you are using a native Windows editor.  For example:
@@ -133,8 +134,9 @@
 ## @item mode
 ## This value determines whether the editor should be started in async mode
 ## (editor is started in the background and Octave continues) or sync mode
-## (Octave waits until the editor exits).  Set it to "sync" to start the editor
-## in sync mode.  The default is "async" (@pxref{XREFsystem,,system}).
+## (Octave waits until the editor exits).  Set it to @qcode{"sync"} to start
+## the editor in sync mode.  The default is @qcode{"async"}
+## (@pxref{XREFsystem,,system}).
 ## @item editinplace
 ## Determines whether files should be edited in place, without regard to
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/gzip.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{entries} =} gzip (@var{files})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{entries} =} gzip (@var{files}, @var{outdir})
 ## Compress the list of files and/or directories specified in @var{files}.
-## Each file is compressed separately and a new file with a ".gz" extension
-## is created.  The original files are not modified.  Existing compressed
-## files are silently overwritten.  If @var{outdir} is defined the compressed
-## files are placed in this directory.
+## Each file is compressed separately and a new file with a @file{".gz"}
+## extension is created.  The original files are not modified.  Existing
+## compressed files are silently overwritten.  If @var{outdir} is defined the
+## compressed files are placed in this directory.
 ## @seealso{gunzip, bzip2, zip, tar}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/license.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/license.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
 ## @var{toggle}, which may be one of:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "enable"
+## @item @qcode{"enable"}
 ## Future tests for the specified license of @var{feature} are conducted
 ## as usual.
-## @item "disable"
+## @item @qcode{"disable"}
 ## Future tests for the specified license of @var{feature} return 0.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/mkoctfile.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/mkoctfile.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -87,18 +87,18 @@
 ##    CFLAGS                    LD_CXX
 ##    CPICFLAG                  LD_STATIC_FLAG
 ##    CPPFLAGS                  LFLAGS
-##    CXX                       LIBOCTAVE       
-##    CXXFLAGS                  LIBOCTINTERP    
-##    CXXPICFLAG                LIBS            
+##    CXX                       LIBOCTAVE
+##    CXXFLAGS                  LIBOCTINTERP
+##    CXXPICFLAG                LIBS
-##    DL_LD                     OCT_LINK_DEPS   
-##    DL_LDFLAGS                RDYNAMIC_FLAG   
-##    EXEEXT                    READLINE_LIBS   
-##    F77                       SED             
-##    F77_INTEGER_8_FLAG        XTRA_CFLAGS     
-##    FFLAGS                    XTRA_CXXFLAGS   
-##    FFTW3_LDFLAGS             
+##    DL_LD                     OCT_LINK_DEPS
+##    DL_LDFLAGS                RDYNAMIC_FLAG
+##    EXEEXT                    READLINE_LIBS
+##    F77                       SED
+##    F77_INTEGER_8_FLAG        XTRA_CFLAGS
+##    FFLAGS                    XTRA_CXXFLAGS
 ##    FFTW3_LIBS
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/movefile.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/movefile.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{status}, @var{msg}, @var{msgid}] =} movefile (@var{f1}, @var{f2}, 'f')
 ## Move the file @var{f1} to the new name @var{f2}.  The name @var{f1}
 ## may contain globbing patterns.  If @var{f1} expands to multiple file
-## names, @var{f2} must be a directory.  If the force flag 'f' is given
+## names, @var{f2} must be a directory.  If the force flag @qcode{'f'} is given
 ## then any existing files will be overwritten without prompting.
 ## If successful, @var{status} is 1, with @var{msg} and @var{msgid} empty
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/parseparams.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/parseparams.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## The parseparams function may be used to separate "regular"
-## arguments and additional arguments given as property/value pairs of
+## The parseparams function may be used to separate regular numeric
+## arguments from additional arguments given as property/value pairs of
 ## the @var{varargin} cell array.
 ## In the second form of the call, available options are specified directly
--- a/scripts/miscellaneous/unix.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/miscellaneous/unix.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## Execute a system command if running under a Unix-like operating
 ## system, otherwise do nothing.  Return the exit status of the program
 ## in @var{status} and any output from the command in @var{text}.
-## When called with no output argument, or the "-echo" argument is
+## When called with no output argument, or the @qcode{"-echo"} argument is
 ## given, then @var{text} is also sent to standard output.
 ## @seealso{dos, system, isunix, ispc}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fminbnd.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@
 ## @var{fun} should be a function handle or name.  @var{a}, @var{b} specify a
 ## starting interval.  @var{options} is a structure specifying additional
 ## options.  Currently, @code{fminbnd} recognizes these options:
-## "FunValCheck", "OutputFcn", "TolX", "MaxIter", "MaxFunEvals".  For a
-## description of these options, see @ref{XREFoptimset,,optimset}.
+## @qcode{"FunValCheck"}, @qcode{"OutputFcn"}, @qcode{"TolX"},
+## @qcode{"MaxIter"}, @qcode{"MaxFunEvals"}.  For a description of these
+## options, see @ref{XREFoptimset,,optimset}.
 ## On exit, the function returns @var{x}, the approximate minimum point
 ## and @var{fval}, the function value thereof.
--- a/scripts/optimization/fminsearch.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fminsearch.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -30,8 +30,9 @@
 ## Options for the search are provided in the parameter @var{options} using 
 ## the function @code{optimset}.  Currently, @code{fminsearch} accepts the
-## options: "TolX", "MaxFunEvals", "MaxIter", "Display".  For a description of
-## these options, see @code{optimset}.
+## options: @qcode{"TolX"}, @qcode{"MaxFunEvals"}, @qcode{"MaxIter"},
+## @qcode{"Display"}.  For a description of these options, see
+## @code{optimset}.
 ## On exit, the function returns @var{x}, the minimum point,
 ## and @var{fval}, the function value thereof.
--- a/scripts/optimization/fminunc.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fminunc.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -33,17 +33,17 @@
 ## in all calls to @var{fcn}, but otherwise is treated as a column vector.
 ## @var{options} is a structure specifying additional options.
 ## Currently, @code{fminunc} recognizes these options:
-## @code{"FunValCheck"}, @code{"OutputFcn"}, @code{"TolX"},
-## @code{"TolFun"}, @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"MaxFunEvals"},
-## @code{"GradObj"}, @code{"FinDiffType"},
-## @code{"TypicalX"}, @code{"AutoScaling"}.
+## @qcode{"FunValCheck"}, @qcode{"OutputFcn"}, @qcode{"TolX"},
+## @qcode{"TolFun"}, @qcode{"MaxIter"}, @qcode{"MaxFunEvals"},
+## @qcode{"GradObj"}, @qcode{"FinDiffType"},
+## @qcode{"TypicalX"}, @qcode{"AutoScaling"}.
-## If @code{"GradObj"} is @code{"on"}, it specifies that @var{fcn},
+## If @qcode{"GradObj"} is @qcode{"on"}, it specifies that @var{fcn},
 ## called with 2 output arguments, also returns the Jacobian matrix
-## of right-hand sides at the requested point.  @code{"TolX"} specifies
+## of right-hand sides at the requested point.  @qcode{"TolX"} specifies
 ## the termination tolerance in the unknown variables, while
-## @code{"TolFun"} is a tolerance for equations.  Default is @code{1e-7}
-## for both @code{"TolX"} and @code{"TolFun"}.
+## @qcode{"TolFun"} is a tolerance for equations.  Default is @code{1e-7}
+## for both @qcode{"TolX"} and @qcode{"TolFun"}.
 ## For description of the other options, see @code{optimset}.
--- a/scripts/optimization/fsolve.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fsolve.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -31,31 +31,30 @@
 ## in all calls to @var{fcn}, but otherwise it is treated as a column vector.
 ## @var{options} is a structure specifying additional options.
 ## Currently, @code{fsolve} recognizes these options:
-## @code{"FunValCheck"}, @code{"OutputFcn"}, @code{"TolX"},
-## @code{"TolFun"}, @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"MaxFunEvals"},
-## @code{"Jacobian"}, @code{"Updating"}, @code{"ComplexEqn"}
-## @code{"TypicalX"}, @code{"AutoScaling"} and @code{"FinDiffType"}.
+## @qcode{"FunValCheck"}, @qcode{"OutputFcn"}, @qcode{"TolX"},
+## @qcode{"TolFun"}, @qcode{"MaxIter"}, @qcode{"MaxFunEvals"},
+## @qcode{"Jacobian"}, @qcode{"Updating"}, @qcode{"ComplexEqn"}
+## @qcode{"TypicalX"}, @qcode{"AutoScaling"} and @qcode{"FinDiffType"}.
-## If @code{"Jacobian"} is @code{"on"}, it specifies that @var{fcn},
+## If @qcode{"Jacobian"} is @qcode{"on"}, it specifies that @var{fcn},
 ## called with 2 output arguments, also returns the Jacobian matrix
-## of right-hand sides at the requested point.  @code{"TolX"} specifies
+## of right-hand sides at the requested point.  @qcode{"TolX"} specifies
 ## the termination tolerance in the unknown variables, while
-## @code{"TolFun"} is a tolerance for equations.  Default is @code{1e-7}
-## for both @code{"TolX"} and @code{"TolFun"}.
+## @qcode{"TolFun"} is a tolerance for equations.  Default is @code{1e-7}
+## for both @qcode{"TolX"} and @qcode{"TolFun"}.
-## If @code{"AutoScaling"} is on, the variables will be automatically scaled
+## If @qcode{"AutoScaling"} is on, the variables will be automatically scaled
 ## according to the column norms of the (estimated) Jacobian.  As a result,
 ## TolF becomes scaling-independent.  By default, this option is off, because
 ## it may sometimes deliver unexpected (though mathematically correct) results.
-## If @code{"Updating"} is "on", the function will attempt to use Broyden
-## updates to update the Jacobian, in order to reduce the amount of Jacobian
-## calculations.
-## If your user function always calculates the Jacobian (regardless of number
-## of output arguments), this option provides no advantage and should be set to
-## false.
+## If @qcode{"Updating"} is @qcode{"on"}, the function will attempt to use
+## Broyden updates to update the Jacobian, in order to reduce the amount of
+## Jacobian calculations.  If your user function always calculates the
+## Jacobian (regardless of number of output arguments), this option provides
+## no advantage and should be set to false.
-## @code{"ComplexEqn"} is @code{"on"}, @code{fsolve} will attempt to solve
+## @qcode{"ComplexEqn"} is @qcode{"on"}, @code{fsolve} will attempt to solve
 ## complex equations in complex variables, assuming that the equations possess a
 ## complex derivative (i.e., are holomorphic).  If this is not what you want,
 ## should unpack the real and imaginary parts of the system to get a real
--- a/scripts/optimization/fzero.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/optimization/fzero.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 ## is not successful, the function fails.
 ## @var{options} is a structure specifying additional options.
 ## Currently, @code{fzero}
-## recognizes these options: @code{"FunValCheck"}, @code{"OutputFcn"},
-## @code{"TolX"}, @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"MaxFunEvals"}.
+## recognizes these options: @qcode{"FunValCheck"}, @qcode{"OutputFcn"},
+## @qcode{"TolX"}, @qcode{"MaxIter"}, @qcode{"MaxFunEvals"}.
 ## For a description of these options, see @ref{XREFoptimset,,optimset}.
 ## On exit, the function returns @var{x}, the approximate zero point
--- a/scripts/optimization/glpk.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/optimization/glpk.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -109,19 +109,19 @@
 ## following values
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "F"
+## @item @qcode{"F"}
 ## A free (unbounded) constraint (the constraint is ignored).
-## @item "U"
+## @item @qcode{"U"}
 ## An inequality constraint with an upper bound (@code{A(i,:)*x <= b(i)}).
-## @item "S"
+## @item @qcode{"S"}
 ## An equality constraint (@code{A(i,:)*x = b(i)}).
-## @item "L"
+## @item @qcode{"L"}
 ## An inequality with a lower bound (@code{A(i,:)*x >= b(i)}).
-## @item "D"
+## @item @qcode{"D"}
 ## An inequality constraint with both upper and lower bounds
 ## (@code{A(i,:)*x >= -b(i)} @emph{and} (@code{A(i,:)*x <= b(i)}).
 ## @end table
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@
 ## A column array containing the types of the variables.
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "C"
+## @item @qcode{"C"}
 ## A continuous variable.
-## @item "I"
+## @item @qcode{"I"}
 ## An integer variable.
 ## @end table
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 ## @end table
 ## @item scale (default: 16)
-## Scaling option. The values can be combined with the bitwise OR operator and
+## Scaling option.  The values can be combined with the bitwise OR operator and
 ## may be the following:
 ## @table @asis
@@ -185,8 +185,9 @@
 ## Skip if problem is well scaled.
 ## @end table
-## Alternatively, a value of 128 (@code{GLP_SF_AUTO}) may be also specified, in which case the
-## routine chooses the scaling options automatically.
+## Alternatively, a value of 128 (@w{@env{GLP_SF_AUTO}}) may be also
+## specified, in which case the routine chooses the scaling options
+## automatically.
 ## @item dual (default: 1)
 ## Simplex method option:
--- a/scripts/optimization/lsqnonneg.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/optimization/lsqnonneg.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ## @code{@var{x} >= 0}.  @var{c} and @var{d} must be real.  @var{x0} is an
 ## optional initial guess for @var{x}.
 ## Currently, @code{lsqnonneg}
-## recognizes these options: @code{"MaxIter"}, @code{"TolX"}.
+## recognizes these options: @qcode{"MaxIter"}, @qcode{"TolX"}.
 ## For a description of these options, see @ref{XREFoptimset,,optimset}.
 ## Outputs:
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
 ## A structure with two fields:
 ## @itemize @bullet
-## @item "algorithm": The algorithm used ("nnls")
+## @item @qcode{"algorithm"}: The algorithm used (@qcode{"nnls"})
-## @item "iterations": The number of iterations taken.
+## @item @qcode{"iterations"}: The number of iterations taken.
 ## @end itemize
 ## @item lambda
--- a/scripts/optimization/optimset.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/optimization/optimset.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@
 ## Request verbose display of results from optimizations.  Values are:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "off" [default]
+## @item @qcode{"off"} [default]
 ## No display.
-## @item "iter"
+## @item @qcode{"iter"}
 ## Display intermediate results for every loop iteration.
-## @item "final"
+## @item @qcode{"final"}
 ## Display the result of the final loop iteration.
-## @item "notify"
+## @item @qcode{"notify"}
 ## Display the result of the final loop iteration if the function has
 ## failed to converge.
 ## @end table
@@ -53,22 +53,22 @@
 ## @item FunValCheck
 ## When enabled, display an error if the objective function returns an invalid
-## value (a complex number, NaN, or Inf).  Must be set to "on" or "off"
-## [default].  Note: the functions @code{fzero} and @code{fminbnd} correctly
-## handle Inf values and only complex values or NaN will cause an error in this
-## case. 
+## value (a complex number, NaN, or Inf).  Must be set to @qcode{"on"} or
+## @qcode{"off"} [default].  Note: the functions @code{fzero} and
+## @code{fminbnd} correctly handle Inf values and only complex values or NaN
+## will cause an error in this case. 
 ## @item GradObj
-## When set to "on", the function to be minimized must return a second argument
-## which is the gradient, or first derivative, of the function at the point
-## @var{x}.  If set to "off" [default], the gradient is computed via finite
-## differences.
+## When set to @qcode{"on"}, the function to be minimized must return a
+## second argument which is the gradient, or first derivative, of the
+## function at the point @var{x}.  If set to @qcode{"off"} [default], the
+## gradient is computed via finite differences.
 ## @item Jacobian
-## When set to "on", the function to be minimized must return a second argument
-## which is the Jacobian, or first derivative, of the function at the point
-## @var{x}.  If set to "off" [default], the Jacobian is computed via finite
-## differences.
+## When set to @qcode{"on"}, the function to be minimized must return a
+## second argument which is the Jacobian, or first derivative, of the
+## function at the point @var{x}.  If set to @qcode{"off"} [default], the
+## Jacobian is computed via finite differences.
 ## @item MaxFunEvals
 ## Maximum number of function evaluations before optimization stops.
--- a/scripts/optimization/pqpnonneg.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/optimization/pqpnonneg.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
 ## A structure with two fields:
 ## @itemize @bullet
-## @item "algorithm": The algorithm used ("nnls")
+## @item @qcode{"algorithm"}: The algorithm used (@qcode{"nnls"})
-## @item "iterations": The number of iterations taken.
+## @item @qcode{"iterations"}: The number of iterations taken.
 ## @end itemize
 ## @item lambda
--- a/scripts/pkg/pkg.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/pkg/pkg.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -137,8 +137,9 @@
 ## [user_packages, system_packages] = pkg ("list")
 ## @end example
-## The option "-forge" lists packages available at the Octave-Forge repository.
-## This requires an internet connection and the cURL library.  For example:
+## The option @qcode{"-forge"} lists packages available at the Octave-Forge
+## repository.  This requires an internet connection and the cURL library. 
+## For example:
 ## @example
 ## oct_forge_pkgs = pkg ("list", "-forge")
@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@
 ## @item describe
 ## Show a short description of the named installed packages, with the option
-## "-verbose" also list functions provided by the package.  For example,
+## @qcode{"-verbose"} also list functions provided by the package.  For example,
 ## @example
 ## pkg describe -verbose all
@@ -171,8 +172,9 @@
 ## @end example
 ## @noindent
-## @var{flag} will take one of the values "Not installed", "Loaded" or
-## "Not loaded" for each of the named packages.
+## @var{flag} will take one of the values @qcode{"Not installed"},
+## @qcode{"Loaded"}, or
+## @qcode{"Not loaded"} for each of the named packages.
 ## @item prefix
 ## Set the installation prefix directory.  For example,
--- a/scripts/plot/allchild.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/allchild.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@
 ## Find all children, including hidden children, of a graphics object.
 ## This function is similar to @code{get (h, "children")}, but also returns
-## hidden objects ("HandleVisibility" = "off").  If @var{handles} is a scalar,
-## @var{h} will be a vector.  Otherwise, @var{h} will be a cell matrix of the
-## same size as @var{handles} and each cell will contain a vector of handles.
+## hidden objects (HandleVisibility = @qcode{"off"}).  If @var{handles} is a
+## scalar, @var{h} will be a vector.  Otherwise, @var{h} will be a cell
+## matrix of the same size as @var{handles} and each cell will contain a
+## vector of handles.
 ## @seealso{findall, findobj, get, set}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/ancestor.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/ancestor.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ## If the handle object @var{h} itself is of type @var{type}, return @var{h}.
-## If @code{"toplevel"} is given as a third argument, return the highest
+## If @qcode{"toplevel"} is given as a third argument, return the highest
 ## parent in the object hierarchy that matches the condition, instead
 ## of the first (nearest) one.
 ## @seealso{findobj, findall, allchild}
--- a/scripts/plot/area.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/area.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 ## rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
 ## The optional return value @var{h} is a graphics handle to the hggroup
-## object comprising the area patch objects.  The "BaseValue" property
+## object comprising the area patch objects.  The @qcode{"BaseValue"} property
 ## of the hggroup can be used to adjust the level where shading begins.
 ## Example: Verify identity sin^2 + cos^2 = 1
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 ## t = linspace (0, 2*pi, 100)';
 ## y = [sin(t).^2, cos(t).^2)];
 ## area (t, y);
-## legend ("sin^2", "cos^2", "location", "NorthEastOutside");  
+## legend ("sin^2", "cos^2", "location", "NorthEastOutside");
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
 ## @seealso{plot, patch}
--- a/scripts/plot/axis.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/axis.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@
 ## The following options control the aspect ratio of the axes.
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "square"
+## @item @qcode{"square"}
 ## Force a square aspect ratio.
-## @item "equal"
+## @item @qcode{"equal"}
 ## Force x distance to equal y-distance.
-## @item "normal"
+## @item @qcode{"normal"}
 ## Restore default aspect ratio.
 ## @end table
@@ -74,39 +74,39 @@
 ## The following options control the way axis limits are interpreted.
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "auto"
+## @item @qcode{"auto"}
 ## Set the specified axes to have nice limits around the data
 ## or all if no axes are specified.
-## @item "manual"
+## @item @qcode{"manual"}
 ## Fix the current axes limits.
-## @item "tight"
+## @item @qcode{"tight"}
 ## Fix axes to the limits of the data.
-## @item "image"
-## Equivalent to "tight" and "equal".
+## @item @qcode{"image"}
+## Equivalent to @qcode{"tight"} and @qcode{"equal"}.
 ## @end table
 ## @noindent
 ## The following options affect the appearance of tic marks.
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "on"
+## @item @qcode{"on"}
 ## Turn tic marks and labels on for all axes.
-## @item "off"
+## @item @qcode{"off"}
 ## Turn tic marks off for all axes.
-## @item "tic[xyz]"
+## @item @qcode{"tic[xyz]"}
 ## Turn tic marks on for all axes, or turn them on for the
 ## specified axes and off for the remainder.
-## @item "label[xyz]"
+## @item @qcode{"label[xyz]"}
 ## Turn tic labels on for all axes, or turn them on for the
 ## specified axes and off for the remainder.
-## @item "nolabel"
+## @item @qcode{"nolabel"}
 ## Turn tic labels off for all axes.
 ## @end table
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 ## The following options affect the direction of increasing values on the axes.
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "ij"
+## @item @qcode{"ij"}
 ## Reverse y-axis, so lower values are nearer the top.
-## @item "xy"
+## @item @qcode{"xy"}
 ## Restore y-axis, so higher values are nearer the top.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/plot/bar.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/bar.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
 ## If @var{y} is a matrix, then each column of @var{y} is taken to be a
 ## separate bar graph plotted on the same graph.  By default the columns
 ## are plotted side-by-side.  This behavior can be changed by the @var{style}
-## argument, which can take the values @code{"grouped"} (the default),
-## or @code{"stacked"}.
+## argument, which can take the values @qcode{"grouped"} (the default),
+## or @qcode{"stacked"}.
 ## Optional property/value pairs are passed directly to the underlying patch
 ## objects.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## will change the colors used for the bars.  The color of bars can also be set
-## manually using the "facecolor" property as shown below.
+## manually using the @qcode{"facecolor"} property as shown below.
 ## @example
 ## @group
--- a/scripts/plot/barh.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/barh.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
 ## If @var{y} is a matrix, then each column of @var{y} is taken to be a
 ## separate bar graph plotted on the same graph.  By default the columns
 ## are plotted side-by-side.  This behavior can be changed by the @var{style}
-## argument, which can take the values @code{"grouped"} (the default),
-## or @code{"stacked"}.
+## argument, which can take the values @qcode{"grouped"} (the default),
+## or @qcode{"stacked"}.
 ## Optional property/value pairs are passed directly to the underlying patch
 ## objects.
--- a/scripts/plot/box.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/box.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} box (@var{hax}, @dots{})
 ## Control display of the axis border.
-## The argument may be either "on" or "off".  If it is omitted, the current
-## box state is toggled.
+## The argument may be either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"}.  If it is
+## omitted, the current box state is toggled.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then operate on
 ## this axis rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
--- a/scripts/plot/caxis.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/caxis.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -29,8 +29,9 @@
 ## colormap.  Values outside this range are clamped to the first and last
 ## colormap entries.
-## If @var{limits} is "auto", then automatic colormap scaling is applied,
-## whereas if @var{limits} is "manual" the colormap scaling is set to manual.
+## If @var{limits} is @qcode{"auto"}, then automatic colormap scaling is
+## applied, whereas if @var{limits} is @qcode{"manual"} the colormap scaling
+## is set to manual.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then operate on
 ## this axis rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
--- a/scripts/plot/cla.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/cla.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
 ## Clear the current axes.
 ## @code{cla} operates by deleting child graphic objects with visible
-## handles (HandleVisibility = "on").
+## handles (HandleVisibility = @qcode{"on"}).
-## If the optional argument "reset" is specified, delete all child objects
-## including those with hidden handles and reset all axis properties to
-## their defaults.  However, the following properties are not reset:
+## If the optional argument @qcode{"reset"} is specified, delete all child
+## objects including those with hidden handles and reset all axis properties
+## to their defaults.  However, the following properties are not reset:
 ## Position, Units.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then operate on
--- a/scripts/plot/clabel.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/clabel.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -35,19 +35,19 @@
 ## this plot rather than the one in the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
 ## By default, all contours are labeled.  However, the contours to label can be
-## specified by the vector @var{v}.  If the "manual" argument is given then
-## the contours to label can be selected with the mouse.
+## specified by the vector @var{v}.  If the @qcode{"manual"} argument is
+## given then the contours to label can be selected with the mouse.
 ## Additional property/value pairs that are valid properties of text objects
 ## can be given and are passed to the underlying text objects.  Moreover,
-## the contour group property "LabelSpacing" is available which determines
-## the spacing between labels on a contour to be specified.  The default is
-## 144 points, or 2 inches.
+## the contour group property @qcode{"LabelSpacing"} is available which
+## determines the spacing between labels on a contour to be specified.  The
+## default is 144 points, or 2 inches.
 ## The optional return value @var{h} is a vector of graphics handles to
-## the text objects representing each label.  
-## The "userdata" property of the text objects contains the numerical value of
-## the contour label.
+## the text objects representing each label.
+## The @qcode{"userdata"} property of the text objects contains the numerical
+## value of the contour label.
 ## An example of the use of @code{clabel} is
--- a/scripts/plot/clf.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/clf.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
 ## Clear the current figure window.
 ## @code{clf} operates by deleting child graphics objects with visible
-## handles (HandleVisibility = "on").
+## handles (HandleVisibility = @qcode{"on"}).
-## If the optional argument "reset" is specified, delete all child objects
-## including those with hidden handles and reset all figure properties to
-## their defaults.  However, the following properties are not reset:
-## Position, Units, PaperPosition, PaperUnits.
+## If the optional argument @qcode{"reset"} is specified, delete all child
+## objects including those with hidden handles and reset all figure
+## properties to their defaults.  However, the following properties are not
+## reset: Position, Units, PaperPosition, PaperUnits.
 ## If the first argument @var{hfig} is a figure handle, then operate on
 ## this figure rather than the current figure returned by @code{gcf}.
--- a/scripts/plot/close.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/close.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,18 +24,18 @@
 ## Close figure window(s).
 ## @code{close} operates by calling the function specified by the
-## "closerequestfcn" property for each figure.  By default, the function
+## @qcode{"closerequestfcn"} property for each figure.  By default, the function
 ## @code{closereq} is used.
 ## When called with no arguments, close the current figure.  This is equivalent
 ## to @code{close (gcf)}.  If the input @var{h} is a graphic handle, or vector
 ## of graphics handles, then close each figure in @var{h}.
-## If the argument "all" is given then all figures with visible handles
-## (HandleVisibility = "on") are closed.
+## If the argument @qcode{"all"} is given then all figures with visible handles
+## (HandleVisibility = @qcode{"on"}) are closed.
-## If the argument "all hidden" is given then all figures, including hidden
-## ones, are closed.
+## If the argument @qcode{"all hidden"} is given then all figures, including
+## hidden ones, are closed.
 ## Implementation Note: @code{close} calls a function to dispose of the figure.
 ## It is possible that the function will delay or abort removing the figure.
--- a/scripts/plot/colorbar.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/colorbar.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -35,36 +35,36 @@
 ## Valid values for @var{loc} are
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "EastOutside"
+## @item @qcode{"EastOutside"}
 ## Place the colorbar outside the plot to the right.  This is the default.
-## @item "East"
+## @item @qcode{"East"}
 ## Place the colorbar inside the plot to the right.
-## @item "WestOutside"
+## @item @qcode{"WestOutside"}
 ## Place the colorbar outside the plot to the left.
-## @item "West"
+## @item @qcode{"West"}
 ## Place the colorbar inside the plot to the left.
-## @item "NorthOutside"
+## @item @qcode{"NorthOutside"}
 ## Place the colorbar above the plot.
-## @item "North"
+## @item @qcode{"North"}
 ## Place the colorbar at the top of the plot.
-## @item "SouthOutside"
+## @item @qcode{"SouthOutside"}
 ## Place the colorbar under the plot.
-## @item "South"
+## @item @qcode{"South"}
 ## Place the colorbar at the bottom of the plot.
 ## @end table
 ## To remove a colorbar from a plot use any one of the following keywords for
-## the @var{delete_option}: "delete", "hide", "off".
+## the @var{delete_option}: @qcode{"delete"}, @qcode{"hide"}, @qcode{"off"}.
-## If the argument "peer" is given, then the following argument is treated
-## as the axes handle in which to add the colorbar.  Alternatively, 
+## If the argument @qcode{"peer"} is given, then the following argument is
+## treated as the axes handle in which to add the colorbar.  Alternatively,
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then the colorbar is
 ## added to this axis, rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@
 ## colorbar object.
 ## Implementation Note: A colorbar is created as an additional axes to the
-## current figure with the "tag" property set to "colorbar".  The created
-## axes object has the extra property "location" which controls the positioning
-## of the colorbar.
+## current figure with the @qcode{"tag"} property set to @qcode{"colorbar"}. 
+## The created axes object has the extra property @qcode{"location"} which
+## controls the positioning of the colorbar.
 ## @seealso{colormap}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/daspect.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/daspect.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
 ## @code{(daspect (@var{mode}))}
 ## Set the data aspect ratio mode of the current axes.  @var{mode} is
-## either "auto" or "manual".
+## either @qcode{"auto"} or @qcode{"manual"}.
-## @code{daspect ("mode")}
+## @code{daspect (@qcode{"mode"})}
 ## Return the data aspect ratio mode of the current axes.
--- a/scripts/plot/ezmesh.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezmesh.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 ## @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to use in each dimension.
-## If the argument "circ" is given, then the function is plotted over a disk
-## centered on the middle of the domain @var{dom}.
+## If the argument @qcode{"circ"} is given, then the function is plotted over
+## a disk centered on the middle of the domain @var{dom}.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then plot into this axis,
 ## rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
--- a/scripts/plot/ezmeshc.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezmeshc.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 ## @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to use in each dimension.
-## If the argument "circ" is given, then the function is plotted over a disk
-## centered on the middle of the domain @var{dom}.
+## If the argument @qcode{"circ"} is given, then the function is plotted over
+## a disk centered on the middle of the domain @var{dom}.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then plot into this axis,
 ## rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
--- a/scripts/plot/ezsurf.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezsurf.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 ## @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to use in each dimension.
-## If the argument "circ" is given, then the function is plotted over a disk
-## centered on the middle of the domain @var{dom}.
+## If the argument @qcode{"circ"} is given, then the function is plotted over
+## a disk centered on the middle of the domain @var{dom}.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then plot into this axis,
 ## rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
--- a/scripts/plot/ezsurfc.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/ezsurfc.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 ## @var{n} is a scalar defining the number of points to use in each dimension.
-## If the argument "circ" is given, then the function is plotted over a disk
-## centered on the middle of the domain @var{dom}.
+## If the argument @qcode{"circ"} is given, then the function is plotted over
+## a disk centered on the middle of the domain @var{dom}.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then plot into this axis,
 ## rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
--- a/scripts/plot/findall.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/findall.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 ## The return value @var{h} is a list of handles to the found graphic objects.
 ## @code{findall} performs the same search as @code{findobj}, but it
-## includes hidden objects ("HandleVisibility" = "off").  For full
+## includes hidden objects (HandleVisibility = @qcode{"off"}).  For full
 ## documentation, @pxref{XREFfindobj,,findobj}.
 ## @seealso{findobj, allchild, get, set}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/findobj.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/findobj.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -43,30 +43,32 @@
 ## descendants, by passing a handle or set of handles @var{hlist} as the first
 ## argument.
-## The depth of the object hierarchy to search can be limited with the "-depth"
-## argument.  An example of searching only three generations of children is:
+## The depth of the object hierarchy to search can be limited with the
+## @qcode{"-depth"} argument.  An example of searching only three generations
+## of children is:
 ## @example
 ## findobj (@var{hlist}, "-depth", @var{d}, @var{prop_name}, @var{prop_value})
 ## @end example
 ## Specifying a depth @var{d} of 0, limits the search to the set of objects
-## passed in @var{hlist}.  A depth @var{d} of 0 is equivalent to the "flat"
-## argument.
+## passed in @var{hlist}.  A depth @var{d} of 0 is equivalent to the
+## @qcode{"flat"} argument.
 ## A specified logical operator may be applied to the pairs of @var{prop_name}
-## and @var{prop_value}.  The supported logical operators are: "-and", "-or",
-## "-xor", "-not".
+## and @var{prop_value}.  The supported logical operators are:
+## @qcode{"-and"}, @qcode{"-or"},
+## @qcode{"-xor"}, @qcode{"-not"}.
 ## Objects may also be matched by comparing a regular expression to the
 ## property values, where property values that match
 ## @code{regexp (@var{prop_value}, @var{pattern})} are returned.
 ## Finally, objects may be matched by property name only by using the
-## "-property" option.
+## @qcode{"-property"} option.
 ## Implementation Note: The search only includes objects with visible
-## handles ("HandleVisibility" = "on").  @xref{XREFfindall,,findall}, to
+## handles (HandleVisibility = @qcode{"on"}).  @xref{XREFfindall,,findall}, to
 ## search for all objects including hidden ones.
 ## @seealso{findall, allchild, get, set}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/gcbo.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/gcbo.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ## Return a handle to the object whose callback is currently executing.
 ## If no callback is executing, this function returns the empty matrix.  This
-## handle is obtained from the root object property "CallbackObject".
+## handle is obtained from the root object property @qcode{"CallbackObject"}.
 ## When called with a second output argument, return the handle of the figure
 ## containing the object whose callback is currently executing.  If no callback
--- a/scripts/plot/gcf.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/gcf.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 ## @noindent
 ## plots a sine wave, finds the handle of the current figure, and then
 ## makes that figure invisible.  Setting the visible property of the
-## figure to "on" will cause it to be displayed again.
+## figure to @qcode{"on"} will cause it to be displayed again.
 ## @seealso{gca, gco, gcbf, gcbo, get, set}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/gco.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/gco.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## to the current object of the figure with handle @var{fig}.
 ## The current object of a figure is the object that was last clicked on.  It
-## is stored in the "CurrentObject" property of the target figure.
+## is stored in the @qcode{"CurrentObject"} property of the target figure.
 ## If the last mouse click did not occur on any child object of the figure,
 ## then the current object is the figure itself.
--- a/scripts/plot/grid.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/grid.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} grid (@var{hax}, @dots{})
 ## Control the display of plot grid lines.
-## The function state input may be either "on" or "off".
+## The function state input may be either @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"}.
 ## If it is omitted, the current grid state is toggled.
-## When the first argument is "minor" all subsequent commands
+## When the first argument is @qcode{"minor"} all subsequent commands
 ## modify the minor grid rather than the major grid.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then operate on
--- a/scripts/plot/guihandles.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/guihandles.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {@var{hdata} =} guihandles (@var{handle})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{hdata} =} guihandles
 ## @seealso{guidata, getappdata, setappdata}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/hdl2struct.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/hdl2struct.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 ## Return a structure, @var{s}, whose fields describe the properties
 ## of the object, and its children, associated with the handle, @var{h}.
-## The fields of the structure @var{s} are "type", "handle", "properties",
-## "children", and "special".
+## The fields of the structure @var{s} are @qcode{"type"}, @qcode{"handle"},
+## @qcode{"properties"}, @qcode{"children"}, and @qcode{"special"}.
 ## @seealso{struct2hdl, findobj}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/hidden.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/hidden.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@
 ## Control mesh hidden line removal.
 ## When called with no argument the hidden line removal state is toggled.
-## When called with one of the modes "on" or "off" the state is set accordingly.
+## When called with one of the modes @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"} the state
+## is set accordingly.
 ## The optional output argument @var{mode} is the current state.
--- a/scripts/plot/hold.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/hold.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Command} {} hold off
 ## @deftypefnx {Command} {} hold all
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} hold (@var{hax}, @dots{})
-## Toggle or set the "hold" state of the plotting engine which determines
-## whether new graphic objects are added to the plot or replace the existing
-## objects.
+## Toggle or set the @qcode{"hold"} state of the plotting engine which
+## determines whether new graphic objects are added to the plot or replace
+## the existing objects.
 ## @table @code
 ## @item hold on
--- a/scripts/plot/isonormals.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/isonormals.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 ## vertices data @var{v} a patch handle @var{p} can be passed to this
 ## function.
-## If given the string input argument "negate" as last input argument
+## If given the string input argument @qcode{"negate"} as last input argument
 ## then compute the reverse vector normals of an isosurface geometry.
 ## If no output argument is given then directly redraw the patch that is
--- a/scripts/plot/isosurface.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/isosurface.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
 ## which are three--dimensional arrays with the same size than @var{val}
 ## then the volume data is taken at those given points.
-## The string input argument "noshare" is only for compatibility and
+## The string input argument @qcode{"noshare"} is only for compatibility and
 ## has no effect.  If given the string input argument
-## "verbose" then print messages to the command line interface about the
+## @qcode{"verbose"} then print messages to the command line interface about the
 ## current progress.
 ## If called with the input argument @var{col} which is a
--- a/scripts/plot/legend.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/legend.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -58,33 +58,33 @@
 ## The optional parameter @var{orient} determines if the key elements
 ## are placed vertically or horizontally.  The allowed values are
-## "vertical" (default) or "horizontal".
+## @qcode{"vertical"} (default) or @qcode{"horizontal"}.
 ## The following customizations are available using @var{option}:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "show"
+## @item @qcode{"show"}
 ##   Show legend on the plot
-## @item "hide"
+## @item @qcode{"hide"}
 ##   Hide legend on the plot
-## @item "toggle"
-##   Toggles between "hide" and "show"
+## @item @qcode{"toggle"}
+##   Toggles between @qcode{"hide"} and @qcode{"show"}
-## @item "boxon"
+## @item @qcode{"boxon"}
 ##   Show a box around legend
-## @item "boxoff"
+## @item @qcode{"boxoff"}
 ##   Hide the box around legend
-## @item "left"
+## @item @qcode{"left"}
 ##   Place label text to the left of the keys
-## @item "right"
+## @item @qcode{"right"}
 ##   Place label text to the right of the keys
-## @item "off"
+## @item @qcode{"off"}
 ##   Delete the legend object
 ## @end table
@@ -107,11 +107,12 @@
 ## The legend label text is either provided in the call to @code{legend} or
 ## is taken from the DisplayName property of graphics objects.  If no
 ## labels or DisplayNames are available, then the label text is simply
-## "data1", "data2", @dots{}, @nospell{"dataN"}.
+## @qcode{"data1"}, @qcode{"data2"}, @dots{}, @nospell{@qcode{"dataN"}}.
 ## Implementation Note: A legend is implemented as an additional axes object
-## of the current figure with the "tag" set to "legend".  Properties of the
-## legend object may be manipulated directly by using @code{set}.
+## of the current figure with the @qcode{"tag"} set to @qcode{"legend"}. 
+## Properties of the legend object may be manipulated directly by using
+## @code{set}.
 ## @end deftypefn
 function [hlegend2, hobjects2, hplot2, text_strings2] = legend (varargin)
--- a/scripts/plot/mesh.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/mesh.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ## given, then it is plotted over the meshgrid
 ## @code{@var{x} = 1:columns (@var{z}), @var{y} = 1:rows (@var{z})}.
 ## Thus, columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows
-## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.  
+## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.
 ## The color of the mesh is computed by linearly scaling the @var{Z} values
 ## to fit the range of the current colormap.  Use @code{caxis} and/or
--- a/scripts/plot/meshc.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/meshc.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ## given, then it is plotted over the meshgrid
 ## @code{@var{x} = 1:columns (@var{z}), @var{y} = 1:rows (@var{z})}.
 ## Thus, columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows
-## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.  
+## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.
 ## The color of the mesh is computed by linearly scaling the @var{Z} values
 ## to fit the range of the current colormap.  Use @code{caxis} and/or
--- a/scripts/plot/meshz.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/meshz.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ## given, then it is plotted over the meshgrid
 ## @code{@var{x} = 1:columns (@var{z}), @var{y} = 1:rows (@var{z})}.
 ## Thus, columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows
-## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.  
+## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.
 ## The color of the mesh is computed by linearly scaling the @var{Z} values
 ## to fit the range of the current colormap.  Use @code{caxis} and/or
--- a/scripts/plot/newplot.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/newplot.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,41 +25,41 @@
 ## This function is called at the beginning of all high-level plotting
 ## functions.  It is not normally required in user programs.  @code{newplot}
-## queries the "NextPlot" field of the current figure and axis to determine
-## what to do.
+## queries the @qcode{"NextPlot"} field of the current figure and axis to
+## determine what to do.
 ## @multitable @columnfractions .25 .75
 ## @headitem Figure NextPlot @tab Action
-## @item "new" @tab Create a new figure and make it the current figure.
+## @item @qcode{"new"} @tab Create a new figure and make it the current figure.
-## @item "add" (default) @tab Add new graphic objects to the current figure.
+## @item @qcode{"add"} (default) @tab Add new graphic objects to the current figure.
-## @item "replacechildren" @tab Delete child objects whose HandleVisibility is
-## set to "on".  Set NextPlot property to "add".  This typically clears a
-## figure, but leaves in place hidden objects such as menubars.  This is
-## equivalent to @code{clf}.
+## @item @qcode{"replacechildren"} @tab Delete child objects whose HandleVisibility is
+## set to @qcode{"on"}.  Set NextPlot property to @qcode{"add"}.  This
+## typically clears a figure, but leaves in place hidden objects such as
+## menubars.  This is equivalent to @code{clf}.
-## @item "replace" @tab Delete all child objects of the figure and reset all
-## figure properties to their defaults.  However, the following four properties
-## are not reset: Position, Units, PaperPosition, PaperUnits.  This is
-## equivalent to @code{clf reset}.
-## @end multitable    
+## @item @qcode{"replace"} @tab Delete all child objects of the figure and
+## reset all figure properties to their defaults.  However, the following
+## four properties are not reset: Position, Units, PaperPosition, PaperUnits.
+##  This is equivalent to @code{clf reset}.
+## @end multitable
 ## @multitable @columnfractions .25 .75
 ## @headitem Axis NextPlot @tab Action
-## @item "add" @tab Add new graphic objects to the current axes.  This is
+## @item @qcode{"add"} @tab Add new graphic objects to the current axes.  This is
 ## equivalent to @code{hold on}.
-## @item "replacechildren" @tab Delete child objects whose HandleVisibility is
-## set to "on", but leave axis properties unmodified.  This typically clears a
-## plot, but preserves special settings such as log scaling for axes.
-## This is equivalent to @code{cla}.
+## @item @qcode{"replacechildren"} @tab Delete child objects whose HandleVisibility is
+## set to @qcode{"on"}, but leave axis properties unmodified.  This typically
+## clears a plot, but preserves special settings such as log scaling for
+## axes.  This is equivalent to @code{cla}.
-## @item "replace" (default) @tab Delete all child objects of the axis and
-## reset all axis properties to their defaults.  However, the following
-## properties are not reset: Position, Units.  This is equivalent to
-## @code{cla reset}.
-## @end multitable    
+## @item @qcode{"replace"} (default) @tab Delete all child objects of the
+## axis and reset all axis properties to their defaults.  However, the
+## following properties are not reset: Position, Units.  This is equivalent
+## to @code{cla reset}.
+## @end multitable
 ## If the optional input @var{hfig} or @var{hax} is given then prepare the
 ## specified figure or axes rather than the current figure and axes.
--- a/scripts/plot/orient.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/orient.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -23,9 +23,10 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{orientation} =} orient (@var{hfig})
 ## Query or set the default print orientation.
-## Valid values for @var{orientation} are "landscape", "portrait", and "tall".
+## Valid values for @var{orientation} are @qcode{"landscape"},
+## @qcode{"portrait"}, and @qcode{"tall"}.
-## The "tall" option sets the orientation to portrait and fills
+## The @qcode{"tall"} option sets the orientation to portrait and fills
 ## the page with the plot, while leaving a 0.25 inch border.
 ## When called with no arguments, return the default print orientation.
--- a/scripts/plot/pareto.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/pareto.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 ## Draw a Pareto chart.
 ## A Pareto chart is a bar graph that arranges information in such a way
-## that priorities for process improvement can be established;  It organizes
+## that priorities for process improvement can be established; It organizes
 ## and displays information to show the relative importance of data.  The chart
 ## is similar to the histogram or bar chart, except that the bars are arranged
 ## in decreasing magnitude from left to right along the x-axis.
--- a/scripts/plot/patch.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/patch.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 ## input is present then 3-D patches will be created.
 ## The color argument @var{c} can take many forms.  To create polygons
-## which all share a single color use a string value (e.g., "r" for
+## which all share a single color use a string value (e.g., @qcode{"r"} for
 ## red), a scalar value which is scaled by @code{caxis} and indexed into the
 ## current colormap, or a 3-element RGB vector with the precise TrueColor.
@@ -45,16 +45,19 @@
 ## Instead of specifying polygons by matrices @var{x} and @var{y}, it is
 ## possible to present a unique list of vertices and then a list of polygon
-## faces created from those vertices.  In this case the "Vertices" matrix will
-## be an @nospell{Nx2} (2-D patch) or @nospell{Nx3} (3-D path).  The
-## @nospell{MxN} "Faces" matrix describes M polygons having N vertices---each
-## row describes a single polygon and each column entry is an index into the
-## "Vertices" matrix to identify a vertex.  The patch object can be created by
-## directly passing the property/value pairs "Vertices"/@var{verts},
-## "Faces"/@var{faces} as inputs.
+## faces created from those vertices.  In this case the
+## @qcode{"Vertices"} matrix will be an @nospell{Nx2} (2-D patch) or
+## @nospell{Nx3} (3-D path).  The @nospell{MxN} @qcode{"Faces"} matrix
+## describes M polygons having N vertices---each row describes a
+## single polygon and each column entry is an index into the
+## @qcode{"Vertices"} matrix to identify a vertex.  The patch object
+## can be created by directly passing the property/value pairs
+## @qcode{"Vertices"}/@var{verts}, @qcode{"Faces"}/@var{faces} as
+## inputs.
 ## A third input form is to create a structure @var{fv} with the fields
-## "vertices", "faces", and optionally "facevertexcdata".
+## @qcode{"vertices"}, @qcode{"faces"}, and optionally
+## @qcode{"facevertexcdata"}.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then plot into this axis,
 ## rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
@@ -64,9 +67,8 @@
 ## Implementation Note: Patches are highly configurable objects.  To truly
 ## customize them requires setting patch properties directly.  Useful patch
-## properties are: "cdata", "edgecolor", "facecolor", "faces",
-## "facevertexcdata",
+## properties are: @qcode{"cdata"}, @qcode{"edgecolor"},
+## @qcode{"facecolor"}, @qcode{"faces"}, @qcode{"facevertexcdata"}.
 ## @seealso{fill, get, set}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/pbaspect.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/pbaspect.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ## @code{pbaspect(@var{mode})}
 ## Set the plot box aspect ratio mode of the current axes.  @var{mode} is
-## either "auto" or "manual".
+## either @qcode{"auto"} or @qcode{"manual"}.
 ## @code{pbaspect ("mode")}
--- a/scripts/plot/pcolor.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/pcolor.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
 ## @code{shading} modifies an attribute determining the manner by which the
 ## face color of each cell is interpolated from the values of @var{c},
 ## and the visibility of the cells' edges.  By default the attribute is
-## "faceted", which renders a single color for each cell's face with the edge
-## visible.
+## @qcode{"faceted"}, which renders a single color for each cell's face with
+## the edge visible.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then plot into this axis,
 ## rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
--- a/scripts/plot/plot.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/plot.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -93,8 +93,9 @@
 ## Multiple property-value pairs may be specified, but they must appear
 ## in pairs.  These arguments are applied to the line objects drawn by
-## @code{plot}.  Useful properties to modify are "linestyle", "linewidth",
-## "color", "marker", "markersize", "markeredgecolor", "markerfacecolor".
+## @code{plot}.  Useful properties to modify are @qcode{"linestyle"},
+## @qcode{"linewidth"}, @qcode{"color"}, @qcode{"marker"},
+## @qcode{"markersize"}, @qcode{"markeredgecolor"}, @qcode{"markerfacecolor"}.
 ## The @var{fmt} format argument can also be used to control the plot style.
 ## The format is composed of three parts: linestyle, markerstyle, color. 
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@
 ## only lines are drawn.  If both are specified then lines and markers will
 ## be plotted.  If no @var{fmt} and no @var{property}/@var{value} pairs are
 ## given, then the default plot style is solid lines with no markers and the
-## color determined by the "colororder" property of the current axes.
+## color determined by the @qcode{"colororder"} property of the current axes.
 ## Format arguments:
@@ -147,13 +148,13 @@
 ## @item @samp{w} @tab White
 ## @end multitable
-## @item ";key;"
-## Here "key" is the label to use for the plot legend.
+## @item @qcode{";key;"}
+## Here @qcode{"key"} is the label to use for the plot legend.
 ## @end table
 ## The @var{fmt} argument may also be used to assign legend keys.
 ## To do so, include the desired label between semicolons after the
-## formatting sequence described above, e.g., "+b;Key Title;".
+## formatting sequence described above, e.g., @qcode{"+b;Key Title;"}.
 ## Note that the last semicolon is required and Octave will generate
 ## an error if it is left out.
--- a/scripts/plot/print.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/print.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 ## @item -G@var{ghostscript_command}
 ##   Specify the command for calling Ghostscript.  For Unix and Windows
-## the defaults are 'gs' and 'gswin32c', respectively.
+## the defaults are @qcode{"gs"} and @qcode{"gswin32c"}, respectively.
 ## @item  -color
 ## @itemx -mono
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@
 ## @itemx -landscape
 ##   Specify the orientation of the plot for printed output.  For
 ## non-printed output the aspect ratio of the output corresponds to
-## the plot area defined by the "paperposition" property in the
+## the plot area defined by the @qcode{"paperposition"} property in the
 ## orientation specified.  This option is equivalent to changing
-## the figure's "paperorientation" property.
+## the figure's @qcode{"paperorientation"} property.
 ## @item  -TextAlphaBits=@var{n}
 ## @itemx -GraphicsAlphaBits=@var{n}
@@ -204,9 +204,9 @@
 ## and devices are available.
 ##   When Ghostscript output is sent to a printer the size is determined
-## by the figure's "papersize" property.  When the output
+## by the figure's @qcode{"papersize"} property.  When the output
 ## is sent to a file the size is determined by the plot box defined by
-## the figure's "paperposition" property.
+## the figure's @qcode{"paperposition"} property.
 ## @item -append
 ##   Append PostScript or PDF output to a pre-existing file of the same type.
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
 ## @item -r@var{NUM}
 ##   Resolution of bitmaps in pixels per inch.  For both metafiles and
 ## SVG the default is the screen resolution; for other formats it is 150 dpi.
-## To specify screen resolution, use "-r0".
+## To specify screen resolution, use @qcode{"-r0"}.
 ## @item  -loose
 ## @itemx -tight
@@ -241,9 +241,9 @@
 ##   Plot size in pixels for EMF, GIF, JPEG, PBM, PNG, and SVG@.  For
 ## PS, EPS, PDF, and other vector formats the plot size is in points.
 ## This option is equivalent to changing the size of the plot box
-## associated with the "paperposition" property.  When using the command form
-## of the print function you must quote the @var{xsize},@var{ysize}
-## option.  For example, by writing @w{"-S640,480"}.
+## associated with the @qcode{"paperposition"} property.  When using the
+## command form of the print function you must quote the
+## @var{xsize},@var{ysize} option.  For example, by writing @w{"-S640,480"}.
 ## @item  -F@var{fontname}
 ## @itemx -F@var{fontname}:@var{size}
--- a/scripts/plot/private/__add_default_menu__.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/private/__add_default_menu__.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} __add_default_menu__ (@var{fig})
 ## Add default menu to figure.  All uimenu handles have
-## their "HandleVisibility" property set to "off".
+## their @qcode{"HandleVisibility"} property set to @qcode{"off"}.
 ## @end deftypefn
 ## Author: Kai Habel
--- a/scripts/plot/quiver.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/quiver.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 ## The style to use for the plot can be defined with a line style @var{style}
 ## of the same format as the @code{plot} command.
 ## If a marker is specified then markers at the grid points of the vectors are
-## drawn rather than arrows.  If the argument "filled" is given then the
+## drawn rather than arrows.  If the argument @qcode{"filled"} is given then the
 ## markers are filled.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then plot into this axis,
--- a/scripts/plot/quiver3.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/quiver3.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 ## The style to use for the plot can be defined with a line style @var{style}
 ## of the same format as the @code{plot} command.
 ## If a marker is specified then markers at the grid points of the vectors are
-## drawn rather than arrows.  If the argument "filled" is given then the
+## drawn rather than arrows.  If the argument @qcode{"filled"} is given then the
 ## markers are filled.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then plot into this axis,
--- a/scripts/plot/refreshdata.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/refreshdata.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
 ## The optional second argument @var{workspace} can take the following values:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "base"
+## @item @qcode{"base"}
 ## Evaluate the datasource properties in the base workspace.  (default).
-## @item "caller"
+## @item @qcode{"caller"}
 ## Evaluate the datasource properties in the workspace of the function
 ## that called @code{refreshdata}.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/plot/saveas.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/saveas.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 ## All device formats specified in @code{print} may also be used.  If
 ## @var{fmt} is omitted it is extracted from the extension of @var{filename}.
-## The default format is "pdf".
+## The default format is @qcode{"pdf"}.
 ## @example
 ## @group
--- a/scripts/plot/scatter.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/scatter.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
 ## The marker to use can be changed with the @var{style} argument, that is a
 ## string defining a marker in the same manner as the @code{plot} command.
-## If no marker is specified it defaults to 'o' or circles.
-## If the argument "filled" is given then the markers are filled.
+## If no marker is specified it defaults to @qcode{"o"} or circles.
+## If the argument @qcode{"filled"} is given then the markers are filled.
 ## Additional property/value pairs are passed directly to the underlying
 ## patch object.
--- a/scripts/plot/scatter3.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/scatter3.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
 ## The marker to use can be changed with the @var{style} argument, that is a
 ## string defining a marker in the same manner as the @code{plot} command.
-## If no marker is specified it defaults to 'o' or circles.
-## If the argument "filled" is given then the markers are filled.
+## If no marker is specified it defaults to @qcode{"o"} or circles.
+## If the argument @qcode{"filled"} is given then the markers are filled.
 ## Additional property/value pairs are passed directly to the underlying
 ## patch object.
--- a/scripts/plot/shading.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/shading.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
 ## Valid arguments for @var{type} are
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "flat"
+## @item @qcode{"flat"}
 ## Single colored patches with invisible edges.
-## @item "faceted"
+## @item @qcode{"faceted"}
 ## Single colored patches with visible edges.
-## @item "interp"
+## @item @qcode{"interp"}
 ## Color between patch vertices are interpolated and the patch edges are
 ## invisible.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/plot/shrinkfaces.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/shrinkfaces.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,17 +25,17 @@
 ## Reduce the faces area for a given patch, structure or explicit faces
 ## and points matrices by a scale factor @var{sf}.  The structure
-## @var{fv} must contain the fields 'faces' and 'vertices'.  If the
-## factor @var{sf} is omitted then a default of 0.3 is used.
+## @var{fv} must contain the fields @qcode{"faces"} and @qcode{"vertices"}. 
+## If the factor @var{sf} is omitted then a default of 0.3 is used.
 ## Given a patch handle as the first input argument and no output
 ## parameters, perform the shrinking of the patch faces in place and
 ## redraw the patch.
 ## If called with one output argument, return a structure with fields
-## 'faces', 'vertices', and 'facevertexcdata' containing the data after
-## shrinking which can then directly be used as an input argument for the
-## @command{patch} function.
+## @qcode{"faces"}, @qcode{"vertices"}, and @qcode{"facevertexcdata"}
+## containing the data after shrinking which can then directly be used as an
+## input argument for the @code{patch} function.
 ## Performing the shrinking on faces which are not convex can lead to
 ## undesired results.
--- a/scripts/plot/slice.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/slice.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
 ## Each element of the 3-dimensional array @var{v} represents a scalar value at
 ## a location given by the parameters @var{x}, @var{y}, and @var{z}.  The
 ## parameters @var{x}, @var{x}, and @var{z} are either 3-dimensional arrays of
-## the same size as the array @var{v} in the "meshgrid" format or vectors.  The
-## parameters @var{xi}, etc. respect a similar format to @var{x}, etc., and
-## they represent the points at which the array @var{vi} is interpolated using
-## interp3.  The vectors @var{sx}, @var{sy}, and @var{sz} contain points of
-## orthogonal slices of the respective axes.
+## the same size as the array @var{v} in the @qcode{"meshgrid"} format or
+## vectors.  The parameters @var{xi}, etc. respect a similar format to
+## @var{x}, etc., and they represent the points at which the array @var{vi}
+## is interpolated using interp3.  The vectors @var{sx}, @var{sy}, and
+## @var{sz} contain points of orthogonal slices of the respective axes.
 ## If @var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z} are omitted, they are assumed to be
 ## @code{x = 1:size (@var{v}, 2)}, @code{y = 1:size (@var{v}, 1)} and
@@ -42,21 +42,21 @@
 ## @var{method} is one of:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "nearest"
+## @item @qcode{"nearest"}
 ## Return the nearest neighbor.
-## @item "linear"
+## @item @qcode{"linear"}
 ## Linear interpolation from nearest neighbors.
-## @item "cubic"
+## @item @qcode{"cubic"}
 ## Cubic interpolation from four nearest neighbors (not implemented yet).
-## @item "spline"
+## @item @qcode{"spline"}
 ## Cubic spline interpolation---smooth first and second derivatives
 ## throughout the curve.
 ## @end table
-## The default method is "linear".
+## The default method is @qcode{"linear"}.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then plot into this axis,
 ## rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
--- a/scripts/plot/stem.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/stem.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
 ## the same length as the number of rows in @var{y}, or it can be a
 ## matrix of the same size as @var{y}.
-## The default color is @code{"b"} (blue), the default line style is
-## @code{"-"}, and the default marker is @code{"o"}.  The line style can
+## The default color is @qcode{"b"} (blue), the default line style is
+## @qcode{"-"}, and the default marker is @qcode{"o"}.  The line style can
 ## be altered by the @code{linespec} argument in the same manner as the
-## @code{plot} command.  If the "filled" argument is present the markers at
-## the top of the stems will be filled in.  For example,
+## @code{plot} command.  If the @qcode{"filled"} argument is present the
+## markers at the top of the stems will be filled in.  For example,
 ## @example
 ## @group
--- a/scripts/plot/stem3.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/stem3.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
 ## Plot a 3-D stem graph.
 ## Stems are drawn from the height @var{z} to the location in the x-y plane
-## determined by @var{x} and @var{y}.  The default color is @code{"b"} (blue),
-## the default line style is @code{"-"}, and the default marker is @code{"o"}.
+## determined by @var{x} and @var{y}.  The default color is @qcode{"b"} (blue),
+## the default line style is @qcode{"-"}, and the default marker is @qcode{"o"}.
 ## The line style can be altered by the @code{linespec} argument in the same
-## manner as the @code{plot} command.  If the "filled" argument is present
-## the markers at the top of the stems will be filled in.
+## manner as the @code{plot} command.  If the @qcode{"filled"} argument is
+## present the markers at the top of the stems will be filled in.
 ## Optional property/value pairs may be specified to control the appearance
 ## of the plot.
--- a/scripts/plot/struct2hdl.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/struct2hdl.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{h} =} struct2hdl (@var{s}, @var{p}, @var{hilev})
 ## Construct a graphics handle object @var{h} from the structure @var{s}.
-## The structure must contain the fields "handle", "type", "children",
-## "properties", and "special".  If the handle of an existing figure or axes
-## is specified, @var{p}, the new object will be created as a child of that
-## object.  If no parent handle is provided then a new figure and the necessary
-## children will be constructed using the default values from the root figure.
+## The structure must contain the fields @qcode{"handle"}, @qcode{"type"},
+## @qcode{"children"}, @qcode{"properties"}, and @qcode{"special"}.  If the
+## handle of an existing figure or axes is specified, @var{p}, the new object
+## will be created as a child of that object.  If no parent handle is provided
+## then a new figure and the necessary children will be constructed using the
+## default values from the root figure.
 ## A third boolean argument @var{hilev} can be passed to specify whether
 ## the function should preserve listeners/callbacks, e.g., for legends or
--- a/scripts/plot/subplot.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/subplot.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 ## demo ("subplot", 1)
 ## @end example
-## If the option "align" is given then the plot boxes of the subwindows
+## If the option @qcode{"align"} is given then the plot boxes of the subwindows
 ## will align, but this may leave no room for axis tick marks or labels.
 ## If the output @var{hax} is requested, subplot returns the axis handle for
--- a/scripts/plot/surf.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/surf.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ## given, then it is plotted over the meshgrid
 ## @code{@var{x} = 1:columns (@var{z}), @var{y} = 1:rows (@var{z})}.
 ## Thus, columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows
-## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.  
+## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.
 ## The color of the surface is computed by linearly scaling the @var{Z} values
 ## to fit the range of the current colormap.  Use @code{caxis} and/or
--- a/scripts/plot/surfc.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/surfc.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ## given, then it is plotted over the meshgrid
 ## @code{@var{x} = 1:columns (@var{z}), @var{y} = 1:rows (@var{z})}.
 ## Thus, columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows
-## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.  
+## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.
 ## The color of the surface is computed by linearly scaling the @var{Z} values
 ## to fit the range of the current colormap.  Use @code{caxis} and/or
--- a/scripts/plot/surfl.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/surfl.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
 ## given, then it is plotted over the meshgrid
 ## @code{@var{x} = 1:columns (@var{z}), @var{y} = 1:rows (@var{z})}.
 ## Thus, columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows
-## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.  
+## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.
-## The default lighting mode "cdata", changes the cdata property of the
+## The default lighting mode @qcode{"cdata"}, changes the cdata property of the
 ## surface object to give the impression of a lighted surface.
-## @strong{Warning:} The alternative mode "light" mode which creates a light
+## @strong{Warning:} The alternative mode @qcode{"light"} mode which creates a light
 ## object to illuminate the surface is not implemented (yet).
 ## The light source location can be specified using @var{L}.  It can be given
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@
 ## @var{p} = [0.55 0.6 0.4 10].
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "AM" strength of ambient light
+## @item @qcode{"AM"} strength of ambient light
-## @item "D" strength of diffuse reflection
+## @item @qcode{"D"} strength of diffuse reflection
-## @item "SP" strength of specular reflection
+## @item @qcode{"SP"} strength of specular reflection
-## @item "EXP" specular exponent
+## @item @qcode{"EXP"} specular exponent
 ## @end table
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then plot into this axis,
--- a/scripts/plot/tetramesh.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/tetramesh.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
 ## The optional return value @var{h} is a vector of patch handles where each
 ## handle represents one tetrahedron in the order given by @var{T}. 
-## A typical use case for @var{h} is to turn the respective patch "visible"
-## property "on" or "off".
+## A typical use case for @var{h} is to turn the respective patch
+## @qcode{"visible"} property @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"}.
 ## Type @code{demo tetramesh} to see examples on using @code{tetramesh}.
 ## @seealso{trimesh, delaunay3, delaunayn, patch}
--- a/scripts/plot/uigetfile.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/uigetfile.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@
 ## formats:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "/path/to/filename.ext"
+## @item @qcode{"/path/to/filename.ext"}
 ## If a filename is given then the file extension is extracted and used as
 ## filter.  In addition, the path is selected as current path and the filename
 ## is selected as default file.  Example: @code{uigetfile ("myfun.m")}
-## @item A single file extension "*.ext"
+## @item A single file extension @qcode{"*.ext"}
 ## Example: @code{uigetfile ("*.ext")}
 ## @item A 2-column cell array
@@ -54,10 +54,11 @@
 ## If @var{default_file} is given then it will be selected in the GUI dialog.
 ## If, in addition, a path is given it is also used as current path.
-## The screen position of the GUI dialog can be set using the "Position" key
-## and a 2-element vector containing the pixel coordinates.
-## Two or more files can be selected when setting the "MultiSelect" key to "on".
-## In that case @var{fname} is a cell array containing the files.
+## The screen position of the GUI dialog can be set using the
+## @qcode{"Position"} key and a 2-element vector containing the pixel
+## coordinates.  Two or more files can be selected when setting the
+## @qcode{"MultiSelect"} key to @qcode{"on"}.  In that case @var{fname} is a
+## cell array containing the files.
 ## @seealso{uiputfile, uigetdir}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/plot/uimenu.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/uimenu.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -19,44 +19,45 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} uimenu (@var{property}, @var{value}, @dots{})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} uimenu (@var{h}, @var{property}, @var{value}, @dots{})
-## Create a uimenu object and return a handle to it.  If @var{h} is ommited
+## Create a uimenu object and return a handle to it.  If @var{h} is omitted
 ## then a top-level menu for the current figure is created.  If @var{h}
 ## is given then a submenu relative to @var{h} is created.
 ## uimenu objects have the following specific properties:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "accelerator"
+## @item @qcode{"accelerator"}
 ## A string containing the key combination together with CTRL to execute this
-## menu entry (e.g., "x" for CTRL+x).
+## menu entry (e.g., @qcode{"x"} for CTRL+x).
-## @item "callback"
+## @item @qcode{"callback"}
 ## Is the function called when this menu entry is executed.  It can be either a
-## function string (e.g., "myfun"), a function handle (e.g., @@myfun) or a cell
-## array containing the function handle and arguments for the callback
-## function (e.g., @{@@myfun, arg1, arg2@}).
+## function string (e.g., @qcode{"myfun"}), a function handle (e.g., @@myfun)
+## or a cell array containing the function handle and arguments for the
+## callback function (e.g., @{@@myfun, arg1, arg2@}).
-## @item "checked"
-## Can be set "on" or "off".  Sets a mark at this menu entry.
+## @item @qcode{"checked"}
+## Can be set @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"}.  Sets a mark at this menu entry.
-## @item "enable"
-## Can be set "on" or "off".  If disabled the menu entry cannot be selected
-## and it is grayed out.
+## @item @qcode{"enable"}
+## Can be set @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"}.  If disabled the menu entry
+## cannot be selected and it is grayed out.
-## @item "foregroundcolor"
+## @item @qcode{"foregroundcolor"}
 ## A color value setting the text color for this menu entry.
-## @item "label"
-## A string containing the label for this menu entry.  A "&"-symbol can be
-## used to mark the "accelerator" character (e.g., @nospell{"E&xit"})
+## @item @qcode{"label"}
+## A string containing the label for this menu entry.  A @qcode{"&"}-symbol
+## can be used to mark the @qcode{"accelerator"} character (e.g.,
+## @nospell{@qcode{"E&xit"}})
-## @item "position"
+## @item @qcode{"position"}
 ## An scalar value containing the relative menu position.  The entry with the
 ## lowest value is at the first position starting from left or top.
-## @item "separator"
-## Can be set "on" or "off".  If enabled it draws a separator line above the
-## current position.  It is ignored for top level entries.
+## @item @qcode{"separator"}
+## Can be set @qcode{"on"} or @qcode{"off"}.  If enabled it draws a separator
+## line above the current position.  It is ignored for top level entries.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/plot/uiputfile.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/uiputfile.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,27 +24,27 @@
 ## Open a GUI dialog for selecting a file.  @var{flt} contains a (list of) file
 ## filter string(s) in one of the following formats:
-## @table @code
-## @item "/path/to/filename.ext"
-## If a filename is given the file extension is
-## extracted and used as filter.
-## In addition the path is selected as current path and the filename is selected
-## as default file.
-## Example: uiputfile ("myfun.m");
+## @table @asis
+## @item @qcode{"/path/to/filename.ext"}
+## If a filename is given the file extension is extracted and used as filter.
+## In addition the path is selected as current path and the filename is
+## selected as default file.  Example: @code{uiputfile ("myfun.m")}
-## @item "*.ext"
+## @item @qcode{"*.ext"}
 ## A single file extension.
-## Example: uiputfile ("*.ext");
+## Example: @code{uiputfile ("*.ext")}
-## @item @{"*.ext","My Description"@}
+## @item @code{@{"*.ext", "My Description"@}}
 ## A 2-column cell array containing the file extension in the 1st column and
 ## a brief description in the 2nd column.
-## Example: uiputfile (@{"*.ext","My Description";"*.xyz","XYZ-Format"@});
+## Example: @code{uiputfile (@{"*.ext","My Description";"*.xyz",
+## "XYZ-Format"@})}
 ## @end table
 ## The filter string can also contain a semicolon separated list of filter
 ## extensions.
-## Example: uiputfile (@{"*.gif;*.png;*.jpg", "Supported Picture Formats"@});
+## Example: @code{uiputfile (@{"*.gif;*.png;*.jpg",
+## "Supported Picture Formats"@})}
 ## @var{dialog_name} can be used to customize the dialog title.
 ## If @var{default_file} is given it is preselected in the GUI dialog.
--- a/scripts/plot/waterfall.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/waterfall.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 ## given, then it is plotted over the meshgrid
 ## @code{@var{x} = 1:columns (@var{z}), @var{y} = 1:rows (@var{z})}.
 ## Thus, columns of @var{z} correspond to different @var{x} values and rows
-## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.  
+## of @var{z} correspond to different @var{y} values.
 ## The color of the mesh is computed by linearly scaling the @var{Z} values
 ## to fit the range of the current colormap.  Use @code{caxis} and/or
--- a/scripts/plot/whitebg.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/whitebg.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 ## If the optional argument @var{color} is present then the background color
 ## is set to @var{color} rather than inverted.  @var{color} may be a string
 ## representing one of the eight known colors or an RGB triplet.  The special
-## string argument "none" restores the plot to the default colors.
+## string argument @qcode{"none"} restores the plot to the default colors.
 ## If the first argument @var{hfig} is a figure handle, then operate on
 ## this figure rather than the current figure returned by @code{gcf}.  The
--- a/scripts/plot/xlim.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/xlim.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -26,14 +26,15 @@
 ## Query or set the limits of the x-axis of the current plot.
 ## Called without arguments @code{xlim} returns the x-axis limits of the
-## current plot.  With the input query "mode", return the current x-limit
-## calculation mode which is either "auto" or "manual".
+## current plot.  With the input query @qcode{"mode"}, return the current
+## x-limit calculation mode which is either @qcode{"auto"} or
+## @qcode{"manual"}.
 ## If passed a 2-element vector [@var{x_lo} @var{x_hi}], the limits of the
 ## x-axis are set to these values.
-## The current plotting mode can be set by passing either "auto" or "manual" as
-## the argument.
+## The current plotting mode can be set by passing either @qcode{"auto"} or
+## @qcode{"manual"} as the argument.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then operate on
 ## this axis rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
--- a/scripts/plot/ylim.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/ylim.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -26,14 +26,15 @@
 ## Query or set the limits of the y-axis of the current plot.
 ## Called without arguments @code{ylim} returns the y-axis limits of the
-## current plot.  With the input query "mode", return the current y-limit
-## calculation mode which is either "auto" or "manual".
+## current plot.  With the input query @qcode{"mode"}, return the current
+## y-limit calculation mode which is either @qcode{"auto"} or
+## @qcode{"manual"}.
 ## If passed a 2-element vector [@var{y_lo} @var{y_hi}], the limits of the
 ## y-axis are set to these values.
-## The current plotting mode can be set by passing either "auto" or "manual" as
-## the argument.
+## The current plotting mode can be set by passing either @qcode{"auto"} or
+## @qcode{"manual"} as the argument.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then operate on
 ## this axis rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
--- a/scripts/plot/zlim.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/plot/zlim.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -26,14 +26,15 @@
 ## Query or set the limits of the z-axis of the current plot.
 ## Called without arguments @code{zlim} returns the z-axis limits of the
-## current plot.  With the input query "mode", return the current z-limit
-## calculation mode which is either "auto" or "manual".
+## current plot.  With the input query @qcode{"mode"}, return the current
+## z-limit calculation mode which is either @qcode{"auto"} or
+## @qcode{"manual"}.
 ## If passed a 2-element vector [@var{z_lo} @var{z_hi}], the limits of the
 ## z-axis are set to these values.
-## The current plotting mode can be set by passing either "auto" or "manual" as
-## the argument.
+## The current plotting mode can be set by passing either @qcode{"auto"} or
+## @qcode{"manual"} as the argument.
 ## If the first argument @var{hax} is an axes handle, then operate on
 ## this axis rather than the current axes returned by @code{gca}.
--- a/scripts/polynomial/conv.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/conv.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
 ## The optional @var{shape} argument may be
 ## @table @asis
-## @item @var{shape} = "full"
+## @item @var{shape} = @qcode{"full"}
 ## Return the full convolution.  (default)
-## @item @var{shape} = "same"
+## @item @var{shape} = @qcode{"same"}
 ## Return the central part of the convolution with the same size as @var{a}.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/polynomial/polyout.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/polyout.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ## @end ifnottex
 ## and return it as a string or write it to the screen (if @var{nargout} is
-## zero).  @var{x} defaults to the string @code{"s"}.
+## zero).  @var{x} defaults to the string @qcode{"s"}.
 ## @seealso{polyreduce}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/polynomial/splinefit.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/polynomial/splinefit.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -59,18 +59,18 @@
 ## the degrees of freedom are reduced to P.
 ## The optional property, @var{constaints}, is a structure specifying
-## linear constraints on the fit.  The structure has three fields, "xc",
-## "yc", and "cc".
+## linear constraints on the fit.  The structure has three fields, @qcode{"xc"},
+## @qcode{"yc"}, and @qcode{"cc"}.
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "xc"
+## @item @qcode{"xc"}
 ## Vector of the x-locations of the constraints.
-## @item "yc"
+## @item @qcode{"yc"}
 ## Constraining values at the locations @var{xc}.
 ## The default is an array of zeros.
-## @item "cc"
+## @item @qcode{"cc"}
 ## Coefficients (matrix).  The default is an array of ones.  The number of
 ## rows is limited to the order of the piecewise polynomials, @var{order}.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/set/ismember.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/set/ismember.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## With the optional third argument @code{"rows"}, and matrices
+## With the optional third argument @qcode{"rows"}, and matrices
 ## @var{A} and @var{s} with the same number of columns, compare rows in
 ## @var{A} with the rows in @var{s}.
--- a/scripts/set/powerset.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/set/powerset.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## The set @var{a} must be a numerical matrix or a cell array of strings.  The
 ## output will always be a cell array of either vectors or strings.
-## With the optional second argument @code{"rows"}, each row of the set @var{a}
+## With the optional second argument @qcode{"rows"}, each row of the set @var{a}
 ## is considered one element of the set.  As a result, @var{a} must then be a
 ## numerical 2-D matrix.
--- a/scripts/set/setdiff.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/set/setdiff.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ## return a column vector, otherwise return a row vector.
 ## @var{a}, @var{b} may be cell arrays of string(s).
-## Given the optional third argument @samp{"rows"}, return the rows in
+## Given the optional third argument @qcode{"rows"}, return the rows in
 ## @var{a} that are not in @var{b}, sorted in ascending order by rows.
 ## If requested, return @var{i} such that @code{c = a(i)}.
--- a/scripts/set/union.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/set/union.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## If the optional third input argument is the string "rows" then each row of
-## the matrices @var{a} and @var{b} will be considered as a single set element.
-## For example:
+## If the optional third input argument is the string @qcode{"rows"} then
+## each row of the matrices @var{a} and @var{b} will be considered as a
+## single set element.  For example:
 ## @example
 ## @group
--- a/scripts/set/unique.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/set/unique.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -29,16 +29,16 @@
 ## output is always a column vector.  @var{x} may also be a cell array of
 ## strings.
-## If the optional argument @code{"rows"} is supplied, return the unique
+## If the optional argument @qcode{"rows"} is supplied, return the unique
 ## rows of @var{x}, sorted in ascending order.
 ## If requested, return index vectors @var{i} and @var{j} such that
 ## @code{x(i)==y} and @code{y(j)==x}.
-## Additionally, if @var{i} is a requested output then one of @code{"first"} or
-## @code{"last"} may be given as an input.  If @code{"last"} is specified,
-## return the highest possible indices in @var{i}, otherwise, if @code{"first"}
-## is specified, return the lowest.  The default is @code{"last"}.
+## Additionally, if @var{i} is a requested output then one of @qcode{"first"} or
+## @qcode{"last"} may be given as an input.  If @qcode{"last"} is specified,
+## return the highest possible indices in @var{i}, otherwise, if @qcode{"first"}
+## is specified, return the lowest.  The default is @qcode{"last"}.
 ## @seealso{union, intersect, setdiff, setxor, ismember}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/signal/detrend.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/signal/detrend.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -28,8 +28,9 @@
 ## is assumed.  This corresponds to removing a linear trend.
 ## The order of the polynomial can also be given as a string, in which case
-## @var{p} must be either @t{"constant"} (corresponds to @code{@var{p}=0}) or
-## @t{"linear"} (corresponds to @code{@var{p}=1}).
+## @var{p} must be either @qcode{"constant"} (corresponds to
+## @code{@var{p}=0}) or
+## @qcode{"linear"} (corresponds to @code{@var{p}=1}).
 ## @seealso{polyfit}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/signal/filter2.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/signal/filter2.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
 ## Possible values are:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "full"
+## @item @qcode{"full"}
 ## pad @var{x} with zeros on all sides before filtering.
-## @item "same"
+## @item @qcode{"same"}
 ## unpadded @var{x} (default)
-## @item "valid"
+## @item @qcode{"valid"}
 ## trim @var{x} after filtering so edge effects are no included.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/signal/freqz.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/signal/freqz.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
 ## For fastest computation, @var{n} should factor into a small number of
 ## small primes.
-## If the fourth argument, "whole", is omitted the response is evaluated at
-## frequencies between 0 and
+## If the fourth argument, @qcode{"whole"}, is omitted the response is
+## evaluated at frequencies between 0 and
 ## @ifnottex
 ##  pi.
 ## @end ifnottex
--- a/scripts/signal/periodogram.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/signal/periodogram.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 ## @itemize
 ## @item x: data; if real-valued a one-sided spectrum is estimated,
-## if complex-valued or range indicates "@nospell{twosided}", the full
+## if complex-valued or range indicates @qcode{"@nospell{twosided}"}, the full
 ## spectrum is estimated.
 ## @item win: weight data with window, x.*win is used for further computation,
@@ -44,9 +44,10 @@
 ## @item Fs: sampling rate, default 1.
-## @item range: "@nospell{onesided}" computes spectrum from [0..nfft/2+1].
-## "@nospell{twosided}" computes spectrum from [0..nfft-1].  These strings
-## can appear at any position in the list input arguments after window.
+## @item range: @qcode{"@nospell{onesided}"} computes spectrum from [0..nfft/2+1].
+## @qcode{"@nospell{twosided}"} computes spectrum from [0..nfft-1].  These
+## strings can appear at any position in the list input arguments after
+## window.
 ## @item @nospell{Pxx}: one-, or two-sided power spectrum.
--- a/scripts/signal/spectral_adf.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/signal/spectral_adf.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## autocovariances @var{c}, window name @var{win}, and bandwidth,
 ## @var{b}.
-## The window name, e.g., @code{"triangle"} or @code{"rectangle"} is
+## The window name, e.g., @qcode{"triangle"} or @qcode{"rectangle"} is
 ## used to search for a function called @code{@var{win}_lw}.
 ## If @var{win} is omitted, the triangle window is used.  If @var{b} is
--- a/scripts/signal/spectral_xdf.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/signal/spectral_xdf.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## Return the spectral density estimator given a data vector @var{x},
 ## window name @var{win}, and bandwidth, @var{b}.
-## The window name, e.g., @code{"triangle"} or @code{"rectangle"} is
+## The window name, e.g., @qcode{"triangle"} or @qcode{"rectangle"} is
 ## used to search for a function called @code{@var{win}_sw}.
 ## If @var{win} is omitted, the triangle window is used.  If @var{b} is
--- a/scripts/sparse/eigs.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/sparse/eigs.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -70,32 +70,32 @@
 ## @var{sigma} is a string, it must have one of the following values.
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "lm"
+## @item @qcode{"lm"}
 ## Largest Magnitude (default).
-## @item "sm"
+## @item @qcode{"sm"}
 ## Smallest Magnitude.
-## @item "la"
+## @item @qcode{"la"}
 ## Largest Algebraic (valid only for real symmetric problems).
-## @item "sa"
+## @item @qcode{"sa"}
 ## Smallest Algebraic (valid only for real symmetric problems).
-## @item "be"
+## @item @qcode{"be"}
 ## Both Ends, with one more from the high-end if @var{k} is odd (valid only for
 ## real symmetric problems).
-## @item "lr"
+## @item @qcode{"lr"}
 ## Largest Real part (valid only for complex or unsymmetric problems).
-## @item "sr"
+## @item @qcode{"sr"}
 ## Smallest Real part (valid only for complex or unsymmetric problems).
-## @item "li"
+## @item @qcode{"li"}
 ## Largest Imaginary part (valid only for complex or unsymmetric problems).
-## @item "si"
+## @item @qcode{"si"}
 ## Smallest Imaginary part (valid only for complex or unsymmetric problems).
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/sparse/svds.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/sparse/svds.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@
 ## and defaults to 6.
 ## The argument @var{sigma} specifies which singular values to find.  When
-## @var{sigma} is the string 'L', the default, the largest singular values of
-## @var{A} are found.  Otherwise, @var{sigma} must be a real scalar and the
-## singular values closest to @var{sigma} are found.  As a corollary,
+## @var{sigma} is the string @qcode{'L'}, the default, the largest singular
+## values of @var{A} are found.  Otherwise, @var{sigma} must be a real scalar
+## and the singular values closest to @var{sigma} are found.  As a corollary,
 ## @code{@var{sigma} = 0} finds the smallest singular values.  Note that for
-## relatively small values of @var{sigma}, there is a chance that the requested
-## number of singular values will not be found.  In that case @var{sigma}
-## should be increased.
+## relatively small values of @var{sigma}, there is a chance that the
+## requested number of singular values will not be found.  In that case
+## @var{sigma} should be increased.
 ## @var{opts} is a structure defining options that @code{svds} will pass
 ## to @code{eigs}.  The possible fields of this structure are documented in
--- a/scripts/specfun/legendre.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/specfun/legendre.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{l} =} legendre (@var{n}, @var{x}, @var{normalization})
 ## Compute the Legendre function of degree @var{n} and order
 ## @var{m} = 0 @dots{} N@.  The optional argument, @var{normalization},
-## may be one of @code{"unnorm"}, @code{"sch"}, or @code{"norm"}.
-## The default is @code{"unnorm"}.  The value of @var{n} must be a
+## may be one of @qcode{"unnorm"}, @qcode{"sch"}, or @qcode{"norm"}.
+## The default is @qcode{"unnorm"}.  The value of @var{n} must be a
 ## non-negative scalar integer.
 ## If the optional argument @var{normalization} is missing or is
-## @code{"unnorm"}, compute the Legendre function of degree @var{n} and
+## @qcode{"unnorm"}, compute the Legendre function of degree @var{n} and
 ## order @var{m} and return all values for @var{m} = 0 @dots{} @var{n}.
 ## The return value has one dimension more than @var{x}.
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## If the optional argument @code{normalization} is @code{"sch"},
+## If the optional argument @code{normalization} is @qcode{"sch"},
 ## compute the Schmidt semi-normalized associated Legendre function.
 ## The Schmidt semi-normalized associated Legendre function is related
 ## to the unnormalized Legendre functions by the following:
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 ## @end ifnottex
-## If the optional argument @var{normalization} is @code{"norm"},
+## If the optional argument @var{normalization} is @qcode{"norm"},
 ## compute the fully normalized associated Legendre function.
 ## The fully normalized associated Legendre function is related
 ## to the unnormalized Legendre functions by the following:
--- a/scripts/special-matrix/gallery.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/special-matrix/gallery.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -162,9 +162,9 @@
 ## (reproducibility) for a given size input and @var{j} index.
 ## The final optional argument determines the class of the resulting matrix.
-## Possible values for @var{class}: "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "int8",
-## "int16", int32", "single", "double".
-## The default is "double".
+## Possible values for @var{class}: @qcode{"uint8"}, @qcode{"uint16"},
+## @qcode{"uint32"}, @qcode{"int8"}, @qcode{"int16"}, int32", @qcode{"single"},
+## @qcode{"double"}.  The default is @qcode{"double"}.
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -262,8 +262,8 @@
 ## (reproducibility) for a given size input and @var{j} index.
 ## The final optional argument determines the class of the resulting matrix.
-## Possible values for @var{class}: "single", "double".
-## The default is "double".
+## Possible values for @var{class}: @qcode{"single"}, @qcode{"double"}.
+## The default is @qcode{"double"}.
 ## @end deftypefn
@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@
 ## (reproducibility) for a given size input and @var{j} index.
 ## The final optional argument determines the class of the resulting matrix.
-## Possible values for @var{class}: "single", "double".
-## The default is "double".
+## Possible values for @var{class}: @qcode{"single"}, @qcode{"double"}.
+## The default is @qcode{"double"}.
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/mean.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/mean.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
 ## The following options are recognized:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "a"
+## @item @qcode{"a"}
 ## Compute the (ordinary) arithmetic mean.  [default]
-## @item "g"
+## @item @qcode{"g"}
 ## Compute the geometric mean.
-## @item "h"
+## @item @qcode{"h"}
 ## Compute the harmonic mean.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/statistics/base/moment.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/base/moment.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 ## Valid options are:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "c"
+## @item @qcode{"c"}
 ##   Central Moment.  The moment about the mean defined as
 ## @tex
 ## $$
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 ## @end ifnottex
-## @item "a"
+## @item @qcode{"a"}
 ##   Absolute Moment.  The moment about zero ignoring sign defined as
 ## @tex
 ## $$
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 ## @end ifnottex
-## @item "ac"
+## @item @qcode{"ac"}
 ##   Absolute Central Moment.  Defined as
 ## @tex
 ## $$
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/cor_test.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/cor_test.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -22,18 +22,18 @@
 ## populations.
 ## The optional argument string @var{alt} describes the alternative
-## hypothesis, and can be @code{"!="} or @code{"<>"} (non-zero),
-## @code{">"} (greater than 0), or @code{"<"} (less than 0).  The
+## hypothesis, and can be @qcode{"!="} or @qcode{"<>"} (non-zero),
+## @qcode{">"} (greater than 0), or @qcode{"<"} (less than 0).  The
 ## default is the two-sided case.
 ## The optional argument string @var{method} specifies which
 ## correlation coefficient to use for testing.  If @var{method} is
-## @code{"pearson"} (default), the (usual) Pearson's product moment
+## @qcode{"pearson"} (default), the (usual) Pearson's product moment
 ## correlation coefficient is used.  In this case, the data should come
 ## from a bivariate normal distribution.  Otherwise, the other two
 ## methods offer nonparametric alternatives.  If @var{method} is
-## @code{"kendall"}, then Kendall's rank correlation tau is used.  If
-## @var{method} is @code{"spearman"}, then Spearman's rank correlation
+## @qcode{"kendall"}, then Kendall's rank correlation tau is used.  If
+## @var{method} is @qcode{"spearman"}, then Spearman's rank correlation
 ## rho is used.  Only the first character is necessary.
 ## The output is a structure with the following elements:
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@
 ## that calculates the CDF of distribution @var{dist} exists.
 ## With the optional argument string @var{alt}, the alternative of
-## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or
-## @code{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative F
+## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or
+## @qcode{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative F
 ## != G@.  In this case, the test statistic @var{ks} follows a two-sided
-## Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.  If @var{alt} is @code{">"}, the
-## one-sided alternative F > G is considered.  Similarly for @code{"<"},
+## Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{">"}, the
+## one-sided alternative F > G is considered.  Similarly for @qcode{"<"},
 ## the one-sided alternative F > G is considered.  In this case, the
 ## test statistic @var{ks} has a one-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov
 ## distribution.  The default is the two-sided case.
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/kolmogorov_smirnov_test_2.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
 ## G.
 ## With the optional argument string @var{alt}, the alternative of
-## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or
-## @code{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative F
+## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or
+## @qcode{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative F
 ## != G@.  In this case, the test statistic @var{ks} follows a two-sided
-## Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.  If @var{alt} is @code{">"}, the
-## one-sided alternative F > G is considered.  Similarly for @code{"<"},
+## Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{">"}, the
+## one-sided alternative F > G is considered.  Similarly for @qcode{"<"},
 ## the one-sided alternative F < G is considered.  In this case, the
 ## test statistic @var{ks} has a one-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov
 ## distribution.  The default is the two-sided case.
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/kruskal_wallis_test.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/kruskal_wallis_test.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{pval}, @var{k}, @var{df}] =} kruskal_wallis_test (@var{x1}, @dots{})
-## Perform a Kruskal-Wallis one-factor "analysis of variance".
+## Perform a Kruskal-Wallis one-factor analysis of variance.
 ## Suppose a variable is observed for @var{k} > 1 different groups, and
 ## let @var{x1}, @dots{}, @var{xk} be the corresponding data vectors.
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/prop_test_2.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/prop_test_2.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
 ## approximately follows a standard normal distribution.
 ## With the optional argument string @var{alt}, the alternative of
-## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or
-## @code{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
-## @var{p1} != @var{p2}.  If @var{alt} is @code{">"}, the one-sided
-## alternative @var{p1} > @var{p2} is used.  Similarly for @code{"<"},
+## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or
+## @qcode{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
+## @var{p1} != @var{p2}.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{">"}, the one-sided
+## alternative @var{p1} > @var{p2} is used.  Similarly for @qcode{"<"},
 ## the one-sided alternative @var{p1} < @var{p2} is used.
 ## The default is the two-sided case.
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/sign_test.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/sign_test.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
 ## (@var{x} != @var{y})} and @var{p} = 1/2.
 ## With the optional argument @code{alt}, the alternative of interest
-## can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or @code{"<>"}, the
+## can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or @qcode{"<>"}, the
 ## null hypothesis is tested against the two-sided alternative PROB
-## (@var{x} < @var{y}) != 1/2.  If @var{alt} is @code{">"}, the
+## (@var{x} < @var{y}) != 1/2.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{">"}, the
 ## one-sided alternative PROB (@var{x} > @var{y}) > 1/2 ("x is
 ## stochastically greater than y") is considered.  Similarly for
-## @code{"<"}, the one-sided alternative PROB (@var{x} > @var{y}) < 1/2
+## @qcode{"<"}, the one-sided alternative PROB (@var{x} > @var{y}) < 1/2
 ## ("x is stochastically less than y") is considered.  The default is
 ## the two-sided case.
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/t_test.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/t_test.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
 ## - 1} degrees of freedom.
 ## With the optional argument string @var{alt}, the alternative of
-## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or
-## @code{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
-## @code{mean (@var{x}) != @var{m}}.  If @var{alt} is @code{">"}, the
+## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or
+## @qcode{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
+## @code{mean (@var{x}) != @var{m}}.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{">"}, the
 ## one-sided alternative @code{mean (@var{x}) > @var{m}} is considered.
 ## Similarly for @var{"<"}, the one-sided alternative @code{mean
 ## (@var{x}) < @var{m}} is considered.  The default is the two-sided
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_2.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_2.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
 ## freedom.
 ## With the optional argument string @var{alt}, the alternative of
-## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or
-## @code{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
-## @code{mean (@var{x}) != mean (@var{y})}.  If @var{alt} is @code{">"},
+## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or
+## @qcode{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
+## @code{mean (@var{x}) != mean (@var{y})}.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{">"},
 ## the one-sided alternative @code{mean (@var{x}) > mean (@var{y})} is
-## used.  Similarly for @code{"<"}, the one-sided alternative @code{mean
+## used.  Similarly for @qcode{"<"}, the one-sided alternative @code{mean
 ## (@var{x}) < mean (@var{y})} is used.  The default is the two-sided
 ## case.
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_regression.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/t_test_regression.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
 ## If @var{r} is omitted, a value of 0 is assumed.
 ## With the optional argument string @var{alt}, the alternative of
-## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or
-## @code{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
-## @nospell{@code{@var{rr} * @var{b} != @var{r}}}.  If @var{alt} is @code{">"},
+## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or
+## @qcode{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
+## @nospell{@code{@var{rr} * @var{b} != @var{r}}}.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{">"},
 ## the one-sided alternative
 ## @nospell{@code{@var{rr} * @var{b} > @var{r}}} is used.  Similarly for
 ## @var{"<"}, the one-sided alternative
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/u_test.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/u_test.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
 ## equivalent to the Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
 ## With the optional argument string @var{alt}, the alternative of
-## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or
-## @code{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
-## PROB (@var{x} > @var{y}) != 1/2.  If @var{alt} is @code{">"}, the
+## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or
+## @qcode{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
+## PROB (@var{x} > @var{y}) != 1/2.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{">"}, the
 ## one-sided alternative PROB (@var{x} > @var{y}) > 1/2 is considered.
-## Similarly for @code{"<"}, the one-sided alternative PROB (@var{x} >
+## Similarly for @qcode{"<"}, the one-sided alternative PROB (@var{x} >
 ## @var{y}) < 1/2 is considered.  The default is the two-sided case.
 ## The p-value of the test is returned in @var{pval}.
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/var_test.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/var_test.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
 ## degrees of freedom.
 ## With the optional argument string @var{alt}, the alternative of
-## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or
-## @code{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
-## @code{var (@var{x}) != var (@var{y})}.  If @var{alt} is @code{">"},
+## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or
+## @qcode{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
+## @code{var (@var{x}) != var (@var{y})}.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{">"},
 ## the one-sided alternative @code{var (@var{x}) > var (@var{y})} is
 ## used.  Similarly for "<", the one-sided alternative @code{var
 ## (@var{x}) > var (@var{y})} is used.  The default is the two-sided
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/welch_test.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/welch_test.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
 ## Student distribution with @var{df} degrees of freedom.
 ## With the optional argument string @var{alt}, the alternative of
-## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or
-## @code{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
-## @code{mean (@var{x}) != @var{m}}.  If @var{alt} is @code{">"}, the
+## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or
+## @qcode{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
+## @code{mean (@var{x}) != @var{m}}.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{">"}, the
 ## one-sided alternative mean(x) > @var{m} is considered.  Similarly for
-## @code{"<"}, the one-sided alternative mean(x) < @var{m} is
+## @qcode{"<"}, the one-sided alternative mean(x) < @var{m} is
 ## considered.  The default is the two-sided case.
 ## The p-value of the test is returned in @var{pval}.
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/wilcoxon_test.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/wilcoxon_test.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
 ## and thus is invalid for @var{n} @leq{} 25.
 ## With the optional argument string @var{alt}, the alternative of
-## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or
-## @code{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
-## PROB (@var{x} > @var{y}) != 1/2.  If alt is @code{">"}, the one-sided
+## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or
+## @qcode{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
+## PROB (@var{x} > @var{y}) != 1/2.  If alt is @qcode{">"}, the one-sided
 ## alternative PROB (@var{x} > @var{y}) > 1/2 is considered.  Similarly
-## for @code{"<"}, the one-sided alternative PROB (@var{x} > @var{y}) <
+## for @qcode{"<"}, the one-sided alternative PROB (@var{x} > @var{y}) <
 ## 1/2 is considered.  The default is the two-sided case.
 ## The p-value of the test is returned in @var{pval}.
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/z_test.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/z_test.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
 ## @var{z} follows a standard normal distribution.
 ## With the optional argument string @var{alt}, the alternative of
-## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or
-## @code{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
-## @code{mean (@var{x}) != @var{m}}.  If @var{alt} is @code{">"}, the
+## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or
+## @qcode{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
+## @code{mean (@var{x}) != @var{m}}.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{">"}, the
 ## one-sided alternative @code{mean (@var{x}) > @var{m}} is considered.
-## Similarly for @code{"<"}, the one-sided alternative @code{mean
+## Similarly for @qcode{"<"}, the one-sided alternative @code{mean
 ## (@var{x}) < @var{m}} is considered.  The default is the two-sided
 ## case.
--- a/scripts/statistics/tests/z_test_2.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/statistics/tests/z_test_2.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
 ## statistic @var{z} follows a standard normal distribution.
 ## With the optional argument string @var{alt}, the alternative of
-## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @code{"!="} or
-## @code{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
-## @code{mean (@var{x}) != mean (@var{y})}.  If alt is @code{">"}, the
+## interest can be selected.  If @var{alt} is @qcode{"!="} or
+## @qcode{"<>"}, the null is tested against the two-sided alternative
+## @code{mean (@var{x}) != mean (@var{y})}.  If alt is @qcode{">"}, the
 ## one-sided alternative @code{mean (@var{x}) > mean (@var{y})} is used.
-## Similarly for @code{"<"}, the one-sided alternative @code{mean
+## Similarly for @qcode{"<"}, the one-sided alternative @code{mean
 ## (@var{x}) < mean (@var{y})} is used.  The default is the two-sided
 ## case.
--- a/scripts/strings/base2dec.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/strings/base2dec.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 ## If @var{s} is a string matrix, return a column vector with one value per
 ## row of @var{s}.  If a row contains invalid symbols then the
-## corresponding value will be NaN@.  
+## corresponding value will be NaN@.
 ## If @var{s} is a cell array of strings, return a column vector with one
 ## value per cell element in @var{s}.
--- a/scripts/strings/index.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/strings/index.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## If @var{direction} is @samp{"first"}, return the first element found.
-## If @var{direction} is @samp{"last"}, return the last element found.
+## If @var{direction} is @qcode{"first"}, return the first element found.
+## If @var{direction} is @qcode{"last"}, return the last element found.
 ## @seealso{find, rindex}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/strings/isstrprop.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/strings/isstrprop.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -35,45 +35,45 @@
 ## The second argument @var{prop} must be one of
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "alpha"
+## @item @qcode{"alpha"}
 ## True for characters that are alphabetic (letters).
-## @item  "alnum"
-## @itemx "alphanum"
+## @item  @qcode{"alnum"}
+## @itemx @qcode{"alphanum"}
 ## True for characters that are alphabetic or digits.
-## @item "lower"
+## @item @qcode{"lower"}
 ## True for lowercase letters.
-## @item "upper"
+## @item @qcode{"upper"}
 ## True for uppercase letters.
-## @item "digit"
+## @item @qcode{"digit"}
 ## True for decimal digits (0-9).
-## @item "xdigit"
+## @item @qcode{"xdigit"}
 ## True for hexadecimal digits (@nospell{a-fA-F0-9}).
-## @item  "space"
-## @itemx "wspace"
+## @item  @qcode{"space"}
+## @itemx @qcode{"wspace"}
 ## True for whitespace characters (space, formfeed, newline, carriage
 ## return, tab, vertical tab).
-## @item "punct"
+## @item @qcode{"punct"}
 ## True for punctuation characters (printing characters except space
 ## or letter or digit).
-## @item "cntrl"
+## @item @qcode{"cntrl"}
 ## True for control characters.
-## @item  "graph"
-## @itemx "graphic"
+## @item  @qcode{"graph"}
+## @itemx @qcode{"graphic"}
 ## True for printing characters except space.
-## @item "print"
+## @item @qcode{"print"}
 ## True for printing characters including space.
-## @item "ascii"
+## @item @qcode{"ascii"}
 ## True for characters that are in the range of ASCII encoding.
 ## @end table
--- a/scripts/strings/mat2str.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/strings/mat2str.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 ## precision of the real part and @code{@var{n}(2)} defines the
 ## precision of the imaginary part.  The default for @var{n} is 15.
-## If the argument "class" is given then the class of @var{x} is
+## If the argument @qcode{"class"} is given then the class of @var{x} is
 ## included in the string in such a way that @code{eval} will result in the
 ## construction of a matrix of the same class.
--- a/scripts/strings/regexptranslate.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/strings/regexptranslate.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## values
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "wildcard"
+## @item @qcode{"wildcard"}
 ## The wildcard characters @code{.}, @code{*}, and @code{?} are replaced
 ## with wildcards that are appropriate for a regular expression.
 ## For example:
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 ## @end group
 ## @end example
-## @item "escape"
+## @item @qcode{"escape"}
 ## The characters @code{$.?[]}, that have special meaning for regular
 ## expressions are escaped so that they are treated literally.  For example:
--- a/scripts/strings/rindex.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/strings/rindex.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 ## @end example
 ## The @code{rindex} function is equivalent to @code{index} with
-## @var{direction} set to @samp{"last"}.
+## @var{direction} set to @qcode{"last"}.
 ## @seealso{find, index}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/strings/str2num.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/strings/str2num.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 ## in the string @var{s}.  Use @code{str2double} for a safer and faster
 ## conversion.
-## For cell array of strings use @code{str2double}.  
+## For cell array of strings use @code{str2double}.
 ## @seealso{str2double, eval}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/strings/strcat.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/strings/strcat.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## returns a cell string with the individual cells concatenated.
 ## For numerical input, each element is converted to the
 ## corresponding ASCII character.  Trailing white space for each of
-## the inputs (@var{s1}, @var{S2}, @dots{}) is eliminated before they
+## the inputs (@var{s1}, @var{s2}, @dots{}) is eliminated before they
 ## are concatenated.
 ## For example:
--- a/scripts/strings/strjust.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/strings/strjust.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 ## @deftypefn  {Function File} {} strjust (@var{s})
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} strjust (@var{s}, @var{pos})
 ## Return the text, @var{s}, justified according to @var{pos}, which may
-## be @samp{"left"}, @samp{"center"}, or @samp{"right"}.  If @var{pos}
-## is omitted it defaults to @samp{"right"}.
+## be @qcode{"left"}, @qcode{"center"}, or @qcode{"right"}.  If @var{pos}
+## is omitted it defaults to @qcode{"right"}.
 ## Null characters are replaced by spaces.  All other character
 ## data are treated as non-white space.
--- a/scripts/strings/strmatch.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/strings/strmatch.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} strmatch (@var{s}, @var{A}, "exact")
 ## Return indices of entries of @var{A} which begin with the string @var{s}.
 ## The second argument @var{A} must be a string, character matrix, or a cell
-## array of strings.  If the third argument @code{"exact"} is not given, then
+## array of strings.  If the third argument @qcode{"exact"} is not given, then
 ## @var{s} only needs to match @var{A} up to the length of @var{s}.
 ## Trailing spaces and nulls in @var{s} and @var{A} are ignored when matching.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 ## @end example
 ## @strong{Caution:} @code{strmatch} is scheduled for deprecation.  Use
-## @code{strncmp} (normal case), or @code{strcmp} ("exact" case), or
+## @code{strncmp} (normal case), or @code{strcmp} (@qcode{"exact"} case), or
 ## @code{regexp} in all new code.
 ## @seealso{strfind, findstr, strcmp, strncmp, strcmpi, strncmpi, find}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/strings/validatestring.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/strings/validatestring.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -28,11 +28,12 @@
 ## cellstr of valid values, then @var{validstr} will be the validated form
 ## of @var{str} where validation is defined as @var{str} being a member
 ## or substring of @var{validstr}.  This is useful for both verifying
-## and expanding short options, such as "r", to their longer forms, such as
-## "red".  If @var{str} is a substring of @var{validstr}, and there are
-## multiple matches, the shortest match will be returned if all matches are
-## substrings of each other.  Otherwise, an error will be raised because the
-## expansion of @var{str} is ambiguous.  All comparisons are case insensitive.
+## and expanding short options, such as @qcode{"r"}, to their longer forms,
+## such as @qcode{"red"}.  If @var{str} is a substring of @var{validstr}, and
+## there are multiple matches, the shortest match will be returned if all
+## matches are substrings of each other.  Otherwise, an error will be raised
+## because the expansion of @var{str} is ambiguous.  All comparisons are case
+## insensitive.
 ## The additional inputs @var{funcname}, @var{varname}, and @var{position}
 ## are optional and will make any generated validation error message more
--- a/scripts/testfun/demo.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/testfun/demo.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
 ## Examples are stored in the script file, or in a file with the same
 ## name but no extension located on Octave's load path.  To keep examples
 ## separate from regular script code, all lines are prefixed by @code{%!}.  Each
-## example must also be introduced by the keyword 'demo' flush left to the
-## prefix with no intervening spaces.  The remainder of the example can
-## contain arbitrary Octave code.  For example:
+## example must also be introduced by the keyword @qcode{"demo"} flush left
+## to the prefix with no intervening spaces.  The remainder of the example
+## can contain arbitrary Octave code.  For example:
 ## @example
 ## @group
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
 ## rather than just anonymous functions or inline functions, you will have to
 ## use @code{eval (example ("function",n))} to see them.  Because eval only
 ## evaluates one line, or one statement if the statement crosses
-## multiple lines, you must wrap your demo in "if 1 <demo stuff> endif"
-## with the 'if' on the same line as 'demo'.  For example:
+## multiple lines, you must wrap your demo in @qcode{"if 1 <demo stuff> endif"}
+## with the @qcode{"if"} on the same line as @qcode{"demo"}.  For example:
 ## @example
 ## @group
--- a/scripts/testfun/example.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/testfun/example.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{s}, @var{idx}] =} example (@dots{})
 ## Display the code for example @var{n} associated with the function
-## "@var{name}", but do not run it.  If @var{n} is not specified, all examples
+## @var{name}, but do not run it.  If @var{n} is not specified, all examples
 ## are displayed.
 ## When called with output arguments, the examples are returned in the form of
--- a/scripts/testfun/test.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/testfun/test.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@
 ## output is selected.
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "quiet"
+## @item @qcode{"quiet"}
 ##  Don't report all the tests as they happen, just the errors.
-## @item "normal"
+## @item @qcode{"normal"}
 ## Report all tests as they happen, but don't do tests which require
 ## user interaction.
-## @item "verbose"
+## @item @qcode{"verbose"}
 ## Do tests which require user interaction.
 ## @end table
@@ -58,13 +58,14 @@
 ## @var{n} and @var{max}, the number of successful tests and the total number
 ## of tests in the file @var{name} are returned.
-## If the second argument is the string "grabdemo", the contents of the demo
-## blocks are extracted but not executed.  Code for all code blocks is
-## concatenated and returned as @var{code} with @var{idx} being a vector of
-## positions of the ends of the demo blocks.
+## If the second argument is the string @qcode{"grabdemo"}, the contents of
+## the demo blocks are extracted but not executed.  Code for all code blocks
+## is concatenated and returned as @var{code} with @var{idx} being a vector
+## of positions of the ends of the demo blocks.
-## If the second argument is "explain", then @var{name} is ignored and an
-## explanation of the line markers used is written to the file @var{fid}.
+## If the second argument is @qcode{"explain"}, then @var{name} is ignored
+## and an explanation of the line markers used is written to the file
+## @var{fid}.
 ## @seealso{assert, fail, error, demo, example}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/time/addtodate.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/time/addtodate.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
 ## Add @var{q} amount of time (with units @var{f}) to the serial datenum,
 ## @var{d}.
-## @var{f} must be one of "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second",
-## or "millisecond".
+## @var{f} must be one of @qcode{"year"}, @qcode{"month"}, @qcode{"day"},
+## @qcode{"hour"}, @qcode{"minute"}, @qcode{"second"}, or
+## @qcode{"millisecond"}.
 ## @seealso{datenum, datevec, etime}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/time/asctime.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/time/asctime.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 ## -*- texinfo -*-
 ## @deftypefn {Function File} {} asctime (@var{tm_struct})
 ## Convert a time structure to a string using the following 
-## format: "ddd mmm mm HH:MM:SS yyyy".  For example:
+## format: @qcode{"ddd mmm mm HH:MM:SS yyyy"}.  For example:
 ## @example
 ## @group
--- a/scripts/time/datestr.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/time/datestr.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -37,16 +37,16 @@
 ## @multitable @columnfractions 0.1 0.45 0.35
 ## @headitem Code @tab Format @tab Example
-## @item  0 @tab dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS   @tab 07-Sep-2000 15:38:09
-## @item  1 @tab dd-mmm-yyyy            @tab 07-Sep-2000
-## @item  2 @tab mm/dd/yy               @tab 09/07/00
-## @item  3 @tab mmm                    @tab Sep
-## @item  4 @tab m                      @tab S
-## @item  5 @tab mm                     @tab 09
-## @item  6 @tab mm/dd                  @tab 09/07
-## @item  7 @tab dd                     @tab 07
-## @item  8 @tab ddd                    @tab Thu
-## @item  9 @tab d                      @tab T
+## @item 0 @tab dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS   @tab 07-Sep-2000 15:38:09
+## @item 1 @tab dd-mmm-yyyy            @tab 07-Sep-2000
+## @item 2 @tab mm/dd/yy               @tab 09/07/00
+## @item 3 @tab mmm                    @tab Sep
+## @item 4 @tab m                      @tab S
+## @item 5 @tab mm                     @tab 09
+## @item 6 @tab mm/dd                  @tab 09/07
+## @item 7 @tab dd                     @tab 07
+## @item 8 @tab ddd                    @tab Thu
+## @item 9 @tab d                      @tab T
 ## @item 10 @tab yyyy                   @tab 2000
 ## @item 11 @tab yy                     @tab 00
 ## @item 12 @tab mmmyy                  @tab Sep00
--- a/scripts/time/datetick.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/time/datetick.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} datetick (@dots{}, "keepticks")
 ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {} datetick (@var{hax}, @dots{})
 ## Add date formatted tick labels to an axis.  The axis to apply the
-## ticks to is determined by @var{axis} which can take the values "x",
-## "y", or "z".  The default value is "x".  The formatting of the labels is
-## determined by the variable @var{form}, which can either be a string or
-## positive integer that @code{datestr} accepts.
+## ticks to is determined by @var{axis} which can take the values @qcode{"x"},
+## @qcode{"y"}, or @qcode{"z"}.  The default value is @qcode{"x"}.  The
+## formatting of the labels is determined by the variable @var{form}, which
+## can either be a string or positive integer that @code{datestr} accepts.
 ## @seealso{datenum, datestr}
 ## @end deftypefn
--- a/scripts/time/weekday.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/time/weekday.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@
 ## @var{d} is a serial date number or a date string.
-## If the string @var{format} is not present or is equal to "short" then
+## If the string @var{format} is not present or is equal to @qcode{"short"} then
 ## @var{s} will contain the abbreviated name of the weekday.  If @var{format}
-## is "long" then @var{s} will contain the full name.
+## is @qcode{"long"} then @var{s} will contain the full name.
 ## Table of return values based on @var{format}:
 ## @multitable @columnfractions .06 .13 .16
-## @headitem @var{n} @tab "short" @tab "long"
+## @headitem @var{n} @tab @qcode{"short"} @tab @qcode{"long"}
 ## @item 1 @tab Sun @tab Sunday
 ## @item 2 @tab Mon @tab Monday
 ## @item 3 @tab Tue @tab Tuesday
--- a/scripts/ui/errordlg.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/ui/errordlg.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## The message may have multiple lines separated by newline characters
 ## ("\n"), or it may be a cellstr array with one element for each
 ## line.  The optional input @var{title} (character string) can be used to
-## set the dialog caption.  The default title is "Error Dialog".
+## set the dialog caption.  The default title is @qcode{"Error Dialog"}.
 ## The return value is always 1.
 ## @seealso{helpdlg, inputdlg, listdlg, msgbox, questdlg, warndlg}
--- a/scripts/ui/helpdlg.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/ui/helpdlg.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## The message may have multiple lines separated by newline characters
 ## ("\n"), or it may be a cellstr array with one element for each
 ## line.  The optional input @var{title} (character string) can be used to
-## set the dialog caption.  The default title is "Help Dialog".
+## set the dialog caption.  The default title is @qcode{"Help Dialog"}.
 ## The return value is always 1.
 ## @seealso{errordlg, inputdlg, listdlg, msgbox, questdlg, warndlg}
--- a/scripts/ui/inputdlg.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/ui/inputdlg.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
 ## A cell array with strings labeling each text field.  This input is required. 
 ## @item title
-## String to use for the caption of the dialog.  The default is "Input Dialog".
+## String to use for the caption of the dialog.  The default is @qcode{"Input
+## Dialog"}.
 ## @item rowscols
 ## Specifies the size of the text fields and can take three forms:
--- a/scripts/ui/listdlg.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/ui/listdlg.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -27,37 +27,37 @@
 ## The indices in @var{sel} are 1-based.
 ## The arguments are specified in form of @var{key}, @var{value} pairs. 
-## The "ListString" argument pair must be specified.
+## The @qcode{"ListString"} argument pair must be specified.
 ## Valid @var{key} and @var{value} pairs are:
 ## @table @asis
-## @item "ListString"
+## @item @qcode{"ListString"}
 ## a cell array of strings comprising the content of the list.
-## @item "SelectionMode"
-## can be either "Single" or "Multiple" (default).
+## @item @qcode{"SelectionMode"}
+## can be either @qcode{"Single"} or @qcode{"Multiple"} (default).
-## @item "ListSize"
+## @item @qcode{"ListSize"}
 ## a vector with two elements @var{width} and @var{height} defining
 ## the size of the list field in pixels.  Default is [160 300].
-## @item "InitialValue"
+## @item @qcode{"InitialValue"}
 ## a vector containing 1-based indices of preselected elements.  Default
 ## is 1 (first item).
-## @item "Name"
+## @item @qcode{"Name"}
 ## a string to be used as the dialog caption.  Default is "".
-## @item "PromptString"
+## @item @qcode{"PromptString"}
 ## a cell array of strings to be displayed above the list field.  Default
 ## is @{@}.
-## @item "OKString"
-## a string used to label the OK button.  Default is "OK".
+## @item @qcode{"OKString"}
+## a string used to label the OK button.  Default is @qcode{"OK"}.
-## @item "CancelString"
-## a string used to label the Cancel button.  Default is "Cancel".
+## @item @qcode{"CancelString"}
+## a string used to label the Cancel button.  Default is @qcode{"Cancel"}.
 ## @end table
 ## Example:
--- a/scripts/ui/msgbox.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/ui/msgbox.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
 ## Display @var{msg} using a message dialog box. 
 ## The message may have multiple lines separated by newline characters
-## (@code{"\n"}), or it may be a cellstr array with one element for each
+## (@qcode{"\n"}), or it may be a cellstr array with one element for each
 ## line.  The optional input @var{title} (character string) can be used to
 ## decorate the dialog caption.
 ## The optional argument @var{icon} selects a dialog icon. 
-## It can be one of @code{"none"} (default), @code{"error"}, @code{"help"}, or
-## @code{"warn"}.
+## It can be one of @qcode{"none"} (default), @qcode{"error"},
+## @qcode{"help"}, or @qcode{"warn"}.
 ## The return value is always 1.
 ## @seealso{errordlg, helpdlg, inputdlg, listdlg, questdlg, warndlg}
--- a/scripts/ui/questdlg.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/ui/questdlg.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
 ## @var{btn3}.
 ## If only @var{msg} and @var{title} are specified, three buttons with
-## the default captions "Yes", "No", and "Cancel" are used.
+## the default captions @qcode{"Yes"}, @qcode{"No"}, and @qcode{"Cancel"} are
+## used.
 ## If only two button captions, @var{btn1} and @var{btn2}, are specified 
 ## the dialog will have only these two buttons.
--- a/scripts/ui/warndlg.m	Mon Aug 19 21:18:42 2013 -0400
+++ b/scripts/ui/warndlg.m	Mon Aug 19 20:46:38 2013 -0700
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ## The message may have multiple lines separated by newline characters
 ## ("\n"), or it may be a cellstr array with one element for each
 ## line.  The optional input @var{title} (character string) can be used to
-## set the dialog caption.  The default title is "Warning Dialog".
+## set the dialog caption.  The default title is @qcode{"Warning Dialog"}.
 ## @seealso{helpdlg, inputdlg, listdlg, questdlg}
 ## @end deftypefn